Error -36 while trying to update

I just got a new 60 GB iPod for my birthday, but everytime I try to sync to iTunes, it'll add maybe 30 songs then an error will pop up saying "Unknown error occured (-36)". This is extremely frustrating considerring it's brand new. i DO have my library on an external HD because there's not enough space on my PowerBook, but I don't think that would make a difference.

The -36 error is a generic "I can't transfer that song" error that can mean lots of different things. If you search the discussions for -36 you'll get lots of hits. In one case I found I consistently got that error if I daisy chained the iPod instead of connecting it to the computer. In another case I discovered I had a corrupt music file. In another case formatting the iPod and then using the restore CD fixed the problem.
Sorry I can't give you a definitive answer but maybe these hints will steer you in the right direction.
*note: I don't have lots of iPod problems - people tend to bring me their problems so I've gotten lots of experience.

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    I'm having the same problem I've no idea what to tell u I hate this is sucksClick the link below usually my DNS server fix resolves this error,but before changing any DNS settings try rebooting your router. There's been a few reporting this error code and the corrupt download error tonight,wouldn't surprise me if it's the same ISP involved.

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    user10163762 wrote:
    Thank you Eugen and Hussein.
    The problem is not with the template.
    It seems to be a problem in that particular instance.
    Uploaded it in a different instance.
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