Enterprise Manager is too slow.

Hi guys,
We have a license of Oracle 10g SE running on a 256 MB, P4, Linux machine. And of course, enterprise manager loads and works at a snail's pace. Does anyone know any tricks or configurations that could make enterprise manager operate more quickly?

Really I guess you can not almost anything because Oracle10g requires at least 512MB in RAM.
The only recommendation that I can give is to set the swap area to 1GB or to set it to double quantity of the RAM.
Joel Pérez

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  • Starting Oracle Enterprise Management Console

    I have oracle11gR2 database instance up and running on RHEL and i am able to connect to this instance using sqldeveloper. I need to have access to enterprise manager console too.
    I tried to start enterprise manager using following command
    [ora112@localhost ~]$ emctl start dbconsole
    Environment variable ORACLE_UNQNAME not defined. Please set ORACLE_UNQNAME to database unique name.
    then it tells me that ORACLE_UNQNAME is not defined.
    the i set ORACLE_UNQNAME=JIP (JIP=ORACLE_SID), even after doing this , i get the same message when i try to start enterprise manager console.
    could anybody help me resolve this issue
    thanks in advance for any help

    Unset ORACLE_SID (i.e. only set ORACLE_UNQNAME instead of ORACLE_SID), then try again. Pl also post the output of command "env | sort" just before issuing the emctl command

  • Too many columns to be shown in the Enterprise Manager 11g?

    we are having some problems with the Enterprise Manager 11g. When we want to VIEW DATA of a specific table, we get this exception. We think that our table has too many columns to be displayed. If we delete some of the columns, the data is shown in the enterprise manager. But this cannot be a solution for us. Can you help us with this point?
    2009-08-03 10:07:04,210 [EMUI_10_07_04_/console/database/schema/displayContents] ERROR svlt.PageHandler handleRequest.639 - java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -128
    java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -128
         at oracle.sysman.emo.adm.DBObjectsMCWInfo.getSqlTimestampIndexes(DBObjectsMCWInfo.java:194)
         at oracle.sysman.emo.adm.schema.TableViewDataBrowsingDataSource.executeQuery(TableViewDataBrowsingDataSource.java:167)
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         at oracle.sysman.db.adm.schm.DisplayContentsController.onEvent(DisplayContentsController.java:136)
         at oracle.sysman.db.adm.DBController.handleEvent(DBController.java:3431)
         at oracle.sysman.emSDK.svlt.PageHandler.handleRequest(PageHandler.java:577)
         at oracle.sysman.db.adm.RootController.handleRequest(RootController.java:205)
         at oracle.sysman.db.adm.DBControllerResolver.handleRequest(DBControllerResolver.java:121)
         at oracle.sysman.emSDK.svlt.EMServlet.myDoGet(EMServlet.java:781)
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         at com.evermind.server.http.ResourceFilterChain.doFilter(ResourceFilterChain.java:64)
         at oracle.sysman.eml.app.EMRepLoginFilter.doFilter(EMRepLoginFilter.java:109)
         at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindFilterChain.doFilter(EvermindFilterChain.java:15)
         at oracle.sysman.db.adm.inst.HandleRepDownFilter.doFilter(HandleRepDownFilter.java:153)
         at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindFilterChain.doFilter(EvermindFilterChain.java:17)
         at oracle.sysman.eml.app.BrowserVersionFilter.doFilter(BrowserVersionFilter.java:122)
         at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindFilterChain.doFilter(EvermindFilterChain.java:17)
         at oracle.sysman.emSDK.svlt.EMRedirectFilter.doFilter(EMRedirectFilter.java:102)
         at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindFilterChain.doFilter(EvermindFilterChain.java:17)
         at oracle.sysman.eml.app.ContextInitFilter.doFilter(ContextInitFilter.java:336)
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(ServletRequestDispatcher.java:627)
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(ServletRequestDispatcher.java:376)
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.doProcessRequest(HttpRequestHandler.java:870)
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(HttpRequestHandler.java:451)
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.serveOneRequest(HttpRequestHandler.java:218)
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.run(HttpRequestHandler.java:119)
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.run(HttpRequestHandler.java:112)
         at oracle.oc4j.network.ServerSocketReadHandler$SafeRunnable.run(ServerSocketReadHandler.java:260)
         at com.evermind.util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$MyWorker.run(ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor.java:303)
         at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595)When we select the table via SQL, everything works fine.

    I'm Galit from the QE team of VIN.
    All the things that you've described are correct.
    It is actually an edge case where the only VM, that the manual App can be managed from its Map view, was removed from the App.
    The Manual App management is as designed, and may be changed in the future.
    There are 2 ways to overcome this situation:
    1.You can, as you stated, create another Manual App with similar name and remain with the "Zombie App".
    2. To run a specific command that will remove the Zombie App from the DB.
    Please note that option no. 2 involves using an API that we do not publish.
    If you would like to use option no. 2 contact me in private and we will see about supplying the relevant commands to run in order to delete the "zombie" application.
    Galit Gutman

  • Solution Manager too Slow

    Dear All,
    We are running SAP Solution Manager 7.01 on Oracle 11g in AIX.
    This central Solution Manager system is connected to more than 150 satellite systems.
    The response of the system is too slow while we take transactions like solman_workcenter, RZ20 etc.
    Is this because the system needs to fetch/collect infromation from all these 150 satellites before preseting the screen.
    Solman is running with 10 CPU, 50 GB RAM and 82 GB swap.
    The portal pages in the transactions takes more time to load.
    Could you please help me to pin point the bottle neck in the system.

    Basically with 150 systems you may experience network capacity issue.
    It does not matter if the system is the Solution Manager or any other SAP system. The analysis start from inspecting the overall time distribution by using the /nSTAD, then depending on the outcome check persistency, remote communication and locking with ST05 .
    If in STAD there are huge wait times then definitely the network capacity should be inspected with OS-level monitoring tools, same for the CPU, memory and disk.
    Regarding the java side views, it is very important to inspect the java side performance using the JDSR statistics in NetWeaver Web Administrator. There you would see the java side resource consumption to localize a potential memory consumption or CPU related issue. It is very important to clarify if the bottleneck is not the Garbage collection in java - if that is the case, the heap size parameters need to be tuned.
    Best Regards,

  • Enterprise Manager really slow

    when I´m accessing our 10g with java-enterprise manager (10g) or with the webconsole, the access on "tablespace"-sektion is really slow (over 4min). There are 8 Tablespaces running on our 10g.
    Accessing with same java-enterprise manager (10g) our 9i database, the access on tablespaces section (over 23 tablespaces running) is fast (<30sek).
    Does somebody know whats wrong?
    Message was edited by: AVL
    linux 64bit, amd opteron 8cpu @ 2.6ghz, 32gb ram, oracle

    hmmm what should tell this to me?!
    edit 07.12.2006 - 08:43 GMT+1 >>>
    Optimizer=ALL_ROWS @ ora10 | tested with all other settings available , no changes (still poor performance @ tablespaces).
    edit 07.12.2006 - 11:12 GMT+1 >>>
    checked all config-parm´s | can´t find any bottleneck | somebody an idea?
    edit / end <<<
    Oracle 9i
    Execution Plan
       0      SELECT STATEMENT Optimizer=HINT: ALL_ROWS (Cost=219 Card=1 Bytes=60)
       1    0   SORT (ORDER BY) (Cost=219 Card=1 Bytes=60)
       2    1     HASH JOIN (OUTER) (Cost=217 Card=1 Bytes=60)
       3    2       VIEW (Cost=42 Card=1 Bytes=30)
       4    3         SORT (GROUP BY) (Cost=42 Card=1 Bytes=754)
       5    4           NESTED LOOPS (Cost=40 Card=1 Bytes=754)
       6    5             NESTED LOOPS (Cost=32 Card=1 Bytes=728)
       7    6               NESTED LOOPS (Cost=24 Card=1 Bytes=431)
       8    7                 MERGE JOIN (CARTESIAN) (Cost=16 Card=1 Bytes=340)
       9    8                   FIXED TABLE (FULL) OF 'X$KCCFN' (Cost=8 Card=1 Bytes=297)
      10    8                   BUFFER (SORT) (Cost=8 Card=1 Bytes=43)
      11   10                     FIXED TABLE (FULL) OF 'X$KCCTS' (Cost=8 Card=1 Bytes=43)
      12    7                 FIXED TABLE (FIXED INDEX) OF 'X$KCCFE (ind:1)' (Cost=8 Card=1 Bytes=91)
      13    6               FIXED TABLE (FULL) OF 'X$KCCFN' (Cost=8 Card=1 Bytes=297)
      14    5             FIXED TABLE (FIXED INDEX) OF 'X$KCVFH (ind:1)' (Cost=8 Card=1 Bytes=26)
      15    2       VIEW (Cost=175 Card=34 Bytes=1020)
      16   15         SORT (GROUP BY) (Cost=175 Card=34 Bytes=1020)
      17   16           VIEW OF 'DBA_FREE_SPACE' (Cost=173 Card=34 Bytes=1020)
      18   17             UNION-ALL
      19   18               NESTED LOOPS (Cost=7 Card=1 Bytes=66)
      20   19                 NESTED LOOPS (Cost=6 Card=1 Bytes=60)
      21   20                   TABLE ACCESS (FULL) OF 'FET$' (Cost=5 Card=1 Bytes=39)
      22   20                   TABLE ACCESS (CLUSTER) OF 'TS$' (Cost=1 Card=1 Bytes=21)
      23   19                 INDEX (UNIQUE SCAN) OF 'I_FILE2' (UNIQUE)
      24   18               NESTED LOOPS (Cost=166 Card=33 Bytes=2376)
      25   24                 NESTED LOOPS (Cost=165 Card=33 Bytes=2178)
      26   25                   TABLE ACCESS (FULL) OF 'TS$' (Cost=5 Card=20 Bytes=540)
      27   25                   FIXED TABLE (FIXED INDEX) OF 'X$KTFBFE (ind:1)' (Cost=8 Card=2 Bytes=78)
      28   24                 INDEX (UNIQUE SCAN) OF 'I_FILE2' (UNIQUE)
           1063  recursive calls
            216  db block gets
            434  consistent gets
            146  physical reads
              0  redo size
           2686  bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
            685  bytes received via SQL*Net from client
              5  SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
             10  sorts (memory)
              0  sorts (disk)
             55  rows processed
    Oracle 10g
    Execution Plan
    | Id  | Operation                           | Name             | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)|
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT                    |                  |     2 |   120 |    55  (10)|
    |   1 |  SORT ORDER BY                      |                  |     2 |   120 |    55  (10)|
    |   2 |   HASH JOIN OUTER                   |                  |     2 |   120 |    54   (8)|
    |   3 |    VIEW                             |                  |     1 |    30 |     1 (100)|
    |   4 |     HASH GROUP BY                   |                  |     1 |   780 |     1 (100)|
    |   5 |      NESTED LOOPS                   |                  |     1 |   780 |     0   (0)|
    |   6 |       NESTED LOOPS                  |                  |     1 |   470 |     0   (0)|
    |   7 |        NESTED LOOPS                 |                  |     1 |   379 |     0   (0)|
    |   8 |         MERGE JOIN CARTESIAN        |                  |     1 |   353 |     0   (0)|
    |   9 |          FIXED TABLE FULL           | X$KCCTS          |     1 |    43 |     0   (0)|
    |  10 |          BUFFER SORT                |                  |     1 |   310 |     0   (0)|
    |  11 |           FIXED TABLE FULL          | X$KCCFN          |     1 |   310 |     0   (0)|
    |  12 |         FIXED TABLE FIXED INDEX     | X$KCVFH (ind:1)  |     1 |    26 |     0   (0)|
    |  13 |        FIXED TABLE FIXED INDEX      | X$KCCFE (ind:1)  |     1 |    91 |     0   (0)|
    |  14 |       FIXED TABLE FULL              | X$KCCFN          |     1 |   310 |     0   (0)|
    |  15 |    VIEW                             |                  |   188 |  5640 |    53   (6)|
    |  16 |     HASH GROUP BY                   |                  |   188 |  5640 |    53   (6)|
    |  17 |      VIEW                           | DBA_FREE_SPACE   |   188 |  5640 |    52   (4)|
    |  18 |       UNION-ALL                     |                  |       |       |            |
    |  19 |        NESTED LOOPS                 |                  |     1 |    67 |     5   (0)|
    |  20 |         NESTED LOOPS                |                  |     1 |    45 |     4   (0)|
    |  21 |          TABLE ACCESS FULL          | FET$             |     1 |    39 |     3   (0)|
    |  22 |          INDEX UNIQUE SCAN          | I_FILE2          |     1 |     6 |     1   (0)|
    |  23 |         TABLE ACCESS CLUSTER        | TS$              |     1 |    22 |     1   (0)|
    |  24 |          INDEX UNIQUE SCAN          | I_TS#            |     1 |       |     1   (0)|
    |  25 |        NESTED LOOPS                 |                  |    90 |  6570 |     6   (0)|
    |  26 |         NESTED LOOPS                |                  |    90 |  6030 |     5   (0)|
    |  27 |          TABLE ACCESS FULL          | TS$              |    14 |   392 |     5   (0)|
    |  28 |          FIXED TABLE FIXED INDEX    | X$KTFBFE (ind:1) |     7 |   273 |     0   (0)|
    |  29 |         INDEX UNIQUE SCAN           | I_FILE2          |     1 |     6 |     1   (0)|
    |  30 |        NESTED LOOPS                 |                  |    96 |  9312 |    34   (6)|
    |  31 |         NESTED LOOPS                |                  |    96 |  8736 |    33   (7)|
    |  32 |          HASH JOIN                  |                  |  6567 |   250K|    32   (4)|
    |  33 |           TABLE ACCESS FULL         | RECYCLEBIN$      |  6823 | 75053 |    26   (0)|
    |  34 |           TABLE ACCESS FULL         | TS$              |    14 |   392 |     5   (0)|
    |  35 |          FIXED TABLE FIXED INDEX    | X$KTFBUE (ind:1) |     1 |    52 |     0   (0)|
    |  36 |         INDEX UNIQUE SCAN           | I_FILE2          |     1 |     6 |     1   (0)|
    |  37 |        NESTED LOOPS                 |                  |     1 |    91 |     7   (0)|
    |  38 |         NESTED LOOPS                |                  |     1 |    69 |     6   (0)|
    |  39 |          NESTED LOOPS               |                  |     1 |    58 |     5   (0)|
    |  40 |           INDEX FULL SCAN           | I_FILE2          |    14 |    84 |     1   (0)|
    |  41 |           TABLE ACCESS CLUSTER      | UET$             |     1 |    52 |     1   (0)|
    |  42 |            INDEX RANGE SCAN         | I_FILE#_BLOCK#   |     1 |       |     1   (0)|
    |  43 |          TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| RECYCLEBIN$      |     1 |    11 |     1   (0)|
    |  44 |           INDEX RANGE SCAN          | RECYCLEBIN$_TS   |   758 |       |     1   (0)|
    |  45 |         TABLE ACCESS CLUSTER        | TS$              |     1 |    22 |     1   (0)|
    |  46 |          INDEX UNIQUE SCAN          | I_TS#            |     1 |       |     1   (0)|
       - 'PLAN_TABLE' is old version
         154342  recursive calls
             47  db block gets
          50549  consistent gets
           6706  physical reads
              0  redo size
           1129  bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
            465  bytes received via SQL*Net from client
              2  SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
              2  sorts (memory)
              0  sorts (disk)
             13  rows processed

  • Enterprise Manager - extremely slow to load initial tree

    Has anyone else encountered any long delays waiting for the CAPS Enterprise Manager to display the initial tree of servers/serivces? We are finding that it takes on average 5 minutes to load the initial treeset in any given environment. We have on average 5 different servers that are to be loaded (all within the same network). Sun has provided a host of patches to try in different combinations but none seem to improve our response times. We do have services that are using eGate SRE IQ Managers (for bridging between old and new services) but I would think this would be supported. Any suggestions would be appreciated (CAPS 5.1.2 on Solaris 9/10)
    Edited by: chrisallen21 on Jul 7, 2008 6:54 AM

    Can you quote the Incident number you have open? We have opened one as well and would like to reference it. We did find that for domains that are down/unreachable, it takes a default 2 minutes to give up looking for it which accounts for a fair amount of the wait time but not all of it (i.e. it took 10 minutes to populate the treeview and only 4 minutes for used looking for unreachable domains). I believe the parameter to change the default timeout is connectTimeout=120000 in the monitor.properties file in the conf directory. Our current tree has about 5 servers (about 7 domains in total) with approximately 50 services deployed.
    Edited by: chrisallen21 on Jul 8, 2008 4:40 AM

  • Oracle Enterprise Manager "Performance" tab  (Oracle 10g)

    How to I make a report based on Performance TAB.
    View Data -> Historical
    Runnable Process
    Active Sessions
    Instance Disk i/o
    Instance throughput
    Explain : What is (example :*what is session for?* ) , What is X and Y (example :*what is X = Y= Time and date*)
    Please reply.. I need it by today.. :(

    The help file explains it a lot better than I can... therefore:
    Interpreting the Host: Average Runnable Processes Chart
    If you have opted to show both the CPU cores and CPU threads,
    consistent values somewhere between the two line values may
    indicate that too many users are waiting in line for CPU time.
    Compare the values with those of CPU Used in the Average Active
    Sessions chart. If the sessions value is low and the run queue
    length value is high, this indicates that something else on the host
    other than your database is consuming the CPU.
    If you have selected Memory Access mode, the Host chart does
    not initially display historical data, except when the screen was
    loaded recently and cached historical data is still available. Host data
    is cached starting from the time the screen was first accessed,
    and gradually fills the history on the Host chart.
    Interpreting the Average Active Sessions Chart
    The Session Count is computed by categorizing the time
    that all active sessions consumed in the last sampling interval
    into different wait classes, summing the amount in each wait class,
    and dividing it by the sampling interval. For example, If there
    are 3 active sessions in the last 15-second sampling interval, and
    each session spent half of the time (7.5 seconds each) on CPU
    and half of the time idling, then 3 x 7.5 / 15 = 1.5 active sessions
    on CPU appear for that sampling interval.
    Compare the peaks on the Average Active Sessions chart with those
    on the Instance Throughput charts. If the Average Active Sessions
    chart displays a large number of sessions waiting, indicating internal
    contention, but throughput is high, then the situation may be
    acceptable. The database is probably also performing efficiently if
    internal contention is low but throughput is high. However, if internal
    contention is high but throughput is low, then consider tuning the database. Selecting Memory Access Mode for Slow or Hung Systems
    You can click the Monitor In Memory Access Mode link in the Related Links section to enable Memory Access Mode. The Database Performance page reappears with a Disable Memory Access Mode button and a Switch to SQL Access Mode button in the upper right corner.
    You can temporarily disable Memory Access Mode by clicking this button, upon which the Database Performance page reappears in SQL Access Mode. To reactivate Memory Access Mode, click the Monitor In Memory Access Mode link again, then click Enable Memory Access Mode when the Database Performance page reappears.
    In Memory Access Mode, performance statistics are retrieved directly from the Shared Global Area (SGA) using optimized/lightweight system-level calls as an alternative to SQL. Memory Access mode avoids the computation associated with parsing and executing SQL statements, thereby making it ideal for severe cases of library cache contention that can prevent the instance from being monitored in SQL Mode. You should switch to Memory Access Mode for slow or hung systems.
    Pages in Memory Access Mode contain data sampled at a higher frequency than pages in SQL Mode. (Charts may appear to be slightly different from SQL mode for this reason.) Consequently, Enterprise Manager provides better information about where events begin and end, and can also handle short-duration events that might otherwise be missed.
    It basically tells you how much of a given resource was used at a point in time.

  • Enterprise Manager is not able to connect to the database instance....

    Hi all,
    Currently i'm facing a big issue here.
    I have install the Oracle 10g on Window 2003 SE.
    And currently the Enterprise manager is not be able to conenct to the database and my database is still running.With my listener is up.
    But from the Enterprise manager's it show that everythg is down.
    and when i try to restart it,i ask for os id and password and dbuser and dbpassword.
    frm the SQL plus,i can easily startup and shutdown the database.
    So i would like to know i can rectify this problem.
    please kindly help me.I have post the setting of the databse as below
    # Filename......: tnsnames.ora
    # Created.......: created by SAP AG, R/3 Rel. >= 6.10
    # Name..........:
    # Date..........:
    # @(#) $Id: //bc/700-1_REL/src/ins/SAPINST/impl/tpls/ora/ind/TNSNAMES.ORA#4 $
    (ADDRESS =
    (PORT = 1527)
    (SID = SDB)
    # sqlnet.ora Network Configuration File: E:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\NETWORK\ADMIN\sqlnet.ora
    # Generated by Oracle configuration tools.
    # 05.01.06 set to default
    # 05.01.06 set to 32768
    # 05.01.06 unsorported parameter now
    # 05.01.06 set the default to 10
    # Filename......: sqlnet.ora
    # Created.......: created by SAP AG, R/3 Rel. >= 6.10
    # Name..........:
    # Date..........:
    # @(#) $Id: //bc/700-1_REL/src/ins/SAPINST/impl/tpls/ora/ind/SQLNET.ORA#4 $
    DEFAULT_SDU_SIZE = 32768
    # Filename......: listener.ora
    # Created.......: created by SAP AG, R/3 Rel. >= 6.10
    # Name..........:
    # Date..........:
    # @(#) $Id: //bc/700-1_REL/src/ins/SAPINST/impl/tpls/ora/ind/LISTENER.ORA#4 $
    (ADDRESS =
    (KEY = SDB)
    (ADDRESS =
    (PORT = 1527)
    (SID_LIST =
    (SID_DESC =
    (SID_NAME = SDB)
    (ORACLE_HOME = E:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1)
    Listener status
    LSNRCTL> status
    Alias LISTENER
    Version TNSLSNR for 32-bit Windows: Version - Produ
    Start Date 15-AUG-2006 15:14:48
    Uptime 0 days 2 hr. 43 min. 31 sec
    Trace Level off
    Security ON: Local OS Authentication
    Listener Parameter File E:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\network\admin\listener.o
    Listener Log File E:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\network\log\listener.log
    Listening Endpoints Summary...
    Services Summary...
    Service "SDB" has 1 instance(s).
    Instance "SDB", status UNKNOWN, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
    The command completed successfully
    2006-08-15 18:03:20,562 [HttpRequestHandler-2254042] ERROR conn.ConnectionService verifyRepositoryEx.433 - Invalid Connection Pool. ERROR = Io exception: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection
    2006-08-15 18:03:21,547 [HttpRequestHandler-2254042] WARN jdbc.ConnectionCache _getConnection.303 - Got a fatal exeption when getting a connection; Error code = 17002; Cleaning up cache and retrying
    2006-08-15 18:03:21,547 [HttpRequestHandler-2254042] WARN jdbc.ConnectionCache _getConnection.306 - Io exception: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection
    java.sql.SQLException: Io exception: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(DatabaseError.java:111)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(DatabaseError.java:145)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(DatabaseError.java:254)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CConnection.logon(T4CConnection.java:386)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.PhysicalConnection.<init>(PhysicalConnection.java:493)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CConnection.<init>(T4CConnection.java:164)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CDriverExtension.getConnection(T4CDriverExtension.java:34)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver.connect(OracleDriver.java:767)
         at oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource.getPhysicalConnection(OracleDataSource.java:324)
         at oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleConnectionPoolDataSource.getPooledConnection(OracleConnectionPoolDataSource.java:114)
         at oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleConnectionCacheImpl.getNewPoolOrXAConnection(OracleConnectionCacheImpl.java:694)
         at oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleConnectionCacheImpl.getPooledConnection(OracleConnectionCacheImpl.java:540)
         at oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleConnectionCacheImpl.getConnection(OracleConnectionCacheImpl.java:346)
         at oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleConnectionCacheImpl.getConnection(OracleConnectionCacheImpl.java:324)
         at oracle.sysman.util.jdbc.ConnectionCache._getConnection(ConnectionCache.java:296)
         at oracle.sysman.util.jdbc.ConnectionCache.getUnwrappedConnection(ConnectionCache.java:423)
         at oracle.sysman.emSDK.svc.conn.FGAConnectionCache.getFGAConnection(FGAConnectionCache.java:156)
         at oracle.sysman.emSDK.svc.conn.ConnectionService.getPrivateConnection(ConnectionService.java:605)
         at oracle.sysman.emdrep.receiver.OMSHandshake.getParameterFromDB(OMSHandshake.java:387)
         at oracle.sysman.emdrep.receiver.OMSHandshake.getMaxAgentCompatVer(OMSHandshake.java:369)
         at oracle.sysman.emdrep.receiver.OMSHandshake.handshake(OMSHandshake.java:794)
         at oracle.sysman.emdrep.receiver.OMSHandshake.handshake(OMSHandshake.java:648)
         at oracle.sysman.emdrep.receiver.FxferRecv.doGet(FxferRecv.java:658)
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:740)
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:853)
         at com.evermind.server.http.ResourceFilterChain.doFilter(ResourceFilterChain.java:65)
         at oracle.sysman.eml.app.ContextInitFilter.doFilter(ContextInitFilter.java:239)
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(ServletRequestDispatcher.java:604)
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(ServletRequestDispatcher.java:317)
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(HttpRequestHandler.java:793)
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.run(HttpRequestHandler.java:270)
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.run(HttpRequestHandler.java:112)
         at com.evermind.util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$MyWorker.run(ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor.java:192)
         at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:534)
    2006-08-15 18:03:22,531 [HttpRequestHandler-2254042] ERROR eml.OMSHandshake getParameterFromDB.402 - Io exception: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection
    2006-08-15 18:03:22,531 [HttpRequestHandler-2254042] ERROR eml.OMSHandshake processFailure.619 - OMSHandshake failed.(AGENT URL = http://SAP_solman:3938/emd/main)(ERROR = INTERNAL_ERROR)
    2006-08-15 18:03:35,547 [HttpRequestHandler-9249408] WARN jdbc.ConnectionCache _getConnection.303 - Got a fatal exeption when getting a connection; Error code = 17002; Cleaning up cache and retrying
    2006-08-15 18:03:35,547 [HttpRequestHandler-9249408] WARN jdbc.ConnectionCache _getConnection.306 - Io exception: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection
    java.sql.SQLException: Io exception: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(DatabaseError.java:111)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(DatabaseError.java:145)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(DatabaseError.java:254)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CConnection.logon(T4CConnection.java:386)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.PhysicalConnection.<init>(PhysicalConnection.java:493)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CConnection.<init>(T4CConnection.java:164)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CDriverExtension.getConnection(T4CDriverExtension.java:34)
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver.connect(OracleDriver.java:767)
         at oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource.getPhysicalConnection(OracleDataSource.java:324)
         at oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleConnectionPoolDataSource.getPooledConnection(OracleConnectionPoolDataSource.java:114)
         at oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleConnectionCacheImpl.getNewPoolOrXAConnection(OracleConnectionCacheImpl.java:694)
         at oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleConnectionCacheImpl.getPooledConnection(OracleConnectionCacheImpl.java:540)
         at oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleConnectionCacheImpl.getConnection(OracleConnectionCacheImpl.java:346)
         at oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleConnectionCacheImpl.getConnection(OracleConnectionCacheImpl.java:324)
         at oracle.sysman.util.jdbc.ConnectionCache._getConnection(ConnectionCache.java:296)
         at oracle.sysman.util.jdbc.ConnectionCache.getUnwrappedConnection(ConnectionCache.java:423)
         at oracle.sysman.emSDK.svc.conn.FGAConnectionCache.getFGAConnection(FGAConnectionCache.java:156)
         at oracle.sysman.emSDK.svc.conn.ConnectionService.getPrivateConnection(ConnectionService.java:605)
         at oracle.sysman.emSDK.svc.conn.ConnectionService.getRepositoryVersionAndMode(ConnectionService.java:368)
         at oracle.sysman.emSDK.svc.conn.ConnectionService.verifyRepositoryEx(ConnectionService.java:395)
         at oracle.sysman.eml.app.ContextInitFilter.doFilter(ContextInitFilter.java:144)
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(ServletRequestDispatcher.java:600)
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(ServletRequestDispatcher.java:317)
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(HttpRequestHandler.java:793)
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.run(HttpRequestHandler.java:270)
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.run(HttpRequestHandler.java:112)
         at com.evermind.util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$MyWorker.run(ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor.java:192)
         at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:534)
    2006-08-15 18:03:36,531 [HttpRequestHandler-9249408] ERROR conn.ConnectionService verifyRepositoryEx.433 - Invalid Connection Pool. ERROR = Io exception: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection
    2006-08-15 18:03:36,531 [EMUI_18_03_36_/console/aboutApplication] ERROR em.console doGet.311 - java.lang.IllegalStateException: Response has already been committed
    java.lang.IllegalStateException: Response has already been committed
         at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindHttpServletResponse.resetBuffer(EvermindHttpServletResponse.java:1901)
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forward(ServletRequestDispatcher.java:211)
         at oracle.sysman.emSDK.svlt.PageHandler.render(PageHandler.java:773)
         at oracle.sysman.emSDK.svlt.PageHandler.handleRequest(PageHandler.java:396)
         at oracle.sysman.emSDK.svlt.EMServlet.myDoGet(EMServlet.java:688)
         at oracle.sysman.emSDK.svlt.EMServlet.doGet(EMServlet.java:291)
         at oracle.sysman.eml.app.Console.doGet(Console.java:135)
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:740)
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:853)
         at com.evermind.server.http.ResourceFilterChain.doFilter(ResourceFilterChain.java:65)
         at oracle.sysman.emSDK.svlt.EMRedirectFilter.doFilter(EMRedirectFilter.java:101)
         at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindFilterChain.doFilter(EvermindFilterChain.java:16)
         at oracle.sysman.db.adm.inst.HandleRepDownFilter.doFilter(HandleRepDownFilter.java:123)
         at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindFilterChain.doFilter(EvermindFilterChain.java:20)
         at oracle.sysman.eml.app.ContextInitFilter.doFilter(ContextInitFilter.java:239)
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(ServletRequestDispatcher.java:600)
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(ServletRequestDispatcher.java:317)
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(HttpRequestHandler.java:793)
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.run(HttpRequestHandler.java:270)
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.run(HttpRequestHandler.java:112)
         at com.evermind.util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$MyWorker.run(ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor.java:192)
         at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:534)
    -------------- [OracleDBConsoleSDB] ------------
    08/09/06 15:11:59 Start pending...
    08/09/06 15:11:59 Verifying dbconsole is not started already. Command line "E:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\bin\emctl.bat" istatus dbconsole
    08/09/06 15:12:04 dbconsole launch commandline is "E:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\bin\emctl.bat" istart dbconsole
    08/09/06 15:12:04 Tracking process launch...
    08/09/06 15:12:41 Received exitCode 3 from emctl istatus
    08/09/06 15:12:41 dbconsole started
    08/11/06 08:46:03 Recieved ServCtrlHdlr command, 5
    08/11/06 08:46:03 Stopping dbconsole
    08/11/06 08:46:03 Launching stop EMD process...
    08/11/06 08:46:03 Waiting for stop EMD process to exit. numRetries=74
    08/11/06 08:46:06 Stop process has exited with exitCode: 0
    08/11/06 08:46:06 Waiting for emwd process to exit. numRetries=74
    08/11/06 08:46:06 Watchdog process exited with exit code 15
    08/11/06 08:46:06 Signal Shutdown event.
    08/11/06 08:46:06 Shutdown thread exited.
    08/11/06 08:46:06 ServiceMain wake up by ShutdownProc, emwd has exited. ServiceMain exits
    -------------- [OracleDBConsoleSDB] ------------
    08/11/06 08:45:17 Start pending...
    08/11/06 08:45:17 Verifying dbconsole is not started already. Command line "E:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\bin\emctl.bat" istatus dbconsole
    08/11/06 08:45:26 dbconsole launch commandline is "E:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\bin\emctl.bat" istart dbconsole
    08/11/06 08:45:26 Tracking process launch...
    08/11/06 08:46:11 Received exitCode 3 from emctl istatus
    08/11/06 08:46:11 dbconsole started
    08/11/06 08:48:58 Recieved ServCtrlHdlr command, 5
    08/11/06 08:48:58 Stopping dbconsole
    08/11/06 08:48:58 Launching stop EMD process...
    08/11/06 08:48:58 Waiting for stop EMD process to exit. numRetries=74
    08/11/06 08:49:02 Stop process has exited with exitCode: 0
    08/11/06 08:49:02 Waiting for emwd process to exit. numRetries=74
    08/11/06 08:49:02 Watchdog process exited with exit code 15
    08/11/06 08:49:02 Signal Shutdown event.
    08/11/06 08:49:02 Shutdown thread exited.
    08/11/06 08:49:02 ServiceMain wake up by ShutdownProc, emwd has exited. ServiceMain exits
    -------------- [OracleDBConsoleSDB] ------------
    08/11/06 08:53:20 Start pending...
    08/11/06 08:53:20 Verifying dbconsole is not started already. Command line "E:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\bin\emctl.bat" istatus dbconsole
    08/11/06 08:53:29 dbconsole launch commandline is "E:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\bin\emctl.bat" istart dbconsole
    08/11/06 08:53:29 Tracking process launch...
    08/11/06 08:54:14 Received exitCode 3 from emctl istatus
    08/11/06 08:54:14 dbconsole started
    08/11/06 11:37:30 Recieved ServCtrlHdlr command, 5
    08/11/06 11:37:30 Stopping dbconsole
    08/11/06 11:37:30 Launching stop EMD process...
    08/11/06 11:37:30 Waiting for stop EMD process to exit. numRetries=74
    08/11/06 11:37:34 Stop process has exited with exitCode: 0
    08/11/06 11:37:34 Waiting for emwd process to exit. numRetries=74
    08/11/06 11:37:34 Watchdog process exited with exit code 15
    08/11/06 11:37:34 Signal Shutdown event.
    08/11/06 11:37:34 Shutdown thread exited.
    08/11/06 11:37:34 ServiceMain wake up by ShutdownProc, emwd has exited. ServiceMain exits
    -------------- [OracleDBConsoleSDB] ------------
    08/11/06 11:36:48 Start pending...
    08/11/06 11:36:48 Verifying dbconsole is not started already. Command line "E:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\bin\emctl.bat" istatus dbconsole
    08/11/06 11:36:56 dbconsole launch commandline is "E:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\bin\emctl.bat" istart dbconsole
    08/11/06 11:36:56 Tracking process launch...
    08/11/06 11:37:41 Received exitCode 3 from emctl istatus
    08/11/06 11:37:41 dbconsole started
    08/15/06 09:31:52 Recieved ServCtrlHdlr command, 5
    08/15/06 09:31:52 Stopping dbconsole
    08/15/06 09:31:52 Launching stop EMD process...
    08/15/06 09:31:52 Waiting for stop EMD process to exit. numRetries=74
    08/15/06 09:31:56 Stop process has exited with exitCode: 0
    08/15/06 09:31:56 Waiting for emwd process to exit. numRetries=74
    08/15/06 09:31:56 Watchdog process exited with exit code 15
    08/15/06 09:31:56 Signal Shutdown event.
    08/15/06 09:31:56 Shutdown thread exited.
    08/15/06 09:31:56 ServiceMain wake up by ShutdownProc, emwd has exited. ServiceMain exits
    -------------- [OracleDBConsoleSDB] ------------
    08/15/06 09:31:06 Start pending...
    08/15/06 09:31:06 Verifying dbconsole is not started already. Command line "E:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\bin\emctl.bat" istatus dbconsole
    08/15/06 09:31:14 dbconsole launch commandline is "E:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\bin\emctl.bat" istart dbconsole
    08/15/06 09:31:14 Tracking process launch...
    08/15/06 09:31:49 Did not hear back from emctl istatus.
    08/15/06 09:31:49 Waiting a further 5 secs...
    08/15/06 09:31:51 Received exitCode 3 from emctl istatus
    08/15/06 09:31:51 dbconsole started
    08/15/06 15:15:31 Recieved ServCtrlHdlr command, 5
    08/15/06 15:15:31 Stopping dbconsole
    08/15/06 15:15:31 Launching stop EMD process...
    08/15/06 15:15:31 Waiting for stop EMD process to exit. numRetries=74
    08/15/06 15:15:34 Stop process has exited with exitCode: 0
    08/15/06 15:15:34 Waiting for emwd process to exit. numRetries=74
    08/15/06 15:15:34 Watchdog process exited with exit code 15
    08/15/06 15:15:34 Signal Shutdown event.
    08/15/06 15:15:34 Shutdown thread exited.
    08/15/06 15:15:34 ServiceMain wake up by ShutdownProc, emwd has exited. ServiceMain exits
    -------------- [OracleDBConsoleSDB] ------------
    08/15/06 15:14:46 Start pending...
    08/15/06 15:14:46 Verifying dbconsole is not started already. Command line "E:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\bin\emctl.bat" istatus dbconsole
    08/15/06 15:14:54 dbconsole launch commandline is "E:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\bin\emctl.bat" istart dbconsole
    08/15/06 15:14:54 Tracking process launch...
    08/15/06 15:15:29 Did not hear back from emctl istatus.
    08/15/06 15:15:29 Waiting a further 5 secs...
    08/15/06 15:15:32 Received exitCode 3 from emctl istatus
    08/15/06 15:15:32 dbconsole started
    Command prompt for emctls status
    E:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\BIN>emctl status
    Environment variable ORACLE_SID not defined. Please define it.
    # perl executable directory
    # script directory
    # emd Root directory(read-only location). Metrics should not create files
    # under this directory
    # agent Root directory(writeable).
    # Use this property to base any temporary file creation.
    # Chronos root directory
    # OMS Upload URL
    # if there is no receiving OMS or if you wish to disable the UploadManager
    # please set this value to empty or comment out below line
    # Proxy settings used for fetchlets. not applicable for uploader.
    # If it is necessary to go through an http proxy server to get to the
    # repository, uncomment the following two lines
    # This string is used by the agent to connect to remote targets
    # ***IMPORTANT*** Do not change the contents of this setting. Only the
    # install should modify this value.
    # This string is used by the agent to determine which algorithm to use for encrypted data
    # The string value will be same as the release version
    # How long, in minutes, collector will wait until next load.
    # If an upload fails, we want to backoff by UploadFailBackoff
    # percentage more each time for each successive upload failure
    # e.g. if we start the retry at 1 minute. If we fail in our next
    # upload attempt, we try again 1minute 12 seconds later etc.
    UploadFailBackoffPct= 20
    # Maximum amount of time, in seconds, upload will wait for response from
    # repository before timing out.
    # 0 means infinite.
    # Timeout for upload a file, HealthMonitor will abort the EMD process if
    # UploadManager does not finish uploading one file within this time
    # Unit is minite, the default value is 1 hour ( 15 Min)
    # How big the file the collector will upload (in KB)
    # the actual file size could be slightly bigger.
    # This is only a guidance.
    # The maximum number of megabytes(MB) the upload manager will support in the
    # upload directory before temporarily being disabled
    # The maximum number of files the upload manager will support in the
    # upload directory before temporarily being disabled
    # The maximum amount (%) of disk space that can be used on the EMD filesystem
    # before the following is disabled:
    # - Collection of data (upload manager)
    # - Logging and tracing
    # The amount (%) of disk space that can be used on the EMD filesystem
    # before the following is re-enabled after being disabled previously:
    # - Collection of data (upload manager)
    # - Logging and tracing
    # Time out for the Agent to think that the access to the database could be
    # hung. The Agent would not allow more threads to go and hang with a database
    # if any one access to the database does not return within DbHangTimeout
    # seconds.
    # The more the timeout more the possibility of allowing more threads
    # to be hung in the EMD with a bad database.it is specified in seconds.
    # The script to run if disk space usage exceeds parameters or if certain other
    # error conditions occur.
    # The location of the file that contains the root certificate.
    # The download URL for the EMD Oracle Wallet and its local file location.
    # Note: Ensure that this URL references a valid port number at which the
    # console is available on http
    # The email address for out-of-band notifications
    # The return email address for out-of-band notifications
    # EMD main servlet URL
    # Whether the EMD should listen on all NICs on the current host (the default)
    # or just the NIC associated with the hostname in EMD_URL
    # This parameter indicates the thread model to use. uncomment one of the
    # following ThreadPoolModel line to indicate the model, agent need to use.
    # SMALL if number of targets is less than 11.
    # MEDIUM if number of targets is from 11 to 50.
    # LARGE if number of targets is greater than 50.
    # This parameter can be overriden by 'MaxThreads' which indicates the maximum
    # number of threads that CEMD can have running at any point of time. User can
    # mostly use the other parameter ThreadPoolModel to indicate what model for the
    # agent to use.
    # ThreadPoolModel = SMALL
    # ThreadPoolModel = MEDIUM
    # ThreadPoolModel = LARGE
    # This parameter indicates the stack size, threads have to be created with.
    # we can set it to 0 to use the OS default value.
    # In some version of solaris(such as 2.9 ) specify a stack size may cause Java Hotspot warning
    # when JVM is used.
    #Signals that users want to ignore.
    #It can be one or combination of SIGTERM, SIGINT
    # The signals can listed with ',' as delimiter.
    # This property is NO LONGER USED for host config collection (instead, hostConfigClasspath is used).
    # If noone else uses it, it can be removed.
    # Classpath for host config collection
    # VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: If you change the host config classpath entries in this section, you HAVE
    # to change the HOST_CONFIG_TEST_CLASSPATH entry in the utl/emdwqaenv file too.
    # NOTE: if the location of emd_java.jar and/or log4j-core.jar is changed
    # make sure that appropriate changes are also made
    # to the CLASSPATH variable in this file if necessary
    # PORTING NOTE: Check OUI-required jar files for OUI APIs to work. They could be different on your platform.
    # Also, our version of xmlparserv2.jar must be compatible with the one OUI expects (both OUI and ECM use XML parser).
    # JAVA HOME required for JavaExt metric calls
    # CLASSPATH required for JavaExt metric calls
    # this is the java option
    # These are the optional Java flags for the in-process Java
    # Native Interface (JNI)
    agentJavaDefines=-Doracle.dms.refresh.wait.time=1000 -DUrlTiming.UseJSSE=true
    # When set to true, the emd.log and emd.trc file will be appended by a pid
    # For example:
    # emd_15789.log
    # emd_15789.trc
    # By default, it is not set for regression test purpose.
    # After installed, please uncomment this line because when EMD is restarted,
    # previous log information will be lost if not set to true.
    # Default log file maximum size before rolling in Kilobytes
    # Maximum number of log file roll files to maintain before deletion
    # Default trace file maximum size before rolling in Kilobytes
    # Maximum number of trace file roll files to maintain before deletion
    # To enable the metric browser, uncomment the following line
    # This is a reloadable parameter
    # To disable Remote operations (non-reachable agent) uncomment the following
    # line:
    # add an additional admin path from which the agent will read additional
    # target metadata. The specified path should have the mandatory 4 directories
    # under it. 1. metadata 2. scripts 3. default_collection 4. discover
    #altAdminPath=<additional admin path>
    # The health monitor executes callbacks in a separate thread. if for some
    # reason the threads spawned from health monitor to execute callbacks are
    # hung, the agent could run out of resource and freeze.
    # so when the current thread count spawned from the Health monitor reaches
    # this limit, the agent is bounced. the default is set to 5.
    # dynamicPropsComputeTimeout default to 30s
    # emagent perl tracing levels
    # supported levels: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR
    # default level is ERROR
    # other optional parameters for perl tracing
    # EMAGENT_PERL_TRACE_DIR default to $ORACLE_HOME/sysman/log
    # this section define the logging level for each component,
    # it is "reloadable", you can change the level at runtime to reset
    # the logging level, but if you remove the line, it will not be
    # changed.
    # The following three properties are for HTTP timeout
    # Timeout value for reading Http primary header, default is 30 seconds.
    # Timeout value for reading http secondary headers, default is 30 seconds
    # Timeout value for reading http body, default is 60 seconds.
    And i would like to know how to set up the environment variable for Oracle_HOME and ORACLE_SID.
    Please kindly assist me on this.

    Looking at the error message "The Network Adapter could not establish the connection" , It appears hostname and port may be incorrect. Review the targets.xml under E:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\SAP_solman_SDB\emd and
    emoms.properties under E:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\SAP_solman_SDB\config folder to make sure host ( sap_solman) and port (1527) are correct.
    As far as setting the environment variables goes, you can go to control panel -> system -> advanced -> environment variables and set the ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID

  • Java web start application runs too slow...

    I am new to Java Web Start. I have created a java web start application and when i enable web start from local Execution, then it works perfectly well. But when i upload it on server and then download the application, then it is too too slow...i mean it takes minutes to get the output on clicking some button....my jnlp file is as under:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
    <jnlp codebase="http://(web server code base)" href="launch.jnlp" spec="1.0+">
    <vendor>Deepika Gohil</vendor>
    <homepage href="http://appframework.dev.java.net"/>
    <description>A simple java desktop application based on Swing Application Framework</description>
    <description kind="short">ER Deign Tools</description>
    <update check="always"/>
    <j2se version="1.5+"/>
    <jar href="ERD_1_2.jar" main="true"/>
    <jar href="lib/appframework-1.0.3.jar"/>
    <jar href="lib/swing-worker-1.1.jar"/>
    <jar href="lib/jaxb-impl.jar"/>
    <jar href="lib/jaxb-xjc.jar"/>
    <jar href="lib/jaxb1-impl.jar"/>
    <jar href="lib/activation.jar"/>
    <jar href="lib/jaxb-api.jar"/>
    <jar href="lib/jsr173_api.jar"/>
    <jar href="lib/ant-contrib-1.0b3.jar"/>
    <jar href="lib/jaxb-impl.jar"/>
    <jar href="lib/jaxb-xjc.jar"/>
    <jar href="lib/FastInfoset.jar"/>
    <jar href="lib/gmbal-api-only.jar"/>
    <jar href="lib/http.jar"/>
    <jar href="lib/jaxws-rt.jar"/>
    <jar href="lib/jaxws-tools.jar"/>
    <jar href="lib/management-api.jar"/>
    <jar href="lib/mimepull.jar"/>
    <jar href="lib/policy.jar"/>
    <jar href="lib/saaj-impl.jar"/>
    <jar href="lib/stax-ex.jar"/>
    <jar href="lib/streambuffer.jar"/>
    <jar href="lib/woodstox.jar"/>
    <jar href="lib/jaxws-api.jar"/>
    <jar href="lib/jsr181-api.jar"/>
    <jar href="lib/jsr250-api.jar"/>
    <jar href="lib/saaj-api.jar"/>
    <jar href="lib/activation.jar"/>
    <jar href="lib/jaxb-api.jar"/>
    <jar href="lib/jsr173_api.jar"/>
    <application-desc main-class="erd.screen1">
    I dont understand the reason. Could you please help me out.
    Thank you,
    Deepika Gohil.

    Check your web server's access logs to see how many requests web start is sending for each jar. After you've loaded the application the first time, for each subsequent launch, if you've got everything configured right, you should only see requests for the JNLP file and maybe some gifs because web start should load everything else out of the cache (if you're using the version-based download protocol). Or if you're using the basic download protocol, then you might see requests for each jar file, but even in this case, if your web server is prepared to evaluate the last-updated attribute for each jar request and for jars that have not changed, respond with no actual payload and a header value of Not-Modified, then that should run almost as fast.
    You might also want to consider changing the "check" attribute of the "update" element from "always" to "background" for a couple of reasons. It should allow your app to start sooner (but this means that you might have to launch once or twice after an update is applied to the web server before the update shows up on the workstation). Also, my impression is that "always" is broken and prevents web start from ever checking to see if your jnlp file has been updated if you launch your app from a web start shortcut - launching from a browser is less likely to have this problem, depending on how often your browser is configured to check for updated resources.

  • Enterprise Manager:  Error in table "View Data" for table with 128 column

    We appear to be getting an error when running Oracle Enterprise Manager when doing a "View Data" and selecting > 128 columns to display.
    Here's the error message.
    Could you let me know if this is a known issue, and any workaround/fixes for it?
    2012-07-11 16:53:08,315 [EMUI_16_53_08_/console/database/util/Flex] ERROR perf.svgChart getCurveLegend.139 - curveindex 0
    2012-07-11 16:53:08,315 [EMUI_16_53_08_/console/database/util/Flex] ERROR perf.svgChart logChartDetails.411 - oracle.sysman.emo.smap.HostChart@7d1a73ee
    2012-07-11 16:53:08,315 [EMUI_16_53_08_/console/database/util/Flex] ERROR perf.svgChart logChartDetails.412 - chart name cpuChart
    2012-07-11 16:53:08,315 [EMUI_16_53_08_/console/database/util/Flex] ERROR perf.svgChart logChartDetails.413 - number of names 0
    2012-07-11 16:53:08,330 [EMUI_16_53_08_/console/database/util/Flex] ERROR perf.svgChart logChartDetails.414 - number of times 0
    2012-07-11 16:53:08,330 [EMUI_16_53_08_/console/database/util/Flex] ERROR perf.svgChart logChartDetails.415 - number of values 0
    2012-07-11 16:53:08,330 [EMUI_16_53_08_/console/database/util/Flex] ERROR perf.svgChart logChartDetails.416 - curve count 0
    2012-07-11 16:55:40,768 [EMUI_16_55_40_/console/database/schema/displayContents] ERROR svlt.PageHandler handleRequest.639 - java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -128
    java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -128
         at oracle.sysman.emo.adm.DBObjectsMCWInfo.getSqlTimestampIndexes(DBObjectsMCWInfo.java:194)
         at oracle.sysman.emo.adm.schema.TableViewDataBrowsingDataSource.executeQuery(TableViewDataBrowsingDataSource.java:167)
         at oracle.sysman.emo.adm.DatabaseObjectsDataSource.populate(DatabaseObjectsDataSource.java:201)
         at oracle.sysman.emo.adm.DatabaseObjectsDataSource.populate(DatabaseObjectsDataSource.java:151)
         at oracle.sysman.emo.adm.schema.DisplayContentsObject.populate(DisplayContentsObject.java:369)
         at oracle.sysman.db.adm.schm.DisplayContentsController.onDisplayAllRows(DisplayContentsController.java:303)
         at oracle.sysman.db.adm.schm.DisplayContentsController.onDisplayContents(DisplayContentsController.java:290)
         at oracle.sysman.db.adm.schm.DisplayContentsController.onEvent(DisplayContentsController.java:136)
         at oracle.sysman.db.adm.DBController.handleEvent(DBController.java:3431)
         at oracle.sysman.emSDK.svlt.PageHandler.handleRequest(PageHandler.java:577)
         at oracle.sysman.db.adm.RootController.handleRequest(RootController.java:207)
         at oracle.sysman.db.adm.DBControllerResolver.handleRequest(DBControllerResolver.java:121)
         at oracle.sysman.emSDK.svlt.EMServlet.myDoGet(EMServlet.java:784)
         at oracle.sysman.emSDK.svlt.EMServlet.doGet(EMServlet.java:340)
         at oracle.sysman.eml.app.Console.doGet(Console.java:319)
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:743)
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:856)
         at com.evermind.server.http.ResourceFilterChain.doFilter(ResourceFilterChain.java:65)
         at oracle.sysman.eml.app.EMRepLoginFilter.doFilter(EMRepLoginFilter.java:190)
         at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindFilterChain.doFilter(EvermindFilterChain.java:15)
         at oracle.sysman.db.adm.inst.HandleRepDownFilter.doFilter(HandleRepDownFilter.java:153)
         at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindFilterChain.doFilter(EvermindFilterChain.java:17)
         at oracle.sysman.eml.app.BrowserVersionFilter.doFilter(BrowserVersionFilter.java:122)
         at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindFilterChain.doFilter(EvermindFilterChain.java:17)
         at oracle.sysman.emSDK.svlt.EMRedirectFilter.doFilter(EMRedirectFilter.java:102)
         at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindFilterChain.doFilter(EvermindFilterChain.java:17)
         at oracle.sysman.eml.app.ContextInitFilter.doFilter(ContextInitFilter.java:353)
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(ServletRequestDispatcher.java:621)
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(ServletRequestDispatcher.java:370)
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.doProcessRequest(HttpRequestHandler.java:871)
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(HttpRequestHandler.java:453)
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.serveOneRequest(HttpRequestHandler.java:221)
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.run(HttpRequestHandler.java:122)
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.run(HttpRequestHandler.java:111)
         at oracle.oc4j.network.ServerSocketReadHandler$SafeRunnable.run(ServerSocketReadHandler.java:260)
         at com.evermind.util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$MyWorker.run(ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor.java:303)
         at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595)
    2012-07-11 17:02:36,519 [EMUI_17_02_36_/console/database/schema/displayContents] ERROR svlt.PageHandler handleRequest.639 - java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -128
    java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -128
         at oracle.sysman.emo.adm.DBObjectsMCWInfo.getSqlTimestampIndexes(DBObjectsMCWInfo.java:194)
         at oracle.sysman.emo.adm.schema.TableViewDataBrowsingDataSource.executeQuery(TableViewDataBrowsingDataSource.java:167)
         at oracle.sysman.emo.adm.DatabaseObjectsDataSource.populate(DatabaseObjectsDataSource.java:201)
         at oracle.sysman.emo.adm.DatabaseObjectsDataSource.populate(DatabaseObjectsDataSource.java:151)
         at oracle.sysman.emo.adm.schema.DisplayContentsObject.populate(DisplayContentsObject.java:369)
         at oracle.sysman.db.adm.schm.DisplayContentsController.onDisplayAllRows(DisplayContentsController.java:303)
         at oracle.sysman.db.adm.schm.DisplayContentsController.onDisplayContents(DisplayContentsController.java:290)
         at oracle.sysman.db.adm.schm.DisplayContentsController.onEvent(DisplayContentsController.java:136)
         at oracle.sysman.db.adm.DBController.handleEvent(DBController.java:3431)
         at oracle.sysman.emSDK.svlt.PageHandler.handleRequest(PageHandler.java:577)
         at oracle.sysman.db.adm.RootController.handleRequest(RootController.java:207)
         at oracle.sysman.db.adm.DBControllerResolver.handleRequest(DBControllerResolver.java:121)
         at oracle.sysman.emSDK.svlt.EMServlet.myDoGet(EMServlet.java:784)
         at oracle.sysman.emSDK.svlt.EMServlet.doGet(EMServlet.java:340)
         at oracle.sysman.eml.app.Console.doGet(Console.java:319)
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:743)
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:856)
         at com.evermind.server.http.ResourceFilterChain.doFilter(ResourceFilterChain.java:65)
         at oracle.sysman.eml.app.EMRepLoginFilter.doFilter(EMRepLoginFilter.java:190)
         at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindFilterChain.doFilter(EvermindFilterChain.java:15)
         at oracle.sysman.db.adm.inst.HandleRepDownFilter.doFilter(HandleRepDownFilter.java:153)
         at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindFilterChain.doFilter(EvermindFilterChain.java:17)
         at oracle.sysman.eml.app.BrowserVersionFilter.doFilter(BrowserVersionFilter.java:122)
         at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindFilterChain.doFilter(EvermindFilterChain.java:17)
         at oracle.sysman.emSDK.svlt.EMRedirectFilter.doFilter(EMRedirectFilter.java:102)
         at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindFilterChain.doFilter(EvermindFilterChain.java:17)
         at oracle.sysman.eml.app.ContextInitFilter.doFilter(ContextInitFilter.java:353)
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(ServletRequestDispatcher.java:621)
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(ServletRequestDispatcher.java:370)
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.doProcessRequest(HttpRequestHandler.java:871)
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(HttpRequestHandler.java:453)
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.serveOneRequest(HttpRequestHandler.java:221)
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.run(HttpRequestHandler.java:122)
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.run(HttpRequestHandler.java:111)
         at oracle.oc4j.network.ServerSocketReadHandler$SafeRunnable.run(ServerSocketReadHandler.java:260)
         at com.evermind.util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$MyWorker.run(ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor.java:303)
         at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595)

    Not many people run into this but one has before: Too many columns to be shown in the Enterprise Manager 11g?
    I can not find a known bug related to EM/CC, however a lot of bugs exist if you search in MOS for java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 128
    So, best is to create a SR.

  • Enterprise manager in window 7

    Hi Experts,
    I try to install database in wnidow. It works.
    But I am not able to open EM and shows all components down.
    I try to check and restart EM . It does not work by local admin right.
    emctl status commands does not work in window 7 too.
    Please review all message as below
    Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7600]
    Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    C:\Users\jim>cd C:\ORACLE\product\10.2.0\db_1\bin
    C:\ORACLE\product\10.2.0\db_1\bin>set ORACLE_SID=DBA
    C:\ORACLE\product\10.2.0\db_1\bin>emctl status
    Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Database Control Release
    Copyright (c) 1996, 2006 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Invalid arguments
    Unknown command option status
    Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Database Control commands:
    emctl start| stop| status| setpasswd dbconsole
    emctl secure <options>
    emctl set ssl test|off|on em
    emctl set ldap <host> <port> <user dn> <user pwd> <context dn>
    emctl blackout options can be listed by typing "emctl blackout"
    emctl config options can be listed by typing "emctl config"
    emctl secure options can be listed by typing "emctl secure"
    emctl ilint options can be listed by typing "emctl ilint"
    emctl deploy options can be listed by typing "emctl deploy"
    C:\ORACLE\product\10.2.0\db_1\bin>emctl status
    Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Database Control Release
    Copyright (c) 1996, 2006 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Invalid arguments
    Unknown command option status
    Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Database Control commands:
    emctl start| stop| status| setpasswd dbconsole
    emctl secure <options>
    emctl set ssl test|off|on em
    emctl set ldap <host> <port> <user dn> <user pwd> <context dn>
    emctl blackout options can be listed by typing "emctl blackout"
    emctl config options can be listed by typing "emctl config"
    emctl secure options can be listed by typing "emctl secure"
    emctl ilint options can be listed by typing "emctl ilint"
    emctl deploy options can be listed by typing "emctl deploy"
    C:\ORACLE\product\10.2.0\db_1\bin>emctl start dbconsole
    Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Database Control Release
    Copyright (c) 1996, 2006 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Error opening logfile for output in nmeula_new
    Error opening logfile for output in nmeula_new
    Agent Version :
    OMS Version :
    Protocol Version :
    Agent Home : C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\HQ-xxxxxxxxxx
    Agent binaries : C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1
    Agent Process ID : 2180
    Agent Process ID : 2180
    Agent URL : http://HQ-xxxxx:3938/emd/main
    Started at : 2010-05-26 11:51:50
    Started by user : SYSTEM
    Last Reload : 2010-05-26 11:51:50
    Last successful upload : (none)
    Last attempted upload : (none)
    Total Megabytes of XML files uploaded so far : 0.00
    Number of XML files pending upload : 17
    Size of XML files pending upload(MB) : 2.43
    Available disk space on upload filesystem : 29.64%
    Agent is already started. Will restart the agent
    Access is denied.
    This will stop the Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Database Control process. Continue [y/n] :y
    Access is denied.

    user589812 wrote:
    Thanks for all help from you. I give up to fix 10GR2.04/4 EM issue in window 7.
    If any expert fix EM issue in WIndow 7, let us know.
    Take a look at Metalink Doc ID 952302.1 "Is Microsoft Windows 7 certified to install/run Oracle Database Server/Client?" That document indicates that, scheduled to be released in the third quarter of 2010, will support Windows 2008 R2 and Windows 7 - apparently only the Oracle Client will be supported and not Oracle Database.
    Oracle Database will definitely work with Windows 7 (Professional, Ultimate, and Enterprise), Oracle Database will probably work with Windows 7, Oracle Database and below will not be certified on Windows 7 and very likely will not work properly. If you have Windows 7 Professional or higher, you might be able to run Oracle in Microsoft's free Windows XP emulator:
    If you have Windows 7 Starter or Windows 7 Home Premium, it is possible to upgrade to either Windows 7 Professional or Windows 7 Ultimate using the Microsoft Windows Anytime Upgrade program that is built into Windows 7.
    Charles Hooper
    Co-author of "Expert Oracle Practices: Oracle Database Administration from the Oak Table"
    IT Manager/Oracle DBA
    K&M Machine-Fabricating, Inc.

  • Enterprise Manager can't show web-service in the web-services area

    I'm deploying my application(stateless web-service) it work's well, but Enterprise Manager show that it's not a web-service, it can't show application in the web-services area, this fuсking server have many-many-many bugs and errors (fuсking developers was drunken a lot, imho), documentation's have many errors too, and I hate this server, but I need to use it on my work :-(
    p.s. read documentation's carefully it have many errors.
    p.p.s. From Russia with LOVE! Russian developers are the best from the best!

    Could you be more specific about the version of OracleAS you are using?
    - which exact version ? (10.1.3.x, 10.1.2.x or 9.0/x)
    - which kind of Web Service are you developing? (J2EE 1.4/JAX-RPC or earlier version)
    Also if you find bug in the documentation or product please send let the Oracle Support Service knows.
    Tugdual Grall

  • Wilyhost Agent could connect to the Enterprise Manager

    Hi Gurus,
    I'm trying to setup Diagnostic for Solman 7.0. I'd installed Wily Introscope and SDM Agent in Solution Manager. The Agent was configured for this server. The Application Agent in Diagnostic Setup -> Managed system was OK, but when I try to run the Setup Wizard for Self-Monitoring, every steps are in green (OK) but the first was in red with this error:
    Step Wilyhost Agent Details
    Created destination SM1_DVEBMGS00_server0
    Created destination SM1|qfmasr003_SM1_00
    Created action SAP GC|SM1_DVEBMGS00_server0 - SAP GC|SM1_DVEBMGS00_server0
    Created action SM1 - SM1 AbapSystem
    Created action SM1|qfmasr003_SM1_00 - SM1|qfmasr003_SM1_00 AbapInstance
    Created 3 action(s).
    0 Wilyhost Agent(s) and 0 EP Agent(s) from host qfmasr003 are connected to the EM.
    Wilyhost Agent configuration finished without errors, but on Enterprise Manager (qfmasr003.xxxxxxxx.com:6000) no Wilyhost Agent was detected from host qfmasr003. Please check the log file jvm_smdagent.out whether the Wilyhost Agent could connect to the Enterprise Manager. If the Enterprise Manager configuration has been changed recently please restart the SMD Agent on OS level.
    The file jvm_smdagent.out  said this:
    java.runtime.name=Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition
    java.specification.name=Java Platform API Specification
    java.specification.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.
    java.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.
    java.vm.info=mixed mode
    java.vm.name=Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM
    java.vm.specification.name=Java Virtual Machine Specification
    java.vm.specification.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.
    java.vm.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.
    Running SMD Agent ...
    [Runtime] START
    ==> Loading application com.sap.smd.agent.application.runtime : 7.0015.20080806065229.0000
    ==> Loading application com.sap.smd.agent.application.global.configuration : 7.0015.20080806065229.0000
    ==> Loading application com.sap.smd.agent.application.connectors : 7.0015.20080806065229.0000
    ==> Loading application com.sap.smd.agent.application.wily : 7.0015.20080806065229.0000
    ==> Loading application com.sap.smd.agent.application.filesystem : 7.0015.20080806065229.0000
    ==> Loading application com.sap.smd.agent.application.tracing : 7.0015.20080806065229.0000
    ==> Loading application com.sap.smd.agent.application.remotesetup : 7.0015.20080806065229.0000
    ==> Loading application com.sap.smd.agent.application.wilyhost : 7.0015.20080806065229.0000
    10/14/08 01:13:55 PM ARST [INFO] [IntroscopeAgent] Introscope Agent Release (Build 540138)
    10/14/08 01:13:55 PM ARST [INFO] [IntroscopeAgent] Using Java VM version "Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM 1.4.2_17" from Sun Microsystems Inc.
    10/14/08 01:13:55 PM ARST [INFO] [IntroscopeAgent] Trying to load agent profile based on system property "com.wily.introscope.agentProfile"
    10/14/08 01:13:55 PM ARST [INFO] [IntroscopeAgent] Trying to load file from ./applications.config/com.sap.smd.agent.application.wilyhost/IntroscopeSapAgent.profile
    10/14/08 01:13:55 PM ARST [INFO] [IntroscopeAgent] Loaded file from ./applications.config/com.sap.smd.agent.application.wilyhost/IntroscopeSapAgent.profile
    10/14/08 01:13:55 PM ARST [INFO] [IntroscopeAgent] Looking for agent profile property "introscope.agent.extensions.directory" to locate the extensions directory.
    10/14/08 01:13:55 PM ARST [INFO] [IntroscopeAgent] The agent extension property "introscope.agent.extensions.directory" is not set.  No extensions will be loaded.
    10/14/08 01:13:55 PM ARST [INFO] [IntroscopeAgent] Introscope Agent startup complete.               
    10/14/08 01:13:55 PM ARST [INFO] [IntroscopeAgent] The Agent will attempt to determine its name.
    10/14/08 01:13:55 PM ARST [INFO] [IntroscopeAgent] Using the Agent name "SAP HostAgent J98" based on the value of the System Property "com.wily.introscope.agent.agentName".
    10/14/08 01:13:55 PM ARST [INFO] [IntroscopeAgent] Initial agent name set to SAP HostAgent J98
    10/14/08 01:13:55 PM ARST [INFO] [IntroscopeAgent.Isengard] Initiating connection attempts to the Introscope Enterprise Manager.
    10/14/08 01:13:55 PM ARST [INFO] [IntroscopeAgent.Isengard] The Agent reconnection delay is set to 15 second(s).
    10/14/08 01:13:57 PM ARST [INFO] [IntroscopeAgent.IsengardServerConnectionManager] Connected Agent to the Introscope Enterprise Manager at qfmasr003.quickfood.com.ar:6000,com.wily.isengard.postofficehub.link.net.DefaultSocketFactory. Host = "qfmasr003", Process = "SAP HostAgent Process", Agent Name = "SAP HostAgent J98".
    10/14/08 01:13:57 PM ARST [INFO] [IntroscopeAgent] Remote Agent Configuration Service is enabled
    ==> Loading application com.sap.smd.agent.application.logviewer : 7.0015.20080806065229.0000
    ==> Loading application com.sap.smd.agent.application.flightrecorderdumpscan : 7.0015.20080806065229.0000
    ==> Loading application com.sap.smd.agent.application.telnet : 7.0015.20080806065229.0000
    ==> Loading application com.sap.smd.agent.application.database : 7.0015.20080806065229.0000
    ==> Loading application com.sap.smd.agent.application.datacollector : 7.0015.20080806065229.0000
    Initialization done.
    [ms://qfmasr003.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:8101/P4] Agent ready.
    ==> Loading application com.sap.smd.agent.application.remoteos : 7.0015.20080806065229.0000
    only Initial Configuration files will be considered
    only End2End log files will be considered
    only End2End log files will be considered
    only End2End log files will be considered
    only End2End log files will be considered
    only End2End log files will be considered
    only End2End log files will be considered
    only End2End log files will be considered
    only End2End log files will be considered
    only End2End log files will be considered
    only End2End log files will be considered
    only file configuration information will be considered
    Warning: ConfigStore [cfg/kernel/ThreadManager.properties][J2EE] has already been defined with another alias.
    Warning: ConfigStore [cfg/kernel/ClusterManager.properties][J2EE] has already been defined with another alias.
    Warning: ConfigStore [cfg/kernel/ClusterManager.properties][J2EE] has already been defined with another alias.
    Warning: ConfigStore [cfg/kernel/ServiceManager.properties][J2EE] has already been defined with another alias.
    Warning: ConfigStore [cfg/kernel/ThreadManager.properties][J2EE] has already been defined with another alias.
    Warning: ConfigStore [cfg/kernel/ThreadManager.properties][J2EE] has already been defined with another alias.
    Warning: ConfigStore [cfg/kernel/ClusterManager.properties][J2EE] has already been defined with another alias.
    Warning: ConfigStore [cfg/kernel/ClusterManager.properties][J2EE] has already been defined with another alias.
    Warning: ConfigStore [cfg/kernel/ServiceManager.properties][J2EE] has already been defined with another alias.
    Warning: ConfigStore [cfg/kernel/ThreadManager.properties][J2EE] has already been defined with another alias.
    only Abap configuration will be considered
    only Abap configuration will be considered
    only file version information will be considered
    only End2End log files will be considered
    only software change logs will be considered
    only End2End log files will be considered
    only End2End log files will be considered
    only End2End log files will be considered
    only End2End log files will be considered
    only End2End log files will be considered
    only End2End log files will be considered
    only End2End log files will be considered
    only End2End log files will be considered
    only End2End log files will be considered
    only End2End log files will be considered
    only End2End log files will be considered
    only End2End log files will be considered
    10/15/08 01:16:17 PM ARST [WARN] [IntroscopeAgent.IsengardServerConnectionManager] The Introscope Agent is sending data to the Introscope Enterprise Manager too slowly.  Keeping the connection alive.
    only End2End log files will be considered
    only End2End log files will be considered
    only End2End log files will be considered
    only End2End log files will be considered
    only End2End log files will be considered
    only End2End log files will be considered
    only End2End log files will be considered
    only End2End log files will be considered
    only End2End log files will be considered
    only End2End log files will be considered
    only file configuration information will be considered
    Warning: ConfigStore [cfg/kernel/ThreadManager.properties][J2EE] has already been defined with another alias.
    Warning: ConfigStore [cfg/kernel/ClusterManager.properties][J2EE] has already been defined with another alias.
    Warning: ConfigStore [cfg/kernel/ClusterManager.properties][J2EE] has already been defined with another alias.
    Warning: ConfigStore [cfg/kernel/ServiceManager.properties][J2EE] has already been defined with another alias.
    Warning: ConfigStore [cfg/kernel/ThreadManager.properties][J2EE] has already been defined with another alias.
    Warning: ConfigStore [cfg/kernel/ThreadManager.properties][J2EE] has already been defined with another alias.
    Warning: ConfigStore [cfg/kernel/ClusterManager.properties][J2EE] has already been defined with another alias.
    Warning: ConfigStore [cfg/kernel/ClusterManager.properties][J2EE] has already been defined with another alias.
    Warning: ConfigStore [cfg/kernel/ServiceManager.properties][J2EE] has already been defined with another alias.
    Warning: ConfigStore [cfg/kernel/ThreadManager.properties][J2EE] has already been defined with another alias.
    only Abap configuration will be considered
    only Abap configuration will be considered
    only file version information will be considered
    only End2End log files will be considered
    only software change logs will be considered
    only End2End log files will be considered
    only End2End log files will be considered
    only End2End log files will be considered
    only End2End log files will be considered
    only End2End log files will be considered
    only End2End log files will be considered
    only End2End log files will be considered
    only End2End log files will be considered
    only End2End log files will be considered
    only End2End log files will be considered
    only End2End log files will be considered
    only End2End log files will be considered
    only Initial Configuration files will be considered
    This error is the same, when I try to connecto other system for Diagnostics,
    Any comments, suggestions, recomendations.... anythings.....
    Thanks in advice,
    Sergio Mazzeo.

    Hi Sergio,
    did you already stop and start your SMD agent on OS level ? It is not enough to restart it from the SMD.
    kind regards

  • Enterprise manager version with Oracle 11g

    Which version of Enterprise Manager do I need to install with 64 bit Oracle 11g. What is the latest version? Where can I get this information. The latest version that I could find for download on Oracle website is, but the one that comes with 11g Enterprise edition says 11.1 (the one without the Grid control).

    The latest grid control is - note that you have to turn off instance status metric or you get too many files open - a bug that they are doing a patch for.
    You are correct thou - 11g DB control is bundled with the db, but that is db control not grid control - a similar but unique product.

  • Enterprise Manager Console does not start

    I'm running a Windows 2000 PC with Oracle 9i Server on it.
    When I want to start the Enterprise Management Console
    (Start => Program...) there is only a short reaction on
    the Taskbar end when absolute nothing.
    I know this problem was already mentioned once here (OEM Console does not start but
    the answer there wasn't the right one for my problem.
    I could not change the oracle home directory with the ORACLE-HOME-Selector, because I have only one home directory (D:\Programme\oracle\ora92)
    My Path variable:
    And here is my oemapp.bat(It is located in D:\Programme\oracle\ora92\bin. I have already startet it manually with "oemapp.bat console" but there was only the reply ""The input line is too long.
    The syntax of the command is incorrect."
    @echo off
    REM #
    REM # Copyright (c) 1998,1999,2000,2001, 2002 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    REM #
    REM #     Oracle Enterprise Manager, Version Production
    REM #
    REM #     oemapp.bat
    REM #
    REM #     This script is used to launch Applications of Oracle
    REM #     Enterprise Manager, Version 9
    REM #
    REM #
    if "%1%" == "recursive" goto startScript
    if Windows_NT == %OS% goto :ntSetup
    command.com /p /e:8196 /c oemapp recursive %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
    goto :end
    IF "%1%" == "trace" GOTO trace
    IF "%1%" == "TRACE" GOTO trace
    IF "%1%" == "debug" GOTO trace
    IF "%1%" == "DEBUG" GOTO trace
    GOTO start2
    REM Make sure that our JRE is used for this invocation.
    if Windows_NT == %OS% SET PATH=C:\Programme\Oracle\jre\1.1.8\bin;%PATH%
    if not Windows_NT == %OS% SET PATH="C:\Programme\Oracle\jre\1.1.8\bin;%PATH%"
    SET CLASSROOT=D:\Programme\oracle\ora92/classes
    SET JLIBROOT=D:\Programme\oracle\ora92/jlib
    SET NETJLIBROOT=D:\Programme\oracle\ora92/network/jlib
    SET OEMCLASSES=%JLIBROOT%/oembase-9_2_0.jar;%JLIBROOT%/oemtools-9_2_0.jar
    SET BALICLASSES=%JLIBROOT%/swingall-1_1_1.jar;%JLIBROOT%/ewtcompat-3_3_15.jar;%JLIBROOT%/ewt3.jar;%JLIBROOT%/ewt3-nls.jar;%JLIBROOT%/share.jar;D:\Programme\oracle\ora92\sysman\jlib\master.jar;D:\Programme\oracle\ora92\sysman\jlib\master_de.jar
    SET AURORACLASSES=D:\Programme\oracle\ora92/lib/aurora_client.jar
    SET HELPCLASSES=%JLIBROOT%/help3.jar;%JLIBROOT%/help3-nls.jar;%JLIBROOT%/oracle_ice5.jar
    SET DBUICLASSES=%JLIBROOT%/dbui2.jar;%JLIBROOT%/dbui2-nls.jar
    SET JDBCCLASSES=D:\Programme\oracle\ora92/jdbc/lib/classes111.zip;D:\Programme\oracle\ora92/jdbc/lib/nls_charset11.zip
    SET NETCHARTSCLASS=D:\Programme\oracle\ora92/sysman/jlib/netchart360.jar
    SET ORBCLASSES=D:\Programme\oracle\ora92/lib/vbjorb.jar;D:\Programme\oracle\ora92/lib/vbjapp.jar
    SET SECURITYCLASSES=%JLIBROOT%/javax-ssl-1_1.jar;%JLIBROOT%/jssl-1_1.jar
    SET OSDNETCLASSES=%JLIBROOT%/netcfg.jar;%JLIBROOT%/o3logon.jar;%JLIBROOT%/verifier.jar
    SET OSDPKICLASSES=%JLIBROOT%/ewm-1_1.jar;%JLIBROOT%/ojpse_2_1_5.jar
    SET NETMGRCLASSES=%NETJLIBROOT%/netmgrm.jar;%NETJLIBROOT%/netmgr.jar;D:\Programme\oracle\ora92/network/tools
    SET XMLCLASSES=D:\Programme\oracle\ora92/lib/xmlparserv2.jar
    SET OLAPCLASSES=%JLIBROOT%/cvd.zip;%JLIBROOT%/jndi.jar;%JLIBROOT%/jewt4.jar;%JLIBROOT%/jewt4-nls.jar
    SET MISCCLASSES=D:\Programme\oracle\ora92/assistants/jlib/assistantsCommon.jar;D:\Programme\oracle\ora92/jlib/jle2.jar;D:\Programme\oracle\ora92/jle2-nls.jar
    SET QSMACLASSES=D:\Programme\oracle\ora92/rdbms/jlib/qsma.jar
    REM hook for classpath additions
    REM # Oracle change manager requires the following for ocmtclsh.exe
    set GBP=
    if not exist %CLASSROOT%\oracle\sysman\vtt\vttz\VttzCmDragDropObject.class set GBP=true
    if "%ORACLE_OEM_JAVAMX%" == "" set ORACLE_OEM_JAVAMX=-mx128m
    REM if "%ORACLE_OEM_JAVAMS%" == "" set ORACLE_OEM_JAVAMS=-ms16m
    SET JRE=jrew -nojit %ORACLE_OEM_JAVAMX%
    if "%ORACLE_OEM_CLIENTTRACE%x" == "x" goto setup_cp
    if "%ORACLE_OEM_JAVARUNTIME%x" == "x" goto jreSetup
    SET CLASSPATH_QUAL=classpath
    SET ME=oemapp
    SET USAGE="Usage: %ME% <application_name>"
    if Windows_NT == %OS% goto ntCheckAppName
    if not "%2%" == "" goto start95
    @echo %USAGE%
    goto end
    if "%GBP%" == "true" goto gbp
    %JRE% -DORACLE_HOME=D:\Programme\oracle\ora92 -DORBdisableLocator=true -Djdbc.backward_compatible_to_816=true %JREOPTIONS_STRING% -%CLASSPATH_QUAL% "%CLASSPATHADD%" oracle.sysman.vtx.vtxOemApp.OemApp %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
    goto end
    %JRE% -DORACLE_HOME=D:\Programme\oracle\ora92 -DGENERAL_BUS_PACK="" -DORBdisableLocator=true -Djdbc.backward_compatible_to_816=true %JREOPTIONS_STRING% -%CLASSPATH_QUAL% "%CLASSPATHADD%" oracle.sysman.vtx.vtxOemApp.OemApp %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
    goto end
    if not "%1%" == "" goto startNT
    @echo %USAGE%
    goto end
    set ADMIN_WRL=D:\Programme\oracle\ora92\sysman\admin
    set GBP_PROP=
    if "%GBP%" == "true" set GBP_PROP=-DGENERAL_BUS_PACK=""
    %NT_START% %JRE% -DADMIN_WRL=%ADMIN_WRL% -DORACLE_HOME=D:\Programme\oracle\ora92 %GBP_PROP% -DORBdisableLocator=true -Djdbc.backward_compatible_to_816=true %JREOPTIONS_STRING% -%CLASSPATH_QUAL% "%CLASSPATHADD%" oracle.sysman.vtx.vtxOemApp.OemApp %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
    Thnaks for any help.
    Nice day

    Is your machine connected to a Novell network? If so, edit the oemapp.bat file and change every reference of Windows_NT to WINNT. The issue is Novell does not set the Windows_NT variable, and uses the WINNT variable instead.

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