Duplicated Passbook

Somehow Passbook duplicated itself into a new folder. Now there are two passbook apps- one on the first page, and another in a folder on the second page. How can I delete the newly duplicated version?

Passbook is one of many appositions that appear on some iPhones but not on any iPad.
Use Passbook in iOS - Apple Support

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    Fair enough.
    I started doing this before unlimited data and emails on phones was a common commodity, on my Samsung Blackjack.
    I then continued it due to its convenience. My only counter argument is this:
    Even when emails are set to immediately push, I am always notified earlier by this forwarding message (sometimes by several minutes/hours due to the fact that it is not dependent on my being connected to 4G or wifi to receive it.
    Also, to contradict snozdop's point that both methods use data and battery, I say this - when I use the forwarding method, the information comes in a pure text format and therefore uses considerably less information than an HTML and CSS rich email, with embedded images and such -also, unlimited text messages aids curve costs.
    I will, however, give this method a go. In any case, a solution to my original question would still be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks guys.

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    However, I started seeing duplicate or multiple event entries on my Mac and on the iPod Touch.
    I tried to delete the duplicates from the Mac, and some of them delete, some don't.
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    Another thing that happens is that in iCal there are events that appear correctly, just one time. But checking on my iPod, I see the same event 7 times!
    Please, somebody help and guide me. I am a heavy user of the calendar on both devices and need a fix soon.

    I have the exact same problem.
    Can't figure it out.
    It is very annoying and time consuming deleting the duplicate items.

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    Help, Apple -- we need your attention on this one. It is definitely a **** up in iCal.

    O.k. - I am not experienced in spite of many years of using this turkey. First of, the sync/don't sync button in preferences - forget it. iCal syncs with MobileMe no matter what the setting. Bummer - except that once the hundreds of duplicate, repeat events are transfered to MobileMe, you can delete them from the web interface - unlike the iCal application that forbids deleting unwanted events.
    Second new discovery. You can put in a repeated event on the MobileMe website with no trouble but, bummer again, the new event on MobileMe does not sync back to the iCal on the iMac.
    Final and most important discovery. I got the problem in the first place by blindly supplying the information asked for and, I kid you not, iCal 4 asks for the end date of a repeated event twice. If you answer the question twice, as I did, you get N * N events. So I hope I can avoid the problem in the future. But really, iCal needs methods to delete repeated events. Also as a former long-term Palm user, I sorely miss the option to restore a calendar from another machine. (the ability to sync or overwrite the local application).

  • Error while duplicating a panel with control dynamically associated to a splitter

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    Tested in CVI2009SP1. There is no evidence of this error in Known Issues document for later versions.
    Proud to use LW/CVI from 3.1 on.
    My contributions to the Developer Zone Community
    If I have helped you, why not giving me a kudos?
    DplPnl.zip ‏7 KB

    Hi Roberto,
    Thanks for the nicely stripped down test program! Easy to reproduce bugs are a rare pleasure...
    I did confirm the bug, which has been there since CVI 7.1. It is triggered by the presence, at the time that the panel is copied, of a splitter-attached control, which was itself duplicated from another control that had been loaded from a UIR (whether or not the original control is also attached to the splitter). Whew. That was long.
    In simpler terms, it's not the fact that the control was dynamically attached to the splitter that is causing the problem. It's the fact that the control was duplicated from another control.
    The problem happens because a duplicated control inherits the constant name of the original control. Normally, this is not a problem for runtime-only controls. However, the splitter was still assuming that constant names of its attached controls were all unique, and that's what caused the problem.
    Bug id: 392640
    Unfortunately, there isn't a great workaround, since you can't prevent the duplicated control from inheriting the constant name, nor can you change its constant name after the fact. I can think of two possibilities:
    Don't duplicate the control. Create it using NewCtrl instead, and then apply the necessary configurations.
    Temporarily detach the duplicate control from the splitter prior to copying the panel, then attach it back (in both the original panel and the duplicated panel) after the panel copy.

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    I do have 8.1 and I do have a iPhone 6 Plus.
    Thank you for any responses ahead of time

    I had same problem and then I looked at this post. However, before connecting to my iTunes, I gave one last try and went to settings -> General -> Language and region -> Region Formats. I had set up my region as India as I use Indian languages for display purposes. However, when I changed the region back to US, I was able to get to the screen in Passbook where I could add Credit/Debit cards. So this was solved. Then I went back to settings, but the Passbook and Apple Pay menu was still not available. So I restarted the iPhone and it took me to screens as if I was starting for first time. After couple of clicks and setup, I was able to see the menu in settings as well. Btw, I am still able to use Indian languages with the region setup as US. So I am not losing my original functionality either.
    Hopefully this helps for people with similar setup and do not wish to go through iTunes route.

  • Can't find contents of duplicated folder

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    Today we went to get a document out of one of the folders but nothing was there. Other folders their documents in them but some did not. The ones that showed nothing had a little down-arrow on the lower right corner of the folder icon which I think signifies a drop folder. We went back to the other account, looked up same folder and had same result-nothing shows. I've tried changing the permissions on the folder but that does not seem to help. I'm pretty sure the data is still there. We just can't see it.
    Does anybody know how to open this up?

    I suspect it is still a permissions problem: a drop box has Access of "Write Only" for the group and all others, except the actual owner of the folder. When you changed the permissions, did you try changing the access on Group and Others to Read and Write? Afraid I don't use the drop boxes very much, but I did just try a little experiment: copied a folder from my account into the Drop Box of my test account, and I got a little warning that I would not be able to see the results of this, said OK. I then used a sudo command in Terminal and could indeed get a list of all the files in the test account's new folder. My test account is named "revelator" and the folder I copied to the Drop Box was named "links"--this is what the Terminal list command looked like:
    Tigin:~ francine$ sudo ls -al /Users/revelator/Public/Drop\ Box/links
    I hit Return, entered my admin password, and got a list of all the files and sub-folders in the "links" folder.
    I then logged into the revelator account, the folder was in the Drop Box, I could access it and its sub-folders, but, of course, everything was Read Only because the owner of the folder and its files is still me.
    You can use Terminal to keep burrowing down to see if the files are still there. Thus, there is a sub-folder in the links folder called "html" and to see its contents using the Terminal list command, it would look like this:
    Tigin:~ francine$ sudo ls -al /Users/revelator/Public/Drop\ Box/links/html
    If all the files are intact I would think tinkering some more with the permissions on the sub-folders that are showing as drop boxes should fix things.

  • Duplicated values when added to list of list

    Hey all,
    I'm making a list of lists, when I print the values just after adding in the list of list everything seems fine, but when I print that list where I call it it has duplicate value instead of the 2 different that I see when I first print it, I really don't know what's wrong.
    I tried 2 different declarations for the list of list but is the same result, I also tried using index to add the list but no change either.
    What is wrong? or how should I do it instead.
    Thanks in advance
    The code is this
    public class ReadFile extends Metrics{
        public List loadFile(String filename) throws IOException{//void
            FileInputStream fstream = null;
            ///TRACE POINTS
                List<TracePoint> CharPoints=new ArrayList<TracePoint>();
                List<List> ListaChars = new ArrayList<List>();
                //List<List<TracePoint>> ListaChars = new ArrayList<List<TracePoint>>();
            try {
                fstream = new FileInputStream(filename);//"xy.dat");
                DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(fstream);
                BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in));
                String strLine;
                Normalize norm = new Normalize();
           //Read File Line By Line
                while((strLine = br.readLine())!= null) {
                    int INDEX=0;
                    ///READING VALUES FROM XY FILE and splittting
                    String[] temp = strLine.split(" ");
                    ///clear list before reusing it
                    String[] tempNorm = norm.normalize(temp, 0, 1);
                    for (int i = 1 ; i < tempNorm.length ; i=i+2){
                        CharPoints.add(new TracePoint(Float.parseFloat(tempNorm),Float.parseFloat(tempNorm[i+1])));
    ListaChars.add(INDEX, CharPoints);
    System.out.println(" Charpoints is "+ CharPoints);
    System.out.println(" LISTofCHARS is "+ ListaChars);
    //Close the input stream
    }catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
    Logger.getLogger(ReadFile.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
    }finally {
    try {
    } catch (IOException ex) {
    Logger.getLogger(ReadFile.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
    //return CharPoints;
    return ListaChars;
    public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException{
    ReadFile test2 = new ReadFile();
    List<List> characters = new ArrayList<List>();
    characters = test2.loadFile("xy.dat");
    //System.out.println("\ncharacters = " +" "+ characters.get(0));
    The result is this, the first look like its copying ok, but when the second is added is duplicated and the first value is not there anymoreCharpoints is [TracePoint: 0.395683, 0.913669, 0.000000, TracePoint: 0.136691, 0.928058, 0.000000, TracePoint: 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000]
    LISTofCHARS is [[TracePoint: 0.395683, 0.913669, 0.000000, TracePoint: 0.136691, 0.928058, 0.000000, TracePoint: 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000]]
    Charpoints is [TracePoint: 1.000000, 0.004096, 0.000000, TracePoint: 0.999937, 0.003151, 0.000000, TracePoint: 0.999811, 0.001765, 0.000000, TracePoint: 0.998866, 0.000000, 0.000000]
    LISTofCHARS is [[TracePoint: 1.000000, 0.004096, 0.000000, TracePoint: 0.999937, 0.003151, 0.000000, TracePoint: 0.999811, 0.001765, 0.000000, TracePoint: 0.998866, 0.000000, 0.000000], [TracePoint: 1.000000, 0.004096, 0.000000, TracePoint: 0.999937, 0.003151, 0.000000, TracePoint: 0.999811, 0.001765, 0.000000, TracePoint: 0.998866, 0.000000, 0.000000]]
    Edited by: mtiv on Oct 24, 2009 6:02 PM                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

    while((strLine = br.readLine())!= null) {
                    int INDEX=0;
    }On each iteration of the while loop, index equals 0. Try moving the variable index outside of the while loop.
    List<TracePoint> CharPoints=new ArrayList<TracePoint>();By convention variable names begin with a lower case letter, it is an important practise to live by as I was lead to believe CharPoints was a class at first.

  • I feel Passbook should be on new iPad, because even if surfing web, and you have all information with you on the iPad and not have to get purse to look for individual information. It makes sense to provide it for the new iPad. PLEASE!

    I feel that Passbook should be on the new iPad. My reason is when surfing Internet/purchasing all your information could be on the iPad, and you wouldn't have to check your purse or somewhere else for it. It makes sense to include it. PLEASE include in next update soon. Thanks.

    This is a user to user tech support forum. Your comments are best directed here

  • IPad Air iOS 7 applications missing - calc, compass, voice memo, passbook

    Does the iPad Air with iOS7 come with the following applications that are on the iPhone 5s?
    voice memo

    As to the why only apple knows. The beauty of the iPad is you can  download any number of free apps, try them, then delete the ones you don't like. For weather I use Yahoo and NOAA, calc I use Calculator °/°°, Siri for stocks, GoSKy Watch for compass, the rolodex feature isn't there because it's not needed. The  others I don't use  so I can't recommend.

  • IPhone is duplicating voice memos

    I have thousands of very important voice notes on my phone. I'm a comedian and I use the voice memos to record joke ideas as well as record my performances.  Lately ITunes has been duplicating them with every sync. It would literally take me days to go through and sort through all the duplicates at this point and try to delete them manually. It's also filled up my entire phone with memos as well as utilized all my backup space. It's essentially made my IPhone useless. From what I can tell this problem has been going on for more than a year and Apple hasn't fixed it. Is there a solution to this problem? Is it an automated solution that can deal with thousand of voice notes and tens of thousands of duplicates?

    I found a solution.
    Maybe it helps, if anybody has the asme issue.
    Download iBrowse (http://www.ibrowseapp.com), and the recordings will be accessible, even those hidden by iTunes.
    I could export my recordings with that software.
    This is definitely a bug of iTunes or IOS, and if Apple reads this, they might want to fix it.

  • Mail app problems (duplicating email downloads)

    in my Mail app, i am having a problem with receiving "duplicate" emails. i will get an email, and after in downloads to Mail, the "spinning circle" (next to the INBOX icon) keeps on spinning...then a duplicate of the email downloads. to stop the "spinning circle". i have to "force quit" Mail.
    i have the option with Road Runner to get emails from their "WebMail" website. when i log-in, i see the email that is duplicating in Mail...plus other emails that has not been downloaded in my Mail application.
    if i delete the "duplicating email" in RR Webmail, and launch Mail again, the "other emails" that i see in RR WebMail will download.
    and if there are other new emails, the whole scenario will go over again in Mail.
    i talked to a Road Runner technician and he tried to find a preference in the Mail app that will allow Mail to give a bit more time for Mail to download emails with larger attachments (2mb and up). he said that Mail is not giving enough time to download the larger emails, so it is "bottlenecking" the large email and other emails after that.
    Just wondering if anyone knows about this problem, or if anyone knows if there is a preference in Mail to "extend" the download time for larger-sized emails......
    thank you....

    I am having this same problem. How did you solve it?

  • Upgraded iTunes and  all songs in music folder are duplicated

    Recently upgraded to iTunes and all songs are now duplicated. Any idea why this happened and is there an easy way to get rid of the duplicates? When I opened iTunes after the upgrade, it acted as though it was a new installation-asking questions about finding song files.

    Something went wrong with the upgrade. itunes should not have asked about finding files on an upgrade.
    For duplicates in the itunes program, sort by Date Added. Figure out which group is valid - either the oldest or newest, and delete whichever group that isn't needed. You can highlight the first and then hold the shift key to highlight the last, so you can delete the group all at once.
    For duplicate on your hard drive, use Windows Explorer and Date Created/Modified the same way.

  • Isync duplicated all contacts

    ok, so my contacts on .mac reset - well, there was a prompt saying so when I accessed my Addressbook from .mac. I choose Sync rather than reset, because, that is what iSync does, right?
    But now, on .mac, all of my contacts have been duplicated - meaning there are not two entries for every person and company.
    When I go home, and turn on my computer, it will automatically sync with my .mac and I will then have duplicates on my computer also.
    What should I do?
    This is annoying. I continuously have problems with updating contacts also. I will make a change on my computer, or on .mac Address Book and I will go back to that contact a couple days later and the change will not be there. That usually happens when I try to delete an old phone number from a contact. It alsways comes back.
    My understanding is that when there is a sync, that it takes the most recently edited data as the correct data. So, if I delete a Home Phone number on my .mac, iSync will override the Home Phone number on my Computer's Addressbook and delete it there also.
    Am I wrong in my thinking?
    Please help and thank you!

    Here is the dilemna you face: iSync seeks to balance or equalize the data content of applications, devices and servers during each synchronization event, incorporating any additions, changes or deletions you have made anywhere in the data stored everywhere.
    If you do attempt to synchronize with .Mac in an effort to restore the records you removed, what will actually happen is that the matching records on .Mac will be deleted—in response to your manual deletions in the Address Book—and they will no longer be stored anywhere.
    Normally, you would perform a reset to correct this, but according to what you have posted, you do not have an intact set of records to reset from. That's a serious problem. You will need to manually add back the missing records to the Address Book, then synchronize with .Mac to perform the update. If you restore all of the records by hand and find that the Address Book therefore contains a complete set of records, then you would be well advised to perform a reset, but use your computer as the source of the records, and overwrite the records on the .Mac servers.
    Some advice: back up your Address Book and iCal records periodically, particularly before making major changes to your data—using the built-in back up commands under the File menu in each application—so that you do not find yourself stuck in this position again.

  • Problems with outlook and address book contacts: my outlook contacts had around 3,000 entries. Outlook duplicated by itself and now outlook and address book have each over 340,000. What should I do?

    Problems with outlook and address book contacts: my outlook contacts had around 3,000 entries. Outlook duplicated entries and have now 340,000. I reinstalled microsoft office and, thus, outlook, and reinstalled mac OS X system and applications. While I managed to delete outlook contacts so that I can re-sync with my blackberry, the contacts at Mac Address Book were not deleted and still have over 340,000 entries. I do not mind deleting all contacts since I have back up, but I have not been able to delete them. Also, when I go at Address Book and try to delete or merge duplicated entries, the system takes forever and never ends because of such large amount of entries. Worse, when I do so I run out of RAM memory.
    My Macbook pro is just 2 months old.
    What should I do? Is there a way to delete my Mac Address Book without having the problem above?
    Many thanks

    zlatan24 wrote:
    For solving out troubles connected with corrupted or lost address book you may use address book recovery. It owns various features such as restoring wab files, it working under any Windows OS. The utility has modern and easy to use interface due to almost every experienced users.
    If it is a windows problem it's not going to run on the OP's MacBook Pro

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