Email alarm problems

Hi, today all of a sudden, when using ical and I choose to email myself as an alarm I receive the following message "You must add your own card and email address in Address Book in order to be able to use mail alarms." It then makes me open up my address book, where of course I DO FIND my card. And there seems to be no way to "link" it to the Calendar program. Thoughts?

so: how do I reset my "me" card?
(Address Book>Card>Make This My Card)
If the card with your name is already designated, the (Address Book>Card>Make This My Card) will be grayed out. If that is the case, just recreate your card and use the (Address Book>Card>Make This My Card) selection from the Address Book menu.

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  • Email alarm problem:  Blank "To:" field on email, but only when iCal open

    If is closed, my email event alarms are working fine.
    However, if is open, when it comes time to open up and send the event alarm email, the "To:" field on the email is left blank, and results in a Mail error that the message can not be sent.
    The only other reference I could find in the forums to a similar problem was a claim that installing GroupWise can interfere with the script that iCal uses to fill in the To: field on the email, but I have never installed Groupwise (at least i dont remember ever installing it, and can't find any traces of Groupwise on my system), and the fact that it all works when iCal is closed , but not when iCal is open, has me stumped.
    Any suggestions?
    Ottawa, Canada
    iBook 600Mhz, 12", Combo Drive, 640 RAM   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

    Hi Ian,
    There is a different application that sends the emails when iCal is closed. It is called iCal Helper and is contained in the iCal application. iCal and iCal Helper use copies of the same Applescripts to send the emails to Your problem could stem from the Applescripts in iCal being corrupted in some way.
    Before trying what I am about to suggest, make an archive of your iCal application (Control-Click it in Finder and select Create Archive of "iCal") and keep the file safe. Better safe than sorry.
    You could try copying the Applescripts from the iCal Helper package into the iCal package.
    To do this:
    1. Control-Click on the iCal application and choose 'Show Package Contents' from the contextual menu. A new window will open with one folder called Contents in it.
    2.Open Contents and then the folder inside called Resources.
    3. In Resources you will find the iCal Helper application (you may find this easier using column view). Control-Click iCal Helper and select 'Show Package Contents'. Another window will open with a folder called Contents in it.
    4. Move the windows so you can see both the Resources window and the window opened in the last step.
    5. Open the Contents folder, and then the Resources folder inside this.
    6. Inside iCal Helper's Resources folder you will find five files called: Mail.scpt, Mail.applescript, mailInfoScript.applescript, mailInfoScript.applescript, mailScript.applescript and mailScriptWithAttachment.applescript. These files should be copied into iCal's Resources folder.
    7. Select the five files and press Command-C to copy them.
    8. Select the iCal's Resources folder in the other window and press Command-V. You will see a confirmation window asking if you really want to repace the files.
    9. Close both windows and your done.
    If you have any problems revet to the zipped copy of iCal.
    An alternative to this would be to do a custom install of iCal from your installation disk and applying the combo update to 10.4.7.
    Let me know how it goes.
    Best wishes
    John M

  • ICal/email alarm issue, please help if you can....

    Hello. I am just starting to use iCal and have been setting email alarms to remind me of my iCal events. Here is the issue I am having, if mail is closed and the email alarm time has gone by, the email does not show up. Any ideas?
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    Your problem is that the command you're trying to run includes spaces.
    Spaces are used by the shell to delimit arguments, so when you say:
    script with command " sudo /Volumes/Adobe CS3 Design Premium/AdobeCS3/"
    The shell sees this as the command 'sudo' with four arguments - "/Volumes/Adobe", "CS3", "Design", and "Premium/AdobeCS3/". It's no wonder it doesn't work.
    You have a couple of options. One is to escape each of the spaces by preceeding them with a backslash. This tells the shell to treat the next character as a real character, not as a delimiter, e.g. "/Volumes/Adobe\ CS3\ Design\ Premium...". If you take this approach, though, you need to be aware that AppleScript also uses the backslash to escape characters, so you need to escape the backslash itself - the first one tells AppleScript to treat the second backslash as a literal, and so the shell sees the second backslash and can deal with the spaces:
    >do script "sudo /Volumes/Adobe\\ CS3\\ Design\\ Premium/AdobeCS3/ --mode=silent --deploymentFile=/Volumes/Adobe\\ C3\\ Design\\ Premium/AdobeCS3/deployment/liteinstall.xml"
    The other option is to use the 'quoted form of' a string. 'Quoted form' takes a string and makes it shell-safe:
    <pre class=command>tell application "Terminal"
    set myCommand to "/Volumes/Adobe CS3 Design Premium/AdobeC3 blah blah blah"
    do script "sudo " & quoted form of myCommand
    end tell</pre>
    Depending on what else you're doing, you might also find it easier to eschew the Terminal altogether and just run the command directly via 'do shell script', but the same caveats apply.

  • ICal randomly doesn't send email alarms

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    I tried deleting all calendars and reimporting a previously exported iCal backup file without luck.
    Not sure what else to try. Any ideas?

    I had the same issue here. I solved the alarm sending with this:
    but the other problem was that some random changes occured with the recurrence of the events in my Birthdays calendar. I solved that with this script:
    tell application "iCal"
    tell calendar "Birthdays"
    repeat with Evento in events
    tell Evento
    set recurrence of Evento to "FREQ=YEARLY"
    end tell
    end repeat
    end tell
    end tell

  • No Email Alarm for All-Day Events

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    I've got a desktop and a laptop, and I've been syncing the iCal calendars on each for some time. However, this has resulted in one annoying thing - whenever an event comes up in iCal that I'd set an email alarm for, I would receive multiple alarms, one from each machine.
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    My opinion: I think you'll need to define what, to you, means "primary user".  a primary user relationship can be defined manually by you one by one in the console, automatically by usage, imported via script, or the end user (if they know
    how and you've allowed this in settings) can indicate a machine is a primary machine for themselves.
    How is primary user relationship set, in your environment?  Depending upon how that relationship is determined in your environment, then you can track for that particular machine how or why the relationship you expect to be there, isn't the relationship
    the database acknowledges.
    Standardize. Simplify. Automate.

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    I recieved a pop-up that told me to add my own email to the Address Book. It then opened up my A.B. I already had my data in A.B. I try to chose it, but get nowhere.
    HELP! Am I missing something?

    Tas804 wrote:
    I forgot to other email address is in my address book. AND if I go to my outbox and click on the email and hit send it goes through no problem...
    I had exactly the same experience. I kept adding test events to see if it would send the email. The first event triggered Mail but nothing showed, nothing was sent. The second event triggered Mail again but now I had the outbox showiing with both reminder messages in there. I was able to manually send them and they went through. I do have the 10.5.1 update. How do we fix this?
    Ok, an update. I just tried another test event but this time I had ical and mail on. At the proper time mail was triggered and I heard the sending mail sound and actually got the email reminder in my inbox. So it looks like either mail, ical or both have to be active to make this work correctly.
    Message was edited by: Pappasbike

  • When will email alarms work in iCal 3.0 and Leopard?

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    Well, here I am answering my own question. I went into Address Book preferences on my iBook, which was upgraded from Tiger to Leopard, and found that my own card in Address Book was no longer indicated as being "me". I checked the box to indicate that, and then--voilà!--my email alarms worked in iCal. I guess I should have realized that the upgrade to Leopard didn't necessarily create all the preferences that had previously existed in Tiger. Once I check the iMac, which came with Leopard, to ascertain that this fix works on the iMac, too, I will mark this question as answered.

  • Email alarms

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    I'm guessing it has something to do with hotsync'ing, but I don't really know.

  • ICal Won't Email Alarm-says my addr Card isn't there?

    Hi all,
    I've got a strange problem. When I try to setup an email alarm in iCal, it says that I have to add my own card in address book and offers to open it for me. I already have my own card in there, and have set this email alarm many times before? I even tried to make a new card for myself and it still gives me the same message when I try to set an email alarm? It won't let me set this alarm any more? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

    Try exporting the card, delete it in Contacts, then import the card and mark it as you. If that doesn't work, try deleting/recreating the card and then mark it as you.

  • Ical Email alarm

    Heres my problem. Whenever I add an event on Ical, I always us the email option as an alarm. However, I am never getting those emails.
    Could anyone help me with this one?

    In most cases if you're using the Mail app. on your computer it needs to be active for the email alarm to be sent. iCal does not have to be active but Mail does. Sometimes on mine when I open Mail an outbox will appear which will have the alarm message in it, then it gets sent a few seconds later. It's a bit hit or miss if you've quit Mail or if your computer has been in sleep, but I believe it always sends the alarm message if Mail is left running.

  • Event email alarms have no "To:" address, and cannot send

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    The email addresses I have tried are all in "My" card in Address book. I've tried re-selecting the email address and have also removed iCal plist and restarted, but all to no avail.
    Searching here hasn't provided me with any direct hits on the problem I'm experiencing. Does anyone have any other pointers on things I can try to get this working again?
    OS: 10.4.5
    Many thanks,
    iMac G4 Mac OS X (10.4.5)

    I am having the same issue. When I click "Reply" to an invitation Mail generates an e-mail without an address in the "To" field resulting in an error. We are using an exchange server but I have tested this with invitation generated with iCal as well. Also, a co-worker of mine, using the same set up as me (PowerMac G5 Dual 2.0 GHz, 10.4.6), has no difficulty.
    So far, I have deleted both my work (exchange) and home (.Mac) e-mail accounts from mail. I have created a new work account (imap) and re-sync'd with the exchange server. I have deleted both Mail and iCal .plist files from User> Library>Preferences. I have deleted all outgoing mail servers except my company mail server from the server list in Mail>Preferences>Accounts.
    I can receive, address and send e-mails fine with mail. When I click on a name in the "Attendees" list in the information pane in iCal I can see a grey'd out list of e-mail address for each attendee. When I select "Send Email" it addressess the e-mail correctly.
    In short, I am utterly confused as to why this does not work properly. Out It guy just quit and I am left figuring this out on my own. So, any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • Email alarms come through as unwanted alerts on iPhone

    This is a new issue since updating to the new iCal. When I set an event on iCal on my iMac, I often set up an email alarm to myself. This works fine. However, I also get an alert on the front of my iPhone that corresponds to every email alarm. I really do NOT want this alert.
    I do not have a default alarm set in my iCal preferences. I sync iCal through Mobileme.
    Any suggestions how to get rid of this iPhone alert?

    I have had the same problem with this new ical (I am still using iCal with Leopard. iCal has several options that are not given on the iPhone and don't convert properly when synced to the iPhone (the E-mail {used to work before the new ical} and the alert Option "Message"). Both the "Email" and "Message" act like the "Message with Sound". This is extremely annoying and frustrating. If I want to remind myself to call someone on a birthday, I end up with a midnight wakeup by the annoying beeps when all I want is either a silent "Message" that I can snooze (not on the first swipe though) or a simple e-mail sent to myself. In addition, it would be great if we could add ALL these features to be set for calendar events on the iphone.

  • Lumia 520 email account problem

    Have set up email account exactly as per information in the Microsoft Outlook on my PC. Also have followed instructions as per Windows Phone on web. My account is POP from an ISP and I have manually entered the settings as per 'Advanced'. I have a different ISP for outgoing mail and incoming mail. In Microsoft Outlook on my PC a common password is accepted for both incoming and outgoing mail.
    My problem is that I can receive emails but cannot send them. This suggests that the outgoing connection is not working from my mobile. I get an error message 80072F30 from my provider, saying messages cannot be sent and suggesting that my account details are not correct.  Any help appreciated. This phone is totally new to me.
    Go to Solution.

    False Alarm!  Sorry for the post. Found a typo in my SMTP Server address. Can now send and receive emails.
    Problem Solved.

  • Duplicate Email Alarms When Syncing Multiple Computers

    I have iCal set up on multiple computers, a desktop and a PowerBook. Both are syncing via .mac, which is ideal because I can add an event on either computer and it updates both.
    This however causes a problem. Email alarms from both computers end up sending me the same reminder. Resulting in my inbox receiving the same alert several times.
    How can I stop email alarms from but one computer?
    What adjustments do I need to make?

    Good for you.

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