Empty groups

i have written a custom rdbms realm that can handle empty groups.
Then i want to list all groups in the console a get a bunch of exceptions
<Di Okt 24 17:54:00 GMT+02:00 2000> <Error> <Management>
<InvocationTargetException getting attribute Members on mbean
. Method: public weblogic.management.WebLogicObjectName[]
weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.Group.getMembers() throws
java.lang.RuntimeException: unexpected error - group "Leitung" does not
at weblogic.security.acl.FlatGroup.fillCache(FlatGroup.java:160)
at weblogic.security.acl.FlatGroup.members(FlatGroup.java:238)
at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.Group.getMembers(Group.java:24)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
at javax.management.MBeanServer.getAttribute(MBeanServer.java:1083)
at javax.management.MBeanServer.getAttribute(MBeanServer.java:1049)
at $Proxy39.getMembers(Unknown Source)
at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspBase.service(JspBase.java:27)
at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:133)
at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:116)
The realm works fine and if a check my debug messages i can see that the
empty group was created.
Can the console handle empty groups? I don't think so! I think this is a

I am not sure how you are creating your empty groups, but I found a similar problem when I used the FlatGroup constructor that takes a name and a realm.
When I used the constructor which also takes a Hashtable with the members of the group and gave it an empty Hashable the problem went away.
I do agree though it seems like there is a bug, as it seems the fillCache method of FlatGroup does not like dealing with a group that has a null members attribute.
"Lars Klippert" <[email protected]> wrote:
i have written a custom rdbms realm that can handle empty groups.
Then i want to list all groups in the console a get a bunch of exceptions
<Di Okt 24 17:54:00 GMT+02:00 2000> <Error> <Management>
<InvocationTargetException getting attribute Members on mbean
.. Method: public weblogic.management.WebLogicObjectName[]
weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.Group.getMembers() throws
java.lang.RuntimeException: unexpected error - group "Leitung" does not
at weblogic.security.acl.FlatGroup.fillCache(FlatGroup.java:160)
at weblogic.security.acl.FlatGroup.members(FlatGroup.java:238)
at weblogic.management.mbeans.custom.Group.getMembers(Group.java:24)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
at javax.management.MBeanServer.getAttribute(MBeanServer.java:1083)
at javax.management.MBeanServer.getAttribute(MBeanServer.java:1049)
at $Proxy39.getMembers(Unknown Source)
at weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspBase.service(JspBase.java:27)
at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:133)
at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:116)
The realm works fine and if a check my debug messages i can see that the
empty group was created.
Can the console handle empty groups? I don't think so! I think this is a

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    the values from our column are from database , then how can we edit the data(values) in that columnErrr..Ohkk. There are 3 methods you can do this:
    1) Correct the spelling in underlying DB table by updating the column name (check all the references) - Most Recommended
    2) In case you don't want to go for 1st option, you can remove the default legend option in Pie Chart by setting it to none and ADD a new Legend View to this Chart View with correct names
    3) Change the fx of that column in criteria like
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    Hi Jason, 
    been trawling the internet and found this.... its dated 2010 so must be referring to SCCM 2007, but could still be relevant.. ???
    5. Active Directory User Discovery
    It discovers the following:
    User name
    Unique user name (includes domain name)
    Active Directory domain
    Active Directory container name
    User groups (except empty groups)
    (just added a user to my 'empty' security group - see what happens)

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    Does anyone else have this problem??
    Message was edited by: heytaxi

    I am th only person to come accross this problem???

  • How to enable Group Chat for Presence 8.5?

    I've just upgraded my Presence to 8.5 and currently working swimmingly with CUPC 8.5. But still missed one step which is Group Chat.
    From Administration Page, under Messaging, there are two settings i noticed which is
    1.Group Chat and Persistent Chat Settings, looked like this;
    Status: Ready
    Group Chat Settings
    System Automatically Manages Primary Group Chat Server Aliases
    Number of messages in chat history displayed for new chat participants
    Enable Persistent Chat
    Archive all room messages
    Number of Connections to the Database
    Database Connection Heartbeat Interval (seconds)
    2. Find and List Group Chat Server Aliases ;
    0 records found
    Group Chat Server Alias
      Rows per Page 25 50 100 150 200 250
    Group Chat Server Alias
    Group Chat Server Alias
    begins with contains ends with is exactly is empty is not empty
    Group Chat Server Alias
    begins with contains ends with is exactly is empty is not empty
    Group Chat Server Alias
    begins with contains ends with is exactly is empty is not empty
    Group Chat Server Alias
    begins with contains ends with is exactly is empty is not empty
    Group Chat Server Alias
    begins with contains ends with is exactly is empty is not empty
    Group Chat Server Alias
    begins with contains ends with is exactly is empty is not empty
    Group Chat Server Alias
    begins with contains ends with is exactly is empty is not empty
    Group Chat Server Alias
    begins with contains ends with is exactly is empty is not empty
    Group Chat Server Alias
    begins with contains ends with is exactly is empty is not empty
    Group Chat Server Alias
    begins with contains ends with is exactly is empty is not empty
    No active query.  Please enter your search criteria using the options above.
    Do i need to enable persistent chat settings?
    There's no item in Server Aliases, do i need to add new?
    Thanks in advance,

    You need to configure an off-box PosgreSQL database for this to work. CUP uses that database to store the chat room history. There is a database integration guide on CCO that covers setting this up.
    Sent from Cisco Technical Support iPhone App

  • How to delete group which is not in iCloud?

    Operating IOS7.0.2 on iPhone5S. iTunes11.1.1 and Contacts7.1
    On my iPhone there is an empty group in the "On My Phone" category - this category does not appear in Contacts (app) nor in iCloud.
    I want to delete this rogue group.
    On the phone Sync Contacts to iCloud slider = Yes in Settings/General/Mail, Contacts, Calendars.
    On the phone Sync Contacts to iCloud slider = Yes in Settings, General, iCloud
    in iTunes/Info  "Your contacts are being synced with your iPhone over the air from iCloud:"
    Your thoughts appreciated

    >I don't see any connection with new user and system profiles.
    Because there is not ! The previous answer is completely out of topic...
    I already gave the answer : Deleting profile parameters means that there are no more in the profile files (or RZ10) but it means also that they still exist with their default value. One can see them from RZ11 or RSPARAM.
    So "deleting" a profile parameter means : get back to the default value.

  • Dynamic Group Membership - All SQL Computers in a Domain

    I am trying to create groups containing all SQL servers in each domain. I am using the Wizard in the console. However I appear to be having winter blues as I can't work out how to do it. Everything I try results in an empty group.
    Can someone please explain what I need to do to?

    Thanks for the input. The code looks logical and I applied it and imported a revised MP. However I am not getting any membership in the group. There is another group membership in the same MP and that populates correctly, so I haven't a clue where I'm going
    wrong. As you can see below my rule is the same as yours, except with a different domain name.

  • RDBMS and Group Cache

    We have noticed that when the group cache is reloaded, the
    RDBMSDelegate.getGroup(String) method is called for each user that is
    either logging into the system or doing some sort of role authentification
    against the group cache.
    This method in turn calls RDBMSDelegate.getGroupInternal(String, ResultSet),
    which then parses the result set of the members of the group. So, if 5
    members of the Employee group are logged into the server, the getGroup()
    method is called 5 times concurrently. These concurrent method calls seem to
    correspond with severe performance degradation since the method parses a
    resultset of 3000 records each time its called.
    We are using the example RDMBS security code and running WL6.0 sp1 on Win2K.
    Is there any modified rdbms code out there that would improve the
    performance of the group cache reload, or lock calls to the getGroups so
    that the first call is the only one that parses the recordset and concurent
    calls would be directed to the cache?

    The philosophy behind the plan is when the group is first required you
    just get any empty group object (sort of a wrapper class for a
    Hashtable), then you call the database to find out if a user is in the
    group only when you have to (this will lead to a lot more database
    calls, but only retrieve the required lines, and them only one at a
    time, as opposed to making one call which retrieves absolutely all of
    the information.)
    so RDBMSRealm.getGroup looks like this
    public Group getGroup(String name){
    RDBMSDelegate delegate = getDelegate();
    if (delegate.checkForGroup(name)){
    return new RDBMSGroup(name,this,new Hashtable());
    return null;
    }catch (SQLException e){
    delegate = null;
    throw new RDBMSException("caught SQL exception", e);
    Where RDMBSDelegate.checkForGroup just calls the database to see if
    there is a group of the name given
    And RDBMSGroup.isMember() looks like this
    public boolean isMember(Principal member){
    if (this.getName().equals("everyone")){
    //everyone is in the 'everyone' group
    return true;
    User user = (User)member;
    //check if the member is in the Hashtable of known members
    if (members.containsValue(user)){//user is a known member
    return true;
    }else{//check the database
    if (realm.isMember(this,user)){//database says user is in this
    //add member to known users list(use member's getName() rather
    than User's to avoid deprecated API)
    return true;
    return false;
    }catch(ClassCastException e){//not castable to class User
    return false;
    Which is enough for the general operation of security.
    If you wish to be able to view all members in the group you will need
    something that resembles the original functionality
    Hope this helps. terry
    What do you mean by "populate the group lazily with the
    isMember() method" ? isMember()
    takes a Principal as its argument - where do you get that Principal??
    A code example would be highly appreciated!!!
    Simen R.
    THorner <[email protected]> wrote:
    The RDBMSRealm provided (certainly with WLS5.1, but I think also 6.*)
    really isn't meant to be used for production - it is just an example.
    The matter of getGroup() is the major performance hit, and I advise you
    to treat it differently - an architecture taht works for us is to make
    getGroup just return the RDBMSGroup object, without calling the
    database, and to populate the group lazily with the isMember() method.
    so isMember looks like
    if (hasAlreadyBeenCheckedForAndIsAMember){
    return true;
    }else if (wasntAlreadyCheckedForbutIsInTheDatabase){
    return true;
    return false;
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Jason Collins [mailto:[email protected]]
    Posted At: Fri 17 August 2001 20:33
    Posted To: weblogic.developer.interest.security
    Conversation: RDBMS and Group Cache
    Subject: Re: RDBMS and Group Cache
    Was any solution to this found? We would like to avoid
    writing the changes
    to RDMSRealm, but the current performance is pretty bad.
    "Pete Arvanitis" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    We have noticed that when the group cache is reloaded, the
    RDBMSDelegate.getGroup(String) method is called for each user that is
    either logging into the system or doing some sort of role authentification
    against the group cache.
    This method in turn calls RDBMSDelegate.getGroupInternal(String,ResultSet),
    which then parses the result set of the members of the group. So, if 5
    members of the Employee group are logged into the server, the getGroup()
    method is called 5 times concurrently. These concurrent method calls seem
    correspond with severe performance degradation since the method parses a
    resultset of 3000 records each time its called.
    We are using the example RDMBS security code and running WL6.0 sp1 on
    Is there any modified rdbms code out there that would improve the
    performance of the group cache reload, or lock calls to the getGroups so
    that the first call is the only one that parses the recordset andconcurent
    calls would be directed to the cache?

Maybe you are looking for

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