Exchange 2013, deleted user, then re add user and getting NDR 550 5.1.1.

Hello, We unfortunately deleted several users through Exchange 2013 ECP. We readded the user ID's but are now getting
IMCEAEX-_o=xxxxxxxxx+20xxxxxxx_ou=Exchange+20Administrative+20Group+20+28FYDIBOHF23SPDLT+29_cn=Recipients_cn=[email protected]
Remote Server returned '550 5.1.1 RESOLVER.ADR.ExRecipNotFound; not found'
I believe this has to do with LegacyExchangeDN X.500 address.  But I cannot seem to get this to work correctly.   Only internal email addresses cannot email this user, external mail to this account works fine. 
Any help would be appreciated.

IMCEAEX-_o=xxxxxxxxx+20xxxxxxx_ou=Exchange+20Administrative+20Group+20+28FYDIBOHF23SPDLT+29_cn=Recipients_cn=[email protected]
That translates to:
/o=xxxxxx xxxxxxx/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=1f6713d4dc804e138e7e6210432390e5-Derek Yee
...and when you add it in ECP, the type should be X500 as Andy wrote and not X.500. Don't know why ECP says that the address can be X.500, cause that is wrong.
Martina Miskovic

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    There is no automatic provisioning of mailboxes when you create an AD user.
    To have that automatically done, you can develop a Powershell script that will run periodically (Example: Every hour), will identify the newly created AD accounts and will provision a mailbox for them.
    More details if you ask them in Exchange forums:
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    Please make sure that Exchange Autodiscover is set up correctly for all organizations that use an organization relationship. If Autodiscover isn't working correctly, there's no supported way for you to use organization relationships.
    Make sure that Autodiscover URLS can be resolved internally and externally for the organization with which you want to share free/busy information. 
    Make sure that the organization with which you are sharing free/busy information has its external EWS endpoint set up.
    Refer to this link for more information.
    In addition, if the users are in different organizations, please configure Organization relationships for them to share Free/Busy information.
    By the way, if the database are on different forest, please try to
    configure the Availability service for cross-forest topologies.
    Best Regards.

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    The client connections are proxied to the mailbox servers that hold the mailbox.
    You would need to have 2010 MBX servers with the mailboxes for the XP users, and 2013 MBX servers holding the mailboxes for the 7 users. And of course, the appropriate CAS servers.
    Realistically, you need to migrate away from Windows XP. It is no longer supported.

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    I was in a hurry, I forgot to add, the user role specific selection screen assignment to VL10G is done at "delivery scenario" level
    The delivery scenarios that are predefined in the system can be found under Logistics Execution -> Outbound Process -> Goods Issue for Outbound Delivery -> Outbound Delivery -> Create -> Collective Processing of Documents for Shipment.
    You can make the following settings in a delivery scenario:
    <b>Selection screen</b>
    You can use the selection screen parameters to define the appearance of the selection screen used to select the delivery list.
    There are three combinations of selection parameters available that each include a different number of tabs.
    A long selection screen with no tabs
    A selection screen with three tabs
    A selection screen with six tabs
    The selection criteria is the same on all three screens in the standard system, it is simply arranged differently.
    This parameter also triggers scheduling of the report for processing the delivery list, with the same three available tab options.
    Customer enhancements are also possible in the LV50R_PREFZ1 program, which should be triggered from a delivery scenario.
    <b>User role</b>
    In the standard system, a predefined user role is assigned to each delivery scenario. If necessary, you can copy these user roles into your own user roles, make changes as required, and then assign them to a delivery scenario of your choice.
    If the user role assignment for a delivery scenario is changed in Customizing, the new settings are valid for all users that carry out this delivery scenario.

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    Hi Bright,
    Agree with Ed, you should check if there is anything between the internet and your exchange server.
    If there is any update , please post here.
    Best regards,
    Niko Cheng
    TechNet Community Support

  • Exchange 2013 event ID 36888 SChannel error 12 and 1203

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    A fatal alert was generated and sent to the remote endpoint. This may result in termination of the connection. The TLS protocol defined fatal error code is 10. The Windows SChannel error state is 12.
    A fatal alert was generated and sent to the remote endpoint. This may result in termination of the connection. The TLS protocol defined fatal error code is 10. The Windows SChannel error state is 1203.
    - System
    - Provider
    [ Name] Schannel
    [ Guid] {1F678132-5938-4686-9FDC-C8FF68F15C85}
    EventID 36888
    Version 0
    Level 2
    Task 0
    Opcode 0
    Keywords 0x8000000000000000
    - TimeCreated
    [ SystemTime] 2014-11-25T23:30:34.120233400Z
    EventRecordID 121125
    - Execution
    [ ProcessID] 1064
    [ ThreadID] 20184
    Channel System
    Computer server
    - Security
    [ UserID] S-1-5-18
    - EventData
    AlertDesc 10
    ErrorState 12
    - Provider
    [ Name] Schannel
    [ Guid] {1F678132-5938-4686-9FDC-C8FF68F15C85}
    EventID 36888
    Version 0
    Level 2
    Task 0
    Opcode 0
    Keywords 0x8000000000000000
    - TimeCreated
    [ SystemTime] 2014-11-26T05:45:22.650086300Z
    EventRecordID 121230
    - Execution
    [ ProcessID] 1064
    [ ThreadID] 45336
    Channel System
    Computer SERVER
    - Security
    [ UserID] S-1-5-18
    - EventData
    AlertDesc 10
    ErrorState 1203
    Process ID 1064 is Isass.exe
    I found somewhere that error 1203 could be ignored, but nothing about error 12. 
    Server is running with selfsigned SAN certificate, hosted 2 exchange domains (10 mailboxes, 5 local, 5 linked for remote domain connected via external 2 way non transitive domain trust).
    Thank you very much for any advise.

    Hi Jan,
    Based on my research for the Event 36888, the issue may be caused by not standard or corrupted behavior of web browsers or users, such as user use HTTP protocol to access Exchange service which is a SSL site on port 443.
    Please check whether there is a HTTP redirect configured in your IIS Manager of Exchange server. Also reset web browsers to have a try. Here are some similar thread for this issue:
    Note: Microsoft is providing this information as a convenience to you. The sites are not controlled by Microsoft. Microsoft cannot make any representations regarding the quality, safety, or suitability of any software or information found there. Please make
    sure that you completely understand the risk before retrieving any suggestions from the above link.
    Winnie Liang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Exchange 2013 SP1 mailbox role on 2012 R2 and 2012

    We have a client who were running the following setup:
    2 x Exchange 2013 CU2 CAS servers / Win Srv 2012
    2 x Exchange 2013 CU2 MBX servers / Win Srv 2012
    Active Directory etc, basically everything else, runs on Win Server 2012.
    Due to upgrading etc, one of the mailbox servers has been removed. It is to be installed with Ex2013 SP1 with 2012 R2 from scratch, and eventually also upgrade the remaining CAS and MBX srvers with SP1 and 2012 R2.
    So my question is..will this present a problem? Is it possible to have one MBX running 2013 CU2 on Server 2012 and one MBX running 2013 SP1 on Server 2012 R2?
    I've read that failover clustering service is not possible between 2012 and 2012 R2, but i'm not sure how this effects Exchange.
    Thanks for your time.

    Each member of the DAG should be running the same operating system. It is not supported to run a DAG member on Windows Server 2012 R2 and run another member on  Windows Server 2012.
    What's more, upgrading the OS is not supported on Exchange server.
    Here are some helpful threads for your reference.
    Planning for High Availability and Site Resilience
    Exchange 2013 CU2 and Upgrading from Server 2012 to Server 2012 R2 issues
    Hope it helps.
    Best regards,
    If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Amy Wang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Present a dialog screen to the user that always stays open and gets updated with values from teststand.

    I'm new to TestStand and just created my first sequences with TS and LV.
    The program is running fine but now I need to implemented a dialog screen with some progress results for the user.
    This dialog screen must stay open (unless closed by the user) and gets refreshed with the latest analysis results from TestStand.
    Is there an example of something like that. (starting from a working example is always easier)
    So I need a mechanism to give some results from TestStand to a custom made dialog screen in LabVIEW.
    Any thoughts/examples/recommandations ???

    Hi noxus,
    The basic design you are looking for is a daemon, This is basically a VI that runs in the background (your dialog VI for example). This VI is launched dynamicly when needed. And there should be a way of detecting if the deamon is running.
    You can use various ways of communicating between VI's. The two most use full I find either Queues or TCP. The added bonus for TCP is that it also works over the Network, but could also be slower and blocked by Firewalls. Queues only work within the LabVIEW Process running on the Local machine and provide a nice way of detecting if the daemon VI is running.
    Attached a example that show how you can implement something like this. The 'sent new' obtains a queue reference, we check if it has created a new queue or if it returned an existing queue reference. If the obtain queue created a new queue this means the daemon is not running and we launch the
    The daemon also connects to the same queue and maintains the reference. If the deamon is closed the referenced is closed as well and the queue is destroyed.
    You can run the example VI. (in LabVIEW 8.2).
    Hope this helps.
    Attachments: ‏35 KB

  • Migrated Exchange 2013 server - blocking common emails like netflix and amazon?

    We were using Exchange 2010 for years, and recently I upgraded to Exchange 2013 and signed up for Exchange Online Protection over the weekend (all at the same time, upgrade, migration, sign up for EOP, etc.).  Some mail is making it through just fine,
    while a lot of email is being blocked.  EOP says the email was "delivered" but MessageTracking on our exchange box says Event ID: FAIL...
    I'd like to know more about the FAIL ID... how do I find out what made it fail?  I'm guessing it was a transport rule, but when I got to Mail Flow -> Rules - there is NOTHING there.  
    Running "Get-TransportAgent" returns these values:
    I disabled the malware agent manually on my box since I'm using the EOP stuff now... how can I see or edit the rules that are in place if they do not show up as rules in the ECP?
    It's big name companies like amazon, netflix, etc that are getting blocked... I can't see a reason why they would be blocked now on a migrated server and not on my old server... Can anyone provide some insight?  I'd GREATLY appreciate it!

    I would tend to agree with you that you don't need them.
    Ed Crowley MVP "There are seldom good technological solutions to behavioral problems."

  • Exchange 2013 - Cannot sent mail warning to user (Quota)

    Hi all,
    I have an enviroment with Exchange Server 2013 SP 1 (Version 15.0 (Build 847.32)). (DAG)
    My problem is that my users not recieve mail of notification (warning).
    I did a lot search, but i didnt found any solution.
    I already moved a mailbox to another database, but the user received mail once.
    Any idea?
    I see in forum MS that it can be a problem of Exchange.

    Hi Marco,
    From your description, I recommend you use the following cmdlets to verify the quota status of mailbox.
    If you want to verify the status of individual mailbox quota, use the following cmdlet:
    Get-MailboxStatistics DisplayName | ft *quota*,*size -AutoSize –Wrap
    If you want to verify the status of the mailbox quota for all the mailboxes that are hosted on a database, use the cmdlet below:
    Get-MailboxStatistics -Database DatabaseName | ft displayname,*quota*,*size -AutoSize –Wrap
    Hope this can be helpful to you.
    Best regards,
    Amy Wang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Exchange 2013 ECP shows no databases. User moves fail referencing an old database of a crashed 2010 server

    Our old 2010 server was migrated to 2013 but before removal, the 2010 server failed.  Now when I go to my ECP > Servers > Databases, the list is empty.  I can't move any users either as the list population fails because it can't find the
    old database from the 2010 server.  I thought I removed it all from ASDIEdit but something is lingering.  Mail is flowing fine at the moment.

    Server has been rebooted several times with no success.  These are production mailboxes.
    Log Name:      Application
    Source:        MSExchangeTransportDelivery
    Date:          4/14/2014 5:53:45 AM
    Event ID:      5006
    Task Category: Routing
    Level:         Warning
    Keywords:      Classic
    User:          N/A
    Computer:      MAIL1.onshoreit.local
    Cannot find information about owning Mailbox Server CN=MAIL\0ADEL:437877b5-6216-44ea-a145-997cba794f45,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=OnshoreIT,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=onshoreit,DC=local
    for database CN=DFMCO_PUB_DB,CN=Databases,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=OnshoreIT,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=onshoreit,DC=local in routing tables with timestamp 4/14/2014 10:53:45
    AM. Recipients will not be routed to this database.
    Event Xml:
    <Event xmlns="">
        <Provider Name="MSExchangeTransportDelivery" />
        <EventID Qualifiers="32772">5006</EventID>
        <TimeCreated SystemTime="2014-04-14T10:53:45.000000000Z" />
        <Security />
        <Data>CN=MAIL\0ADEL:437877b5-6216-44ea-a145-997cba794f45,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=OnshoreIT,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=onshoreit,DC=local</Data>
        <Data>CN=DFMCO_PUB_DB,CN=Databases,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=OnshoreIT,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=onshoreit,DC=local</Data>
        <Data>4/14/2014 10:53:45 AM</Data>
    Log Name:      Application
    Source:        MSExchangeTransportDelivery
    Date:          4/14/2014 5:53:45 AM
    Event ID:      5006
    Task Category: Routing
    Level:         Warning
    Keywords:      Classic
    User:          N/A
    Computer:      MAIL1.onshoreit.local
    Cannot find information about owning Mailbox Server CN=MAIL\0ADEL:437877b5-6216-44ea-a145-997cba794f45,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=OnshoreIT,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=onshoreit,DC=local
    for database CN=DFMCO_MAIL_DB,CN=Databases,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=OnshoreIT,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=onshoreit,DC=local in routing tables with timestamp 4/14/2014 10:53:45
    AM. Recipients will not be routed to this database.
    Event Xml:
    <Event xmlns="">
        <Provider Name="MSExchangeTransportDelivery" />
        <EventID Qualifiers="32772">5006</EventID>
        <TimeCreated SystemTime="2014-04-14T10:53:45.000000000Z" />
        <Security />
        <Data>CN=MAIL\0ADEL:437877b5-6216-44ea-a145-997cba794f45,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=OnshoreIT,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=onshoreit,DC=local</Data>
        <Data>CN=DFMCO_MAIL_DB,CN=Databases,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=OnshoreIT,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=onshoreit,DC=local</Data>
        <Data>4/14/2014 10:53:45 AM</Data>
    The 2010 box is dead and unable to be restored.

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Maybe you are looking for