Example for Alias table

Hi Team,
Could i know some real time scenarios that where we will use alias tables and how....?

Read here; https://santoshbidw.wordpress.com/category/obiee-10g/obiee-10g-rpd/alias-table/
You asked the same question already in another forum;
Alias table
Why ask the same question again?
Daan Bakboord

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    You want to create dynamic target table name right?
    You can refresh a variable like #GET_SESSION
    #GET_SESSION= SELECT <%=odiRef.getSession("SESS_NAME")%> FROM DUAL
    My tmp table name like TMP_#GET_SESSION
    then in your package refresh #GET_SESSION variable and you can use it.
    I hope this can be helpful

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    Not sure what you mean here.  Transactions in SAP, are programs or sets of programs that allow the user to intferface with the database, meaning that the user enters data and the records are created in the database.  This is a transaction.
    A transaction code is a object which allows the user to access the underlying program.  For examle you have a program and screen in a module pool program.  The user needs to run this program.  The transaction code is tied to the program and screen, then the user can simply call the transaction code from the box at the top of the gui.
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    Rich Heilman

  • Alias tabls does really improves the performence

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    since long time i have one question in my mind about alias table
    if we use alias table in physical layer,does it really improves the performance ??
    so for i have used it for to avoid self joins,
    can u give me at least one scenario regarding alias table?
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    is it true?
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    The Answers is No for the example you described about SH Schema.
    Aliasing tables, IMHO, doesn't contribute to performance gain/lag.
    Aliasing concept is used to implement some complicated scenarios, like the one you described i.e. self joins.
    Other examples would be a 1. circular join, 2. prevent clutter in physical layer, 3. set specific cache properties etc....are few i remember on top of my head.
    In a nutshell, think of it as a modelling technique to implement complexities.
    mark answers promptly.

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    yes you can declare in ur internal table like
    material_number like mara-matnr.

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    Hi Jordy,
    Call DB02. Then go to Space -> Segments -> Detailed Analysis -> Select the tablename on the list by double click -> At the bottom table click on History -> Click on Weeks tab -> Find the value under Chg.Size column
    Best regards,
    Orkun Gedik

  • About alias tables

    What is the use of alias table in physical layer what is the use of it
    if i am not using alias tables so what is the impact???
    i heard that alias table is use full for avoiding circular joins and self joins
    can you make me little bit clear on it

    I dont know whether it will improve performance but aliases are basically used when you want to do self join .One good example is to calculate second maximum salary .In that case you will make aliases of one table twice.In obiee alaises are basically used when you want to join same table with same fact twice .For example one fact can join to time dimesnion twice with diffrent join condition .
    In that case you need to create alias of original table .If you join the same table with fact twice then OBIEE will throw an error that circular joins are not allowed,This is an example of circular join.

  • Refresh using alias table not returning expected results

    I am getting some unexpected results in SmartView and can't figure out the cause. I have an Essbase cube that has two alias tables: the "default" and one that I call "Short Descr". I can consistently bring back data using "none" and "default", but not "Short Descr". When I use "Short Descr" data will come back for some of the members, but not for others.
    Here is an example of a query using "none" as the alias table:
         Net Income      
    PRJG939306      20,372.05      
    PRJLG921508      (26.42)     
    Project      (1,179,752.36)     
    If I change the alias table to "Short Descr", I get the following results:
         Net Income      
         ITA (RD10078)      
    PRJG939306 (PRJG939306)      20,372.05      
    PRJLG921508 (PRJLG921508)      (26.42)     
    Project      (1,179,752.36)     
    But then if I just clear the amounts, and do a refresh, I get the following:
         Net Income      
         ITA (RD10078)      
    PRJG939306 (PRJG939306)           
    PRJLG921508 (PRJLG921508)      (26.42)     
    Project      (1,179,752.36)     
    And if I pivot Net Income, I get a message that "Any comments/ functions/ formulas on the sheet will be lost.", and the PRJG939306 member is lost.
              ITA (RD10078)      
    Net Income      PRJLG921508 (PRJLG921508)      (26.42)     
    Net Income      Project      (1,179,752.36)     
    I can't figure out why it would start treating it as a comment. It looks to be a valid member name and I don't see anything strange if I look at the member properties in EAS. And what I really don't understand is why it would bring back the member name (with alias) and a data value when I change the alias table from "none" to "Short Descr", but not bring back a value when I just clear the amounts and do a Refresh. And why is it only doing it for some of the members and not all of them?
    What could cause this type of behavior?

    lets see if I can say this clearly. Smartview will noit convert from one alias to another. Before switching alias tables, try changing back to no alias and do a retrieve, then switch to the new alias table and retrieve. I think the problem is Smartview is not interpeting what is on the one line so it leave it blank as an unknown member.

  • Confuse about Alias table

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    Hi Anne,
    There will not be any physical join between the source dim and its alias.If you double click on an alias table in physical layer, you can see the source table from which this alias is created.The main purpose of an alias table is to avoid circular join.
    For Example: Assume you have a fact table with various date foreign keys like registration_date_fkey,resignation_date_fkey etc. In this case you ll have to join a date dimension's primary to these two foreign keys in the fact.You cannot use the same date dimension twice to achieve this, in this scenario create aliases for date dim ,name them as w_day_d_registration and w_day_d_resignation and join them to the respective foreign keys.

  • Alias Table Question

    Hi Experts,
    IF I have an example table named: TABLE1 and Dim_TABLE1(an alias table)
    If I run a workflow to update the data for TABLE1. Will the Dim_TABLE1 will also be updated?

    Alias table is anthor view of original table,source is same for both the tables...If something effected on the original table it will reflect the alias table.......
    mark if helpfu/correct..

  • Deleting Alias Table

    How do we get rid of an alias table once we created it in EPMA - dimension library (version 11.1.2.x).
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    We aren't going to use Spanish in the end so want to get rid of it from Planning. There is no alias associated with Spanish either.
    The error message says: The following error occurred: Member "Spanish" is referenced by another Member.
    It keeps telling me that the member is reference somewhere but we have no alias names in the alias table we want to remove. Is there some back end process we need to do?

    Try to execute in your planning scheme
    select mbr.object_name member_name,aln.object_name spanish_name,dim.object_name dim_name
    from hsp_object alt,hsp_object ald,hsp_object mbr,hsp_object aln,hsp_alias alr,hsp_object dim
    where upper(alt.object_name)='SPANISH'
    and alt.parent_id= ald.object_id
    and ald.object_name='Aliases'
    and alr.member_id =mbr.object_id
    and alr.aliastbl_id=alt.object_id
    and alr.alias_id=aln.object_id
    and mbr.object_type=dim.object_id

  • Using 2 alias tables (FR)

    Anyone know if you can use 2 alias tables in the same FR report
    Was planning to use a second alias table to show As At calendar for the title. For example if they pick Mar. The report title would say March 30th if they pick feb it would say February 28th.
    So I created a second alias table that would incorporate that concept. But I obviously want to keep all the same alias names for my other dimensions that are found in my primary alias table. And I can't really replace alias February (for Feb) with February 28th every time.
    Or is there another way to do this I'm not aware of

    You can only specify one alias table per essbase connection. You might be able to create another grid and create a different connection, specifying the other alias table to use - although it is a bit messy.
    Regards, Iain

  • SL mail (status=bounced (User unknown in virtual alias table))

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    If i only setup one virtual domain everything works great, but with more than one it starts sending this message in the smtp log.
    i dont know if this got something to do with the fact that my host name is mail.example.com and my domain name is example.com.
    Hope someone can help me

    I'm have the exactly this issue on a new SL server mac-mini. Someone help!

  • Creating view to get first row for each table !!

    I am having tables(more than 10) which are related using foreign key and primary key relationship.
    T1Prim T1Col1 T1Col2
    T2For T2Prim T2Col1 T2Col2 T2Col3
    (here T2For will have value same as T1Prim and in my design it has same column name i.e. T1Prim)
    T3For T3Prim T3Col1 T3Col2 T3Col3
    (here T3For will have value same as T2Prim)
    and so on.
    The data in the tables is like For table1 there will be one record, for table2 there will be one record and for table 3 there are more than one records.
    Can i view either the first record for each of them or all records from each of them by writing the following view.
    I have written a view like this:
    Create or replace view test (T1Prim,T1Col1, T1Col2,T2Prim,T2Col1 T2Col2, T2Col3, T3Prim,T3Col1, T3Col2, T3Col3)
    Table1.Prim = Table2.For
    and Table2.Prim = Table3.For
    When i ran the select statement on the view I am not getting any data. Whereas there is data when select is ran on individual table.
    Can someone please tell me where i am goofing.
    Thanks in the anticipation that i will get some hint to solve this.
    Eagerly waiting for reply.
    Thanks !!

    I mean use a collection :
    Collection Methods
    A collection method is a built-in function or procedure that operates on collections and is called using dot notation. The methods EXISTS, COUNT, LIMIT, FIRST, LAST, PRIOR, NEXT, EXTEND, TRIM, and DELETE help generalize code, make collections easier to use, and make your applications easier to maintain.
    EXISTS, COUNT, LIMIT, FIRST, LAST, PRIOR, and NEXT are functions, which appear as part of an expression. EXTEND, TRIM, and DELETE are procedures, which appear as a statement. EXISTS, PRIOR, NEXT, TRIM, EXTEND, and DELETE take integer parameters. EXISTS, PRIOR, NEXT, and DELETE can also take VARCHAR2 parameters for associative arrays with string keys. EXTEND and TRIM cannot be used with index-by tables.
    For more information, see "Using Collection Methods".
    Text description of the illustration collection_method_call.gif
    Keyword and Parameter Description
    This identifies an index-by table, nested table, or varray previously declared within the current scope.
    COUNT returns the number of elements that a collection currently contains, which is useful because the current size of a collection is not always known. You can use COUNT wherever an integer expression is allowed.
    For varrays, COUNT always equals LAST. For nested tables, normally, COUNT equals LAST. But, if you delete elements from the middle of a nested table, COUNT is smaller than LAST.
    This procedure has three forms. DELETE removes all elements from a collection. DELETE(n) removes the nth element from an index-by table or nested table. If n is null, DELETE(n) does nothing. DELETE(m,n) removes all elements in the range m..n from an index-by table or nested table. If m is larger than n or if m or n is null, DELETE(m,n) does nothing.
    EXISTS(n) returns TRUE if the nth element in a collection exists. Otherwise, EXISTS(n) returns FALSE. Mainly, you use EXISTS with DELETE to maintain sparse nested tables. You can also use EXISTS to avoid raising an exception when you reference a nonexistent element. When passed an out-of-range subscript, EXISTS returns FALSE instead of raising SUBSCRIPT_OUTSIDE_LIMIT.
    This procedure has three forms. EXTEND appends one null element to a collection. EXTEND(n) appends n null elements to a collection. EXTEND(n,i) appends n copies of the ith element to a collection. EXTEND operates on the internal size of a collection. So, if EXTEND encounters deleted elements, it includes them in its tally. You cannot use EXTEND with index-by tables.
    FIRST and LAST return the first and last (smallest and largest) subscript values in a collection. The subscript values are usually integers, but can also be strings for associative arrays. If the collection is empty, FIRST and LAST return NULL. If the collection contains only one element, FIRST and LAST return the same subscript value.
    For varrays, FIRST always returns 1 and LAST always equals COUNT. For nested tables, normally, LAST equals COUNT. But, if you delete elements from the middle of a nested table, LAST is larger than COUNT.
    This is an expression that must yield (or convert implicitly to) an integer in most cases, or a string for an associative array declared with string keys.
    For nested tables, which have no maximum size, LIMIT returns NULL. For varrays, LIMIT returns the maximum number of elements that a varray can contain (which you must specify in its type definition).
    PRIOR(n) returns the subscript that precedes index n in a collection. NEXT(n) returns the subscript that succeeds index n. If n has no predecessor, PRIOR(n) returns NULL. Likewise, if n has no successor, NEXT(n) returns NULL.
    This procedure has two forms. TRIM removes one element from the end of a collection. TRIM(n) removes n elements from the end of a collection. If n is greater than COUNT, TRIM(n) raises SUBSCRIPT_BEYOND_COUNT. You cannot use TRIM with index-by tables.
    TRIM operates on the internal size of a collection. So, if TRIM encounters deleted elements, it includes them in its tally.
    Usage Notes
    You cannot use collection methods in a SQL statement. If you try, you get a compilation error.
    Only EXISTS can be applied to atomically null collections. If you apply another method to such collections, PL/SQL raises COLLECTION_IS_NULL.
    You can use PRIOR or NEXT to traverse collections indexed by any series of subscripts. For example, you can use PRIOR or NEXT to traverse a nested table from which some elements have been deleted.
    EXTEND operates on the internal size of a collection, which includes deleted elements. You cannot use EXTEND to initialize an atomically null collection. Also, if you impose the NOT NULL constraint on a TABLE or VARRAY type, you cannot apply the first two forms of EXTEND to collections of that type.
    If an element to be deleted does not exist, DELETE simply skips it; no exception is raised. Varrays are dense, so you cannot delete their individual elements.
    PL/SQL keeps placeholders for deleted elements. So, you can replace a deleted element simply by assigning it a new value. However, PL/SQL does not keep placeholders for trimmed elements.
    The amount of memory allocated to a nested table can increase or decrease dynamically. As you delete elements, memory is freed page by page. If you delete the entire table, all the memory is freed.
    In general, do not depend on the interaction between TRIM and DELETE. It is better to treat nested tables like fixed-size arrays and use only DELETE, or to treat them like stacks and use only TRIM and EXTEND.
    Within a subprogram, a collection parameter assumes the properties of the argument bound to it. So, you can apply methods FIRST, LAST, COUNT, and so on to such parameters. For varray parameters, the value of LIMIT is always derived from the parameter type definition, regardless of the parameter mode.
    In the following example, you use NEXT to traverse a nested table from which some elements have been deleted:
    i := courses.FIRST; -- get subscript of first element
    -- do something with courses(i)
    i := courses.NEXT(i); -- get subscript of next element
    In the following example, PL/SQL executes the assignment statement only if element i exists:
    IF courses.EXISTS(i) THEN
    courses(i) := new_course;
    END IF;
    The next example shows that you can use FIRST and LAST to specify the lower and upper bounds of a loop range provided each element in that range exists:
    FOR i IN courses.FIRST..courses.LAST LOOP ...
    In the following example, you delete elements 2 through 5 from a nested table:
    courses.DELETE(2, 5);
    In the final example, you use LIMIT to determine if you can add 20 more elements to varray projects:
    IF (projects.COUNT + 20) < projects.LIMIT THEN
    -- add 20 more elements
    Related Topics
    Collections, Functions, Procedures
    Joel P�rez

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