Error Code )x80020063 & Burn iDVD

Have been trying to burn iPhoto files to DVD-R 4.7 GB discs (Verbatim). They seem to work OK but after disc is ejected from drive and the verfy==ify is complete, I get message "This disc did not verify correctly.... Because disc is unreliable, discard and try again. Error code displayed.
Using disc afterward, it seems to be OK. but this continues to happen on each new disc.
WilliamB (Email="[email protected]")

I'm having this problem with CD-Rs on my new iMac. So far 3 good burns from the Finder against 5 bad. The first 4 failures died with 0x8002006E and the most recent with "Burning the disc failed because communication to the disc drive failed. (Error code 0x80020022)". Visually all the burns failed with about the same amount of the diskwritten. The DiscRecording.log visible in the Console app shows the writes failing at the same spot (except for the first which is a nonsense number):
+Finder: Write (10), block: 4294967146, count: 32 -> 3/0C/00 Medium Error, Write error+
+Finder: Write (10), block: 94240, count: 32 -> 3/0C/00 Medium Error, Write error+
+Finder: Write (10), block: 94080, count: 32 -> 3/0C/00 Medium Error, Write error+
+Finder: Write (10), block: 94144, count: 32 -> 3/0C/00 Medium Error, Write error+
The last failure showed this:
+Finder: Burn sense: 4/09/01 Hardware Error, Tracking servo failure+
+Finder: Burn error: 0x80020022 The device failed to respond properly, unable to recover or retry.+
Which is beginning to look like a hardware or firmware failure (some other forums seem to suggesting that the problem started with a firmware upgrade). I'll be checking with Apple support directly.
One other oddity, I've tried selecting 8x burn speed - the default is 24x - but DiscRecording.log records this in every case:
+Finder: Requested burn speed was max, actual burn speed is 24x.+
For the record I'm not using a particularly reputable brand of media (Infiniti's from, bought locally) because I thought I'd start with the cheap ones and work up. Messages in this forum and others suggest that the 0x8002006e problem occurs with all brands of media so I'm not confident that upgrading would fix the problem.

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    Encoding Menu 2 of 2
    Computing Media
    Burning disks 1 of 1
    and then it burns (at the end pretty quickly) to 99% and stay there.
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    Internal software error: /Users/labuser/premiere/elements/molecules/pre10-bullseye/molecule-17/External/AuthorScri pt/Source/DVDCreator/FormatLib/Ma.....
    When I look on the DVD, it looks like nothing has been burnt to the DVD.
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    Have tried the following:
    Found that I had "-" in many of my file names (clips). I removed them from the file names, but this had no effect.
    I moved my entire project folder to a shorter path folder. This had no effect.
    I have not managed to find blank DVDs on sale here in Gothenburg, but will try to buy them online.
    I have four movies that I want to burn on DVD discs.
    Have succeeded in burning two of them.
    I've tried to find what distinguishes between the two that are OK and the two that I have not succeeded with. They are all at about the same size, about 27-29 minutes long.
    The clips are .m2ts and .mts files.
    In one of the movies that are OK, all the clips are .m2ts files. In the second movie (that is OK), most of the clips are .m2ts files, but also there are .mts files.
    In the other two movies that are not OK, it's a mix of .m2ts and .mts files.
    When I try to burn the two movies which failed, I get the same course as I showed earlier (with an error code).
    I must admit that I was wrong when I previously wrote that I could burn all the movies to my hard drive. The ones I can not burn to DVD, I can not burn to my hard drive.

  • Error code 0x8002006e burn issue

    Hi, I have read all the threads on this issue and no answer.
    Apparently this is happening a lot. I have burned one cd-r that worked on my new mac pro, (month old) and now I cannot burn anymore without the error code 0x8002006e unable to verify. I can although reinsert the disk and it will read and can open random files, but who trusts a disk with errors??
    I have shut down all programs to burn the disk and have restarted my finder.
    I've used Sony CD-R's and Memorex DVD-R which both worked fine on Tiger on my other computer,my pc dell laptop and my external duplicator.
    Running 10.5.2 all updated installed.
    I have wasted about 7 cd-r / dvd-r both. I have the standard superdrive from apple, and I have installed a pioneer from an old imac g4, (apple techs said it was compatible), and received the error in both drives. I can burn via my external lightscribe duplicator and it works great.
    Apple doesn't reopen until Monday and hopefully it's an issue that can be resolved now.
    Any suggestions would be wonderful!!! Unfortunately the nearest Apple store is 2 hours away

    I'm having this problem with CD-Rs on my new iMac. So far 3 good burns from the Finder against 5 bad. The first 4 failures died with 0x8002006E and the most recent with "Burning the disc failed because communication to the disc drive failed. (Error code 0x80020022)". Visually all the burns failed with about the same amount of the diskwritten. The DiscRecording.log visible in the Console app shows the writes failing at the same spot (except for the first which is a nonsense number):
    +Finder: Write (10), block: 4294967146, count: 32 -> 3/0C/00 Medium Error, Write error+
    +Finder: Write (10), block: 94240, count: 32 -> 3/0C/00 Medium Error, Write error+
    +Finder: Write (10), block: 94080, count: 32 -> 3/0C/00 Medium Error, Write error+
    +Finder: Write (10), block: 94144, count: 32 -> 3/0C/00 Medium Error, Write error+
    The last failure showed this:
    +Finder: Burn sense: 4/09/01 Hardware Error, Tracking servo failure+
    +Finder: Burn error: 0x80020022 The device failed to respond properly, unable to recover or retry.+
    Which is beginning to look like a hardware or firmware failure (some other forums seem to suggesting that the problem started with a firmware upgrade). I'll be checking with Apple support directly.
    One other oddity, I've tried selecting 8x burn speed - the default is 24x - but DiscRecording.log records this in every case:
    +Finder: Requested burn speed was max, actual burn speed is 24x.+
    For the record I'm not using a particularly reputable brand of media (Infiniti's from, bought locally) because I thought I'd start with the cheap ones and work up. Messages in this forum and others suggest that the 0x8002006e problem occurs with all brands of media so I'm not confident that upgrading would fix the problem.

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    I tried relaunching the finder. I bought a Disc Cleaner today and i bought some 8x speed DVD's. I cleaned the Burner and I was able to successfully burn a 8x cd but still not the 16x.
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    Check this thread:
    You can use this link ** Media Brand vs. Manufatrurer Brand ** to learn about your media quality.
    Hope that helps !

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    If anyone could help I would appreciate it!

    I believe it's a hardware issue anthough don't quote me on that as I'm not sure. I would call AppleCare with this error code. They'll know for sure. I would also try burning to a differnet brand media to ensure it's not a media issue. I would suggest you try Verbatim DVD-Rs.

  • Error code on burning

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    This is happening to me as well. But I'm pretty sure it is because I burned too many CDs at once. Before, using iTunes, I could burn 50 CDs in a day, non-stop. But once I started using iTunes 7, it has stopped working.
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    Possibly an issue with your optical drive.
    Are you still under warranty?
    Have you tried other media?
    Have you tried slower speeds?

  • Idvd burning - I'm getting error code -536870198 - HELP!

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    then iDVD usually is unresponsive/crashes
    Anyone have any idea what this or how I can fix it?
    It's driving me nuts.

    I would use (and do) Verbatim DVD-R (not DVD+R) burned at 4X or slower. Here's some more detail about using a disk image. Some of these errors tend to pop up from trying to burn a disk too fast.
    Suggest you create a disc image and then burn the DVD. File/Save As Disc Image...
    This will isolate any encoding/burning issues you may encounter. Once the disc image is created, double-click the .img and burn the virtual disc that should appear on your desktop, using Toast to burn the DVD. Disk Utility to burn the .img file. Usually, you can select a burning speed in Disk Utility.
    There are variations to this process based on which OS X you are using...
    Open Disk Utility (in Utilities folder in Applications folder), click on the virtual disc (maybe the .img) in the left-hand window. Click the Burn icon. A new window should drop down and your SuperDrive tray will open after clicking the Burn icon. Insert a recordable DVD. (Verbatim DVD-R preferred by me.) Click the Close button. Wait. Select a burn speed. Then click the Burn button.
    -->If the virtual disk selection won't allow you to click the Burn icon, use the .img file instead. This may have changed in 10.3.9 and did change in Tiger.
    Also, you can use DVD Player to play the virtual disk to check your iDVD project before burning to DVD. Launch DVD Player. File/Open VIDEO_TS (Open DVD Media... in Player 4.6). Find the VIDEO_TS folder and open that. (The audio folder is for DVD-Audio disks.)

  • I have a few wedding projects(1-2 hours)I am trying to export at full hd quality,than burn in idvd.After rendering for 8hrs I receive error code that states "file is too big". Please help? compressing tips without losing quality?

    I have a few wedding projects(1-2 hours)I am trying to export at full hd quality,than burn in idvd. After rendering for 8hrs I receive error code that states "file is too big". Please help? compressing tips without losing quality? or any other exporting alternatives?

    Hey Z,
    Thank you for the tip on exporting by media browser (large) from imovie. But of course, if it's not one thing it's another. Now that I figured how to export a large file from imovie, I have an idvd issue. I followed the instructions for burning from idvd and changing the encoding to professional quality and the burn speed to x4, but I am receiving an error that states the following,
    Your project exceeds the maximum content duration. To burn your DVD, change the encoder setting in the Project Info window.
    - total project duration: 79:04 minutes
    - total project capacity: 4.327 GB (max. available: 4.172 GB)
    - number of menus in project: 1 menus
    - total menu duration: 0:39 minutes
    - total menu capacity: 37.370 MB
    - total movies duration: 78:25 minutes
    - total movies capacity: 4.291 GB
    I have searched in the idvd forum for similar issues and I am stumped at this point. I have tried deleting the encoding assets and re launching idvd with the changed preferences, and still the same error. I know you mentioned something about free hard drive space available, and I have very little left. 4GB to be exact due to massive hours of non-edited footage. I am not sure if this is why, but I do not recall ever needing free space to burn memory onto a separate dvd. I would be more than happy if I am wrong, and it would be a quick fix. Otherwise, the technical nightmare continues. It's all a learning process and your expertise is greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.

  • How do I export from IMovie when "not enough room in Heap Zone" error code appears?   How can I correct,  what to Do.."export movie" insteand of Media browser or IDVD?  Finalize movie?  I want to burn it to DVD!

    How do I export from IMovie to Wondershare Creator to Make DVD and share hour long movie when I am unable to "publish" movie on Media Browser of IDVD because the error code "not enough room in heap Zone/ " appears and function is aborted. 
    I shortened the movie, that is no cure...Correcting date info on clips does not pertain.  Why would Apple throw roadblocks in your way without solving problems they create?
    A techie made an appointment on the phone and was totally incapable of addressing the problem.
    What is a heap zone????

    Instead of Share to Media Browser, what happens if you try Share Menu > Export Movie... (choose Large size) and save it to the Desktop?
    If that fails try Share Menu > Export using QuickTime...
    Then pick Movie to QuickTime Movie, then click on Options... which is just to the right of Export
    Under the Video section click on Settings...
    Then in the pulldown menu at the top, titled Compression Type: Choose Apple Intermediate Codec. Then click OK. And click OK again, and save it to the desktop. Once the .mov file is created, you can import that into iDVD and most likely it will work in Wondershare Creator if you prefer to use that instead.

  • Error code -51? Burn to DVD? how?

    I don't understand how to burn my project to dvd now that I'm done with it, i tried to export it and it said error code -51?? and then I trie dto publish it to itunes and it said the same thing. any help?

    Share your project to the Media Browser in Large or Medium.
    Now open iDVD and import your project into iDVD by opening the Media Browser in iDVD and dragging your movie into iDVD.

  • Error Code- 6 When Burning DVDs/ CDs- Any Ideas

    I recently had a problem burning DVDs from iMovie due to an error code- 6 (whatever that is!) I had put this problem to one side for a number of months, on account of the fact I don't burn that many DVDs. I have now found the problem has spread to CDs as well.
    Does anyone have any ideas on how I can solve this, or is it new drive time?
    iMac G4   Mac OS X (10.2.x)   1Ghz Power PC

    Hi Skinner,Welcome to Apple Discussions.
    Firstly you can't burn DVDs from iMovie!
    Under OS 9 Error 6 was an overflow error, although I can't confirm its the same under OS X it sounds like it could be a buffer overflow issue in iDVD. This would mean that the computer cannot supply the data to the drive quickly enough. Try the following things (which admittedly are undesirable but may be neccesary):
    Close down all Applications not directly involved in what you're doing to free up processor time and memory.
    Burn at a lower speed (choose 1x or 2x rather than 4 x).
    Try different media those PC World branded disc may not be as good as a Verbatim.
    Hope this helps

  • Error code#6 while burning cdr

    always was able to burn. Now if I put more than a little amount burn fails with error code# 6

    Hi Skinner,Welcome to Apple Discussions.
    Firstly you can't burn DVDs from iMovie!
    Under OS 9 Error 6 was an overflow error, although I can't confirm its the same under OS X it sounds like it could be a buffer overflow issue in iDVD. This would mean that the computer cannot supply the data to the drive quickly enough. Try the following things (which admittedly are undesirable but may be neccesary):
    Close down all Applications not directly involved in what you're doing to free up processor time and memory.
    Burn at a lower speed (choose 1x or 2x rather than 4 x).
    Try different media those PC World branded disc may not be as good as a Verbatim.
    Hope this helps

  • Error code burning DVDs

    I have tried burning two DVD's, for two different files, using Toast and each time I get the following error code as soon as it's written the lead-in.
    This is an error message from Toast:
    'The drive reported an error:
    Sense key = medium error
    Sense code = 0x0C
    I'm using Maxell DVDs, which I have used for a number of years, without issue. I have already had the drive replaced once and am no longer in warranty (and Applecare has run out).
    I have read that it could be a simple case of cleaning the lens, but I have an iMac with a slot-loading superdrive, so didn't want to stick in one of those lens cleaning discs with the brushes on, incase it got stuck in the slot.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Hey Guys,
    Did anyone ever find a solution to this problem? I'm using Memorex DVD-R 16x. I have repaired permissions repeatedly, reset PRAM and tried burning at several different speeds. I have tried burning a dvd project directly from iDVD and also saved the project as a disk image and tried to burn it from Finder and Disk Utility. I also noticed that when I "GetInfo" on the blank DVD-R, the permissions state that the disk is blank and that I can read/write. However, when I open Disk Utility, it recognizes the disk as a DVD-R, but it is "read only." I CAN burn a regular audio CD-R from iTunes with no problems.
    I believe I started having these problems when I updated from Tiger 10.10 to 10.11 (the last update before Panther was released).
    I am officially out of ideas. I am next going to try a complete reinstall, BUT I am not going to update from 10.10 to 10.11 since that seemed to be when the problem began. Thanks.
    Here's my drive info:
    Firmware Revision: FB2U
    Interconnect: ATAPI
    Burn Support: Yes (Apple Shipped/Supported)
    Cache: 2048 KB
    Reads DVD: Yes
    CD-Write: -R, -RW
    DVD-Write: -R, -RW, +R, +RW, +R DL
    Burn Underrun Protection CD: Yes
    Burn Underrun Protection DVD: Yes
    Write Strategies: CD-TAO, CD-SAO, DVD-DAO
    Media: No
    And my system:
    Model Name: iMac
    Model Identifier: iMac4,1
    Processor Name: Intel Core Duo
    Processor Speed: 2 GHz
    Number Of Processors: 1
    Total Number Of Cores: 2
    L2 Cache (per processor): 2 MB
    Memory: 1 GB
    Bus Speed: 667 MHz
    Boot ROM Version: IM41.0055.B08
    SMC Version: 1.1f5
    Serial Number: QP617065VGM

  • Hi i am trying to burn an mp3 cd but i keep getting the error code 1771 and the disc ejects from the drive??

    i have tried different things but as yet i havent found a complete solution.i have ran diagnostics, the optic drive seems fine.i can burn some cd's but not others.i would just like to know what is the EXACT criteria for a successful it to do with characters ?,!/ etc or is it to do with folder location.any advice or help/direction would be greatly appreciated...
    diag results
    Microsoft Windows 7 x64 Home Premium Edition Service Pack 1 (Build 7601)
    Hewlett-Packard HP Pavilion m6 Notebook PC
    QuickTime 7.7.5
    FairPlay 2.5.16
    Apple Application Support 3.0.1
    iPod Updater Library 11.1f5
    CD Driver
    CD Driver DLL
    Apple Mobile Device
    Apple Mobile Device Driver not found.
    Bonjour (333.10)
    Gracenote SDK
    Gracenote MusicID
    Gracenote Submit
    Gracenote DSP
    iTunes Serial Number 00E3B6480C87B1C0
    Current user is not an administrator.
    The current local date and time is 2014-05-02 15:34:34.
    iTunes is not running in safe mode.
    WebKit accelerated compositing is enabled.
    HDCP is supported.
    Core Media is supported.
    Video Display Information
    Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., Radeon (TM) HD 7670M
    Intel Corporation, Intel(R) HD Graphics 3000
    **** External Plug-ins Information ****
    No external plug-ins installed.
    iPodService (x64) is currently running.
    iTunesHelper is currently running.
    Apple Mobile Device service is currently running.
    **** CD/DVD Drive Tests ****
    LowerFilters: iaStorF (,
    UpperFilters: GEARAspiWDM (,
    E: hp DVD RAM UJ8B2, Rev 1.00
    Audio CD in drive.
    Found 20 songs on CD, playing time 78:23 on Audio CD.
    Track 1, start time 00:02:00
    Track 2, start time 03:07:62
    Track 3, start time 06:44:52
    Track 4, start time 10:03:30
    Track 5, start time 14:00:35
    Track 6, start time 17:37:62
    Track 7, start time 21:05:02
    Track 8, start time 24:39:37
    Track 9, start time 28:49:40
    Track 10, start time 33:08:27
    Track 11, start time 37:07:25
    Track 12, start time 40:19:10
    Track 13, start time 44:12:35
    Track 14, start time 48:58:20
    Track 15, start time 52:20:65
    Track 16, start time 57:59:22
    Track 17, start time 61:53:45
    Track 18, start time 66:20:10
    Track 19, start time 70:03:32
    Track 20, start time 74:28:45
    Audio CD reading succeeded.
    Get drive speed succeeded.
    The drive CDR speeds are:   8 24.
    The drive CDRW speeds are:   8.
    The drive DVDR speeds are:   8.
    The drive DVDRW speeds are:   8.
    The last failed MP3 CD burn had error code 1771(0x000006eb). It happened on drive E: hp DVD RAM UJ8B2 on CDR media at speed 0X.

    Hello kilgs85,
    The article linked below provides some useful steps that can help get iTunes back to burning discs.
    iTunes for Windows: Additional troubleshooting tips for burning issues

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