DVD Studio Pro 4 disk

I am installing the Final Cut Studio group of DVDS in my Powerbook G4. Everything was fine until after Apple Loops and it told me to install the DVD Studio Pro disk. The disk appears for a micro second and then ejects, not installing. Is there a solution for this? I made room in my powerbook by transferring and erasing some files so there are 31 gigs available so lack of space can't be the problem. I also installed 2 gigs of RAM yesterday. Any suggestions? Thanks!

Does the disc mount and stay mounted if you insert it while not in the install process?
Have you carefully wiped the bottom the disc with a clean, dry, soft cloth to remove finger prints?

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    Unless your iMac is still covered by AppleCare, get an external DVD burner.
    You can get perfectly good ones from Amazon for less than $40.

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    Don't do this. Why? Because HD DVD lost out to BluRay in the high def DVD wars (like Betamax lost to VHS back in the day).  The only devices that will play those DVDs are Toshiba HD DVD players that have been discontinued for about 4 years. And Macs with Superdrives. That's it.  Regular DVD players won't play them, BluRay players won't play them.
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    Insufficient disk space for encoding. Please free up disk space on your encoding target drive
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    I wouldn't know where to find this Build folder anyway. I am not sure what to do at this point.
    Can anyone shed some light?
    I have a 2010 2.66 GHz Macbook Pro Core i7

    Are you trying to build an HD DVD rather than a standard defintion DVD? I've never tried to build an HD DVD... does that format also use the VIDEO_TS structure?
    A simple alternative to finding and removing the troublesome VIDEO_TS folder is to select a new location for the build -- an empty folder on your desktop, in your documents folder, wherever.
    Or, if the contents and/or design of the disc hasn't changed since the last time you built it, find the current VIDEO_TS folder and use that to burn your disc rather than building it anew.

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    Thank you for you help, however I think you misunderstood my question
    I have 800 gb on my Mac hd
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    I would really appreciate any help anyone can give me, my film is stuck as a result of this problem. PLEASE help me.
    Cheers mate,

    Hi Jez,
    You should post this to the Final Cut Studio board since it doesn't involve Final Cut Server.

  • How do I make my DVD playable in DVD Studio Pro?

    I never use to have problems with DVD Studio Pro until I got my new MacBook Pro.
    I'm making a wedding DVD with a couple menus and projects and it seems to all work just fine.
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    I'm not sure what to do because I don't even know what is wrong.
    DVD Studio Pro isn't telling me anything is wrong and that it is buring just fine.
    I have also tried multiple different exported versions of my projects and nothing has imporved or even changed.
    Any tips on how to make my DVD playable?

    Did you do a build and format? If so, check out the contents of the TS folder.
    Often people report similar problems and it turns out they inadvertently made an HD DVD…though I would think it should play in your Mac if that were the case. But check your settings nonetheless.
    Are you doing the encode in Compressor?

  • Is there is a way to export the themes from iDVD to DVD Studio Pro?

    OK...so here's what I'm trying to find out: is there is a way to export the themes from iDVD to DVD Studio Pro? Or can I build the project in DVDSTPRO and import it to iDVD to build and burn?
    I've read several threads here and haven't come across my specific question. If I missed it, please copy me a link. Otherwise, I'd like to use the templates/themes in iDVD with my FCP project.
    I was thinking about importing the project from FCP to iDVD. Then, I thought about the markers etc....
    So, if anyone had an idea, tip or link, I'm all for it!

    Importing iDVD Projects and Themes
    DVD Studio Pro 4 can import projects from iDVD 3 and iDVD 4. You can import an iDVD theme by using the theme in a project within iDVD and importing the project into DVD Studio Pro. When creating the project within iDVD, you do not need to use the final assets or make a complete project.
    Note: DVD Studio Pro will not import projects from iDVD 1, iDVD 2, and iDVD 5. In general, iDVD needs to be installed on the same system as DVD Studio Pro. An exception is if you import an iDVD 4 archive project.
    To import an iDVD project or archived project into DVD Studio Pro:
    1 Do one of the following:
    • Choose File > Open.
    • Press Command-O.
    2 Locate and select the iDVD project or iDVD 4 archive project in the Open dialog, then click Open.
    DVD Studio Pro imports the iDVD project.
    About the iDVD Project Import
    When DVD Studio Pro imports an iDVD 3 or iDVD 4 project or iDVD 4 archive project, it has standard locations it looks for to find the assets and themes used in the project. This is especially important if the project uses custom themes.
    The standard locations that DVD Studio Pro uses are (in this order):
    • iDVD project bundle: This is the file created when you save the project.
    • [user]/Library/iDVD/Favorites: This folder is located in your home folder.
    • [root]/Library/iDVD/Favorites: This folder is located at the root of your disk.
    • /Network/Library/iDVD/Favorites: This folder is on a network system specifically
    configured by your system administrator for this purpose. (This is not the same as having a server networked into your computer.)
    • iDVD application bundle: This is the iDVD application file that contains the default theme elements.
    Note: When you create an archive project in iDVD 4, you can choose to include the themes and encoded files. For the best portability, you should include both options. This results in a larger archive file, but ensures you can take the file to any DVD Studio Pro system and import it without missing assets. If you do not choose to include the themes and encoded files in the archive file, those assets must be available in one of the standard locations.
    If your project will have automatically-created chapter index (scene selection) menus based on markers embedded in the video, it can be easier to create these within iDVD prior to importing the project into DVD Studio Pro. This ensures the chapter index menus use the selected theme’s background and include arrow buttons to navigate between the menus.
    Important: To ensure all iDVD menu elements import correctly into DVD Studio Pro, you must navigate to each chapter index menu within iDVD before saving the project. This is also true for any menus you add to your iDVD project by clicking the Folder button.
    Issues With Importing iDVD Projects
    There are some issues to be aware of when you import iDVD projects:
    • If you import an iDVD project with DVD-ROM content, DVD Studio Pro does not update the settings in the Disc Inspector’s General tab to reflect the DVD-ROM content. You must manually select the DVD-ROM layout and choose the folder to include.
    • When you create a slideshow in iDVD, you can add arrow buttons to each still to provide viewers with an additional method of jumping to the previous and next stills. These arrow buttons are not imported when you import an iDVD project into DVD Studio Pro. The viewer must use the Previous and Next buttons on the DVD player’s remote control to jump between stills.
    • The button highlights used in iDVD may look different when imported into DVD Studio Pro. In most cases, the text in the buttons is set to be included in the highlight. Additionally, buttons that use an underline in iDVD will not have an underline when imported into DVD Studio Pro.
    • When you import an iDVD project, you may find that the button that is highlighted by default on some menus changes. During the project import, DVD Studio Pro numbers the buttons on each menu and highlights button 1 by default. You can assign any button on a menu to be the default button in the Menu tab in the Menu Inspector.
    • If you import an iDVD project that contains a drop zone configured as a slideshow and has multiple slides assigned to it, DVD Studio Pro only shows the slideshow’s first slide in the drop zone.
    Source: +DVD Studio Pro User Manual+

  • FCP Pro Res Super 16mm -- Compressor -- DVD Studio Pro (Nightmare Workflow Critique)

    I figured I post here rather than the DVD Studio Pro forum; I've posted on Creative Cow as well but haven't gotten any responses yet.
    Before I mention my problem, I'd like to mention that I've tried several types of compression methods and bitrates and unfortunately, my disk still freezes in my player, generally around the same area.
    (I have two, minute long clips with Smoothcam there).
    I'll try to be as specific about my work-flow as I can and I've posted the photos of my FCP and Compressor settings below.
    30 Minutes. Super 16mm.
    2K DPX Scans -- > Graded In Color --> Pro Res 4444 23.976 --> Sent To Compressor --> Mpeg 2 + AC3 --> Build & Format With DVD Studio Pro
    I set blue compression markers at the start of each Smoothcam clip.
    I've recompressed my footage without Smoothcam as well - with the same end result.
    I've sent my timeline to Compressor and used both the 5.5-7 VBR setting and the 6.5 CBR settings (with everything under Frame Controls set to the highest quality).
    (I've also used the 6.2-7.7 built in settings with the ninety-minute high quality preset).
    I am using Sony DVD-R disks. 16X/1X. When I play them in my PS3, the film freezes at different points in the first two-three minutes - then skips ahead exactly to the same point in my film - about halfway.
    I've set Chapter markers and it skips to the halfway one; from there it plays fine.
    1. I wanted to ask if I should maybe export my entire sequence first through FCP (an .mov file) and try Compressing that?
    (I've done this and the result is still the same)
    2. Should I set it to Pro Res 422 HQ first?
    (I've done this and the result is still the same)
    3. Perhaps I should just try to Compressor with the 90Min-HQ setting without changing anything?
    (I've done this and the result is still the same)
    4. Should I remove the Smoothcam?
    I'm currently compressing the entire sequence void of all Smoothcam.
    When I bring the files into DVD Studio Pro, I see under preferences that Studio Pro also has VBR settings. Do those have any effect on my DVD encode? There is no CBR there - only VBR set from 5.5-7.
    5. Is there anything I'm doing wrong with regards to my workflow? There are several options that may be causing this; I'm not sure if its the progressive footage to interlaced standard definition disk, or modifying field dominance, gop structure, etc.
    Any help would be greatly (that's greatly) appreciated.

    My first impression is you're trying to make this too hard...
    You have a high quality timeline which is downconverted to 1080, no problem. Once rendered, SmoothCam
    should not represent a problem. If anything, SmoothCam will reduce the sudden movement that can cause problems. Any scenes where you have a high rate of change per frame (like in an explosion or a background of leaves flapping in the wind) should be marked with compression markers.
    Export as a QT movie using sequence settings (include markers for DVDSP) so you have a completed source file for compression. I'm not aware of anything that will improve the quality beyond what is in the timeline, so current sequence settings are fine. Test this for playback issues.
    If you are having playback problems with the sequence after export and compression, the most probable cause is excessively high bandwidth requirements. Try using the DVD: Best Quality 90 minutes preset. It generally produces a very good quality product. Any attempt to increase the quality will likely increase the bandwidth requirements that are the probable cause of the skipping.
    While Sony is a big name, their DVD substrate is only mediocre. If you think the substrate is a problem, switch to Verbatim or JVC/Taiyo-Yuden.
    If you are dissatisfied with the quality of the Compressor output, look into the Cinema Craft encoding products.
    Hope this helps.

  • DVD Studio Pro quits unexpectedly

    Here is the conversation I've had under OS X Mountain Lion that I was suggested to post under Final Cut Studio hoping someone might be able to help me here:
    Evren Aydogdu
    Nov 23, 2012 9:37 AM 
    Whenever I click on Font Panel button inside Preferences to change subtitle fonts, the wheel starts turning for a while until DVD SP shuts itself. It's the same with Menu Button and Text Fonts. There's no trouble with changing any other preferences though. Deleting DVD SP with all the preferences etc. and reinstalling it did not help either.
    I ignored this and created a project using the compressed mpeg2 media converted inside Compressor with DVD Best Quality 90 minutes. The media used was H264 PAL. Subtitles in the project are Belle-nuit graphic files and menus are PSD. It runs through fine until the end. After finishing all the build process, instead of completing, DVD SP 4.2.2 quits again which is not unexpected to me anymore after my 5th attempt.
    I begin to suspect if this may be a compatibility case as I have the most recent technology imac.
    Hoping that I made myself clear enough, any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
    Re: DVD Studio Pro quits unexpectedly 
    Nov 27, 2012 5:07 AM (in response to Evren Aydogdu)
    Maybe my story will help You...
    just after upgrade to Snow Leopard (new disk for system, users, settings and apps transferred from old system) DVD SP quits when i tryied to choose for example another location for my build.
    None of these standard task helped:
    repair permissions
    new user
    delete preferences
    reinstall DVDSP...
    And below is what has helped:
    1. Download ProKitUpdate7.0
    2. Download newest Pacifist
    3. Open package ProKitUpdate7.0 with Pacifist
    4. Install package ProKitUpdate7.0 with administrator privileges with reaplace option enabled for all.
    5. Restart Mac
    Now DVDSPro works as usual.
    Evren Aydogdu
    Re: DVD Studio Pro quits unexpectedly 
    Dec 13, 2012 12:56 AM (in response to mkubam)
    Thank you very much for your help and apologies for my late reply, I've been quite busy recently.
    The computer I'm using is newly bought iMac with OS X 10.8.2. A newer version of ProKitUpdate was already on my computer when I tried ProKitUpdate 7.0. Your solution doesn't seem to apply to mine but thank you for your kindness.
    But I didn't give up and deleted Final Cut Studio 3 completely with FCS Remover, did the verify and repair thing in safe boot mode and reinstalled FS3 again. It's still the same.
    I don't think there is anything I left out after reading all the web pages, searching all forums. If it doesn't get interfered by other installed programmes such as After Effects CS5.5 or Photoshop CS5.1, which I don't know how to find out, then it is the compatibility problem. I can't think of anything else. And in this case it was a big mistake buying the newest technology computer as I'm not willing to try out Final Cut Pro X and learn another DVD authoring programme.

    Evren Aydogdu wrote:
    Whenever I click on Font Panel button inside Preferences to change subtitle fonts, the wheel starts turning for a while until DVD SP shuts itself. It's the same with Menu Button and Text Fonts. There's no trouble with changing any other preferences though. Deleting DVD SP with all the preferences etc. and reinstalling it did not help either.
    If you have a font problem, this tip may help.
    And in this case it was a big mistake buying the newest technology computer as I'm not willing to try out Final Cut Pro X and learn another DVD authoring programme.
    I would be optimistic that this will get sorted out OK. Many people are successfully running FCS3 on ML.

  • DVD Studio Pro not playing back audio of asset converted from FCP via compressor.

    I exported project via compressor:
    File Extension: m2v
    Estimated file size: 4.34 GB
    Video Encoder
        Format: M2V
        Width: 720
        Height: 480
        Pixel aspect ratio: NTSC CCIR 601/DV
        Crop: None
        Frame rate: 29.97
        Frame Controls: Off
        Aspect ratio: 4:3
        Field dominance: Bottom first
        Average data rate: 3.6 (Mbps)
        2 Pass VBR enabled
            Maximum data rate: 7.5 (Mbps)
        High quality
        Best motion estimation
        Closed GOP Size: 15, Structure: IBBP
        DVD Studio Pro meta-data enabled
    This took about 7.5 hours.  I exported the audio separately as AC3. Finder plays it sound & pictures.  Quicktime plays the video.  DVD Studio Pro, when I drag the assets (video, audio) to the timeline editor, so I can play it in the viewer, it plays the audio the video is black.  No setting in view or any other setting will get it to play the video.  This project is due to ship today and I don't want to re import it if I don't have to.
    I exported this project before the MPEG2 export as a Qicktime with .mov suffix.  This plays alright, but there is artifacting around motion.  I think this is due to low VBR, but don't know.  Can ayone help?
    Dix Moser
    [email protected]
    FCP Studio
    PowerMac 1.8G 3G mem 250G HD
    750 G ext. Firewire drive (where media is stored)

    If I may chime in...
    I'm a little confused on the "what plays what" part, but  all that really matters is what DVDSP sees/plays.
    I've worked on a system like yours and what I'd recommend is:
    1. NEVER export via Compressor. It's just ungodly slow on anything less than a Quad. Export a self contained QuickTime Movie using the first export option and use that to feed Compressor.
    2. Segment your output into manageable clips (I like 15-20 minutes) both to perfect the encoding and so you aren't re-encoding the whole show if something goes sour. It will all play fine as long as it's all in the same DVDSP timeline.
    From what you describe, I'm thinking you're on an early version of Compressor that had A-Pack as the AC-3 encoder. This is no biggie, I mention it mostly to verify. Early Compressor was good too.
    Make maybe a 5 minute piece to tune up. Just export as normal, then into Compressor. Your encoding values seem about right. Get the AV pair into DVDSP and it should play. I'm guessing that part of your problem is that the processor is fighting to handle the project size. Build the test clip project and look at it in DVD Player to view what would have been burned. If all looks OK, go for it. If not, bring back the results for discussion. This should be a snap, it's just a really big project.  Keep your head up, I had a friend do a 225-minute disk on his G5... 

  • Error While Installing DVD Studio Pro 3

    Hey, would anybody be able to help me here?
    I have tried to install my copy of DVD Studio Pro 3, and all goes well until the DVD Templates begin installing. It gets to them being 99% installed, then says there was an error installing the software, and to try again later. I have tried it a number of times, each time with the same result. I have gone into custom install, and unchecked the templates, but it still happens, this time when installing the themes.
    I really need to get this thing up and running. Is there anything I can do? Has anyone come across this before? Any help and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    At first I tried all the usual suspects. Remove all third party stuff. Brand new 160GB Seagate HD formatted with Tiger disk utility on the Quicksilver 800. The utility formatted the drive as a 149GB. All kind of wierdness. Computer would not even start in safe mode, yet Tiger would run Safari etc. I suspected RAM as somewhere else on the Apple site; ram was listed as the major culprit. Not so! What the problem is seems to be a conflict with the Tiger formatting and the firmware of the Quicksilver 800. These machines only recognize 127GB or smaller. Just for laughs I started up with an OS9.2.1 disk, and it said that the disk was not an HFS disk. Reformatted and all was well. It seems this was a problem with early 2001 machines.
    Previously I had not seen this problem.

  • DVD Studio Pro 4 doesn't see my dual layer burner

    Not too long ago, I upgraded my superdrive to the MCE 16X DVD-/+R drive with double layer support. Now, when I try to burn to DVD Studio Pro 4, the drive is not listed as an output option. The only thing listed are my hard drives. Allegedly, this drive is supposed to have native support with both DVD Studio Pro 4 and Tiger. Short of taking out this drive and putting the single layer drive back in, does anyone have a suggestion?
    By the way, it WILL burn CDs in ITunes...
    G5 Dual 2.5 GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    Don't know much about the burner, but can you can use Toast or Disk Utility as mentioned in may threads involving alternative burning outside of DVDSP?
    If so then there ya go but if not then back to single-layer I guess.

Maybe you are looking for