Exchange servers and Mavericks Mail

It loads it when you open the Mail app, but then no new messages will appear in the Exchange inbox while app is open - fetch new mail and the Activity Window show "Synchronizing Inbox" and jsut sits there and waits.. Close the app and reopen - New Mail appears.  Another  bug?

Same issue as JeanVis and others. Has anyone on this thread filed a bug with apple regarding this issue?
Tried switching to outlook for mac but that's not usable at all. (It just crashes or hangs whenever I try to use it.)
I thought part of the problem might be my mailbox size; total for my account is 18gb. But it seemed to work fine before upgrading to Mavericks.
Anyone else with similarly large mailboxes out there?

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    Thank you,
    Paul McGarr

    I can confirm. I was able to add a corporate Exchange account to the OS X accounts handler before Mavericks and I assumed it was being pushed to since the account would show mail, contacts, calendar and tasks sync in the accounts handler. However, I always suspected there was problem with real "pushing" of email.
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    I can't receive Exchange email at all in Mavericks unless I manually press the check mail button now. Don't forget the server auto discover problems when on the work LAN vs at home.
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    1. You have to Configure the Email connections through SCOT tcode.
    2. After that you ccan send/recive a mails from exchange server and SAP R/3 systems.
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    Srini Nookala

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    Users are still posting mixed results. Some with no issues and others reporting number of messages downloading to be in the thousands. Mavericks Mail likes the All Mail folder to be checked. If your Inbox has thousands of messages, I suggest you log into your Gmail account in Safari and archive (move to All Mail) most of your Inbox before adding the account. See my blog article on setting up Gmail. You can also read the comments from other users to see what worked for them.
    If you test in a new User this gives you a clean environment to add the account. If it works as expected in the new User, add Gmail in your regular User. If you run into problems you know there is some cleanup that is needed.
    Use Gmail with Mavericks Mail
    (Fair disclosure: Needhelp4Mac is my site. I may receive some form of compensation, financial or otherwise, from my recommendation or link.)

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    Try rebuilding the mailbox. This can take awhile if you have a lot of mail.
    Rebuild mailbox

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    seems like there are no Exchange server administrators in the forum, retro... sorry. I would love to help, though, but I'm just another MfE user.

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    I FINALLY answered my own question. Here is how to get 1and1 Exchange working in Mail:
    -Create a new account
    -Enter your name, email, and password
    -Wait for it to timeout and give you a new screen for more options
    -In the new screen, add to the server field
    -Use exchange\eXXXXXXXXXX for your login (Find eXXXXXXXX by logging into Xadmin @ 1and1)
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    Why is this happening?
    2) I am following the Ex 2013 Deployment Assistant and I get to the step to move the Ex 2010 Arbitration mailbox to Ex 2013 and the move does not happen--it just says "syncing" and never completes.  I tried moving a test mailbox from Ex 2010
    to the 2013 database and I get the same result.  I created the move request on the Ex2013 server and I see it as queued on the Ex2010 server, so I know they are "talking" to each other.  However, when reviewing the status of the move I
    see "MapiExceptionNoAccess: Unable to open message store".
    3) There seems to be no mail flow on the same Ex2013 server or between the Ex 2010 and 2013 servers.  I created two new test user mailboxes in Ex 2013.  The Ex2013 mailboxes cannot send/receive to each other or to Ex 2010 users.  This
    seems strange, unless I am completely missing something in the Ex 2013 install?
    I know this is a lot in one post, but following the Deployment assistant, I was hoping this would be something that others have faced.  Thanks for any input here.

    Does the below points already fit for you.
    Exchange 2013 Supported with the following minimum versions of Exchange:
    1) Exchange*** 2010 SP3 on all Exchange 2010 servers in the organization, including Edge Transport servers.
    2) Exchange 2013 CU2 or later on all Exchange 2013 servers in the organization.
    *** If you want to create an EdgeSync Subscription between an Exchange 2010 Hub Transport server and an Exchange 2013 SP1 Edge Transport
    server, you need to install Exchange 2010 SP3 Update Rollup 5 or later on the Exchange 2010 Hub Transport server.
    Thanks Prem P Rana MCSA Messaging 2003 MCSE 2003 Server MCTS MCITP Exchange 2007, 2010 Gurgaon, India

  • Mail is Slow between Exchange 2010 and 2013 During Co-Existance Transition

    I recently migrated from a single Exchange 2003 server to a single Exchange 2010 server
    I am now trying to Migrate from Exchange 2010 to Exchange 2013.
    I have a test user on Exchange 2013, and Internet Mail works fine and quickly both inbound and outbound.
    However, when I try and send between a 2010 user to my 2013 user, delivery takes around 10 minutes.
    On the 2013 server I see health check messages, and my 2010 user's message stuck in retry status. The messages eventually clear and the mail is delivered. Any ideas what is causing this delay?
    In terms of connectors I have all the defaults. And I created 1 for internal relays from devices. Which works fine.
    I have two Exchange 2013 servers configured in a DAG, but I don't have a load balance in place as of yet. So only server 1 is being accessed as the CAS.

    According to your description, the mail flow is slow only between Exchange 2010 and Exchange 2013 server. If I misunderstand your meaning, please feel free to let me know.
    If yes, I’d like to confirm if there are multiple NICs on your Exchange servers. And you can refer to the following thread:
    We have ONLY 1 network adapter, but if we select "All network adapters" instead of Hyper-V, we will get delays.
    If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Angela Shi
    TechNet Community Support

  • N95 and pc mail

    i have just got my N95 .
    Now i an woundering if there is any way to sync my mail in my pc with my N95 it dont work in Pc Suite.
    So i can use my phone to get mail and then move them to my pc.
    Thanks in advace

    Hi marten71
    The sync feature in PC Suite will on sync Contacts, Calendar and notes/to-do items.
    Email synchronisation is down between the handset and email server. This however will require third party software since the handset it self wont have that functions.
    Handsets like E-series will sync with exchange servers and the like, once the right client is installed. These can be found at Since the N95 is not a business phone theses feature are not available form Nokia. However you may find third party software that may do what you want.
    Peace Out
    The Bearded One

  • IPhones lost contacts and e-mail when activesync server was down

    We have about 20 iPhone 3GS syncing to our Exchange 2003 Server running on Windows Small Business Server 2003.
    All iPhones have software 3.1
    All iPhones were setup to use ActiveSync using iPhone Configuration Utility
    Our Exchange server went down on a maintenance restart. When it was restarted we had some unknown failure to the ActiveSync functionality between IIS and Exchange. iPhones trying to sync got an HTTP 500 Error response, which I could see from the console log of the iPhone. The error message was:
    Thu Oct 15 14:43:09 unknown dataaccessd[22] <Warning>: EAS|connection died with error Error Domain=ASHTTPConnectionErrorDomain Code=500 "Operation could not be completed. (ASHTTPConnectionErrorDomain error 500.)" 0x174480
    Thu Oct 15 14:43:09 unknown dataaccessd[22] <Warning>: EAS|ASFolderSyncTask failed: Error Domain=ASHTTPConnectionErrorDomain Code=500 "Operation could not be completed. (ASHTTPConnectionErrorDomain error 500.)"
    We rebuilt the Internet settings on the small business server and got the ActiveSync functionality working again. But this was after 24 hours.
    All iPhones lost all e-mail during the 24 hours of ActiveSync downtime.
    Approximately 60% of the iPhones lost all contacts during the downtime.
    All iPhones kept their calendars during the downtime.
    Other ActiveSync clients running Windows Mobile 6.1 or Symbian on Nokia N82 did not delete their contacts or e-mails during the downtime.
    Is there any setting that governs this, may I say unexpected, behaviour? Makes it impossible to depend on iPhone e-mail - who knows when the Exchange Server will go down...
    Does anyone know why 40% of the iPhones kept their contacts while the other 60% deleted them? They have all been purchased together and set up in the exact same manner.
    I have tried to contact Apple support, but the automated voice just said that the network operator handles iPhone problems. The operator did not have a clue about Exchange servers and iPhones...
    Thank you in advance!

    Usually once items are removed from the server, they are gone for good. Sorry to hear about the loss of contacts. We would like to check though to see if they can be retrieved. So we can get more information from you, I have copied your post to our private support board. Please refer all correspondences to there from here on out. You can easily get to the private support one of two ways. In the email you signed up for the forums with, you will receive a link to click on. Make sure you are already signed into the forums before clicking on this link. Another way of getting there is by clicking on your username anywhere you see it in the forums. This brings you to your account profile. Scroll down to the section labeled "My Support Cases" . In there you will see the link to your case.
    **If someones post has helped you, please acknowledge their assistance by clicking the red thumbs up button to give them Kudos. If you are the original poster and any response gave you your answer, please mark the post that had the answer as the solution**
    Notice: Content posted by Verizon employees is meant to be informational and does not supersede or change the Verizon Forums User Guidelines or Terms or Service, or your Customer Agreement Terms and Conditions or plan

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