Ecommerce with item search

I'm creating a site for a company that sells house plans and I need an ecommerce platform identical to the one on this site -
House Plans | Home Floor Plans |
Mainly interested in the ability to perform the search function for specific plan elements. Does anyone recognize this platform, or can you point me toward one that has this sort of functionality?
Steve B

Please let me know if you are using Adobe servers to host your site , as you can achieve this using web apps.

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    Hello all
    The 'Find and Item' search on a list with more items than the view limit appears to filter results according to where you are in that list.  So if I search on the allitems page displaying items 1-100 I get hits from the entire list.  But if I arrow
    through to view items 201-300 and repeat the same search only items from 201 to the end of the list are returned
    I'm assuming this is not how it should work i.e. it should always return results from the whole list.  Is there a way to make that so (other than increasing the view limit to something huge so that all items are always displayed)
    Many Thanks

    According to your post, my understanding is that Find an item Search box in List didn't returned any results.
    The problem is due to a difference between the Content Source defined for the crawl and the default zone defined in the Alternate Access mapping.
    You need to change the Alternate Access Mapping configuration.
    For more information, you can refer to:
    Best Regards,
    Linda Li
    Linda Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Problem with Binary search statement

    I have problem with reading the internal with Binary search.
    I have two internal tables BSAS and BSIS. In BSAS I have 1,200,000 line items and BSIS 500,000 line items. I need to delete the line items if BSIS-BELNR NE BSAS-AUGBL.
    I am using the following code :
        LOOP AT gt_bsas .
          READ TABLE gt_bsis WITH KEY bukrs = gt_bsas-bukrs
                                      belnr = gt_bsas-augbl
                                      gjahr = gt_bsas-gjahr.
          IF sy-subrc NE 0.
            DELETE gt_bsas.
            CLEAR  gt_bsas.
    By this execution of the loop is taking long time. If I use the binary search it is fast but result is not correct.
    Please suggest me, how to resolve this issue.

    Try this way:
    LOOP AT gt_bsas .
    READ TABLE gt_bsis WITH KEY bukrs = gt_bsas-bukrs
    belnr = gt_bsas-augbl
    gjahr = gt_bsas-gjahr
    <b>BINARY SEARCH.</b>
    <b>IF sy-subrc eq 0.</b>
    ****Do Nothing.
    <b>DELETE gt_bsas sy-tabix.</b>
    CLEAR gt_bsas.
    1. Also make sure that the KEY mentioned in READ statement follows the same seqeunce of gt_bsis structure.
    Message was edited by:

  • WHAT now with OSX search function?

    Okay, i just searched one of my hard drives for pdf files, and search returns 0 files.
    HOW can this be!? I would use profanity here because it's plainly warranted, but Apple doesn't like that. I think from now on, i'll use the term "OS X" as a substitute for profanity.
    So, I am looking at several pdf files in an OS X folder on this OSX drive, and i know there are more.
    So what the OS X is going on? Thanks.

    You should use spotlight to stop indexing an an hd.  Spotlight puts a file on the hd that says do not index.   I wrote this up awhile ago.
    In an this post I will describe how to perform a classic Mac OS search. You may perform the search with or without the spotlight database. This search falls under the smart folder implementation introduced with Tiger.  I have done all my testing with Mac OS 10.4.11. I assume this will work with any version of Tiger or Leopard. 
    The results will be slightly different with a spotlight database on the partition and without a database on the partition. With a database, you will not see Unix hidden files. You may be able to use all of the spotlight special find features. I did not test much with the spotlight special fields. Without a database, using the special features nulls out the search and the "Search for" field seems to give the same result as using the name field.
    This search technique was obscured by all the hoopla over spotlight. Authors of Tiger books avoided mentioning the Classic search interface. When I looked in Leopard books I noticed some authors put back information on the Classic search interface.
    How do you get to this interface?
    Perform the Classic Mac OS search with a Spotlight database.
    Click on the desktop to access the Finder.
    click on File then click on find.
    Pick what folder you wished to search.  Click on Others... to select a folder. Click on the plus sign to select the folder you wish to search.  Be sure the selected folder in the list is the only one checked.  In the first example I picked:  /Users/mac/Desktop/iMac/z-find/
    The "Search for" field on the first line is used for spotlight. Avoid using this box.
    Click on the plus symbol to the right of an input options. Click on the double arrow to the right of the first option. Go down to the name field.
    You can now search for the contents of a filename. I searched for name contains: bash-
    To see the Classic display format, click on the three line icon which is located on the upper left of the window.  There is a small refresh icon on the lower right of the window.
    I created the z-find folder on my Macintosh-HD then copy it over to my Spotless flash drive.  This means both searches searched for it the same file names.  See below for the list of file names.
    This is the result of the search:
    bash-battery__yellow__4k.html     {labeled with the Yellow attribute}
    bash-copy    {folder}
    bash-copy-invisible-attr    {folder}
    bash-folder__green    {folder and labeled with the Green attribute}
    You can create a smart folder to take you directly to the search panel.  Just click on the Save icon to the right of the window near the top. For readers of books, you should look under smart folders.
    There are some downsides. Initially, the search will find both visible and invisible Mac OS files. However, the search seems to get confused between visible and invisible files when you select the visibility option. It seems to get the visible correct when you use visible but when you add invisible things get confused. Sometimes it will find invisible files and sometimes it won't. I used both the Unix invisible files and the Mac OS X visiblity attribute.
    In putting the same search in the upper right-hand-corner spotlight search and in the Search for field, I did not get the same results. The spotlight search returned a 182 items while the with Search for field returned 179 items. The Search for field seemed to miss items in the mail boxes. With the Search for search you could display spotlight results in the classic format.
    I do not know how this works internally. I successfully a search on my fat32 flash drive.
    Perform the Classic Mac OS search without the spotlight database.
    If you turn off spotlight indexing on a volume and delete the spotlight index, then Mac OS Tiger reverts to the prior Mac OS search facility. In the preferences for spotlight, you let searching continued on the partition.
    Here is what I did:
    I installed the spotless application.
    I use spotless to configure spotlight. Click on disabled indexing then click on  delete index files.
    Spotless creates the .Spotlight-V100 directory with the _IndexPolicy.plist and _rules.plist to prevent indexing on the partition.
    mac $ pwd
    mac $ ls -ld .Spotlight-V100
    drwx------   4 mac  staff  136 Jan 22 23:51 .Spotlight-V100
    mac $ ls -l .Spotlight-V100
    total 16
    -rw-------   1 mac  staff  55 Jan 22 23:51 _IndexPolicy.plist
    -rw-------   1 mac  staff  58 Jan 22 23:51 _rules.plist
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
    <plist version="1.0">
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
    <plist version="1.0">
    I put these files on my Macintosh-HD and Spotless partitions.
    Here is the list of files:
    mac $ pwd
    mac $ ls -RaF
    mac $
    I performed the search for files containing "bash-" in the name field.
    This is the result of the search:
    bash-battery__yellow__4k.html     {labeled with the Yellow attribute}
    bash-copy    {folder}
    bash-folder__green    {folder and labeled with the Green attribute}
    Does not search in Unix hidden folders. That is folders beginning with a period (.) .
    Sometimes will find files beginning with a period (.).
    Does not find Mac OS invisible files.
    Using the special features nulls out the search.
    The Search for  field seems to give the same result as using the name field.
    Related tips:
    • by Baltwo
    If you haven't run Leopard, note that finding stuff is different than Tiger's.
    See and my mod to Finder's Find at for what you can change so you can find stuff excluded by the default structure.
    • "Searching for files by name"
    • FindAnyFile
    "Contrary to Spotlight, it does not use a database but instead uses the file system driver's fast search operations."
    • Use the Terminal find command to list files from multiple directories.
    Macintosh-HD -> Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal
    mac $ find ~/Desktop/iMac/z-find  -iname "*bash-*"  -exec ls -dF  {} \;
    /Users/mac/Desktop/iMac/z-find/.bash-copy-initial-dot/ ml
    mac $
    • findfile
    "Here’s a simple command-line tool which uses FSCatalogSearch to search for files by name.
    usage: findfile -r   "
    Here is where to find: findfile.
    I am searching file names containing  "bash-" in  the directory "/Users/mac/Desktop/iMac/z-find".
    Macintosh-HD -> Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal
    mac $ ~/findfile -r /Volumes/Macintosh-HD/ "bash-" |\
    additional input:    grep '^/Users/mac/Desktop/iMac/z-find/'
    /Users/mac/Desktop/iMac/z-find/.bash-copy-initial-dot/ ml
    • You can use the Terminal to search the contents of a file.
    You need to combine the find command with the grep command. I am searching for the word pdisk where file names containing  "bash-" in  the directory "/Users/mac/Desktop/iMac/z-find".  The symbols {} \; are needed after the word to search. See:
    man find
    man grep
    for cryptic details.
    Macintosh-HD -> Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal
    mac $ find ~/Desktop/iMac/z-find -iname "*bash-*" -type f -exec grep -bil 'pdisk' {} \;
    /Users/mac/Desktop/iMac/z-find/.bash-copy-initial-dot/ ml

  • Interactive Report with additional search filters

    Hi all,
    I want to implement a functionality where I have an interactive report which comes with default Search / Filter option , but I also want to have additional filters which are drop-downs in this case and based on the values selected from the drop-down lists , report displays the values ! How can I implement this functionality where after selecting a value from the drop-down list and then further using interactive report filter to retrieve the results.
    Below is my SQL
    select * from Atoms_FULL
    When I implemented this , only the interactive report filters are working but not the customized filters WHICH ARE :P6_ANO AND :P6_ATYPENAME (Drop-down Lists)
    I hope I have made the question clear. Let me know if you need any more clarifications.
    Would really appreciate if anyone can help in this issue asap.

    What version of apex are you on?
    You have to set the session state of page items, this can be achieved by adding your items as comma seperated into the Page Items to Submit attribute, This attribute is available under Interactive Report region source, Dynamic Actions etc.

  • Weird situation with BINARY SEARCH in READ statwment??

    Hi Experts,
    I got weird situation with BINARY SEARCH !! bcoz, below is my code,
    data: begin of it_vbap occurs o,
            vbeln like vbap-vbap,
            posnr like vbap-posnr, ( i also tried like, posnr(6) type n)
    end of it_vbap.
    data: counter type i ( i also tried like, counter(6) type n)
    my it_vbap is filled like below,
    sort it_vbap by posnr. (*)
    clear counter
    loop it_vbap.
    counter = counter + 1.
    read table it_vbap with key posnr = counter
    binary search (after commenting the above SORT * marked statement, then,if I delete BINARY SEARCH, then its working!!)
    if sy-subrc = 0.
    here is my logic.
    so, now, for
    1st loop the sy-subrc = 0.
    2nd loop the sy-subrc = 0.
    3rdloop the sy-subrc NE  0.
    4th loop the sy-subrc = 0.
    5th loop the sy-subrc NE 0.
    6th loop the sy-subrc NE 0.
    so, why, ebven though there r all entires in it_vbap, why am getting the sy-subrc NE 0??
    Is the reason that, there r less number of entries in it_vbap?? and am using BINARY SEARCH??
    Edited by: SAP ABAPer on Dec 4, 2008 8:33 PM
    Edited by: SAP ABAPer on Dec 4, 2008 8:37 PM
    Edited by: SAP ABAPer on Dec 4, 2008 8:37 PM

    The following coding works perfect (6x sy-subrc = 0) on ERP 6.0:
    REPORT  zus_sdn_itab_binary_search.
    TABLES: vbap.
    DATA: BEGIN OF it_vbap OCCURS 0,
    vbeln LIKE vbap-vbeln,
    posnr LIKE vbap-posnr, "( i also tried like, posnr(6) type n)
    END OF it_vbap.
    DATA: counter TYPE posnr.
      " Fill itab with data:
    *  12345678-------000001
    *  12345678-------000002
    *  12345678-------000003
    *  12345678-------000004
    *  12345678-------000005
    *  12345678-------000006
      REFRESH: it_vbap.
      CLEAR: vbap.
      DO 6 TIMES.
        it_vbap-vbeln = '12345678'.
        it_vbap-posnr = syst-index.
        APPEND it_vbap.
      SORT it_vbap[] BY posnr.  " for BINARY SEARCH
      clear counter.
      loop at it_vbap.
      counter = counter + 1.
      READ TABLE it_vbap WITH KEY posnr = counter
      BINARY SEARCH.  " (after commenting the above sort * marked statement, then,if i delete binary search, then its working!!)
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        "here is my logic.
    By the way, if your requirement is to check whether the first item has POSNR = '000001', the second item has POSNR = '000002' and so on then you can simplify your coding like this:
    counter = 0.
    LOOP AT it_vbap.
      counter = syst-tabix.
      IF ( it_vbap-posnr = counter ).
        " put in here your logic

  • Items Search List error

    Hallo Experts
    After 2007 Upgrade Items search list ( in a document or directly in Item master screen).
    The customers search list is ordered by description.
    When typing 'P' in the Find field the system goes to the last Item starting with 'N' and not items starting with 'P'. All other letters in the alphabet works fine. I have changed the last item starting with an 'N' but then it just highlights the next 'N' item.
    Any sugestions will be much appreciated.
    Kind regards

    Hi Erika ,
    All your thread are related with your upgrade scenario.
    I  think your upgrade didn't go well. Probably you need to do the upgrade again .
    I guess you have to do reupgrade .
    You might have to log a support to SAP for further instruction .
    Hope this helps

  • Firefox menu bar appears- file/edit/history etc but the actual page with the search bar does not appear and is blank

    when clicking firefox icon to open the internet, all that appears are the options along the top of the page. the rest of the screen does not appear revealing the desktop picture. The firefox page with the search bar does not appear.

    '''Try Firefox Safe Mode''' to see if the problem goes away. [[Troubleshoot Firefox issues using Safe Mode|Firefox Safe Mode]] is a troubleshooting mode that turns off some settings and disables most add-ons (extensions and themes).
    ''(If you're using an added theme, switch to the Default theme.)''
    If Firefox is open, you can restart in Firefox Safe Mode from the Help menu by clicking on the '''Restart with Add-ons Disabled...''' menu item:<br>
    If Firefox is not running, you can start Firefox in Safe Mode as follows:
    * On Windows: Hold the '''Shift''' key when you open the Firefox desktop or Start menu shortcut.
    * On Mac: Hold the '''option''' key while starting Firefox.
    * On Linux: Quit Firefox, go to your Terminal and run ''firefox -safe-mode'' <br>(you may need to specify the Firefox installation path e.g. /usr/lib/firefox)
    ''Once you get the pop-up, just select "'Start in Safe Mode"''
    [[Image:Safe Mode Fx 15 - Win]]
    '''''If the issue is not present in Firefox Safe Mode''''', your problem is probably caused by an extension, and you need to figure out which one. Please follow the [[Troubleshoot extensions, themes and hardware acceleration issues to solve common Firefox problems]] article to find the cause.
    ''To exit Firefox Safe Mode, just close Firefox and wait a few seconds before opening Firefox for normal use again.''
    When you figure out what's causing your issues, please let us know. It might help others with the same problem.

  • Issue with Formatted Search and Sales BOM

    Good afternoon,
    One of our customers uses a Formatted Search on the Sales Order row to lookup the Project Code stored against the Item.
    This works very well, except for when a Sales BOM is selected.  I assume the FS lookup is working correctly, but the screen is quickly refreshed to list all the component items related to the BOM.  This process appears to overwrite the contents of the Project field.
    We wish to keep this functionality, but retain the FS lookup results in the Project column.  Could the order of the process be changed so that the BOM refresh occurs prior to the FS lookup.
    Edited by: Greig Burrows on Jul 21, 2010 5:57 PM

    For metadata, which metadata are you not seeing? Are they custom properties within the PDF, and have you checked if you have crawled properties matching these?
    I know there's issue with last modified on PDF's ( 
    Mikael Svenson
    Search Enthusiast - SharePoint MVP/MCT/MCPD - If you find an answer useful, please up-vote it.
    Author of Working with FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint

  • Sales Order with item different division

    Is it possible to create a sale order with reference to contract with items which are referencing to different division?
    That means i have a sales order with header division as 01 but i have 2 item with division 01 and 02.
    Then to have the popup of the "open outline agreement" screen even if the contract division is different from the contract in the sales order?

    Go to VoV8 for pop up message u select Outling agrement and select the required one for ur requirment
    On/off switch for messages about outline agreements
        Set an indicator here if you want to receive a message informing you of
        open contracts when you create a sales document. Depending on the
        indicator you select, a search is carried out for open contracts in the
        sales document at the header level for the customer or at item level
        using the material number.
        You can set the following indicators:
        o   No indicator: do not check
        o   A: check at header level
        o   B: check at item level
    If u give me ur mail id i'll send along with the screen shots.

  • How to prevent images from loading with google search results?

    Since I updated to FireFox 18 I have been getting images (miniature webpages) with my search results with Google. I thought it was a google problem but I don't have the problem in IE.
    Please advise.

    I think you are using some addons, try in safemode...
    '''Try the Firefox Safe Mode''' to see how it works there. The Safe Mode is a troubleshooting mode, which disables most add-ons.''
    ''(If you're not using it, switch to the Default theme.)''
    * You can open the Firefox 4.0+ Safe Mode by holding the '''Shift''' key when you use the Firefox desktop or Start menu shortcut.
    * Or use the Help menu item and click on the '''Restart with Add-ons Disabled...''' menu item while Firefox is running.
    ''Don't select anything right now, just use "'Start in Safe Mode"''
    ''To exit the Firefox Safe Mode, just close Firefox and wait a few seconds before using the Firefox shortcut (without the Shift key) to open it again.''
    '''''If it is good in the Firefox Safe Mode''''', your problem is probably caused by an extension, and you need to figure out which one.
    Please follow the [[Troubleshooting extensions and themes]] article for that.
    ''When you figure out what's causing your issues, please let us know. It might help other users who have the same problem.''

  • VPRS updated incorrectly for SO with item cat Ind PO

    Hi SAP Gurus
    We created a SO with item cat (Individual Purchase Order - Account
    Assignment M in PO).In PO we have checkd the item as free goods.
    However during billing the VPRS was not captured from PO price (which
    is 0.00) but it was updated from material master. As for normal items,
    VPRS was updated correctly from PO.
    Pls advise for free goods how can we have the VPRS updated correctly from PO instead of material master.

    Goto VOV7, select item category-In business data tab - tick determine cost.
    check in MR21 for material price.
    Mohanprabu C.
    Edited by: mohan prabu on Jul 7, 2009 9:12 AM
    Edited by: mohan prabu on Jul 7, 2009 9:12 AM

  • Problem with Item Validation

    I am running an advanced tutorial:
    and I have a problem with item Validation.
    Tutorial offers the following:
    You must manually create another validation to ensure that the Actual End Date is the same or later then the Start Date.
    To add a validation for the Actual End Date:
    1.Under Page Processing, Validations, click the Create icon.
    2.For Level, accept the default, Item level validation, and click Next.
    3.For Item, select Project Details: 50.P3_ACTUAL_END_DATE (Actual End Date) and click Next.
    4.For Validation Method:
    a.Select PL/SQL and click Next.
    b.Accept the default, PL/SQL Expression and click Next.
    5.For Sequence and Name:
    a.Sequence - Enter 50.
    b.Validation Name - Enter P3_END_AFTER_START.
    c.Accept the remaining defaults and click Next.
    6.For Validation:
    a.Validation - Enter:
    to_date(:P3_ACTUAL_END_DATE,:APP_DATE_FORMAT) >= to_date
    b.Error Message - Enter:
    Actual End Date must be same or after Start Date.
    c.Click Next.
    7.For Conditions:
    a.Condition Type - Select Value of Item in Expression 1 is NOT NULL
    b.Expression 1 - Enter P3_ACTUAL_END_DATE
    8.Click Create.
    Is there a mistake in explanation? I did it 3 times already, very carefully! I ran the page, entered the date, which is After the Start date, and get the error message: Actual End Date must be same or After Start Date!!
    Thank you for your consideration...

    I got it solved. I don't know if this is documented(or a bug) but what I did was declare an exception and then raise it and put the form_trigger_failure into the exception handler rather than raise form_trigger_failure in the body.
    alreadyExists exception;
    -- select .....
    raise alreadyExists;
    when alreadyExists then
    raise form_trigger_failure

  • Custom pushbutton in ME21N should display a popup window with item details

    The requirement is to
    1. Add a custom pushbutton in ME21N screen at header level.
    2. The user will select some PO line items and will click on this push button.
        This inturn should trigger a popup window with item details only for those selected PO line items along with schedule line qty.
    I have created the custom push button in a custom tab using the BADI ME_GUI_PO_CUST.
    Now I am not able to retrieve item details and schedule line details inside the PAI of the custom tab..
    i.e., when i click on the custom push button, I am not able to retrive the item data and schedule line data.
    Please help me to retrive PO line item data and schedule line data.

    JSF is not so relevant in this question. It's all about how the generated client side code look like. Which is usually a bunch of HTML/CSS/JS (open page in browser, rightclick and view source). If you know HTML, you should know that using target="_blank" in a <form> or <a> element would open a new window. If you know JS, you should know that using would open a new window.
    Apply this so in the JSF source code so that the generated HTML/JS output is exactly what you want.

  • Sale order with item category TAN not getting displayed in md04

    We have a sale order with item category TAN, Schedule line category CP, MRP type ND and availability check as 07. This is not getting reflected in md04. But item category TAB gets displayed under the PR number.
    Please let me know what checks to be made or changes to be done for the sale order with item category TAN to get displayed in md04 screen
    Thanks & Regards

    Hi all,
    I changed the MRP type to PD, and from the next sale order, line item onwards, it was getting displayed in md04 screen. The already created one anyway dint get reflected. So I had to delete the line item and create a new one.
    Thanks all for the help

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