EASY Question - But Hard for the Actioscript inept

So this is my first attempt at making a web page...
I am trying to simply make my little button display my movie
labeled "Content", I don't think I am doing somthing right...
I have diffrent movies (p1 & p2) for button rollover
effects... and I have a seperate clip named content with labels for
"start1" and "start2" that I want to display when I click the
Anywho if you would like to take a look see I would be very
Thanks for your help...

Something went wrong when I tried your link.
Is your movie inside your flash program or is it an external
If you have named your button something like myBtn, then you
can put in some actionscript to load an external movie such as:
myBtn.onRelease = function():Void
where movieHolder is the name of an empty movie clip that you
place on the stage to hold external movies.
Alternately, you can add the code to the button itself. In
this case you don't need to give the button an instance name:
on (release)
If your movie is already part of your Flash program, instead
of an external file, then you will need to go into the linkage
properties of the movie and check: "Export for ActionScript". You
do this by right clicking on the movie in the library. You must
give the movie a name when you do this. You can still call it
"Content". Next you use one of the formats listed above except
change loadMovie to attachMovie. (Actually they might both still
work, but I have been in the habit of using loadMovie for external
content and attachMovie for internal content. Don't ask me why, I
just try things and when they work, I tend to repeat that method of
doing things.)
For attachMovie, you will need to give your clip a level
number. You can hard code in a number if you want any movie you
attach to replace the prior movie or you can use:
movieHolder.getNextHighestDepth() if you want your movie to be
placed on top of anything else that you already have in the movie
holder without replacing it.
You can type loadMovie or attachMovie in the search bar of
the built in help menu to see more examples. If you have further
questions such as how to make the movie holder, be sure to ask a
follow up question.

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