Export Developer Studio J2EE Project to EP

Hi All,
       In this page, it is given      
               "In SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio, the Enterprise Portal toolbar is activated. If it has not yet been activated, choose Window -> Open Perspective -> Other -> Enterprise Portal."
       But there is no option 'Enterprise Portal' in 'Window -> Open Perspective -> Other' to select. How to enable that perspective ?
Pls help me to solve out this problem.....

Hi Riju,
The EP perspective comes as a default. What is the version of the NWDS you are working. Try uninstalling and reinstalling the NWDS and you should be all set.
Hope this helps,
PS.Dont forget to reward points

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    Message was edited by:
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    Hi Louis,
    You can do it by creating a URL iView for that you need to have content administration rights on portal then you can create URL iView in Portal Content Directory (PCD) and then you can attach it to a page or workset or to a role and then give that role authorization to rquired user.

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    If you have zip file of the project then unzip it into your project  location where all projects are there .then in NWDS go to file->import->multiple existing project into workspace->browse the file where you have saved it and select the comp folder inside the project folder->click finish.Now you are able to see the webdynpro project in the webdynpro explorer.If its not appearing then go to Navigatore and right click on project and click on open project, it will open the project in webDynpro explorer.

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      Search for <b>DynPage</b> class using jar class finder and add it to the portal application; and organize imports.
    The problem will be solved.

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    1. Switch debug mode on temporarily using the J2EE Engine view
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    2. Switch debug mode on permanently using the J2EE Visual
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    1.start the visual administraotr
    2.select the configurtation adapter.
    3.locate cluster data.
    4.switch to change mode

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