E63 does not disconnect headphones

Occasionally when I remove the headphones from my phone the headphones symbol remains active.  I have tried changing profiles to see if that deactivates it but it doesn't.  The only way I have found to disconnect it is to turn off the phone and then back on. Anybody else having this problem and know ho to get round it. 

My e5 was doing the same thing.
In my case the solution was to very gently bend back one of the contacts in the headphone socket. If you look into the headphone socket there is a small gold contact near the top of the hole. I think it was failing to spring out properly when the headphone jack was removed so the phone thought that the headphones were still in.
With a very fine flat head screwdriver I gently pried this contact point (slightly towards the centre of the socket). Only a very small adjustment was required and the phone instantly recongnised that the headphone jack had been removed. You don't need to take the phone apart.
Good luck.

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    Go to Solution.

    I've just called myself! While listening on my landline and ending the call using the mobile it cuts off immediately, displays the length of call for about two seconds, then thats it. There is a delay if I end the call from the land line but there is a delay before the phone gets a continuous tone to signify an end of call on a land line too. Pressing the end call button ends normally with no delays either way
    E71-1(241.04) RM-346 300.21.012

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    John, Thanks for the reply. Here is what I get when I run the utility with my EHD set to F:, which is where PSE7 knows most of the the files to be. (I do have some occasional files on the internal C: drive.)
    psedbtool version 1.04
    Opening catalog C:\ProgramData\Adobe\Catalogs\Family pics 2006 to present\catalog.pse7db
    Photoshop Elements version: 7
    Total files : 10064
    Total files missing : 0
    Total files offline : 0
    PSE Volume Table
    Path used by PSE : F:
    Status : online
    Total files : 10047
    Total files missing : 0
    Description : WD Passport - Michelle
    Serial : 5226-599A
    Drive_path_if_builtin: F:
    Type : builtin_drive
    Id : 3011
    Path used by PSE : [Family Photos 20]
    Status : offline
    Total files : 0
    Total files missing : 0
    Description : Family Photos 20
    Serial : E7A6-129B
    Type : readonly_drive
    Id : 183343
    Path used by PSE : C:\ProgramData\Adobe\Catalogs\Family pics 2006 to present
    Status : online
    Total files : 0
    Total files missing : 0
    Description : database relative
    Serial : amoc:database_relative_volume
    Type : database_relative_drive
    Id : 2
    Path used by PSE : C:
    Status : online
    Total files : 17
    Total files missing : 0
    Description : OS
    Serial : 30B4-E6C7
    Drive_path_if_builtin: C:
    Type : builtin_drive
    Id : 2899
    Windows Drives
    Drive Type Serial Path
    C: builtin_drive 30B4-E6C7
    D: builtin_drive F4B1-4B30
    E: readonly_drive 0000-0000
    F: builtin_drive 5226-599A
    Now I will change the drive letter and run the utility again... Okay, changed it to W: and now I get this:
    psedbtool version 1.04
    Opening catalog C:\ProgramData\Adobe\Catalogs\Family pics 2006 to present\catalog.pse7db
    Photoshop Elements version: 7
    Total files : 10064
    Total files missing : 0
    Total files offline : 0
    ****** Volumes with warnings: 1
    PSE Volume Table
    Path used by PSE : W:
    Status : online
    Total files : 10047
    Total files missing : 0
    Description : WD Passport - Michelle
    Serial : 5226-599A
    Drive_path_if_builtin: F:
    Type : builtin_drive
    Id : 3011
    ***** WARNING ***** : Wrong drive letter in catalog
    Path used by PSE : [Family Photos 20]
    Status : offline
    Total files : 0
    Total files missing : 0
    Description : Family Photos 20
    Serial : E7A6-129B
    Type : readonly_drive
    Id : 183343
    Path used by PSE : C:\ProgramData\Adobe\Catalogs\Family pics 2006 to present
    Status : online
    Total files : 0
    Total files missing : 0
    Description : database relative
    Serial : amoc:database_relative_volume
    Type : database_relative_drive
    Id : 2
    Path used by PSE : C:
    Status : online
    Total files : 17
    Total files missing : 0
    Description : OS
    Serial : 30B4-E6C7
    Drive_path_if_builtin: C:
    Type : builtin_drive
    Id : 2899
    Windows Drives
    Drive Type Serial Path
    C: builtin_drive 30B4-E6C7
    D: builtin_drive F4B1-4B30
    E: readonly_drive 0000-0000
    W: builtin_drive 5226-599A
    OKay, I KNOW there is a wrong drive letter in the catalog, but when this happened in PSE6, I could just reconnect files and go with the new drive letter. That's actually what I want to do here (as painful as it will be to reconnect all my files!) I'm tired of my EHD drive getting bumped around to different letter designations (and causing problems like this), so I'm trying to set it to something far out that won't get bumped.

  • Phone does not disconnect

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    If the icon stayed there after being discconected then that means WiFi sync is on.

  • Calls from Etisalat PSTN to FXO to voicemail do not disconnect

    I have a tricky issue where outside caller calls in and when the call is forwareded to voicemail because of CFNA, the FXO do not  disconnect. I have a setup where a Etisalat Analog lines are directly connected to UC560 FXO ports using RJ11.
    When  a call comes in over the PSTN to an FXO port on my UC560 and the call  is answered by the user and after that user goes on-hook, FXO disconnects or gets released normally . When the user does not answer the call and becuse of CFNA timeout the call is forwarded to users voicemail box , then CUE answers, a voicemail is recorded, but  when the calling party hangs up FXO doesnot disconnect instead it stays in OFFHOOK state (HANGS). Because of this no more calls are possible on that FXO line. I have to issue shut and no shut command on the FXO to get it released.
    The IOS version as follows
    and CME and CUE version are as follows 8.0.2
    The follwing is the configuration on my UC560
    voice class dualtone-detect-params 1
    freq-max-deviation 25
    freq-max-power 0
    freq-min-power 13
    freq-power-twist 4
    cadence-variation 4
    voice class custom-cptone UAE-CUSTOM-SIEMENS
    dualtone disconnect
      frequency 425
      cadence 425 325 250 500
    voice-port 0/1/0
    trunk-group ALL_FXO 61
    translation-profile incoming INCOMING_CallerID_PROFILE
    supervisory disconnect dualtone mid-call
    supervisory custom-cptone UAE-CUSTOM-SIEMENS
    supervisory dualtone-detect-params 1
    no battery-reversal
    input gain 14
    cptone AE
    timeouts call-disconnect 2
    timeouts wait-release 2
    timing min-ring 62
    connection plar opx 202
    description Configured by CCA 4 FXO-0/1/0-Custom-BG
    caller-id enable
    This the dial peer for viocemail
    dial-peer voice 2000 voip
    description ** cue voicemail pilot number **
    translation-profile outgoing XFER_TO_VM_PROFILE
    destination-pattern 399
    session protocol sipv2
    session target ipv4:
    voice-class sip outbound-proxy ipv4: 
    dtmf-relay rtp-nte
    codec g711ulaw
    no vad

    HI David,
    Here is the debug vpm signal information that i have taken for two scenarios
    the configuration on voice-port is as follows
    voice class custom-cptone UAE-CUSTOM
    dualtone disconnect
      frequency 425
      cadence 400 350 225 525
    voice-port 0/1/1
    translation-profile incoming INCOMING_CallerID_PROFILE
    supervisory disconnect dualtone mid-call
    supervisory custom-cptone UAE-CUSTOM
    input gain 14
    cptone AE
    timeouts call-disconnect 2
    timeouts wait-release 2
    connection plar opx 202
    description Configured by CCA 4 FXO-0/1/1-Custom-OP
    caller-id enable
    the came same configuration above with battery reversal answer but no use sitll same issue.
    The other tricky thing that is happening is when the call is forwarded to voicemail of the user and after the external caller disconnects the FXO on UC540 does not disconnect immediately, instead it disconnects after the default messgae size is reached. ie the default message size of voicemail box is 240 sec so after 240 sec the FXO port is released or disconnects and a large amount of silence is being recorded in the users mailbox for about 240 seconds.
    the following is the debug capture taken
    When the call comes in and call is forwarded to voicemail because of CFNA on the user phone
    000691: htsp_process_event: [0/1/1, FXOLS_ONHOOK, E_DSP_SIG_0000]fxols_onhook_ringing
    000692: htsp_timer - 125 msec
    000693: htsp_process_event: [0/1/1, FXOLS_WAIT_RING_MIN, E_HTSP_EVENT_TIMER]fxols_wait_ring_min_timer
    000694: htsp_timer - 10000 msec
    000695: htsp_timer3 - 5600 msec
    000696: [0/1/1] htsp_start_caller_id_rx:BELLCORE
    000697: htsp_start_caller_id_rx create dsp_stream_manager
    000698: [0/1/1] htsp_dsm_create_success  returns 1
    000699: htsp_process_event: [0/1/1, FXOLS_RINGING, E_DSP_SIG_0100]
    000700: fxols_ringing_not
    000701: htsp_timer_stop
    000702: htsp_timer - 10000 msec
    000703: [0/1/1] htsp_dsm_feature_notify_cb  returns 2 id=DSM_FEATURE_SM_CALLERID_RX
    000704: htsp_process_event: [0/1/1, FXOLS_RINGING, E_HTSP_CALLERID_RX_DONE]
    000705: htsp_timer_stop
    000706: htsp_timer_stop3
    000707: [0/1/1] htsp_stop_caller_id_rx. message length 25htsp_setup_ind
    000708: [0/1/1] get_fxo_caller_id:Caller ID received. Message type=128 length=25 checksum=B1
    000709: [0/1/1] Caller ID String 80 16 01 08 30 34 31 39 31 33 34 30 02 0A 30 35 30 39 35 37 38 33 30 39 B1
    000710: [0/1/1] get_fxo_caller_id calling num=0509856909 calling name= calling time=04/19 13:40 
    000711: fxols_callerid_done: call being answered
    000712: [0/1/1] htsp_dsm_close_done
    000713: htsp_process_event: [0/1/1, FXOLS_WAIT_SETUP_ACK, E_HTSP_SETUP_ACK]
    000714: fxols_wait_setup_ack:
    000715: htsp_timer - 6000 msec
    000716: htsp_timer_stop
    000717: htsp_process_event: [0/1/1, FXOLS_PROCEEDING, E_HTSP_PROCEEDING]fxols_offhook_prochtsp_setup_req
    000718: htsp_process_event: [50/0/30.1, EFXS_ONHOOK, E_HTSP_SETUP_REQ]efxs_onhook_setup
    000719: htsp_ephone_start_caller_id_tx calling num=90509578309 calling name = called num=201 orig called num=
    000720: [50/0/30.1] set signal state = 0x0 timestamp = 0
    000721: efxs_onhook_setup: local target is available
    000722: htsp_process_event: [0/1/1, FXOLS_PROCEEDING, E_HTSP_ALERT]fxols_offhook_alert
    000723: htsp_process_event: [0/1/1, FXOLS_PROCEEDING, E_DSP_SIG_0000]fxols_proceed_ring
    000724: htsp_timer_stop
    000725: htsp_timer_stop2
    000726: htsp_process_event: [0/1/1, FXOLS_PROCEEDING, E_DSP_SIG_0100]fxols_proceed_clear
    000727: htsp_timer_stop2
    000728: htsp_timer - 6000 msec
    000729: htsp_process_event: [0/1/1, FXOLS_PROCEEDING, E_DSP_SIG_0000]fxols_proceed_ring
    000730: htsp_timer_stop
    000731: htsp_timer_stop2
    000732: htsp_process_event: [0/1/1, FXOLS_PROCEEDING, E_DSP_SIG_0100]fxols_proceed_clear
    000733: htsp_timer_stop2
    000734: htsp_timer - 6000 msec
    000735: htsp_process_event: [0/1/1, FXOLS_PROCEEDING, E_DSP_SIG_0000]fxols_proceed_ring
    000736: htsp_timer_stop
    000737: htsp_timer_stop2
    000738: htsp_process_event: [0/1/1, FXOLS_PROCEEDING, E_DSP_SIG_0100]fxols_proceed_clear
    000739: htsp_timer_stop2
    000740: htsp_timer - 6000 msec
    000741: htsp_process_event: [0/1/1, FXOLS_PROCEEDING, E_DSP_SIG_0000]fxols_proceed_ring
    000742: htsp_timer_stop
    000743: htsp_timer_stop2
    000744: htsp_process_event: [0/1/1, FXOLS_PROCEEDING, E_DSP_SIG_0100]fxols_proceed_clear
    000745: htsp_timer_stop2
    000746: htsp_timer - 6000 msec
    000747: htsp_timer_stop3
    000748: htsp_process_event: [50/0/30.1, EFXS_WAIT_OFFHOOK, E_HTSP_RELEASE_REQ]efxs_waitoff_release
    000749: [50/0/30.1] set signal state = 0x4 timestamp = 0
    000750: htsp_call_bridged invoked
    000751: htsp_process_event: [0/1/1, FXOLS_PROCEEDING, E_HTSP_CONNECT]fxols_offhook_connect
    000752: [0/1/1] set signal state = 0xC timestamp = 0
    000753: htsp_timer_stop
    000754: htsp_process_event: [0/1/1, FXOLS_CONNECT, E_HTSP_VOICE_CUT_THROUGH]fxols_connect_proc_voice
    000755: htsp_process_event: [0/1/1, FXOLS_CONNECT, E_DSP_SIG_0110]fxols_rvs_battery
    000756: htsp_timer_stop2
    000757: htsp_timer_stop2
    After the voicemail box, default message size is reached ie after 240 seconds the FXO port disconnects and following is the continuation of debug vpm signal cmd.
    000758: htsp_timer_stop3 htsp_setup_req
    000759: htsp_process_event: [50/0/300.1, EFXS_ONHOOK, E_HTSP_SETUP_REQ]efxs_onhook_setup
    000760: htsp_ephone_start_caller_id_tx calling num=399 calling name = called num=A800201 orig called num=
    000761: [50/0/300.1] set signal state = 0x0 timestamp = 0
    000762: efxs_onhook_setup: local target is available
    htsp_alerthtsp_call_feature:feature 25
    htsp_call_feature: caller id enable 0x3 call_connected 0
    000763: htsp_process_event: [50/0/300.1, EFXS_WAIT_OFFHOOK, E_HTSP_CALLERID_WAITING]
    000764: efxs_callerid_update
    000765: efxs_callerid_update process caller_id_string
    000766: efxs_callerid_update process caller_id_string OK
    000767: efxs_callerid_update number= [399] name= []
    000768: htsp_timer_stop3
    000769: htsp_process_event: [0/1/1, FXOLS_CONNECT, E_HTSP_RELEASE_REQ]fxols_offhook_release
    000770: htsp_timer_stop
    000771: htsp_timer_stop2
    000772: htsp_timer_stop3
    000773: [0/1/1] set signal state = 0x4 timestamp = 0
    000774: htsp_timer - 2000 msec
    000775: htsp_process_event: [0/1/1, FXOLS_GUARD_OUT, E_DSP_SIG_0110]
    000776: htsp_process_event: [0/1/1, FXOLS_GUARD_OUT, E_HTSP_EVENT_TIMER]fxols_guard_out_timeout
    000777: htsp_process_event: [0/1/1, FXOLS_ONHOOK, E_DSP_SIG_0100]
    000778: htsp_timer_stop3
    000779: htsp_process_event: [50/0/300.1, EFXS_WAIT_OFFHOOK, E_HTSP_RELEASE_REQ]efxs_waitoff_release
    000780: [50/0/300.1] set signal state = 0x4 timestamp = 0
    Can any one let me know what is happing here. when the call is forwarded to voicemail of the user, why FXO Port on UC540 not getting disconnected soon after the external caller disconnects the call.and insted it disconnects approximately after 240 seconds of call forwarded to voicemail.
    I tried the same cofiguration as above with battery reversal answer  in voice-port configuration but no use sitll same issue.

  • E61 GPRS connection not disconnecting

    I have recently updated my E61 to the latest firmware 3.xxx
    Now I have noticed a strange thing where built in email client does not disconnect from GPRS at all, unless I manually disconnect it.
    With previous firmware 2.xxx and my settings of "Check every 30 minutes" it would start connection, check email, then disconnect. Now, connection is always ON even though the setting is still set to every 30 minutes.
    Does anyone know why this is happening and how to make it behave as before, disconnecting after checking email?
    Any help will be appreciate it.

    This is simply an educated guess as I'm short on time right now, but will look into the issue in more depth later.
    Have you checked your connection options (tools, settings, connection)? There is an option for GPRS connectivity there. The available options will be 'When Available', and 'When Needed'. I'd start by checking the firmware update hasn't changed this option to When Available.
    If that is not the answer, I'll research the problem more thoroughly.
    All the best,

  • Audio after resume does not fully function.

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    If I were to restart Windows, it would be fine again though.

    Try disabling graphics hardware acceleration. Since this feature was added to Firefox, it has gradually improved, but there still are a few glitches.
    You might need to restart Firefox in order for this to take effect, so save all work first (e.g., mail you are composing, online documents you're editing, etc.).
    Then perform these steps:
    *Click the orange Firefox button at the top left, then select the "Options" button, or, if there is no Firefox button at the top, go to Tools > Options.
    *In the Firefox options window click the ''Advanced'' tab, then select "General".
    *In the settings list, you should find the ''Use hardware acceleration when available'' checkbox. Uncheck this checkbox.
    *Now, restart Firefox and see if the problems persist.
    Additionally, please check for updates for your graphics driver by following the steps mentioned in the following Knowledge base articles:
    [[Troubleshoot extensions, themes and hardware acceleration issues to solve common Firefox problems]]
    [[Upgrade your graphics drivers to use hardware acceleration and WebGL]]
    Did this fix your problems? Please report back to us!

  • Iphone will not disconnect

    A little over 6 months ago my iphone started acting up. By this I mean when I finish a phone conversation and try to hang up or disconnect, emphasis is on the word try, I cannot. I can touch repeatedly, press and hold, whatever, it does not disconnect. Now this can be a problem if you, oh I don't know, pay for airtime and you spend 5 minutes trying to disconnect. Anyone else have this issue?

    I have tried complete restore back to factory settings multiple times. Then restored my backup after realizing that previous action did no good.  Ia have removed all bluetooth devices thinking this May be the issue, not. Also I am now informed that when I am talking on the phone I am cutting out. When connected with bluetooth hands free for the car I can disconnect using the bluetooth device but my voice still cuts out. When checking messages the screen goes black when I am trying to enter my password (#) intermittently and I have to press the home button to call the screen back up, sometimes repeatedly. Keep in mind that the touch screen functions flawlessly, just not using the phone. I can dial no problem. I just cannot hang up. Is that enough for you.

  • E63 & E71- Music player's equalizer does not work ...

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    I ask you to please click the link below and make their complaints about this new firmware that "destroys" the equalizer for the music player that Nokia fix this terrible problem!  
    Message Edited by jeffhd on 16-Jul-2009 11:17 PM

    Oh my. That is a big problem. Fortunately for me, I don't use the equalizer so it doesn't really affect me all that much. But still, I have no idea how they could just randomly break something like that.
    Current Phone: Nokia E63-2 (US Version)
    Service Provider: UNICEL

  • Audio does not behave correctly when Bluetooth headset disconnects

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    does not get the audio from those programs back.  
    The only way to make them work again is to close the program and reopen it.  As a gamer - this is particularly a problem when batteries die.  Usually I would just swap the batteries in 10 seconds and turn the headphones back on, however it is not
    possible due to this issue.  Exiting the game would ruin my team's experience as 5+ minutes is approximately 10% of the game's average total time.

    There are 3 reasons I can think out:
    1. Bluetooth driver was not released when it is disconnected suddenly, this can be caused by Bluetooth software.
    2. Audio driver can be corrupted.
    3. There is the problem on the program itself.
    I recommend you do following test:
    Open Windows media player to play music with Bluetooth headset, and then disconnect Bluetooth headset and see if the headphones can work fine with media player.
    If it works fine, the issue is on the program you run with problem. Contacting the program provider would be more helpful.
    Otherwise, it's related to Bluetooth driver or software, please try to update them from manufacturer's website to see what's going on.
    Also, please check if there is any event related to this issue in Event viewer.
    Kate Li
    TechNet Community Support

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