Error: On making Public Site to Online

Hi All,
       I have Public Site and when I try to make the site Online I am facing the error as below.Can any one help me how can I sove it

If you are using Enterprise E3 you can delete and recreate the public site. Else you should create a service request mentioning the correlation Id or contact support.

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    I read that anonymous access is unsupported in 2010 and didn't find improvements in 2013. Alternative route is to create service account with minimal read permission and use this account to communicate with REST.

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    There are several one over the store
    go to the store
    Kind Regards,
    John Naguib
    Technical Consultant/Architect
    MCITP, MCPD, MCTS, MCT, TOGAF 9 Foundation
    Please remember to mark your question as answered if this solves your problem

  • I cannot Publish my site after using the Publish Public Site Manager. An error, with no explanation is returned.

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    From: Jay McSweeney [mailto:[email protected]]
    Sent: Monday, October 10, 2011 9:07 PM
    To: Messina, Nicholas A. (Media Services)
    Subject: Re: iTunes U
    Here are the answers
      Eastern CT State University is no longer in the iTunes U directory .    r
    The have not migrated their site to iTunes U Public Site Manager. Starting June 2010 we notified all iTunes U site administrators for any site in the iTunes store that they would need to migrate their existing site to iTunes U Public Site Manager in the future. In Feb. 2011 we notified them that the deadline for migration would be April 2011 and that if they had not migrated their site would no longer appear on the list.
    For Eastern CT State University to return to the list, they just need to transition over to an iTunes U Public Site Manager based site. Information on how to do so can be found here - hapter_14_section_2.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/iTUPSM-CH5-SW2

    Nick Good ?uestion!
    I am the New Admin for The University of New Orleans, and after reading the response to your initial question I think we fall into the category of needing to migrate to Public site manager. But looking at the tutorial which is mainly text, I cannot follow the instructions. Do you have a screen shot of what step two because I cannot find the " iTunes U Public Site Manager in the Tools area."
    Thank you!
    Message was edited by: LimonNoire

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    Thank you,

    No, our Sharepoint is not bundled in any of office 365 subscriptions.
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    As it is an online environment, to troubleshoot this issue in an easier way, I suggest you contact Office 365 Support to see if there is any useful information in
    the log files in the server side:
    Best regards
    Patrick Liang
    TechNet Community Support

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    Well, you could upload a picture of the color you want where you would upload a background picture in change the look from the Gear drop down.
    Other wise you can add this css
    .ms-core-overlay {background-color:#####;}
    Are you aware that you can change the look and feel in the site settings?

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    Shailendra Gupta

    Hi Shailendra
    Please check this below
    Please remember to click 'Mark as Answer' on the answer if it helps you

  • Odd Behavior in Public Site Manager

    Greetings All;
    Is anyone else experiencing unusual behavior in Public Site Manager?  Specifically, after I created a new Collection and
    began to add content, I began to get a "Sorry, this page is currently being edited. Please try again later." message. 
    Also, my session seems to "time out" almost immediately. 
    Syd Rodocker
    iTunes U Administrator
    Tennessee State Department of Education    
    Tennessee's Electronic Learning Center

    Hi Duncan - I work with about six collections in Wellesley College's iTunes U site. Is there any specific information that might help you?
    Late last afternoon around 2-3, I was able to publish my item (essentially by going to the item which was already visible in the collection and resaving it/signing out very quickly before the timeout had a chance to get me.) After that, I had noticed that the timeouts were no longer occuring as quickly, but the next time I logged in I got an odd error when I clicked the "return to collections manager" link. Unfortunately I did not think to copy the error, though it was a white page and looked like some sort of script error.
    However, when I went back to take a screenshot of it today, everything looks fine as far as I can see. No unnaturally quick timeouts or links throwing errors. (I do still get the "sorry, currently being edited" if I close the browser on a collection without properly signing out, but as far as I'm aware that is normal.)
    I will try to find some new content to upload and report back if there are any problems with that. But for now it looks like we're fine here.
    Best of luck with your own, Syd.

  • URGENT - INTERNAL SERVER ERROR when connecting to site

    i'm getting INTERNAL SERVER ERROR when connecting to site. everything was ok till yesterday night but since today morning, nobody has been able to log in the site.
    i looked at the Apache Listener log files in IAS_HOME/Apache/Apache/logs
    the error_log file contained the following :-
    [Fri Jan 26 08:32:04 2001] [error] [client] Invalid method in request ^A
    [Fri Jan 26 08:32:05 2001] [error] [client] malformed header from script. Bad header=<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF: /servlet/p
    [Fri Jan 26 08:32:58 2001] [error] [client] Invalid method in request ^A
    [Fri Jan 26 08:32:58 2001] [error] [client] malformed header from script. Bad header=<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF: /servlet/I
    [Fri Jan 26 08:33:13 2001] [error] [client] Invalid method in request ^A
    [Fri Jan 26 08:33:13 2001] [error] [client] malformed header from script. Bad header=<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF: /servlet/page
    ApacheJServ/1.1: Exception creating the server socket: Address already in use
    ApacheJServ/1.1: Exception creating the server socket: Address already in use
    ApacheJServ/1.1: Exception creating the server socket: Address already in use
    ApacheJServ/1.1: Exception creating the server socket: Address already in use
    ApacheJServ/1.1: Exception creating the server socket: Address already in use
    then i tried to kill all the httpd processes and restart the apache and the error log was populated with the following :-
    [Fri Jan 26 09:35:48 2001] [warn] child process 16269 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
    [Fri Jan 26 09:35:49 2001] [warn] child process 16270 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
    [Fri Jan 26 09:35:49 2001] [warn] child process 16271 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
    [Fri Jan 26 09:35:49 2001] [warn] child process 16272 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
    [Fri Jan 26 09:35:49 2001] [warn] child process 16273 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
    [Fri Jan 26 09:35:49 2001] [warn] child process 16274 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
    [Fri Jan 26 09:35:49 2001] [warn] child process 16275 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
    [Fri Jan 26 09:35:49 2001] [warn] child process 16276 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
    [Fri Jan 26 09:35:49 2001] [warn] child process 16277 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
    ,same messages continue for different
    ,process ids followed by
    Assertion failed: wwwctx->alloctotal == 0, file wwcepl.c, line 559
    Assertion failed: wwwctx->alloctotal == 0, file wwcepl.c, line 559
    Assertion failed: wwwctx->alloctotal == 0, file wwcepl.c, line 559
    Attempt to free unreferenced scalar.
    Attempt to free unreferenced scalar.
    Assertion failed: wwwctx->alloctotal == 0, file wwcepl.c, line 559
    Assertion failed: wwwctx->alloctotal == 0, file wwcepl.c, line 559
    ApacheJServ/1.1: Exception creating the server socket: Address already in use
    [Fri Jan 26 09:35:53 2001] [error] child process 16269 still did not exit, sending a SIGKILL
    [Fri Jan 26 09:35:53 2001] [error] child process 16270 still did not exit, sending a SIGKILL
    [Fri Jan 26 09:35:53 2001] [error] child process 16271 still did not exit, sending a SIGKILL
    [Fri Jan 26 09:35:53 2001] [error] child process 16272 still did not exit, sending a SIGKILL
    [Fri Jan 26 09:35:54 2001] [error] could not make child process 16269 exit, attempting to continue anyway
    [Fri Jan 26 09:35:54 2001] [error] could not make child process 16270 exit, attempting to continue anyway
    [Fri Jan 26 09:35:54 2001] [error] could not make child process 16271 exit, attempting to continue anyway
    [Fri Jan 26 09:35:54 2001] [error] could not make child process 16272 exit, attempting to continue anyway
    [Fri Jan 26 09:35:54 2001] [error] could not make child process 16273 exit, attempting to continue anyway
    [Fri Jan 26 09:35:54 2001] [error] could not make child process 16274 exit, attempting to continue anyway
    [Fri Jan 26 09:35:54 2001] [notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down
    [Fri Jan 26 09:38:10 2001] [notice] Apache/1.3.12 (Unix) ApacheJServ/1.1 mod_perl/1.22 configured -- resuming normal operations
    ApacheJServ/1.1: Exception creating the server socket: Address already in use
    ApacheJServ/1.1: Exception creating the server socket: Address already in use
    ApacheJServ/1.1: Exception creating the server socket: Address already in use
    [Fri Jan 26 09:38:44 2001] [error] [client] Invalid method in request ^A
    [Fri Jan 26 09:38:44 2001] [error] [client] malformed header from script. Bad header=<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF: /servlet/pag
    ApacheJServ/1.1: Exception creating the server socket: Address already in use
    ApacheJServ/1.1: Exception creating the server socket: Address already in use
    [Fri Jan 26 09:39:06 2001] [notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down
    [Fri Jan 26 09:39:30 2001] [notice] Apache/1.3.12 (Unix) ApacheJServ/1.1 mod_perl/1.22 configured -- resuming normal operations
    ApacheJServ/1.1: Exception creating the server socket: Address already in use
    ApacheJServ/1.1: Exception creating the server socket: Address already in use
    ApacheJServ/1.1: Exception creating the server socket: Address already in use
    ApacheJServ/1.1: Exception creating the server socket: Address already in use
    ApacheJServ/1.1: Exception creating the server socket: Address already in use
    ApacheJServ/1.1: Exception creating the server socket: Address already in use
    [Fri Jan 26 09:42:17 2001] [error] [client] Invalid method in request ^A
    [Fri Jan 26 09:42:17 2001] [error] [client] malformed header from script. Bad header=<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF: /servlet/pag
    Any ideas or suggestions anyone ....??
    what could have possibly changed since yesterday to effect the site ??
    any help would be greatly appreciated ...

    A couple of questions:
    1) Did you try shutting down apache with the sript?
    2) When killing the httpd processes did you also kill the associated java processes?

  • Spry error message on my site's slideshow

    I've read a few posts and tried several fixes to no avail. Can anyone please advise how to resolve this error message?
    "SpryPanelSelector.js requires SpryWidget.js!"
    I've created this page in DW and inserted a Spry Widget slideshow which I customized. It works fine in Live View and in Firefox preview in DW. When I post page to my testing server I received the above mssg:
    I would greatly appreciate any answers or guidance. Thanks!

    Hi, i am a newbie, but i have come accross this before in making my site
    i had a look at your site and got the same error message, I pushed it heaps of times and got to your front page and none of your java script is working ,
    so i looked at your source code - wow - ive never seen code put that way before - i use dreamweaver and it seperates all the bits into neat sections - yours was too hard for me to read - but there is a bit of java script that has to go down the bottom of the page in the body of each html page to make it work, so if you didnt have that it might be a reason..
    the problem i had though was that when i uploaded my files to the host server i did them in the wrong order - so i took everything off and uploaded them in the right order and it fixed it
    i have little to no experience with this other than making my own website so all of this information could be wrong , - your website looks like its going to be really nice
    kind regards

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    By default, SharePoint Online created an online private site called  and a public site called   What I want is the publicly-facing site to be the shorter one and not use the -public url.
     How can I change that?   

    You can also find a step-by-step guide on how to do it here
    /Anders Eide

  • How to delete a course in public site?

    How can I delete a course that's been published via my public site manager?
    Following the directions in the online manual I:
    1. CLick on "Courses" in the public site manager.
    2. Click on the course I want to delete.
    and at this point the "Delete" button should highlight to allow me to press it. However, it does not.
    I really need to get this course off of our iTunes U site as it's just a test course.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Greetings David;
         To Delete a previously published course using Public Site Manager, highlight the Course to be deleted, then navigate to the top of the Collections page and select "Delete" from the options listed (Refresh-Delete-Hide-Unhide-Revert). All the best to you...
    Syd Rodocker
    Apple iTunes U Administrator
    Tennessee State Department of Education
    Tennessee's Electronic Learning Center

  • New public site manager? and what happened to tabs?

    I have received the iTunes U activation email and I am about to start building our iTunes U site. When I went on the iTunes U course a few months ago the layout was very different. I understand there is a new layout and that this has something to do with the 'Public site manager' - could someone explain?
    My big concern is that I have multiple rss feeds for our public lecture series. We have over 1000 public lecture podcasts, videos, slides, transcripts etc. Since they're basically all the same 'course' I have multiple rss feeds for each media type e.g. audio, video, slide-audio, transcript(pdf) and slides(pdf). The rss feeds are split by year and there's another bunch of feeds for the latest 50 items. I was planning to create a course for each year and the latest 50 items and use the tabs to display the different media types. How can I do this using the new layout? It feels like I have fewer options in the new layout. The course titles are truncated on the homepage so how can I differentiate so many different feeds that are essentially the same 'course'. The only option I can see is to use the cover art to somehow display the year and media type for each feed else I'm just going to get a bunch of icons and titles that look identical.
    Any help or advice would be much apprciated.

    Please ignore these questions - I have now watched the public site manager video webcast and I'm now up to speed. 7899686.4285944238?i=2057081390
    I have to say I am not happy, not happy at all. We've just spent six months building a media CMS and publishing system much of which was built with the 'old' iTunes U layout and information architecture in mind. We're now going to have to do some major revision work before we can launch.
    Specific annoyances -
    1. The tabbed layouts we’re great for bunching together different media types and while I understand the logic behind ditching the tabs the new layout doesn’t really work for me. The collection titles are truncated on the homepage, how are people going know what the collection is let alone distinguish between variants for video, audio and hd video?
    2. pdf documents are now supposed to go in with the relevant podcast or video feed. It is virtually impossible for us to do this using our media CMS. We can publish pdf's as a separate rss feed for each collection and/or we can bunch everything together (audio, video, pdf etc) into a single rss feed but we can't put the pdf's into a the rss feed for audio, and video and hd video.
    3. The ability to upload images for individual collections rather than pulling the image from the rss feed was a really useful option. With the truncated collection titles on the homepage and the lack of tabs, the collection images become even more important because they're the only place where you can display the media type or collection variant (year, term etc) on the homepage. Our media CMS will put an image in an rss feed but if we publish variants of that feed e.g. for a particular year, term or media type it will use the same image for all of them. So now instead of a unique image for each variant of a collection we're will have to use a stock image making it impossible for users to distinguish between variants of a collection.
    3. Is possible for the speaker/author name appear in the individual podcast/video listing? All the listings I've seen that use the new layout omit this information. This assumes that every item in a collection is presented by the same lecturer/speaker . Our public lecture series has a different speaker for each event, some of these are very high profile people and users will be looking for the name of the speaker not necessarily the name of the event.
    These things combined really limit our options, in fact I'm scratching my head wondering how we're going to get around some of these problems. Grrrrr. </rant ends>

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