Error 1 getting que status in lvlib

I am trying to add some feature in previously build vi  in labview 11 service pack 1. While calling sub vi i am getting message:
Error 1 occurred at Get Queue Status in NI_LVConfig.lvlib:Get File>NI_LVConfig.lvlib:Close Config>
also some one could guide me how to get more information about  .lvlib that will be great!
Go to Solution.

Hi ssnp,
Firstly I'd like to clarify that I interpreted your question correctly. Some coding has already been created in LabVIEW 2011 SP1 and you're trying to call a subVI that was already included in this coding? Did you create this original coding? And if not, do you also have LabVIEW 2011 SP1 on your PC? Finally with the subVI, which subVI is it? Is it the Get Queue Status subVI?
Assuming you have error handling in your code, if you right-click on the Error Out box and explain error what does the message say?
Error 1 seems to suggest that an input parameter is invalid and therefore that you haven't wired the correct inputs into this subVI. Assuming this is the Get Queue Status VI that you are using, you can check which input parameters are required and particular expected values from the help file.
Does this help to solve your problem?
Best wishes,

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    Hi Mike,
    One think I really dislike about OSX is the Rocket Science needed to just Print!
    Might try these two...
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    Edited by: srujan on Mar 17, 2008 7:45 AM

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    Just giving my view on this.
    When you try to restore a Version backup file, you get this error.
    This is a known defect.  The problem is caused by missing values in properties like AddedOn, AddedBy, which may occur when a version is copied with 'Clear Changed Properties' selected.
    this is a known bug
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    Hi lizse,
    Welcome to the HP forums!
    Sorry to hear you've been having trouble printing wirelessly between your Mac running 10.8 and your Officejet 6700 printer but I will certainly do my best to help out
    To start, I know you've power cycled the printer and the Mac but I'm wondering if maybe your router had an update. I'd like you to turn off the printer and Mac, once they power down pull the power cord on your router for 30 seconds. Once the router is back up (the lights have returned to normal) turn the Mac and then the printer back on. Once they settle, please try to print again.
    If that doesn't resolve the issue please try resetting your printing system (don't re-add the printer just yet) and then perform a verify/repair of disk permissions. Once those complete, reboot the Mac and re-add the printer before trying to print again.
    Hope to hear back from you soon!
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post resolved your issue, as it will help others find the solution faster
    Click the “Kudos Thumbs Up" on the right to say “Thanks” for helping!
    I work on behalf of HP

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    try something like this.
    repid REPORT_OBJECT;
    v_rep VARCHAR2(100);
    rep_status VARCHAR2(20);
    plid ParamList;
    --vParamValue number;
    plid := Get_parameter_List('tmp');
    IF NOT Id_Null(plid) THEN
    Destroy_parameter_List( plid );
    END IF;
    plid := Create_parameter_List('tmp');
    Add_parameter(plid, 'PARAMFORM', TEXT_parameter, 'NO');
    v_rep := RUN_REPORT_OBJECT(repid,plid);
    rep_status := REPORT_OBJECT_STATUS(v_rep);
    rep_status := report_object_status(v_rep);
    /*Display report in the browser*/
    WEB.SHOW_DOCUMENT('http://IP Or Machine_name:Port/reports/rwservlet/getjobid'||substr(v_rep,instr(v_rep,'_',-1)+1)||'?
    END;Note:- Modify the above code with your requirements.

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    displaying error message like status message will help u?
    try the below code

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    Hi Shanshank,
    Try to Debug the FM.

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    I am getting the error M3 826 "Maintenance status of field MARA-BEHVO does not correspond to status of screen K" when all screens are selected in the Create Material Master transaction.
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    *   Material Type
        IF mara-mtart = 'ZPNT'.
    *     Screen-Names of the 3 fields
          IF screen-name = 'MARA-TEMPB' OR
             screen-name = 'MARA-BEHVO'.
            screen-active      = 1.
            screen-invisible   = 0.
            screen-output      = 1.
    *       Change or Create transaction
            IF sy-tcode = 'JP27' OR sy-tcode = 'JP28'.
              screen-input       = 1.
              screen-required    = 1.
            ENDIF. "transaction code JP27 or JP28
            MODIFY SCREEN.
          ENDIF. "screen-name
        ENDIF. "Material Type ZPNT
    It all works fine when only a number of screens (but including the modified) screens are selected for creation.
    But it fails with the message above on the modified screen when all screens are selected.
    Any ideas?

    from the message, it appears that ZZKUNNR is a custom field attached to your MARA table. So, it is your System specific.  I don't see ZZKUNNR available in MARA.  If you look at the transaction code OMT3B (configuration for material master data screens), you can find K - Basic Data Screen in Maintenance Status field.
    You may look in this area to fix your issue. Because yours is a custom field, its tough to analyse further.
    Reward points, if it helps!

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    Error code: InternalError, Http status code: 500, Request id: d87e2d01-16ef-4ac9-8a5d-a58d41aab2d4, Timestamp: Tue,
    03 Mar 2015 12:19:55 GMT
    How can I handle this ?
    Thank you in advance.

    Hi Shreyas!
    Are you familiar with the tryCatch() function in R? in your error condition, you can return the error message a bit more cleanly as shown in the following code snippet. FYI one common error we see is R scripts that are not able to handle a single-row input
    or with mismatched data types.
    # Do what you want in here
    }, error = function(e) {
    data.set = data.frame(errormsg = conditionMessage(e))

  • Unable to get MSE status.

    My WCS reported the MSE was disconnected. Then i checked the mse status.
    [root@SHWIPS01 ~]# service msed start
    Starting MSE Platform
    MSE Platform is already running
    [root@SHWIPS01 ~]# service msed status
    MSE Platform is up, getting the status
    Unable to get MSE status. Error: Read timed out
    Retrying status fetch -
    [root@SHWIPS01 ~]#
    Any idea or solution about this? thanks a lot.

    Have you tried either of the following:
    restarted msed altogether and/or rebooted the appliance?
    Can you also provideoutput from the following commands
    netstat -tap
    ps -ef|grep mcsed
    what is the network configuration between the WCS & MSE?

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    Hi All,
    In our requirement we will be sending an idoc to the recieveing system. we are planning to get the staus of the idoc.
    How can you  recieve the status of the idoc that idoc has been is saftly reached to target server.
    Can any one share the solution if you have confirgured  the same before.
    We are planning to use : Middleware.

    Hi Anil,
    If get the status 03 means your idoc successfully send to receiving system port. But in the receiving system if there any issue in processing you can't get these updated status automatically from receiving system. You know Idoc works in asynchronous mode. To get the status you need send one idoc with status (error , success ot warning) from receiving system to sending system.

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    ver mail02.domain.local Specific RPC error message: Error 0x6d9 (There are no more endpoints available from t
    he endpoint mapper) from cli_GetDagNetworkConfig
        + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (0:Int32) [Get-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup], ReplayServiceDownException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : 749A084,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.SystemConfigurationTasks.GetDatabaseAvailabilityGr
    What I don't understand is this server that it's referencing is the witness server to the DAG and SHOULDN'T have this service installed.  Has anyone run into this issue before, and if so, how did you fix it?  I have not tried rebuilding my DAG
    thus far.
    Thanks for any input.
    Thanks, Jeffrey - Infrastructure Administrator

    Have you checked Jared Van Leeuwen's suggestions? Is there any update?
    The Status parameter instructs the command to query Active Directory for additional information, and to include real-time status information in the output. Please add the DomainController parameter to specify a domain controller to retrieve data to check
    the result.
    If you have multiple DCs in your environment, please make sure there is no replication issues.
    If the issue persists, could you please use the ExBPA to check against your Exchange server health?
    Best regards,
    If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Belinda Ma
    TechNet Community Support

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