Error in installing BOE3.1 Support Pack 6

I have just installed BOE3.1 on Window x64
and i would like to install the BOE3.1 , support pack 6
But after double click the setup.exe
following error message appear :
"The installation source for this product is not available. Verify that the source exists and that you can access it."
Anyone know how to fix it?

BOE 3.1 Support pack 6? I gues the last SP for 3.1 is SP3

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    Hi Shravan,
    Thanks for the response.
    I have already gone through the note. According to the note, I assume the following sequence has to be followed:
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    Hi David,
    Do you have your Satellite system configured in SMSY?  Are you getting EWA reports generated under transaction DSWP for this satellite system in question?  If so, then you are connected to SOLMAN.  You can also do RFC testing via either transaction SMSY or SM59 or SDCCN within SOLMAN or the Satellite system.
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    g_start_time    number;
    procedure log_init
        g_start_time := dbms_utility.get_time;
    end log_init;
    procedure log_page_view
       insert into eba_oll_page_views
          ( APEX_USER,
            CONTENT_TITLE )
          ( v('APP_USER'),
            case when v('APP_PAGE_ID') = 24
                 then v('P24_CONTENT_ID')
                 else null
            case when v('APP_PAGE_ID') = 24
                 then v('P24_CONTENT_TITLE')
                 else null
                 end );
       if v('APP_PAGE_ID') = 24 then
          insert into eba_oll_content_views
             ( APEX_USER,
               NOTE )
             ( v('APP_USER'),
               'Viewed' );
       end if;
    end log_page_view;
    procedure log_content_click
       insert into eba_oll_content_views
          ( APEX_USER,
            NOTE )
          ( v('APP_USER'),
            'Launched' );
    end log_content_click;
    end eba_oll_log;
    create or replace package body eba_oll_api
    function gen_id
       return number
       l_id  number;
       select to_number(sys_guid(), 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX')
         into l_id
         from dual;
       return l_id;
    end gen_id;
    function eba_oll_tags_cleaner (
        p_tags  in varchar2,
        p_case  in varchar2 default 'U' ) return varchar2
        type tags is table of varchar2(255) index by varchar2(255);
        l_tags_a        tags;
        l_tag           varchar2(255);
        l_tags          apex_application_global.vc_arr2;
        l_tags_string   varchar2(32767);
        i               integer;
        l_tags := apex_util.string_to_table(p_tags,',');
        for i in 1..l_tags.count loop
            --remove all whitespace, including tabs, spaces, line feeds and carraige returns with a single space
            l_tag := substr(trim(regexp_replace(l_tags(i),'[[:space:]]{1,}',' ')),1,255);
            if l_tag is not null and l_tag != ' ' then
                if p_case = 'U' then
                    l_tag := upper(l_tag);
                elsif p_case = 'L' then
                    l_tag := lower(l_tag);
                end if;
                --add it to the associative array, if it is a duplicate, it will just be replaced
                l_tags_a(l_tag) := l_tag;
            end if;
        end loop;
        l_tag := null;
        l_tag := l_tags_a.first;
        while l_tag is not null loop
            l_tags_string := l_tags_string||l_tag;
            if l_tag != l_tags_a.last then
                l_tags_string := l_tags_string||', ';
            end if;
            l_tag :=;
        end loop;
        return substr(l_tags_string,1,4000);
    end eba_oll_tags_cleaner;
    procedure eba_oll_tag_sync (
        p_new_tags          in varchar2,
        p_old_tags          in varchar2,
        p_content_type      in varchar2,
        p_content_id        in number )
        type tags is table of varchar2(255) index by varchar2(255);
        l_new_tags_a    tags;
        l_old_tags_a    tags;
        l_new_tags      apex_application_global.vc_arr2;
        l_old_tags      apex_application_global.vc_arr2;
        l_merge_tags    apex_application_global.vc_arr2;
        l_dummy_tag     varchar2(255);
        i               integer;
        l_old_tags := apex_util.string_to_table(p_old_tags,', ');
        l_new_tags := apex_util.string_to_table(p_new_tags,', ');
        if l_old_tags.count > 0 then --do inserts and deletes
            --build the associative arrays
            for i in 1..l_old_tags.count loop
                l_old_tags_a(l_old_tags(i)) := l_old_tags(i);
            end loop;
            for i in 1..l_new_tags.count loop
                l_new_tags_a(l_new_tags(i)) := l_new_tags(i);
            end loop;
            --do the inserts
            for i in 1..l_new_tags.count loop
                    l_dummy_tag := l_old_tags_a(l_new_tags(i));
                exception when no_data_found then
                    insert into eba_oll_tags (tag, content_id, content_type )
                        values (l_new_tags(i), p_content_id, p_content_type );
                    l_merge_tags(l_merge_tags.count + 1) := l_new_tags(i);
            end loop;
            --do the deletes
            for i in 1..l_old_tags.count loop
                    l_dummy_tag := l_new_tags_a(l_old_tags(i));
                exception when no_data_found then
                    delete from eba_oll_tags where content_id = p_content_id and tag = l_old_tags(i);
                    l_merge_tags(l_merge_tags.count + 1) := l_old_tags(i);
            end loop;
        else --just do inserts
            for i in 1..l_new_tags.count loop
                insert into eba_oll_tags (tag, content_id, content_type )
                    values (l_new_tags(i), p_content_id, p_content_type );
                l_merge_tags(l_merge_tags.count + 1) := l_new_tags(i);
            end loop;
        end if;
        for i in 1..l_merge_tags.count loop
            merge into eba_oll_tags_type_sum s
            using (select count(*) tag_count
                     from eba_oll_tags
                    where tag = l_merge_tags(i) and content_type = p_content_type ) t
               on (s.tag = l_merge_tags(i) and s.content_type = p_content_type )
             when not matched then insert (tag, content_type, tag_count)
                                   values (l_merge_tags(i), p_content_type, t.tag_count)
             when matched then update set s.tag_count = t.tag_count;
            merge into eba_oll_tags_sum s
            using (select sum(tag_count) tag_count
                     from eba_oll_tags_type_sum
                    where tag = l_merge_tags(i) ) t
               on (s.tag = l_merge_tags(i) )
             when not matched then insert (tag, tag_count)
                                   values (l_merge_tags(i), t.tag_count)
             when matched then update set s.tag_count = t.tag_count;
        end loop;
    end eba_oll_tag_sync;
    procedure render_tag_cloud (
       p_selection          in varchar2 default null,
       p_app_id             in number,
       p_session_id         in number,
       p_min_nbr_tags       in number default 1,
       p_max                in number default 100,
       p_limit              in number default 10000,
       p_link_to_page       in varchar2 default '2',
       p_tag_item_filter    in varchar2 default 'P2_TAGS',
       p_clear_cache        in varchar2 default '2,CIR,RIR',
       p_more_page          in varchar2 default '62' )
       l_printed_records    number := 0;
       l_available_records  number := 20;
       l_max                number;
       l_min                number;
       l_class_size         number;
       l_class              varchar2(30);
       type l_tagtype is table of varchar2(2000);
       l_tags l_tagtype;
       type l_numtype is table of number;
       l_cnts l_numtype;
       l_size number;
       l_total number :=0;
       l_buffer varchar2(32676);  
       CURSOR c_all_tags
           select tag, c from (
           select t.tag, count(*) c
             from eba_oll_content c,
                  eba_oll_tags t
            where c.content_id = t.content_id
              and c.display_yn = 'Y'
              and (p_selection is null or
                   (p_selection is not null and
                   (   (substr(p_selection,1,1) = 'R' and
                        substr(p_selection,2) in (select release_id
                                                    from eba_oll_content_products cp
                                                   where cp.content_id = c.content_id))
                    or (substr(p_selection,1,1) = 'C' and
                        substr(p_selection,2) in (select product_id
                                                    from eba_oll_content_products cp
                                                   where cp.content_id = c.content_id))
                    or (substr(p_selection,1,1) = 'P' and
                        (substr(p_selection,2) in (select product_id
                                                     from eba_oll_content_products cp
                                                    where cp.content_id = c.content_id) or
                         substr(p_selection,2) in (select p.parent_product_id
                                                     from eba_oll_content_products cp,
                                                          eba_oll_products p
                                                    where cp.content_id = c.content_id
                                                      and cp.product_id = p.product_id)))
                    or (substr(p_selection,1,1) = 'G' and
                        (substr(p_selection,2) in (select pg.group_id
                                                     from eba_oll_product_groupings pg,
                                                          eba_oll_content_products cp
                                                    where pg.product_id = cp.product_id
                                                      and cp.content_id = c.content_id) or
                         substr(p_selection,2) in (select pg.group_id
                                                     from eba_oll_product_groupings pg,
                                                          eba_oll_products p,
                                                          eba_oll_content_products cp
                                                    where pg.product_id = p.parent_product_id
                                                      and p.product_id = cp.product_id
                                                      and cp.content_id = c.content_id)))
            group by tag
           ) x where rownum < p_limit
                 and c >= p_min_nbr_tags
            order by upper(tag) ;
       -- Fetch tags into arrays
       open c_all_tags;
              fetch c_all_tags bulk collect into l_tags,l_cnts limit p_limit;
          end loop;
       close c_all_tags;
       l_available_records := l_tags.count;
       -- Determine total count and maximum tag counts
       l_max := 0;
       l_min := 1000;
       FOR i in l_cnts.first..l_cnts.last loop
          l_total := l_total + l_cnts(i);
          if l_cnts(i) > l_max then
             l_max := l_cnts(i);
          end if;
          if l_cnts(i) < l_min then
             l_min := l_cnts(i);
          end if;
       end loop;
       if l_max = 0 then l_max := 1; end if;
       l_class_size := round((l_max-l_min)/6);
       -- Generate tag cloud --
       sys.htp.prn('<div class="tagCloud"><ul>');
       for i in l_tags.first..l_tags.last loop
           l_printed_records := l_printed_records + 1;
           if l_cnts(i) < l_min + l_class_size then
              l_class := 'size1';
           elsif l_cnts(i) < l_min + (l_class_size*2) then
              l_class := 'size2';
           elsif l_cnts(i) < l_min + (l_class_size*3) then
              l_class := 'size3';
           elsif l_cnts(i) < l_min + (l_class_size*4) then
              l_class := 'size4';
           elsif l_cnts(i) < l_min + (l_class_size*5) then
              l_class := 'size5';
           else l_class := 'size6';
           end if;     
           l_buffer := '<li><a class="'||l_class||'" href="'||
                  htf.escape_sc(l_tags(i)) || '<span>' || l_cnts(i) || '</span></a></li>';
           l_buffer := '';
           if  l_printed_records > p_max then
           end if;
       end loop;
       -- print if there's more
       if l_tags.count - l_printed_records != 0 then
               htp.prn('<p><a href="f?p='||p_app_id||':'||htf.escape_sc(p_more_page)||
                     ':'||p_session_id||':::'||htf.escape_sc(p_more_page)||'">View all tags</a></p>');
       end if;
       exception when others then
          sys.htp.prn('<p>No tags found.</p>');
    end render_tag_cloud;
    procedure email_when_feedback (
       p_feedback_id  in  number,
       p_host_url     in  varchar2,
       p_app_id       in  number )
       l_body       clob;
       l_body_html  clob;
    for c1 in (
       select f.feedback_comment, f.feedback_by,
              c.title, nvl(ct.feedback_contacts,'[email protected]') email
         from eba_oll_content_feedback f,
              eba_oll_content c,
              eba_oll_team ct
        where = p_feedback_id
          and f.content_id = c.content_id
          and c.team_id = ct.team_id (+) )
       l_body := 'You have received feedback for a piece of content you own in the Oracle Learning Library (OLL) Application.
    Content: '|| c1.title || utl_tcp.crlf || '
    Feedback: '|| c1.feedback_comment || utl_tcp.crlf || '
    Left by: '|| lower(c1.feedback_by) ||'
    You can respond via the OLL Application, '||p_host_url||'f?p='||p_app_id||':47:::NO::P47_ID:' || p_feedback_id || '.';
       l_body_html := '<div style="border: 1px solid #DDD; background-color: #F8F8F8; width: 460px; margin: 0 auto; -moz-border-radius: 10px; -webkit-border-radius: 10px; padding: 20px;">
    <p style="font: bold 12px/16px Arial, sans-serif; margin: 0 0 10px 0; padding: 0;">
    You have received feedback for a piece of content you own in the Oracle Learning Library (OLL) Application.
    <table style="width: 100%;" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
    <tr>' || utl_tcp.crlf || '
    <td style="font: bold 12px/16px Arial, sans-serif; color: #666; padding: 0 10px 10px 0; vertical-align: top;">Content</td>
    <td style="font: normal 12px/16px Arial, sans-serif; padding: 0 10px 10px 0; vertical-align: top;"><a href="#" style="color: #000">'||c1.title||'</a></td>
    <tr>' || utl_tcp.crlf || '
    <td style="font: bold 12px/16px Arial, sans-serif; color: #666; padding: 0 10px 10px 0; vertical-align: top;">Feedback</td>
    <td style="font: normal 12px/16px Arial, sans-serif; padding: 0 10px 10px 0; vertical-align: top;">'||replace(c1.feedback_comment,CHR(10),'<br/>')||'</td>
    <tr>' || utl_tcp.crlf || '
    <td style="font: bold 12px/16px Arial, sans-serif; color: #666; padding: 0 10px 10px 0; vertical-align: top;">Left by</td>
    <td style="font: bold 12px/16px Arial, sans-serif; padding: 0 10px 10px 0; vertical-align: top;">'||lower(c1.feedback_by)||'</td>
    <tr>' || utl_tcp.crlf || '
    <td colspan="2" style="text-align: center; font: normal 12px/16px Arial, sans-serif; padding: 0 10px 10px 0; vertical-align: top;">
    <a href="'||p_host_url||'f?p='||p_app_id||':47:::NO::P47_ID:' || p_feedback_id ||'" style="display: block; padding: 10px; background-color: #EEE; font: bold 16px/16px Arial, sans-serif; color: #444">Respond to this Feedback</a>
       apex_mail.send (
          p_to        =>,
          p_from      => '[email protected]',
          p_subj      => 'OLL - New Feedback for your team',
          p_body      => l_body,
          p_body_html => l_body_html );
    end loop;
    end email_when_feedback;
    procedure email_when_response (
       p_feedback_id  in  number,
       p_host_url     in  varchar2,
       p_app_id       in  number )
       l_body       clob;
       l_body_html  clob;
    for c1 in (
       select f.feedback_comment, f.feedback_by, f.response, c.title
         from eba_oll_content_feedback f,
              eba_oll_content c
        where = p_feedback_id
          and f.content_id = c.content_id )
       l_body := 'You have received a response to your feedback left in the Oracle Learning Library (OLL) Application.
    Content: '|| c1.title || '
    Feedback: '|| c1.feedback_comment || '
    Response: '|| c1.response || '
    You can also view this response via the OLL Application, '||p_host_url||'f?p='||p_app_id||':60:::NO::IR_ID:' || p_feedback_id || '.';
          l_body_html := '<div style="border: 1px solid #DDD; background-color: #F8F8F8; width: 460px; margin: 0 auto; -moz-border-radius: 10px; -webkit-border-radius: 10px; padding: 20px;">
    <p style="font: bold 12px/16px Arial, sans-serif; margin: 0 0 10px 0; padding: 0;">
    You have received a response to your feedback left in the Oracle Learning Library (OLL) Application.
    <table style="width: 100%;" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
    <tr>' || utl_tcp.crlf || '
    <td style="font: bold 12px/16px Arial, sans-serif; color: #666; padding: 0 10px 10px 0; vertical-align: top;">Content</td>
    <td style="font: normal 12px/16px Arial, sans-serif; padding: 0 10px 10px 0; vertical-align: top;"><a href="#" style="color: #000">'||c1.title||'</a></td>
    <tr>' || utl_tcp.crlf || '
    <td style="font: bold 12px/16px Arial, sans-serif; color: #666; padding: 0 10px 10px 0; vertical-align: top;">Feedback</td>
    <td style="font: normal 12px/16px Arial, sans-serif; padding: 0 10px 10px 0; vertical-align: top;">'||replace(c1.feedback_comment,CHR(10),'<br/>')||'</td>
    <tr>' || utl_tcp.crlf || '
    <td style="font: bold 12px/16px Arial, sans-serif; color: #666; padding: 0 10px 10px 0; vertical-align: top;">Response</td>
    <td style="font: bold 12px/16px Arial, sans-serif; padding: 0 10px 10px 0; vertical-align: top;">'||replace(c1.response,CHR(10),'<br/>')||'</td>
    <tr>' || utl_tcp.crlf || '
    <td colspan="2" style="text-align: center; font: normal 12px/16px Arial, sans-serif; padding: 0 10px 10px 0; vertical-align: top;">
    <a href="'||p_host_url||'f?p='||p_app_id||':60:::NO::IR_ID:' || p_feedback_id ||'" style="display: block; padding: 10px; background-color: #EEE; font: bold 16px/16px Arial, sans-serif; color: #444">View Response in OLL Application</a>
       apex_mail.send (
          p_to        => c1.feedback_by,
          p_from      => '[email protected]',
          p_subj      => 'Oracle Learning Library - Response to your Feedback',
          p_body      => l_body,
          p_body_html => l_body_html );
    end loop;
    end email_when_response;
    end eba_oll_api;
    /Error at line 274: PLS-00201: identifier 'UTL_TCP' must be declared
    Edited by: Fateh on Jan 13, 2012 7:32 AM

    Thanks & Sorry for not mentioning the full information about my environment.
    it was:
    Oracle 11g xe R2 on Windows 7 machine
    Apex listener deployed on Glass Fish server 3.1 on Windows 7 machine
    Apex 4.1
    Google Chrome
    So, to have OLL application worked locally . we need the following:
    grant execute on utl_tcp to [your_schema_name]And to
    Configure an Application Express Application as a Partner Application in Oracle AS Single Sign-On
    I think I am going to install on my work space on
    Edited by: Fateh on Jan 15, 2012 9:38 AM

  • DDIC_ACTIVATION Error during application of Support Pack SAPKH47007

    Hi All,
    We were trying to apply Support Pack SAPKH47007 and it gave us an error in DDIC_Activation Phase and when i checked the logs it gave us this error
    Relationship TMFK-TDID for table TTXS does not exist
    Check dependent search help S_TMFK_SETTLE
    Search help S_TMFK_SETTLE is consistent
    I searched and found one Relevant Note for this SAP Note Num : 625098 and it tells us to delete the following fields
    Delete the fields FLG_AK_PAYM_FICA and FLG_AK_PAYM_FIAR from the table
    I went to SE11 and i dont see this fields there, and even though if i see them i dont think i can delete them coz it is asking Developer Key.
    Upon further checking i found that if we delete the Contents in  Pat01 and Pat03 we can go ahead and redo the support packs from begining. Can anyone throw some light on this as to how safe is this?
    Ershad Ahmed.

    Did you read the note I gave you?
    The note says:
    Symptom: An error occurs in the DDIC_ACTIVATION phase when you import Support Package SAPKH47007. The DDIC activation log records the following error messages:
      Relationship TMFK-TDID for table TTXS does not exist
    Solution: A general solution to the problem is available with R/3 Support Package SAPKH47010. To avoid the error, import the Support Packages SAPKH47007 and SAPKH47010 together in a queue.
    If you have already encountered this error, the queue must be reset and extended to include Support Package SAPKH47010. Since you cannot reset the queue from the DDIC_ACTIVATION phase using normal means, this must be done by SAP Support (Component BC-UPG-OCS).

  • XPRA_EXECUTION error importing ECC 6 support packs

    Hi gurus
    I am importing some Basis Support packs  SAPKB70010-SAPKB70018 for ECC6 .
    2.I have check sm37 and  there is a program RDDEXECL which is failing
    Step 001 started (program RDDEXECL, variant , user ID Jamesm)  
    All DB buffers of application server mmdep01 were synchronized
    ABAP/4 processor: ITAB_DUPLICATE_KEY                         
    Job cancelled                                                
    3. I have checked in ST22  and got the runtime error:
    Runtime Errors         ITAB_DUPLICATE_KEY                                                            
    Date and Time          03.07.2009 00:29:29                                                                               
    Short text                                                                               
    A row with the same key already exists.                                                                               
    What happened?                                                                               
    Error in the ABAP Application Program                                                                               
    The current ABAP program "CL_FDT_TRANS_Q================CP" had to be                           
          terminated because it has                                                                      
         come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed.                                                                               
    What can you do?                                                                               
    Note down which actions and inputs caused the error.                                                                               
    To process the problem further, contact you SAP system                                          
    Using Transaction ST22 for ABAP Dump Analysis, you can look                                     
         at and manage termination messages, and you can also                                            
         keep them for a long time.                                                                               
    Error analysis                                                                               
    An entry was to be entered into the table                                                       
          (which should have                                                                               
    had a unique table key (UNIQUE KEY)).
    The insert-operation could have ocurred as a result of an INSERT- or   
    MOVE command, or in conjunction with a SELECT ... INTO.                                                                               
    The statement "INSERT INITIAL LINE ..." cannot be used to insert several
    initial lines into a table with a unique key.                         
    How to correct the error                                                      
        Probably the only way to eliminate the error is to correct the program.   
    If the error occures in a non-modified SAP program, you may be able to    
        find an interim solution in an SAP Note.                                  
        If you have access to SAP Notes, carry out a search with the following    
    "ITAB_DUPLICATE_KEY" " "                                                  
        "CL_FDT_TRANS_Q================CP" or "CL_FDT_TRANS_Q================CM00A"
    I there a way of fixing this error .
    Any ideas are welcome

    Check SAP Note 1124173 - FDT Transport: Dump during after import processing

  • NPJPI150_12.dll error while installing BOE3.1

    Hi Gurus,
    I am trying to install the product trial for BOE3.1.
    The installation is aborting with following error
    .....................NPJPI150_12.dll is missing.
    Can anyone please help.
    If I ignore, it installs but CMC does not work.
    Help would be highly appreciated.

    On which platform you are trying install?
    Install jre1.5.0 version prior to install BO.

  • Error to install Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse.

    I'm start the to use ADF Faces. I use the Eclipse for my projects. I'm trying to install the Oracle Enterprise Pack in the Eclipse. However, no success! See some mistakes that I had when I try to install:
    Cannot complete the install because of a conflicting dependency.
      Software being installed: Oracle Database Tools (
      Software currently installed: Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers (epp.package.jee
      Only one of the following can be installed at once:
        Help System Core 3.5.100.v20110426 ( 3.5.100.v20110426)
        Help System Core 3.5.0.v20100524 ( 3.5.0.v20100524)
        Help System Core 3.6.0.v20120521-2344 ( 3.6.0.v20120521-2344)
      Cannot satisfy dependency:
        From: Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers (epp.package.jee
        To: []
      Cannot satisfy dependency:
        From: Oracle Common Tools (
        To: []
      Cannot satisfy dependency:
        From: Oracle Database Tools (
        To: 0.0.0
      Cannot satisfy dependency:
        From: Oracle Sapphire Framework UI (Legacy) (
        To: bundle [3.5.100,3.6.0)
      Cannot satisfy dependency:
        From: Java EE IDE Feature (
        To: [4.2.0.v20120608-135145-9JF7BHV8FyMteji0Oi_ePMz0xuZ8TVo7lV0z0ecb]
      Cannot satisfy dependency:
        From: Eclipse Platform 4.2.0.v20120608-135145-9JF7BHV8FyMteji0Oi_ePMz0xuZ8TVo7lV0z0ecb ( 4.2.0.v20120608-135145-9JF7BHV8FyMteji0Oi_ePMz0xuZ8TVo7lV0z0ecb)
        To: [4.2.0.v20120528-1648-7IAPA7BrHQicRpNdOz-Obz-rlRCA]
      Cannot satisfy dependency:
        From: Eclipse RCP 4.2.0.v20120528-1648-7IAPA7BrHQicRpNdOz-Obz-rlRCA ( 4.2.0.v20120528-1648-7IAPA7BrHQicRpNdOz-Obz-rlRCA)
        To: [3.6.0.v20120521-2344]Edited by: 941975 on Jul 1, 2012 12:14 AM
    Edited by: 941975 on Jul 1, 2012 12:15 AM

    For WebLogic Portal tooling you have a couple of options. For WebLogic Portal 10.3 and older, Workshop for WebLogic will be your tooling environment.
    Starting in WebLogic Portal 10.3.2, which released this year, the development tools have migrated to Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse. The WebLogic Portal 10.3.2 installer will install both the runtime and the IDE configured with additional WebLogic Portal Eclipse features (Portal Project Configuration, Perspecitives, Palettes, Deployment, etc).
    If you are interest in the latest version, you can download from the WebLogic Portal OTN page -

  • Error when Installing Eax-console as part of Audigy support pack 3.6

    <div class="lia-component-body lia-message-body">Hey there, out of nowhere I have the following problem:
    I have used several versions of this audigy support Pack up to now, both in Windows XP and Windows 7 RC and all worked fine for me. Most recently I used 3.5 and 3.6 in both OS for a short time.
    now I had to format my harddisk an have installed a clean version of Win XP SP3. I installed an update pack (, the latest direct X and drivers for nvidia motherboard and videocard. Then, when I tried to install this support pack, I get an error messagge I-00 when eax-console should have been installed, something about CTengine being unable to be installed.
    I read through many of the solutions here in the forum, since this error seems to be not so rare. But up to now, nothing helped. This is, what my install.log tells me:
    [EAX Console]
    Warning=I-008 CTRegSvr fails to register C:\Programme\Creative\EAX\Karaoke.exc.
    [Common Audio Driver Interface]
    Warning=I-007 RegSvr32 fails to un-register C:\Programme\Creative\ShareDLL\CADI\ctcadi.dll.
    All other install.log from the other parts of the pack contain no warning. Everything except the EAX-console works fine, if I try to start that, I get an error "No components are registered", an I don't have a "karaoke" register, but otherwise it works well, I can use the effects and cmss.
    What the heck could I do?
    I made an new thread, since nobody seamed to react to my post in the support pack thread.

    HRe: Error when Installing Eax-console as part of Audigy support pack 3.6o What you have is a missing file, or perhaps your system is wanting to install direct X redistributable or something similar. Do a search on your system for install.log and when you find the newest one, or second to newest one, open it with notepad. It will tell you exactly what you are missing. I was trying to install some components for my Elite Pro and it said in the install.log that it could not find DXREDIST. So I copied a version I had to the installing program's folder and it worked!? So take a look at that log and see what is missing......write back with your results if you dont mind. In the original post I had seen the registration problems with components. You can manually run regsvr32 with the /? switch and see how to unregister that yourself and then try the installation again.

  • RE: Support Pack installation

    I'm not a BASIS Consultant. But I'm trying to install a Support pack in the BW System.
    Here are the steps that I'm following. But there is some issue with the support pack installation. Can anyone guide me where I'm wrong.
    Basically I'm trying to install the SP6 for the BW system so that I can install the BPC 7.5 NW SP6 on the BPC side.
    1. SAINT
    2. Load packages from the FrontEnd
    3. Selected the package, open, decompress.
    4. the file is extracted to the C:\usr\sap\trans\EPS\in folder.
    5. run>cmd>SAPCAR -xvf K-75006INCPMBPC.SAR
    6. The file is extracted to the C:\usr\sap\trans\EPS\in folder as CSR0120031469_0050776.PAT
    7.Then I click on Installation Package>Load Package>From Application Server
    8. This is the message that I'm getting.
    Message Text     OCS file already exists in inbox. Upload not required.
    9. I do not know where I need to correct myself. Is there any guide or can You show me where I should search about the SP6 installation on the BW system.

    Hi Very sorry for the late reply.
    We used T-code SPAM for upgrading the SPAM level to 43
    We are on BW 7.01 SP5
    Now we were able to install the Support Packs.
    When I go into the
    2. Imported Suport Packages
    3. Display
    4. Under CPMBPC
    5. It shows SAPK-75008INCPMBPC  CPMBPC 750:  Support Package 0008
    With this I assume that the BPC 7.5 NW System has the Support pack 8.
    Then I uninstalled the BPC Server by going into the Add/Remove Programs.
    Then I downloaded the BPC 7.5 NW Files   BPCSERVER08_0-10009080.EXE  and  BPCSERVER08P_2-10009080.EXE
    I installed them on the server where the BPC is installed.
    Everything is fine until now.
    But when I'm trying to restore the SAP_IFRS Appset,  (BPCNWSKIFRS00_1-20007298.RAR) , these were the steps followed as per the guide.
    1. T-code  UJBR
    2. Select the Appset from the Front end.
    3. Named the Appset as SAP_IFRS
    4. Selected the 3 checkboxes 
       (a) Restore Metadata Tables
       (b) Restore Master Data
       (c) Restore Transaction Data
    5. Selected the Record Count to 0
    6. Hit F8
    7. I got the errors below
    8. Not all Info Objects Can be Read.
    9. Invalid Attribute name (MBR__SEQ) in Dimension INTERCO
    10.Master Data Load for Dimension INTERCO ended with ans error
    11. Invalid Attribute Name (MBR__SEQ) in Dimension OWNACCOUNT
    12. Master Data Load for Dimension OWNACCOUNT ened with an error.
    13. Master Data Load for Dimension RPTCURRENCY ended with an error
    All in all out of the 64 tasks 41 failed and 23 were successful.
    Can anyone please help me on this.

  • Support Pack Status not updated in System Component Information

    Hi Experts,
                 We have installed ECC 6.0 with Ehp3 and AFS 603 on AIX 6.1 and db6 V 9.1. We recently added the Vistex Incentive and Payback Module and Vistex Global Functions Add Ons. After the base install the Support pack 1-4  were applied for both Vistex components. For IRMGLB the status screen (System/Status) shows the SP highest Level = 03, while in SPAM screen it shows that Support Pack for for the Component IRMGLB is imported successfully.Because of this we can not apply the remaining Support Packs. For the other component (IRMIPM) Support Pack level 04 is correctly displayed.
        Any idea what are we missing?  Any help is greatly appreciated.

    For future referers, Vistex says its a known issue.
    It is a known issue but it would not impact any of the functionality.
    It can only be fixed in the subsequent release with conjunction with
    Vistex Support

  • Support Pack upgrade path

    We recently upgraded from ECC 6.0 support pack 9 to support pack 15. At the same time, we installed EHP4 support pack 5. A few questions:
    1. Will we upgrade our ECC 6.0 support pack 15 system to the next support pack, for example  to support pack16 or 17, OR will our support packs follow the EHP4 support pack update path, for example upgrading our current environment by moving from EHP4 support pack 5 to support pack 6?
    2. We have not yet enabled any of the new EHP4 functions in our landscape. Is it recommended that if we upgrade EHP4 support pack 5 to support pack 6 we do a full integration test? If we haven't enabled any EHP4 support pack 5 functions, I wasn't sure if an integration test was needed.
    thank you,

    Hello Jonathan,
    I hope you are aware of SPDD/SPAU.
    Point to be notes is support package will not overwrite your own customizing (Z, Y).
    and if you modified any Standard object for your purpose and its been overwritten by the Support package then you will definately get a prompt in SPDD and SPAU and you have a chance to take decision how would you like to go. whether you want to keep your customizing to the standard objects or you want the new standard code to overwrite it.
    So, you will not need to do integration testing for complete things in your system.
    Let me know if you need more clarifications.
    Best Regards

  • Support Pack Upgrade 5.3

    We are currently at GRC 5.3 SP8 and we are upgrading to EHP5.  According to SAP Note 1382385, we need to upgrade to at least SP13.  We plan on upgrading to the latest version of 5.3 which is SP17.
    In the ABAP systems, we are required to install each support pack before we can install the latest support pack. 
    On the Java side, are we required to install each support pack leading up to the latest?  Or can we simply install the latest Java version?

    Always JAVA and ABAP stack both should have same support packs with respective to GRC.
    but when you apply support packs java side you can st right away load the recent only, but ABAP side one by one each should apply.

  • MIDDLEWARE ( R/3 Plugin support pack details)

    Hi Experts,
    We have to integrate CRM5.0 with R/3 4.7. Can anybody tell me the version of the PI( plug-in) support package, which has to be installed at R/3.
    Points will be rewarded.
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Eric,
    Thanks for your support.
    I have gone through the SAP note 672651 - OCS: Known problems with Support Packages in Basis Rel.6.40 and did a analysis of steps to install BW 3.5 support packs
    1.Logon to client 000 with superuser having full authorisaton (i.e SAP_ALL and SAP_NEW)
    2.Update SPAM/SAINT Version
    3.Install PI_Basis 2005_1_640 with SAINT tcode
    4.Install SAP_BASIS support packs with SPAM
    5.Install SAP_ABA support packs with SPAM
    6.Install PI_Basis 2006_1_640 with SAINT
    7.Install SAP_BW Support packs
    Our BW 3.5 system is having SAP_Basis SAPKB64012 as current level and SAP_BW SAPKW35012
    as current level.
    Please let me know is the queue defined for Basis,ABAP and BW Supports packs is ok.

  • Deleting aborted support pack

    Hi SAP Gurus,
    When I was trying to install an application support package in SAP Basis 4.7 EE, it was aborted due to TMS mis configuration and showing RED symbol in SPAM Tcode.  Plz. help me in deleting this aborted package and install it properly.  I configured TMS and tried to install the support pack, but failed in doing so.  Plz. help.

    If u not in any phase then simply select display/define and select queue delete.
    If u r  in DDIC_ACTIVATION phase u can deleted the entries from PAT01 and PAT03 tables.
    Feel free to revert back
    Pls provide the points if u get answer.

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  • Email via RFQ

    Hi There, I too would like to triger a mail when an RFQ is saved ,kindly let me know as to how to configure.I have maintanied Vendors Email Id in Vendor Master recorrd. 1)hw to set up the LOCL output device ?? 2)Hw to assign Business parter to Vendor

  • I'm tired of trying to get MS Office to work on my IMac -

    but that's what came installed on this Mac.  How can I access the word processing software designed for the I Mac?  It's on my computer, right?


    I don't if it's a bug but if you try to install IAS 10g (9.0.4) on Solaris 9 (SPARC) in Spanish language, once the system tries to read the file an error returns 'cause there's a mistake translating this file..... Instead, when writing

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  • CS 5.5 on new i7: amazing editing, rendering & exporting, lousy indexing/conforming

    I just had my machine upgraded to an i7 with 24GB of RAM and an SSD OS drive. Overall performance of the app (and other apps) is fantastic, quite happy. However, one aspect is quite mediocre: the performance while indexing and conforming files. Openi