Error cannot complete syncing.

i dont know what to do... when i sync and all is going well an error pops up saying that it cant be synced. what do i do?

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    E A Crocker

    Hi and Welcome to the Community!
    Accurate and complete error messages are always much more useful than mere hints...with the hint you provided ("CartId"), I find nothing useful. You of course can search the public KBs for yourself:​/
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    I seem to be experiencing the exact same issue.
    1. I wiped my internal and external HDs and formatted them as MacOS X Extended (Journaled), as per instructions on Support Article: TS1550, with the correct partition schemes for a PowerPC processor.
    2. I re-installed MacOS X Leopard from DVD onto the internal HD, created a new admin account, ran Software Update to add all the patches. Re-installed all third party software.
    3. I re-created my user account using files restored from a DVD backup.
    4. Computer works well, just the same as it always did, except Time Machine cannot complete the first backup.
    I have added the +Time Machine Buddy+ widget and got the following report log:
    Starting standard backup
    Backing up to: /Volumes/Iomega HDD/Backups.backupdb
    Event store UUIDs don't match for volume: Macintosh HD
    Backup content size: 136.9 GB excluded items size: 311.7 MB for volume Macintosh HD
    No pre-backup thinning needed: 163.95 GB requested (including padding), 931.15 GB available
    Waiting for index to be ready (-911 < 0)
    Error: (-36) SrcErr:NO Copying /Applications/Address Book to /Volumes/Iomega HDD/Backups.backupdb/David Bailey’s iMac G5/2009-02-08-194015.inProgress/C9E9C68B-9FD6-474C-A2E0-BD60ADF3C011/Macintosh HD/Applications/Address
    Stopping backup.
    Error: (-8062) SrcErr:NO Copying /Applications/Address Book to /Volumes/Iomega HDD/Backups.backupdb/David Bailey’s iMac G5/2009-02-08-194015.inProgress/C9E9C68B-9FD6-474C-A2E0-BD60ADF3C011/Macintosh HD/Applications/Address
    Copied 0 files (1.2 MB) from volume Macintosh HD.
    Copy stage failed with error:11
    Backup failed with error: 11
    The external HD is an Iomega MiniMax 1TB Firewire/USB Hub HDD.
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    Try this previous discussion.  It is marked as answered correctly.
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    Leave it connected, reboot computer iTunes.

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    We have found that some add-ons that block "ads", pop-ups and similar prevent the Sync client from showing that menu. Instead of disconnecting each of them one by one, I recommend you to run Firefox in [[Safe Mode]] and set up Sync.
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    Can you access the mass storage from your PC? Connect the phone in Mass storage mode, and backup your data - music, videos, images, map data, other files that you've stored in it. Then, format the mass memory from the PC, and then from the phone so that it will build the directory structure that it needs. Copy everything back from the PC to the mass memory. Restart the phone. See if this helps.
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    5800 XpressMusic (Rock Stable) | N73 Music Edition (Never Say Die) | 1108 (Old and faithful)
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  • In Photoshop CS 6 (64 & 32), I get the error "cannot complete command because the extension could not be loaded".  I can click to pass this, but none of my extensions will run.  If I click on "browse in Bridge" I get "Could not complete the command Browse

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    I would be most grateful for any ideas!

    I just found this on an old OSXhints page from 2003:
    "I posted this on the Adobe Photoshop Support forum but am posting it here, too. The original idea for the solution was taken from a hint on this site so, in effect, the hint belongs here. I solved a problem with a Photoshop 7 install running under OS X 10.3 (Panther) on a new PowerBook G4 15." I expect that this experience should apply to any Panther install and should not be specific to PowerBooks.
    Problem:Files not owned by Photoshop (generic JPEGs, GIFs, Adobe Illustrator files, etc.) will not open. Photoshop will go through the motion of opening the file (e.g. display the Profile dialog or, in the case of Illustrator files, display the Rasterization Settings dialog) but will fail to open the file and display a dialog stating that the file cannot be opened due to a "Program Error". Files are opened by several means: Via the application's "Open" command, drag-and-dropped onto the Dock icon, and Control-Click then Open-With in the Finder.
    Files that are owned by Photoshop open fine. By "owned" I do not mean in the Unix permissions sense but in the owner application sense, i.e., if Get Info on the file the application listed under "Kind" is Photoshop. The problem files previously worked with this installation of Photoshop and the user reported that "This just started happening." No OS updates or software installs had occured before onset of the problem.
    Other Adobe applications work fine, as do all other applications in general on this machine. File corruption and/or disk problems were not expected given the age of the machine and the amount of use it has had since first-use. These files are all maintained locally on the machine as the user normally works in a stand-alone environment.
    I created a new user on this machine and logged in as that user. In this user account, Photoshop behaves correctly, implying that the problem is user-specific which indicts preference files as opposed to something systemic or application-specific. I deleted all Photoshop preference files I could find in ~username/Library but this did not solve the problem. The "Fast User Switching" was a great help in this process since I could very quickly switch back-and-forth between accounts as I tested various corrective actions.
    Solution:I renamed the Library folder of the problem user account to "Library Old". Any name will work as long as it is different from "Library". Logged-out and logged-in, and the system re-created the Library folder. At this point, the account had lost almost all personalization and/or configuration settings, but Photoshop's operation was restored to normal. After verifying Photoshop's operation, I rebuilt all the lost personalization/configuration from notes, etc.
    I found this hint on The hint did not apply to Photoshop but more generally directed to preference-related problems that could not be resolved by removing/replacing the application's preference files."

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    experiencing the same issues you are describing on what appears to be the same model of computer.  Can anyone provide additional information on applying the suggested hotfix?  
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    setup of the VM fails with the error, "cannot complete windows setup".  
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    vm just hangs.  So I have been trying to install the distributed copy of Windows XP mode from Microsoft.  When I do this, I get the error.  

  • "Cannot complete command because the extension could not be loaded." with CEP5 Sample

    I have trouble with porting my extension to CEP5. I am getting error "Cannot complete command because the extension could not be loaded." when I open the panel.
    Is there any way to get more info about what happened and why? My extension was properly signed zxp and Extension Managed installed it without trouble.
    Also, to debug the problem, I tried to open the CEP HTML Test Extension -
    I have copied it to "~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions/com.adobe.CEPHTMLTEST", created .debug file in it (, created empty .debug file inside Photoshop CC (to suppress signature checking). When I open Photoshop CC 2014, I see test panels listed in extension menu, but when I try to open them, I also get the "Cannot complete command because the extension could not be loaded." error.
    Any hints what i am doing wrong and what can I do to debug this problem?

    Hallgrimur, thanks, that is exactly the article I needed!
    My problem was that I forgot about the pref file  "~/Library/Preferences/com.adobe.CSXS.5.plist".

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