Editing a picture

can i edit jpg or png picture file in fireworks

Hi Tyler,
You probably will have to make the image a little smaller in size.
You can quickly do this by using iPhoto or a third party program.
-In iPhoto go to share/export, in the export window put in a size and export to the desktop.
-Using a third party program like ImageWell. Drag the photo from the iPhoto window into the well of ImageWell. Move the slider down until you see your desired size. Drag the photo out of the well to the desktop.

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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    Moving photos from photostream to your library just imports them, it doesn't remove it from photostream, therefore photostream won't disappear.
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    Aperture is a database.  It's oddest feature is that "photo" is close to meaningless.  The Images you see are created on-the-fly by reading the Original (which is _never_ altered) and a text file of instruction (called, confusingly, a Version)  which are then applied to create the Image.  This image is often referred to as (I told you it was confusing) a Version.
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    Image like that can be achieved many different ways there is no right or wrong no one way to do things in Photoshop.  There are also many third Add-Ons developed for Photoshop. Prices range from free to very expensive.  Several third party add on have been developed to process images and help produce image like your example.

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    [Message moved by Forum Host]
    The rebel XS is supported by Camera Raw version 4.6 and newer... Update to that version of camera raw.
    http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/detail.jsp?ftpID=4044 fro windows
    http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/detail.jsp?ftpID=4035 for mac (since you do not state your operating system...)
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    Hi scienceiscool,
    You can go ahead with the photography plan as mentioned in the link below:
    Kindly refer to the link below to get used to the application better:
    Photoshop CC tutorials from novice to expert
    Sheena K

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    Welcome to Apple Discussions!
    To summarize your problem:
    1. It happens with more than one version of iPhoto.
    2. It happens in more that one account.
    3. It happens with more than one OS.
    Try some basic remedies. I don't think they will solve the problem, but it can't hurt to try them. Quit iPhoto and delete your iPhoto preferences. To do this, go to your username> library> preferences> com.apple.iphoto.plist. Delete this file. Then reopen iPhoto; it will create a new preference file with all of the default settings.
    Do a verify and repair of permissions using Disk Utility.
    My feeling is that this is a hardware rather than software problem. If the problem persists, I suggest that you post in the PowerMac G5 forum.
    I hope this helps.

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    Perhaps you too could benefit by resetting the preferences file to default.  The full instructions are at this link:
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