Error in JSPM Support Pack update

i am in the process of doing java support packs form level 9 to 14.
I am doing 3 at a time
After the sap-jee support pack got deployed the server0 for j2ee is not starting.
Pls hlep
The following is the log of disp_server0
trc file: "F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\work\dev_server0", trc level: 1, release: "700"
node name   : ID13786450
pid         : 7296
system name : BWD
system nr.  : 01
started at  : Tue Jun 17 16:30:40 2008
arguments       :
*       arg[00] : F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\exe\jlaunch.exe*
*       arg[01] : pf=F:\usr\sap\BWD\SYS\profile\BWD_DVEBMGS01_WDBSSAPBWD01*
*       arg[02] : -DSAPINFO=BWD_01_server*
*       arg[03] : pf=F:\usr\sap\BWD\SYS\profile\BWD_DVEBMGS01_WDBSSAPBWD01*
*       arg[04] : -DSAPSTART=1*
*       arg[05] : -DCONNECT_PORT=3227*
*       arg[06] : -DSAPSYSTEM=01*
*       arg[07] : -DSAPSYSTEMNAME=BWD*
*       arg[08] : -DSAPMYNAME=WDBSSAPBWD01_BWD_01*
*       arg[09] : -DSAPPROFILE=F:\usr\sap\BWD\SYS\profile\BWD_DVEBMGS01_WDBSSAPBWD01*
*       arg[10] : -DFRFC_FALLBACK=ON*
*       arg[11] : -DFRFC_FALLBACK_HOST=localhost*
[Thr 4660] Tue Jun 17 16:30:40 2008
*[Thr 4660] *** WARNING => INFO: Unknown property [] [jstartxx.c   841]*
*[Thr 4660] *** WARNING => INFO: Unknown property [] [jstartxx.c   841]*
*[Thr 4660] *** WARNING => INFO: Unknown property [instance.en.port=3200] [jstartxx.c   841]*
*[Thr 4660] *** WARNING => INFO: Unknown property [] [jstartxx.c   841]*
JStartupReadInstanceProperties: read instance properties [F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\j2ee\cluster\]
-> ms host    : WDBSSAPBWD01
-> ms port    : 3900
-> OS libs    : F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\j2ee\os_libs
-> Admin URL  :
-> run mode   : safe
-> run action : UPGRADE
-> enabled    : yes
Used property files
-> files [00] : F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\j2ee\cluster\
Instance properties
-> ms host    : WDBSSAPBWD01
-> ms port    : 3900
-> os libs    : F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\j2ee\os_libs
-> admin URL  :
-> run mode   : safe
-> run action : UPGRADE
-> enabled    : yes
Bootstrap nodes
-> [00] bootstrap            : F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\j2ee\cluster\
-> [01] bootstrap_ID13786400 : F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\j2ee\cluster\
-> [02] bootstrap_ID13786450 : F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\j2ee\cluster\
Worker nodes
-> [00] ID13786400           : F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\j2ee\cluster\
-> [01] ID13786450           : F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\j2ee\cluster\
[Thr 4660] JLaunchRequestQueueInit: create named pipe for ipc
[Thr 4660] JLaunchRequestQueueInit: create pipe listener thread
[Thr 6916] JLaunchRequestFunc: Thread 6916 started as listener thread for np messages.
[Thr 4836] WaitSyncSemThread: Thread 4836 started as semaphore monitor thread.
[Thr 4660] NiInit3: NI already initialized; param 'maxHandles' ignored (1;202)
[Thr 4660] CPIC (version=700.2006.09.13)
[Thr 4660] [Node: server0] java home is set by profile parameter
*     Java Home: F:\java*
[Thr 4660] JStartupICheckFrameworkPackage: can't find framework package F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\exe\jvmx.jar
JStartupIReadSection: read node properties [ID13786450]
-> node name          : server0
-> node type          : server
-> node execute       : yes
-> jlaunch parameters :
-> java path          : F:\java
-> java parameters    : -Djco.jarm=1 -XX:MaxPermSize=256M -XX:PermSize=256M -XX:NewSize=171M -XX:MaxNewSize=171M -XX:DisableExplicitGC -verbose:gc -Xloggc:GC.log -XX:PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -Djava.awt.headless=true -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=1 -XX:SurvivorRatio=2 -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=90 -Dstartup.mode=SAFE -Dstartup.action=UPGRADE
-> java vm version    : 1.4.2_16-b05
-> java vm vendor     : Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
-> java vm type       : server
-> java vm cpu        : amd64
-> heap size          : 1024M
-> init heap size     : 1024M
-> root path          : F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\j2ee\cluster\server0
-> class path         : .\bin\boot\boot.jar;.\bin\boot\jaas.jar;.\bin\system\bytecode.jar;.
-> OS libs path       : F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\j2ee\os_libs
-> main class         :
-> framework class    :
-> registr. class     :
-> framework path     : F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\exe\jstartup.jar;F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\exe\jvmx.jar
-> shutdown class     :
-> parameters         :
-> debuggable         : no
-> debug mode         : no
-> debug port         : 50121
-> shutdown timeout   : 120000
[Thr 4660] JLaunchISetDebugMode: set debug mode [no]
[Thr 6772] JLaunchIStartFunc: Thread 6772 started as Java VM thread.
[Thr 6772] [JHVM_PrepareVMOptions] use java parameters set by profile parameter
*     Java Parameters: -Xss2m*
JHVM_LoadJavaVM: VM Arguments of node [server0]
-> stack   : 1048576 Bytes
-> arg[  0]: exit
-> arg[  1]: abort
-> arg[  2]: vfprintf
-> arg[  3]: -Djco.jarm=1
-> arg[  4]: -XX:MaxPermSize=256M
-> arg[  5]: -XX:PermSize=256M
-> arg[  6]: -XX:NewSize=171M
-> arg[  7]: -XX:MaxNewSize=171M
-> arg[  8]: -XX:+DisableExplicitGC
-> arg[  9]: -verbose:gc
-> arg[ 10]: -Xloggc:GC.log
-> arg[ 11]: -XX:+PrintGCDetails
-> arg[ 12]: -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps
-> arg[ 13]: -Djava.awt.headless=true
-> arg[ 14]:
-> arg[ 15]: -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=1
-> arg[ 16]: -XX:SurvivorRatio=2
-> arg[ 17]: -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=90
-> arg[ 18]:
-> arg[ 19]:
-> arg[ 20]:
-> arg[ 21]:
-> arg[ 22]:
-> arg[ 23]: -Dstartup.mode=SAFE
-> arg[ 24]: -Dstartup.action=UPGRADE
-> arg[ 25]:\usr\sap\BWD\SYS\global
-> arg[ 26]: -Dapplication.home=F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\exe
-> arg[ 27]: -Djava.class.path=F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\exe\jstartup.jar;F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\exe\jvmx.jar;.\bin\boot\boot.jar;.\bin\boot\jaas.jar;.\bin\system\bytecode.jar;.
-> arg[ 28]: -Djava.library.path=F:\java\jre\bin\server;F:\java\jre\bin;F:\java\bin;F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\j2ee\os_libs;C:\Perl\site\bin;C:\Perl\bin;C:\Program Files\HP\NCU;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;F:\java\bin;F:\usr\sap\BWD\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64
-> arg[ 29]: -Dmemory.manager=1024M
-> arg[ 30]: -Xmx1024M
-> arg[ 31]: -Xms1024M
-> arg[ 32]: -DLoadBalanceRestricted=no
-> arg[ 33]: -Djstartup.mode=JCONTROL
-> arg[ 34]: -Djstartup.ownProcessId=7296
-> arg[ 35]: -Djstartup.ownHardwareId=T1648851106
-> arg[ 36]: -Djstartup.whoami=server
-> arg[ 37]: -Djstartup.debuggable=no
-> arg[ 38]: -Xss2m
-> arg[ 39]: -DSAPINFO=BWD_01_server
-> arg[ 40]: -DSAPSTART=1
-> arg[ 41]: -DCONNECT_PORT=3227
-> arg[ 42]: -DSAPSYSTEM=01
-> arg[ 45]: -DSAPPROFILE=F:\usr\sap\BWD\SYS\profile\BWD_DVEBMGS01_WDBSSAPBWD01
-> arg[ 46]: -DFRFC_FALLBACK=ON
-> arg[ 47]: -DFRFC_FALLBACK_HOST=localhost
-> arg[ 48]: -DSAPSTARTUP=1
-> arg[ 49]: -DSAPSYSTEM=01
-> arg[ 53]: -Dj2ee.dbhost=WDBSSDBBWD01
CompilerOracle: exclude com/sapportals/portal/pb/layout/taglib/ContainerTag addIviewResources
CompilerOracle: exclude com/sap/engine/services/keystore/impl/security/CodeBasedSecurityConnector getApplicationDomain
CompilerOracle: exclude com/sap/engine/services/rmi_p4/P4StubSkeletonGenerator generateStub
CompilerOracle: exclude com/sapportals/portal/prt/util/StringUtils escapeToJS
CompilerOracle: exclude com/sapportals/portal/prt/core/broker/PortalServiceItem startServices
CompilerOracle: exclude com/sap/engine/services/webservices/server/deploy/WSConfigurationHandler downloadFile
CompilerOracle: exclude com/sapportals/portal/prt/jndisupport/util/AbstractHierarchicalContext lookup
CompilerOracle: exclude com/sapportals/portal/navigation/cache/CacheNavigationNode getAttributeValue
CompilerOracle: exclude com/sapportals/portal/navigation/TopLevelNavigationiView PrintNode
CompilerOracle: exclude com/sapportals/wcm/service/ice/wcm/ICEPropertiesCoder encode
CompilerOracle: exclude com/sap/lcr/pers/delta/importing/ObjectLoader loadObjects
CompilerOracle: exclude com/sap/engine/services/webservices/jaxrpc/encoding/InstanceBuilder readElement
CompilerOracle: exclude com/sap/engine/services/webservices/jaxrpc/encoding/InstanceBuilder readSequence
CompilerOracle: exclude com/sap/engine/services/webservices/jaxrpc/encoding/TypeMappingImpl initializeRelations
CompilerOracle: exclude com/sap/engine/services/webservices/jaxrpc/encoding/GeneratedComplexType _loadInto
[Thr 6772] JHVM_LoadJavaVM: Java VM created OK.
JHVM_BuildArgumentList: main method arguments of node [server0]
[Thr 4752] Tue Jun 17 16:30:41 2008
[Thr 4752] JHVM_RegisterNatives: registering methods in
[Thr 4752] JHVM_RegisterNatives: registering methods in
[Thr 4752] JLaunchISetClusterId: set cluster id 13786450
[Thr 4752] JLaunchISetState: change state from [Initial (0)] to [Waiting for start (1)]
[Thr 4752] JLaunchISetState: change state from [Waiting for start (1)] to [Starting (2)]
[Thr 7688] Tue Jun 17 16:30:52 2008
[Thr 7688] JLaunchIExitJava: exit hook is called (rc = -11113)
*[Thr 7688] ***********************************************************************
ERROR => The Java VM terminated with a non-zero exit code.*
Please see SAP Note 943602 , section 'J2EE Engine exit codes'*
for additional information and trouble shooting.*
[Thr 7688] JLaunchCloseProgram: good bye (exitcode = -11113)
trc file: "F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\work\dev_server0", trc level: 1, release: "700"
node name   : ID13786450
pid         : 4560
system name : BWD
system nr.  : 01
started at  : Tue Jun 17 16:30:55 2008
arguments       :
*       arg[00] : F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\exe\jlaunch.exe*
*       arg[01] : pf=F:\usr\sap\BWD\SYS\profile\BWD_DVEBMGS01_WDBSSAPBWD01*
*       arg[02] : -DSAPINFO=BWD_01_server*
*       arg[03] : pf=F:\usr\sap\BWD\SYS\profile\BWD_DVEBMGS01_WDBSSAPBWD01*
*       arg[04] : -DSAPSTART=1*
*       arg[05] : -DCONNECT_PORT=3227*
*       arg[06] : -DSAPSYSTEM=01*
*       arg[07] : -DSAPSYSTEMNAME=BWD*
*       arg[08] : -DSAPMYNAME=WDBSSAPBWD01_BWD_01*
*       arg[09] : -DSAPPROFILE=F:\usr\sap\BWD\SYS\profile\BWD_DVEBMGS01_WDBSSAPBWD01*
*       arg[10] : -DFRFC_FALLBACK=ON*
*       arg[11] : -DFRFC_FALLBACK_HOST=localhost*
[Thr 5300] Tue Jun 17 16:30:55 2008
*[Thr 5300] *** WARNING => INFO: Unknown property [] [jstartxx.c   841]*
*[Thr 5300] *** WARNING => INFO: Unknown property [] [jstartxx.c   841]*
*[Thr 5300] *** WARNING => INFO: Unknown property [instance.en.port=3200] [jstartxx.c   841]*
*[Thr 5300] *** WARNING => INFO: Unknown property [] [jstartxx.c   841]*
JStartupReadInstanceProperties: read instance properties [F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\j2ee\cluster\]
-> ms host    : WDBSSAPBWD01
-> ms port    : 3900
-> OS libs    : F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\j2ee\os_libs
-> Admin URL  :
-> run mode   : safe
-> run action : UPGRADE
-> enabled    : yes
Used property files
-> files [00] : F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\j2ee\cluster\
Instance properties
-> ms host    : WDBSSAPBWD01
-> ms port    : 3900
-> os libs    : F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\j2ee\os_libs
-> admin URL  :
-> run mode   : safe
-> run action : UPGRADE
-> enabled    : yes
Bootstrap nodes
-> [00] bootstrap            : F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\j2ee\cluster\
-> [01] bootstrap_ID13786400 : F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\j2ee\cluster\
-> [02] bootstrap_ID13786450 : F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\j2ee\cluster\
Worker nodes
-> [00] ID13786400           : F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\j2ee\cluster\
-> [01] ID13786450           : F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\j2ee\cluster\
[Thr 5300] JLaunchRequestQueueInit: create named pipe for ipc
[Thr 5300] JLaunchRequestQueueInit: create pipe listener thread
[Thr 7140] JLaunchRequestFunc: Thread 7140 started as listener thread for np messages.
[Thr 6892] WaitSyncSemThread: Thread 6892 started as semaphore monitor thread.
[Thr 5300] NiInit3: NI already initialized; param 'maxHandles' ignored (1;202)
[Thr 5300] CPIC (version=700.2006.09.13)
[Thr 5300] [Node: server0] java home is set by profile parameter
*     Java Home: F:\java*
[Thr 5300] JStartupICheckFrameworkPackage: can't find framework package F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\exe\jvmx.jar
JStartupIReadSection: read node properties [ID13786450]
-> node name          : server0
-> node type          : server
-> node execute       : yes
-> jlaunch parameters :
-> java path          : F:\java
-> java parameters    : -Djco.jarm=1 -XX:MaxPermSize=256M -XX:PermSize=256M -XX:NewSize=171M -XX:MaxNewSize=171M -XX:DisableExplicitGC -verbose:gc -Xloggc:GC.log -XX:PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -Djava.awt.headless=true -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=1 -XX:SurvivorRatio=2 -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=90 -Dstartup.mode=SAFE -Dstartup.action=UPGRADE
-> java vm version    : 1.4.2_16-b05
-> java vm vendor     : Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
-> java vm type       : server
-> java vm cpu        : amd64
-> heap size          : 1024M
-> init heap size     : 1024M
-> root path          : F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\j2ee\cluster\server0
-> class path         : .\bin\boot\boot.jar;.\bin\boot\jaas.jar;.\bin\system\bytecode.jar;.
-> OS libs path       : F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\j2ee\os_libs
-> main class         :
-> framework class    :
-> registr. class     :
-> framework path     : F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\exe\jstartup.jar;F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\exe\jvmx.jar
-> shutdown class     :
-> parameters         :
-> debuggable         : no
-> debug mode         : no
-> debug port         : 50121
-> shutdown timeout   : 120000
[Thr 5300] JLaunchISetDebugMode: set debug mode [no]
[Thr 6352] JLaunchIStartFunc: Thread 6352 started as Java VM thread.
[Thr 6352] [JHVM_PrepareVMOptions] use java parameters set by profile parameter
*     Java Parameters: -Xss2m*
JHVM_LoadJavaVM: VM Arguments of node [server0]
-> stack   : 1048576 Bytes
-> arg[  0]: exit
-> arg[  1]: abort
-> arg[  2]: vfprintf
-> arg[  3]: -Djco.jarm=1
-> arg[  4]: -XX:MaxPermSize=256M
-> arg[  5]: -XX:PermSize=256M
-> arg[  6]: -XX:NewSize=171M
-> arg[  7]: -XX:MaxNewSize=171M
-> arg[  8]: -XX:+DisableExplicitGC
-> arg[  9]: -verbose:gc
-> arg[ 10]: -Xloggc:GC.log
-> arg[ 11]: -XX:+PrintGCDetails
-> arg[ 12]: -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps
-> arg[ 13]: -Djava.awt.headless=true
-> arg[ 14]:
-> arg[ 15]: -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=1
-> arg[ 16]: -XX:SurvivorRatio=2
-> arg[ 17]: -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=90
-> arg[ 18]:
-> arg[ 19]:
-> arg[ 20]:
-> arg[ 21]:
-> arg[ 22]:
-> arg[ 23]: -Dstartup.mode=SAFE
-> arg[ 24]: -Dstartup.action=UPGRADE
-> arg[ 25]:\usr\sap\BWD\SYS\global
-> arg[ 26]: -Dapplication.home=F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\exe
-> arg[ 27]: -Djava.class.path=F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\exe\jstartup.jar;F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\exe\jvmx.jar;.\bin\boot\boot.jar;.\bin\boot\jaas.jar;.\bin\system\bytecode.jar;.
-> arg[ 28]: -Djava.library.path=F:\java\jre\bin\server;F:\java\jre\bin;F:\java\bin;F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\j2ee\os_libs;C:\Perl\site\bin;C:\Perl\bin;C:\Program Files\HP\NCU;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;F:\java\bin;F:\usr\sap\BWD\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64
-> arg[ 29]: -Dmemory.manager=1024M
-> arg[ 30]: -Xmx1024M
-> arg[ 31]: -Xms1024M
-> arg[ 32]: -DLoadBalanceRestricted=no
-> arg[ 33]: -Djstartup.mode=JCONTROL
-> arg[ 34]: -Djstartup.ownProcessId=4560
-> arg[ 35]: -Djstartup.ownHardwareId=T1648851106
-> arg[ 36]: -Djstartup.whoami=server
-> arg[ 37]: -Djstartup.debuggable=no
-> arg[ 38]: -Xss2m
-> arg[ 39]: -DSAPINFO=BWD_01_server
-> arg[ 40]: -DSAPSTART=1
-> arg[ 41]: -DCONNECT_PORT=3227
-> arg[ 42]: -DSAPSYSTEM=01
-> arg[ 45]: -DSAPPROFILE=F:\usr\sap\BWD\SYS\profile\BWD_DVEBMGS01_WDBSSAPBWD01
-> arg[ 46]: -DFRFC_FALLBACK=ON
-> arg[ 47]: -DFRFC_FALLBACK_HOST=localhost
-> arg[ 48]: -DSAPSTARTUP=1
-> arg[ 49]: -DSAPSYSTEM=01
-> arg[ 53]: -Dj2ee.dbhost=WDBSSDBBWD01
CompilerOracle: exclude com/sapportals/portal/pb/layout/taglib/ContainerTag addIviewResources
CompilerOracle: exclude com/sap/engine/services/keystore/impl/security/CodeBasedSecurityConnector getApplicationDomain
CompilerOracle: exclude com/sap/engine/services/rmi_p4/P4StubSkeletonGenerator generateStub
CompilerOracle: exclude com/sapportals/portal/prt/util/StringUtils escapeToJS
CompilerOracle: exclude com/sapportals/portal/prt/core/broker/PortalServiceItem startServices
CompilerOracle: exclude com/sap/engine/services/webservices/server/deploy/WSConfigurationHandler downloadFile
CompilerOracle: exclude com/sapportals/portal/prt/jndisupport/util/AbstractHierarchicalContext lookup
CompilerOracle: exclude com/sapportals/portal/navigation/cache/CacheNavigationNode getAttributeValue
CompilerOracle: exclude com/sapportals/portal/navigation/TopLevelNavigationiView PrintNode
CompilerOracle: exclude com/sapportals/wcm/service/ice/wcm/ICEPropertiesCoder encode
CompilerOracle: exclude com/sap/lcr/pers/delta/importing/ObjectLoader loadObjects
CompilerOracle: exclude com/sap/engine/services/webservices/jaxrpc/encoding/InstanceBuilder readElement
CompilerOracle: exclude com/sap/engine/services/webservices/jaxrpc/encoding/InstanceBuilder readSequence
CompilerOracle: exclude com/sap/engine/services/webservices/jaxrpc/encoding/TypeMappingImpl initializeRelations
CompilerOracle: exclude com/sap/engine/services/webservices/jaxrpc/encoding/GeneratedComplexType _loadInto
[Thr 6352] JHVM_LoadJavaVM: Java VM created OK.
JHVM_BuildArgumentList: main method arguments of node [server0]
[Thr 5836] Tue Jun 17 16:30:56 2008
[Thr 5836] JHVM_RegisterNatives: registering methods in
[Thr 5836] JHVM_RegisterNatives: registering methods in
[Thr 5836] JLaunchISetClusterId: set cluster id 13786450
[Thr 5836] JLaunchISetState: change state from [Initial (0)] to [Waiting for start (1)]
[Thr 5836] JLaunchISetState: change state from [Waiting for start (1)] to [Starting (2)]
[Thr 6128] Tue Jun 17 16:31:06 2008
[Thr 6128] JLaunchIExitJava: exit hook is called (rc = -11113)
*[Thr 6128] ***********************************************************************
ERROR => The Java VM terminated with a non-zero exit code.*
Please see SAP Note 943602 , section 'J2EE Engine exit codes'*
for additional information and trouble shooting.*
[Thr 6128] JLaunchCloseProgram: good bye (exitcode = -11113)
trc file: "F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\work\dev_server0", trc level: 1, release: "700"
node name   : ID13786450
pid         : 8152
system name : BWD
system nr.  : 01
started at  : Tue Jun 17 16:31:10 2008
arguments       :
*       arg[00] : F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\exe\jlaunch.exe*
*       arg[01] : pf=F:\usr\sap\BWD\SYS\profile\BWD_DVEBMGS01_WDBSSAPBWD01*
*       arg[02] : -DSAPINFO=BWD_01_server*
*       arg[03] : pf=F:\usr\sap\BWD\SYS\profile\BWD_DVEBMGS01_WDBSSAPBWD01*
*       arg[04] : -DSAPSTART=1*
*       arg[05] : -DCONNECT_PORT=3227*
*       arg[06] : -DSAPSYSTEM=01*
*       arg[07] : -DSAPSYSTEMNAME=BWD*
*       arg[08] : -DSAPMYNAME=WDBSSAPBWD01_BWD_01*
*       arg[09] : -DSAPPROFILE=F:\usr\sap\BWD\SYS\profile\BWD_DVEBMGS01_WDBSSAPBWD01*
*       arg[10] : -DFRFC_FALLBACK=ON*
*       arg[11] : -DFRFC_FALLBACK_HOST=localhost*
[Thr 6468] Tue Jun 17 16:31:10 2008
*[Thr 6468] *** WARNING => INFO: Unknown property [] [jstartxx.c   841]*
*[Thr 6468] *** WARNING => INFO: Unknown property [] [jstartxx.c   841]*
*[Thr 6468] *** WARNING => INFO: Unknown property [instance.en.port=3200] [jstartxx.c   841]*
*[Thr 6468] *** WARNING => INFO: Unknown property [] [jstartxx.c   841]*
JStartupReadInstanceProperties: read instance properties [F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\j2ee\cluster\]
-> ms host    : WDBSSAPBWD01
-> ms port    : 3900
-> OS libs    : F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\j2ee\os_libs
-> Admin URL  :
-> run mode   : safe
-> run action : UPGRADE
-> enabled    : yes
Used property files
-> files [00] : F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\j2ee\cluster\
Instance properties
-> ms host    : WDBSSAPBWD01
-> ms port    : 3900
-> os libs    : F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\j2ee\os_libs
-> admin URL  :
-> run mode   : safe
-> run action : UPGRADE
-> enabled    : yes
Bootstrap nodes
-> [00] bootstrap            : F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\j2ee\cluster\
-> [01] bootstrap_ID13786400 : F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\j2ee\cluster\
-> [02] bootstrap_ID13786450 : F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\j2ee\cluster\
Worker nodes
-> [00] ID13786400           : F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\j2ee\cluster\
-> [01] ID13786450           : F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\j2ee\cluster\
[Thr 6468] JLaunchRequestQueueInit: create named pipe for ipc
[Thr 6468] JLaunchRequestQueueInit: create pipe listener thread
[Thr 7576] JLaunchRequestFunc: Thread 7576 started as listener thread for np messages.
[Thr 7312] WaitSyncSemThread: Thread 7312 started as semaphore monitor thread.
[Thr 6468] NiInit3: NI already initialized; param 'maxHandles' ignored (1;202)
[Thr 6468] CPIC (version=700.2006.09.13)
[Thr 6468] [Node: server0] java home is set by profile parameter
*     Java Home: F:\java*
[Thr 6468] JStartupICheckFrameworkPackage: can't find framework package F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\exe\jvmx.jar
JStartupIReadSection: read node properties [ID13786450]
-> node name          : server0
-> node type          : server
-> node execute       : yes
-> jlaunch parameters :
-> java path          : F:\java
-> java parameters    : -Djco.jarm=1 -XX:MaxPermSize=256M -XX:PermSize=256M -XX:NewSize=171M -XX:MaxNewSize=171M -XX:DisableExplicitGC -verbose:gc -Xloggc:GC.log -XX:PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -Djava.awt.headless=true -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=1 -XX:SurvivorRatio=2 -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=90 -Dstartup.mode=SAFE -Dstartup.action=UPGRADE
-> java vm version    : 1.4.2_16-b05
-> java vm vendor     : Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
-> java vm type       : server
-> java vm cpu        : amd64
-> heap size          : 1024M
-> init heap size     : 1024M
-> root path          : F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\j2ee\cluster\server0
-> class path         : .\bin\boot\boot.jar;.\bin\boot\jaas.jar;.\bin\system\bytecode.jar;.
-> OS libs path       : F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\j2ee\os_libs
-> main class         :
-> framework class    :
-> registr. class     :
-> framework path     : F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\exe\jstartup.jar;F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\exe\jvmx.jar
-> shutdown class     :
-> parameters         :
-> debuggable         : no
-> debug mode         : no
-> debug port         : 50121
-> shutdown timeout   : 120000
[Thr 6468] JLaunchISetDebugMode: set debug mode [no]
[Thr 7456] JLaunchIStartFunc: Thread 7456 started as Java VM thread.
[Thr 7456] [JHVM_PrepareVMOptions] use java parameters set by profile parameter
*     Java Parameters: -Xss2m*
JHVM_LoadJavaVM: VM Arguments of node [server0]
-> stack   : 1048576 Bytes
-> arg[  0]: exit
-> arg[  1]: abort
-> arg[  2]: vfprintf
-> arg[  3]: -Djco.jarm=1
-> arg[  4]: -XX:MaxPermSize=256M
-> arg[  5]: -XX:PermSize=256M
-> arg[  6]: -XX:NewSize=171M
-> arg[  7]: -XX:MaxNewSize=171M
-> arg[  8]: -XX:+DisableExplicitGC
-> arg[  9]: -verbose:gc
-> arg[ 10]: -Xloggc:GC.log
-> arg[ 11]: -XX:+PrintGCDetails
-> arg[ 12]: -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps
-> arg[ 13]: -Djava.awt.headless=true
-> arg[ 14]:
-> arg[ 15]: -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=1
-> arg[ 16]: -XX:SurvivorRatio=2
-> arg[ 17]: -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=90
-> arg[ 18]:
-> arg[ 19]:
-> arg[ 20]:
-> arg[ 21]:
-> arg[ 22]:
-> arg[ 23]: -Dstartup.mode=SAFE
-> arg[ 24]: -Dstartup.action=UPGRADE
-> arg[ 25]:\usr\sap\BWD\SYS\global
-> arg[ 26]: -Dapplication.home=F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\exe
-> arg[ 27]: -Djava.class.path=F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\exe\jstartup.jar;F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\exe\jvmx.jar;.\bin\boot\boot.jar;.\bin\boot\jaas.jar;.\bin\system\bytecode.jar;.
-> arg[ 28]: -Djava.library.path=F:\java\jre\bin\server;F:\java\jre\bin;F:\java\bin;F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\j2ee\os_libs;C:\Perl\site\bin;C:\Perl\bin;C:\Program Files\HP\NCU;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;F:\java\bin;F:\usr\sap\BWD\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64
-> arg[ 29]: -Dmemory.manager=1024M
-> arg[ 30]: -Xmx1024M
-> arg[ 31]: -Xms1024M
-> arg[ 32]: -DLoadBalanceRestricted=no
-> arg[ 33]: -Djstartup.mode=JCONTROL
-> arg[ 34]: -Djstartup.ownProcessId=8152
-> arg[ 35]: -Djstartup.ownHardwareId=T1648851106
-> arg[ 36]: -Djstartup.whoami=server
-> arg[ 37]: -Djstartup.debuggable=no
-> arg[ 38]: -Xss2m
-> arg[ 39]: -DSAPINFO=BWD_01_server
-> arg[ 40]: -DSAPSTART=1
-> arg[ 41]: -DCONNECT_PORT=3227
-> arg[ 42]: -DSAPSYSTEM=01
-> arg[ 45]: -DSAPPROFILE=F:\usr\sap\BWD\SYS\profile\BWD_DVEBMGS01_WDBSSAPBWD01
-> arg[ 46]: -DFRFC_FALLBACK=ON
-> arg[ 47]: -DFRFC_FALLBACK_HOST=localhost
-> arg[ 48]: -DSAPSTARTUP=1
-> arg[ 49]: -DSAPSYSTEM=01
-> arg[ 53]: -Dj2ee.dbhost=WDBSSDBBWD01
CompilerOracle: exclude com/sapportals/portal/pb/layout/taglib/ContainerTag addIviewResources
CompilerOracle: exclude com/sap/engine/services/keystore/impl/security/CodeBasedSecurityConnector getApplicationDomain
CompilerOracle: exclude com/sap/engine/services/rmi_p4/P4StubSkeletonGenerator generateStub
CompilerOracle: exclude com/sapportals/portal/prt/util/StringUtils escapeToJS
CompilerOracle: exclude com/sapportals/portal/prt/core/broker/PortalServiceItem startServices
CompilerOracle: exclude com/sap/engine/services/webservices/server/deploy/WSConfigurationHandler downloadFile
CompilerOracle: exclude com/sapportals/portal/prt/jndisupport/util/AbstractHierarchicalContext lookup
CompilerOracle: exclude com/sapportals/portal/navigation/cache/CacheNavigationNode getAttributeValue
CompilerOracle: exclude com/sapportals/portal/navigation/TopLevelNavigationiView PrintNode
CompilerOracle: exclude com/sapportals/wcm/service/ice/wcm/ICEPropertiesCoder encode
CompilerOracle: exclude com/sap/lcr/pers/delta/importing/ObjectLoader loadObjects
CompilerOracle: exclude com/sap/engine/services/webservices/jaxrpc/encoding/InstanceBuilder readElement
CompilerOracle: exclude com/sap/engine/services/webservices/jaxrpc/encoding/InstanceBuilder readSequence
CompilerOracle: exclude com/sap/engine/services/webservices/jaxrpc/encoding/TypeMappingImpl initializeRelations
CompilerOracle: exclude com/sap/engine/services/webservices/jaxrpc/encoding/GeneratedComplexType _loadInto
[Thr 7456] JHVM_LoadJavaVM: Java VM created OK.
JHVM_BuildArgumentList: main method arguments of node [server0]
[Thr 7648] Tue Jun 17 16:31:11 2008
[Thr 7648] JHVM_RegisterNatives: registering methods in
[Thr 7648] JHVM_RegisterNatives: registering methods in
[Thr 7648] JLaunchISetClusterId: set cluster id 13786450
[Thr 7648] JLaunchISetState: change state from [Initial (0)] to [Waiting for start (1)]
[Thr 7648] JLaunchISetState: change state from [Waiting for start (1)] to [Starting (2)]
[Thr 7432] Tue Jun 17 16:31:21 2008
[Thr 7432] JLaunchIExitJava: exit hook is called (rc = -11113)
*[Thr 7432] ***********************************************************************
ERROR => The Java VM terminated with a non-zero exit code.*
Please see SAP Note 943602 , section 'J2EE Engine exit codes'*
for additional information and trouble shooting.*
[Thr 7432] JLaunchCloseProgram: good bye (exitcode = -11113)
trc file: "F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\work\dev_server0", trc level: 1, release: "700"
node name   : ID13786450
pid         : 7280
system name : BWD
system nr.  : 01
started at  : Tue Jun 17 16:31:25 2008
arguments       :
*       arg[00] : F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\exe\jlaunch.exe*
*       arg[01] : pf=F:\usr\sap\BWD\SYS\profile\BWD_DVEBMGS01_WDBSSAPBWD01*
*       arg[02] : -DSAPINFO=BWD_01_server*
*       arg[03] : pf=F:\usr\sap\BWD\SYS\profile\BWD_DVEBMGS01_WDBSSAPBWD01*
*       arg[04] : -DSAPSTART=1*
*       arg[05] : -DCONNECT_PORT=3227*
*       arg[06] : -DSAPSYSTEM=01*
*       arg[07] : -DSAPSYSTEMNAME=BWD*
*       arg[08] : -DSAPMYNAME=WDBSSAPBWD01_BWD_01*
*       arg[09] : -DSAPPROFILE=F:\usr\sap\BWD\SYS\profile\BWD_DVEBMGS01_WDBSSAPBWD01*
*       arg[10] : -DFRFC_FALLBACK=ON*
*       arg[11] : -DFRFC_FALLBACK_HOST=localhost*
[Thr 5400] Tue Jun 17 16:31:25 2008
*[Thr 5400] *** WARNING => INFO: Unknown property [] [jstartxx.c   841]*
*[Thr 5400] *** WARNING => INFO: Unknown property [] [jstartxx.c   841]*
*[Thr 5400] *** WARNING => INFO: Unknown property [instance.en.port=3200] [jstartxx.c   841]*
*[Thr 5400] *** WARNING => INFO: Unknown property [] [jstartxx.c   841]*
JStartupReadInstanceProperties: read instance properties [F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\j2ee\cluster\]
-> ms host    : WDBSSAPBWD01
-> ms port    : 3900
-> OS libs    : F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\j2ee\os_libs
-> Admin URL  :
-> run mode   : safe
-> run action : UPGRADE
-> enabled    : yes
Used property files
-> files [00] : F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\j2ee\cluster\
Instance properties
-> ms host    : WDBSSAPBWD01
-> ms port    : 3900
-> os libs    : F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\j2ee\os_libs
-> admin URL  :
-> run mode   : safe
-> run action : UPGRADE
-> enabled    : yes
Bootstrap nodes
-> [00] bootstrap            : F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\j2ee\cluster\
-> [01] bootstrap_ID13786400 : F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\j2ee\cluster\
-> [02] bootstrap_ID13786450 : F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\j2ee\cluster\
Worker nodes
-> [00] ID13786400           : F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\j2ee\cluster\
-> [01] ID13786450           : F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\j2ee\cluster\
[Thr 5400] JLaunchRequestQueueInit: create named pipe for ipc
[Thr 5400] JLaunchRequestQueueInit: create pipe listener thread
[Thr 4264] WaitSyncSemThread: Thread 4264 started as semaphore monitor thread.
[Thr 4488] JLaunchRequestFunc: Thread 4488 started as listener thread for np messages.
[Thr 5400] NiInit3: NI already initialized; param 'maxHandles' ignored (1;202)
[Thr 5400] CPIC (version=700.2006.09.13)
[Thr 5400] [Node: server0] java home is set by profile parameter
*     Java Home: F:\java*
[Thr 5400] JStartupICheckFrameworkPackage: can't find framework package F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\exe\jvmx.jar
JStartupIReadSection: read node properties [ID13786450]
-> node name          : server0
-> node type          : server
-> node execute       : yes
-> jlaunch parameters :
-> java path          : F:\java
-> java parameters    : -Djco.jarm=1 -XX:MaxPermSize=256M -XX:PermSize=256M -XX:NewSize=171M -XX:MaxNewSize=171M -XX:DisableExplicitGC -verbose:gc -Xloggc:GC.log -XX:PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -Djava.awt.headless=true -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=1 -XX:SurvivorRatio=2 -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=90 -Dstartup.mode=SAFE -Dstartup.action=UPGRADE
-> java vm version    : 1.4.2_16-b05
-> java vm vendor     : Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
-> java vm type       : server
-> java vm cpu        : amd64
-> heap size          : 1024M
-> init heap size     : 1024M
-> root path          : F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\j2ee\cluster\server0
-> class path         : .\bin\boot\boot.jar;.\bin\boot\jaas.jar;.\bin\system\bytecode.jar;.
-> OS libs path       : F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\j2ee\os_libs
-> main class         :
-> framework class    :
-> registr. class     :
-> framework path     : F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\exe\jstartup.jar;F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\exe\jvmx.jar
-> shutdown class     :
-> parameters         :
-> debuggable         : no
-> debug mode         : no
-> debug port         : 50121
-> shutdown timeout   : 120000
[Thr 5400] JLaunchISetDebugMode: set debug mode [no]
[Thr 4872] JLaunchIStartFunc: Thread 4872 started as Java VM thread.
[Thr 4872] [JHVM_PrepareVMOptions] use java parameters set by profile parameter
*     Java Parameters: -Xss2m*
JHVM_LoadJavaVM: VM Arguments of node [server0]
-> stack   : 1048576 Bytes
-> arg[  0]: exit
-> arg[  1]: abort
-> arg[  2]: vfprintf
-> arg[  3]: -Djco.jarm=1
-> arg[  4]: -XX:MaxPermSize=256M
-> arg[  5]: -XX:PermSize=256M
-> arg[  6]: -XX:NewSize=171M
-> arg[  7]: -XX:MaxNewSize=171M
-> arg[  8]: -XX:+DisableExplicitGC
-> arg[  9]: -verbose:gc
-> arg[ 10]: -Xloggc:GC.log
-> arg[ 11]: -XX:+PrintGCDetails
-> arg[ 12]: -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps
-> arg[ 13]: -Djava.awt.headless=true
-> arg[ 14]:
-> arg[ 15]: -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=1
-> arg[ 16]: -XX:SurvivorRatio=2
-> arg[ 17]: -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=90
-> arg[ 18]:
-> arg[ 19]:
-> arg[ 20]:
-> arg[ 21]:
-> arg[ 22]:
-> arg[ 23]: -Dstartup.mode=SAFE
-> arg[ 24]: -Dstartup.action=UPGRADE
-> arg[ 25]:\usr\sap\BWD\SYS\global
-> arg[ 26]: -Dapplication.home=F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\exe
-> arg[ 27]: -Djava.class.path=F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\exe\jstartup.jar;F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\exe\jvmx.jar;.\bin\boot\boot.jar;.\bin\boot\jaas.jar;.\bin\system\bytecode.jar;.
-> arg[ 28]: -Djava.library.path=F:\java\jre\bin\server;F:\java\jre\bin;F:\java\bin;F:\usr\sap\BWD\DVEBMGS01\j2ee\os_libs;C:\Perl\site\bin;C:\Perl\bin;C:\Program Files\HP\NCU;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;F:\java\bin;F:\usr\sap\BWD\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64
-> arg[ 29]: -Dmemory.manager=1024M
-> arg[ 30]: -Xmx1024M
-> arg[ 31]: -Xms1024M
-> arg[ 32]: -DLoadBalanceRestricted=no
-> arg[ 33]: -Djstartup.mode=JCONTROL
-> arg[ 34]: -Djstartup.ownProcessId=7280

We installed teh objects through SDM .
this solved the issue

Similar Messages

  • ESS benefits and payment not displaying after support pack update

    Hi All,
    After the latest HR support pack update ESS benefits and payment not displaying
    SAP ECC 604 EPH5
    SAP_ABA 702
    SAP Kernel :  720_EXT_REL
    Kernel Patch number : 439
    Netweaver portal version - 7.30
    please help

    Hi Siddharth & Jwala,
    the issue got fixed, by changing the order of Payment above the Benefits
    1. i made some options to be disabled & enabled in both benefits and payment
    2. Then in the portal i could see the benefits and payment
    3. inside the benefits & payment i was able to see two option 1 is for benefits & other is for payment
    4. we only wanted payment functionality to be displaying
    5. so i tried to hide the benefits then noting was getting displayed in the portal
    6. finally i changed the order of the payment just above the benefits
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  • Objects are locked in open change requests during support packs update

    Hi All,
    We are applying support packs in the ECC Dev system. Its giving error in phase OBJECTS LOCKED..?  after that i checked with ABAP consultant he given requests which i unlocked the objects from SE03. Still the same error Objects are locked in open change requests is coming.
    If i checked requests which are not released, those are in hundreds which we can not release. How can i find a specific object which i need to unlock or any chance to skip the phase and continue. Because 15 days back i have updated the support packs without any of the issue.
    Please suggest me whether i can find the specific objects to unlock or any other process.
    Thanks & Regards,

    sreekanth jd wrote:
    Still the same error Objects are locked in open change requests is coming.
    Normally when we double click on that error message 'objects are locked', system takes us to the transport requests containing those objects in question.
    And did you try SE03 --> Objects in Requests --> Search for Objects in Requests/Tasks ?


    Hi all
           After successfull installation of ECC - SERVER , while importing SAP_BASIS support pack , spam stuck with XPRA_EXECUTION phase.
    Kindly advice me resove this issue

    Provide Import and Action Logs for the Exact error (SPAM >Goto> import/action logs.

  • Error in JSPM to try update stack java.

    Hi. sdn team.
    We have problem with JSPM . The problem it's  .
    I try to validate error in LOG FILE  "   E:\usr\sap\SME\DVEBMGS01\SDM\program\log\sdmcl20090729210415.log"
    Jul 29, 2009 9:04:22 PM  Error: Aborted: development component 'tc/sec/ume/wd/approval'/''/'MAIN_APL70VAL_C'/'1219306'/'0', grouped by software component 'UMEADMIN'/''/'MAIN_APL70VAL_C'/'1000.''/'0':
    Cannot login to the SAP J2EE Engine using user and password as provided in the Filesystem Secure Store. Enter valid login information in the Filesystem Secure Store using the SAP J2EE Engine Config Tool. For more information, see SAP note 701654. Wrong security credentials detected while trying to obtain connection to the J2EE Engine.
    (message ID:
    i try to search notes fot this problem and validate the next notes:
    Note 1228507 - Config Tool does not properly save password in Secure Store
    Note 701654 - Deployment aborts due to wrong J2EE Engine login information
    Apply this notes recomended in this forum. my system not response with this change.
    in another link of this forum recomenden execute apply this stacks in level Operating System
    We try apply stack of java in leve OS with the next comands:
    in sapmmc disable process SDM
    sdm jstartup "mode=standalone"
    sdm deploy "file=E:\usr\sap\trans\EPS\in\ADSSAP16_0-10003001.SCA" "updateVersions=all"
    But send the next error:
    Upload information in adobe-XMLForm.sda file.
    Processing error. Return code: 4
    Pease HELPME The session of configuracion it's for 17Ago, and we  need SP18 READY.
    Edited by: Luis Isaac Cupa Rosales on Jul 30, 2009 1:14 AM
    Edited by: Luis Isaac Cupa Rosales on Jul 30, 2009 1:16 AM

    Hi Sunny and Debasis Sahoo
    tks for you response, but i try to change passwords in secure store in configtool,
    change: admin/password/<SID> in configtool and restart all server.
    in transaction SU01 the user J2EE_ADMIN is not found this user is create with sap_all and password equal to value in parameter in secure store in configtool.
    Reset Server, and try execute DEPLOY of componnent
    and send the next error:
    Jul 30, 2009 10:14:35... Error: Aborted: development component 'DocumentServicesLicenseManager'/'com.adobe'/'Adobe Systems'/'800.20070306123954.374077'/'5', grouped by :
    Cannot login to the SAP J2EE Engine using user and password as provided in the Filesystem Secure Store. Enter valid login information in the Filesystem Secure Store using the SAP J2EE Engine Config Tool. For more information, see SAP note 701654. Wrong security credentials detected while trying to obtain connection to the J2EE Engine.
    (message ID:
    Note: " Note: " in tool visual Administrator,  it's necesary connect with user SAP* to connect, validate in configtool and this user it's active.
    the password in tool visual administrator to user default <sid>adm  (use value change in secure store )  it's not valid " "
    Luis Cupa.

  • Error in applying Support packs "IMPORT_PROPER"

    Hi All,
    I am trying to apply support package in SPAM (SAP_BASIS),it getting failed in the steps IMPORT_PROPER .
    Error in log
    "SQL error 204 occurred at location TUTYPNOW_LR (object  ) - IGNORED
    SQL error  - IGNORED occurred at location   (object  ) - IGNORED
    TUTYPNOW_LR in R3X46DATA type *FILE not found. MSG
    (dummy, do not translate)"
    SQL error 204 occurred at location /OSP/V_RAUI_TPDB (object  ) - IGNORED
    SQL error  - IGNORED occurred at location   (object  ) - IGNORED
    /OSP/V_RAUI_TPDB in R3X46DATA type *FILE not found 
    (dummy, do not translate)"
    pls help in this case,
    Kind Regards,

    Hi Markus,
    Thanks for ur responce, I loaded form app server, then I tried to load from frontend also.
    -   Error in phase: IMPORT_PROPER
    -   Reason for error: TP_STEP_FAILURE
    -   Return code: 0008
    -   Error message: OCS Package ALL, tp step "6", return code 0008
    I am getting this error.

  • Error importing support pack SAPKH60011 (SAP_APPL)

    Dear All,
       I am faceing one error when applying support pack SAPKH60011 can not apply showing error " The import was stopped since an error occurred during tha phase IMPORT _PROPER ....". for details i here attached screenshot .
    Pls. reply ,
    Thanks and regards,

    Hi Mayur,
    You need to check the latest alog, ulog and slog.
    Check the main import log SAPI<package name> which should be in usr/sap/trans/log
    This will cotnain details of why the import failed.
    It it failed due to a deadlock occuring which can occur if someone is using the system while import is occuring, you should restart the database to clear any locks before attmpting the import again.
    Another cause of failure during import can be the use of out of date transport tools. Please ensure you are using the latest tp and R3trans available for your release from the service marketplace.
    Are you still able to access the system and repeat the import via SPAM?
    If every transaction is resulting in a dump and Syntax errors, then please open a message with SAP and provide the alog, ulog and slog along with the main import log and screenshots of the results of
    tp showbuffer <sid> pf=<path to transport profile> tag=SPAM
    and screenshots of the contents of usr/sap/trans/tmp
    for further analysis. Also, please do NOT make any manual commands or changes to the buffer or it can make the situation worse.
    Ensure if the import has failed, that the related SAPKK<package name> is renamed / moved from usr/sap/trans/tmp if it is still there from the failed import attempt. If they are still there when you try a new import, the slog will filll with entries of
    warning file ...... is already in use, waiting 30 seconds
    and the import will not progress.
    These files will be created once the new import is started.
    When repeating the import, please monitor the SLOG entries and see that usr/sap/trans/log and usr/sap/trans/tmp are being updated regularly, this will allow you to see the progress of the import.
    Please update with the contents of SAPI...... if the import still fails.
    Best regards,

  • Support Pack upgrade path

    We recently upgraded from ECC 6.0 support pack 9 to support pack 15. At the same time, we installed EHP4 support pack 5. A few questions:
    1. Will we upgrade our ECC 6.0 support pack 15 system to the next support pack, for example  to support pack16 or 17, OR will our support packs follow the EHP4 support pack update path, for example upgrading our current environment by moving from EHP4 support pack 5 to support pack 6?
    2. We have not yet enabled any of the new EHP4 functions in our landscape. Is it recommended that if we upgrade EHP4 support pack 5 to support pack 6 we do a full integration test? If we haven't enabled any EHP4 support pack 5 functions, I wasn't sure if an integration test was needed.
    thank you,

    Hello Jonathan,
    I hope you are aware of SPDD/SPAU.
    Point to be notes is support package will not overwrite your own customizing (Z, Y).
    and if you modified any Standard object for your purpose and its been overwritten by the Support package then you will definately get a prompt in SPDD and SPAU and you have a chance to take decision how would you like to go. whether you want to keep your customizing to the standard objects or you want the new standard code to overwrite it.
    So, you will not need to do integration testing for complete things in your system.
    Let me know if you need more clarifications.
    Best Regards

  • Support Packs - Business Case

    I support the SAP instance at a small SME.  We run ECC6 for FICO SD MM & HR (but not payroll or BI).  It has been two years since the last support pack update.  The support packs are 13 & 15 and HR is on 32, the Kernel for 700_REL is 175.
    To build a business case for patching to later releases I need to find where SAP gives a broad description of the support Packs and a description of the improvements made.  Am I correct that these shall only include note changes but no enhancements to business processes. 
    Is the best forum for this question?

    > To build a business case for patching to later releases I need to find where SAP gives a broad description of the support Packs and a description of the improvements made.  Am I correct that these shall only include note changes but no enhancements to business processes. 
    Exactly - that's what support packages should be, theoretically. Usually they also contain small improvements or "backports" of newer releases.
    I wonder that you were able to run your HR so long without any support package updates, usually HR contains critical legal changes for each country, especially on (fiscal) year changes.
    To see what happened between source and target SP level check
    --> SP Stack Download & Side effect report

  • IE8 unsupported error after updating to ZCM 11 Support Pack 1 (11.1)

    Does any experience this problem after updating to ZCM11sp1?
    I keep getting IE8 unsupported error after updating to ZCM 11 Support
    Pack 1 (11.1) although I am running on IE8 already. Now remote
    management is not working because of this incompatible browser errors. I
    tried this following
    But it does not help.
    Any suggestion or idea would be greatly appreciated!!!

    On 8/29/2011 8:26 AM, craig wilson wrote:
    > Double Check all of your settings there, including the option to view
    > Intranet sites in compatibility mode.
    > For some reason, your IE8 is reporting itself as IE7 and running in IE7
    > mode which is no longer supported.
    > On 8/29/2011 9:17 AM, April wrote:
    >> Does any experience this problem after updating to ZCM11sp1?
    >> I keep getting IE8 unsupported error after updating to ZCM 11 Support
    >> Pack 1 (11.1) although I am running on IE8 already. Now remote
    >> management is not working because of this incompatible browser errors. I
    >> tried this following
    >> link:
    >> But it does not help.
    >> Any suggestion or idea would be greatly appreciated!!!
    Thank you for your responding. I have already checked to view Internet
    sites in compatibility mode with no luck. I tried several different
    computers with IE8 but they all got the same problem.

  • Sproxy check error , support pack 12  .

    Hi Experts!
    Recently support pack 12 was applied in our land scape , and after that we have observed an error , while doing a check for the proxy on the first screen of  transaction sproxy.
    When we check the proxy code its fine and the check for it is a success.
    Error is - Proxy generation internal error , <message> not found, check failed .

    I am getting a similar error when trying to update the support packs using JSPM.
    Would you please provide a step by step guide on what component in the 'configtool' to edit to reset the password.

  • Support Pack error in SPAM

    I am importing a group of Support Packs into our DEV environment to bring the landscape uptodate, we are running NW04 on Windows 2003 64 bit & SQL Server 2000, I've updated to the latest SPAM and Kernel before the Support Packs.
    When importing in SPAM I have used the calculate queue method, all looks ok, when I perform the import, in the phase TEST IMPORT i get the following error for Support Pack SP 12 for EA-FINSERV 5.00 :
    Function MAP2I_BAPICMS_STR_MOV_INS_CRT (CMS_BUSISB104_MAPPI does not fit into the existing function group ((CMS_BUSISB10)</b>
    The only option I am given is to repeat the phase, I've repeated this a few times and get the same error on TEST IMPORT. I'm new to NW04 640 BASIS, but I know from running 4.6X system that you can re-run phases and quite often they work correctly 2nd time round, is it worth changing SPAM to not stop on test import errors ? as I know objects required can be in earlier support packs (i'm applying supports pack EA-FINSERV 5.00 08 to 11 as part of the queue before 12 which is giving me the error.
    I've checked on OSS and cannot find any notes on this error/support pack.

    nope, not tried with ignore test errors yet, wanted to check opinions here to see if thats the next step to try, or if there's anything else I could try ?

  • Support Pack upgrade error in Import Phase

    Currently I am upgrading SCM system with Support pack level 12 to 20 . When i am applying Basis 12 to 20. I got an error in Import_Proper phase.
    Could you please help me on this? I tried and still searching solution for this..But no luck...
    Os is : AIX and
    Log File:                /usr/sap/trans/log/
    Main import
    Transport request   : SAPKB70013
    System              : xxxx
    tp path             : tp
    Version and release: 372.04.71 700
    child process 934006 terminated -> setting rc=12 for this import portion
    sap_dext called with msgnr 1:
    db call info -
    function:   db_report_interface
    fcode:      CLOSE_LINE_MODE
    tabname:    SOURCE
    len (char): 40
    key:        CL_OBJECT_COLLECTION==========CT
    retcode:    1
    SQL error -913 accessing  : [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2] DSNT408I SQLCODE = -913, ER
    child process 1212554 terminated -> setting rc=12 for this import portion
    sap_dext called with msgnr 1:
    db call info -
    function:   db_report_interface
    fcode:      CLOSE_LINE_MODE
    tabname:    SOURCE
    len (char): 40
    key:        CL_WDR_APPLICATION_WINDOW=====CT
    retcode:    1
    SQL error -913 accessing  : [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2] DSNT408I SQLCODE = -913, ER
    child process 1171520 terminated -> setting rc=12 for this import portion
    sap_dext called with msgnr 1:
    db call info -
    function:   db_report_interface
    fcode:      CLOSE_LINE_MODE
    tabname:    SOURCE
    len (char): 40
    key:        CL_WDY_MD_EVENT_SOURCE========CI
    retcode:    1
    SQL error -913 accessing  : [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2] DSNT408I SQLCODE = -913, ER
    child process 1331412 terminated -> setting rc=12 for this import portion
    sap_dext called with msgnr 1:
    db call info -
    function:   db_xrtab
    fcode:      RT_MI_LOAD
    tabname:    ECSCR_DATA
    len (char): 106
    key:        EC_TEST_DATA                  00000000P10                           IECATTDEFAULT
    retcode:    1
    SQL error -904 accessing  : [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2] DSNT408I SQLCODE = -904, ER
    insert / update sequence failed due to an error in DBI.
    maybe there's a concurrent process which inserted this table entry at the same time.
    insert / update sequence failed due to an error in DBI.                       
    maybe there's a concurrent process which inserted this table entry at the same time.
    child process 1310922 terminated -> setting rc=12 for this import portion
    sap_dext called with msgnr 1:
    db call info -
    function:   db_xrtab
    fcode:      RT_MI_END
    tabname:    WDY_APP_PROPERTY
    len (char): 64
    retcode:    1
    SQL error -904 accessing  : [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2] DSNT408I SQLCODE = -904, ER
    import portion 018446 - 999999 not imported because the child processes died for unknown reason
    child process 1310924 terminated -> setting rc=12 for this import portion
    sap_dext called with msgnr 1:
    db call info -
    function:   db_report_interface
    fcode:      CLOSE_LINE_MODE
    tabname:    SOURCE
    len (char): 40
    key:        CL_WDY_MD_OUTGOING_EVENT======CT
    retcode:    1
    SQL error -913 accessing  : [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2] DSNT408I SQLCODE = -913, ER
    child process 1286192 terminated -> setting rc=12 for this import portion
    sap_dext called with msgnr 1:
    db call info -
    function:   db_xrtab
    fcode:      RT_MI_LOAD
    tabname:    ECSCR_DATA
    len (char): 106
    key:        EC_TEST_DATA                  00000000P10                           IECATTDEFAULT
    retcode:    1
    SQL error -904 accessing  : [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2] DSNT408I SQLCODE = -904, ER
    import portion 009158 - 018411 not imported because the child processes died for unknown reason
    import portion 018412 - 018527 not imported because the child processes died for unknown reason
    import portion 018528 - 999999 not imported because the child processes died for unknown reason
    sap_dext called with msgnr 1:
    db call info -
    function:   db_xrtab
    fcode:      RT_MI_LOAD
    tabname:    ECSCR_DATA
    len (char): 106
    key:        EC_TEST_DATA                  00000000P10                           IECATTDEFAULT
    retcode:    1
    SQL error -904 accessing  : [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2] DSNT408I SQLCODE = -904, ER
    Main import
    End date and time : 20100909034914
    Ended with return code:  ===> 12 <===
         |   ######################################                     
    Thanks and Regards,
    SAP BASIS Consultant

    Thanks for you reply. I restarted import but no luck still. I activated some object also not working. when i call SPAM it is not going to the SPAM pager. Showing dump...
    Runtime Errors         CALL_FUNCTION_NOT_FOUND
    Except.                CX_SY_DYN_CALL_ILLEGAL_FUNC
    Date and Time          10.09.2010 09:41:37
    Short text
         Function module "POSS_UIREQ_OPT_SUBMIT" not found.
    What happened?
         The function module "POSS_UIREQ_OPT_SUBMIT" is called,
         but cannot be found in the library.
         Error in the ABAP Application Program
         The current ABAP program "SAPLSTXC" had to be terminated because it has
         come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed.
    Error analysis
         An exception occurred that is explained in detail below.
         The exception, which is assigned to class 'CX_SY_DYN_CALL_ILLEGAL_FUNC', was
          not caught in
         procedure "OPEN_FORM" "(FUNCTION)", nor was it propagated by a RAISING clause.
         Since the caller of the procedure could not have anticipated that the
         exception would occur, the current program is terminated.
         The reason for the exception is:
         The program "SAPLSTXC" contains the CALL FUNCTION statement.
         The name of the function module to be called is "POSS_UIREQ_OPT_SUBMIT".
         No function module exists with the name "POSS_UIREQ_OPT_SUBMIT".
         All function modules are listed in the Function Library (SE37).
    Possible reasons:
    a) Wrong name specified. Pay particular attenti
        upper/lower case and underscores ("_").
    b) Transport error
    c) In the case of an enqueue/dequeue module,
        the lock object may not have been activated
        (ABAP/4 Dictionary).
    When i tried to check function module it is not there..
    Could you please help on this?
    Sankar Basis Consultant

  • Error when Installing Eax-console as part of Audigy support pack 3.6

    <div class="lia-component-body lia-message-body">Hey there, out of nowhere I have the following problem:
    I have used several versions of this audigy support Pack up to now, both in Windows XP and Windows 7 RC and all worked fine for me. Most recently I used 3.5 and 3.6 in both OS for a short time.
    now I had to format my harddisk an have installed a clean version of Win XP SP3. I installed an update pack (, the latest direct X and drivers for nvidia motherboard and videocard. Then, when I tried to install this support pack, I get an error messagge I-00 when eax-console should have been installed, something about CTengine being unable to be installed.
    I read through many of the solutions here in the forum, since this error seems to be not so rare. But up to now, nothing helped. This is, what my install.log tells me:
    [EAX Console]
    Warning=I-008 CTRegSvr fails to register C:\Programme\Creative\EAX\Karaoke.exc.
    [Common Audio Driver Interface]
    Warning=I-007 RegSvr32 fails to un-register C:\Programme\Creative\ShareDLL\CADI\ctcadi.dll.
    All other install.log from the other parts of the pack contain no warning. Everything except the EAX-console works fine, if I try to start that, I get an error "No components are registered", an I don't have a "karaoke" register, but otherwise it works well, I can use the effects and cmss.
    What the heck could I do?
    I made an new thread, since nobody seamed to react to my post in the support pack thread.

    HRe: Error when Installing Eax-console as part of Audigy support pack 3.6o What you have is a missing file, or perhaps your system is wanting to install direct X redistributable or something similar. Do a search on your system for install.log and when you find the newest one, or second to newest one, open it with notepad. It will tell you exactly what you are missing. I was trying to install some components for my Elite Pro and it said in the install.log that it could not find DXREDIST. So I copied a version I had to the installing program's folder and it worked!? So take a look at that log and see what is missing......write back with your results if you dont mind. In the original post I had seen the registration problems with components. You can manually run regsvr32 with the /? switch and see how to unregister that yourself and then try the installation again.

  • Support pack has error status

    Hi All,
    Could you please let me know  if any last updated support pack has error status can we apply spam/saint update ??

    couldn't understand your query....
    Explain in brief about your query/issue?
    Nick Loy

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