Easiest way to send GarageBand projects?? PLEASE HELP!

Thanks for any advice you can give...
I need my brother to e-mail me a bunch of GarageBand projects so that I can edit them and make them into mp3s...they don't usually send, though, because they're so huge. How can he send them to me as quickly as possible in a format that I can use?
Thank you!

ctrl-click the project file and choose the Compress option. then use a service like yousendit.com to transfer the compressed .zip file

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    Which version of Logic? Which OS? Update your profile so we know what you are running!
    P.S. Welcome!

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    Hi and Welcome to the Community!
    There are several public KB articles that deal with that error, depending on your exact circumstances. I suggest you go here:
    Search on your exact error message, then inspect the articles that result from the search to see which apply to your specific situation.
    Good luck!
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    ctrl-click the project file and choose the Compress option. then use a service like yousendit.com to transfer the compressed .zip file

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