EXport AVCHD -- Prores422  Premiere CS4 (mac)

I have AVCHD 1080i (Canon HF20) material and i want export my native AVCHD edit to ProPre422 50i (FCP).
How i can do this CS4?
When i select:
-> .MOV 
and then:
-> DV- PAL (wtf? i want HD nope SD ??? why only SD ?)
and then codek:
-> Prores422(HQ)
and then i change resulation:
720x576-> 1920x1080
- Then i want keep  interlace :
* Is Field type upper first OK ?
* Is 25 frame rate ok? or 50 ? (why is not 50i select ?)
* Is Square pixels 1 ok?
Is this metod ok when i want export my AVCHD to Prores422 ?
... why i must select SD?

My  system: 8 gb & Win7 x64 & Q9650.
Upgrade to i7 or upgrade to 16 GB ???
I think to wait CS5. Then ...
Many thanks.

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    Thank you.
    Given that you have SD material (720 x 480), the highest quality would be DV-AVI, BUT, that will be too large for a DVD-Data, unless your Project is short and you use DVD-9's (DL).
    I would choose MPEG-2 (the format/CODEC of DVD-Video) and keep the bit-rate up for quality. You will need to balance the bit-rate vs the file size and the Duration, but it is an effective CODEC. This should also play on most Mac's, with little issue.
    One can cram more Duration into a DivX file, but the compression will be noticed in quality, and will require the users to download a CODEC and install it. You would not be able to include a deliverable, as it is a licensed product, though just the CODEC is free.
    I hope that the wait was worthwhile.
    Good luck,
    PS - WMV (a really wide variety of choices within) would be fine too, but that would leave out many Mac-users, and I think that the compression will compromise the quality, but only by a tiny bit.
    Also, wait for a few other comments, as different folk have their own favs.

  • 4:3 Export Query from Premiere Cs4

    Hi there.
    Im looking for some advice on best export setting from premiere please.
    Basically I am making some visuals for a 12x9 screen and the visuals have to fit exactly onto the screen as there is a certian degree of mapping going on. I am editing using the project settings DV PAL 48khz
    I'm wondering is it better to export as
    720x576 (D1/DV pal 1.0940)
    768x576 (square pixels 1.0)
    I am a bit confused as to which will fit exactly to a 12x9 screen
    I will be playing the visuals Directly from my laptop via Vga cable.
    Any advice is welcome thanks!

    Sorry I dont understand. Do you mean the resolution of my source media?
    It is all of varying sizes and resolutions but I am editing in a 720 x 576 sequence.All of the footage is being scaled up or down (depending on the size) to fit  exactly (hopefully) the 12x9 screen
    I Have put in a 4:3 guide frame in the preview window to lay clips on. This leaves a small black border at either side as a I am not editing in a 4:3 sequence I suppose.

  • Export AVCHD with Premiere Pro 4

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    Is exporting AVCHD even possible?

    Well, pure AVCHD Export is not available. MP4 H.264 is however. Depending on what your delivery scheme is, you might want to explore other options.
    Good luck,

  • AVCHD thru Premiere CS4 encodes hiccups in audio

    I need some help with a problem that I can’t seem to find any information about.
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    Here’s the technical stuff -
    Original files are AVCHD from the Canon HF20. Premiere gives the files’ frame rate as 29.97 and audio format as 48000 Hz, compressed, Stereo and the project’s audio format as 48000 Hz, 32 bit floating point, Stereo.
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    My computer’s specs are Pentium 4, 2.8 Ghz with 4 GB of RAM. XPPro with SP3. I am encoding the final FLV’s to an external 1 TB HD connected via eSATA.
    I appreciate any help/advice that anyone might have on this. I know my computer isn’t the best for video editing, but the main reason for this setup was to process the camera’s digital files to audio. If the computer’s processor is what’s causing the hiccups, then I’ll need to upgrade. If you need any more info from me, please let me know. Thanks again!

    My  system: 8 gb & Win7 x64 & Q9650.
    Upgrade to i7 or upgrade to 16 GB ???
    I think to wait CS5. Then ...
    Many thanks.

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    >Does this mean that the prior feature [...] has been discontinued by Adobe in CS4?
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  • Media Encoder error about activation when exporting in activated version of Premiere CS4

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    Any ideas of how to fix this?

    Hi: I have the same problem, but it happened very suddenly and after very specific updates. I successfully encoded a file using the CS6 encoder. Then, I allowed updates to Adobe Media Player and Adobe Air. I tried to encode with CS6 again and it had stopped working - all in the space of 5 minutes. A reboot did not help. I also have CS4 and CS 5.5 installed and have had all along (which means that you can have them and use the CS6 encoder). Since I can no longer use the CS6 encoder, but am able to launch an older one, I am using that for the moment. I hope that this reply will be of some help in finding a solution.

  • How to export timeline sequence to .vob in premiere cs4?

    Hi All,
    I am new to premiere cs4,
    earlier i used premire 6.5 for video editing.
    in premiere 6.5 for exporting video i had used procoder 2.0
    after procoder instalation it comes as plug in premiere 6.5 by using procoder i can export timeline as my desired video format.
    but now this procoder is not working in premiere cs4
    after i installed procoder it is not showing in premiere cs4.
    i tried export option in premiere cs4 but it has no .vob option for export
    now how can i export timeline sequence as .vob file and
    how can i work with procoder in premiere cs4? is there any chance to install procoder in premiere cs4?

    I agree with John T. Normally, the creation of a VOB (Video Object) container is done in an authoring app., like Adobe Encore, which he mentioned. Up through Premiere Pro 2.0, there were limited authoring capabilities, built in. However, with PrPro CS 3, those were removed, and all authoring functions were provided with Encore, which has shipped with PrPro, ever since.
    Now, the VOB is just a container. It will have mostly the MPEG-2 DVD AV file, which can span several VOB's, which are only ~1GB in size. The first VOB might also contain the DVD Menus, and navigation instructions, all of which can only be ~ 1GB. If those elements are less, then the first part of the MPEG-2 DVD AV file will be in there also.
    While I do not know one, there are probably utilities available, that can wrap an MPEG-2 DVD AV file into a VOB. Still, you have Adobe Encore, and it can do that, plus a whole lot more, so just finding a program to wrap the MPEG is likely a waste of time, unless you have other, very specific needs.
    To utilize Encore, you have basically three ways (as of PrPro CS 3 and up) to accomplish that:
    You can use ADL (Adobe Dynamic Link) to Import your Sequences/Timelines directly to Encore.
    You can Export a DV AVI file, then Import that into Encore.
    You can Export an MPEG-2 DVD file, then Import that into Encore.
    Good luck, and if you do have some other, specific needs for the VOB container, let us know, as someone might have suggestions for that.
    PS - If you do go the Encore route, and are not familiar with that program, I strongly recommend the very good, and very active Adobe Encore Forum: http://forums.adobe.com/community/encore/encore_general

  • Video Filter missing:  AE.ADBE Fast Blur - Premiere Pro CS4 mac

    Hi, I own the master collection package of the cs4 products for Mac, and I'm having this problem when trying to open a project made on premiere pro 1,5 (win). All files, effects and tittles where imported perfectly on my Mac after opening and saving the project on win premiere cs3. The only problem is the fast blur plugin. I get this error when opening the project on premiere cs4. I need to have the fast blur plugin working because I don't want to re-create the whole transitions of this 1 hr length project.
    I tried copying the Fast_Blur.plugin from after effects and pasting it on my premiere pro plug-ins folder (/Applications/Adobe Premiere Pro CS4/Plug-ins) but with no luck, apparently premiere ignores it. Also tried to copy it to /Applications/Adobe Premiere Pro CS4/Adobe Premiere Pro CS4.app/Contents/Plug-ins/Common but this gave me several errors and the application not launching.
    What can I do to use this plugin in premiere cs4 Mac?
    Any help will be greatly appreciated!

    Placed the afx cs4 Fast_Blur.plugin on /Applications/Adobe Premiere Pro CS4/Adobe Premiere Pro CS4.app/Contents/Frameworks/MediaCoreUI.framework/Fast_Blur.pluginand nothing... ignored as when placing it on Plug-Ins folder...
    Where is this mediacore folder on win?
    Thanks for the suggestion, but I think that the Mac CS4 afx "Fast_Blur.plugin" isn't comptible with the Mac CS4 Premiere.
    I don't own a CS3 mac version... does anyone knows if it has the fast blur? I could try to use that file...

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    Either get a PC for that job or export as MOV and convert to an AVI wrapper.

  • Camtasia Poor Quality in Premiere CS4 Export

    I am a PC user. One of my clients uses Mac and Camtasia to screen capture his software program, which I need to integrate into a video I am making for his company. The MP4 Camptasia file he sends me looks good. I bring the file into Premiere to edit it, but when I export it, the clip done with Camtasia has very poor quality, while the footage I shot with my video camera looks great.
    Camera: HMC40, PH mode 1080/60i (MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 compression).
    PC: i7 quad-core 64-bit running Windows 7 Professional 64-bit, 8 GB RAM.
    Editor: Premiere CS4 in the Adobe CS4 Master Collection .
    New Sequence setup in Premiere: AVCHD > 1080i > AVCHD 1080i30 (60i) Anamorphic.
    Premiere’s export settings:
    Format: MPEG2
    Preset: HDTV 1080p 29.97 High Quality
    Multiplexer tab > Bitrate and Buffering Details: Variable
    Video Tab > Basic Video Settings > Quality: 5
    Field Order > None (progressive)
    Profile > Main
    Bitrate Settings: Bitrate Encoding: VBR 2Pass
      Minimum Bitrate: 4 (default)
      Target Bitrate: 15 (default)
      Maximum Bitrate: 18.5 (default)
    GOP Settings > M Frames: 3 (default)
      N Frames: 15 (default)
    Output summary: NTSC, 1920X1080, 29.97 drop frame (fps), Progressive, Quality 5.0
    Note in general: I found that if I set the Bitrate Encoding at VBR 1Pass, I got glitches sporadically.Using VBR 2Pass has solved this.
    My question about the Camtasia clip:
    1) How can I get the Camtasia footage to be as sharp in the export as in the original?
    Other questions in general:
    2) Are my New Sequence setting in Premiere correct? AVCHD > 1080i > AVCHD 1080i30 (60i) Anamorphic
    3) Is my choice to export as MPEG2, HDTV 1080p 29.97 High Quality preset, the best for the footage I shoot?
    4) Is my choice to set the Multiplexer tab > Bitrate and Buffering Details at ‘Variable’ the best?
    5) Do my Bitrate and GOP settings need adjustment?
    6) Should my Export field order be Upper instead of Progressive?

    function(){return A.apply(null,[this].concat($A(arguments)))}
    The frame rate is 1038 X 882
    That is a very odd frame size, and one that probably won't work well no matter what workflow you use.  You asked:
    function(){return A.apply(null,[this].concat($A(arguments)))}
    how could he better capture and export to match my workflow?
    Have him capture and export to match your desired export frame size for the finished project.
    function(){return A.apply(null,[this].concat($A(arguments)))}
    How would you suggest I change my workflow to handle the interlaced and progressive issue?
    I can't answer that until I know exactly how you intend to deliver your finished video.  Any answers to your other questions will also likely depend on your intended delivery format and media.

  • Slow down issue with Premiere CS4 on a Mac pro

    I am having a similar slow down issue with Premiere CS4 on a Mac pro, but I don't have bloated prproj file size.
    Here is what I am working with:
    Mac Pro intel quad core 2.8ghz
    OSX 10.6.7 Snow Leopard
    6Gigs RAM
    3TB storage between 4 drives, each drive with about 50% free space
    I am editing a 10 minute HD video from avchd files.  The edited video is very heavy in photoshop files with a variety of different fx including green screen.  The system has slowed down to almost a standstill.  Anytime I move the playcurser, or try to do any action, it displays the spinning top "thinking" icon and takes 15 seconds to several minutes to unfreeze.  I am often forced to force quit and I have gotten unexpected quits several times.   The program also freezes on startup frequently.
    No other programs are running.  When I export with media encoder, it took about 4 hours to complete.  The last 4 or so photoshop images I added seemed to tip the program over the edge.  It had been slowing down some, but those last few really dropped the processing speed.  Before those additions, export took 30 min to 1hr.
    I did delete the render files (did not check if the file size was bloated beforehand, oops) but it has not significantly affected my performance.

    Do you need all of those extra pixels in the stills? Are you panning the full 4976?
    Two things to consider are that if you using, say a 1920 x 1080 Sequence Frame Size, you can only see that at any time, regardless of how large the images are in pixels. If there are extra pixels, i.e. the Pan is not using all 4976 pxls., I would Scale to just what you need in PS, prior to Import.
    If you are doing any Scale in PrPro, its Scaling algorithms are not as efficient, as those in PS. [Note: CS5 and 5.5 are a major improvement on that statement.]
    With many large stills (the max for CS4 is 4096 x 4096, if there ARE extra pixels, pushing those around will use up resources, and quickly. As a test, some years back, I was working on a "photo wall," and was using 4000 x 4000 images. The workstation had no issues with slowness, until I got to the 5th large still. By the 8th, the Project was too slow to edit. I had to wait for everything. Luckily, I have AE, and it handles large stills much more efficiently, and much differently, than PrPro. I just moved to an AE Comp, and completed the Project, finishing up n PrPro, after I Exported from AE.
    Just something to think about. With Scaling in PrPro, this is one time, where bigger is not necessarily better.
    Good luck,

  • Need help with Premiere CS4 Export...

    I currently shoot HD video with a Canon Vixia HF S10 digital camcorder (link goes to Canon's site). I shoot at the highest quality available, MXP 24 Mbps (1920x1080). When I bring the video over to my machine, it comes over as an .mts file which is the AVCHD file format (link goes to Wikipedia article on the format). I import these .mts files into Adobe Premiere (CS4). I import them into a AVCHD 1080p30 (29.97) Sequence. I do my editing, adding title screens, music, whatever. The problem comes when I go to export the final product into a usable format.  I've tried all different sorts of formats to export to and I can't get any usable results. If I select, for instance, H.264 HDTV 1080p 29.97 High Quality (a preset within Premiere) the video comes out extremely choppy...as in the audio will play and the video will hitch along and be mostly out of sync dropping whole sections of the video as it tries to catch up.
    My end goal is to be able to export two versions...a higher quality (maybe burned to a DVD or Blu-Ray) and a lower quality (but still HD) for uploading to YouTube/SmugMug.
    Any help or thoughts anyone may have would be greatly appreciated.

    Hmm... My CS5/AVCHD 1st Impressions http://forums.adobe.com/thread/652694?tstart=0 includes a link to what I built for CS5
    Your computer is going to be a bit slower, but I don't see anything really obvious that would cause the output to be choppy
    But... have you considered converting to HDV to see if that edits better for you?
    Convert AVCHD to HDV http://forums.adobe.com/thread/390605?tstart=0
    or use Cineform Neo Scene http://www.cineform.com/neoscene/
    Added... Looking at my notes, I use a different AVCHD setting in CS5... have you tried other AVCHD project settings?

  • What's hardware should upgrade for Using Premiere CS4 to editing (AVCHD)m2ts file?

    What's hardware or software should upgrade for Using Premiere CS4 to editing (AVCHD)m2ts file?
    1st question: when i try to do editing by using Premiere CS4 AVCHD sequence timeline, the edting monitor seems not smooth (like wearing goggles) & delay, and when i use AME to encode m2ts file (which not yet edit) to AVI file (about 1 hour), it take 2h 13min to finish, is it normal?
    2nd question: i use mpeg2 HD 1440 file to do eding, the edting monitor also not very smooth but better than using m2ts file, after editing done, i try to encode these mpeg2 HD 1440 file (which edited about long 1 hr) to a New file mpeg2 1440 X 1080i HQ or even mpeg2 Pal DV HQ file, the encoding was not runthe encoding after wait for half an hour. How many hours it take usually????
    3rd question: i use m2ts file video file to export as a Bitmap, 1 frame 1 picture bitmap, it take long time too, about 1 or 2min to finish encoding, if i export more than 1 picture, it take even more time, i have experienced it, 3 or 4 pictures need about 10 or 15 min to finish encoding. i used to using mpeg2 HD 1440 file (which edited file) to export frame as picture, it not run the encoding at all. WHY ????
    i'm new in Premiere CS4,so i got many question about Premiere CS4, usually i use Premiere Pro 1.5 version
    my computer is: Intel (R) Core (TM) 2 Duo CPU
                             E7400 @ 2.80 GHz
                             2.80 GHz, 2.00 GB RAM
                             Graphic Card: ATI Radeon X1650 series
                            2 Hard Disks in my computer (C Drive is 300 GB (not sata) , D Drive is 500 GB sata)
    4th Question: Premiere CS5 & Premiere CS4 which one is better ???
    5th Question: What's different ATI Radeon and NVIDIA Card, which is better, which u suggest to. What is different Graphic Card and Video Card ?? Should i install HD Video Card ????

    I don't think a core-2 will work very well with AVCHD... you need at least an Intel i7 920... or whatever is current
    My CS5/AVCHD 1st Impressions http://forums.adobe.com/thread/652694?tstart=0 includes a link to the computer I built... since the GTX 285 is no longer sold, I would now go with a GTX 460 or whatever is the current "best bang for the buck" - AND I would buy 4Gig-by-3Sticks memory to be able to expand from 12Gig to 24Gig if needed
    For my home hobbyist, family movies (which means that I am not trying to recreate Star Wars with video effects or many layers) AVCHD editing is "as smooth as spreading warm butter on hot toast" (also the MP4 video from wife's Flip camera)
    My 3 hard drives are configured as...
    1 - 320G WD Win7 and all programs
    2 - 320G WD Win7 swap file and PPro projects
    3 - 1T WD all video files... read and write

  • Can't import Final Cut XML file into Premiere Pro CS4 MAC

    Hello,  I'm traying to import FCP Studio 2 XML file into Adobe Premiere Pro CS4for the purpose of then color correcting the project in Adobe After Effects.
    I followed all the rules of exporting XML files from my Final Cut Studio 2 timeline, then closed FCP, opened Adobe Premiere CS4 and when I go to Import option XML file is greyed out.  I can't select the XML file...
    Could  someone tell me what I'm doing wrong?  Thank you so much

    I'll just say that the high end AE users list I frequent suggests that the more common workflow is to bring AE to FCP for color correction.  Isn't that one of FCP's strengths?
    Also, to the extent that you want to process an FCP project in AE, look for the best way to bring it directly, not through Premiere.  Ask in the AE forum what opinions people have.  Mac and PC types use AE, but my impression is that only a small proportion of those users use Premiere.

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