"Enable Failed" Error Is Issued When Using a Workflow - OAM

We've set up password management according to http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E15217_01/doc.1014/e12489/idconfig.htm#CBDGGGHE and note 444094.1. We're trying to create a user through IdentityXML using the create user basic workflow we created, but that fails. So we tried to create a user in Identity Manager through the Create User Identity link. We receive: Initiate - Completed, Enable - Failed. We see http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E12530_01/oam.1014/b32419/trblsht.htm#BABBAEAH statement about the searchbase, but it looks correct with our domain and anyone allowed. Anyone have any other ideas what could be wrong, or a way to troubleshoot this?
Thanks for your help

Thanks for the pointer to the identity logs. I recreated the workflow and it seems to work now, I guess something was goofed up. Although, if I create a new user through the workflow, the new user is missing the oblixPersonPwdPolicy. When we set this up, there was a step to tie the oblixPersonPwdPolicy object class to the employee tab. Would you know why the class isn't being added?

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    <script type="text/javascript">
    function displaymessage()
    var sapgui;
    var application;
    var connection;
    if (typeof(application) == "undefined")
       sapgui      = GetObject("SAPGUI");
       application = sapgui.GetScriptingEngine();
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    All help welcome. Thanks

    Hey Gunter,
    Thanks much, that did work.
    The other error I spoke of was fixed with the new database, so apparently the two errors I spoke of weren't related.
    You seem to be a good help to this forum, thank you for that.... fixing my problem relieved me from much stress.
    Derek Miller
    Dreamweaver Enthusiast

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    Get rid of 'put disks to sleep when possible' and you may see a dramatic improvement (not necessarily a cure).
    That specific problem is a multiple-Processor (including graphics processor) problem, where one of the processors lost track of whether it should be responding to interrupts. You may have a Hardware problem.

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    import java.awt.Component;
    import java.awt.EventQueue;
    import javax.swing.GroupLayout;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JLabel;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
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    import javax.swing.border.Border;
    import javax.swing.table.TableCellRenderer;
    import javax.swing.table.TableColumn;
    import sun.swing.DefaultLookup;
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      private class PanelRenderer extends JPanel implements TableCellRenderer {
        private JLabel label = new JLabel();
        public PanelRenderer() {
          GroupLayout layout = new GroupLayout(this);
        public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int column) {
          if (isSelected) {
          } else {
          // Border section taken from DefaultTableCellRenderer
          if (hasFocus) {
            Border border = null;
            if (isSelected) {
              border = DefaultLookup.getBorder(this, ui, "Table.focusSelectedCellHighlightBorder");
            if (border == null) {
              border = DefaultLookup.getBorder(this, ui, "Table.focusCellHighlightBorder");
            if (!isSelected && table.isCellEditable(row, column)) {
              Color col;
              col = DefaultLookup.getColor(this, ui, "Table.focusCellForeground");
              if (col != null) {
              col = DefaultLookup.getColor(this, ui, "Table.focusCellBackground");
              if (col != null) {
          } else {
            setBorder(null /*getNoFocusBorder()*/);
          // Set up our label
          return this;
      public TableCellPanelTest() {
        JTable table = new JTable(new Integer[][]{{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}}, new String[]{"A", "B", "C"});
        // set up a custom renderer on the first column
        TableColumn firstColumn = table.getColumnModel().getColumn(0);
        firstColumn.setCellRenderer(new PanelRenderer());
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
          public void run() {
            new TableCellPanelTest().setVisible(true);
    }There are basically two problems:
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    2) Once a cell in the column is selected, it shifts down even farther.
    I'd really appreciate any help in figuring out what's up!

    1) LayoutManagers need to take the border into account so the label is placed at (1,1) while labels just start at (0,0) of the cell rect. Also the layout manager tend not to shrink component below their minimum size. Setting the labels minimum size to (0,0) seems to get the same effect in your example. Doing the same for maximum size helps if you set the row height for the JTable larger. Easier might be to use BorderLayout which ignores min/max for center (and min/max height for west/east, etc).
    2) DefaultTableCellRenderer uses a 1px border if the UI no focus border is null, you don't.
    3) Include a setDefaultCloseOperation is a SSCCE please. I think I've got a hunderd test programs running now :P.

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    Even then that shouldn't do so:
    SQL> select overload, position, argument_name, data_type, in_out
      2  from all_arguments
      3  where package_name = 'STANDARD'
      4  and object_name = 'LPAD'
      5  order by 1,2
      6  /
    OVERLOAD   POSITION ARGUMENT_NAME                  DATA_TYPE                      IN_OUT
    1                 0                                VARCHAR2                       OUT
    1                 1 STR1                           VARCHAR2                       IN
    1                 2 LEN                            BINARY_INTEGER                 IN
    1                 3 PAD                            VARCHAR2                       IN
    2                 0                                VARCHAR2                       OUT
    2                 1 STR1                           VARCHAR2                       IN
    2                 2 LEN                            BINARY_INTEGER                 IN
    3                 0                                CLOB                           OUT
    3                 1 STR1                           CLOB                           IN
    3                 2 LEN                            NUMBER                         IN
    3                 3 PAD                            CLOB                           IN
    4                 0                                CLOB                           OUT
    4                 1 STR1                           CLOB                           IN
    4                 2 LEN                            NUMBER                         INI wonder what happened?

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    Hi Scott,
    THis isnt an answer to ur Question, but could u tell me which jar files are needed for the packages:
    and under which path I coul dfind them.

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    Thanks and Regards
    Himanshu Goyal | LabVIEW Engineer- Power System Automation
    Values that steer us ahead: Passion | Innovation | Ambition | Diligence | Teamwork
    It Only gets BETTER!!!

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    Hi ahmed,
    you can attach picture directly in the forum...
    If you would use an error indicator you could read an explanation of the error. It's a "framing error", happening sometimes when using serial connections...
    Best regards,
    CLAD, using 2009SP1 + LV2011SP1 + LV2014SP1 on WinXP+Win7+cRIO
    Kudos are welcome

  • Get ORA-01031: insufficient privileges error, but only when using dbstart.

    I am getting ORA-01031: insufficient privileges error, but only when using dbstart. the listener starts but not the database. How come I can start it from SQL prompt but not from dbstart scripts as the oracle user?
    [oracle@mallard bin]$ ./dbstart
    Processing Database instance "gf44": log file /prod/oracle/10/startup.log
    [oracle@mallard bin]$
    Log file:
    Wed Aug 20 10:15:02 CDT 2008
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Aug 20 10:15:02 2008
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
    SQL> ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
    /prod/oracle/10/bin/dbstart: Database instance "gf44" warm started.
    oratab file:
    dbstart file section:
    # See if it is a V6 or V7 database
    if [ -f $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqldba ] ; then
    VERSION=`$ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqldba command=exit | awk '
    /SQL\*DBA: (Release|Version)/ {split($3, V, ".") ;
          print V[1]}'`
    case $VERSION in
    "6") ;;
    *) VERSION="internal" ;;
    if [ -f $ORACLE_HOME/bin/svrmgrl ] ; then
    SQLDBA="sqlplus /nolog"
    Permissions of file:
    [oracle@mallard bin]$ ls -la dbstart
    -rwxrwxr-x 1 oracle oinstall 10407 Aug 19 12:27 dbstart
    [oracle@mallard bin]$
    User permissions:
    [root@mallard 10]# id oracle
    uid=503(oracle) gid=503(oinstall) groups=503(oinstall),504(dba)
    [root@mallard 10]#
    I can start the listener manually using "./lsnrctl start" and start the database manually from sql prompt using "SQL>startup" (as sysdba) with no problems. this only happens when using dbstart file. I am logged in as oracle user and all environment variables are set
    Thank you for any help you could provide.

    I have the same problem, but i don't want insert this string
    Connect sys/{password} as sysdbaI have deployed an Oracle 10g with os SunOS
    $ uname -a
    SunOS DB02 5.10 Generic_141444-09 sun4v sparc SUNW,Sun-Blade-T6320
    I can connect with sys/password, but I can't login with
    $ sqlplus /nolog
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu Jan 7 15:19:50 2010
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    SQL> connect / as sysdba
    ORA-01031: insufficient privilegesthe the startup and dbshut don't work.
    Someone maybe help me?

  • What is the best way to display errors to users when using JSPs?

              Could someone suggest me the best way to display errors to users when using JSPs?
              Many thanks in advance.

              Thanks for the code snippet!
              "Deepak Vohra" <[email protected]> wrote:
              >The 'errorPage' attribute of the 'page' directive forwards uncaught run-time
              >to an error processing page. For example:
              ><%@ page errorPage="error.jsp" %>
              >redirects the browser to the JSP page error.jsp if an uncaught exception
              >is encountered.
              >Within error.jsp, indicate that it is an error-processing page, via the
              ><%@ page isErrorPage="true" %>
              >The Throwable object describing the exception may be accessed within
              >the error
              >page via the 'exception' implicit object.
              ><% if (exception != null) { %>
              ><p> An exception was thrown: <b> <%= exception %>
              ><p> With the following stack trace:
              > ByteArrayOutputStream ostr = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
              > exception.printStackTrace(new PrintStream(ostr));
              > out.print(ostr);
              >"Rino Srivastava" <[email protected]> wrote:
              >>Could someone suggest me the best way to display errors to users when
              >>using JSPs?
              >>Many thanks in advance.

  • Bluetooth issues when using smartwatch on the z1s

    I'm having some Bluetooth issues when using my smartwatch. I usually use my z1s with my car radio via Bluetooth to listen to music and for making calls. Now that I got a sony smartwatch I always got problems with the calls. It looks like that the Bluetooth turns off during the call when I'm using the smartwatch. I already tried by deleting and pairing again the z1s, but nothing works. Not sure if maybe the z1s does not support the smartwatch and the care radio Bluetooth connection at the same time. However it works fine when playing music! The problem is just with the calls. This never happens before I got the smartwatch.

    I have the Tmobile Z1s and a SW2 and have the same issues with multiple devices:
    1) Bose Soundlink Mini
    2) Sony MBR-100
    3) My car's bluetooth
    4) Ford Sync
    5) Sony SBH20
    6) Motorola S305
    If the phone connects to the A2DB device, it will typically play fine for several minutes. Then, audio will drop out. If I do nothing, after several minutes my watch will vibrate to show it has disconnected. Sometimes audio then comes back, and sometimes it doesn't.
    Sometimes my phone will not connect to my car. Then, if I can get it to connect, it will only allow for phone audio, not media audio. 
    This issue has been on (2) Z1s's with the SW2. The first I returned due to touch screen issues, which the second one also has. All of the devices above worked perfectly fine with my Xperia Z, Galaxy S2, HTC One, etc. The Xperia Z and the SW2 never had any problems.
    Honestly, this phone has been incredibly frustrating. If the upcoming updates for either the SW2 or Z1S don't fix this issue, I'm going to return it and get something else.

  • Errors were found when compiling the workflow. The workflow files were saved but cannot be run.

    Greetings All,
    I am having issues with a SharePoint Designer workflow.  This is a SharePoint 2013 environment, I'm using SharePoint Designer 2013 and working on a SharePoint 2010 workflow.  I'm developing this as a SharePoint 2010 workflow because I need to do
    The environment and workflow have been running, in the past week, without issue.  I went to add a couple steps and now I cannot publish the workflow.  While in SharePoint Designer, I receive the error:
    "Errors were found when compiling the workflow.  The workflow files were saved but cannot be run."  When I click the Advanced button on the error dialog, the message is "Unexpected error on server associating the workflow." 
    That is all the error information I have available; nothing is in the log files.
    I have investigated this error and tried the following:
    Cleared the SharePoint Designer cache.
    The WebApp.UserDefinedWorkflowMaximumComplexity was at 7000 so I increased it to 10000.  Restarted the servers (which may not have been necessary) and tried again receiving the same error.  I then increased it to 30000 with the same error result.
    Since this is a large workflow, I tried created a workflow with a single action, write to workflow log, with the same error results.
    I reboot the servers and try again and now I can publish the small test workflow but not the original.  However, neither will run.  When I attempt to manually run the small test workflow on an item, I get an error: "Sorry something went wrong.
    An unexpected error occurs.  I checked the log files for the correlation id and nothing, nothing was logged for the error. ~arg~
    Also, now no workflows can be published in this web app.  Not just the one I was working on but none of them!
    Does anyone have a clue what has happened to the SharePoint 2010 workflow service?  Or some suggestions for me to try?
    Thank you in advance for your help!
    Bob Mixon

    try these links:
    Hi Sagar,
    I appreciate it but if you see my original post, this is a SharePoint 2010 workflow that cannot be published; which has now caused all SharePoint 2010 workflows in the same web app to error.
    Your first link is specific to SharePoint 2013 workflows.
    Your second link refers to the UserDefinedWorkflowMaximumComplexity.  If you read my original post, I've already tried this and I've tried to publish a small (single activity) workflow.
    Your third link also refers to large workflows with many approval activities.  My workflow doesn't contain any approval activities.
    And you fourth link refers to 2013 workflows not 2010.
    My issue is with publishing and running a SharePoint 2010 workflow in SharePoint 2013.
    Thank you...

  • Errors were found when compiling the workflow

    My company has consolodated many SharePoint sites into one with many subsites to save money. I ported my existing libraries from theold site to the new site (Same version of SP). The workflows did not go with the libraries, as expected. I re-created each
    workflow, and every time have gotten the same error message: "Errors were found when compiling the workflow. The workflow files were saved but cannot run."
    When I click Advanced I see some variation of the following:
    (-1, -1) Compilation failed. Could not find file 'C:\Users\TEMP.*domain*\AppData\Local\Temp\ **and then a different .dll file every time'
    I have not seen any other examples of this online. For some, creating a new task and history list for the workflow allowed it to compile, but not always.

    According to your post, my understanding is that Errors are found when compiling the workflow.
    I recommend that you can check whether the file exists under the path 'C:\Users\TEMP.*domain*\AppData\Local\Temp\”.
    If it exists, you can create a silmple workflow to check whether it works.
    If it does work, you can add executionTimeout property in web.config file to increase the timeout interval(Make a copy of the web.config file before editing anything).
    For more information, please refer to:
    Manjuke's Blog: Fixed: SharePoint Designer Error - Unexpected error on server associating the workflow
    SharePoint Designer 2010 Errors were found when compiling the workflow. The workflow files were saved but cannot be run. Unexpected error on server associating the workflow.
    Best Regards,
    Linda Li
    Linda Li
    TechNet Community Support

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