EventBrite Feeder sync - Anyone else using it?

Hi all,
I'm using the Eventbrite feeder for about 30 events running right now in NA.
I have two purposes:
1. Exclude registrants from future invites
2. Add them to a program that will sync with an SFDC campaign, so product managers have visibility to their event registrants
The feeder feeds to a shared list. It is set to run once a day. "On Shared List" is a question in the campaign canvas, and the shared list is a feeder for the program, daily.
Result? It's fantastic. We used EB last year and it was a pretty manual process to sync with SFDC. Though they have an SFDC app that we use, there was no way to automate it.
However - I'm starting to think the EB feeder is not running daily, as it's set to do. Does anyone else do anything similar? Seen any issues? I've put out a call to EB API support, but I thought I'd ask the experts here as well.

Hi TJ, thanks for the response!
We have about 30 feeders set up. Initially, a sales rep raised concern- 24 folks were registered for his event in EB, but 2 were in SalesForce. The feeder said it had run that day, and had no errors, but the contact group still only had the 2 people registered when I initially set it up and ran a full test.
I spot checked a few others. All said they were running, but had not updated their contact groups. I'm also a bit confused about the fields "Queries" and "Results" fields - all say zero. Should those be populating?
I did open a case with Elq support last night. They asked me to check again tomorrow ... but these have all been set up for over a week, and set to run daily soo ..

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    Elaborate URL list is specified in http://forums.adobe.com/thread/1288284, could you please check if that serves your purpose.
    However, for more information, please refer the Adobe Creative Cloud Service Access Documentation for IT section of http://www.adobe.com/devnet/creativesuite/enterprisedeployment.html.

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    ssukotto wrote:
    I believe they indicated there were issues, but those would be best discussed on their forum:
    I would if I could.
    Please re-read my post.
    Seriously, as many people are out there posting Video Podcasts,
    someone must be experiencing issues similar to mine.

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    Elaborate URL list is specified in http://forums.adobe.com/thread/1288284, could you please check if that serves your purpose.
    However, for more information, please refer the Adobe Creative Cloud Service Access Documentation for IT section of http://www.adobe.com/devnet/creativesuite/enterprisedeployment.html.

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    You can just use one of these and pop it in one or two of the (4) regular bays:
    http://www.maxupgrades.com/istore/index.cfm?fuseaction=product.display&product_i d=180
    or put one or two in your lower optical drive bay
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    Thanks, Lenny.

    Thanks for the reply!  I didn't find that page when I was poking around earlier. I did find a link in the novation page that said it would work with audio just fine, but not with midi.
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    I appreciate your help though!! 
    Thanks again, Lenny.

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    (This is my first post here. The forum looks great. The IMac is the first Apple computer I've owned (apart from IPhone, which is virtually a computer anyway!), and I'm lovin' it. ****, this is good gear.)

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    Did the issue happen only for single Mac computer or for multiple computers?
    Please try to login Lync client on another Mac computer with the same Lync account and test again.
    Please also try to login Lync client on the issued Mac computer with other Lync account and test again.
    Please check if the Lync client on Mac computer update to the latest version, if not, please update to the latest version.
    Best Regards,
    Eason Huang
    Eason Huang
    TechNet Community Support

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