Enabled UDF's are not displaying in XL Report Composer.

I Enabled User Defined Fields (UDF) under manage user defined fields. But itu2019s displaying only Light dimensionu2018s fields. But Dimension attributeu2019s fields are not displaying in XL Report composer. How we can display Dimension attribute fields in XL Report.
Sampath Kumar.

Hi,Danie Posthumus
First of all we are not able to see my User define filed in report composer except for light dimensions type. Only we are getting Light Dimension Data Item type only we are not getting Dimension Attribute Data item type.
Sampath Kumar Devunuri.

Similar Messages

  • Column Heading are not displayed in ALV Report using CL_SALV_DISPLAY?

       I am using CL_SALV_DISPLAY class to display data. I Created an Internal Table Dynamically based fieldcatalog which was prepared based data at run time. When i displayed data using CL_SALC_DISPALY data is display in output but column headings are not displayed.
    can anyone suggest me how to display heading in ALV using CL_SALV_DISPLAY class, My code is
          CLASS lcl_report DEFINITION
    CLASS lcl_report DEFINITION.
          display  IMPORTING l_table  TYPE string
                             l_fcat   TYPE string.
    ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_report DEFINITION
          CLASS lcl_report IMPLEMENTATION
      METHOD display.
        DATA: gr_table   TYPE REF TO cl_salv_table.
        DATA: gr_columns TYPE REF TO cl_salv_columns_table,
              gr_column  TYPE REF TO cl_salv_column_table,
              ls_fcat    TYPE slis_fieldcat_alv.
        DATA: gr_display TYPE REF TO cl_salv_display_settings.
        DATA: l_o_functions TYPE REF TO cl_salv_functions_list,
              l_field    TYPE string.
        FIELD-SYMBOLS : <fs_table>    TYPE STANDARD TABLE,
                        <ft_fcat>     TYPE STANDARD TABLE.
    Get the ALV object refering to the output table
        ASSIGN (l_table) TO <fs_table>.
        ASSIGN (l_fcat)  TO <ft_fcat>.
                r_salv_table = gr_table
                t_table      = <fs_table> ).
          CATCH cx_salv_msg.                                "#EC NO_HANDLER
    Add basic default functionality in the ALV report
        l_o_functions = gr_table->get_functions( ).
        l_o_functions->set_all( abap_true ).
        gr_columns = gr_table->get_columns( ).
        gr_columns->set_headers_visible( abap_true ).
    Display the list
        gr_table->display( ).
      ENDMETHOD.                    "extract
    ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_report IMPLEMENTATION
    *& start-of-selection declaration
      PERFORM :
      get store codes
        get_storecodes    USING      p_stfile
                          CHANGING   it_t001w,
      fetching mard data
      preparing fieldcatalog for Final Data
        create_filedcat   USING      it_t001w
                          CHANGING   it_fieldcat,
      preparing structure & internal table for Final Data
        create_final_table_structure  USING  it_fieldcat,
      prepare output data
    *& end-of-selection declaration
      PERFORM :
      display data
        display_data    USING l_table
    *&      Form  get_storecodes
    FORM get_storecodes  USING    p_p_stfile
                         CHANGING p_it_t001w  LIKE it_t001w[].
      DATA  :
    internal table for RAW
      lt_raw    TYPE truxs_t_text_data,
      rs_site   LIKE LINE OF rt_site,
      l_index   LIKE sy-tabix.
    field symbol for it_t001w
      <fs_t001w>   LIKE LINE OF p_it_t001w.
    calling function module to get Stores Data from File
          i_line_header        = 'X'
          i_tab_raw_data       = lt_raw
          i_filename           = p_p_stfile
          i_tab_converted_data = p_it_t001w[]
          conversion_failed    = 1
          OTHERS               = 2.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
      SORT p_it_t001w BY werks.
      CLEAR rs_site.
      rs_site-sign   = 'I'.
      rs_site-option = 'EQ'.
      rs_site-low    = p_dccode.
      APPEND rs_site TO rt_site.
      IF it_t001w[] IS NOT INITIAL.
        LOOP AT p_it_t001w ASSIGNING <fs_t001w>.
          l_index   = sy-tabix.
              input  = <fs_t001w>-werks
              output = <fs_t001w>-werks.
          MODIFY p_it_t001w FROM <fs_t001w> INDEX l_index.
          IF <fs_t001w>-werks GE s_site-low AND <fs_t001w>-werks LE s_site-high.
          append site to ranges
            CLEAR rs_site.
            rs_site-sign   = 'I'.
            rs_site-option = 'EQ'.
            rs_site-low    = <fs_t001w>-werks.
            APPEND rs_site TO rt_site.
        SORT p_it_t001w BY werks.
        SORT rt_site.
    ENDFORM.                    " get_storecodes
    *&      Form  create_final_table_structure
    FORM create_filedcat   USING    p_it_t001w      LIKE it_t001w[]
                                    p_it_site       LIKE it_site[]
                           CHANGING p_it_fieldcat   LIKE it_fieldcat[].
    field symbol for p_it_t001w
      <fs_t001w>     LIKE LINE OF p_it_t001w,
    field symbol for p_it_site
      <fs_site>      LIKE LINE OF p_it_site.
      DATA :
      l_fieldname    TYPE slis_fieldname,
    workarea for site ranges
      rs_site        LIKE LINE OF rt_site.
      CLEAR : l_fieldname, rs_site.
      l_fieldname    = p_dccode.
    prepare fieldcatalog
      build_fieldcatalog USING :   'MTART'      'CHAR'        '5'  ,
                                   'MTBEZ'      'CHAR'        '25' ,
                                   'MATKL'      'CHAR'        '6'  ,
                                   'WGBEZ'      'CHAR'        '20' ,
                                   'MATNR'      'CHAR'        '18' ,
                                   'MAKTX'      'CHAR'        '30' ,
                                    l_fieldname 'CHAR'        '17' .
    create header for excel
      PERFORM create_excel_header USING  : 'Division',
                                           'Divsion Description',
                                           'MC Code',
                                           'MC Description',
                                           'Article Description',
    loop for creating fieldcatalog
      LOOP AT it_site ASSIGNING <fs_site>.
        READ TABLE it_t001w ASSIGNING <fs_t001w> WITH KEY werks = <fs_site>-werks
                                                                  BINARY SEARCH.
        IF sy-subrc = 0           AND <fs_t001w> IS ASSIGNED AND
           <fs_site> IS ASSIGNED  AND <fs_site>-stock GT 0.
          CLEAR : l_fieldname, rs_site.
          l_fieldname    = <fs_site>-werks.
        prepare fieldcatalog
          PERFORM build_fieldcatalog USING : l_fieldname    'CHAR'   '17'.
        create header for excel
          PERFORM create_excel_header USING  l_fieldname  .
      l_fcat  = 'it_fieldcat[]'.
    ENDFORM.                    " create_final_table_structure
    *&      Form  build_fieldcatalog
    FORM build_fieldcatalog  USING    p_fieldname      TYPE slis_fieldname
                                      p_datatype       TYPE datatype_d
                                      p_length         TYPE intlen.
      DATA : ls_fieldcat    LIKE LINE OF it_fieldcat.
      CLEAR  : ls_fieldcat.
      ls_fieldcat-fieldname   = p_fieldname.
      ls_fieldcat-datatype    = p_datatype.
      ls_fieldcat-intlen      = p_length.
      APPEND ls_fieldcat TO it_fieldcat.
    ENDFORM.                    " build_fieldcatalog
    *&      Form  create_final_table_structure
    FORM create_final_table_structure  USING    p_it_fieldcat.
    Create dynamic internal table and assign to FS
      CALL METHOD cl_alv_table_create=>create_dynamic_table
          it_fieldcatalog = it_fieldcat
          ep_table        = t_table.
      ASSIGN t_table->*  TO <ft_final>.
    ENDFORM.                    " create_final_table_structure
    *&      Form  create_excel_header
    FORM create_excel_header  USING    p_p_fieldname.
      DATA : ls_header  LIKE LINE OF it_header.
      CLEAR ls_header.
      ls_header-col_name  = p_p_fieldname.
      APPEND ls_header TO it_header.
    ENDFORM.                    " create_excel_header
    *&      Form  prepare_final_data
    FORM prepare_final_data .
      DATA          : l_matnr       LIKE g_matnr,
                      l_werks       LIKE g_werks,
                      l_index       LIKE sy-tabix.
      FIELD-SYMBOLS : <fs_mard>     LIKE LINE OF it_mard.
    Getting No. of Lines in IT_MARD internal table
      DESCRIBE TABLE it_mard LINES g_lines.
      LOOP AT it_mard ASSIGNING <fs_mard>.
        l_index    = sy-tabix.
        IF l_matnr IS INITIAL.
          l_matnr  = <fs_mard>-matnr.
          CLEAR : l_werks.
          l_werks    = <fs_mard>-werks.
          UNASSIGN : <fs_value>, <fs_final>.
        Create dynamic work area and assign to FS
          CREATE DATA t_line LIKE LINE OF <ft_final>.
          ASSIGN t_line->*   TO <fs_final>.
          ASSIGN COMPONENT 'MATNR'  OF STRUCTURE <fs_final> TO <fs_value>.
          <fs_value>        = <fs_mard>-matnr.
          ASSIGN COMPONENT l_werks  OF STRUCTURE <fs_final> TO <fs_value>.
          <fs_value>        = <fs_value> + <fs_mard>-labst.
        getting Article Type,MC & its Descriptions
          PERFORM get_other_data    USING     l_matnr
        ELSEIF l_matnr <> <fs_mard>-matnr.
          APPEND <fs_final> TO <ft_final>.
          CLEAR l_matnr.
          l_matnr  = <fs_mard>-matnr.
          CLEAR : l_werks.
          l_werks    = <fs_mard>-werks.
          UNASSIGN : <fs_value>, <fs_final>.
        Create dynamic work area and assign to FS
          CREATE DATA t_line LIKE LINE OF <ft_final>.
          ASSIGN t_line->*   TO <fs_final>.
          ASSIGN COMPONENT 'MATNR'  OF STRUCTURE <fs_final> TO <fs_value>.
          <fs_value>        = <fs_mard>-matnr.
          ASSIGN COMPONENT l_werks  OF STRUCTURE <fs_final> TO <fs_value>.
          <fs_value>        = <fs_value> + <fs_mard>-labst.
        getting Article Type,MC & its Descriptions
          PERFORM get_other_data    USING     l_matnr
          CLEAR : l_werks.
          l_werks    = <fs_mard>-werks.
          ASSIGN COMPONENT l_werks  OF STRUCTURE <fs_final> TO <fs_value>.
          <fs_value>        = <fs_value> + <fs_mard>-labst.
        IF l_index = g_lines.
          APPEND <fs_final> TO <ft_final>.
      l_table  = '<ft_final>[]'.
    ENDFORM.                    " prepare_final_data
    *&      Form  get_other_data
    FORM get_other_data  USING    p_l_matnr
      FIELD-SYMBOLS : <fs_mara>     LIKE LINE OF it_mara,
                      <fs_t023t>    LIKE LINE OF it_t023t,
                      <fs_t134t>    LIKE LINE OF it_t134t,
                      <fs_makt>     LIKE LINE OF it_makt.
      READ TABLE it_mara ASSIGNING <fs_mara> WITH KEY matnr = p_l_matnr.   " BINARY SEARCH.
      IF sy-subrc = 0 AND <fs_mara> IS ASSIGNED.
        ASSIGN COMPONENT 'MTART'  OF STRUCTURE <fs_final> TO <fs_value>.
        <fs_value>        = <fs_mara>-mtart.
        ASSIGN COMPONENT 'MATKL'  OF STRUCTURE <fs_final> TO <fs_value>.
        <fs_value>        = <fs_mara>-matkl.
        READ TABLE it_makt  ASSIGNING <fs_makt>  WITH KEY matnr =  <fs_mara>-matnr   BINARY SEARCH.
        IF sy-subrc = 0 AND <fs_makt> IS ASSIGNED.
          ASSIGN COMPONENT 'MAKTX'  OF STRUCTURE <fs_final> TO <fs_value>.
          <fs_value>        = <fs_makt>-maktx.
        READ TABLE it_t023t ASSIGNING <fs_t023t> WITH KEY matkl = <fs_mara>-matkl  BINARY SEARCH.
        IF sy-subrc = 0 AND <fs_t023t> IS ASSIGNED.
          ASSIGN COMPONENT 'WGBEZ'  OF STRUCTURE <fs_final> TO <fs_value>.
          <fs_value>      = <fs_t023t>-wgbez.
        READ TABLE it_t134t ASSIGNING <fs_t134t> WITH KEY mtart = <fs_mara>-mtart  BINARY SEARCH.
        IF sy-subrc = 0 AND <fs_t134t> IS ASSIGNED.
          ASSIGN COMPONENT 'MTBEZ'  OF STRUCTURE <fs_final> TO <fs_value>.
          <fs_value>      = <fs_t134t>-mtbez.
    ENDFORM.                    " get_other_data
    *&      Form  display_data
    FORM display_data  USING    p_l_table
    Variable for Object Creation
      o_report TYPE REF TO lcl_report.
      CREATE OBJECT o_report.
      o_report->display( EXPORTING l_table = p_l_table
                                   l_fcat  = p_l_fcat ).
    ENDFORM.                    " display_data

    I don't know how to read the code you pasted or I would have checked this myself.
    Do your fields in the internal table reference dictionary objects or elementary types? If not using dictionary types, the column names will be blank by default. If you can't change your fields to be dictionary types, you can try this to change the column names:
    I made a method inside my local class to add the names:
            call method set_colname
              EXPORTING iv_tab = alv_tab
                        iv_colid = 'xxxx'  "fieldname from the table
                        iv_stxt = text-t54
                        iv_mtxt = text-t55
                        iv_ltxt = text-t55.
    METHOD set_colname .
              alv_cols type REF TO cl_salv_columns_table,
              alv_col type REF TO cl_salv_column.
      TRY .
    *... Change fieldnames
            call METHOD iv_tab->get_columns RECEIVING value = alv_cols.
            call method alv_cols->get_column EXPORTING columnname = iv_colid RECEIVING value = alv_col.
            IF iv_stxt <> ''.
              CALL METHOD alv_col->set_short_text EXPORTING value = iv_stxt.
            IF iv_mtxt <> ''.
              CALL METHOD alv_col->set_medium_text EXPORTING value = iv_mtxt.
            IF iv_ltxt <> ''.
              CALL METHOD alv_col->set_long_text EXPORTING value = iv_ltxt.
       CATCH cx_salv_not_found.
    ENDMETHOD. "set_colname

  • Heirarchy values are not displaying correctly in report.

    I am having a heirarchy field in my report.
    I have 2 local RKF's in my report and 2 manadatory variables(which are FISCAL YEAR AND CAL MONTH).
    When i am executing the report , it is displaying the Heirarchy values with respect to one restricted KF.
    The heirarchy values correspoding to other RKF are not getting displayed properly, it is showing as (NOT Assigned).
    Its giving the correct values for the RKF's but not showing the  heirarchy values.
    I hided the 2nd RKF, then also its showing in the same way.
    Please help me on this,
    Thanks in advance!

    Hi, Saro,
    I have taken a std. report to customize, and the name of the report is Asset Retirements from Fixed Asset module.
    From the existing base query, i have added some query to customize it.
    I have summed  the cost column in the report using summary column.
    For example, im passing a parameters which displays 5 lines in the report output. Im getting the cost value correctly in all the 5 lines, but when i tried to sum all the 5 lines, it is taking the first line of cost value and it is not summing the cost value of all the 5 lines in the report. I dont know why this problem occurs.
    Summary column should be place one level up of the query and set the following values under summary
    Reset As

  • External images are not displaying in RDLC report

    I need to add an external image in my RDLC report. My issue is the image has to come from an external site URL. I passed the URL using report parameter, but doesn't show any output. However, if I pass the URL directly in the RDLC report in the image control
    it displays the image. Since this doesn't make the report dynamic, I need to know how to make Image display in RDLC report using report parameter.

    Try below:
    Dim paramList1 AsNew Generic.List(Of ReportParameter)
    paramList1.Add(New ReportParameter("Path", "+ /images/CPC.jpg")) Me.ReportViewer1.LocalReport.SetParameters(paramList1)
    If you do not have images in your Application. That is, you want to use an external image.
    a. Use an Image control on your RDLC file.
    b. Set the Image's Property-Source = External.
    c. Reserve a Report's DataSource Member for the image Path. For example-
    d. Set the value for image path from the code in DataSource.ImgPath.
        For example:
    DataSource.ImgPath = "http://www.google.com/intl/en_ALL/images/logo.gif";
    e. The following self explanatory code also needs to be written:
        reportViewer1.LocalReport.EnableExternalImages = true; 
    is the Name for the   ReportViewer Control)
    f. Do the normal stuff to bind DataSource etc.
    g. Done. Enjoy your image in the Report.
    If this helped you resolve your issue, please mark it Answered

  • Japanese characters are not displayed properly - Crystal Report XI

    We are upgrading reports from CR8 to CR11.
    When I preview the CR8 report I can see the Japanese Characters (Coming from Database).
    After saving the CR8 report as CR11 report, When I preview the report I cannot see the Japanese Character which I was able to see in CR8.
    Why I am seeing unknown characters in CR11? When CR8 displays Japanese, then CR11 should display right?
    Please help.
    Thanks in advance.

    These are simply community forums - not technical support as such. You may, or may not get an answer. If you do need to contact technical support, you may want to consider obtaining a one case phone support contract from here;

  • J_3RMOBVED G/L accounts are not displaying in the report

    Dear All,
    when i'm executing the T.code "J_3RMOBVED" stock overview russia.I'm not getting G/L account.
    Please can one guide how can i get G/L accounts

    Is G/L Account depends on Chart of Accounts. Is their any way that G/L acount and description is displayed in report. G/L Account is appearing but not descrition. Master data attr & text loaded fine.

  • Reg: 0COUNTRY and 0REGION are not displaying in the report

    Dear SDNERS,
    I am facing a problem in CRM Report " 0CRM_C04_Q003" I am not able to get the 0COUNTRY & 0REGION data in the reports it is showing # Not Assigned.
    When I check the 0REGION & 0COUNTRY it is having data in it in the info objects.
    I come to know that both the objects are navigational attributes of "0CRM_PROSPE" info object in the report and this info object  does not have any data in it as it is having a referece char of 0BPARTNER.
    0BPARTNER is not showing the data for 0COUNTRY AND 0REGION. pleaes advice how to get this in CRM report.
    Points will be assigned for a quick response.

    0COUNTRY and 0REGION as you said are Nav Att of 0CRM_PROSPE Master data.
    If Master data object itself is not having data then it would not be possible for you to get data for these objects.
    You can include these two objects in your InfoProvider and add in your Query as normal InfoObjects instead of Nav att.
    Note: The two Infoobjects should be mapped with the appropriate source fields in the transformation and data load should be successful.
    Hope this would resolve your issue.

  • Danish character and Symbol are not displaying in crystal report 2008

    I am developing a crystal report. The report displays data from database. The data is entered into database from a asp.net web form where a JavaScript Editor is used. Mainly data is saved in Danish character and also there are some emotion symbol. The web page is showing these data reading from database perfectly. But the Crystal Report is missing some Danish character as well as emotion symbol in some cases. The screen print both for web page and crystal report is shown bellow.  The database field DataType is “CLOB” and using Crystal Report 2008.
    Can anyone help me to get rid of this situation.
    Thanks to you all.

    Please have a look at the resolution in this thread:
    CR 2008 - Oracle 11g - CLOB fields are blank when using command

  • New created values are not displaying after upload

    I have created 2 key figures(Infoobject),4 new nodes and leafs(Hierarchy), to include the new logic at R/3 end as well as BW end.Every thing is fine even after doing full upload(repair).
    When i execute the query the data is not populated in its respective infoobjects and hierarchy nodes and leafs.
    Even 1 infoobject which is used for Counter value is not showing the counting as it's defined as aggregate to the info object Count and that included to ODS which is responsible for counting. after full upload it's not showing the counter values.
    After full upload(Repair) all these entries are not displaying in the report against the data which is present at RSA3 level.
    Can any one tell me how to make them available in the query even after data is uploaded / available in the bw.
    Gaurav Upadhyaya
    Edited by: Gaurav on Aug 26, 2008 10:55 AM

    You can´t see hierarchies in an infoprovider, so this is ok. A hierarchie is a part of an infoobject. But you say  you have 2 new kefigures and they are not filled. I suppose you added both keyfigures to your DSO/Cube and to the datasource (in your source system). Have you extended the transformations between datasource <-> DSO and DSO <-> Cube too? Are the keyfigures correctly connected (in the transformations)? If yes, check your PSA after loading. Are the keyfigures filled here? If no, check the RSA3 in your source system. Are the fields for you keyfigures filled there?
    Pls. check this all and tell us, what the result is.

  • Datform's Rows & Columns are not displaying in Capital Expense Planning

    Hi ,
    Any one let me know why the Dataforms Row's & Columns are not displaying in Summary Reports Dataforms in Capital Expense Planning ,in 9.3.1 Version.
    Any help on this appreciable...

    As John mentioned, make sure that you aren't supressing the data. If there is no data in essbase and you are supressing missing data then there will be no rows. You can unselect "supress missing data" by going to admin>manage data forms. Select the data form in question and click edit, then navigate to the row/column tab and under row properties, ensure that the "supress missing data" check box is unselected.
    You will want this unselected if users are going to input data in this form.

  • BEx hierarchies not displayed in Crystal report parameters

    Hi All,
    I am trying to using a Bex query that has a cost center hierarchy with a variable that allows users to select specific nodes or even cost centers. In BEx reports, this query works fine and gives the users the view of the cost centres in a hierarchial manner. However, in Crystal reports, the query provides a drop down menu displaying a simple list of all the cost centres (not in a hierarchial manner). This confuses the user as to which element is a node and which is a cost centre
    Kindly suggest how can we achieve the cost centre hierarchy to appear in the parameters in Crystal.

    this is a duplicate to this entry:
    key figures are not displayed in crystal report
    Please do not post the same problem multiple times
    Ingo Hilgefort

  • I have two add-ons that are enabled AND working but they are their icons are not displaying.

    I have Firebug and Adblock-Plus on my Firefox browser that are not displaying their normal shortcut buttons next to the search bar of Firefox. They were displaying fine yesterday, now today they are not displaying at all. They are installed and enabled. There were no changes on my end (user end), that could explain this occurrence. No new addons installed. No new plugins. Any help would be grateful.

    I have Firebug and am on Ubuntu at present, so my options may differ slightly from Windows, and over time the Firebug options probably have changed.
    If you reset the toolbars to default settings by resetting localstore.rdf you may need to make some changes to recreate whatever you had before.
    I may display a full Firebug toolbar with keyboard key F12. That toolbar includes several display options from clicking the firebug icon. I also have Firebug showing as an option from
    * Tools -> WebDeveloper -> Firebug.
    If I use the customise toolbars option; for example from right clicking an empty space on a toolbar; the palette of icons includes one for Firebug that I may place where I like. If you try to create a custom toolbar remember it needs to be populated, if it has nothing on it it will not display.
    Presumably you are able to use Firebug, it is just an icon that you are missing ? is that correct ?

  • Chinese characters are not displayed in the Firefox bookmarks

    Chinese characters are not displayed in the Firefox bookmarks. The name looks like e.g. "??????? ???? cn.nytimes.com"
    Chinese character of the site name is displayed ok in the head of the browser window and there is no problem reading chinese web content. I use Firefox Portable 11 /English from portableapps.com in Windows XP.
    I googled and got some tips:
    1) Set your browser to recognise Chinese language internet sites.
    Windows users: Under "Tools - Options" on your browser's menu-bar add Chinese to the languages list.
    - I did this.
    2) Set your browser's "Character Set" or "Encoding" to UTF-8 (sometimes also called Universal Alphabet or Unicode).
    Encoding settings can be changed under the "View" option in your browser's menu-bar.
    - It was already set to UTF-8.
    3) Windows users: If Chinese text still does not display correctly, East Asian language support may need to be enabled.
    - This has been done when I installed Windows.
    I still don't get any Chinese fonts in the bookmark names. I can edit the bookmark name with chinese characters and then save the bookmark, it works fine. But why does not Firefox recognize the characters when saving bookmarks? Help is appreciated.

    No I didn't change anything deep beneath the hood. My problem didn't apply to the URL, but to the name of the link or bookmark header or whatever you would like to call it. (When hitting Ctrl + D there is a Name field). I only got ???????? instead of chinese characters in the name. Also for e.g. www.cntv.cn ...but maybe all China is not in the whitelist either. ;-) But anyway, this was not the real problem for me.
    Apparently I was wrong as after a reboot of the computer it worked. The solution seemed to be to add Chinese to the language list. I don't know why it was not enough to restart Firefox?
    Now I only have problems to show chinese characters in the name field of my external link manager... But I guess it is not an issue for Mozilla.

  • The Forms are not displaying correctly

    the Forms are not displaying correctly. Editing mode and printing mode are missing contents of notes/text field (Additional Notes, Background or Need, Project Summary). Second issue is when viewing/printing a Project Profile - Short Form, the text fields
    are shrink, they are not displayed full high to show all the text. It was working with IE9, IE10, but now IE10 and IE11 dont work.

    tested with Google Chrome and that seems to work the best in terms of viewing and printing the forms.
    Then you could try spoofing Google Chrome using a User-Agent string override and Document mode Edge.  Or open  IECompatData.xml  to see if you should have Compatibility View enabling Microsoft's list.  Or report your problem symptom and
    desired override here:
    Robert Aldwinckle

  • Permissions are not displaying correctly on Yosemite server

    My file and folder permissions are not displaying correctly on my Yosemite server when viewed from a Yosemite client.
    I have set these permissions from the server app on the server and have added local network groups for the appropriate folders on the share.  When checked from the server's finder, everything looks correct.  The server is setup for both AFP and SMB on file sharing.  I have also tried setting permissions from the server's finder and seemed to make no difference.
    When logged into from local or VPN Yosemite clients using AFP, the permissions do not show anything but postgres user and everyone group.  Even though they should have network groups such as skoogfinancial, skoogmarketing, etc.
    The server does seem to enforce the permissions correctly though a user cannot get into folders he does not have permissions for.
    Therefore, it seems the server is enforcing correctly, but a user may not understand what is going on as the permissions list doesn't list anything meaningful.

    Please read this whole message before doing anything.
    This procedure is a diagnostic test. It’s unlikely to solve your problem. Don’t be disappointed when you find that nothing has changed after you complete it.
    The purpose of this exercise is to determine whether the problem is caused by third-party system modifications that load automatically at startup or login. Disconnect all wired peripherals except those needed for the test, and remove all aftermarket expansion cards. Boot in safe mode* and log in to the account with the problem. The instructions provided by Apple are as follows:
    Be sure your Mac is shut down.
    Press the power button.
    Immediately after you hear the startup tone, hold the Shift key. The Shift key should be held as soon as possible after the startup tone, but not before the tone.
    Release the Shift key when you see the gray Apple icon and the progress indicator (looks like a spinning gear).
    *Note: If FileVault is enabled under OS X 10.7 or later, or if a firmware password is set, you can’t boot in safe mode.
    Safe mode is much slower to boot and run than normal, and some things won’t work at all, including wireless networking on certain Macs.
    The login screen appears even if you usually log in automatically. You must know your login password in order to log in. If you’ve forgotten the password, you will need to reset it before you begin.
    Test while in safe mode. Same problem(s)?
    After testing, reboot as usual (i.e., not in safe mode) and verify that you still have the problem. Post the results of the test.

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