Error getting library jobs list?

Using the database control whenever I try to view the Job Library I get the following error:
Error getting library jobs list - ORA-06550: line 1, column 7: PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'GET_LIBRARY_DATA' ORA-06550: line 1, column 7: PL/SQL: Statement ignored
This occurs on all databases.
Any ideas?

Thanks for the link. It does describe the symptoms.
I have tested with the following steps to try and isolate when the issue is introduced.
Create a new database, and the Job Library page works as expected.
Install patch set
Create a new database, and the Job Library page works as expected.
This appears to be the patch which causes the problem. If I create a database after installing this patch, I get the error specified.

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    Sorry for the previous replies. Now that you have clarified your issue I can understand what you are experiencing. For the record, I have never had this symptom on any Mac and hence my confusion with what you were seeing.
    Whenever I print, the printer queue for that printer appears in the Dock, and if I click on it before it quits I see a pane that provides the ability to Delete, Hold and Pause a print job for that print queue.
    If you are not getting the same then I suggest you try resetting the printing system, which will require you to add the print queues again.
    To reset the printing system, open Print & Fax and move your mouse over the Printers list. Then hold down the Control button and click your mouse. When reset printing system appears, let go of the Control button and click the reset text. This will remove all printer queues but not the associated driver files. So, if you unplug the i70 USB and reconnect, the printer should automatically appear back in the Printers list.

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    One think I really dislike about OSX is the Rocket Science needed to just Print!
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    Hi Experts,
    Am creating Purchse Requisation by using BAPI ---> BAPI_PR_CREATE.
    If I run ONLINE, Purchse Requisations are creating in EBAN table, with out any erorr messages, fine.
    If the same prog. is scheduled as BATCH JOB in production, the Purchse Requisations are creating, fine, but, there is a ERROR MESSAGE in JOB LOG, saying that " ENTER PLANT " of M essage ID& # is  "ME 083 "
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    3 - How to track that, from Where this error is coming in BATCH JOB, How to debug the BATCH JOB, after its scheduling?
    4 - How to fix it?

    It is not uncommon for informational/warning messages to appear when a BAPI is run in batch.
    Such messages do not prevent the completion of a job, but may provide information about the status of processing.
    When you run the job online the message may just flash briefly on the bottom of the screen, and you might not even notice it.
    I get similar messages when I run other BAPIs, where the message is logged but the process continues to run.
    To address the question of the message itself, if you look at the code underlying the BAPI, for example, include L2105I01, which contains the methods, you can see the place where the message is issued.
    The message is issued if field PR_TYPE in the header structure is initial.
    This is fairly easy to find just by examining the source behind the BAPI and the methods that it uses.
    You can navigate to include L2105I01 just by clicking on Method process in BAPI_PR_CREATE, just as you can with any other navigable object in ABAP.
    You should see this in BAPI_PR_CREATE around line 108.
    CALL METHOD l_ref_bapi->process( ).
    Double click on process.
    Method renumbering is then called by Method process if the actyp = hin (a constant meaning add/create which is set in BAPI_PR_CREATE), and if ITEM_INTVL (Item number interval) is not initial.
    Double click on Method renumbering.
    Method renumbering then checks if field PR_TYPE is initial, and if it is, then the message 083 that you are getting will be issued.  You will also see that the message is issued as a warning only, which is why the document is still created.
    You can drill down through the code by double clicking, as usual with navigation.
    I found this initially by clicking method set_header, which brought up the include with the method code.  I then searched for 083, which is the message id.  I then backtracked to find out what the path to Method renumbering was.
    Always do a little digging in the source, the message has to come from somewhere.  If the first search does not get a hit, try the next one until you exhaust the possibilities.  I chose set_header, since it appeared to be specific to the function of the BAPI, and something like that will usually be the best place to start.  In this case, it took me right to it.

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    I would like to do so by monitoring the printer pending jobs list (if that can be retrieved through any java method) and make a log of changes in that list.
    Any advice on how to get the list of pending jobs of a printer?
    I checked the API and JobState class seems to be a descriptor of one single job... I suppose the method to retrieve a list of pending jobs in a printer would return an array of JobState objects... but I have not being able to find yet such method...
    Thanks in advance,

    Moderator Action:
    This post has been moved from the Java Programming,
    to the ADF forum, for closer topic alignment.
    *... and Comment:*
    Get help from people that work with ADF.
    They may have already done something like this.

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    This kind of error message is usually fixed by deleting all entries in tblSchedule table and in tblScheduleHist table in SQL, and then deleting all schedules in the Scheduler server (Control Panel --> Scheduled Tasks)...
    Hope it will help...
    Kind Regards,

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