Exception "A breakpoint has been reached"

Finally I managed to create a shared dll.
My C program works fine, but if I want to start it from Java, I get the following error message:
"The exception Breakpoint
A breakpoint ahs been reached
(0x80000003) occured in the application at location 0x02c9d330."
Because I have MS VisualC++ installed I can choose to debug the program. By doing so, I end up in a file called dbgheap.c
The comment header says:
* dbgheap.c - Debug CRT Heap Functions
* Copyright (c) 1988-1997, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Defines debug versions of heap functions.
The critical line is:
/* break into debugger at specific memory allocation */
if (lRequest == _crtBreakAlloc)
Most likely this corresponds to the following line in my actual c program:
po = (Parse_Options) xalloc(sizeof(struct Parse_Options_s));
Does somebody know what's going on here? That's a bit strange isn't it? Some Microsoft program starts the debugger if I try to allocate memory!?!?!
Any Help is highly appreciated!

What is xalloc? I've searched MSDN and found only ios::xalloc.

Similar Messages

  • A breakpoint has been reached (0x80000003) occurred in the application at location 0x07c79240

    Hi everyone,
    I got an error when I was clicking around in my program.
    The following error message came up:
    The exception breakpoint
    A breakpoint has been reached
    (0x80000003) occurred in the application at location 0x07c79240
    I don't know but is it possible that it has something to do with an other program that is running on the PC?
    It would be nice if someone got a solution or can help me a little bit further.
    Hope to hear from you soon.

    Hi Kenny,
    I couldn't find much information regarding this problem. An external search delivered results of different programs bumping into this very same Windows error message. A clean installation (in most cases) was delivering a solution. But first of all;
    - how often does this problem appear? Does it appear in Labview in general or in a specific exe / VI?
    - which operating system are you using?
    - which Labview version are you using?
    If it is in a specific VI / exe we can try to strip it down. Does the application use any drivers (DAQmx etc)?
    Best regards,
    Martijn S
    Applications Engineer
    NI Netherlands

  • Capacity limit has been reached

    Hi Team,
    When we run a payment proposal through F110 its internally triggering Function module FI_PAYM_XML_WRITE,
    Through the transfer statement in the function module its placing the data in the designated path of application server
    (The folder is located on windows machine not on Unix machine).
    Some times its successfully placing the file and some time we are getting the SHORT DUMP as “capacity limit has been reached”,
    We already checked with our Basis team, they are telling that folder has  4.8gb more free space, so there should not space issue.
    Please let us know how to correct this.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Phani Kumar

    Hi Glen Anthony,
    I Checked the point with the Basis team, there is no restriction on the file size and we have more than sufficient space to place the fiel.
    Hi Max Bianchi,
    Below is the run time analysis, Please let me know how to correct the error.
    Runtime Errors         DATASET_WRITE_ERROR
    Short text
        Error when writing to the file "/nfs/SAPP/PIN/out/BDDPTA2BNP1467".
    What happened?
        Resource bottleneck
        The current program "SAPLDMEE5" had to be terminated because
        a capacity limit has been reached.
    Error analysis
        An exception occurred that is explained in detail below.
        The exception, which is assigned to class 'CX_SY_FILE_IO', was not caught in
        procedure "FI_PAYM_XML_WRITE" "(FUNCTION)", nor was it propagated by a RAISING
        Since the caller of the procedure could not have anticipated that the
        exception would occur, the current program is terminated.
        The reason for the exception is:
        An error occurred when writing to the file "/nfs/SAPP/PIN/out/BDDPTA2BNP1467".
        Error text: "Missing file or filesystem"
        Error code: 52
    And error is occuring at transfer statement in the std function module
    Phani Kumar

  • The maximum report processing jobs limit configured has been reached -Error

    I have Created a common page that has a CrystalReportViewerControl (name of this page is ShowReport.aspx). The report name and database name that required for the report is being passed in a querystring. The database connection info is being pulled from the web.config file. All of the reports that I am dealing with have dynamic parameters and the Crystal Prompt page is automatically being created by the crystal viewer for these. Everything in my application is working fine except that when I try to access any report for the 76th. time I get the following error "The maximum report processing jobs limit configured by your system administrator has been reached."
    I have already researched this error and am aware that the PrintJobLimit can be modifed to increase this limit or can be set to -1 if we need to allow unlimited connections. However doing this is not an option due to the degradation of server performance.
    The other option that I have tried is to make sure I close and dispose of the report document object on the Page_unload or the page_SavedStateComplete() however on doing so even the session variable that I am using to store the originally created reportdocument is loosing all of the values it requires to display the report. The session variable is still available i.e. it is still of type report document but it has no values for any of the properties like FileName, database etc , basically for all of those properties it show an error "Invalid File Path" when viewed in debug mode.
    I have already tried several approaches but with no luck. Every single time I close the originally created ReportDocument object I loose all the required values in the Session
    I am using Crystal Report XI R2 , .Net 2.0 and ASP.net
    Following is the code: (Any help will be highly appreciated) Thanks:
    Option Strict On
    Imports CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine
    Imports CrystalDecisions.Shared
    Imports System.Data.SqlClient
    Imports System.IO
    Partial Class _ShowReport
    Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
    Private FechReport As ReportDocument
    Dim strSelectedDatabase As String
    Dim strReportsFolderPath As String =
    Dim strReportFileName As String
    Dim strReportFullPath As String
    Dim iInsertedLogId As Integer 'This variable is used to store the inserted log id for the executed report.
    Dim strConnString As String = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("ConnString").ToString()
    Dim strServerName As String = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("CR_ServerName").ToString()
    Dim strUserName As String = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("CR_UserName").ToString()
    Dim strPassword As String = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("CR_Password").ToString()
    Protected Sub Page_OnSaveStateComplete(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.SaveStateComplete
    If IsPostBack Then
    If iInsertedLogId > 0 Then
    If Not FechReport Is Nothing Then
    End If
    End If
    End If
    End Sub
    Sub Page_Unload(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Unload
    If Not FechReport Is Nothing Then
    End If
    End Sub
    Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
    Dim sRptFileName As String
    If Request.QueryString("database") "" Then
    strSelectedDatabase = Request.QueryString("database")
    Response.Write("A Valid Database has not been supplied to this page")
    End If
    If Request.QueryString("ReportFileName") "" Then
    strReportFileName = Request.QueryString("ReportFileName")
    strReportFullPath = strReportsFolderPath & strReportFileName
    Response.Write("A Valid Report has not been supplied to this page")
    End If
    sRptFileName = strReportFullPath
    If Not IsPostBack Then
    FechReport = New ReportDocument
    If Not FechReport Is Nothing Then
    End If
    If (Session("oReportDocument") Is Nothing) Then
    FechReport = New ReportDocument
    'FechReport = New ReportDocument
    'FechReport = CType(Session("oReportDocument"), ReportDocument)
    myCrystalReportViewer.ReportSource = Session("oReportDocument")
    'myCrystalReportViewer.ReportSource = FechReport
    End If
    End If
    End Sub
    Public Function ShowReport(ByVal strReportFileName As String) As Boolean
    Dim blNoErrors As Boolean = True
    Dim crDatabase As Database
    Dim crTables As Tables
    Dim crTable As Table
    Dim crTableLogOnInfo As TableLogOnInfo
    Dim crConnectionInfo As ConnectionInfo
    FechReport.FileName = strReportFileName
    myCrystalReportViewer.ReportSource = FechReport
    crConnectionInfo = New ConnectionInfo()
    With crConnectionInfo
    .ServerName = strServerName
    .DatabaseName = strSelectedDatabase
    .UserID = strUserName
    .Password = strPassword
    End With
    crDatabase = FechReport.Database
    crTables = crDatabase.Tables
    For Each crTable In crTables
    crTableLogOnInfo = crTable.LogOnInfo
    crTableLogOnInfo.ConnectionInfo = crConnectionInfo
    Catch ex As Exception
    Response.Write(ex.Message & ControlChars.NewLine & ex.InnerException.ToString & ControlChars.NewLine)
    Exit Function
    End Try
    Session("oReportDocument") = FechReport
    Return blNoErrors
    End Function
    End Class

    I have looked into Caching the report document as well. However, as you mentioned in the post it, it will only be usefull when the DB and the report parameters remain the same which is not the case in our application. We have multiple identical databases and hundreds of reports. Our users have the option of using a combination of any database and any reports, each report having numerous parameters.
    Since one user can only access one report at a time. i do have cleanup code that removes the session variable used to store the reportdocument object in the page that is initially used to call the ShowReport.aspx page.
    I understand now that the CR.net SDK is only good for light reporting only. Unfortunately when we started development based on all of the articles that I gathered, I didn't anticipate running to issues like this. But I guess that's the nature of the business :-).  And hence there are people like you who go out of the way to answer these difficult questions.

  • Msg 8631 Internal error: Server stack limit has been reached on SQL Server 2012 from T-SQL script that runs on SQL Server 2008 R2

    I have an Script mostly that is generated by SSMS which works with-out issue on SQL Server 2008, but when I attempt to run it on a new fresh install of SQL Server 2012 I get an Msg 8631. Internal error: Server stack limit has been reached. Please look for
    potentially deep nesting in your query, and try to simplify it.
    The script itself doesn't seem to be all that deep or nested.  The script is large 2600 lines and when I remove the bulk of the 2600 lines, it does run on SQL Server 2012.  I'm just really baffled why something that SQL Server generated with very
    few additions/changes AND that WORKS without issue in SQL Server 2008 R2 would suddenly be invalid in SQL Server 2012
    I need to know why my script which is working great on our current SQL Server 2008 R2 servers suddenly fails and won't run on an new SQL Server 2012 server.  This script is used to create 'bulk' Replications on a large number of DBs saving a tremendous
    amount of our time doing it the manual way.
    Below is an 'condensed' version of the script which fails.  I have removed around 2550 lines of specific sp_addarticle statements which are mostly just copy and pasted from what SQL Management Studio 'scripted' for me went I when through the Replication
    Wizard and told it to save to script.
    declare @dbname varchar(MAX), @SQL nvarchar(MAX)
    declare c_dblist cursor for
    select name from sys.databases WHERE name like 'dbone[_]%' order by name;
    open c_dblist
    fetch next from c_dblist into @dbname
    while @@fetch_status = 0
    print @dbname
    SET @SQL = 'DECLARE @dbname NVARCHAR(MAX); SET @dbname = ''' + @dbname + ''';
    use ['+@dbname+']
    exec sp_replicationdboption @dbname = N'''+@dbname+''', @optname = N''publish'', @value = N''true''
    use ['+@dbname+']
    exec ['+@dbname+'].sys.sp_addlogreader_agent @job_login = N''DOMAIN\DBServiceAccount'', @job_password = N''secret'', @publisher_security_mode = 1, @job_name = null
    -- Adding the transactional publication
    use ['+@dbname+']
    exec sp_addpublication @publication = N'''+@dbname+' Replication'', @description = N''Transactional publication of database
    '''''+@dbname+''''' from Publisher ''''MSSQLSRV\INSTANCE''''.'', @sync_method = N''concurrent'', @retention = 0, @allow_push = N''true'', @allow_pull = N''true'', @allow_anonymous = N''false'', @enabled_for_internet
    = N''false'', @snapshot_in_defaultfolder = N''true'', @compress_snapshot = N''false'', @ftp_port = 21, @allow_subscription_copy = N''false'', @add_to_active_directory = N''false'', @repl_freq = N''continuous'', @status = N''active'', @independent_agent = N''true'',
    @immediate_sync = N''true'', @allow_sync_tran = N''false'', @allow_queued_tran = N''false'', @allow_dts = N''false'', @replicate_ddl = 1, @allow_initialize_from_backup = N''true'', @enabled_for_p2p = N''false'', @enabled_for_het_sub = N''false''
    exec sp_addpublication_snapshot @publication = N'''+@dbname+' Replication'', @frequency_type = 1, @frequency_interval = 1, @frequency_relative_interval = 1, @frequency_recurrence_factor = 0, @frequency_subday = 8,
    @frequency_subday_interval = 1, @active_start_time_of_day = 0, @active_end_time_of_day = 235959, @active_start_date = 0, @active_end_date = 0, @job_login = N''DOMAIN\DBServiceAccount'', @job_password = N''secret'', @publisher_security_mode = 1
    -- There are around 2400 lines roughly the same as this only difference is the tablename repeated below this one
    use ['+@dbname+']
    exec sp_addarticle @publication = N'''+@dbname+' Replication'', @article = N''TABLE_ONE'', @source_owner = N''dbo'', @source_object = N''TABLE_ONE'', @type = N''logbased'', @description = null, @creation_script =
    null, @pre_creation_cmd = N''drop'', @schema_option = 0x000000000803509F, @identityrangemanagementoption = N''manual'', @destination_table = N''TABLE_ONE'', @destination_owner = N''dbo'', @vertical_partition = N''false'', @ins_cmd = N''CALL sp_MSins_dboTABLE_ONE'',
    @del_cmd = N''CALL sp_MSdel_dboTABLE_ONE'', @upd_cmd = N''SCALL sp_MSupd_dboTABLE_ONE''
    EXEC sp_executesql @SQL
    SET @dbname = REPLACE(@dbname, 'dbone_', 'dbtwo_');
    print @dbname
    SET @SQL = 'DECLARE @dbname NVARCHAR(MAX); SET @dbname = ''' + @dbname + ''';
    use ['+@dbname+']
    exec sp_replicationdboption @dbname = N'''+@dbname+''', @optname = N''publish'', @value = N''true''
    use ['+@dbname+']
    exec ['+@dbname+'].sys.sp_addlogreader_agent @job_login = N''DOMAIN\DBServiceAccount'', @job_password = N''secret'', @publisher_security_mode = 1, @job_name = null
    -- Adding the transactional publication
    use ['+@dbname+']
    exec sp_addpublication @publication = N'''+@dbname+' Replication'', @description = N''Transactional publication of database
    '''''+@dbname+''''' from Publisher ''''MSSQLSRV\INSTANCE''''.'', @sync_method = N''concurrent'', @retention = 0, @allow_push = N''true'', @allow_pull = N''true'', @allow_anonymous = N''false'', @enabled_for_internet
    = N''false'', @snapshot_in_defaultfolder = N''true'', @compress_snapshot = N''false'', @ftp_port = 21, @allow_subscription_copy = N''false'', @add_to_active_directory = N''false'', @repl_freq = N''continuous'', @status = N''active'', @independent_agent = N''true'',
    @immediate_sync = N''true'', @allow_sync_tran = N''false'', @allow_queued_tran = N''false'', @allow_dts = N''false'', @replicate_ddl = 1, @allow_initialize_from_backup = N''true'', @enabled_for_p2p = N''false'', @enabled_for_het_sub = N''false''
    exec sp_addpublication_snapshot @publication = N'''+@dbname+' Replication'', @frequency_type = 1, @frequency_interval = 1, @frequency_relative_interval = 1, @frequency_recurrence_factor = 0, @frequency_subday = 8,
    @frequency_subday_interval = 1, @active_start_time_of_day = 0, @active_end_time_of_day = 235959, @active_start_date = 0, @active_end_date = 0, @job_login = N''DOMAIN\DBServiceAccount'', @job_password = N''secret'', @publisher_security_mode = 1
    -- There are around 140 lines roughly the same as this only difference is the tablename repeated below this one
    use ['+@dbname+']
    exec sp_addarticle @publication = N'''+@dbname+' Replication'', @article = N''DB_TWO_TABLE_ONE'', @source_owner = N''dbo'', @source_object = N''DB_TWO_TABLE_ONE'', @type = N''logbased'', @description = null, @creation_script
    = null, @pre_creation_cmd = N''drop'', @schema_option = 0x000000000803509D, @identityrangemanagementoption = N''manual'', @destination_table = N''DB_TWO_TABLE_ONE'', @destination_owner = N''dbo'', @vertical_partition = N''false''
    EXEC sp_executesql @SQL
    fetch next from c_dblist into @dbname
    close c_dblist
    deallocate c_dblist
    George P Botuwell, Programmer

    Hi George,
    Thank you for your question. 
    I am trying to involve someone more familiar with this topic for a further look at this issue. Sometime delay might be expected from the job transferring. Your patience is greatly appreciated. 
    Thank you for your understanding and support.
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click
    Allen Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • I'm using acrobat pro in my project after debuging the project and after opening a certain number of PDF files I receive the message: the maximum number of files opened has been reached, you have to close some files to continu.even doing that, I steel rec

    I'm using acrobat pro in my project after debuging the project and after opening a certain number of PDF files I receive the message: the maximum number of files opened has been reached, you have to close some files to continu.even doing that, I steel receive the same message.Some one can tel what to do please? Thanks

    Hi Memalyn
    Essentially, the bare issue is that you have a 500GB hard drive with only 10GB free. That is not sufficient to run the system properly. The two options you have are to move/remove files to another location, or to install a larger hard drive (eg 2TB). Drive space has nothing to do with SMC firmware, and usually large media files are to blame.
    My first recommendation is this: download and run the free OmniDiskSweeper. This will identify the exact size of all your folders - you can drill down into the subfolders and figure out where your largest culprits are. For example, you might find that your Pictures folder contains both an iPhoto Library and copies that you've brought in from a camera but are outside the iPhoto Library structure. Or perhaps you have a lot of purchased video content in iTunes.
    If you find files that you KNOW you do not need, you can delete them. Don't delete them just because you have a backup, since if the backup fails, you will lose all your copies.
    Don't worry about "cleaners" for now - they don't save much space and can actually cause problems. Deal with the large file situation first and see how you get on.
    Let us know what you find out, and if you manage to get your space back.

  • Encore DVD Error Message - "End of Stream has been reached"

    I have created a project In Encore 2. it has motion menus, subtitles and sound. When we go to preview the project it gives us this error
    "End of Stream has been reached"
    We have checked our assets and the audio and video are DVD standard.
    We did a check project and it found no errors with the project.
    We are running Windows XP SP2 on a network, 2GB memory, 200GB hard drive Dell OptiPlex Desktop
    Dose anyone know what we should do???

    The End of Stream Message can be solved by removing one or moor unwanted elements from the time line. in my case that was a jpg image that encore didnt liked.
    It is very difficult to find out witch element you need to remove, but that is the only solution.

  • End of Input has been reached

    I have a massive query in my answer producing error message:
    Error Details
    Error Codes: YQCO4T56:OPR4ONWY:U9IM8TAC:OI2DL65P
    Odbc driver returned an error (SQLExecDirectW).
    State: HY000. Code: 295120032. [NQODBC] [SQL_STATE: HY000] [nQSError: 10058] A general error has occurred. [nQSError: 27001] End of input has been reached. Illegal syntax. (HY000)
    This is because I have so many syntax in each columns. Is there anyone experienced this before, is there any setting needed to be set to prevent this error?

    Thanks for the replies, Nico, and Joe;
    Joe is correct, I'm using FILTER(<MEASURE> USING <CONDITION>) extensively:
         IFNULL(FILTER(Measures.Revenue USING Period."Month"='Dec' AND Period."Year"= CAST(CAST(VALUEOF("CURR_YEAR") AS INTEGER)-1 AS CHAR(4))),0)*
         IFNULL(FILTER(Measures.FX_2 USING Period."Month"='Jan' AND Period."Year"=VALUEOF("CURR_YEAR")),0)-
         IFNULL(FILTER(Measures.Revenue USING Period."Month"='Dec' AND Period."Year"= CAST(CAST(VALUEOF("CURR_YEAR") AS INTEGER)-1 AS CHAR(4))),0)*
         IFNULL(FILTER(Measures.FX_2 USING Period."Month"='Dec'AND Period."Year"= CAST(CAST(VALUEOF("CURR_YEAR") AS INTEGER)-1 AS CHAR(4))),0)
    (IFNULL(FILTER(Measures.FX_2 USING Period."Month"='Jan' AND Period."Year"=VALUEOF("CURR_YEAR")),0)*-1)
    ,0) +
    CASE WHEN 2 > CAST(EVALUATE('to_char(%1,''MM'')' as CHAR(2),EVALUATE('to_date(%1,''Month'')' as DATE,LEFT('@{pv_period}{Jun-2009}',3))) AS INT)
         IFNULL((CASE WHEN 2 > CAST(EVALUATE('to_char(%1,''MM'')' as CHAR(2),EVALUATE('to_date(%1,''Month'')' as DATE,VALUEOF("CURR_MONTH"))) AS INT)
        IFNULL(FILTER(Measures.Revenue USING Period."Month"=VALUEOF("CURR_MONTH") AND Period."Year"=VALUEOF("CURR_YEAR")),0)
        IFNULL(FILTER(Measures.Revenue USING Period."Month"='Feb' AND Period."Year"=VALUEOF("CURR_YEAR")),0)
      END *
      CASE WHEN 2 > CAST(EVALUATE('to_char(%1,''MM'')' as CHAR(2),EVALUATE('to_date(%1,''Month'')' as DATE,VALUEOF("CURR_MONTH"))) AS INT)
        CASE WHEN IFNULL(FILTER(Measures.FX_1 USING Period."Month"='Feb' AND Period."Year"=VALUEOF("CURR_YEAR")),0) = 0 THEN
          IFNULL(FILTER(Measures.FX_2 USING Period."Month"=VALUEOF("CURR_MONTH") AND Period."Year"=VALUEOF("CURR_YEAR")),0)
          IFNULL(FILTER(Measures.FX_1 USING Period."Month"='Feb' AND Period."Year"=VALUEOF("CURR_YEAR")),0)
        IFNULL(FILTER(Measures.FX_2 USING Period."Month"='Feb' AND Period."Year"=VALUEOF("CURR_YEAR")),0)
      END -
      CASE WHEN 2 > CAST(EVALUATE('to_char(%1,''MM'')' as CHAR(2),EVALUATE('to_date(%1,''Month'')' as DATE,VALUEOF("CURR_MONTH"))) AS INT)
        IFNULL(FILTER(Measures.Revenue USING Period."Month"=VALUEOF("CURR_MONTH") AND Period."Year"=VALUEOF("CURR_YEAR")),0)
        IFNULL(FILTER(Measures.Revenue USING Period."Month"='Feb' AND Period."Year"=VALUEOF("CURR_YEAR")),0)
      END*IFNULL(FILTER(Measures.FX_2 USING Period."Month"='Jan' AND Period."Year"=VALUEOF("CURR_YEAR")),0)
      (CASE WHEN 2 > CAST(EVALUATE('to_char(%1,''MM'')' as CHAR(2),EVALUATE('to_date(%1,''Month'')' as DATE,VALUEOF("CURR_MONTH"))) AS INT)
        CASE WHEN IFNULL(FILTER(Measures.FX_1 USING Period."Month"='Feb' AND Period."Year"=VALUEOF("CURR_YEAR")),0) = 0 THEN
          IFNULL(FILTER(Measures.FX_2 USING Period."Month"=VALUEOF("CURR_MONTH") AND Period."Year"=VALUEOF("CURR_YEAR")),0)
          IFNULL(FILTER(Measures.FX_1 USING Period."Month"='Feb' AND Period."Year"=VALUEOF("CURR_YEAR")),0)
        IFNULL(FILTER(Measures.FX_2 USING Period."Month"='Feb' AND Period."Year"=VALUEOF("CURR_YEAR")),0)
    END +
    CASE WHEN 3 > CAST(EVALUATE('to_char(%1,''MM'')' as CHAR(2),EVALUATE('to_date(%1,''Month'')' as DATE,LEFT('@{pv_period}{Jun-2009}',3))) AS INT)
         IFNULL((CASE WHEN 3 > CAST(EVALUATE('to_char(%1,''MM'')' as CHAR(2),EVALUATE('to_date(%1,''Month'')' as DATE,VALUEOF("CURR_MONTH"))) AS INT)
        IFNULL(FILTER(Measures.Revenue USING Period."Month"=VALUEOF("CURR_MONTH") AND Period."Year"=VALUEOF("CURR_YEAR")),0)
        IFNULL(FILTER(Measures.Revenue USING Period."Month"='Mar' AND Period."Year"=VALUEOF("CURR_YEAR")),0)
      END *
      CASE WHEN 3 > CAST(EVALUATE('to_char(%1,''MM'')' as CHAR(2),EVALUATE('to_date(%1,''Month'')' as DATE,VALUEOF("CURR_MONTH"))) AS INT)
        CASE WHEN IFNULL(FILTER(Measures.FX_1 USING Period."Month"='Mar' AND Period."Year"=VALUEOF("CURR_YEAR")),0) = 0 THEN
          IFNULL(FILTER(Measures.FX_2 USING Period."Month"=VALUEOF("CURR_MONTH") AND Period."Year"=VALUEOF("CURR_YEAR")),0)
          IFNULL(FILTER(Measures.FX_1 USING Period."Month"='Mar' AND Period."Year"=VALUEOF("CURR_YEAR")),0)
        IFNULL(FILTER(Measures.FX_2 USING Period."Month"='Mar' AND Period."Year"=VALUEOF("CURR_YEAR")),0)
      END -
      CASE WHEN 3 > CAST(EVALUATE('to_char(%1,''MM'')' as CHAR(2),EVALUATE('to_date(%1,''Month'')' as DATE,VALUEOF("CURR_MONTH"))) AS INT)
        IFNULL(FILTER(Measures.Revenue USING Period."Month"=VALUEOF("CURR_MONTH") AND Period."Year"=VALUEOF("CURR_YEAR")),0)
        IFNULL(FILTER(Measures.Revenue USING Period."Month"='Mar' AND Period."Year"=VALUEOF("CURR_YEAR")),0)
      END*CASE WHEN 2 > CAST(EVALUATE('to_char(%1,''MM'')' as CHAR(2),EVALUATE('to_date(%1,''Month'')' as DATE,VALUEOF("CURR_MONTH"))) AS INT)
        CASE WHEN IFNULL(FILTER(Measures.FX_1 USING Period."Month"='Feb' AND Period."Year"=VALUEOF("CURR_YEAR")),0) = 0 THEN
          IFNULL(FILTER(Measures.FX_2 USING Period."Month"=VALUEOF("CURR_MONTH") AND Period."Year"=VALUEOF("CURR_YEAR")),0)
          IFNULL(FILTER(Measures.FX_1 USING Period."Month"='Feb' AND Period."Year"=VALUEOF("CURR_YEAR")),0)
        IFNULL(FILTER(Measures.FX_2 USING Period."Month"='Feb' AND Period."Year"=VALUEOF("CURR_YEAR")),0)
      (CASE WHEN 3 > CAST(EVALUATE('to_char(%1,''MM'')' as CHAR(2),EVALUATE('to_date(%1,''Month'')' as DATE,VALUEOF("CURR_MONTH"))) AS INT)
        CASE WHEN IFNULL(FILTER(Measures.FX_1 USING Period."Month"='Mar' AND Period."Year"=VALUEOF("CURR_YEAR")),0) = 0 THEN
          IFNULL(FILTER(Measures.FX_2 USING Period."Month"=VALUEOF("CURR_MONTH") AND Period."Year"=VALUEOF("CURR_YEAR")),0)
          IFNULL(FILTER(Measures.FX_1 USING Period."Month"='Mar' AND Period."Year"=VALUEOF("CURR_YEAR")),0)
        IFNULL(FILTER(Measures.FX_2 USING Period."Month"='Mar' AND Period."Year"=VALUEOF("CURR_YEAR")),0)
    END(And so goes until CASE WHEN 12 > CAST(EVALUATE('to_char(%1,''MM'')' as CHAR(2),EVALUATE('to_date(%1,''Month'')' as DATE,LEFT('@{pv_period}{Jun-2009}',3))) AS INT), I can't post whole formula due to maximum character per post)
    let's say that above calculation is = <CALCULATION>
    In Answer:
    Column 1: <CALCULATION>
    Column 2: ABS(<CALCULATION>)
    Column 3: SUM(ABS(<CALCULATION>))
    This is to achieve Jan through Dec calculations through hardcode for each months.
    At first I thought it was because of the limit of characters OBIEE can handle for each request, because when I was pressing OK upon editing column formula in Column 3 (after I've entered Column 1, and Column2), it pops an error (end of input has been reached)
    though when I delete formula in Column 1, I can sucessfully entered formula in Column 2, and Column 3; Seems it can only handle 2 <CALCULATION>, so I was thought this is like a bug: limit for SQL Issued before in version
    If there is not any setting to control this, and the only solution is to change the approach on query, I'm thinking of using AGO formula to minimize the query.
    If I'm not mistaken, Nico, and Joe, the culprit will be the extensive use of FILTER and CASE WHEN so the SQL generated will be too many to handle?

  • Can not do Surrogate bidding after Bid invitaion End date has been reached

    We are on SRM 5 server 5.5
    We are using surrogate bidding to capture  bid responses and we manually receive vendors responses by the End date on the Bid invitation . We are unable to do surrogate bidding after the End date has been reached hence we then change the End date to a later date so that we can do surrogate bidding.
    Is there a way that this can be done without changing the bid inviation end date ?

    SAP standard you can not do Surrogare Bidding after the submission date
    We are going to use Follow On documents

  • 'Unable to connect' the number of free accounts can be enabled on this case has been reached

    hello ! please someone help me
    when i sign in icould ...'Unable to connect' the number of free accounts can be enabled on this case has been reached' heelp please

    hello ! please someone help me
    when i sign in icould ...'Unable to connect' the number of free accounts can be enabled on this case has been reached' heelp please
    iPhone 5s, iOS 7.1.1 

  • End of Stream has been reached error CS4

    After transcoding the main video file during the build, Encore then prepares "Planning audio for movie" at which case the error "end of stream has been reached" pop up window appears and the burn subsequently fails. There are no errors within the project and I have burned the project successfully onto a DVD with no error in the past. The only changes this time around is a re encoding of the video file (Uncompressed AVI 1920 x 1280 max depth bit), a change in the video thumbnails for the chapter selection pages, and a tweeking of the chapter points. Because the video file is so large, I delete the previous AVI file and export again using the same name to create the approriate links. I have read that the sound compression is the main cause for this error, however, I have not done anything sound related between versions of the DVD. How can I fix this error from occurring?  Thanks in advance.

    Especially with muxed (Audio & Video), there is a slightly different Block Size for each stream, so what appears to match 100% in PrPro can be every so slightly longer (Audio), when Transcoded. That is why I always leave a touch of "silence" in my Audio.
    For my edits, I almost always start with a Dip-to-Black, from an 02 sec. bit of Black Video, and then end with another 02 sec. of Black Video. My Audio always ends, just before the end of that Black Video. This also makes things seem to flow better, between Timelines, as the user sees things Dip-to-Black, and unless they have a stopwatch going, do not know if a moment has elapsed, when the laser moves, and the next Timeline comes up from black. There is never a jolting "black flash."
    Good luck,

  • How to suppress a property being output to a label once a date has been reached

    I would like to suppress a property being output to a label once a date has been reached. I have tried the WWI conditional output functionality but am experiencing issues.
    The issue is the symbols I am wanting to use have different expansion times.
    For example:
    The property contains a CHAR30 phrase-related characteristic and a DATE FORMAT characteristic.
    I only want to output the phrase if the current date the label is printed is the same or later than the date assigned in the property.
    When I try to create the conditional output:
    <15BIF100(AND:01GZE1_ZE145 GE S:02EHS_RPPRIN)><01GZE1_ZE10G(P;*)[D:Grant
    No.]> <15EIF100>
    On checking the template, I get the message 'Repeating group IF 100: Different expansion times for condition symbols'
    SAP Help does tell me that:
    · If you enter a number of symbols in the condition, these must all have the same expansion time. If you require a conditional output that is dependent on symbols with different expansion times, you have to nest a number of conditional outputs.
    Does anyone know how I can achieve this?
    Best regards
    Karen Waterworth

    Hi Michael
    I will try that as the date is unlikely to be changed (unless incorrect), and it is exactly what we are wanting to achieve, only output the Grant number when printing the label if the expiry date has not been reached.
    Example of data held in SAP:
    Header 1
    Header 2
    Grant No.
    US 5,590,111
    Expiry Date
    Grant number only output until expiry date reached (ie earlier or same date, not later as I put in my question!)
    Thank you

  • Event ID: 4, Source: Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-EventTracing, maximum file size for session "ReadyBoot" has been reached.

    I upgraded my machine to Win7 x64 Pro about 3 weeks ago. My HW is an Asus mobo, Intel Q9450 w/8GB RAM. The boot drives are two Raptors configured as RAID01. All the drivers are the latest available from Intel, Asus and 3rd party vendors. My WEI is 5.9, limited by the disk transfer rates, otherwise 7.1 and 7.2 on the other indexes.
    I've been receiving these errors at boot;
    Log Name:      Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-EventTracing/Admin
    Source:        Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-EventTracing
    Date:          11/10/2009 7:51:03 AM
    Event ID:      4
    Task Category: Logging
    Level:         Warning
    Keywords:      Session
    User:          SYSTEM
    Computer:      herbt-PC
    The maximum file size for session "ReadyBoot" has been reached. As a result, events might be lost (not logged) to file "C:\Windows\Prefetch\ReadyBoot\ReadyBoot.etl". The maximum files size is currently set to 20971520 bytes.
    Event Xml:
    <Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event">
        <Provider Name="Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-EventTracing" Guid="{B675EC37-BDB6-4648-BC92-F3FDC74D3CA2}" />
        <TimeCreated SystemTime="2009-11-10T12:51:03.393985600Z" />
        <Correlation />
        <Execution ProcessID="4" ThreadID="164" />
        <Security UserID="S-1-5-18" />
        <Data Name="SessionName">ReadyBoot</Data>
        <Data Name="FileName">C:\Windows\Prefetch\ReadyBoot\ReadyBoot.etl</Data>
        <Data Name="ErrorCode">3221225864</Data>
        <Data Name="LoggingMode">0</Data>
        <Data Name="MaxFileSize">20971520</Data>
    The image for PID 4 is listed as System.
    My searches have turned up similar events listed but no solutions.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Session "Circular Kernel Context Logger" failed to start with the following error: 0xC0000035
    As suggested above I assume this is a microsoft issue?  It has been discussed here and other forums for quite some time.  I never have seen a fix?  I wish when we received errors of this nature microsoft would tell us what they were.  How is this related to superfetch?  What is superfetch?  Why would superfetch have changed?
    BY THE WAY....  Superfetch is on(started) is on automatic and logs on as local system.  So this is not the cause of my issue.  Also what is readyboot?  Does the average computer really know what these programs/services or unique microsoft words/terms are?
    [ Name]
    [ Guid]
    [ SystemTime]
    [ ProcessID]
    [ ThreadID]
    [ UserID]
    Circular Kernel Context Logger
    Windows7, Windows, Win7

  • Maximum Number of Items has been reached in FI

    Hi All
    We are working on MySAP ERP 2005.
    We received the following error massage:
    [Maximum number of items has been reached] we then updated table TTPYV using MATNR,MEINS,MENGE,PAOBJNR,POSN2,VBEL2,WERKS,ZEKKN 
    We had these same settings in R/3 4.7 and it worked very well.
    1. What are MySAP ERP 2005 requirements in order to get SD billing items summarized in FI? our client wants one invoice with more than 10000 items
    2. What are other IMG settings required in both FI/SD modules to get this working?
    3. Are there any User Exits required?
    4. Are there any CO settings required?
    5. Are there any G/L account settings required?
    Please assist

    I don't think you can. We had the same problem and had a good look at sap notes and posts from SDN etc. and came to the conclusion that you can only invoice up to 9999 items. Not entirely sure about that number, might be 999 items. In any case we decided to break down the billing list by creating more than one billing documents.
    You can do the same and then create an Invoice list, which is a document that will contain the values of all individual billing documents without posting any values to FI/CO

  • "maximum size of requests for one LUW has been reached"

    In Rfc to jdbc scenario,
    how can remove this error
    "maximum size of requests for one LUW has been reached"

    can u pls tell ,
    while mapping the rfc wth jdbc request message,
    where shud this "access" node be mapped
    i mapped it wth the root element of rfc message type that contains the fields structure as the child elemnts in this case shud be fileds--is it right?
    also the err now has changed to "Commit fault: com.sap.aii.af.rfc.afcommunication.rfcAFWException: senderA"

Maybe you are looking for

  • CRM Analytics?

    Hi All,        I'm new for this topic,i have exper..in SAP BW area. Now i need to know how CRM Analytics deal in SAP? Could any body explain the process or any document? Right now we are  intial phase in project ,so could any send some scenarios rela

  • Proxying and Multiple PO's

    Using SOAP is it possible for a user A located on PO A to proxy to user B which is on PO B? From my testing I an unable to get it to work. If I login user A into PO A and then try to proxy to user B on PO A I get a "user not a post office" error. Or

  • My finger print scanner is not working

    Hi, my 5s started to act crazy. It wont recognize my print anymore despite of moisturizing my finger tips, thinking that the problem is in my skin but it did not work. So I decided to delete my print in the system thinking that it would resolve the i

  • "Crisp" Video question

    Hi - I notice that my videos that I prepare for online viewing don't look as crisp as say the videos you see on cnn.com (advertisements) or other sites.  How sdo they achieve such crisp quality with no fuzziness? Thanks, Rob

  • GPIB-1284CT not responding inside LabView 5

    I have installed a GPIB-1284CT GPIB controller in my system. I have followed instructions and substituted the GPIB-32/16.dll in my /windows/system folder. If I issue a ibfind gpib0 command through the 3.1 software shipped with the device I get a corr