EVDRE AfterRange

To Fellow BPC EVDRE Experts,
I'm curently running BPC 5.1 SP03 and I have noticed a problem when using the EVDRE AfterRange.  I have a report with three Column expansions.  I have a formula in the 3rd expansion and noticed that when the report expands, the formula for the last member (right before the subtotal) is not referenced correctly it is off by two rows ..... Has anyone else had a similar occurence???   Any solutions ???
Thanks Joe

The fix for this issue is included in SP7, but before you run SP7 please first check this thread. You may want to go for SP6 first.
error saving transformation or conversion file SP7
Good luck,

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    Edited by: Nick Carter on Feb 7, 2012 3:26 PM

    I have found an OSS note for this issue:
    [Note 1652302|https://websmp230.sap-ag.de/sap(bD1lbiZjPTAwMQ==)/bc/bsp/spn/sapnotes/index2.htm?numm=1652302] - AfterRange has been duplicated after click Refresh Workbook
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    Hi Ethan,
    I have Accounts in Rows and Time in columns. Range E24:E26 is in AfterRange filed on column expansion. 'E24:E26' range adds prior 2 time columns. I want to display this summation on a particular condition, say only if cell D11 = 1. So I wrote a formula in AfterRange field in Column expansion: =IF(D11=1,"E24:E26","") .
    This formula in AfterRage field doesn't work. But if I manually type value 'E24:E26' in that field, it correctly adds up prious 2 time periods. I think the issue is with formatting.
    Thanks, John

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    I have next options in EVDRE ExpandRange:
    ExpandIn     COL     ROW
    Dimension     TIME     P_ACTIVITY
    MemberSet     DEP     BASMEMBERS
    Suppress          Y
    And my result is
         2009.JAN     2009.FEB     2009.MAR
    EMPL1     1,00       1,00       1,00 
    EMPL2     1,00       1,00       1,00 
    EMPL3     1,00       1,00       1,00 
    PC     1,00       1,00       1,00 
    SQM     1,00       1,00       1,00 
    LABMAN     0,00       0,00       0,00 
    LABPRD     0,00       0,00       0,00 
    MACHRS     0,00       0,00       0,00 
    MAINT     0,00       0,00       0,00 
    NONE     0,00       0,00       0,00 
    MACH1     0,00       0,00       0,00 
    MACH2     0,00       0,00       0,00 
    MACH3     0,00       0,00       0,00
    As you can see zero rows present.
    I'm on SAP BPC 7.0 NW SP7.

  • Evdre error using "dynamic hierarchy expansion" option

    Dear all,
    I'm trying to expand the evdre using the option "dynamic hierarchy expansion", but I get an error in function EVDRE(). This is the error:
    #ERR: Consolidation Mode ON - Only keyword ""Blank"" is applicable for dimension ENTITY when with dimension GROUPS.
    I have not put any value on the memberset of of the entity expansion according with the error message. Here you have the example:
    ExpandIn            COL                 COL
    Dimension          GROUPS                 ENTITY
    MemberSet         DEP,PARENTAFTER     
    Suppress            Y     
    The following link helps to understand how it works: http://help.sap.com/saphelp_bpc75/helpdata/en/5A/69200C88AA40C9B18844A25259F147/frameset.htm

    Hi Teko,
    Thanks for the information.
    In that case, I think Active X has not been enabled in IE.
    Kindly follow the below step.
    In IE, Tools-> Internet Optios -> Security -> Security level -> Change it to medium or go to custom level -> and enable Active X
    Hope this helps.

  • Complex EVDRE column structure

    I would like to implement a EVDRE report with 3 nested column dimension like this:
    Entity1                    Entity1                    Entity1                    Entity2                    Entity2                    Entity2          ...
    2010.TOTAL          2011.TOTAL          EV_AFTER             2010.TOTAL          2011.TOTAL          EV_AFTER     
    ACTUAL                BUDGET                 Delta Formula          ACTUAL                BUDGET              Delta Formula
    So, "driving" dimension is ENTITY and this expansion should be dynamic. Furthermore I have TIME and CATEGORY but a static bock of member combinations for those dimensions should be repeated. Last, I have a Excel formula to be inserted (I could do this with a AfterRrange).
    Basically I would like to display Actual Previous Year, Budget Current Year and the delta (I have also more complex requirements, but this is a small model for this category of problem).
    The best solution I found is to implement one full EVDRE in the background, querying all combinations of ENTITY and some of TIME and CATEGORY. And I have built another EVDRE report as the user interface, querying only one TIME and CATEGORY combination per ENTITY and having a lot of AfterRange Cells with complex hlookups to the background EVDRE.
    Is there an easier way to accomplish this? I have also tried with EVENE. I could generate exactly the required member combination but I failed to insert the Excel formula for the delta column.
    thanks for any hint on this
    Florian Fuchs

    Hi Florian,
    you could use multiple expansions. You can define two ColKeyRanges
    and use the pipe | in the memberset, for example
    Result would be on column with Actual 2010.TOTAL and one column with Budget 2011.TOTAL.
    This should solve your problem.
    Cheers Georg

  • Dynamic Variance column using EvDRE

    Hello All,
    I have to create a balance sheet report in which I have time and category in my columns and account in my row expansions. I have two issues:
    1) I would like to list the high level members of Assets & Liabiliities. Best way to do that is to call all the accounts which have the parenth1="ASSETS" & parenth1 = "liabilities". Unfortunately, Parenth1 is not a parameter based on which i can do a filter on the memberset. Is there any other way, I can specify on the memberset that I would like to bring in the immediate dependents of these accounts. I could probably do DEP(ASSETS) & DEP (LIABILITIES). I am just wondering if there is any other better way to display this.
    2) When I insert blank rows & columns, do they stay for good in EvDRE?
    3) Also, how do I specify the EVBET format when specified in after range. For instance, in my after range, I have specifed cells A33:A34. In A34, I have specified (Application, $F7,H7,I7). F7 is where my account key is and H7 and I7 are where the values are. But when I expand, I am get REF!! for all the ones expect the application. What am I doing wrong?
    Thanks in advance for your help!!

    You should remove the column expansions completely, if these combinations (H=2008 Actual, I=2009 plan, J=2009 Forecast) are the same for each year.
    What you then do, is just hardcode the data into the cells, but not by typing, but by using BPC formulas.
    Make sure that in the pagekeyrange, you use the EVCVW function to select the Time dimension member. (EVCVW="FINANCE";"TIME"). Let's say this formula is in cell E5. Then, in column H, you should reference to this cell (=E5), and format the cell with general numberformat (otherwise the formula will not display a result). Now, in column H, where the colkeyrange resides, there will be the value for the selected timedimension member.
    Now, in column I, you should put the EVTIM function, put the following function =EVTIM("FINANCE";$E$5;1;YEAR). This formula can be copied to column I and J.
    Only problem now is that because the column expansion is off, the afterrange for the column expansion will not work anymore, so the EVBET formula should be manually input there. But if it is already there because of your previous effort, it is still there.
    I don't know if you kept the row expansion (as I said in my previous post, best practice is to turn it of), but if you did you only need to type the EVBET function  in the top row, and formulate it properly using $-signs, and it will expand down automatically.
    Regards, Tim

  • EVDRE question

    Hello Gurus, I have a quick question for you experts.
    I have a report that works ok, but I would like to add at the end some excel funtions.
    I am not able to get the functions to work.
    can any of you provide some example on how to set a Column  After Range expancion in BPC.

    Hi Sergio,
    If you want excel functions at the end, then AfterRange is the best way for the automated expansion evdre.
    Just define the excel functions in a hidden area.
    Use these cells in the AfterRange using EvRng function.
    The after range will be populated with the excel formula in the hidden sample range specified in the AfterRange.
    Karthik AJ

  • Multiple Dimension using EVDRE

    Can you kindly confirm if its possible to use EVDRE to generate a report using multiple dimension in one column and another set of dimensions in the next column? 
      Row= Account  
    ColumnA=  Version: Actual and Time:  2009. Jan. 
    Column B:  Version:  Budget and Time:  2008. Jan

    Thanks for below advise but when I tried to test it, it seems that it resulted to duplicate column.
    ExpandIn                      COL                        COL                      ROW
    Dimension                      CATEGORY        TIME                      ACCOUNT
    MemberSet     ACTUAL|BUDGET     2008.JAN              SELF
    AfterRange     Sheet1!$B$37:$B$38          
    The end result is
              ACTUAL                  EV_AFTER               BUDGET     EV_AFTER
              2008.JAN                  EV_AFTER               2008.JAN     EV_AFTER
              Actual from GL     Variance              BUDGET     Variance
              2008 JAN                  actual-budget          2008.JAN     actual-budget
    ExtSales          200.00           50                150                   50
    But I only need the 3 columns, is there a formula I can use to supress the unnecessary columns its of manually deleting it?

  • Report - Drill Down and more than one evdre (problems)

    Hi people!!!
    I am trying to do a report with 3 evdre's. The report has some columns that are expanded using AfterRange.
    The areas of expansion of the evdre's are one under the other.
    The 3 evdre's works fine until I use the drill down.
    After I do the drill down, just the area of my first evdre looks fine.
    For my last two last evdre's, my AfterRange stops working and no drills happens.
    Somebody already faced this same problem and can assist me?
    Thanks a lot!!

    Hi Sandro,
    thanks a lot for your answer.
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  • Use evdre to query data from a SQL View

    Hi all
    I believe that it is possible to use evdre to query data from a SQL View. If this is possible then how does one go about setting it up in the evdre options (assuming that the view has already been created)?

    Byron,  perhaps this is no longer supported, it might be worth opening up a case at service.sap.com on this.  However, I did find the following on Page 11 of the "Usages and Considerations of EVDRE" pdf file.  This doc is imbedded in the helpfile for BPC 7 SP5 (which was released in August of 2009, well after note 1315011 was last updated.
    It looks like you are limited to one custom view per application, since you have to name the view in a parameter at the APPLICATION level.  Go into BPC Administration, login to the application related to the custom view, choose "Set Application Parameters" and enter the name of the view to the Application Parameter called "EVDRE_QUERYVIEWNAME"  If it is not listed, go ahead and create it at the bottom of the Application parameter screen.
    Also:  I interpreted the following info from Page 10 of the same doc:
    In your EVDRE, set the following options:
    QueryEngine: MANUAL
    QueryType:  enter either NEXJ  OR TUPLE  see below:
    NEXJ  - Use two-dimensional queries using the nonemptycrossjoin function
    TUPLE  - Use two-dimensional queries using tuples"
    And I'm assuming you'd enter a Y for the following two parameters:
    "..to enforce the query engine to use a used-defined SQL view of the fact tables, when trying to read the values using SQL queries. This option is typically used in conjunction with the SQLOnly option (see below). "
    Option SQLOnly
    "..to enforce the query engine to only execute SQL queries, when reading data. This can be achieved using this option."

  • "evdre encountered a problem retrieving data from the webserver"

    We are using a big report which takes very long time to expand and sometimes we get the error message "evdre encountered a problem retrieving data from the webserver" when expanding the report, but not very often for most of our users. But we have one user who gets this error message almost every second time he expands the report. This user have a computer with same capacity as the rest of us, can there be some setting on the computer or in the client installtion the cause this problem?
    We are using BPC 5.1 SP 5

    This error occurs usually if we have huge data in combination of our dimensions.
    Even, if the selection of your memberset is not apt to the combination of the data present in the back end, you may encounter a data retrival error.


    Hello u2013
    I have 4 application sets with periodic applications in which all measures are set up exactly the same in BPC 7.5 NW SP8. Time in each of the appsets includes months, quarters, seasons and year. Measures include Periodic, QTD, STD, YTD and Rolling12. All measures work correctly with the exception of one application in which the YTD measure is summing incorrectly. This issue exists in both the DEV and PROD environments for this application.
    The Time dimension is maintained using fiscal years. The fiscal yearu2019s months run from February -> January. Time uses the same setup in all 4 appsets.
    The following steps have been taken in an attempt to fix this issue:
    1.     Verified the Time dimension hierarchy and levels are set up correctly
    2.     Cleared client cache
    3.     Deleted Time dimension .xls, .xlt and .xml files from the BW and re-processed the dimension
    4.     Ran light and full optimizations
    5.     Verified the formula in the BW for this app is the same as the formula in the other apps
    6.     Refreshed client-side dimension files
    7.     Used the How-to-guide u201CHow to Maintain Measure Dimension for BPCu201D and verified the UJA_FORMULA_APP table and UJA_API_DATA_CHECKER function module are maintained automatically and no missing entry messages exist
    8.     Deleted the PARENTH1 hierarchy from the Time dimension, processed, added the hierarchy back into the member sheet and re-processed
    9.     Updated application description and modified application
    Has anyone else had this problem? Any assistance in resolving this issue will be most appreciated.
    YTD Measure Formula:
    *EVDRE RESULTS     *
    MONTH         YTD     
    FY2010 FEB     128,790,195      
    FY2010 MAR     214,054,796      
    FY2010 APR     63,828,203      
    FY2010 MAY     445,898,233      
    FY2010 JUN     377,079,009      
    FY2010 JUL     288,502,058      
    FY2010 AUG     517,947,504      
    FY2010 SEP     678,612,886      
    FY2010 OCT     593,190,135      
    FY2010 NOV     879,439,971      
    FY2010 DEC     784,580,667      
    FY2010 JAN     949,300,083      
    FY2010 TOTAL     949,300,083      
    TIME DIMENSION                 
    2010.FEB     2010.Q1     MONTH     1     20100100
    2010.MAR     2010.Q1     MONTH     2     20100200
    2010.APR     2010.Q1     MONTH     3     20100300
    2010.MAY     2010.Q2     MONTH     4     20100400
    2010.JUN     2010.Q2     MONTH     5     20100500
    2010.JUL     2010.Q2     MONTH     6     20100600
    2010.AUG     2010.Q3     MONTH     7     20100700
    2010.SEP     2010.Q3     MONTH     8     20100800
    2010.OCT     2010.Q3     MONTH     9     20100900
    2010.NOV     2010.Q4     MONTH     10     20101000
    2010.DEC     2010.Q4     MONTH     11     20101100
    2011.JAN     2010.Q4     MONTH     12     20101200
    2010.Q1     2010.STD1     QUARTER     3     10000001
    2010.Q2     2010.STD1     QUARTER     6     10000002
    2010.Q3     2010.STD2     QUARTER     9     10000003
    2010.Q4     2010.STD2     QUARTER     12     10000004
    2010.STD1     2010.TOTAL           6     10000005
    2010.STD2     2010.TOTAL           12     10000006
    2010.TOTAL           YEAR     12     10000007

    Hi Carrie,
    Your configuration looks OK to me. Can you provide us the output of the same EVDRE using the Periodic measure? Also, have you raised a customer message with SAP?

  • MemberSet parametres in an EvDRE report/schedule (SAP BPC NW 7.5, SP03)

    I'm struggling combining MemberSet keywords and filtering values in an EvDRE schedule/report. The aim is to create an input schedule (or report) based on a hierarchy, but where a number of the dimension members are excluded (filtered). Below a brief, manipulated, expected result (bolded items are Parent nodes to members):
    Sales     (3,000.00)
    Sales     (3,000.00)
    COGS     1,800.00
    Cogs     1,800.00
    Royalties     300.00
    Revaluation of inventory     
    Gross Profit Reductions     300.00
    Gross Profit Sales     (900.00)
    I can easily generate a flat list of members, correctly filtered (but useless), and also a correct filtered report including the appropriate nodes (but with the parents sitting before the members) . The problem occur when trying to include ParentAfter, which only works together with either ALL or MEMBERS and when they are included, the filtering doesn't work!
    Any suggestings on how to compose a MemberSet string, where both ParentAfter and filtering works?

    filter the memberset with LDEP(2),PARENTHAFTER,SELF.
    Is a bit old this post but I hope that could be useful for everyone searching the same information.

  • Evdre encountered an error while retrieving the data

    i have an error
    "evdre encountered an error while retrieving data" evdre addin
    evdre cannot retrieve data
    working on ms 7.0 bpc
    excel 2003
    i have gone thru the sap service place and found that i have to replace 2003 to 2007
    please let me know also if there is any possibility to change my reports in such a way that i may pass with out this error
    what is the mistake i am doing while i create the reports ?
    ur help is appreciated

    This error message has many root cause.
    First let's check if the installation of BPC client is correct.
    Just use a simple EVDRE functions and try to expand.
    Are you receiving any error? If yes then I suggest to try also for Apshell ppset.
    If it is not working then that's means you have a problem with installation.
    If you can use EVDRE from another machine then the problem is installaytion of the client.
    If the problem is into all computers then the problem is into server.
    If the problem is just into one report then you have to review that report because some parameters sent to EVDRE are wrong otit is trying to retrievea region which is toobig.
    I hope this will help you toinvestigate the issue.
    Sorin Radulescu

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