Exclude few document numbers from the load

Hi All,
I am trying to load data from a datasource in R3, (its a FM generic datasource). There are millions of records but I want to exclude few document numbers from the load. Does anyone know how to exclude? I have that field name in the selections
Thanks in advance,

Hi Shreesh,
EIther you can write a Routine at the Infopackage level or do the FULL load upto PSA & then you can restrict the data by writing a start routine in the Transformation between this Datasource & your Data Target like
DELETE SOURCE_PACKAGE where SOURCE_FIELDS-ABC = "give your restriction here"
where ABC is the Source field name.
Hope it helps!

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    1. In OMI8 - I have unchecked "Stock in Transfer"
    2. SPRO->Materials Management->Consumption-based Planning->Planning->Define torage Location MRP per plant
         Here I have excluded ONE storage location from MRP and same storage location has been used in the STO.
    Can anyone know how to resolve this ?

    Yes, they will not be relevant for MRP.  Neither will anything else in that storage location.  However, the setting is not in configuration, but in the material master (MRP4 tab).
    The configuration setting you mentioned has no impact on existing material masters, it is only used to determine the default settings for newly created storage location entries for a material/plant..
    You can set a particular material/plant/stlocn to be irrelevant for MRP.  This relevancy is irrespective of document type, it can be a STO, a purchase req, a sales order,  a production order, or it could be stock (inventory)  - all supply and demand in this material/plant/stlocn are excluded from MRP processing.
    MRP relevancy of storage location is set at the material/plant/storage location level in the material master.
    If you do not wish to exclude a storage location from MRP, then you will have to find another way to make your STOs Irrelevant for MRP.  As I said earlier, STOs (like any other Purchase orders that are configured to process stock ), are generally considered to be relevant for MRP.    
    If you were a client, I would suggest that you rethink your business model that drives this requirement.   
    If the business model cannot be altered, and the storage location solution is unacceptable, then you will be stuck with a customized solution.
    Best Regards,

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    Ex: not load for cost center 10000
    Thank you,

    Hi Sam,
    You cannot do this directly as exclusion, but you can include all other values, even as ranges and thus exclude the particular value, else you can also try to do this by writing a routine.
    Hope this helps...

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    The value returned from the load function is not of type numeric.
    The error occurred in
    D:/Applications/CFusion/CustomTags/nec/com/objects/address.cfc: line 263
    Called from D:/Applications/CFusion/CustomTags/nec/com/objects/contact.cfc: line 331
    Called from D:/Applications/CFusion/CustomTags/nec/com/objects/user.cfc: line 510
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    262 : <cfset rc = this.objCountry.setID(get.idCountry)>
    263 : <cfset rc = this.objCountry.load()>
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    This is the code in file object file country.cfc (nec.com.objects.country):
    <cfcomponent displayname="Country object" hint="This is a Country object, it allows you to access and set values in the Country.">
    // Construct this object
    <cfset this.objFunctions = CreateObject( 'component', 'nec.com.system.functions' )>
      this.idCountryID = 0;
      this.sCountryName = "";
      this.sISOCode = "";
      this.sDHLCode = "";
      this.iErrorID = "";
    // The following functions are the setters and getters. offering us a better way to get
    // at the contents of the object
    // Getters
    <cffunction name="getID" displayname="Get ID" returntype="numeric" output="false" hint="This returns the ID of the current item.">
      <cfreturn this.idCountryID>
    <cffunction name="getsCountryName" displayname="Get sCountryName" returntype="string" output="false" hint="This gets the sCountryName value of this item.">
      <cfreturn this.sCountryName>
    <cffunction name="getsISOCode" displayname="Get sISOCode" returntype="string" output="false" hint="This gets the sISOCode value of this item.">
      <cfreturn this.sISOCode>
    <cffunction name="getsDHLCode" displayname="Get sDHLCode" returntype="string" output="false" hint="This gets the sDHLCode value of this item.">
      <cfreturn this.sDHLCode>
    <cffunction name="iError" displayname="Get iError" returntype="numeric" output="false" hint="This returns the iError of the current item.">
      <cfreturn this.iError>
    // Setters
    <cffunction name="setID" displayname="Set ID" returntype="boolean" output="false" hint="This sets the ID value of this item.">
      <cfargument name="idCountryID" required="true" type="numeric" displayname="ID" hint="The ID to use.">
      <cfset this.idCountryID = arguments.idCountryID>
      <cfreturn true>
    <cffunction name="setsCountryName" displayname="Set sCountryName" returntype="boolean" output="false" hint="This sets the sCountryName value of this item.">
      <cfargument name="sCountryName" required="true" type="string" displayname="sCountryName" hint="The sCountryName to use.">
      <cfset this.sCountryName = arguments.sCountryName>
      <cfreturn true>
    <cffunction name="setsISOCode" displayname="Set sISOCode" returntype="boolean" output="false" hint="This sets the sISOCode value of this item.">
      <cfargument name="sISOCode" required="true" type="string" displayname="sISOCode" hint="The sISOCode to use.">
      <cfset this.sISOCode = arguments.sISOCode>
      <cfreturn true>
    <cffunction name="setsDHLCode" displayname="Set sDHLCode" returntype="boolean" output="false" hint="This sets the sDHLCode value of this item.">
      <cfargument name="sDHLCode" required="true" type="string" displayname="sDHLCode" hint="The sDHLCode to use.">
      <cfset this.sDHLCode = arguments.sDHLCode>
      <cfreturn true>
    // Clear, to empty out the contents of this object
    <cffunction name="clear" displayname="Clear items Details" returntype="boolean" output="false" hint="Clears out all of the items details.">
       this.sCountryName = "";
       this.sISOCode = "";
       this.sDHLCode = "";
       this.iErrorID = "";
      <cfreturn true>
    // The following functions deal with the load, save and deleting of objects
    // Load
    <cffunction name="load" displayname="Load items details" returntype="numeric" output="false" hint="This loads in all the information about an item.">
      <cfset rc = this.clear()>
      // First of all we need to get the name of the data source we are going to be using
      objDS = CreateObject("component","nec.com.system.settings");
      sDatasource = objDS.getDatasource();
      // Check to see if it exists
       <cfquery name="checkID" datasource="#sDatasource#">
        SELECT idCountryID
        FROM tblCountry
        WHERE idCountryID = #this.idCountryID#
         objError = CreateObject("component","nec.com.system.errors");
         iErrorID = objError.addError("load: checkID: '#this.idCountryID#' #cfcatch.detail#");
        <cfset this.iErrorID = iErrorID>
        <cfreturn iErrorID>
      <cfif not checkID.recordCount>
         objError = CreateObject("component","nec.com.system.errors");
          whichOne = "#session.afr.getsAFRNumber()#";
         } else {
          whichOne = "";
         iErrorID = objError.addError("A Country with that id doesn't exists.[#this.idCountryID#][#whichOne#]");
       <cfset this.iErrorID = iErrorID>
       <cfreturn iErrorID>
      // If we got past all then then load in the details
       <cfquery name="get" datasource="#sDatasource#">
        SELECT idCountryID, RTRIM(sCountryName) as sCountryName, RTRIM(sISOCode) as sISOCode, RTRIM(sDHLCode) as sDHLCode
        FROM tblCountry
        WHERE idCountryID = #this.idCountryID#
         objError = CreateObject("component","nec.com.system.errors");
         iErrorID = objError.addError("load: get: #cfcatch.detail#");
        <cfset this.iErrorID = iErrorID>
        <cfreturn iErrorID>
      <cfset this.idCountryID = get.idCountryID>
      <cfset this.sCountryName = get.sCountryName>
      <cfset this.sISOCode = get.sISOCode>
      <cfset this.sDHLCode = get.sDHLCode>
      <cfset this.iErrorID = "">
      <cfreturn true>
    // Save
    <cffunction name="save" displayname="Save items Details" returntype="numeric" output="false" hint="Saves (to some source) the current details for the ID of the item.">
      // First of all we need to get the name of the data source we are going to be using
      objDS = CreateObject("component","nec.com.system.settings");
      sDatasource = objDS.getDatasource();
      // Now check to see if ithat ID exists
       <cfquery name="checkID" datasource="#sDatasource#">
        SELECT idCountryID
        FROM tblCountry
        WHERE idCountryID = #this.idCountryID#
         objError = CreateObject("component","nec.com.system.errors");
         iErrorID = objError.addError("save: checkID: #cfcatch.detail#");
        <cfreturn iErrorID>
      // If it doesn't exist, then add the record, otherwise update the record
      <cfif not checkID.recordCount>
       <cfreturn this.add()>
       <cfreturn this.update()>
    // Add
    <cffunction name="add" displayname="Add Country" returntype="numeric" output="false" hint="This adds a Country.">
      // Check to see if that a different item isn't already using the same unique details
       <cfquery name="checkUnique" datasource="#sDatasource#">
        SELECT idCountryID
        FROM tblCountry
        WHERE sCountryName = '#this.objFunctions.scrubText(this.sCountryName)#'
        OR sISOCOde = '#this.objFunctions.scrubText(this.sISOcode)#'
         objError = CreateObject("component","nec.com.system.errors");
         iErrorID = objError.addError("add: checkUnique: #cfcatch.detail#");
        <cfreturn iErrorID>
      <cfif checkUnique.recordCount>
         objError = CreateObject("component","nec.com.system.errors");
         iErrorID = objError.addError("A Country with that name or ISO code already exists. idCountryID=#checkUnique.idCountryID#");
       <cfreturn iErrorID>
       <cfquery name="add" datasource="#sDatasource#">
        SET nocount on
        INSERT INTO tblCountry(sCountryName, sISOCode, sDHLCode)
        VALUES('#this.objFunctions.scrubText(this.sCountryName)#','#this.objFunctions.scrubText(t his.sISOCode)#','#this.objFunctions.scrubText(this.sDHLCode)#')
        SELECT @@identity as autoID
        SET nocount off  
         objError = CreateObject("component","nec.com.system.errors");
         iErrorID = objError.addError("add: add: #cfcatch.detail#");
        <cfreturn iErrorID>
      <cfreturn add.autoID>
    // Update
    <cffunction name="update" displayname="Update Country" returntype="numeric" output="false" hint="This updates a Country record.">
      // Check to see if that a different item isn't already using the same unique details
       <cfquery name="checkUnique" datasource="#sDatasource#">
        SELECT idCountryID
        FROM tblCountry
        WHERE (sCountryName = '#this.objFunctions.scrubText(this.sCountryName)#'
        OR sISOCOde = '#this.objFunctions.scrubText(this.sISOcode)#')
        AND idCountryID <> #this.idCountryID#
         objError = CreateObject("component","nec.com.system.errors");
         iErrorID = objError.addError("update: checkUnique: #cfcatch.detail#");
        <cfreturn iErrorID>
      <cfif checkUnique.recordCount>
         objError = CreateObject("component","nec.com.system.errors");
         iErrorID = objError.addError("Another Country with that name already exists. idCountryID=#checkUnique.idCountryID#");
       <cfreturn iErrorID>
      // Attempt to update the record to the datasource
      // if this fails for any reason then we submit an error message
      // to the error component and return the ID of the error
       <cfquery name="update" datasource="#sDatasource#">
        UPDATE tblCountry
        SET sCountryName = '#this.objFunctions.scrubText(this.sCountryName)#',
        sISOCode = '#this.objFunctions.scrubText(this.sISOCode)#',
        sDHLCode = '#this.objFunctions.scrubText(this.sDHLCode)#'
        WHERE idCountryID = #this.idCountryID#
         objError = CreateObject("component","nec.com.system.errors");
         iErrorID = objError.addError("update: update: #cfcatch.detail#");
        <cfreturn iErrorID>
      <cfreturn this.idCountryID> 
    // Delete
    <cffunction name="delete" displayname="Delete Country" returntype="numeric" output="false" hint="This deletes a Country record.">
      // First of all we need to get the name of the data source we are going to be using
      objDS = CreateObject("component","nec.com.system.settings");
      sDatasource = objDS.getDatasource();
      // Now check to see if ithat ID exists
       <cfquery name="checkID" datasource="#sDatasource#">
        SELECT idCountryID
        FROM tblCountry
        WHERE idCountryID = #this.idCountryID#
         objError = CreateObject("component","nec.com.system.errors");
         iErrorID = objError.addError("delete: checkID: #cfcatch.detail#");
        <cfreturn iErrorID>
      <cfif not checkID.recordCount>
         objError = CreateObject("component","nec.com.system.errors");
         iErrorID = objError.addError("A Country with that id doesn't exists, delete failed.");
       <cfreturn iErrorID>
      // Now check to see if there are any dependancies, if so we can't delete the item
       <cfquery name="checkDependancies" datasource="#sDatasource#">
        SELECT idCountry
        FROM tblAddress
        WHERE idCountry = #this.idCountryID#
         objError = CreateObject("component","nec.com.system.errors");
         iErrorID = objError.addError("delete: checkDependancies: idCountry: #cfcatch.detail#");
        <cfreturn iErrorID>
      <cfif checkDependancies.recordCount>
         objError = CreateObject("component","nec.com.system.errors");
         iErrorID = objError.addError("That Country is being used by an address, delete failed.");
       <cfreturn iErrorID>
      // Now attempt to remove the record.
      // if this fails for any reason then we submit an error message
      // to the error component and return the ID of the error
       <cfquery name="delete" datasource="#sDatasource#">
        DELETE FROM tblCountry
        WHERE idCountryID = #this.idCountryID#
         objError = CreateObject("component","nec.com.system.errors");
         iErrorID = objError.addError("delete: delete: #cfcatch.detail#");
        <cfreturn iErrorID>
      <cfreturn this.idCountryID>

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    I'm not able to open documents saved from the internet. I'm using a macbook pro en Adobe Acrobat X 10.1.10. I tried: file - export als PDF and save as PDF, none of this works. I always receive a message stating an error and saying that I need to go back to the original file what I did without result. Does anyone have (or had) the same problem?

    What they mean is iTunes Customer Service Contact - http://www.apple.com/support/itunes/contact.html

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    I have a new IMac, purchased from my Dad that he never used.  I just did the latest update to 10.6.8.  I wanted to get "Numbers" on the computer from the App Store but it says I need 10.7.4.   How do I get this?  Everytime I try update it goes to 10.6.8.  I am new to Apple and struggling a bit.

    Choose About this Mac from the Apple menu and check the processor.
    If it's a Core Duo Mac, you must install the DVD version of iWork. If you previously got a compatible version of Numbers from the Mac App Store, go to its home page and click on Support under Quick Links.
    If it's a Core 2 Duo or better Mac, try purchasing Mac OS X 10.8 from the Mac App Store. If you get told that it's incompatible, phone the online Apple Store and order a download code for 10.7.
    If upgrading to 10.7 or 10.8 requires any other upgrades or replacements(they both require at least 2GB RAM and don't support PowerPC-only software such as Office 2004), it may be cheaper to buy and install the DVD version of iWork even if your computer can be upgraded to use the Mac App Store version.

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    Does it begin with 1057? If not, it's a redemption code. In which case, see here:
    Redemption Code Help
    If it is a serial number, go to system preferences>security & privacy>firewall>firewall options and be sure that PSE is allowed to call out.

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    I am on a macbook pro MAC OS 10.5.5. I have latest versions of Word, and Final Cut Pro.
    Any help would be appreciated. This is my first foray into the world of Adobe products.

    The Transcript XML files conform to the XML Standards, and are a "marked up" text document containing several pieces of information. You can open the file in TextEdit (on Mac) or Notepad (on Windows) and you should be able to see what sorts of metadata is saved for each word in the transcription. Each transcribed word is stored in a data block, along with its timestamp, the duration of the spoken word, and some other metadata. This information is invaluable when importing the file into other applications or databases.
    Neither Soundbooth nor Premiere Pro support exporting the transcript without the additional metadata or XML tags right now, but since it's a basic text file, it should be a very simple chore for a script to parse that file and write out each transcribed word to a new file.

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    I suggest try getting it back to your stock iOS and forget about jailbreaking.
    Try a manual install (using DFU Mode), as outlined in the link below.
    Basic troubleshooting steps  
    17" 2.2GHz i7 Quad-Core MacBook Pro  8G RAM  750G HD + OCZ Vertex 3 SSD Boot HD 
    Got problems with your Apple iDevice-like iPhone, iPad or iPod touch? Try Troubleshooting 101
     In Memory of Steve Jobs 

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    Is it me, or it is impossible to copy the numbers from the calculator widget in 10.6.3?

    It happened again! I don't understand!
    I did a test: I restarted the computer. I typed in the calculator. Copied, and pasted in Mail. Worked fine.
    After, I opened Illustrator CS3. Copied something from there, and pasted it in Flash. Worked fine.
    After, I went back to the calculator, copied the numbers, and when I pasted the numbers in Mail, it's Illustrator's graphics that pasted instead of the numbers.
    After, I went on the net, copied text from a site. Pasted it in Mail. Worked fine. Went back to the calculator, copied, and the pasted text was the text from the Website, and not from the calculator.
    This is very frustrating!
    Any idea on my problem?

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    Hi I hav a 2010 Mercedes E350 an lost my iPhone. I nw have an I phone 4s all my contacts are on the cars phone kit. Is there any way I can get the numbers from the phone kit onto my new iPhone.

    If you were not syncing the contacts in your phone with a contact manager or cloud service, there is no way to get them from the car to the phone other than manually re-entering them in the phone.

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    Does anybody know how to restart footnote numbering from the middle of page (for example from third paragraph)? I'm using CS3 on WinXP?

    Not by any indesign functions available.
    Not sure about 3rd party, but I think I've heard of workarounds. I'll search a bit and if I find any I'll let you know.
    In the meantime feel free to voice your concerns in regards to the inflexibility of footnotes here http://forums.adobe.com/thread/619776?tstart=30
    Please send a Feature request using the form here https://www.adobe.com/cfusion/mmform/index.cfm?name=wishform
    This is something that needs improving, every voice counts!

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    To get your issue more exposure I would suggest posting it in the commercial forums since this is a commercial product. You can do this at Commercial Forums.
    I hope this helps!
    R a i n b o w 7000I work on behalf of HP
    Click the “Kudos Thumbs Up" at the bottom of this post to say
    “Thanks” for helping!
    Click “Accept as Solution” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution!

  • Credit Limit Check - Exclude Specific Documents / Credits from Exposure

    I would like to know if it's possible to exclude specific document types (credits) from the credit exposure calculation used during credit limit checks.
    The ideia is to exclude "DG" credits in customer GL that are related to Trade Deal/Agreements to avoid over-exposure.
    Let me explain:
    Currently, our credit management is configured to "Static" + "Open Items" for all credit groups in the CCA. Therefore, SAP calculates the credit exposure as:
    Regarding "Open Items", I understand that SAP calculates the net value between all debits (receivables) and credits (returns, overpayments, etc...) already posted and not cleared in the Customer GL account. This rationale is correct since the credits are due to the customers and should be deducted from their exposure (i.e. "you may not pay them if you don't receive").
    However, in our case, we also pay trade deals contracts (i.e. trade incentives and trade marketing investments) directly to costumers and apart from sales orders or credit memos. The flow is the following: (1) contracts are managed on a satelite system and interfaced to SAP; (2) contracts are created in the costumer GL as a credit (doc. type "DG"); (3) credits are sent to accounts payable for payment via F110.
    Problem is that, contract credits volume is significant and are impacting customers credit exposure and limit check, resulting in greater exposure than allowed. That is, orders are being released while contract credits are open in the customer GL up to the max exposure, but when contracts are paid the exposure goes above the limit. For example:
    Day 1:
              Costumer Credit Limit: 100
              Sales Balance: 30
              Open Itens: 50 (receivables: 70 / contracts: -20)
              Credit Exposure: 80/100
    Day 2:
              Costumer Credit Limit: 100
              Sales Balance: 50
              Open Itens: 50 (receivables: 70 / contracts: -20)
              Credit Exposure: 100/100 (no additional orders are released)
    Day 3:
              Costumer Credit Limit: 100
              Sales Balance: 50
              Open Itens: 70 (receivables: 70 / contracts: 0 - contracts are paid on day 3)
              Credit Exposure: 120/100 (exposure is above customer limit since contracts that were being deducted were paid)
    Any ideas or thoughts? Is something wrong in the explanation above? Should contracts credits be treated through special GL?
    Many thanks!

    Hello Julie,
    the 2nd, System behavior (how do you interact the credit limit check (yes/no question) via DI?)
    Before you issue the Document, you may do a manual check: BP balance againt Credit Limit, and make deceision.

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