Experience with Burkert Mass Flow Controlers ?

I have to control a Burkert MFC (model 8713) with LabVIEW. Since these are fairly popular devices, may somebody could have some ready-to-use vis to share ?
Thanks !
Chilly Charly    (aka CC)
         E-List Master - Kudos glutton - Press the yellow button on the left...        

Thanks ! That give me already some answers to my bag of questions.
May be you have one very important answer, before I read thoroughtly all the doc : can I use an RS232 or RS422 com port in connection vith an RS485 device ? What are the caveats ?
Chilly Charly    (aka CC)
         E-List Master - Kudos glutton - Press the yellow button on the left...        

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    Put the current reading in a shift register. Subtract it from the previous reading. Divide by the time between the readings.
    This type differentiation tends to be noisy so you may need to do some smooothing of the data.

  • Mass Flow Meter

    Hi all,
    I am using PCI 1710 board to control fuel cells vlaves and Mass Flow Meter. 
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    I am using Burkert 8006 Mass flow meter and I wanna connect the MFM to the PCI 1710 and jus want to show me the flow rate. Could any one tell me, to which pin should i connect the MFM to, it has a 15 Pin Sub HD Socket. (Currently taking output from the Process Value Output and Process value ground and connected to the PCI1710 A11 and A10(Analog)). Thank. Awaiting your response.

    What connections do you have to this device? According to the manual you should have a 9 pin D sub connector for the 8006 model. If you have a 15 pin D sub I will try the 15 Pin D sub connections that are in the book on page 7.
    If this does not work I am not sure what to tell you. It should use RS-232 with these connections. Did you get a MFM that has communication protocols?
    Johnson Controls
    Holland Michigan

  • My experience with the N97 - "my last Nokia"

    Hi everyone,
    I know this is a user-to-user support forum but I believe a complaint to be some sort helps users to decide whether the N97 is for them or not. Before you read on, this post will contain comparisons to competitors, so if you hate apples, feel free to ignore me! (Also I don't think users should stop harassing Nokia for what they have done to us - the more complaints the better. Igoring customers is not a very good corporate strategy. Eventually it will take them down - people buy Nokia for quality, otherwise they could buy a rip-off from ebay).
    Just skimming over the posts shows me that I am not alone. So let me share my experience with Nokia and the N97. I am too tired complaining about this phone, at least I think my experience has made sure that no-one of my friends and relatives is ever going to buy a Nokia again.
    When I bought the phone for then 500 pounds at the Nokia flagship store in London it seemed nice enough. Good camera, decent keyboard and features competitors could only dream of. Unfortunately, that's paperwork. For a start, the much advertised facebook application was completely disfunctional and taking into account that Nokia clearly tried to compete with the iphone (my apologies again for mentioning a competitor) frankly a lame joke. I know a firmware update has somewhat relieved the situation now, but I will come to that later.
    Okay, so I have disabled the facebook application. Not a drama, surely the rest will work okay. But then after a week some of the pictures I took with the built-in camera weren't accessible anymore (broken image displayed). Again, I have another camera and I was hoping for a firmware update so I ignored it. I had now started using the joikuspot app to browse the internet on my linux box. Very nice. I started using email a lot on my phone but again was disappointed. I have a £165 ipod touch here. Without kinetic scrolling and an extremely bad UI design, by which I mean the icons and menus (ignoring the graphics flaws all the time) it is no match for the ipod, so what i did was to use joiku spot with my ipod touch. Before that firmware update the N97s browser was also still buggy so I used joikuspot for that too. I was now down to using my £500 smartphone as a wireless modem. What a shame. But I was still hoping for some kind of magic update.
    Then finally, I found out about the firmware update. I had to open my phone, check the serial and visit the Nokia website. Unfortunately, the Ovi software and drivers supplied with the phone did not recognize my N97 properly. Something which I think was fixed with the firmware update (anyone seeing a circular dependency here? ) Furthermore, the built-in firmware update over 3G seemed to be disabled. So I made the journey back to the flagship store in London, explaining the problem. I was greeted by an extremly rude employee. Well, I think that's not really his fault, I guess he was just sick of all the complaints. Anyways, I told him that the 3G update was not working and he started to be really patronizing telling me that I wouldn't listen to him (he said it was "working" but "disabled"). Maybe I should have told him that I am a software engineer and that in 99.9% of the cases in which we disable a feature, the reason is that it is "not working". Anyways, he kindly allowed me to use one of their machines to update the firmware "at my own risk", which worked. At no point I have received an apology for the fact that I have paid Nokia £500 to beta-test their products.
    Now of course, the firmware update has succeeded, but is all fine? Far from it.... As many report on this forum the N97s battery meter is faulty. Countless times, my phone has just literally died overnight. It even forgets time and date! This is more than bad - every phone I have had so far complained about a draining battery well in advance. I had to dig out my old phone to serve as an alarm clock again - the fact that the alarm clock itself is unreliable is a alltogether different matter... One time the battery died during the day - after doing nothing for 4 hours in my sports bag (started with 1 bar down). When I had to make a call that day, for the first time in I don't know how many years I had to use a telephone box. Progress?!
    The firmware update has also barely improved the email client - just a few ui glitches solved. However, the biggest issue at the moment seems to be the weird memory organization. When I buy a phone I don't want to deal with something like the c drive problem. Reinstalling applications on the 32gb partition helps somewhat but why didn't Nokia do that in the first place? Has this phone never been tested?The phone is still way too slow.
    I can't comment on the iplayer app - says it needs wlan to work. But the youtube player has crashed every time i used it. And by crashing I mean it took down the whole phone with it. I admit that my ipod crashed a few times too - in just under a year (~3 times). But the reset was straightforward every time. With the N97, the only thing that seems to help is to take the battery out!
    Before I forget, the N97 doesn't even work as a phone. In a 30 minute conversation, the call got dropped 4 times. I don't know whether it was because of a calibration issue with the proximity sensor or a more serious problem, all I know is that this is unacceptable!
    I am sick of the phone and Nokia's service. The joikuspot app ran out and asks me to pay... I have paid £500 pounds for the bloody phone already. The adobe reader asks me to pay... (somehow it ran out without me even using it). Maybe you see why I am getting angry now - the only use case that actually put the N97 on top of my old phone was gone. What infuriated me even more, is that Nokia bundles this software with the phone. It cannot actually be deinstalled! It just sits there merrily and takes up my hard drive space.
    Last but not least, I have written to Nokia already, but not received a response! This is a Nokia forum with Nokia employees following the posts. I would be very, very, very grateful if Nokia could give me a refund. However, with them not even acknowledging the various problems I somehow don't see that coming. I'll probably have to sell it with a massive loss on ebay.
    P.s.: I have all the same small issues as the other guys here - slider lock at the side not working etc. You are not alone... Has anyone complained about the music player? I have 16gb of music on the phone and scrolling is impossible! The Symbian OS is so obviously not built for a touch screen that it hurts. Of course they don't put much music on the phones in the Nokia store so people only find out when they get home...
    Message Edited by alcroth on 12-Sep-2009 11:32 AM
    Go to Solution.

    hi ! the nokia n97 is a really an amazing device. It keeps up to the promise of live online 24 x 7. I discovered it and wanted to share. Still there are some unanswered questions and if any vetran could help would really appreciate.
    i am an user from India. and have the n97 for about 3-4 weeks now. Practically I have been living online 24 x 7 as The list of unexpected issues that a nokia n97 offers seems unending, some of which i am narrating have made me scout on the web to try n search answers.Not that i will be able to action information you provide instantly. My new phone has gone for reparis(sic), so once its back can do that & will acknowledge your replies.
    My Quests:
    1. First things first! How to request for & get refunds for a Nokia Phone in India.
    2. Is there a touch querty as an input method? like windows mobile ? Request Know How. I now seem to agree to the feedback on one of the blogs.. that nokia designers feel that the average size of user hands would be that of big people & fingers like a japaneese teen. The physical keyboard does not seem to offer any additional functions other than text input !
    3. Predictive text where in the touch screen menu, the words dont get auto completed. This increases the number of taps/input strokes. Is the n97 intelligent & learn words from sms, contacts, emails. my blackberry does so. Request Know How & any options to edit custom dictionary. Auto Punctuation ? Am i expecting too much already ?
    4. Single hand use of phone impractical using touch pad t9. Entering alphanumerics on the physical querty is a nightmare... Request Know how on tips & tricks.
    5. Green tick yes or v button on top left of the text input screen. friendly again only for big handed people. Could this have been at bottom right. Is alternate screen for text input touch t9 available? Requested Know how.
    6. Unnecessary taps additional taps alomost in all menus...for eg.. sending a biz card from n97 requires 5 taps... in the other mobile phone systems it can be done in 3 taps. Requested Knowhow for shortcuts.
    7. Can In a nokia we get a view of the entire events as single thread.... No Provision for search display against keywords upon I can get call logs, messages - Here in Nokia, no search filters / advanced search and all searches results plotted to applications vs person/events. Requested Know How if it can be done like blackberry / windows mobile.
    8. Copy & Paste across applications. eg. Select text from web page copy n paste on message application.... possible on Nokia...? Requested Know How
    9. Call& Event Logs e.g Missed calls. If there are 5 missed calls the log will show the last called time only. In most other mobile systems Blackberry, windows each event is logged against a user. Requested know how on how this is handled in Nokia.
    10. Lag in picture display upon call. Number displays first and after few seconds lag the pic pops up. Is this normal & acceptable ? Other windows / rim devices show it instantly.
    11. When will Nokia enable usage of Native clients like google talk, yahoo like blackberry, iphone ? Any know how on possibility of release. Any equal alternatives suggested for n97. Tried Nimbuzz, Fring, Ebuddy. Miss the chat message notification icon on home screen, notification on the chat messaging icon, sound, breathing lights.
    12. Is there any planning for better email client? Likely Release dates?
    13. The Java App for GMAIL on blackberry shows an indicator on icon in addition to customised alert setting tone & breathing light for new messages. Retreiving Emails is consistent & auto on other devices. The Nokia Does not seem to auto refresh + No Notification. How is it handled on Nokia ?
    14. Can user friendliness be something where we can do actions with a contact or on contacts screen single view... e.g see contact on google map, Help on contacts screen/n97 help, lookup contact on server, filter by category. new address, new group, view, edit, delete, activity log (incl sms, mms, email, calls), call, sms, mms, email, send as attachment, send as im, add a custom ring tone, add picture, options - sort by, separators, sync settings, actions, switch
    applications, exit. We have seen it on inexpensive phones. is it possible to be done on Nokia?
    SOME OF MY STILL UNRESOLVED PROBLEMS Post upgrade to ver 12. Did you also face similar bugs/issues?
    15. Contacts inaccessible – “Memory Full Error”. No other applications were active at the time of the error. Just unable to reach any of my 3500 contacts through the contacts options & do anything.
    16. Pbk2 error upon selecting contacts in the messaging application.
    17. Audio Delay upon receiving a call. No Sound upon connection of incoming call. Especially if picked up too fast.
    18. Shows as searching for network constantly many times a day. We have 2 n97s & observed that both n97 almost have similar timing of network loss. Whereas, our other devices like blackberry do not show any weak signal signs.
    19. GPS Lock. Keeps searching for GPS locks constantly i.e Drops connection to GPS network frequently.
    20. Unpredictive battery talk time, standby & required Charge time.
    21. Voice inaudible at other end, when using loudspeaker & especially during calls from moving vehicle.
    22. Camera:
    a. Picture clarity issues. Secondary camera highly pixelated. Primary camera shows light flooding on pictures. Clarity Missing.
    b. Erroneous Time stamp on images.
    c.Lens Cover Started to show minor scratch pressure.
    23. Ovi Suite recommends erroneous updates for E.g Maps 3
    24. Text Input touch t9 screen freezes / Hangs, especially when entering special characters like period(.), comma(,), exclamation (!) etc
    25. Selectively & at random contact Name not displayed on Caller ID (sometimes)
    26. Selectively Message & Message delivery display number, instead of stored contact names.
    27. Sync Issue, All contacts not synced always.
    How to sync "categories" field as stored in outlook or how to map custom fields to Nokia.
    28. Format Mass Memory error, Unable to format. Unable to delete specific files.
    29. The auto lock... When attempted to unlock with querty out .. it still opens in portrait mode ?
    30. SMS Logs Not updated. e.g any sms sent before storing a contact.... after storing or adding
    contact the number does not get automatically updated to the name. It reflects the number still in the logs.
    31. Picture caller... The face is half cut ..Looks weird on most images... as the number is not transparent. In landscape mode there is enough space on the screen to put up the answer or reject buttons and displaying the numbers.
    32. Browser will close on its own & return to menu or home screen.
    thanks in advance for your time to stop & read. Pls do send any information that you think will be useful to me for making the n97 do some work.
    NEW additions:
    (tested on another n97)
    33. Predictive Text :
    Usage for auto word completion only on physical keyboard, when the Dpad down key is used it throws up options but the way the scroll is designed you can see the full word and one makes mistakes.
    34. another strange behaviour is on the text input... this was on an email i was trying to reply. the stylus touch will paste the last keyed in word !! we wonder why.
    35. and while showing off the second n97 we have (again 3-4 weeks old) - we were asked how much did we pay for this second hand unit - 50% off .. apparently the comment as the surface has got scratched very badly.
    i hope the info is good use to others who want to take the risk of buying this device

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    Whether to upscale using the tv or the tv is a decision that should be based around your tv's ability to upscale.
    I have one tv (48" Sharp) that is appalling at upscaling and i let the tv upscale in this instance. I have another tv (50" LG which is exceptionally good at upscaling and let the tv do the upscaling in that instance. I have 3 other tv's of varying sizes that don't particularly look any different whether I let the tv or the tv do the upscaling.

  • Any experience with coolbook?

    Does anyone have any experience with coolbook on the Macbook unibody? I am constantly running mine with one proc full out for hours on end and noticed that the CPU is at 80 C and the fans are at about 2.5k, so I figure if I could under volt a little I could get the CPU temp down a little. Pushing the fans up seems like a bad idea to me because that ages them faster.
    Also, the idea of being able to keep the processor's speed down when I am not plugged in sounds good to be because I am almost never doing anything that I care to do quickly.
    Also, does anyone have an experience with coolbook and apple care? i.e. getting heck from Apple b/c it was installed?

    Hi Paul Bailey,
    I just bought Coolbook for my 15' Macbook Pro Unibody (2.4ghz) yesterday. I recently asked your very question about Coolbook and warranty / AppleCare and the response I received from iVmichael was that it would be fine (thread visible here: http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?messageID=10132068&#10132068 ). I read the Coolbook instructions yesterday and it said that Coolbook couldn't damage your processor. I did some experimenting with it and even putting the highest speed at the lowest voltage it would let me use on Coolbook only resulted in a kernel panic which just told me to turn the computer off, which I did. When I turned it back on, there were no problems at all so I don't think you'll run into problems with Coolbook or at the very least, that's been my experience.
    I played around with the voltages a bit however I found that for most things I do, it didn't make a noticeable difference. I mostly just use my Macbook Pro for web browsing and email, which are already very well handled at cool temperatures by Apple.
    I think the one thing to keep in mind is that even if by lowering the processor speed you're able to use less power through undervolting, you'll then end up with the processor working more time (eg. 2.4ghz processor will finish an encoding job much faster than a 1.8ghz processor) and that higher speed processor might actually end up being a better fit because once it finishes the demanding tasks, it'll underclock itself while the slower Coolbook-enabled processor is still working at most likely a higher frequency + voltage.
    From what I've read, everyone's Macbook Pro will have different results with Coolbook, as some of the Intel chips are willing to run (and be stable) at lower voltages than others, so some people will get more (or less) benefit than I experienced. I was able to get mine to run at 2.4ghz while using 1.0625 volts instead of the default of 1.1375 volts, so my CPU is running about 7% more power efficiently now. I had similar power efficiency improvements experimenting with different speed/voltage combinations. One thing to watch when lowering voltages is that some people have experienced a Core getting disabled (because not enough power is flowing to keep both enabled). If lowering the voltage causes this, you might find your Macbook Pro getting hotter instead of cooler, especially if doing anything that on one CPU causes it to constantly work at it's maximum performance.
    I'm not sure how much of a difference +7% CPU power efficiency would make in battery life, however mine seems to run about 2-3 degrees Celsius cooler which is nice, although it wasn't bothering me at the higher temperature. What I've heard mentioned in other threads on the Apple Discussion forums is that a cooler running Macbook Pro's battery should be able to go through more charging cycles than a warmer running one because of the effect heat has on the duration of a battery's life, so that's another definite plus.
    For battery life, you should get a pretty good extension (better than Coolbook) by lowering the Macbook Pro's LCD/LED brightness to the minimum or as low as you can tolerate if you aren't doing that already. I've heard that even not having the keys backlit when on battery power can add about 45 minutes to battery life as well. For the $10 Coolbook costs, it's worth it in my opinion.
    As for experimenting with fan speed, I definitely think it's a bad idea to have the fan running at max speed or ramping it up substantially over the default Apple settings. Like you said, it'll make the fan age faster and I've heard replacement fans aren't all that cheap (especially when you factor in labor). I really wouldn't know the answer to this, so I'm just speculating, however I personally would see fan failure resultant from smcfancontrol (or another fan speed program) as the Macbook Pro owner's fault and clearly not the fault of Apple if the fan were to fail because it's being used for extended periods of time at substantially higher speeds than it was intended to run at. I've seen some people say it wouldn't affect the warranty, however I think it's best that you contact AppleCare directly and ask just to be safe if this is something you're considering doing -- I haven't managed to come across an official answer from Apple.
    What I think is a good idea would be to increase the minimum fan speed a bit. My Macbook Pro fans usually run at around 2000rpm, so by increasing the fan speed to 2200rpm, I make it run a bit cooler while presumably not doing much to shorten fan lifespan. I may perhaps even be increasing fan lifespan as it now takes longer before the fans need to run at a higher rpm because they're doing a better job at keeping the Macbook Pro running within it's designed thermal envelope.

  • Labview programming to convert weight measurement into mass flow

    I have continuous analog input measurement from weight scale. I want to convert the weight measurement to mass flow measurement.
    1st minute weight measurement: 200kg
    2nd minute weight measurement: 300 kg
    3rd minute weight measurement: 350 kg
    and so on.
    I want to convert those weight into mass flow which is
    1st mass flow300-200)keg/1min = 100kg/min
    2nd mass flow: (350-300)kg/1 min = 50 kg/min
    and so on.
    So the weight and should be updated every minute, whatever the time value of while loop iteration.
    Can somebody give solution of this case with labview programming? (structure in block diagram)

    Hi Eko,
    is this some kind of homework?
    Well I suggest to use two shift registers to hold mass and time, then two subtract nodes to get the difference of current and old vlaue for both and finally a simple divide to get the mass flow...
    Look here to get the basics!
    Best regards,
    CLAD, using 2009SP1 + LV2011SP1 + LV2014SP1 on WinXP+Win7+cRIO
    Kudos are welcome

  • Producing a voltage that coresponds to a setpoint for a mass flow controller​.

    I have a mass flow controller that requires a voltage output signal from my DAQmx board (SCB-68) to maintain a setpoint.  This set point is a voltage that corresponds to the desired flow rate.  I have produced a scale for this linear controller but I do not know how to use it.
    I know how to create a vi that reads a voltage input, I can also write one that sends the same voltage input back throught the output.  I can not write one that sends a constant voltage output corresponding to a flow rate.
    Could somebody help me out with this?

    First, tp upload code (or any document) it is quite easy, just select the file, by clicking the "browse" button... see image below (I'm sorry it's all in french... 'cause I am french ! "Parcourir" means more or less "Browse" ) :
    About your app, well adding a channel doesn't require to duplicate the whole code... Developper are always trying to do things with the less code possible . Check VI attached and tell me if it matches your needs.
    Message Edité par TiTou le 03-23-200601:26 PM
    When my feet touch the ground each morning the devil thinks "bloody hell... He's up again!"
    Gen 2 Volt.vi ‏98 KB
    Clipboard01.png ‏14 KB

  • Yoga 2 Pro - Broken in less than a year - A terrible experience with IdeaPads

    Hi guys!
    I'm hear to tell everyone about my pretty terrible experience with Lenovo and my Yoga 2 Pro IdeaPad. It's not a review or anything but more of a forewarning to those who are thinking of buying from Lenovo.
    I'm also here to help others out in my situation, that is, if you are stuck with a half broken (or in my case, completely faulty) laptop and Lenovo won't help you out (fixes are in italics).
    The beginning
    So I bought a Yoga 2 Pro at BestBuy in the USA about a year ago. I live in Australia so I asked about international warranty and they said that the notebook is covered by international warranty.
    The day the screen flashed black and white
    About a few months in the screen began flashing black and white rapidly (it goes from black to white about twice a second) for about 30 seconds to a minute. I found that you can stop this from happening if you open and close the lid a couple of times. Not really a big issue unless you set your laptop to go to sleep/shutdown when you close the lid. I don't so everything was fine.
    The day the Wi-Fi NIC stopped working properly
    So then a couple of months after that my Wi-Fi began to play up. I recently found out that you can prevent this from happening by ensure that you don't put any pressure on the sides of the base of the laptop (Eg. don't put your elbow on the side of the laptop and hold your head up with the same elbow).
    I also worked out a while ago that you can get the Wi-Fi to work again if you go Right click Wireless Icon->Network And Sharing Center->Change Adapter Settings->Right Click Wi-Fi->Disable it->Renable it
    Here comes the bad stuff...
    Screws began to fall out
    So then the screws began to fall out. I screwed a couple back in when they were wobbly but they eventually fell out without me realising. This suggests that the screw holdings have poor quality threading and as a result the screws begin to fall out. I now have 5 out of 11 screws on the backplate of notebook.
    And also the screw holdings.
    Yup, the actually thing that the screw screws into fell out as well. About three of them fell out. I don't know how it could possibly do so but it did, it happened when I picked up my laptop from the desk.
    And then the charger socket broke
    I can no longer charge my laptop -> I now have a very expensive beverage coaster
    So then the charger socket cracked in half too! Again, not really sure how it happened but it did, it might possibly be from the heat of the laptop causing the plastic to expand when heated and retract when cooled. I have the i7 CPU version so it may get hotter than normal.
    The laptop no longer charges so I no longer have a laptop to use (I use my desktop to work (and occasionally my phone)).
    Not to worry! I'll just make use of my international warranty...?
    And then the customer service were not helpful:
    And then they said I didn't have international warranty...
    And then they admitted that I did...
    And then they claimed international warranty does not apply in Australia...
    So I emailed Lenovo customer service and they kept claiming that my notebook did not have international warranty.
    I talked to Jessica, Jason, Jai, Jasmin, Jackie (why are there so many J's?) and Adam.
    Eventually one of them admitted that I do have international warranty but it is not supported in Australia. How convenient for them. 
    The notebook has never been dropped
    I am the only user of the notebook
    The notebook is kept in a padded laptop bag.
    I was very polite to customer service.
    All I'm left with is a very expensive notebook that doesn't actually work.
    As a result I can only strongly recommend that you avoid buying from Lenovo. I worry for those who have bought Yoga 3 Pro, with it's watch band design and all.
    Here are some pictures I took a few weeks ago (I photoshopped the stickers out):
    This is what the charger socket looks like now (Hard to take a good picture, sorry!) Note that it ha...
    6 Missing Screws, 3 Missing Screw Holdings
    This is what happens when you open the laptop
    Hope that cuts down your options when you go out to buy a laptop! Have fun deciding!

    PatrickS199 wrote:
    Hi guys!
    I'm hear to tell everyone about my pretty terrible experience with Lenovo and my Yoga 2 Pro IdeaPad. It's not a review or anything but more of a forewarning to those who are thinking of buying from Lenovo.
    I'm also here to help others out in my situation, that is, if you are stuck with a half broken (or in my case, completely faulty) laptop and Lenovo won't help you out (fixes are in italics).
    The beginning
    So I bought a Yoga 2 Pro at BestBuy in the USA about a year ago. I live in Australia so I asked about international warranty and they said that the notebook is covered by international warranty.
    The day the screen flashed black and white
    About a few months in the screen began flashing black and white rapidly (it goes from black to white about twice a second) for about 30 seconds to a minute. I found that you can stop this from happening if you open and close the lid a couple of times. Not really a big issue unless you set your laptop to go to sleep/shutdown when you close the lid. I don't so everything was fine.
    The day the Wi-Fi NIC stopped working properly
    So then a couple of months after that my Wi-Fi began to play up. I recently found out that you can prevent this from happening by ensure that you don't put any pressure on the sides of the base of the laptop (Eg. don't put your elbow on the side of the laptop and hold your head up with the same elbow).
    I also worked out a while ago that you can get the Wi-Fi to work again if you go Right click Wireless Icon->Network And Sharing Center->Change Adapter Settings->Right Click Wi-Fi->Disable it->Renable it
    Here comes the bad stuff...
    Screws began to fall out
    So then the screws began to fall out. I screwed a couple back in when they were wobbly but they eventually fell out without me realising. This suggests that the screw holdings have poor quality threading and as a result the screws begin to fall out. I now have 5 out of 11 screws on the backplate of notebook.
    And also the screw holdings.
    Yup, the actually thing that the screw screws into fell out as well. About three of them fell out. I don't know how it could possibly do so but it did, it happened when I picked up my laptop from the desk.
    And then the charger socket broke
    I can no longer charge my laptop -> I now have a very expensive beverage coaster
    So then the charger socket cracked in half too! Again, not really sure how it happened but it did, it might possibly be from the heat of the laptop causing the plastic to expand when heated and retract when cooled. I have the i7 CPU version so it may get hotter than normal.
    The laptop no longer charges so I no longer have a laptop to use (I use my desktop to work (and occasionally my phone)).
    Not to worry! I'll just make use of my international warranty...?
    And then the customer service were not helpful:
    And then they said I didn't have international warranty...
    And then they admitted that I did...
    And then they claimed international warranty does not apply in Australia...
    So I emailed Lenovo customer service and they kept claiming that my notebook did not have international warranty.
    I talked to Jessica, Jason, Jai, Jasmin, Jackie (why are there so many J's?) and Adam.
    Eventually one of them admitted that I do have international warranty but it is not supported in Australia. How convenient for them. 
    The notebook has never been dropped
    I am the only user of the notebook
    The notebook is kept in a padded laptop bag.
    I was very polite to customer service.
    All I'm left with is a very expensive notebook that doesn't actually work.
    As a result I can only strongly recommend that you avoid buying from Lenovo. I worry for those who have bought Yoga 3 Pro, with it's watch band design and all.
    Here are some pictures I took a few weeks ago (I photoshopped the stickers out):
    This is what the charger socket looks like now (Hard to take a good picture, sorry!) Note that it ha...
    6 Missing Screws, 3 Missing Screw Holdings
    This is what happens when you open the laptop
    Hope that cuts down your options when you go out to buy a laptop! Have fun deciding!
    Same issues with my Yoga, from India.
    Screen (twice), wifi, charger and battery issues, SERVICE issues, no screws in the back...
    Beside that my laptop USB and bluetooth is also not working and it is soo slow...
    I just bought a non lenovo charger.
    Yes and my laptop never left my office table.
    I was hoping to fix it in Australia and I guess not.
    Avoid by any cost Lenovo products!!! ZERO service. 

  • Miserable experience with replacement LG Fathom, that replaced defective TP2

    It does freeze.
    Alarms don't work right
    I use the alarms & those didn't work right. I had set 1 for 9:30 pm & 1 for 10 pm,  The 10 pm one got up to 12 alarms--even though only 1 was set. Tech support wanted me to do a hard reboot but wasn't very thrilled about that as I would then have to reinstall software & re-set up linking & set up email all over again.
    After awhile I turned off the alarms. But they still went off. I did check--they were turned off. & then it got so the 9:30 one would freeze the whole phone. I couldn't activate the buttons to make it stop or snooze---they didn't respond & the whole phone was frozen so I would have to reset.
    Finally I deleted both alarms & set them up again. Working better, but again the 9:30 one has about 6 alarms that go off so I have to stop each one. I think one time I stopped all & the 10 pm one didn't go off. They are supposed to help remind me to start windiing down--the 9:30 one & then to seriously shut down the computer & get ready for bed.
    Sometimes they don't seem to go off or accidentally get turned off.
    Volume buttons can get bumped & turn to silen so calls missed
    Another issue is that the volume up down buttons can get bumped. A while ago I was trying to set up a drs appt I think it was & was waiting for a call back. I finally called them back when I hadn't heard. I think they said they had tried to call. Later I saw that they had--4x but I discovered the volume was turned off so I missed those important calls.  Not good.
    The keyboard is not very nice.
    Downgrade replacement for defective TP2
    This was a replacement for my defective Touch Pro 2. I had paid for that top of the line phone, & in CA we have to pay sales tax on the full list price!  Someone (obviously going by the specs, not actual usage) raved about how this phone was supposed to be so super. NOT.  The list price was about half that of the TP2. It doesn't have the digital voice recorder the TP2 did, nor a lot of the HTC features that I liked & used like the automatic vibrate for appts that were listed as busy. & I really miss the way that I was able to set several cities up in world clock & then I could easily see what time it was & what the weather was. Nice when friends were in those ciities.
    The keyboard on this is smaller & I keep getting periods in the middle of the sentence when typing emails which then makes the next letter a capital &makes it hard to read. It has 1 less row in the keyboard. The phone is smaller than the TP2, so easier to carry, but harder to see.
    Someone called me on Thanksgiving & I didn't recognize the area code, but I was trying to answer & must have accidentally used the wrong slider so the call disappeared. Then there was some icon at the top, but it was so small I couldn't really tell that it was a voice mail indicator, so I didn't check until way late at night.
    Verizon called this an upgrade--even though it was actually a replacement for a top of the line phone (the TP2 was a cool phone, if only it had worked well but it got so that it would randomly change orientation while I was trying to read an email, & it got so the backlight wouldn't always come on & sometimes even after pressing it multiple times) but I would call this a downgrade. While the processor is about 2x as fast as the TP2, it doesn't really work noticeably faster. I guess that's the winmob OS.
    Win mobile issues
    & of course then Microsoft did a # on users of WinMob 6.5 when they came out with Windows phone 7 which is totally incompatible. So phones that ran 6.5 can't run 7 & the software is incompatible. I had gotten it for busines where we had aps that needed 6.5.
    It has been a miserable experience with both of these phones, when I bought the TP2 I went for the premium phone, planning to keep it for over 2 years. Instead it had multiple issues its 1st year which I put up with for months. Finally got the replacement Fathom, which again, Verizon kept calling an upgrade but its really a downgrade.  I had paid for a top of the line phone, & got an inferior phone, smaller keyboard, & screen, less features & it doesn't work so well.
    Are smart phones less reliable than regular cell phones?
    I don't know if smart phones in general are less relaible than regular cell phones or what, but my experience has been very frustrating all the way. These are supposed to be productivity enhancers. Instead I've had way too many issues, & often tech support, while usually nice & trying to help, they didn't always know what they were talking about.
    Want a reliable smart phone that does what it is supposed to do--feel ripped off
    So I'm frustrated with this not very reliable phone & want to get a reliable phone. But I sure wasn't planning to have to buy a new phone this soon. My previous phone was a basic LG flip phone with speaker & no camera & that thing just worked so I kept it for about 5 years until I needed the win mob phone for biz. I no longer need it for that, & it isn't working very well, but I don't really want to spend the $ for a new phone right now.
    Really frustrated with the bad experiences with both phones.  I feel like I didn't get what I paid for & again I went for a top of the line phone, intending to keep it for several years, not expecting all the problems I've had with both phones. btw, the Fathom retail price was about half that of the TP2, even though the 2 yr agreement price was the same. but in CA we pay sales tax on the full retail.
    I would like to be able to get another smart phone that is really reliable like an iPhone, but really wasn't planning on buying a new phone this soon.

    Greetings caatkins4,
    When your phone is the lifeline to your job, it would be most frustrating to experience issues such as the ones you've described, especially if you do not have a back up in place for when things go wrong. All of our phones are tested to make sure they meet the manufacturer’s specifications before being sent out. It is regretful to hear that the refurbished Samsung Galaxy Note 3 you received may not have met these specifications once it was in your hands.
    I was able to review your services when I located your Geek Squad Protection plan with the email address you registered with the forum. Unfortunately, at this time we would only be able to provide you with another replacement. It appears we've already created the service order necessary, and presently, it appears that a tracking number has been created for your replacement phone. It should ship soon if it hasn't already, as it sometimes takes up to 24 hours for UPS to update their shipping information.
    I apologize if this is of any inconvenience to you. If you should have any questions, please feel welcome to reach out to me.
    Tasha|Social Media Specialist | Best Buy® Corporate
     Private Message

  • Share my experiences with the B520 Model

    I have purchased the Lenovo All-In-One desktop computer model B520 on Nov 15th. It arrived in my office on Nov 21st.  It’s been a month now after using it, I would like to share my thoughts about it.
    Saves space, this is the biggest advantage of AIO desktop; this is the primary reason that why I have switched.  Computers with a case and a separated monitor is a big issue for me. I never liked these cables for mouse, keyboard, speakers, …etc. it causes a huge mess under the desk. Now, with the All-in-one style, everything is simplified.  The only cable I need for this B520 Lenovo desktop is for the power source.  It’s designed with different wireless technologies. Mouse and Keyboard are connected through Bluetooth; The system has build-in with the latest 802.11b.g.n WiFi wireless technology.  It also has the enhanced integrated 5.0 speakers system that supports SRS Premium Sound Audio.
    High Performance,  out of all the All-In-One desktop models out there in the market, this machine has the highest hardware specifications. Quad Core Intel 2nd Generation CPU i72600 with Hyper Thread Technology.  This is a really powerful CPU, it gives its best performance when it comes with Video Rendering and image processing.  Word processing and gaming is a piece of cake for the it to handle. I do a lot of video editing so I will only chose this model of CPU.
    The B520 model also comes wit a Nvidia Geforce GT555M.  This is a middle class close to a high end video card.  It handles most of the 3D games in an acceptable setting, but will not be able to run games like BF3 or Crysis kind of games in high settings.  This machine is not for serious gamers, because All-in-one desktops has the performance bottleneck with the video card. Computer manufacturing have to keep down the power it consumes to prevent the machine from over heating.  High end video cards all have a very high demand for powers, at same time produces huge amount of heat.  This is why there are a lot of people start to customize their own computer cases with water cooling system. It is more sophisticated and comes with a lot of trouble.  If you want to have something easy, well organized, and just simply works, go for All-In-One.  You will love it.
    The Lenovo B520 comes with a Touch Screen, which I don’t usually use that often. If there are kids in the family, it will be a fun toy for them to play with. What I like better, is the Bluetooth mouse. The unique part about this mouse is that it has a build in gravitational sensor, means, this mouse is functional in the middle of nowhere, even hanging in the air.  You can imagine using it like a Wii game controller.Just move the mouse and wave it in the air and you will see the cursor on the screen goes where ever you are pointing. How accurate is it? very accurate!! it’s is more sensitive and feels better than using a Wii controller.  Lenovo has pre-install some games that can be played interactively with the mouse. The screen is 23″, so it would be a fun experience. I don’t have any kids in the house, so I uninstalled them all to save some disk spaces and speed up the system a little bit.
    The keyboard and mouse are both connected by Bluetooth; I also noticed that every time when I start the computer, it takes about 2-3 seconds for them to become effective. I assume Lenovo has designed it with a “sleep feature” for this two devices; it helps to save battery and extend the replacement cycle.
    The computer also comes with a 3D glasses. The touch screen has a very high refreshing rate(120Mhz) which is better for the eyes. The screen works interactively with the 3D glasses. When the computer is playing a movie in 3D format, when I wear the 3D glasses and facing the screen, it automatically turns on and I am in 3D mode!!! It supports a lot of 3D games too!!  The feeling in a racing car 3D game is UNBELIEVABLY REAL!!  I love it so much!  It’s a TOTALLY NEW LEVEL of gaming experience!
    Also, Lenovo has designed 4 slots for memory modules.  they have installed 8GB onto two slots and there are another 2 slots available to use.  This is very useful for people like me demands for more rams.  It also provides four USB 2.0 and two USB 3.0 port; more than any other All-in-one desktops on the market. The 5 in-one card reader is convenient for uploading photos from cameras.  two HDMI ports, I can also connect my PS3 or Xbox360 to it if I want to use it’s 3D touch screen. It has a building TV tuner, so watching TV on it is another feature.
    Even the computer is very well designed, as a high end user I found there are still a couple places that Lenovo can improve.
    1. Lenovo has researched and developed this RapidDrive technology; I see this is an option on the Spec-sheet for the product, but I never had the chance to upgrade it.  I demand for a high disk performance; I was a little disappointed when I found out that I wasn’t able to install another SSD high performance disk into the computer. I had to take out the 2TB standard disk drive and replace it with the SSD. It would be really nice if I can have the high performance SSD installed as the system drive, and the HD installed as the storage drive.  The RapidDrive technology may become failing out now, because it was from those years that SSD weren’t popularly used.  Compare to the present, SSD is getting more and more popular, the SSD is improving it’s performance and lowering it’s cost.  In the next one or two years, the RapidDrive technology will likely become a history.
    2. I have opened the B520 model to see the inside modules. I see there are still plenty of spaces that Lenovo engineer can use to expand the upgrade capacities. I can use some simple tools to modify the inside body a little bit to fit another hard drive, but it stopped me from doing it because there is not another power cord connector. Those extra mSata connectors are sitting there and watching me could do anything about it;  = (
    3. Lenovo technical support did not have a most updated tech sheet for their system.  Again, I am a tech kind of guy. I was looking for a manual to better understanding the B520 motherboard.(so I can modify it and add some extra hardware to it)  I have called their technical support, talked to people, went through their online data base,  they weren’t able to provide me this manual.  The lastest information they have is for the previous model. The B520 Model I have a the newest I believe. Lenovo should keep up with their technical support, and be prepare for experienced users.
    I am satisfied with it. I feel I have made a great purchase.  Would be nice it I can install an additional SSD in there.  Would nice if they can put a high end video card in there.  Good for home offices, and home entertainments. Not recommended for hardcore gamer.
    Price: 4.5 / 5
    Performance: 4.5 / 5
    Exterior Design: 5 / 5
    Interior Design: 3.5 / 5
    Customer Service: 4.5 / 5
    Time from order to receive the product: QUICKLY
    Other thoughts:
    When I was doing my research on All-In-One, here are the reasons that why I have chosen Lenovo:
    1.Sony has a well designed for their product, but the price is high. Most importantly, the video card they have is Nvidia Geforce 540M GT, and it only supports 8GB of ram, not 16 GB.
    2. Toshiba has terrible customer services for technical support. I had a very bad experience with them. I believe they have out sourced it to India base companies.  When the computer is out of warranty after 1 year, they charge a $35(or $30)dollars troubleshooting fee.  I think this is ridiculous to charge the consumer to talk over the phone to find what is the problem with their product.
    3. Dell has better customer service than Toshiba; They do not charge for talking and providing the technical support after warranty, but when it comes with parts replacement, that is something we have to pay which is understandable.  However, one thing I really don’t like Dell computers is that they install a LOT of junks onto your machine when you buy it.  It’s fully loaded with all these third party softwares who pays Dell for more users.  It not only slows down the system, but also generate a lot of garbage uses a lot of disk space.  I will reconsider to buy Dell if they give me a clean & Junk-free windows.
    4. iMac is also a good choice because it’s well designed too. but I did not chose it because it has very limited expansion ports and they charge insanely more for hard-wares upgrade.  They have extreme control over their product from customer modification. They don’t even allow the consumer to replace the hard drive themselves.
    5. HP also has wonderful All-In-Ones, but their hardware specs seems weak. Never dealt with HP customer service before, so I will not say anything about their customer services. Hopefully it’s better than Toshiba.  = )
    also been posted on my personal blog

    Thank you for replying.
    Where I can buy a seperate RapidDrive?
    I couldn't find it on the marcket, or on shop.lenovo.com  /  http://www.lenovospareparts.com/
    With the mSata power splitter, there is a problem.
    The data portion and the power portion shares the same connector I belive. I have thought of it but don't know how to make it possible.  any suggestions?
    the only thing I can find is this :  http://www.microcenter.com/single_product_results.phtml?product_id=0317944   
    but I still need to convert the power connector because it's 4 pin molex;. I guess it should work if I use another 6" Molex to SATA Power Cable Adapter.  
    Also, I couldn't find which is the SATA 3.0 and Which is the SATA 6.0 connector.  SSD will have a huge difference in performace with a SATA 6.0 connector.   This is confusing because on the B520 Spec sheet it stated both.  I was looking for it's manual to identify, but no one can provides it. Last time when I called, they forwarded my call to Intel.  LOL!  I was like, **bleep**?  It's a board you used and you dont have a manual for it?
    Thanks  again!

  • Bad experience with Verizon Fios Internet and Customer Service

    I had an extremely bad experience with Verizon Fios Internet service and I will never use Verizon again. 
    In August 2014, I called and installed the Verizon Fios Internet and phone bundle. I asked the customer agent several times if I will be charged anything before the installation of the Internet and phone service. She said, 'No, we will only start charging after the Internet and phone are installed at your apartment'. I went to the store and picked up the router and phone and installed it at home by myself. The router did not work. I called Tech support and they said it will take several days for another available agent to come and look into the issue. I decided to discontinue the service and closed the account that same night.
    At the end of the month, I received a bill of $80 of activation fee for the internet service. Nothing was ever activated, my internet router did not work, and I got charged an activation fee for a service that I did not even start using. From August to December, I called customer service over 10 times and some of them said they will waive it while the others said it's a non-refundable activation fee. One lady said, 'Ma'am, the activation fee starts when you placed the order, the warehouse received it and packed the router in the boxes....' Isn't that ridiculous? If that's the case, please ask all your customer representative to say a clause before new customers open their account: Are you aware that you will be charged a non-refundable activation fee once you open the account regardless of whether or not you use the service or not. 
    So after 3 months (November 2014), I decided to get out of all these troubles and paid off my $80 activation fee. They put the bill in the collection agency and I called them and paid the overdue balance. Then in December 2014, I received a statement saying I have a $3.11 overdue balance. The collection agency told me that they will charge me for the whole activation fee and a $3 transaction fee for the transaction. So now Verizon came back and said I owed them the $3 because I paid the collection agency their transaction fee. 
    I am very disappointed and furious about the whole Verizon operating system. Charging a customer for an activation fee for a service s/he has not consumed or used does not make any business sense. In addition, they do not know how to coordinate with the collection agency on overdue bills. Give the customer a heads-up that they will be charged a transaction fee on top of the overdue balance, and that transaction fee does not count towards clearing the balance. 
    I have completely lost my confidence in Verizon albeit the many good feedback from my friends. 

    Hi crystallau52,
    Sorry you are having difficulty. An agent with access to your account will reach out to you directly by email, private message in the Forums and/or the billing telephone number on your Verizon account for more information or to help you resolve your issue.

  • Awful Experience with Delivery and Installation of Appliances from BBY

    I went to the Best But in College Park, MD on 02 March 2015 with the intention of buying an appliance suite (refrigerator, range, and dish washer). A sales associated assisted me promptly upon entering the store, and I let him know what I needed to purchase and that I would need delivery, installation, and haul away for all three items. He stated that the delivery, installation, and haul away was included with the price of all three items, and we scheduled my initial delivery date for 13 March 2015.
    The evening before my delivery, 12 March 2015, I got a call from the Geek Squad giving me a three hour window they would be there to deliver and install my items. In going over the order with the representative I asked if the same crew dropping off the appliances would be installing the plumbing for the dishwasher. Contrary to what I was told in the store at the time of purchase, the representative on the phone notified me that a dishwasher installation was not sold to me and the following day the only thing the crew would be doing is dropping off the dishwasher. She then instructed me to call the store to see if there was any adjustments that could be made that would not change my delivery date the following day.
    So, I call the store and explain what is going on to the representative in customer service. He instructs me that he cannot add the installation on to the order for the next day because the route has already been made and the warehouse told him its too late to change. So, instead he, in conjunction with his manager, said he can add the dishwasher install for a later date that I was available, but the delivery of the range and the refrigerator would remain for the following date. After about 45 minutes we work through the kinks and he lets me know he will call me back the following day to give me a solidified date and time that the dishwasher can be installed.
    So, the following day comes and the time frame for my delivery and installation of the range and refrigerator comes and goes without hearing a word from Best But or the Geek Squad. So, I call customer service and the rep I'm speaking with lets me know that whatever the in-store rep did over the phone the following night put the entire order into reschedule and nothing would be delivered to me that day. Imagine my frustration because I've taken off from work to take possession of appliances that AREN'T GOING TO SHOW UP. Immediately, I hang up with customer service and go into the store where I originally purchased the appliances. I was told it did in fact get pushed into reschedule and my only option was to reschedule the delivery AGAIN. After working with both the rep and the General Manager in-store I was able to get the delivery rescheduled for 23 March 2015 with the dishwasher installation added to the order for free since it was an error caused by a Best Buy employee.
    On 21 March 2015, I got the calls from the automated system giving me my three hour window the installers would be there on the 23rd of March to install my items. On 23 March 2015, the crew with the refrigerator and the range showed up first. They asked me to come to the truck upon arrival because there was some issue with the refrigerator and they wanted me to see it before they unloaded it and brought it up to my home. The refrigerator of course shows up badly dented on the door, so I refuse it because I haven't gone through all of this to take possession of a damaged product. The delivery man let me know that if I did take possession of it, they would offer me some discounts because it was damaged. I said no thanks and he called customer service for me to speak with a woman at the warehouse about the damaged product. The woman at the warehouse said she was going to check their inventory and call me back within a few moments to reschedule a new unit to be sent out. They install the range without an issue. Next, the dishwasher team shows up and that goes off without a hitch. Of course, I didn't hear back from anyone at the warehouse at all that evening to reschedule the delivery of a new refrigerator.
    All in all, this has been a HORRIBLE experience with Best Buy. As a loyal Elite Status Rewards Zone customer and a former employee of the Best Buy in College Park, MD, I can say after this appliance experience, Best But has lost a lifelong customer. The level of customer service I received was sub-par and their attempts to correct an issue that started with their employee giving me improper information about installation being included in the price of all the appliances made the situation worse. I ended up returning the refrigerator because I refuse to wait any longer or go through anymore drama in order to take possession of something I paid for twenty days ago and can't receive because of Best Buy's inability to get their act together. I ended up purchasing a refrigerator from Sears immediately after cancelling my order for the one from Best Buy and it was delivered next day and damage free.

    Hello canbro34,
    The purchase and delivery of new appliances should be exciting and fun and not result in the kinds of tribulations that you describe. Our representatives should ensure that you have everything you need for a successful delivery and installation and I was surprised to read that the did not. I apologize for your having to cope with this frustrating experience.
    I was gratified to read that the store's general manager was able to work with you to help assuage some of the problems that were created. It was regrettable that the refrigerator arrived damaged, but I was happy to hear that the delivery and installation of the other appliances went smoothly.
    Although I understand your reasons, I was dismayed to read that you elected to purchase your refrigerator from a competitor and that this experience may influence your future shopping destination. It is my hope that you will give Best Buy another chance one day soon.
    Please know that I am sincerely grateful that you took the time to share your experience with us.
    John|Social Media Specialist | Best Buy® Corporate
     Private Message

  • Does anyone have experience with having multiple editors work on the same project from different computers?

    Does anyone have experience with having multiple editors work on the same project from different computers?

    As much as I hate to admit it, YOU ARE RIGHT!
    I will tread lightly on this project.
    Thanks for the sanity check,
    Ben Rayner
    I am currently active on.. MainStream Preppers
    Rayner's Ridge is under construction

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