Error says download of a file failed

Says Safari cannot download file. It is a zip file from my college and says it is for ipods. I just purchased the Ipod Touch for this purpose so could just be the operator. Any suggestions?  Once you are in go to the link (middle of page) titled BUS-630-001-801-2012SP-COB Information Management-Combined-2012SP. Then go to the icon that says Course Sessions. Click on week 5 then the lecture icon that says Session 5. That is where you will see the options to down load our lectures. I usually use the high speed connection but since I purchased the iPod Touch, I thought I could download the ipod file.
< Edited By Host >

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    How To Ask Questions The Smart Way
    Eric Steven Raymond
    Rick Moen
    Write in clear, grammatical, correctly-spelled language
    We've found by experience that people who are careless and sloppy writers are usually also careless and sloppy at thinking and coding (often enough to bet on, anyway). Answering questions for careless and sloppy thinkers is not rewarding; we'd rather spend our time elsewhere.
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    Hi Iss9243,
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    CHECK sy-subrc EQ 0.
        CLEAR wa_file_content.
        READ DATASET l_filename INTO wa_file_content.
        IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
          APPEND wa_file_content TO it_file_content.
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    DATA: ws_bin_size TYPE i.
    DATA: t_otf  TYPE TABLE OF itcoo,
                ws_filename TYPE string.
      t_otf[] = wa_job_info-otfdata[].
          format        = 'PDF'
          max_linewidth = 132
          bin_filesize  = ws_bin_size
          otf           = t_otf
          lines         = i_lines.
          bin_filesize = ws_bin_size
          filename     = 'C:\ABC.PDF'
          filetype     = 'BIN'
          data_tab     = i_lines.

    Hi Sayeed,
          You may not having the permissions to create files in 'C' folder. Change the path and try again.

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    this device. This condition can occur if there are problems obtaining a
    license to run bitgen or if the design targets a device which is Early
    Process "Generate Programming File" failed
    Even when i tried the example vi given by NI.
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    PS: i use labview 2011 NI-RIO 4.0 and xilinx tools 13.4

    The key will of course be to isolate differences between your machines.
    I wonder if the following more specific language setting could be the lingering problem.  LabVIEW is a non-unicode program, and there is a language setting in Windows (at least XP) specifically for non-unicode programs.  Try the following (or it's Win2K equivalent) if you haven't already:
    0. Open "Control Panel"
    1. Open the "Regional and Language Options"
    2. On the Advanced tab, choose English (United States) from the drop-down menu under the top section "Language for non-Unicode Programs"
    - This language setting is different from the setting on the "Regional Options" tab. 
    Any other differences you can isolate would be potentially insightful - if you have the same software versions installed in the same order on both machines, we may be looking for something a bit subtle, such as the suspected language setting.
    Best Regards,

  • Download of pdf file fails

    When I try to download a pdf file from a website to read, it downloads a few kb of the file and then freezes.  Is this an Adobe problem or an Internet Explorer problem?

    Looks like an issue with your connection. Could you please let me know the following:
    1. The OS and the version of Adobe Reader on your system.
    2. The browser being used.
    Just to be sure whether or not its an issue with Reader, can you try and do the following:
    1. Open the page:
    2. Right click on the hyperlink "10.0" under the "Vers." column in the "Windows update file information" table.
    3. Click on "Save Link As" or likewise and provide a location to save the PDF.
    Does this work?

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    Per my understanding, you might want to download the content of files into database in SharePoint Hosted App.
    In SharePoint Hosted App, as we can only use JavaScript which is supposed to be executed in browser, the content retrieved will be stored in memory then to the local hard drive.
    As a workaround, I suggest you develop a Provider Hosted App and do the same job there instead. In Provider Hosted App, we can use C# to handle the file downloading which should
    be more appropriate in your scenario.
    how to download file using SharePoint Client Object Model:
    Patrick Liang
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

  • HT201364 trying to download os x mavericks and i get an error saying "The product distribution file could not be verified. It may be damaged or was not signed." how do i fix this so i can update my new macbook pro?

    "The product distribution file could not be verified. It may be damaged or was not signed."
    please help! i want to update my computer!!!

    "Update your new MacBook Pro"?
    Well, if your MacBook Pro is new, it already has Mavericks installed and there is nothing to update.
    Go to the Menu Bar, and click the Apple logo.  Then click "About This Mac."  Does it show OS X 10.9 or 10.9.1?
    If so you are already running Mavericks.

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