Duplicate sheduled requests

Hi every body.
i have an oracle R12 installation, whene i am checking the pending requests i have found a duplicate sheduled requests such as
Workflow Background Process, they are submit with the same parameters at the same time by the same user.
this can cause a perfarmance issue.
why do we find a duplicate sheduled requests even if we have submit only one?

Hussein Sawwan wrote:
What is your question or concern?
You can simply cancel all duplicate scheduled requests.
yes i know but i wante to know the reason why it duplicates into to many requests ?
and i think that it is automatically submiting during the restart operations.
Thank you for reply.

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  • IHC Duplicate Payment Request

    Dear All,
    I have an interesting scenario for IHC. Is there a way of checking and stopping duplicate payment requests.
    My scenario is as follows:
    Step 1: Execute payment run for subsidiary for external vendor payments (F110). This creates an IDoc and is sent to the clearing partner.
    Step 2. IHC: - Post the payment order in IHC. This creates the payment request for the specific vendor. All nice and good.
    Step 3. Now, someone resets and reverses the document posted at the subsidiary (FBRA). This creates open items again on the vendor.
    Step 4. Executes payment run for subsidiary for external vendor payments.
    Step 5, IHC - Post the payment order in IHC creating duplicate payment requests.
    Step 6. Execute payment run for external vendors at IHC - F111.
    Step 3 and 4 should not be done under normal circumstances.
    How do I make sure that should step 3 and 4 be executed by the subsidiary, I will be able to detect the duplicate payment request to stop creating the second payment request.
    Please see attached for this example of duplicate payment requests.
    Your suggestions are most welcome.

    You can add a custom validation to fail payment request creation in head office if there is already an existing payment request with same Reference number (XBLNR), transaction amount (PAMTF), transaction currency (PACUR) & payee which is still not reversed (XREVE is blank).
    Alternatively, while reversing payment document in subsidiary, check for status of payment order it created originally in IHC. You can find Subs company code + payment document number in AWKEY in IHC_DB_PN table and then read the status. If the status is "D4" then allow reset and reversal of payment document else not.

  • WebLogic 6.0 SP1 Duplicates JSP Request

              I have run into a problem where WebLogic seems to be duplicating
              page requests, which causes my web application to enter duplicate data items.
              Essentially I have one JSP page,
              ItemMaster.jsp, that includes a couple of pages that do
              supplemental processing depending on which tab is chosen by the user. The error
              only seems to occur when adding records, as processing the other requests twice
              in succession doesn't duplicate database data. I have placed debug statements
              at the
              beginning and ending of the main page, ItemMaster.jsp. Once the
              app server hits "End Item Master JSP", there should be no processing left, as
              it is the last line in the JSP. The first set of trace statements executes correctly
              if I wait at least one minute from the end of processing the last request. Otherwise
              at the bottom set of trace statements, you see that it
              processes the same page twice, duplicating data.
              One other note, the browser window the JSP is processing in is
              another spawned window to create a dialog like look-and-feel. So there are two
              physical browser windows open at the same time. Coincidence? I don't know.
              I'm using WebLogic 6.0 SP1.
              Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
              Matt Parker
              Debug Trace during correct processing after waiting at least one minute from the
              prior request
              <--- Begin Item Master JSP --->
              ItemMasterBean.checkCommand: 0
              Tab: Item Master Cycle Steps Tab
              <--- Adding New Task... --->
              MIProfileTask.add 24_1143578264_1148909342
              MIProfileTaskId 1143578264_1148909342
              ItemMasterBean.checkCommand: 5
              SQL: SELECT fdMIProfileId, 'Default' AS fdSupplierDesc FROM
              tblItemMaster WHERE
              fdBUCode=? AND fdItemCode=? UNION SELECT fdMIProfileId, fdSupplierDesc FROM
              tblItemSupplier, tblSupplier WHERE tblItemSupplier.fdSupplierCode =
              tblSupplier.fdSupplierCode AND tblItemSupplier.fdItemCode=? AND
              tblItemSupplier.fdBUCode=? ORDER BY fdSupplierDesc
              BUCode: GAS
              ItemCode: 0111B829
              PROFILE: 24
              Calling Item Master Cycle Steps JSP
              Parent Key 24_1143578049_1145772805
              Item Profile 24 ItemMasterBean profile 24
              After 1
              <---- ItemMasterCycleSteps.jsp END ---->
              Finished calling Item Master Cycle Steps JSP
              <--- End Item Master JSP --->
              Here is what happens when I tried to add another tasks after
              updating the last task. The browser had completely stopped processing.
              Debug trace during failure:
              <--- Begin Item Master JSP --->
              ItemMasterBean.checkCommand: 0
              Tab: Item Master Cycle Steps Tab
              <--- Adding New Task... --->
              MIProfileTask.add 24_1143578276_1149056729
              MIProfileTaskId 1143578276_1149056729
              ItemMasterBean.checkCommand: 5
              SQL: SELECT fdMIProfileId, 'Default' AS fdSupplierDesc FROM
              tblItemMaster WHERE
              fdBUCode=? AND fdItemCode=? UNION SELECT fdMIProfileId, fdSupplierDesc FROM
              tblItemSupplier, tblSupplier WHERE
              tblItemSupplier.fdSupplierCode =
              tblSupplier.fdSupplierCode AND tblItemSupplier.fdItemCode=? AND
              tblItemSupplier.fdBUCode=? ORDER BY fdSupplierDesc
              BUCode: GAS
              ItemCode: 0111B829
              PROFILE: 24
              Calling Item Master Cycle Steps JSP
              Parent Key 24_1143578049_1145772805
              Item Profile 24 ItemMasterBean profile 24
              After 1
              <---- ItemMasterCycleSteps.jsp END ---->
              Finished calling Item Master Cycle Steps JSP
              <--- End Item Master JSP --->
              <--- Begin Item Master JSP --->
              ItemMasterBean.checkCommand: 0
              Tab: Item Master Cycle Steps Tab
              <--- Adding New Task... --->
              MIProfileTask.add 24_1143578277_1149059577
              MIProfileTaskId 1143578277_1149059577
              ItemMasterBean.checkCommand: 5
              SQL: SELECT fdMIProfileId, 'Default' AS fdSupplierDesc FROM tblItemMaster WHERE
              fdBUCode=? AND fdItemCode=? UNION SELECT fdMIProfileId, fdSupplierDesc FROM
              tblItemSupplier, tblSupplier WHERE
              tblItemSupplier.fdSupplierCode =
              tblSupplier.fdSupplierCode AND tblItemSupplier.fdItemCode=? AND
              tblItemSupplier.fdBUCode=? ORDER BY fdSupplierDesc
              BUCode: GAS
              ItemCode: 0111B829
              PROFILE: 24
              Calling Item Master Cycle Steps JSP
              Parent Key 24_1143578049_1145772805
              Item Profile 24 ItemMasterBean profile 24
              After 1
              <---- ItemMasterCycleSteps.jsp END ---->
              Finished calling Item Master Cycle Steps JSP
              <--- End Item Master JSP --->

    This happens in WebLogic 6.1 SP2 as well when using IE5.5 + and Netscape
              6.0. It also seems to slow things down since the response waits for this
              second request. I'm curious if anyone can expand on why this is happening
              and what is meant by "add logic that prevents multiple updates in your
              page". If you try out the BEA demo apps, you might notice that this happens
              with their pages as well. At least it does with Stockportal...
              "Matt Parker" <[email protected]> wrote in message
              news:[email protected]...
              > Bob,
              > Thanks for the insight. I've been racking my brain for the last couple of
              > I was using IE 5.5, and found IE 6.0 to have the same problem. I'm getting
              > to test this as well.
              > Thanks,
              > M.
              > "Bob Lee" <[email protected]> wrote:
              > >I'v run into this, too. The issue ended up being with Internet Explorer
              > >5.5.
              > >You can either add logic that prevents multiple updates in your page,
              > >or you
              > >can play around and try a different method for redirecting to that page.
              > >
              > >If the data is mission critical, go with the first because this could
              > >be a
              > >potential security hole (i.e. users could corrupt data).
              > >
              > >If it's logging or something like that (it was in my case), use the
              > >solution.
              > >
              > >Bob
              > >
              > >
              > >"Matt Parker" <[email protected]> wrote in message
              > >news:[email protected]...
              > >>
              > >> I have run into a problem where WebLogic seems to be duplicating
              > >> page requests, which causes my web application to enter duplicate data
              > >items.
              > >> Essentially I have one JSP page,
              > >> ItemMaster.jsp, that includes a couple of pages that do
              > >> supplemental processing depending on which tab is chosen by the user.
              > >The
              > >error
              > >> only seems to occur when adding records, as processing the other
              > >twice
              > >> in succession doesn't duplicate database data. I have placed debug
              > >statements
              > >> at the
              > >> beginning and ending of the main page, ItemMaster.jsp. Once the
              > >> app server hits "End Item Master JSP", there should be no processing
              > >left,
              > >as
              > >> it is the last line in the JSP. The first set of trace statements
              > >correctly
              > >> if I wait at least one minute from the end of processing the last
              > >Otherwise
              > >> at the bottom set of trace statements, you see that it
              > >> processes the same page twice, duplicating data.
              > >>
              > >> One other note, the browser window the JSP is processing in is
              > >> another spawned window to create a dialog like look-and-feel. So there
              > >are
              > >two
              > >> physical browser windows open at the same time. Coincidence? I don't
              > >know.
              > >>
              > >> I'm using WebLogic 6.0 SP1.
              > >>
              > >> Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
              > >>
              > >> Regards,
              > >>
              > >> Matt Parker
              > >>
              > >> ===============================================================
              > >>
              > >>
              > >> Debug Trace during correct processing after waiting at least one minute
              > >from the
              > >> prior request
              > >>
              > >> ================================================================
              > >>
              > >>
              > >> <--- Begin Item Master JSP --->
              > >> ItemMasterBean.checkCommand: 0
              > >> Tab: Item Master Cycle Steps Tab
              > >> <--- Adding New Task... --->
              > >> MIProfileTask.add 24_1143578264_1148909342
              > >> MIProfileTaskId 1143578264_1148909342
              > >> ItemMasterBean.checkCommand: 5
              > >> SQL: SELECT fdMIProfileId, 'Default' AS fdSupplierDesc FROM
              > >> tblItemMaster WHERE
              > >> fdBUCode=? AND fdItemCode=? UNION SELECT fdMIProfileId, fdSupplierDesc
              > >FROM
              > >> tblItemSupplier, tblSupplier WHERE tblItemSupplier.fdSupplierCode =
              > >> tblSupplier.fdSupplierCode AND tblItemSupplier.fdItemCode=? AND
              > >> tblItemSupplier.fdBUCode=? ORDER BY fdSupplierDesc
              > >> BUCode: GAS
              > >> ItemCode: 0111B829
              > >> PROFILE: 24
              > >> Calling Item Master Cycle Steps JSP
              > >>
              > >> ItemMasterCycleSteps.jsp
              > >> Parent Key 24_1143578049_1145772805
              > >> Item Profile 24 ItemMasterBean profile 24
              > >> After 1
              > >> <---- ItemMasterCycleSteps.jsp END ---->
              > >> Finished calling Item Master Cycle Steps JSP
              > >> <--- End Item Master JSP --->
              > >>
              > >>
              > >>
              > >>
              > >> Here is what happens when I tried to add another tasks after
              > >> updating the last task. The browser had completely stopped processing.
              > >>
              > >> Debug trace during failure:
              > >> ===========================================================
              > >>
              > >> <--- Begin Item Master JSP --->
              > >> ItemMasterBean.checkCommand: 0
              > >> Tab: Item Master Cycle Steps Tab
              > >> <--- Adding New Task... --->
              > >> MIProfileTask.add 24_1143578276_1149056729
              > >> MIProfileTaskId 1143578276_1149056729
              > >> ItemMasterBean.checkCommand: 5
              > >> SQL: SELECT fdMIProfileId, 'Default' AS fdSupplierDesc FROM
              > >> tblItemMaster WHERE
              > >> fdBUCode=? AND fdItemCode=? UNION SELECT fdMIProfileId, fdSupplierDesc
              > >FROM
              > >> tblItemSupplier, tblSupplier WHERE
              > >> tblItemSupplier.fdSupplierCode =
              > >> tblSupplier.fdSupplierCode AND tblItemSupplier.fdItemCode=? AND
              > >> tblItemSupplier.fdBUCode=? ORDER BY fdSupplierDesc
              > >> BUCode: GAS
              > >> ItemCode: 0111B829
              > >> PROFILE: 24
              > >> Calling Item Master Cycle Steps JSP
              > >> ItemMasterCycleSteps.jsp
              > >> Parent Key 24_1143578049_1145772805
              > >> Item Profile 24 ItemMasterBean profile 24
              > >> After 1
              > >> <---- ItemMasterCycleSteps.jsp END ---->
              > >> Finished calling Item Master Cycle Steps JSP
              > >> <--- End Item Master JSP --->
              > >> <--- Begin Item Master JSP --->
              > >> ItemMasterBean.checkCommand: 0
              > >> Tab: Item Master Cycle Steps Tab
              > >> <--- Adding New Task... --->
              > >> MIProfileTask.add 24_1143578277_1149059577
              > >> MIProfileTaskId 1143578277_1149059577
              > >> ItemMasterBean.checkCommand: 5
              > >> SQL: SELECT fdMIProfileId, 'Default' AS fdSupplierDesc FROM
              > >WHERE
              > >>
              > >> fdBUCode=? AND fdItemCode=? UNION SELECT fdMIProfileId, fdSupplierDesc
              > >FROM
              > >> tblItemSupplier, tblSupplier WHERE
              > >> tblItemSupplier.fdSupplierCode =
              > >> tblSupplier.fdSupplierCode AND tblItemSupplier.fdItemCode=? AND
              > >> tblItemSupplier.fdBUCode=? ORDER BY fdSupplierDesc
              > >> BUCode: GAS
              > >> ItemCode: 0111B829
              > >> PROFILE: 24
              > >> Calling Item Master Cycle Steps JSP
              > >> ItemMasterCycleSteps.jsp
              > >> Parent Key 24_1143578049_1145772805
              > >> Item Profile 24 ItemMasterBean profile 24
              > >> After 1
              > >> <---- ItemMasterCycleSteps.jsp END ---->
              > >> Finished calling Item Master Cycle Steps JSP
              > >> <--- End Item Master JSP --->
              > >>
              > >
              > >

  • F.27, Duplicate Spool Request

    Hi All,
    While running the program - Periodic Account Statement (t-code F.27) u2013 in background(Program > Execute in background)  2 spool requests are generated.
    Why 2 spool requests are generated ? Only 1 spool request should get generated.
    Correspondence Type used is a customized Correspondence Type(Z).
    Unwanted Spool generated is of type u2018ABAP Listu2019 and title generated is u2018F140 LOCL 20100927KORKu2019.
    Because of the 2 spools 2 hard prints are printed.     
    Please suggest as to what could be the cause of 2 spools ?

    As info says:
        If correspondences are printed, a log with the spool requests created by
        the print programs is output for each program run. If you do not specify
        in the program on which printer the log is to be printed, the program
        may take the printer specified in the user master of the user who
        started the program or the printer specified when the job is scheduled.
        If the program is carried out online, the log is displayed on the
        screen. If the program is planned as a job, the spool request name of
        the log is made up of the identifier F140, the printer destination, the
        date of creation and the program ID KORK.
        The correspondences are printed by means of the corresponding print
        programs. If printing is possible on the basis of the data and the
        configuration, a spool request is created for each correspondence type
        and company code. Regardless of whether printing actually takes place,
        the processed correspondence requests are marked as completed by means
        of a print date, so that reorganization can be carried out.
    ie: you have a SPOOL with the log, and you have other SPOOL with the printable document that you must send to customers.
    I hope this helps you

  • Duplicate HTTP requests from Flex app in Safari 4.0.3

    We are currently trying to debug a problem a Mac user is having with our Flex based site, where almost every http operation he does is duplicated.
    "GET /path/file.xml HTTP/1.1" 200 3543 "https://www.site.com/index.jsp" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 1058; en-us) AppleWebKit/531.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.3 Safari/531.9"
    Followed immediately by:
    "GET /path/file.xml HTTP/1.1" 200 3543 "https://www.site.com/index.jsp" "Safari5531.9 CFNetwork/438.14 Darwin/9.8.0 (i386) (iMac9%2C1)"
    Same with POSTs.
    As you can see from the logs above, the weird thing (apart from the duplication) is that the two requests appear to have different user agents.
    We unfortunately don't have much information about the user's machine config, and haven't been able to determine if they have the same problem with any other sites, Flex or otherwise.
    Has anyone else noticed anything similar with Safari 4.0.3?

    Go to ~Library/Internet Plugins. You should see: Glims
    Delete Glims from the system and restart your Mac.
    If you need help uninstalling Glims go here.
    Safari 4: May unexpectedly quit with "Glims for Safari" Read where you see: Resolution.
    Message was edited by: Carolyn Samit

  • Urgent- Double shedule lines confirmed

    Hi Team
    Today for many of the order double shedule lines are confirmed.
    Like below in SO-Item-Shedule lines
    Delivery date ord qty rounded qty confirmed qty
    03/19/2007 50 50 50
    03/19/2007 0 0 50
    All materials are APO related materials and happening to specific plant only.
    Any idea for why duplicate shedule lines are confirmed here any OSS notes for this?
    Urgent help needed.

    The SPRO path in APO/SCM would be
    APO >> Global ATP >> General Settings >> Maintain Global Settings for Availability Check
    In that for the Availability Check settings entry there is an option for Accept Time. The F1 help for it is as below.
    ATP: Accept Schedule Lines According to Time
    Confirmed schedule lines in the sales order of the connected OLTP system (SAP R/3) based on the time.
    The indicator defines if the confirmed schedule lines of the sales orders in the connected OLTP system (SAP R/3) should be adopted based on the day or on the time.
    If the indicator is set, the sales order adopts the changes of the confirmed schedule lines or the confirmations for a time other than the desired delivery time, to the exact second. In the sales order a second schedule line is created for the same day, but created with a different time, or the times of the confirmed schedule lines can be changed.
    If the indicator is not set, only one schedule line exists in the sales order if the desired delivery day can be kept, or only changes to the confirmed schedule lines are adopted that are at least one day different from the desired delivery date.
    If confirmed schedule lines should be created based on the time, this can lead to several confirmed schedule lines for a request schedule line being created per day in the sales order, and in the item overview the impression is given that no confirmation could be made according to what was requested.
    In addition, the data volume of the SAP R/3 database tables VBEP and VBBE will increase significantly, since each schedule line is represented with a data record in these tables. The same effect will also occur for the APO liveCache and for the database table /SAPAPO/SCHEDLIN.
    Request: Confirmation Situation: 
    100 pieces for 01.01.2002  12:00
    50 pieces for 01.01.2002 14:00
    30 pieces for 01.01.2002 16:00
    20 pieces for 01.01.2002 18:00
    If this indicator is NOT set, the request schedule line is confirmed and no further schedule lines are created:
    100 pieces for 01.01.2002  12:00
    If this indicator is set, the following (partially) confirmed schedule lines are created:
    00 pieces for 01.01.2002 12:00
    50 pieces for 01.01.2002 14:00
    30 pieces for 01.01.2002 16:00
    20 pieces for 01.01.2002 18:00
    I guess this is what you are refering to.

  • Double shedule lines confirmed-Urgent

    Today for one of the order two shedule lines are confirmed.
    Like below in SO-Item-Shedule lines
    Delivery date    ord qty  rounded qty confirmed qty
    03/19/2007       50        50                50
    03/19/2007       0        0                   50
    Any idea for why duplicate shedule lines are confirmed here any OSS notes for this?
    Urgent help needed.

    I guess the only way to figure out specifically what is happening behind the scenes is debugging. ABAP team should be able to help you. Check the internal tables xvbep, yvbep for the sales order program SAPMV45A. While debugging, try to run the availability check again. Then monitor any updates to tables, xvbep and yvbep.
    The error could be due to a user exit modification or a genuine SAP issue which is caused due to conflict with SAP ATP check and APO based ATP check.
    Debugging will help you to nail down how it is happening.
    Also check database table VBEP using transaction SE16 to check whether duplicate schedule lines are really saved to database.

  • Forms Client Java Applet waiting several minutes

    We use Forms and html/javascript/plsql applications.
    All forms applications are working but
    we have the problem that from time to time the client java applet must wait minutes until there is an answer from the forms-servlet (especially when there is high activity in the system).
    More than one user is working in the form with high activity - the applet sends a request
    over the network - after 4 minutes the result is shown and you can go on working
    without problems.
    So a lot of users think the application has crashed and terminate before.
    The applet shows no error messages.
    There is no sign that there is a lost connection between applet and servlet.
    It is not reproducible. That means you can work 2 hours and everything is ok
    or you work 5 minutes and you have to wait.
    network problems?
    firewall problems?
    do requests of the forms servlet to the database have minor priority on the application server
    than html/plsql requests?
    any ideas?

    when the problem occurs (user has to wait 3-4 minutes) we found in the log
    3 heartbeats from the forms client within 2 seconds ?
    after 3-4 minutes the forms client is ok (user can go on working)
    and the pings are every 2 minutes (like it is expected).
    The application.log file may contain duplicate posts requests with
    identical pragma header numbers, indicating that the client
    is resending
    requests due to network packet losses. Under normal circumstances,
    only the last Post request, terminating a Forms session,
    should contain
    a duplicate pragma header number.
    ...a network problem ?
    anyone else who had the same problem ?

  • Emails not displayed on device. Receiving KEY_REQUEST without intervention.

    Blackberry Enterprise Server Exchange, several BB devices.
    During the middle of the night emails are recieved until a certain point on a 8100. After that, no new emails are displayed anymore. No user intervention at that (night)time. The connection to the device is stil maintained as seen in the BB server console and in the log files. Replacing the device with a brand new one gives the same result. The sim is the same. This happens every 14 days. Only solution found yet is to regenerate key from the BB device.
    Perhaps somebody can have a look at the log files. Any suggestions to overcome sending this nightly request or at what time this might be generated?
    Following log files:
    receive no emails after 02:23:00, last email
    deleted handheld emails at 04/08 10:48h  to free up space no result
    power off on     10:55h  no result
    regenerate key on handheld  11:20h  
    message received    11:30h
    disp log
    [30222] (04/08 02:23:06.682):{0x15B8} {username} MTH: contentType=CMIME, sizeOTA=1442, sizeOTW=3048, TransactionId=-940529779, Tag=309369
    [30310] (04/08 02:23:06.682):{0x15B8} {username} Forwarding internal data to device, contentType=CMIME, routing=S84157245, device=204FFB55, size=1480, cmd=0x3, ack=0, TransactionId=-940529779, intTag=192910, Tag=309369, Submit=1
    [30368] (04/08 02:23:19.246):{0x1674} {username} Packet has been delivered to device, Tag=309369
    [30388] (04/08 02:23:19.246):{0x1674} [BIPPa] {username} Forwarding status to BES Agent (S84157245_001), intTag=192910, extTag=309369
    [30222] (04/08 02:24:08.515):{0x1660}
    [30222] (04/08 02:34:55.947):{0x14F0} {username} MFH: contentType=OTAKEYGEN, sizeOTA=90, sizeOTW=90, TransactionId=1122790948, Tag=12968712
    [30308] (04/08 02:34:55.947):{0x14F0} [BIPPa] {username} Forwarding data to BES Agent (S84157245_001), size=126, intTag=133610, Tag=12968712
    [30222] (04/08 02:34:56.009):{0x14F8} {username} MTH: contentType=OTAKEYGEN, sizeOTA=135, sizeOTW=135, TransactionId=-940529778, Tag=309380
    [30310] (04/08 02:34:56.009):{0x14F8} {username} Forwarding internal data to device, contentType=OTAKEYGEN, routing=S84157245, device=204FFB55, size=177, cmd=0x3, ack=0, TransactionId=-940529778, intTag=192913, Tag=309380, Submit=1
    [30311] (04/08 02:34:56.009):{0x14EC} {username} Forwarding status to relay, intTag=133610, Tag=12968712, Status=1
    [30368] (04/08 02:34:57.822):{0xA5C} {username} Packet has been delivered to device, Tag=309380
    [30388] (04/08 02:34:57.822):{0xA5C} [BIPPa] {username} Forwarding status to BES Agent (S84157245_001), intTag=192913, extTag=309380
    [30222] (04/08 02:34:58.056):{0x1598} {username} MFH: contentType=ITADMIN, sizeOTA=50, sizeOTW=9, TransactionId=1122790949, Tag=12968713
    [30222] (04/08 02:35:00.634):{0x1504} {username} MFH: contentType=OTAKEYGEN, sizeOTA=63, sizeOTW=63, TransactionId=1122790950, Tag=12968714
    [30308] (04/08 02:35:00.634):{0x1504} [BIPPa] {username} Forwarding data to BES Agent (S84157245_001), size=99, intTag=133611, Tag=12968714
    [30222] (04/08 02:35:00.666):{0x1618} {username} MTH: contentType=OTAKEYGEN, sizeOTA=29, sizeOTW=29, TransactionId=-940529777, Tag=309381
    [30310] (04/08 02:35:00.666):{0x1618} {username} Forwarding internal data to device, contentType=OTAKEYGEN, routing=S84157245, device=204FFB55, size=70, cmd=0x3, ack=0, TransactionId=-940529777, intTag=192914, Tag=309381, Submit=1
    [30311] (04/08 02:35:00.697):{0x1624} {username} Forwarding status to relay, intTag=133611, Tag=12968714, Status=1
    [30448] (04/08 02:35:00.713):{0x15C0} {username} User changed (agent): id=73, [email protected], device=204FFB55, routing=S84157245, agent=001, ext=1, wl=0, keys=(3:3:0)
    [30368] (04/08 02:35:01.228):{0x150C} {username} Packet has been delivered to device, Tag=309381
    [30388] (04/08 02:35:01.228):{0x150C} [BIPPa] {username} Forwarding status to BES Agent (S84157245_001), intTag=192914, extTag=309381
    [30222] (04/08 02:35:01.447):{0x1620} {username} MFH: contentType=OTAKEYGEN, sizeOTA=178, sizeOTW=178, TransactionId=1122790951, Tag=12968715
    [30308] (04/08 02:35:01.447):{0x1620} [BIPPa] {username} Forwarding data to BES Agent (S84157245_001), size=215, intTag=133612, Tag=12968715
    [30311] (04/08 02:35:01.447):{0x10EC} {username} Forwarding status to relay, intTag=133612, Tag=12968715, Status=1
    [30222] (04/08 02:35:02.041):{0x15D4} {username} MFH: contentType=ITADMIN, sizeOTA=50, sizeOTW=9, TransactionId=1122790952, Tag=12968716
    [30450] (04/08 02:35:05.853):{0x15D8} {username} User unchanged (disp): id=73, [email protected], device=204FFB55, routing=S84157245, agent=001, ext=1, wl=0, keys=(3:3:0)
    [30309] (04/08 02:35:08.854):{0x1674} [BIPPa] {username} Sending data to BES Agent (S84157245_001), size=34, Tag=133613
    [30222] (04/08 02:44:57.016):{0xFC8} {username} MFH: contentType=sync, sizeOTA=130, sizeOTW=85, TransactionId=1122790954, Tag=12968721
    [30222] (04/08 02:44:57.048):{0x14E8} {username} MTH: contentType=SYNC, sizeOTA=52, sizeOTW=8, TransactionId=64839, Tag=309386
    [30313] (04/08 02:44:57.048):{0x14E8} {username} Sending external data to device, contentType=SYNC, routing=S84157245, device=204FFB55, size=88, cmd=0x3, TransactionId=64839, Tag=309386, Submit=0
    [30368] (04/08 02:44:58.001):{0x14EC} {username} Packet has been delivered to device, Tag=309386
    [30222] (04/08 03:02:48.944):{0x48C} {username} MTH: contentType=CMIME, sizeOTA=1116, sizeOTW=2308, TransactionId=-940529776, Tag=309399
    [30310] (04/08 03:02:48.944):{0x48C} {username} Forwarding internal data to device, contentType=CMIME, routing=S84157245, device=204FFB55, size=1154, cmd=0x3, ack=0, TransactionId=-940529776, intTag=192924, Tag=309399, Submit=1
    [30222] (04/08 03:02:48.944):{0x14EC}
    [30368] (04/08 03:03:00.383):{0xA5C} {username} Packet has been delivered to device, Tag=309399
    [30388] (04/08 03:03:00.383):{0xA5C} [BIPPa] {username} Forwarding status to BES Agent (S84157245_001), intTag=192924, extTag=309399
    MAGT log
    [30097] (04/08 02:23:19.246):{0x344} {[email protected]} Message has been delivered to device, Tag=192910, EntryId=779541
    [30066] (04/08 02:23:19.293):{0x344} Total Msgs Pending 123
    this was the last email received.
    [40800] (04/08 02:27:12.823):{0x2B4} {[email protected]} Starting Address Book rescan
    [40891] (04/08 02:27:12.823):{0x2B4} {[email protected]} No changes detected, rescan complete (type=Address Book)
    [40856] (04/08 02:29:18.831):{0x1C94} {[email protected]} Starting Memos rescan
    [40891] (04/08 02:29:18.831):{0x1C94} {[email protected]} No changes detected, rescan complete (type=Memos)
    [40442] (04/08 02:32:07.342):{0x1BE0} User settings: [email protected], routing=S84157245, service=DEZPSEMFN040, device=204FFB55, calendar=1, MDS=1, userOTAFM=63, incradle=0, SMIME=0, sentItems=1, dir=user, server=DEZPSEMFN011
    [40688] (04/08 02:34:01.849):{0x54C} {[email protected]} Starting message deleted rescan
    [40689] (04/08 02:34:01.849):{0x54C} {[email protected]} Message deleted rescan completed
    [40700] (04/08 02:34:55.947):{0x1EEC} {[email protected]} Receiving packet from device, size=126, TransactionId=1122790948, Tag=133610, content type=OTAKEYGEN, cmd=0x3
    [40000] (04/08 02:34:55.947):{0x1EEC} *** OTAKEYGEN *** receiving KEY_REQUEST, transID = 1066867471
    [40000] (04/08 02:34:55.947):{0x1EEC} *** OTAKEYGEN *** receiving RE-KEY request, transID = 1066867471
    [41079] (04/08 02:34:56.009):{0x1EEC} {[email protected]} PagerImp:aveChanges: changed items = 70
    [40000] (04/08 02:34:56.009):{0x1EEC} *** OTAKEYGEN *** sending KEY_ACCEPT transID = 1066867471
    [40583] (04/08 02:34:56.009):{0x1EEC} {[email protected]} Sending packet to device, Size=170, Tag=192913, TransactionId=-940529778
    [40279] (04/08 02:34:56.009):{0x1EEC} {[email protected]} SubmitToRelaySendQ, Tag=192913
    [40279] (04/08 02:34:56.009):{0x1EEC} {[email protected]} SubmitToRelaySendQ, Tag=133610
    [40000] (04/08 02:34:56.009):{0xDE8} [BIPP] Send data, Tag=192913
    [40000] (04/08 02:34:56.009):{0xDE8} [BIPP] Send status DATA_ACCEPTED, Tag=133610
    [40442] (04/08 02:34:56.056):{0x54C} User settings: [email protected], routing=S84157245, service=DEZPSEMFN040, device=204FFB55, calendar=1, MDS=1, userOTAFM=63, incradle=0, SMIME=0, sentItems=1, dir=user, server=DEZPSEMFN011
    [40000] (04/08 02:34:57.822):{0x1B68} [BIPP] Received status DELIVERED, Tag=192913
    [40692] (04/08 02:34:59.728):{0x1788} {[email protected]} Starting message moved rescan
    [40693] (04/08 02:34:59.728):{0x1788} {[email protected]} Message moved rescan completed
    [40000] (04/08 02:35:00.634):{0x1B68} [BIPP] Received datagram, Tag=133611
    [40700] (04/08 02:35:00.634):{0x3C0} {[email protected]} Receiving packet from device, size=99, TransactionId=1122790950, Tag=133611, content type=OTAKEYGEN, cmd=0x3
    [40000] (04/08 02:35:00.634):{0x3C0} *** OTAKEYGEN *** receiving KEY_CONFIRM, transID = 1066867471
    [40000] (04/08 02:35:00.634):{0x3C0} No previous encryption key(2)
    [41079] (04/08 02:35:00.650):{0x3C0} {[email protected]} PagerImp:aveChanges: changed items = 1, 2, 3, 10, 70, 92, 93, 94
    [40000] (04/08 02:35:00.666):{0x3C0} *** OTAKEYGEN *** sending KEY_CONFIRM_PROMOTE transID = 1066867471
    [40583] (04/08 02:35:00.666):{0x3C0} {[email protected]} Sending packet to device, Size=63, Tag=192914, TransactionId=-940529777
    [40279] (04/08 02:35:00.666):{0x3C0} {[email protected]} SubmitToRelaySendQ, Tag=192914
    [40000] (04/08 02:35:00.666):{0x3C0} {[email protected]} Completed OTAKEYGEN transaction: id 1066867471
    [40000] (04/08 02:35:00.666):{0xDE8} [BIPP] Send data, Tag=192914
    [41079] (04/08 02:35:00.681):{0x3C0} {[email protected]} PagerImp:aveChanges: changed items = 70
    [40279] (04/08 02:35:00.697):{0x3C0} {[email protected]} SubmitToRelaySendQ, Tag=133611
    [40000] (04/08 02:35:00.697):{0xDE8} [BIPP] Send status DATA_ACCEPTED, Tag=133611
    [40442] (04/08 02:35:00.713):{0x750} User settings: [email protected], routing=S84157245, service=DEZPSEMFN040, device=204FFB55, calendar=1, MDS=1, userOTAFM=63, incradle=0, SMIME=0, sentItems=1, dir=user, server=DEZPSEMFN011
    [30000] (04/08 02:35:00.713):{0x540} {[email protected]} Sending data to Dispatcher, size=426, Tag=192915
    [40000] (04/08 02:35:00.713):{0x540} {[email protected]} SendToDispatcher, Tag=192915
    [40000] (04/08 02:35:00.713):{0xDE8} [BIPP] Send data, Tag=192915
    [40000] (04/08 02:35:00.713):{0x1B68} [BIPP] Received status DELIVERED, Tag=192915
    [45050] (04/08 02:35:00.775):{0x1118} DBNS: DbObject=200
    [40000] (04/08 02:35:01.228):{0x1B68} [BIPP] Received status DELIVERED, Tag=192914
    [40000] (04/08 02:35:01.447):{0x1B68} [BIPP] Received datagram, Tag=133612
    [40700] (04/08 02:35:01.447):{0x1FAC} {[email protected]} Receiving packet from device, size=215, TransactionId=1122790951, Tag=133612, content type=OTAKEYGEN, cmd=0x3
    [40000] (04/08 02:35:01.447):{0x1FAC} *** OTAKEYGEN *** receiving KEY_REQUEST, transID = 1066867471
    [40000] (04/08 02:35:01.447):{0x1FAC} *** OTAKEYGEN *** receiving RE-ACTIVATION request, transID = 1066867471
    [40000] (04/08 02:35:01.447):{0x1FAC} *** OTAKEYGEN *** sending ABORT_TRANSACTION, transID = 1066867471
    [40000] (04/08 02:35:01.447):{0x1FAC} {[email protected]} HandleKeyGenCommand: Duplicate KeyGen request - ignored.
    [40279] (04/08 02:35:01.447):{0x1FAC} {[email protected]} SubmitToRelaySendQ, Tag=133612
    [40000] (04/08 02:35:01.447):{0xDE8} [BIPP] Send status DATA_ACCEPTED, Tag=133612
    [40442] (04/08 02:35:01.791):{0x1C94} User settings: [email protected], routing=S84157245, service=DEZPSEMFN040, device=204FFB55, calendar=1, MDS=1, userOTAFM=63, incradle=0, SMIME=0, sentItems=1, dir=user, server=DEZPSEMFN011
    [40000] (04/08 02:35:08.854):{0x1B68} [BIPP] Received datagram, Tag=133613
    [40000] (04/08 02:35:08.854):{0x1788} {[email protected]} Processed MULTI_STATS from Dispatcher, Tag=133613
    [40702] (04/08 02:36:45.985):{0x540} {[email protected]} Starting message rescan
    [40703] (04/08 02:36:45.985):{0x540} {[email protected]} Message rescan completed

    Update for general interest. I did some compare, after the user dropped off again. The part from:
    [40700] (04/24 02:49:34.223):{0x1B64} {[email protected]} Receiving packet from device, size=217, TransactionId=1122791981, Tag=149884, content type=OTAKEYGEN, cmd=0x3
    [40000] (04/24 02:49:34.223):{0x1B64} *** OTAKEYGEN *** receiving KEY_REQUEST, transID = 1066868890
    [40000] (04/24 02:49:34.223):{0x1B64} *** OTAKEYGEN *** receiving RE-ACTIVATION request, transID = 1066868890
    [40000] (04/24 02:49:34.223):{0x1B64} *** OTAKEYGEN *** sending ABORT_TRANSACTION, transID = 1066868890
    [40000] (04/24 02:49:34.223):{0x1B64} {[email protected]} HandleKeyGenCommand: Duplicate KeyGen request - ignored.
    [40279] (04/24 02:49:34.223):{0x1B64} {[email protected]} SubmitToRelaySendQ, Tag=149884
    [40000] (04/24 02:49:34.223):{0x184C} [BIPP] Send status DATA_ACCEPTED, Tag=149884
    is typical for this user only and does not come up with other users on a key_request.
    Regenerating a key from the BB device solves the problem. Only disadvantage: it occurs every 4 weeks, independent of doing a regeneration in between.

  • Load Multiple Dynamic Text Files in Different frames on Maintimeline

    I have managed to load an external text file in one place one the maintimeline. I would like to do the same thing on other frames. When I go to duplicate the same thing that I did on the first one I get a duplicate textReq request. Do I need to give the textReq a more specific name for each section? When I did this the movie wouldn't even recognize and of the code that was working before.
    Can anyone help me with this code? Thanks in advance
    I am attaching link so you can see sections I am talking about. Also you will notice that the swf file I loaded won't go away. That's another problem...ugh.
    Here is link:
    Here is code on maintimeline:
    import fl.transitions.*;
    import fl.transitions.easing.*;
    import flash.net.URLRequest;
    import flash.display.Loader;
    import flash.events.Event;
    import flash.events.ProgressEvent;
    function startLoad() {
        var swfLoader:Loader = new Loader();
        var swfRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("endlessCoclico3.swf");
        swfLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onCompleteHandler);
        swfLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onProgressHandler);
    function onCompleteHandler(loadEvent:Event) {
    function onProgressHandler(swfProgress:ProgressEvent) {
        var percent:Number = swfProgress.bytesLoaded/swfProgress.bytesTotal;
    //handle events for buttons...
    collections.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickSection);
    raison.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickSection);
    stores.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickSection);
    news.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickSection);
    contact.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickSection);
    home.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickSection);
    function clickSection(evtObj:MouseEvent) {
        //trace shows what's happening... in the output window
        trace("The "+evtObj.target.name+" button was clicked!");
        //go to the section clicked on...
    Here is code on actual frame where the dynamic text is working:
    //Loaded exteranl text fields
    var textLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    var textReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest("text_philosophy.txt");
    function textLoaded(event:Event):void {
        philosophy_txt.text = textLoader.data;
    textLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, textLoaded);

    Textfields:  What I like to do, mainly for peace of mind, is to have a layer that I dedicate to actionscript that only has code in frame 1 but it extends the full length of the timeline so that this code is available to every frame on any other layer.  In this frame I put variables and functions that can get used/shared wherever they happen to be needed.  I usually create another separate layer for actions types of actionscript... stuff that happens at the local frame level, like stop();, or like assigning a variable a new value, etc... things local to being at that frame/location.  So with that in mind
    In frame 1 on my shared-by-everyone layer, I'd probably declare the variable....
    var textReq:URLRequest;
    And when I get to a particular frame where I want to load a new textfield with data, I assign that var its value on the local actions layer...
    textReq = new URLRequest("text_philosophy.txt");
    along with the rest of the local execution regarding loading the file, etc...
    Yeah, pretty much, and it becomes an object that has a home on the timeline, so if you move away from that frame the swf doesn't follow.

  • Get loggedin Session variables in Home Page

    I got a members directory where u login.
    1.How come they get killed when i refresh a page.
    2.How do i get the loggedin session variable the home page.
    so i know if current user is logged in.
    The Application.cfc of the members is
    <cfcomponent name="Application" displayname="Application
    Component for the Login Security Tutorial" >
    <cfset This.name = "NewLoveZoneAfrica">
    <cfset This.applicationTimeout =
    <cfset This.sessionManagement = "true">
    <cfset This.sessionTimeout = CreateTimeSpan(0,0,0,30)>
    <cfset This.clientManagement = "false">
    <cfset This.loginstorage="session">
    <cffunction name="onApplicationStart"
    returntype="boolean" output="true">
    <!--- Set up Application variables. Locking the
    Application scope is not necessary in this method. --->
    application starting
    <cfset Application.configured = 1>
    <cfset Application.datetimeConfigured = TimeFormat(Now(),
    "hh:mm tt") & " " & DateFormat(Now(), "mm.dd.yyyy")>
    <cfset Application.currentSessions = 0>
    <!--- Begin Setting up request variables here. --->
    request.app = structNew();
    Application.dsn = "LoveZoneAfrica";
    Application.webRoot =
    Application.machineRoot = "/NewLoveZoneAfrica/";
    Application.cfcRoot = "NewLoveZoneAfrica.com";
    Application.Domain = "NewLoveZoneAfrica.com";
    sqlService = factory.getDataSourceService();
    dsn = duplicate(sqlService.datasources[Application.dsn]);
    if(dsn.driver eq "MSAccess" or dsn.driver eq "MSAccessJet"
    or dsn.driver eq "ODBCSocket")
    request.app.ucase = "ucase";
    request.app.isAccess = true;
    request.app.ucase = "ucase";
    request.app.isAccess = false;
    <!--- End Setting up request variables here. --->
    <cfreturn true>
    <cffunction name="onRequestStart" returntype="boolean"
    output="true" >
    <cfargument name="requestname" required=true/>
    <cfif isDefined("form.j_username") and
    <!--- If either password or Username is empty go to
    <cfif form.j_username is "" or form.j_password is "">
    <!--- First Check to see wether there is need to log out
    // create the Security object
    Security =
    // store authenticate method of security object as roles
    <cfif LogQry.recordcount> <!--- User has
    Successfully logged in #GetValidUser# --->
    <cfloginuser name="#form.j_username#"
    password="#form.j_password#" roles="#valuelist(LogQry.Role)#">
    <!--- Update the LastLogin timestamp. --->
    <cfset request.User.LoggedIn = "1">
    <cfset request.User.Username = form.j_username>
    <cfset request.User.LastLogin = LogQry.LastLogin_Date
    <!---Destroy request --->
    <cflock scope="SESSION" throwontimeout="Yes" timeout="7"
    <cfset clearStruct = StructDelete(request, "User")>
    <!---Destroy request --->
    <cflock scope="SESSION" throwontimeout="Yes" timeout="7"
    <cfset clearStruct = StructDelete(SESSION, "User")>
    <cfif NOT isDefined("request.User.LoggedIn")>
    <cfset request.loginMessage ="Your Login Username or
    Password is Invalid ">
    <!--- If the login procedure is passed duplicate the
    request structure into the Session scope. --->
    <cflock scope="SESSION" throwontimeout="Yes"
    timeout="107" type="EXCLUSIVE">
    <cfset Session.User = Duplicate(request.User)>
    <cflock name="lck_currentSessions" throwontimeout="Yes"
    timeout="107" type="EXCLUSIVE">
    <!---THIS has BE CHANgED : bEGIN- original COPY IS @ THE
    FOOT --->
    <!--- Copy identifying session information into the
    Application scope. --->
    <cfif NOT isDefined("Application.sessionData")>
    <!--- Increment the number of current sessions. --->
    <cfset Application.currentSessions =
    Application.currentSessions + 1>
    <cfset Application.sessionData = ArrayNew(1)>
    <cfset Arraysize = 0>
    <cfset Application.sessionData[Arraysize+1] =
    <!---check to see wether this "Username" appears in the
    If so, ignore. If no then append the name to the array so we
    have a unique list of usernames--->
    <cfset Arraysize = ArrayLen(Application.sessionData)>
    <cfset Application.temp = ArrayNew(1)>
    <cfif Arraysize>
    <cfloop index = "LoopCount" from = "1" to =
    <cfset #ArrayAppend(Application.temp,
    <cfdump var="#Application.sessionData#" >
    <cfset Isloggedin =
    ListFind(ArrayToList(Application.temp), form.j_username)>
    <cfif Isloggedin is 0>
    <cfset Application.sessionData[Arraysize+1] =
    <!--- Increment the number of current sessions. --->
    <cfset Application.currentSessions =
    Application.currentSessions + 1>
    <!--- Increment the number of current sessions since twas
    empty. --->
    <cfset Application.currentSessions =
    Application.currentSessions + 1>
    <cfset Application.sessionData[Arraysize+1] =
    <cfif not ListLast(CGI.SCRIPT_NAME, "/") EQ
    <!---Check wether the username appears on the list
    Application.currentSessions is 0 --->
    <cfif NOT isDefined("Session.User.LoggedIn") >
    <!--- Check to see if a user is logged in on *every* cfm
    page request. --->
    <cfif not ListLast(CGI.SCRIPT_NAME, "/") EQ
    <cflock scope="SESSION" throwontimeout="Yes" timeout="7"
    <cfif NOT isDefined("Session.User.LoggedIn")>
    <cfreturn true>
    <cffunction name="onSessionEnd" returntype="void">
    <cfargument name="SessionScope" required="true">
    <cfargument name="ApplicationScope" required="true">
    <cfset request.loginMessage="Nimeingia onSessionEnd">
    <cflock name="lck_currentSessions" throwontimeout="Yes"
    timeout="7" type="EXCLUSIVE">
    <cfset sessionPosition =
    <cfif sessionPosition neq 0>
    <cfset arguments.ApplicationScope.currentSessions =
    arguments.ApplicationScope.currentSessions - 1>
    <cffunction name="onSessionStart" returntype="void">
    <cfset request.loginMessage="Nimeingia onSessionEnd">
    <cffunction name="onRequestEnd" returntype="void">
    <!--- Write any code that needs to run when the page
    request ends. This replaces onRequestEnd.cfm --->

    Answered my own quests

  • Materials in project

    Hello Everybody,
    The material procurement and production scenario for project at my client's place is as follows
    For example, project structure has four WBS Elements as WBS 1, WBS 2, WBS 3, and WBS 4
    Material procuremet for production occures under Each WBS Element (Ex. Part A being procured under WBS 1, Part B procured under WBS 2 an Part C procured under WBS 3)
    A finished product (BOM consists of Part A, B and C) is attached under WBS 4 and production order is triggered for the same under WBS 4
    Requirements -
    Should able to do GI to production order from WBS 1, 2 and 3
    After MRP run on finished product, system should consider the stock available under WBS 1, 2 and 3 and not generate the PR again (shoul not duplicate PR)
    Request you to kindly give valuable inputs
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Vivek,
    Thanks for your reply.
    The example which i gave in my question is just a simple one. In practice, there are several WBS elements under which procurement will happen.
    We cant combine all components under one WBS element because requirement of individual cost monitoring and having different requirement dates.
    The requirement is -
    We need to add and procure all components under different WBS Elements (Cost of procurement should go under different WBS Elements)
    But when we do GR of the components, we need quantities uner one WBS element and costs under different WBS elements.
    Please provide your inputs on the same

  • Projects super user responsibility

    i have a problem:
    In e-business suite 12.1.1 , In projects super user responsibility when I want to open JSP forms like :
    Team Role Details Workbook and Overcommitted Resource Hours Workbook and Scheduled Resource Hours Workbook This error take place :
    Not Found
    The requested URL /discoverer/viewer was not found on this server.
    Attention : in required steps of set up for PJR mentioned Implement Oracle Discoverer is required , does this error related to implementing Oracle Discoverer or not .

    Pl do not post duplicates - The requested URL /discoverer/viewer was not found on this server

  • Workflow improvements for thumbnails, files, archives, etc

    I hope this does not duplicate previous requestes - I am a relatively new user of bridge. Maybe the features I wish are part of bridge but I cannot find them :-( These requests are useful to improve the work flow immediately after a process a large number of images (maybe a few thousand) from an event such as a wedding, speed skating competition, dance production, or car race. The objective is to rapidly allow the selection of images that are to be grouped for edit/delete/copy by examining thumbnails and slide shows.
    1. Thumbnails are too small on a 1280x1024 or larger screen. It is difficult to compare adjacent images. It would be nice to allow the user to specify thumbnail size. The thumb data base should match the chosen size. However, it would be adequate if only new images added to the data base have the new size. It is difficult to use the Preview window for judging when images are separated.
    2. Rename of files should allow the use of the EXIF date/time created. Time is important if multiple cameras are used in a photoshoot and it is desired to put all images in time sequence. The present rename only considers a file attribute of year/mo/day and forgets about the EXIF date/time shot.
    3. A simple "select" or "tag" of images (such as the CTL/S key) would be useful that does not update information as does Labels and Ratings. Typically, this would be used for selecting files that are to be deleted, copied, etc. Teamed with the larger thumbnails and the slide show, this would be a very convenient tool for selecting images for editing / processing purposes. Yes, you can CTL/CLICK to do this in windows, but that is inadequate (see point 5 below).
    4. If the slide show is used and then exited with the ESC key, the thumbnail directory list should be positioned to and highlight the last viewed item. This highlight should be different than "select" - it is a position reference only. For example, I could be selecting images by viewing thumbnails but use the slide show (see 5 below) to view/select a series of images. The logical place to show where you "are" is in the thumbnail view.
    5. Any Labels, Ratings, or "select" (as in point 3 above) should be settable from the current image viewed on the slide show. The slide show is nothing more than a "giant thumb view".
    6. The thumbnail data base, if saved in a mounted directory, should be accessable and viewable in read-only mode even if the actual disk drive containing the images is not on-line. For example, it would be nice to view all thumbnails from my four archive hard drives even though they are normally turned off.
    It would be even nicer if BRIDGE could sense the fact that the drive has been turned on and then allow full image access. A super smart feature would be a prompt that tells which drive label (maybe even a CD label) should be mounted. If this were done, I could receive a print order for image TF123456, look through the always-available thumbnails, click on the desired image for CS2 editing and have it tell me "please mount disk with label 0246-20040315". After I turn on the hard drive or mount the CD, CS2 magic would continue.

    >2. Rename of files should allow the use of the EXIF date/time created.
    I think you'll find that this exactly what you do get when Date Created is chosen. In Bridge Date Created refers to the time the image was captured, which is the same as Exif date/time created.
    You can find a downloadable listing of Bridge and Camera Raw keyboard shortcuts at
    Jeff Schewe, "++ Adobe Bridge and Camera Raw Shortcuts ++" #4, 28 Apr 2005 11:10 pm
    These should help you with Slideshow and many other features that you can't find via the menus or the interface itself.

  • F4 help : how to select all fields of a row

    Hi All,
               I am implementing f4 help in my bsp page. in teh help page i have 3 fields for each row. i get the value of key row in the input field once i select a particular row, bt I also want to access other 2 fields of the row that is selected, How can i do this?
    in the in put field i wnat only the key field tyo be displayed, but in the BSP application i want to access the otehr two fields that are in teh selected row, how can i do this?

    Hi all,
    Since this thread is a duplicate, I request every one to post you answer in the orignal thread.
    Please find the orignial thread in the following link.
    Hi Vasuki,
    Please close this thread, since this one is a duplicate.

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