E17 language selector bug

Hey, so I've made a switch to E17 (community/e-svn from), and found that a long known bug doesn't let me use the keyboard layout switcher tool. Google gives nothing, the ticket is open. I just wanted to ask, has anyone here stumbled upon this problem and solved it?

Thanks anyway.
This is a very stupid question and maybe for another post, but I couldn't try the class you posted here
because I couldn't compile it because I downloaded the library and got the folder in for example here:
C:\Documents and Settings\Mis documentos\softsmithy-v20070520\softsmithy-v20070520\src\org\softsmithy\lib
From there I added them one by one to my own folder (the one where I have my Java projets and where I downloaded the class you posted) and then I started recompiling each class I was asked for when started compiling the class you posted, but there are so many classes in the library, each one needed to compile the other and I don't know how to compile all at once or include the whole library as a package..
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  • Language selector works fine but just for one language

    Hi, I've got this language selector working for english language, it is just a combo box and a text label, you select the language in the combo box and it shows the label translated to that language, it works for english, but now I'm trying to make it work for Spanish. This is done in the commented part of the text but when I try to compile that part I get the error in this line:
    Locale localizacion2 = Locale.ES;
    as if Locale.ES does not exist.
    I listed all the Locales and there it is an ES locale, and i did the same for both languages, can't find what's wrong...
    I defined the Datos_en_US.properties file containing just this line:
    TextLabel = Hellooooooooo
    and it works fine
    and I also defined the Datos_es_ES for the spanish translation.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class Selector extends javax.swing.JFrame
    private ResourceBundle resources;
    private javax.swing.JLabel jEtSaludo;
    private javax.swing.JButton jBtSaludo;
    private javax.swing.JComboBox langList;
    private javax.swing.JButton jbtAceptar;
    private javax.swing.JLabel jlbGradosC;
      public Selector()      // constructor
      { //loadResources();
        setSize(300, 200);      // tama�o del formulario
        setTitle("Language Selector"); // t�tulo del formulario
        initComponents();       // iniciar controles o componentes
        private void initComponents()//GEN-BEGIN:initComponents
          addWindowListener(new java.awt.event.WindowAdapter()
              public void windowClosing(java.awt.event.WindowEvent evt)
          jlbGradosC = new javax.swing.JLabel();
          String[] langStrings = { "Espa�ol", "French", "Dutch", "Chinese", "Ingles" };
       langList = new JComboBox(langStrings);
         jbtAceptar= new javax.swing.JButton();
       jbtAceptar.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener()
          public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt)
    private void jbtAceptarActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt)
      Object nombre;
      nombre = langList.getSelectedItem();
            System.out.println("Language--> " + nombre);
                Locale localizacion = Locale.US;  //en ingl�s
                ResourceBundle mensajes = ResourceBundle.getBundle("Datos",localizacion);     
    //else if(nombre.equals("Espa�ol")){
              //  Locale localizacion2 = Locale.ES; 
      //          ResourceBundle mensajes2 = ResourceBundle.getBundle("Datos",localizacion2);     
        //        jlbGradosC.setText(mensajes2.getString("TestLabel"));
      /** Exit the Application */
      private void exitForm(java.awt.event.WindowEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_exitForm
        System.exit (0);
      public static void main (String args[])
        new Selector().setVisible(true);
    }But when I list all the available Locales using this class, I get the list below where it is es_ES
    import java.util.*;
    import java.text.*;
    public class Available {
        static public void main(String[] args) {
         Locale list[] = DateFormat.getAvailableLocales();
         for (Locale aLocale : list) {
             System.out.println( aLocale.toString() +" "+  aLocale.getDisplayName());
    ar �rabe
    ar_AE �rabe (Emiratos �rabes Unidos)
    ar_BH �rabe (Bahr�in)
    ar_DZ �rabe (Argelia)
    ar_EG �rabe (Egipto)
    ar_IQ �rabe (Iraq)
    ar_JO �rabe (Jordania)
    ar_KW �rabe (Kuwait)
    ar_LB �rabe (L�bano)
    ar_LY �rabe (Libia)
    ar_MA �rabe (Marruecos)
    ar_OM �rabe (Om�n)
    ar_QA �rabe (Qatar)
    ar_SA �rabe (Arabia Saudita)
    ar_SD �rabe (Sud�n)
    ar_SY �rabe (Siria)
    ar_TN �rabe (T�nez)
    ar_YE �rabe (Yemen)
    hi_IN hind� (India)
    iw hebreo
    iw_IL hebreo (Israel)
    ja japon�s
    ja_JP japon�s (Jap�n)
    ko coreano
    ko_KR coreano (Corea del Sur)
    th tailand�s
    th_TH tailand�s (Tailandia)
    th_TH_TH tailand�s (Tailandia,TH)
    vi vietnamita
    vi_VN vietnamita (Vietnam)
    zh chino
    zh_CN chino (China)
    zh_HK chino (Hong Kong)
    zh_TW chino (Taiw�n)
    be bielorruso
    be_BY bielorruso (Bielorrusia)
    bg b�lgaro
    bg_BG b�lgaro (Bulgaria)
    ca catal�n
    ca_ES catal�n (Espa�a)
    cs checo
    cs_CZ checo (Chequia)
    da dan�s
    da_DK dan�s (Dinamarca)
    de alem�n
    de_AT alem�n (Austria)
    de_CH alem�n (Suiza)
    de_DE alem�n (Alemania)
    de_LU alem�n (Luxemburgo)
    el griego
    el_GR griego (Grecia)
    en_AU ingl�s (Australia)
    en_CA ingl�s (Canad�)
    en_GB ingl�s (Reino Unido)
    en_IE ingl�s (Irlanda)
    en_IN ingl�s (India)
    en_NZ ingl�s (Nueva Zelanda)
    en_ZA ingl�s (Sud�frica)
    es espa�ol
    es_AR espa�ol (Argentina)
    es_BO espa�ol (Bolivia)
    es_CL espa�ol (Chile)
    es_CO espa�ol (Colombia)
    es_CR espa�ol (Costa Rica)
    es_DO espa�ol (Rep�blica Dominicana)
    es_EC espa�ol (Ecuador)
    es_ES espa�ol (Espa�a)
    es_GT espa�ol (Guatemala)
    es_HN espa�ol (Honduras)
    es_MX espa�ol (M�xico)
    es_NI espa�ol (Nicaragua)
    es_PA espa�ol (Panam�)
    es_PE espa�ol (Per�)
    es_PR espa�ol (Puerto Rico)
    es_PY espa�ol (Paraguay)
    es_SV espa�ol (El Salvador)
    es_UY espa�ol (Uruguay)
    es_VE espa�ol (Venezuela)
    et estonio
    et_EE estonio (Estonia)
    fi fin�s
    fi_FI fin�s (Finlandia)
    fr franc�s
    fr_BE franc�s (B�lgica)
    fr_CA franc�s (Canad�)
    fr_CH franc�s (Suiza)
    fr_FR franc�s (Francia)
    fr_LU franc�s (Luxemburgo)
    hr croata
    hr_HR croata (Croacia)
    hu h�ngaro
    hu_HU h�ngaro (Hungr�a)
    is island�s
    is_IS island�s (Islandia)
    it italiano
    it_CH italiano (Suiza)
    it_IT italiano (Italia)
    lt lituano
    lt_LT lituano (Lituania)
    lv let�n
    lv_LV let�n (Letonia)
    mk macedonio
    mk_MK macedonio (Macedonia)
    nl Neerland�s
    nl_BE Neerland�s (B�lgica)
    nl_NL Neerland�s (Holanda)
    no noruego
    no_NO noruego (Noruega)
    no_NO_NY noruego (Noruega,Nynorsk)
    pl polaco
    pl_PL polaco (Polonia)
    pt portugu�s
    pt_BR portugu�s (Brasil)
    pt_PT portugu�s (Portugal)
    ro rumano
    ro_RO rumano (Rumania)
    ru ruso
    ru_RU ruso (Rusia)
    sk eslovaco
    sk_SK eslovaco (Eslovaquia)
    sl eslovenio
    sl_SI eslovenio (Eslovenia)
    sq alban�s
    sq_AL alban�s (Albania)
    sr serbio
    sr_BA serbio (Bosnia y Hercegovina)
    sr_CS serbio (Serbia y Montenegro)
    sv sueco
    sv_SE sueco (Suecia)
    tr turco
    tr_TR turco (Turqu�a)
    uk ucranio
    uk_UA ucranio (Ucrania)
    en_US ingl�s (Estados Unidos)
    en ingl�s

    Thanks anyway.
    This is a very stupid question and maybe for another post, but I couldn't try the class you posted here
    because I couldn't compile it because I downloaded the library and got the folder in for example here:
    C:\Documents and Settings\Mis documentos\softsmithy-v20070520\softsmithy-v20070520\src\org\softsmithy\lib
    From there I added them one by one to my own folder (the one where I have my Java projets and where I downloaded the class you posted) and then I started recompiling each class I was asked for when started compiling the class you posted, but there are so many classes in the library, each one needed to compile the other and I don't know how to compile all at once or include the whole library as a package..
    Message was edited by:

  • Language Selector Component Choice

    Hi Everyone,
    I have a Flash AS2 Pull-Down language selector for 11 languages that I use for Director 11, Authorware 7 and web pages. Now, time marches on and I must add 19 more languages. It will be too large for several of it use locations.  I also re-work it for OEM versions where I add or delete a few languages. I need to remain with the AS2 for backwards compatibility. It won't fit with the new languages.
    I am looking for examples, samples, ideas, free components and FLAs. I have 3 variables (4 if you count regions) that I pass/use/display to set and display localised content. I am really looking for a free spinning globe I can modify for regions and usability improvements tha tI may get requested to do. Can anyone help me?
    I already detect the OS or browser language. I am using Flash CS3.
    I have been looking at menus with submenus for regions, spinning globes (with regional hot spots), Trees, etc. for my new language selector. I am looking for pieces that I can ultimately take and create dynamically with lists or XML. I would like to create global regions. I have not found a good, free spinning globe I can use yet. I did find an example for making one using masks. It might cause issues with my large Authorware developed projects. Authorware seems to see undisplayed pieces of flash components and cause interaction problems. I would like to build a globe with all the UTF-8 codes in an XML reference the includes the Lang code, 1-3 locale lang. phrases, a region number and active state of language in the for the project.
    Icons are best because they require little or no translations (and their associated font issues) - that is why the globe method is so attractive.
    Jim Wiley

    Thanks anyway.
    This is a very stupid question and maybe for another post, but I couldn't try the class you posted here
    because I couldn't compile it because I downloaded the library and got the folder in for example here:
    C:\Documents and Settings\Mis documentos\softsmithy-v20070520\softsmithy-v20070520\src\org\softsmithy\lib
    From there I added them one by one to my own folder (the one where I have my Java projets and where I downloaded the class you posted) and then I started recompiling each class I was asked for when started compiling the class you posted, but there are so many classes in the library, each one needed to compile the other and I don't know how to compile all at once or include the whole library as a package..
    Message was edited by:

  • Language selector scope

    Hi! I'm trying to let the end user select the language of a menu, to do that first I developed this Selector class, that is only a form showing a label and a combo box where he selects the language, here he can select the language of the label I show in the form and works fine.
    Now I need to use this combo box to select the language of the whole application, to try this I have another class named menu where I show the user some options (FILE, HELP,) when he selects FILE and then CONFIGURATION I show him the Selector class where he should select the language of the options.
    The question is: where do I set the text of all the labels showed in the menu class? in the selector class? in the if else sentences of the selector class do I have to set the text of the menu class labels?
    So If my application had 100 menues and submenues all of their labels should be set there?
    I think that all the labels should be in one file (Datos in my example) but should all the labels of all the menues also be set in one class??
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class Selector extends javax.swing.JFrame
    //private ResourceBundle resources;
    private javax.swing.JLabel jEtSaludo;
    private javax.swing.JButton jBtSaludo;
    private javax.swing.JComboBox langList;
    private javax.swing.JButton jbtAceptar;
    private javax.swing.JLabel jlbTest;
      public Selector()      // constructor
      { //loadResources();
        setSize(300, 200);      // tama�o del formulario
        setTitle("Language Selector"); // t�tulo del formulario
        initComponents();       // iniciar controles o componentes
        private void initComponents()//GEN-BEGIN:initComponents
          addWindowListener(new java.awt.event.WindowAdapter()
              public void windowClosing(java.awt.event.WindowEvent evt)
          jlbTest = new javax.swing.JLabel();
          String[] langStrings = { "Espa�ol", "French", "Dutch", "Catalan", "Ingles" };
       langList = new JComboBox(langStrings);
         jbtAceptar= new javax.swing.JButton();
       jbtAceptar.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener()
          public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt)
    private void jbtAceptarActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt)
      Object nombre;
      nombre = langList.getSelectedItem();
            System.out.println("Language--> " + nombre);
                Locale localizacion = Locale.US;  //en ingl�s
                ResourceBundle mensajes = ResourceBundle.getBundle("Datos",localizacion);     
    else if(nombre.equals("Espa�ol")){
                Locale localizacion2;
               localizacion2 = new Locale("es", "ES");
                ResourceBundle mensajes = ResourceBundle.getBundle("Datos",localizacion2);     
    else if(nombre.equals("Catalan")){
                Locale localizacion3;
               localizacion3 = new Locale("ca", "ES");
                ResourceBundle mensajes = ResourceBundle.getBundle("Datos",localizacion3);     
      /** Exit the Application */
      private void exitForm(java.awt.event.WindowEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_exitForm
        System.exit (0);
      public static void main (String args[])
        new Selector().setVisible(true);
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.util.ResourceBundle;
    public class Menus extends javax.swing.JFrame
    //ResourceBundle res = ResourceBundle.getBundle("Resources");
    public Menus()
    setSize(500, 300);
    //String title = res.getString("TITLE");
    this.setTitle("APPLICATION TITLE");
    private void initComponents()
    jmbarBarraDeMenus = new javax.swing.JMenuBar();
    jmnuArchivo = new javax.swing.JMenu();
    //String fi = res.getString("FILE");
    jmnuHelp = new javax.swing.JMenu();
    //String hel = res.getString("HELP");
    jmnuLang = new javax.swing.JMenu();
    //String lang = res.getString("LANGUAGE");
    jmnuAbrir = new javax.swing.JMenuItem();
    //String op = res.getString("OPEN");
    jmnuConfigura = new javax.swing.JMenuItem();
    //String co = res.getString("CONFIGURATION");
    jmnuConfigura.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    addWindowListener(new java.awt.event.WindowAdapter()
    public void windowClosing(java.awt.event.WindowEvent evt)
    /** Exit the Application */
    private void exitForm(java.awt.event.WindowEvent evt) {
    System.exit (0);
    void jMenuConf_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    Selector dlg = new Selector();
    dlg.setVisible(true) ;
    public static void main (String args[])
    new Menus().setVisible(true);
    private javax.swing.JMenuBar jmbarBarraDeMenus;
    private javax.swing.JMenu jmnuArchivo;
    private javax.swing.JMenu jmnuHelp;
    private javax.swing.JMenu jmnuLang;
    private javax.swing.JMenuItem jmnuAbrir;
    private javax.swing.JMenuItem jmnuConfigura;

    I don't understand, if I've got an application with 100 GUI classes, I don't see how does this work.
    My 2 classes example I think could work to show my problem, in the Menu class when user hits in CONFIGIRATION I call the Selector class:
    void jMenuConf_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    Selector dlg = new Selector();
    dlg.setVisible( true) ;
    } in Selector class is where I define the different locales (one for each language) and the label for each one, so the Menu class never gets those locales, and if I had other 100 classes they would not notice that change.
    Do I have to declare the CONFIGURATION option and all the other options in the Selection class?

  • Gnome-language-selector

    i've read that to solve a problem that i have using virtualbox, i may use gnome-language-selector and enable "Enable support to enter complex characters".
    where's gnome-language-selector on Arch? i've tried gconf-editor to enable this, but i couldn't find anything.
    any suggestions?

    It looks like it's an ubuntu program.  It seems that you can get it here:  http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/hardy … e-selector.

  • E17 Icon Selector Issue

    Hey all,
      I have searched for the answer to this to no avail.  If I missed something please direct me to the proper post.  That being said here's my question:
      In the icon selector module in E17 via the settings panel, I cannot select a newly installed icon, only ones that have been there previous to the creation of my username.  If I delete my username and start a new one the newly installed icon will show up.  Icons are installed in ~/.icons & /usr/share/icons.  Any ideas?  I've never had this trouble in E17 before.  I tried fixing permissions to no avail.  I'm running E17 on Arch x86 3.0.0 installed from the standard e-svn and e17-extra-svn packages.  If I log in as root everything shows up.

    FarmerF wrote:I have not had this problem so I am not sure how to fix it but ~./icons and /usr/share/icons should work. Make sure that the icons are in a subfolder of one of these folders and contain a valid  index.theme" file in the subdirectory. A quick search suggests that the easiest way to select another icon theme is to use an external tool (like LXAppearance). They might show up in E once you install them in this way.
    Already tried that.  I've installed it every which way, including LXAppearance.  Might be an E bug.  It works in Bodhi Linux (another E distro if you're not familiar with it), hence why I thought it might also be something to do with GTK3 as Bodhi is GTK2 based (Ubuntu 10.04).  I'm going to create another user just for the heck of it and see if it fixes the problem.

  • Language support bug with iphone 2.0 software?

    With 2G iPhone running with 2.0 software, I have noticed the following.
    When I have "Settings -> General -> International -> Language" set to English, the Chinese text sent in my emails becomes corrupted in the email body, and other non-iphone users cannot read my message contents.
    The Chinese text in the email subject, however, looks fine, just not in the message body.
    The work-around is to change the "Settings -> General -> International -> Language" setting to Chinese as well, and then send the email with Chinese text. That will work, but it's annoying when you do not want everything on your phone to show Chinese.
    Is this a known bug and is there a fix?

    Is this a known bug and is there a fix?
    It could be that when the OS is set to English, Chinese email is sent in UTF-8 encoding, which is sometimes not supported at the other end. There is no way to change this on the iPhone I think. It can also happen in the ordinary OS X:
    Send me a test message in Chinese with your OS set to English and I can confirm (tom at bluesky dot org).

  • Selector bug?

    I've written sample socket server on Java using java.nio.* and expirienced problem that seemed to be solved here: [http://bugs.sun.com/view_bug.do?bug_id=6403933]. Behaviour is like described in bug report: after some connections Selector doesn't wait a timeout, it executes ten times a millisecond.
    According to bug database this should be fixed in 6u4(b02), we have 6u16(b01) and Linux 2.6.28. How come that 6u16 doesn't contain fix added in 6u4? is that possible?
    Code goes here:
    public void work(long timeout) {
            int retval = 0;
            try {
                retval = m_selector.select(timeout);
            catch (Exception e) {
            if (retval == 0)
            Iterator it = m_selector.selectedKeys().iterator();
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                SelectionKey key = (SelectionKey)it.next();
                if (!key.isAcceptable())
                try {
                    Socket socket = m_sockl.accept();
                      System.out.println("socket accepted");
                catch (IOException e) {
                catch (PoolFullException e) {
                    System.err.println("pool is full");
        }The function is executed in loop:
    while (m_running) {

    ejp wrote:
    in real life clients will disconnect when they want and how they want, so I can't rely on closing channels on server side.That doesn't make sense to me. In real life, both the client and the server have to close their channels. If you're decermenting the client count you should be closing the channel. Alternatively maybe you shouldn'ty be decrementing the client count?They have to, but they often don't ((: For example, what happens with your software when connection broke?
    I should write a production code, not a laboratorial one, so I want to be shure that my software will work as expected under any circumstances.
    Okay, current code (which still causes immediate select exits):    public void run() {
            Selector selector;
            try {
                selector = Selector.open();
            catch (IOException e) {
                System.err.println("ServerWorker: cannot open selector");
            System.out.println("worker running, have " + m_commandHandlers.size() + " command handlers");
            while (!m_stopped) {
                int n;
                if (m_clients <= 0)
                try {
                    n = selector.select(m_timeout);
                catch (IOException e) {
                    System.err.println("selector.select error" + e.getMessage());
                if (this.interrupted())
                if (n == 0) {
                    System.out.println("continue " + System.currentTimeMillis());
                System.out.println("select exited");
                Iterator it = selector.selectedKeys().iterator();
                while (it.hasNext()) {
                    SelectionKey key = (SelectionKey)it.next();
                    if (!key.isReadable())
                    System.out.println("got some message from client");
                    if (!proceedInput(key)) {
                        System.out.println("closing client channel");
                        try {
                        catch (IOException e) {
                            System.err.println("channel close failed: " + e.getMessage());
        }Is this right?

  • Language Selection bug (Mac)

    I have appreciated the possibility to select a language different from the one of the OS via menù (previously I had to delete the Italian language folder to use English as operating language for LR) but it does not work perfectly and part o the panel is still shown in the OS language (iItalian in this case).

    Thanks Ario, the localization isn't quite complete yet, so if you spot any other mistakes, let us know.

  • Language selector for resourcebundle

    Hi! I was asked to internationalizate a lot of menues, and I'm stuck in how the user selects the language, in here
    the language is passed as a parameter but I need the user to select it from a menu, in here
    i've found what i need but still with no user parameters and I can't find out how to select the language in a swing interface and pass it to the resourcebundle

    here is a small sample to give you a start:
    import java.util.Locale;
    import javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel;
    import javax.swing.JComponent;
    import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
    import org.softsmithy.lib.swing.LocaleCellRenderer;
    import org.softsmithy.lib.swing.XDefaultListCellRenderer;
    import org.softsmithy.lib.util.LocaleDisplay;
    import org.softsmithy.lib.util.Locales;
    public class LocaleSelectionTestFrame extends javax.swing.JFrame {
        private Locale[] locales;
        private Locale currentLocale = Locale.ENGLISH;
        /** Creates new form LocaleSelectionTestFrame */
        public LocaleSelectionTestFrame() {
            locales = new Locale[] {Locale.ENGLISH,
            new Locale("de", "CH"),
            new Locale("fr", "CH"),
            new Locale("it", "CH")};
            localeBox.setRenderer(new XDefaultListCellRenderer(new LocaleCellRenderer()));
            setSize(300, 150);
        /** This method is called from within the constructor to
         * initialize the form.
         * WARNING: Do NOT modify this code. The content of this method is
         * always regenerated by the Form Editor.
        // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc=" Generated Code ">                         
        private void initComponents() {
            localeBox = new javax.swing.JComboBox();
            getContentPane().setLayout(new java.awt.GridBagLayout());
            localeBox.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
                public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
            getContentPane().add(localeBox, new java.awt.GridBagConstraints());
        }// </editor-fold>                       
        private void localeBoxActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {                                         
            currentLocale = (Locale) localeBox.getSelectedItem();
        private void updateLocale() {
         * @param args the command line arguments
        public static void main(String args[]) {
            java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    new LocaleSelectionTestFrame().setVisible(true);
        private void updateModel() {
            Locale[] l = Locales.sort(locales, LocaleDisplay.NAME, currentLocale);
            DefaultComboBoxModel model = new DefaultComboBoxModel(l);
        // Variables declaration - do not modify                    
        private javax.swing.JComboBox localeBox;
        // End of variables declaration                  
    }Note: it uses some utility classes of my open source library:

  • Machine selector bug??

    Webtools 6 sp1
    Em I right in thinking that the way the system works at the moment, a part can NOT be a component of a product line and a selected component of machine selector?
    And why?

    Thanks Bryce,
    Here's the sql statement that gets generated by NetPoint business object responsible for handling Machine selector requests. It gets generated on the IndexChange event of the Year pull-down menu.
    pm.PartNo, ISNULL(pcs.PartName, pm.PartName),
    ISNULL(pcs.PartDescription, pm.PartDescription),
    pm.BasePrice, pm.MMImage, pm.StaticThumbnail,
    pm.ProductLineFlag, ISNULL(pcs.PartType, pm.PartType)
    FROM PartsMaster pm
    INNER JOIN PartsCategory pc
    ON pm.PartNo = pc.PartNo
    INNER JOIN CatalogsCategory cc
    ON pc.CategoryID = cc.CategoryID
    INNER JOIN Catalogs c
    ON cc.CatalogID = c.CatalogID
    LEFT OUTER JOIN PartsCatalogStrings pcs
    ON c.CatalogCode = pcs.CatalogCode AND pm.PartNo = pcs.PartNo
    WHERE pc.CategoryID = 16
    AND pm.PartNo IN (SELECT PartNo FROM PartsMachine WHERE MachineCode = 'Honda')
    AND getdate() >= pm.AvailableDate
    AND (getdate() <= pm.ExpireDate OR pm.ExpireDate IS NULL)
    AND pm.AvailableFlag = 'Y'
    AND pm.ProductLinePartNo = ''
    AND pm.VariantMasterFlag = 'N'
    AND cc.CatalogID = 3
    ORDER BY pm.PartNo
    Note the 4th line from bottom: AND pm.ProductLinePartNo = ''
    In the case of my database, this field is populated with value of the ProductLine Part number for every part included in this product line.
    For instance, given ProductLine A containing parts A1 A2 A3. These 3 parts (in my database) have value 'A' in the column ProductLinePartNo, which means that the aforedescribed sql script will NOT retrieve them.
    Of course, I have no control on how this sql statement gets generated. And also, if I remove the 4th line, then the SQL server can pull off the missing records successfully, which leads me to think that the system can not support parts that belong to a ProductLine and MachineSelector in the same time. It seems to be one OR the other.

  • Turkish Language Character Bug

    When i add a paragraph style "ş" and "ğ" is lost and cross in a rectangele appears. fyi.

    igaveup wrote:
    .. i have changed it to something else but i think it should be added.
    Best thing to do about that is contact the font publisher -- FontFabric.
    In the mean time: ... you can 'add' them yourself Using IndyFont, you can design the additional characters and put them in a separate font; then, using FontMixer, you can make a single 'virtual' font out of the original plus your new characters.
    (Disclaimer: IndyFont is a commercial product which I wrote; the demo only allows creating a single character font. FontMixer is a free companion tool by Marc Autret.)

  • In RoboHelp 11 Responsive HTML5, is it possible to have 2 different language outputs in one generated output file?

    In RoboHelp 11 Responsive HTML5, is it possible to have 2 different language outputs in one generated output file, similar to WebHelp where the use can select the language from a drop-down list? In Webhelp output you could create multiple Content categories. Is there something similar with the responsive output, or am I forced to have a completely separate set of output files for each language (for example, English, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, and Arabic)?

    As Rick, mentions, there's no default way.
    Having said that, there's nothing stopping you from doing it yourself. You can add a kind of language selector to the layout and set that for every html5 output. With some JavaScript, you can have the user switch between your outputs. It would look like content categories, but you'll have build it yourself.

  • How do I select a language?

    QuestionHow do I select a language?
    AnswerWe're proud to announce that Tagged is now available in 21 languages, with even more to come in the future! If you'd rather use the site in another language, Tagged now supports:
    If you haven't done so already, it's easy to change to your preferred language by following these steps:
    Hover your mouse over the Account drop down on the top navigation bar
    Click on the 'Settings' option
    In the “Account Info” section, click the “Edit Language” link
    Select your desired language (Note: If your selected language isn't supported yet, the site will still appear in English)
    If you want to quickly switch between languages, you can also change your language by scrolling to the bottom of any page and choosing your desired language from the language selector in the footer.
    Watch this video for instructions: 

    Tagged my profile and home page and all other information has been changed from English to some sort of foreign language that i cannot understand.I sent in this complaint before and followed your repair suggestions;it worked briefly and now it has gone bak to the same problem and try as i may it's not working.I need your help in restoring my account settings to all Enlish please. 

  • [bug-report] AI CC for Mac got "loading plugin error" at startup

    Enviornment: 2012 late Mac Mini, OSX 10.8.6( English )
    Just fresh installed adobe illustrator cc for Mac(Simplified Chinese), which is got "loading plugin error" at startup, even update AI or reinstall it after using adobe cc clean tool.
    Finally I found it will be solved by selecting default lanugauge (North America English) at installer. Then I changed my OSX language to S Chinese then installed S_Chinese version AI CC that works without problem.
    So, it shows AI got some language compatiabitily bug which is not happen on PS and InDesign (I installed Simplified Chinese version of both them on my english OSX without error) 
    Plz fix it in next version. Thanks so much.

    Can you give this a try, that is try using a seperate boss?
    DECLARE_PMID(kClassIDSpace, kIDCStartupShutdownServiceBoss, kIDCPrefix + 10)
                                  // Implementation of IStartupShutdownService
                                  IID_ISTARTUPSHUTDOWN, kIDCStartupShutdownImpl,
                                  // Implementation to IK2ServiceProvider to identify the service type as startup-shutdown
                                  IID_IK2SERVICEPROVIDER, kLazyStartupShutdownProviderImpl,

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