Error in uploading BDC Models (Server name missing from URL in Property wcfmexURL)

We are using multiple Dialogue Instances in DUET Enterprise.
Problem: Before we did the Reverse Proxy Configuration for App Servers, Our BDC Models got imported in SharePoint Successfully (Correct WSS Setup and STS Urls) but After doing the Reverse Proxy Configurations, when we regenerated the BDC Models, apparently Server Name is missing from URL of the Propoerty "wcfmexurl".
Below is the Error Text:
[ERROR] The LobSystem (External System) / LobSystemInstance (External System Ins
tance) Property with Name 'WcfMexDocumentUrl' has an invalid value 'https/sap/bc
    Error was encountered at or just before Line: '65' and Position: '20'.
Failed to import model: Role
[ERROR] The LobSystem (External System) / LobSystemInstance (External System Ins
tance) Property with Name 'WcfMexDocumentUrl' has an invalid value 'https/sap/bc
    Error was encountered at or just before Line: '42' and Position: '20'.
Failed to import model: UserRoles

Hi Holger,
Thanks a lot!
This Error is gone after implementing the Note. Now the generated BDC Models have the correct URL for wcfmexURL property.
now we have the Following Error:
[ERROR] Error loading URL '
ent=XXX'. This normally happens when URL does not point to a valid discovery doc
ument, service description, or XSD schema.
    Error was encountered at or just before Line: '48' and Position: '20'.
Failed to import model: Account
For this Error, our SharePoint Administrator is checking below Steps.
1.    1) Open “wcfmexDocumentUrl” URL in the browser and copy all SSL certificates (including Root Certificates) to a file. Then import these certificates in the Trust Relationships section. Then try the import of the BDC Models
2) 2) Verifying Your server uses a virtual hostname and all the configuration (e.g. SSL certificate) is done for this virtual hostname. Also the URLs that are created and used in the BDC model are Same virtual hostnames, but not the ones from the physical server.
3.  3)Re-verify SAML Authentication type and transport security at SAP.
4) 4) Browse WSDL at SharePoint Server and verify “WSP:Policy”  and in WSDL make sure that it contains an entry:
I will update the Results after these checks!

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  • Error while importing BDC models to SharePoint from SAP

    Hi Team,
    I am facing error while importing the BDC models to SharePoint from SAP Duet environment. Please find the attached screen shot and text document for reference.
    Below are the tasks performed before importing the BDC models.
    1) SSL & STS certificated created in the SharePoint environment.
    2) Certificates are uploaded to the SAP duet environment.
    3) SSL certificate created in SAP duet environment is uploaded to Trust location in SharePoint central admin.
    Error while importing the BDC models manually through Central Admin.
    Application definition while import failed. The following error occurred: The BDC model file is not well-formed. Data at root level is invalid at. Line 1,position 1.
    C:\Program Files\Duet Enterprise\1.0>duetconfig/importbdc C:\Users\adm-in.itsupp
    Starting import of models from C:\Users\adm-in.itsupport\Desktop\Rahul\BDC ...
    Attempting to import model: Account
    [ERROR] The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.
    Error was encountered at or just before Line: '48' and Position: '20'.
    Failed to import model: Account
    Attempting to import model: AccountDocumentStorageCategory
    [ERROR] The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.
    Error was encountered at or just before Line: '46' and Position: '20'.
    Failed to import model: AccountDocumentStorageCategory
    Attempting to import model: AccountDocumentTypeStatus
    [ERROR] The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.
    Error was encountered at or just before Line: '46' and Position: '20'.
    Failed to import model: AccountDocumentTypeStatus
    Attempting to import model: AccountDocuments
    [ERROR] The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.
    Error was encountered at or just before Line: '46' and Position: '20'.
    Failed to import model: AccountDocuments
    Attempting to import model: AccountTitle
    [ERROR] The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.
    Error was encountered at or just before Line: '47' and Position: '20'.
    Failed to import model: AccountTitle
    Attempting to import model: BOM
    [ERROR] The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.
    Error was encountered at or just before Line: '46' and Position: '20'.
    Failed to import model: BOM
    Attempting to import model: Contact
    [ERROR] The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.
    Error was encountered at or just before Line: '46' and Position: '20'.
    Failed to import model: Contact
    Attempting to import model: ContactTitle
    [ERROR] The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.
    Error was encountered at or just before Line: '47' and Position: '20'.
    Failed to import model: ContactTitle
    Attempting to import model: CountryCode
    [ERROR] The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.
    Error was encountered at or just before Line: '48' and Position: '20'.
    Failed to import model: CountryCode
    Attempting to import model: CustomerInquiry
    [ERROR] The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.
    Error was encountered at or just before Line: '47' and Position: '20'.
    Failed to import model: CustomerInquiry
    Attempting to import model: CustomerInquiryItem
    [ERROR] The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.
    Error was encountered at or just before Line: '44' and Position: '20'.
    Failed to import model: CustomerInquiryItem
    Attempting to import model: CustomerInquiryPartner
    [ERROR] The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.
    Error was encountered at or just before Line: '44' and Position: '20'.
    Failed to import model: CustomerInquiryPartner
    Attempting to import model: CustomerQuotation
    [ERROR] The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.
    Error was encountered at or just before Line: '49' and Position: '20'.
    Failed to import model: CustomerQuotation
    Attempting to import model: CustomerQuotationItem
    [ERROR] The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.
    Error was encountered at or just before Line: '47' and Position: '20'.
    Failed to import model: CustomerQuotationItem
    Attempting to import model: CustomerQuotationPartner
    [ERROR] The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.
    Error was encountered at or just before Line: '47' and Position: '20'.
    Failed to import model: CustomerQuotationPartner
    Attempting to import model: Employee
    [ERROR] The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.
    Error was encountered at or just before Line: '46' and Position: '20'.
    Failed to import model: Employee
    Attempting to import model: InquiryItemDocument
    [ERROR] The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.
    Error was encountered at or just before Line: '49' and Position: '20'.
    Failed to import model: InquiryItemDocument
    Attempting to import model: InquiryItemDocumentStorageCategory
    [ERROR] The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.
    Error was encountered at or just before Line: '45' and Position: '20'.
    Failed to import model: InquiryItemDocumentStorageCategory
    Attempting to import model: InquiryItemDocumentTypeStatus
    [ERROR] The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.
    Error was encountered at or just before Line: '45' and Position: '20'.
    Failed to import model: InquiryItemDocumentTypeStatus
    Attempting to import model: JobFunction
    [ERROR] The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.
    Error was encountered at or just before Line: '47' and Position: '20'.
    Failed to import model: JobFunction
    Attempting to import model: Product
    [ERROR] The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.
    Error was encountered at or just before Line: '46' and Position: '20'.
    Failed to import model: Product
    Attempting to import model: ProductDocument
    [ERROR] The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.
    Error was encountered at or just before Line: '42' and Position: '20'.
    Failed to import model: ProductDocument
    Attempting to import model: ProductDocumentStorageCategory
    [ERROR] The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.
    Error was encountered at or just before Line: '45' and Position: '20'.
    Failed to import model: ProductDocumentStorageCategory
    Attempting to import model: ProductDocumentTypeStatus
    [ERROR] The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.
    Error was encountered at or just before Line: '45' and Position: '20'.
    Failed to import model: ProductDocumentTypeStatus
    Attempting to import model: QuotationItemDocument
    [ERROR] The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.
    Error was encountered at or just before Line: '45' and Position: '20'.
    Failed to import model: QuotationItemDocument
    Attempting to import model: QuotationItemDocumentStorageCategory
    [ERROR] The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.
    Error was encountered at or just before Line: '46' and Position: '20'.
    Failed to import model: QuotationItemDocumentStorageCategory
    Attempting to import model: QuotationItemDocumentTypeStatus
    [ERROR] The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.
    Error was encountered at or just before Line: '46' and Position: '20'.
    Failed to import model: QuotationItemDocumentTypeStatus
    Attempting to import model: ReportTemplate
    [ERROR] The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.
    Error was encountered at or just before Line: '49' and Position: '20'.
    Failed to import model: ReportTemplate
    Attempting to import model: Role
    [ERROR] The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.
    Error was encountered at or just before Line: '65' and Position: '20'.
    Failed to import model: Role
    Attempting to import model: UserRoles
    [ERROR] The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.
    Error was encountered at or just before Line: '42' and Position: '20'.
    Failed to import model: UserRoles
    Attempting to import model: SAP.Office.DuetEnterprise.Workflow.UserSubscription
    [ERROR] The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.
    Error was encountered at or just before Line: '42' and Position: '20'.
    Failed to import model: SAP.Office.DuetEnterprise.Workflow.UserSubscription
    Attempting to import model: SAP.Office.DuetEnterprise.Workflow
    [ERROR] The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.
    Error was encountered at or just before Line: '45' and Position: '11'.
    Failed to import model: SAP.Office.DuetEnterprise.Workflow
    [WARNING] Duet Enterprise configuration utility has completed importing the BDC
    models but some models could not be imported. Review the logs for detailed infor
    mation on the errors which occurred during the import operation.
    Failed to import the following models -
    C:\Program Files\Duet Enterprise\1.0>
    C:\Program Files\Duet Enterprise\1.0>
    Qucik response is much appreciated.
    Rahul Reddy.

    Take a look at this blog post,
    Dimitri Ayrapetov (MCSE: SharePoint)

  • Error while uploading images to SAP Mobile Documents from iPad application using ObjectiveCMIS.

    I am getting the error while uploading images to SAP Mobile Documents from custom iOS(iPad )application using ObjectiveCMIS library.
    My Custom method is as follows:
    - (void)createSalesOrderRouteMapImageInFolder:(NSString*)salesOrderRouteMapFolderId routeMapImageTitle:(NSString *)imageTitle routeMapContent:(NSData *)imageData
        NSInputStream *inputStream = [NSInputStream inputStreamWithData:imageData];
        NSMutableDictionary *properties = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
        [properties setObject:[NSString stringByAppendingFileExtension:imageTitle] forKey:@"cmis:name"];
        [properties setObject:@"cmis:document" forKey:@"cmis:objectTypeId"];
        [self.session createDocumentFromInputStream:inputStream
                                      bytesExpected:[imageData length]
                                    completionBlock:^(NSString *objectId, NSError *error) {
                                        NSLog(@"Object id is %@",objectId);
                                        if(error == nil) {
                                            [inputStream close];
                                            NSLog(@"Uploading Sales order route map successfully.");
                                            [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:SaveOrderSuccessNotification object:nil];
                                        } else {
                                            [inputStream close];
                                            NSLog(@"Uploading sales order route map failed.");
                                            [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:SaveOrderFailedNotification object:error];
                                    } progressBlock:^(unsigned long long bytesUploaded, unsigned long long bytesTotal) {
                                        NSLog(@"uploading... (%llu/%llu)", bytesUploaded, bytesTotal);
    OBjectiveCMIS Method in which i am getting error during upload:
    - (void)sendAtomEntryXmlToLink:(NSString *)link
                        properties:(CMISProperties *)properties
                contentInputStream:(NSInputStream *)contentInputStream
                   contentMimeType:(NSString *)contentMimeType
                     bytesExpected:(unsigned long long)bytesExpected
                   completionBlock:(void (^)(CMISObjectData *objectData, NSError *error))completionBlock
                     progressBlock:(void (^)(unsigned long long bytesUploaded, unsigned long long bytesTotal))progressBlock
        // Validate param
        if (link == nil) {
            CMISLogError(@"Must provide link to send atom entry");
            if (completionBlock) {
                completionBlock(nil, [CMISErrors createCMISErrorWithCode:kCMISErrorCodeInvalidArgument detailedDescription:nil]);
        // generate start and end XML
        CMISAtomEntryWriter *writer = [[CMISAtomEntryWriter alloc] init];
        writer.cmisProperties = properties;
        writer.mimeType = contentMimeType;
        NSString *xmlStart = [writer xmlStartElement];
        NSString *xmlContentStart = [writer xmlContentStartElement];
        NSString *start = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@", xmlStart, xmlContentStart];
        NSData *startData = [NSMutableData dataWithData:[start dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];
        NSString *xmlContentEnd = [writer xmlContentEndElement];
        NSString *xmlProperties = [writer xmlPropertiesElements];
        NSString *end = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@", xmlContentEnd, xmlProperties];
        NSData *endData = [end dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
        // The underlying CMISHttpUploadRequest object generates the atom entry. The base64 encoded content is generated on
        // the fly to support very large files.
        [self.bindingSession.networkProvider invoke:[NSURL URLWithString:link]
                                            headers:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:kCMISMediaTypeEntry forKey:@"Content-type"]
                                    completionBlock:^(CMISHttpResponse *response, NSError *error) {
                                        if (error) {
                                            CMISLogError(@"HTTP error when sending atom entry: %@", error.userInfo.description);
                                            if (completionBlock) {
                                                completionBlock(nil, error);
                                        } else if (response.statusCode == 200 || response.statusCode == 201 || response.statusCode == 204) {
                                            if (completionBlock) {
                                                NSError *parseError = nil;
                                                CMISAtomEntryParser *atomEntryParser = [[CMISAtomEntryParser alloc]];
                                                [atomEntryParser parseAndReturnError:&parseError];
                                                if (parseError == nil) {
                                                    completionBlock(atomEntryParser.objectData, nil);
                                                } else {
                                                    CMISLogError(@"Error while parsing response: %@", [parseError description]);
                                                    completionBlock(nil, [CMISErrors cmisError:parseError cmisErrorCode:kCMISErrorCodeRuntime]);
                                        } else {
                                            CMISLogError(@"Invalid http response status code when sending atom entry: %d", (int)response.statusCode);
                                            CMISLogError(@"Error content: %@", [[NSString alloc] encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]);
                                            if (completionBlock) {
                                                completionBlock(nil, [CMISErrors createCMISErrorWithCode:kCMISErrorCodeRuntime
                                                                                     detailedDescription:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Failed to send atom entry: http status code %li", (long)response.statusCode]]);
    Attaching the logs:
    ERROR [CMISAtomPubBaseService sendAtomEntryXmlToLink:httpRequestMethod:properties:contentInputStream:contentMimeType:bytesExpected:cmisRequest:completionBlock:progressBlock:] HTTP error when sending atom entry: Error Domain=org.apache.chemistry.objectivecmis Code=260 "Runtime Error" UserInfo=0x156acfa0 {NSLocalizedDescription=Runtime Error, NSLocalizedFailureReason=ASJ.ejb.005044 (Failed in component: Exception raised from invocation of public void,boolean) throws method on bean instance for bean*annotation|*annotation|NwChangeLogService in application; nested exception is: javax.ejb.EJBTransactionRolledbackException: ASJ.ejb.005044 (Failed in component: Exception raised from invocation of public method on bean instance for bean*annotation|*annotation|ChangeLogDaoImpl in application; nested exception is: javax.persistence.NonUniqueResultException: More than 1 objects of type ChangeLog found with userId=25f8928e-8ba0-4edd-b08e-43bf6fb78f1a; nested exception is: javax.ejb.EJBException: ASJ.ejb.005044 (Failed in component: Exception raised from invocation of public method on bean instance for bean*annotation|*annotation|ChangeLogDaoImpl in application; nested exception is: javax.persistence.NonUniqueResultException: More than 1 objects of type ChangeLog found with userId=25f8928e-8ba0-4edd-b08e-43bf6fb78f1a}
    2015-03-12 04:08:31.634 Saudi Ceramics[4867:351095] Uploading sales order route map failed.

    Hi Sukalyan,
    Have you checked the below links?
    These will give you step by step implementation procedure.

  • Error while uploading document with same name in Document library

    Whenever I try to upload document with same name in Document library it throws an error. I know its a default behavior but is there any way so that I can upload documents with same name or can we append some unique id with title of the document?
    Please suggest.

    No, unfortunately this is not possible. SharePoint treats the file name as the primary key identifier for a document so if you try to upload a second document with the same name it will assume this is a new version of the file. If you have versioning enabled
    on the document library, it will add this as a new version. If not, it will overwrite the original file with the new one.
    If you need two documents with the same name, you will have to either place them in different folders within a document library or in different document libraries.
    Rajendra Singh
    If a post answers your question, please click Mark As Answer on that post and Vote as Helpful

  • AIR for iOS getting error while uploading the app, ITMS-9000 "Missing Provisioning Profile"

    I get this error, when uploading the binary to Itunes. Any help, on how to solve out this problem ? And what does it mean ?

    for install on devices, you need to use a distribution cert. and a distribution provisioning profile for adhoc. When ready for AppStore you can use same distribution cert. but distribution provision profile for appstore. i completely use Windows PC for my entire process and use testflight to distribute to my testers. I'm not sure how the process is for simulator on the Mac is.  I just the use mac to create my certs and profiles and then application loader.
    When you tried upload to testflight did u use a distribution cert (p12) and an adhoc distibution provisioning profile. Also are the devices you are sending to are also registered to that profile.
    Also ive been doing this for 3 years now but consider myself a newbie still cuz I'm self taught and still learning and my ways of doing things in an unorthodox way but on average I have about 10 uploads of updates or new apps to the AppStore a year and haven't had an app rejected. These forms will be your best resource of info with users like @colin.

  • Page that is uploaded to the server looks different from the preview in Dreamweaver browser

    Hi, I have a couple of questions.  Does anyone happen to know why my homepage looks different in Dreamweaver when I preview in browser then it does when I upload the page onto the server?  I see a join our mailing list button is intact when I preview in browser but is no where to be found when I view the uploaded page from the server.  Other weird things have been going on with Dreamweaver today like I wasn't able to absolute position a div tag in it's intended place and all the typography on my homepage looks very blurry in Dreamweaver but looks clearer when it's uploaded to the server.  Does anyone know what's going on?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  .... Could it be a virus?

    That's so weird because I'm looking at the code in Dreamweaver and line 181 has a closing </body>.   Here's the code straight from Dreamweaver: 
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
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  • Connection Pool Name Missing from Drop Down when Creating a New Datasource

    Hi All,
    I'm running Weblogic Server 8.1. I've successfully created a connection pool for DB2 using the Non-XA JDBC driver from IBM (Version 7.1). When I attempt to create a datasource for this pool and un-check the "Honor Global Transactions" checkbox, the connection pool is missing from the dropdown on the next page of the wizard. If I check the checkbox, the connection pool appears in the list.
    I experience this behavior on one instance of Weblogic Server, but not on another (I can see the pool whether or not the check box is checked).
    Is there some setting on the connection pool that could cause this behavior?
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Steven Grant wrote:
    Hi All,
    I'm running Weblogic Server 8.1. I've successfully created a connection pool for DB2 using the Non-XA JDBC driver from IBM (Version 7.1). When I attempt to create a datasource for this pool and un-check the "Honor Global Transactions" checkbox, the connection pool is missing from the dropdown on the next page of the wizard. If I check the checkbox, the connection pool appears in the list.
    I experience this behavior on one instance of Weblogic Server, but not on another (I can see the pool whether or not the check box is checked).
    Is there some setting on the connection pool that could cause this behavior?
    Any help would be appreciated.
    SteveI can't reproduce this on 8.1sp5...
    I would have you compare the JDBCConnectionPool entry
    between the two instances.

  • Server name, port from OSB proxy and BPEL processes

    How do I read the server name, port and any other server related information from OSB proxy and BPEL processes?
    ObjectName service = new ObjectName("com.bea:Name=RuntimeService,");
    InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
    MBeanServer server = (MBeanServer)ctx.lookup("java:comp/env/jmx/runtime");
    ObjectName rt = (ObjectName)server.getAttribute(service,"ServerRuntime");
    System.out.println("Server Name : "+server.getAttribute(rt,"Name"));
    System.out.println("Server Address : "+server.getAttribute(rt,"ListenAddress"));
    System.out.println("Server Port : "+server.getAttribute(rt,"ListenPort"));
    By the way, it tool 10 seconds on google ...

  • Business Partner Name missing from ACH Payment File

    We are trying to send a payment on a loan to a business partner via an ACH file.  When the file is created, the payee name is missing from the ACH File.  It runs perfectly in our developement client, but not in production.  I can not seem to find any differences between the the two clients.  Can someone point me in a direction that I can look to get the Payee into the ACH File?

    Hello Wayne,
    What type of payment files do you use and for which country?

  • Column name missing from a View

    I tried to create a view based on another view but the column header is missing from the view.
    The view was create with the following statement:
                          THEN MDQ_VU_POS.SUMFXT_FXFCYAMT
                WHEN (MDQ_VU_POS.CCY_BASE_CURRENCY <> '1')
                          THEN MDQ_VU_POS.SUMFXT_FXLCYAMT
                ELSE 0
    FROM TEST.MDQ_VU_POS;The view is created successfully, but the last column name does not appear as show below
        FXT_BANKCODE                    VARCHAR2 (12) INLINE NOT NULL
        FXT_FCY                         VARCHAR2 (3) INLINE NOT NULL
        FXT_FXINDICATOR                 VARCHAR2 (1) INLINE NOT NULL
        SUMFXT_FXFCYAMT                 NUMBER NOT NULL
        SUMFXT_FXLCYAMT                 NUMBER NOT NULL
                                        NUMBER NOT NULLAnyone knows why TimesTen unable to get the alias name for that particular column ?
    Thanks is advance.

    Thanks Gary - I tried it on 64bit on Linux x86/64 but it again succeeded for me. That's probably due to my mocked up base table versus your real world definition.
    Would you be able to open an SR so we can investigate this properly? We'd need:
    ttCapture off the instance (so we get the correct DSN definition)
    base table and indexes SQL definition - a ttSchema taken off the datastore would suffice.

  • Error "Some of the application components are missing from the Application directory, Please reinsta

    I downloaded Photoshop Extended about a week ago... the second time I opened it, an error message came up saying "Some of the application components are missing from the Application directory, Please reinstall the application."  So I uninstalled it, then re-intalled it.  I was able to open it successfully after that - and I used it once.  I have just gone to open it again and it is reading the same error.  This is very frustrating - why is it doing this?  I don't want to have to unintall and reinstall everytime I want to use it.  Please help

    I want to bump this topic, again. So far the clues I've found are that there may be problems when the program was installed in one user account, and used in a different one. Perhaps there is a language setting, too. Can anyone give tips on this error for Mac, specifically Lion OS?

  • Upload / download BDS document buttons missing from MS Excel View dialogue

    Upload / download BDS document buttons are missing from MS Excel View dialogue window.
    This means that users cannot upload pre-built MS Excel templates into their own layout variants.
    Test systems have this function, but production box does not.  Is there an ABAP or Basis setting that is missing?

    In this link it is mentioned on how to integrate the BDS in the SAP Application,
    and also go through the example,
    Azaz Ali.

  • Apps user name missing from login

    I'm using iStudio and trying to create a Common Data Type based on an Oracle Applications table. When the login window appears, the username field is blank and grayed-out, and I can not enter any value, including the username "APPS". When I enter a valid password and connect information, I receive "invalid arguments in call". I'm guessing this is due to the missing username.
    Can anyone help with this? How do I get the Apps username to appear?

    Hi mchrist,
    Have a looking at your respository.ini file and make sure the "OWNER" field is not set to blank or a different user schema name.
    If the OWNER field is set to Blank or a different user schema it automatically set the repository to read only.

  • Analytic Server Application missing from Project in Shared Services

    Slowly rebuilding my trashed development server. However I cannot access the Essbase server via EAS without getting a network error 10061
    I noticed in my Projects list I do NOT have the server value for the Analytic Server project.
    Do I reregister with Shared Services on Analytic Services? If so I tried that to no avail...
    Looking for ideas.

    Hi John,
    Did the following:
    1. Stop all services (this is development so all Hyperion products are on one box)
    2. Renamed essbase.sec to essbase.secold
    3. Made copy of essbase.bak_preUPM and then renamed the copy to essbase.sec
    4. In configuration utility, selected Essbase Server and register with Shared Services and Analytic Server services
    5. Started the hypservice
    6. Went to Shared Services. Application is not under project grouping Analytic Server
    This was a really hosed server and I have been putting it back piece by piece. In the error logs it is as clear as day. It cannot find the application Analytic server.
    Any other way to trigger this to work? What if I took the AAS database from production, restored it then registered?

  • File dates and names missing from library

    I have recently had my hard drive replaced and started afresh. My old copy of iPhoto library downloaded photos into separate files by date order and showed the roll name I assigned. I could click on a little arrow on the left to show or hide the photos.
    In case this is relevant - when I got my computer back it didn't have iPhoto on it (just about everything else was there, such as iTunes, etc) so I put my disc in again and downloaded iPhoto from the disc. Now all photos go into the library and automatically sort into year files, but they are not organised into separate roll dates and I cannot hide the photos any more and just show a list of roll names.
    I tried downloading iPhoto_715.dmg, but this message appears "An eligible iPhoto application was not found in the location /Applications."
    Sorry I am not really very computer literate and just don't understand what is going on.... any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks, Linda.

    Have you explored the options under the View menu?
    I tried downloading iPhoto_715.dmg, but this message appears "An eligible iPhoto application was not found in the location /Applications."
    To upgrade to a later version of iPhoto requires that you purchase the relevant iLife package.

Maybe you are looking for

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  • APP(f110) : Alternative Payee not handled in check register

    Hi, Request expert advice for the below situation - Vendor 1 is maintained as an alternative payee for Vendor 2. Now there exist 2 invoice say, Against Vendor 1 - $100 Against Vendor 2 - $200 Now, I create a auotmatic payment program (F110) and inclu

  • I need a DVD reader/writer to connect to my iMac

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  • Price not picking from PR

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  • Shutdown not shutting down?

    Hi, This has happened twice to me recently: Shutdown my macbook from apple menu, wait a bit, seems to be off, Put it away in its (snug fitting) zip bag. A while later get it out - Alarmed at the warmth of the bag, Extract macbook, hear fan spinning a