Dynamic textbox movement

I have a textbox in a JSP file that appears only when a particular value is selected in a listbox. This has been done through Javascript.
Now, when the textbox is added, the whole form moves down.
How to eliminate this movement?
Following's the Javascript code:
function textBox(areaName, submitted)
var spanTxtID = document.getElementById('insertTxtSpan');
var txtSpan = document.getElementById('txtSpan');
var areaNameText=document.createElement('input');
areaNameText.setAttribute('type', 'text');
areaNameText.setAttribute('name', 'areaNameText');
areaNameText.setAttribute('maxLength', 20);
areaNameText.setAttribute('size', '30');
areaNameText.setAttribute('height', '21.3');
while(errSpan.hasChildNodes()) errSpan.removeChild(errSpan.lastChild);
while(txtSpan.hasChildNodes()) txtSpan.removeChild(txtSpan.lastChild);
while(spanTxtID.hasChildNodes()) spanTxtID.removeChild(spanTxtID.lastChild);
while(errSpan.hasChildNodes()) errSpan.removeChild(errSpan.lastChild);
while(txtSpan.hasChildNodes()) txtSpan.removeChild(txtSpan.lastChild);
while(spanTxtID.hasChildNodes()) spanTxtID.removeChild(spanTxtID.lastChild);

Helo Ananth,
What i want is as i press one button i want one textbox object shuld appear on the canvas.I am not talking about the thing like we make one textbox and on click of button it must be visible.so i want to make a textbox dynamically or at runtime it shuld appear.

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                         var d =document.getElementById("bottom");
                         d.innerHTML = '<table cellpadding="10">';
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    move the <% int m=0;%> out of the loop.. You have place it in the loop, causing it to be initialize to be 0 each time the looping occurs.
    Place <% int m=0;%> below the line: d.innerHTML = '<table cellpadding="10">'

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    Thanks for your swift response.
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    timer = 0;
    countup = function(){
    countupInterval = setInterval(countup,100);
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    An instructor at a summer camp told me to avoid scenes, so
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    I'm not sure I quite understand the first post - you want the
    students to put in their own answer key?
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    ++score; //adds to score variable
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    result3A_txt. If the user answered the problem correctly, the field
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    percent_txt.text = Math.round((score / max_score) *

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    yes, load it 100 times. it will be retrieved from the user's
    browser cache after the first time so this is not the limitation
    you're thinking it might be.

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    <script language="JavaScript">
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    var spanTxtID = document.getElementById('insertTxtSpan');
    var areaNameText=document.createElement('input');
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    areaNameText.setAttribute('name', 'areaNameText');
    areaNameText.setAttribute('maxLength', 20);
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    <script code="text/javascript">
    function dynam(val)
    var d= document.getElementById("Bottom");
    d.innerHTML += '<tr><td>Parameter</td><td><INPUT type="text" name="week"'+i+'size = 15></td>';
    d.innerHTML +='</table>' ;
    </script>in the above code."val" is the integer value passed while calling this function. "Bottom" is the id of <DIV> tag in my JSP page.
    My problem is : when i creating a text box. the Unique name of the textbox in not getting generated.All the text bok has the same name as "week",but i want the name to be as week1,week2,week3,.....etc
    Edited by: AnilTcs on Jan 21, 2009 1:31 AM

    Try this:
    d.innerHTML += '<tr><td>Parameter</td><td><INPUT type="text" name="week '+i+' " size = 15></td>';I have just changed the quotes around week. Hope this helps.

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    // Import the MX.UTILS so it can be used to set the scope of the listBox listener and the xml onload feature
    import mx.utils.Delegate;
    // Define default URL to load if no URL is defined in XML attribute
    _root.urlLink = "http://www.somesite.com";
    // declare variables
    var people:Array;
    var product:Array;
    var update:String;
    var dirpath:String;
    // set up the XML instance
    var peoplexml:XML = new XML();
    // initialize items on stage
    // define what should happen when the XML loads
    // (read data into update, dirpath, and brand variables)
    function onXmlLoaded(success:Boolean)
        if (success)
            // make a handle to the root node in the xml
            var mainnode:XMLNode = peoplexml.firstChild;
            update = mainnode.attributes.lastupdate;
            dirpath = mainnode.attributes.dir;
            // set up an array of all brand nodes
            var peoplenodes:Array = peoplexml.firstChild.childNodes;
            for (var i:Number = 0; i < peoplenodes.length; i++)
                // for each brand node:
                var personnode:XMLNode = peoplenodes[i];
                people.push({i:i + 1, pname:personnode.attributes.name});
            // data is all read and put in the right place -- now setup the screen
            // using this data
            trace('error reading XML');
    function setup()
        // set up chooseperson dropdown
        choosebrand.labelField = "pname";
        choosebrand.dataProvider = people;
        choosebrand.addEventListener("change",Delegate.create(this, loadProducts));
    function loadProducts(evt:Array)
        var thisitem:Array = evt.target.selectedItem;
        var productList:Array;
        chooseproduct.labelField = "prname";
        product = [prname];
        var peoplenodes:Array = peoplexml.firstChild.childNodes;
        for (var i:Number = 0; i < peoplenodes.length; i++)
            // for each brand node:
            var personnode:XMLNode = peoplenodes[i];
            if (personnode.attributes.name == thisitem.pname)
                var productnodes:Array = personnode.childNodes;
                for (var j:Number = 0; j < productnodes.length; j++)
                    // for each product node:
                    var productnode:XMLNode = productnodes[j];
                    product.push({i:j + 1, prname:productnode.attributes.title, img:productnode.attributes.photo, url:productnode.attributes.url, txt:productnode.attributes.txt, det:productnode.attributes.det, price:productnode.attributes.price, clck:productnode.attributes.clck});
                loader.img.contentPath = "";
                loader.clck.text = "";
                loader.ldng.text = "";
                productTitle.ptitle.text = "";
                productTitle.pdet.text = "";
                productTitle.prc.text = "";
        //initialize the product array
        chooseproduct.labelField = "prname";
        chooseproduct.dataProvider = product;
        chooseproduct.addEventListener("change",Delegate.create(this, loadImage));
    function loadImage(evt:Array)
        var thisitem:Array = evt.target.selectedItem;
        productTitle.ptitle.text = thisitem.txt;
        productTitle.pdet.text = thisitem.det;
        productTitle.prc.text = 'Rs.'+ thisitem.price;
        loader.img.contentPath = thisitem.img;
        loader.clck.text = thisitem.clck;
        loader.ldng.text = 'Loading Image...';
        _root.urlLink = thisitem.url;
    function init()
        // initialize the brand array
        people = [pname];
        // set up the xml instance to ignore whitespace between tags
        peoplexml.ignoreWhite = true;
        // set the scope of the onLoad function to the main timeline, not peoplexml
        peoplexml.onLoad = Delegate.create(this, onXmlLoaded);
        // start the xml loading

    You can use the setTimeout() function if you want to delay some code from executing

  • Font related issue in dynamic textBox

    hi everybody,
    i hv a problem. i m loading data from XML file which of UTF-8
    encoded and showing it on a dynamic textBox. i m using the font
    Arial which is already embaded in the library. the problem is that
    the data is not showing n if i chenges the data to that of english
    the data shows up. but if i m creating the dynamic textBox at the
    _root even chinese data also showing properly.
    can any body help me to find out what could be the exact
    problem , thanks
    can u please PM me top [email protected]

    well that depends how u are using your text. an XML can be
    easiliy shown in Dynamic text box. there are some issues when you
    mask it,
    although do one thing, if you are using Arial try not to
    embed and then see what happens, if it still raises a problem, let
    me know

  • Why does ' ' kill my dynamic textbox content?

    Well... I think it's because Flash sees it as a broken HTML tag, so I guess my real question is how to fix it?
    Here's the scoop:
    I have a dynamic textbox which is being assigned a variable. The textbox is set to render as HTML and all fonts are loaded.
    The following variables appear fine in my textbox:
    varText = "This is <b>bold</b>";
    varText ="Two is > One.";
    but this one
    varText ="One is < Two.";
    is truncated as soon as it hits the "<".  Wrapping everything in <p>variable</p> doesn't help
    Any ideas?
    - JG

    OK... I go it solved.
    First I realized that inserting a &#60; into the HTML string did display the "<".
    But, a mass replace killed all my actual HTML tags of course.
    So, I had to write a script to seek out all instances of "<" and leave the actual tags alone (eg <b>, </b>, etc.), but replace the other instances with the character code.
    There's probably a better way... but at least this works.
    - Jamal

  • Looping a dynamic textbox to update its content?

    i have a 100 frame movieclip with a dynamic textbox inside that outputs the current frame.
    This movieclip gradualy goes from frame 100 - frame 0.
    would i need this textbox on 100 frames with code on each or just 1 stretched through the 100 frames? i can get it to say 100, when its on the 100th frame but its doesnt go to 99 98 etc.
    atm i tryed:
    mc.onEnterFrame = function()
    mc.text = _currentframe;
    but that doesnt work.

    If mc is a textfield, textfields do not have an onEnterFrame method.  Try using this instead...
    this.onEnterFrame = function()
           mc.text = _currentframe;
    You should only need one instance of the textfield spanning across the timeline.

  • JS validation for dynamic textbox

    How can i validate dynamic textbox using javascript?.
    item_val_#i# is required field.
    <cfloop from="1" to="#count#" index="i">
    <input type="text" name="item_val_#i#" size="5"

    use the same cfloop inside your js code (assuming it is IN
    PAGE, not in a separate file).
    obviously, your #count# variable must be set BEFORE the js
    something like [not complete function]:
    function validatefields(){
    var errstr = "";
    (document.forms[0].elements["item_val_#i#"].value=="") ?
    errstr =
    errstr + "\nField Myfield#i# must have a value!" : errstr =
    but i would suggest you better validate input server-side...
    Azadi Saryev

  • Textboxes move in random directions

    Textboxes move in random directions when I move them with the arrow keys. If I press down and keep it pressing, they sometimes start moving upwards, and then slowly change they "trajectory" towards the expected direction. Other times they ALMOST
    take the right direction at first.

    In which Office application do you experience the issue? Or the issue occurs in all Office applications?
    Please try to launch the specific Office application in safe mode and see if issue persists:
    If it works well in safe mode, then issue might be caused by some add-ins.
    Also, please install any available Office or Windows updates and then check result.
    Ethan Hua CHN
    TechNet Community Support

  • Alpha properties in a dynamically generated movie

    the situation:
    i have to dynamically generate a movie clip
    inside the already created movie clip i have two event
    controllers which ( SHOULD) set the _alpha state of two instances(
    which happen to be 2 diff key frames of one animation sequence
    turns out im unable to get anything to happen with either one
    of the instances -- the variables which control the MC are
    accessible to the function b/c a trace(var); statment will trace
    the correct value -- but the movie clip wont set its _alpha to that
    passed value.
    any suggestions???

    that is correct
    the trace statement is directly above the _alpha assignment
    the newer post i just put up is a little less convoluted --
    so it might make a little more sence

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