Export scanned document to excel

I am attempting to export a scanned document into excel. I see the file in my document library, but it will not upload to export. What am I doing incorrectly

Are you getting an error message?  How are you accessing the service?

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    Exporting PDF document to Excel.  When I export a PDF document to Excel containing lists of  people the Excel page shows all the names on  one line several inches deep instead of on separate lines which makes editing impossible.  What am I doing wrong?

    Murray is right. Padding (and margins) is added to the width. However, when using percentages, you should never use figures that add up to exactly 100%.
    Browsers need to convert the percentages to pixels. Because pixels must be whole numbers, some percentages are rounded up, which results in the final element dropping down below its neighbours. With percentages, it's much safer to use values that add up to 98% (99% often works, but 98% is safer).

  • Transfer a Scanned Document to Excel

    Does anyone know how to transfer a scanned document to Excel

    That's gonna take more info. Is the scan a picture? Is it a worksheet you want to become an excel worksheet?
    If you have a worksheet you want to scan in, you'll have to have software to convert the scan back to text, ie Optical Character Recognition (OCR). The software that came with your scanner may do this, or you may have to buy third-party software.
    Once you have a text document, cut and past into the firs cell in excel. Each line will be the first cell of each row. Select it all and choose Data>Text to Columns. The wizard will go through asking how the file is delimited, by a character or by width. You can also choose which columns get imported or not and what type of data it is, date, general, etc.

  • How do I export a scanned document to Word?

    How do I export a scanned document to Word?

    Use your OS's file browser/explorer to sort the files (in the folder) by date.
    Rename each. Top down put a numeric prefix in place.
    Open Acrobat and use the "Combine" feature to combine the files into a single PDF.
    An option available with the Combine feature is to have Bookmarks used. Tick this choice.
    The single, new PDF is created. Save it.
    Open this PDF file's Bookmark pane. There'll be a bookmark for each of the files.
    The order of Bookmarks and the order of PDF pages reflects the order you set when you renamed the source files (a date sort).
    Note that you could manually position the order of files to be combined in the Combine dialog.
    I find it easier and quicker to add the prefix to the source files.
    Using Acrobat XI you'd process the new, single PDF through OCR.
    As some of the PDF pages already have renderable text they cannot undergo OCR.
    Acrobat will alert you of this when it comes to the first of such pages.
    Just tick the box in the lower left. This tells Acrobat to ignore any upcoming pages that cannot be OCRd and to keep on truck'n to OCR the page that hold the scanned image.
    Now, use Acrobat XI to export the the PDF to the Word file you want.
    (File :: Save As Other :: <make the desired choice> )
    Do not expect a 1:1 export. You have a diverse collection of source files.
    While you might get 1:1 if ALL the PDFs combined were well-formed Tagged PDF (compliant with 14.8 of ISO 32000-1 & ISO 14289-1) you don't have that.
    So --- To be expected — cleanup of the content in the Word file.
    Be well...
    Message was edited by: CtDave

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    same thing really. under the wrench is "Share and Print", you choose email and then choose the format (XL).

  • Is it possible to export a scanned document from pdf to Word in Czech language?

    is it possible to export a scanned document from pdf to Word in Czech language?

    Hi pascaldu,
    Did you choose Czech as the language for OCR? If not, please follow these steps:
    Choose File > Save as Other > Microsoft Word > Word Document in Acrobat.
    Click Settings at the bottom of the Save As dialog box.
    Click Set Language.
    Choose Czech from the Primary OCR pop-up menu, and then click OK.
    Click OK again, and then click Save.
    Please let us know how it goes.

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    We have dashboard with multiple tabs and are trying to Export entire Dashboard into excel.
    Excel file is generated with all dashboard tabs as sheets but few of those sheets are empty with Error generating document message in first cell.
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    Obvious workaround solution to recreate table views into pivots is not possible due high number of reports.
    We are running Oracle Business Intelligence Product Version (Build 150113.1200 64-bit)
    Any ideas or solutions about this problem would be much appreciated.
    Thank you;

    We just found culprit
    Rows per page of table view must be max 999999999 which is more than enough for our needs.

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    Only you can decide what is a "best fit".
    PDF content export to Excel can be performed by Acrobat XI or either of Adobe's online subscription services "ExportPDF" or "PDF Pack".
    Be well...

  • Problem Exporting Webi report to Excel in Edit mode

    I have posted this question on BOB forum [http://forumtopics.org/busobj/viewtopic.php?t=189429&sid=8539bfcc4dbbf782ba1a9950085373ed] and found no response so I am cross posting here.
    I have two environments: Enterprise XI 3.1 SP2 and Enterprise XI 3.1 SP3 FP3.6. On both instances when I open reports in web intelligence and try to export it to excel (using Save to my computer as Excel) I will get a "file download" dialog box asking me if I want to open, save or cancel. However when I am in Edit mode I get the same options to save/open only in the first instance(SP2), what I get in sp3 is a somewhat different "save docuemnt" dialog box (with a save as type all files not explicitly excel), doesnt allow users to open at all. I need your help to get the file download option to open/save when i export reports to excel in the second instance too. BTW it works fine for PDF export.

    Please check if matches this behavior and if the suggested solution works
    [1467147 - Neither File Download dialog box is shown, nor error ERR_WIS_30271 occurs when saving the Web Intelligence document as Excel file in Java Report Panel after Binary Stream Maximum Size has been reached |https://service.sap.com/sap/support/notes/1467147]
    Worth to have a look also to this KBA for higher SP levels
    [1665049 - Save behavior is inconsistent in BusinessObjects Enterprise XI3.1 SP4 |https://service.sap.com/sap/support/notes/1665049]
    PS: Just noticed also that there is a bug ADAPT01568649 for which the option for saving as Excel doesn't appear.
    This is fixed in FP3.7
    Edited by: Simone Caneparo on Feb 13, 2012 9:18 AM

  • Need Help - Acrobat 9.4 won't open scanned documents

        I have a computer in my office that will not open scanned documents in Acrobat 9.4. Acrobat opens but is just a grey screen.  Documents that were converted to PDF from Word/Excel/etc. will open just fine. 
    Adobe Reader 10X is also installed on the computer and will open scanned documents, but user needs to be able to go in and edit documents, so Reader is not enough for him. 
    Any troubleshooting ideas greatly appreciated. 

    Since scans are images you need to go to Edit >  Preferences > Page Display and put a checkmark in the box for "Show large images"  This should allow you to see the scans.

  • Export to PDF and Excel. Image

    Hi gurus!
    How do you do!, well, I have a question and issue... the user wants to export the report to PDF, for this, I have created a WAD report with Broadcasting command for export to PDF, all works fine, however the company logo is not added to PDF document or Excel document... it´s not correct, although I dont know if the standard function can add logo when we use export function...
    One thing, in WAD report, we can see the image, logo company...
    Somebody can help me, is it possible to add image when we use export? or SAP does not permit it.

    1.Open the template "0ANALYSIS_PATTERN" and insert an Image from MIME Repository(bwmimerep:///sap/bw/mime/Customer/Images/...)
    2.Insert a Button item and assign the COmmand Export to PDF
    3.Save the template,Execute
    4.You will able to see the image in the report.Click the button to Export to PDF
    Now the image will be seen in the exported PDF file

  • Is it possible to create a workflow that exports PDF tables to Excel?

    Afternoon all,
    I've seen that it's possible to export tabulated information within a PDF document to Excel (http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/pdf-to-excel-xlsx-converter.html) but this is a very manual process.
    I'm wondering if it's possible to create an automated set of steps that I can point to a directory of PDF files, which'll run through the files and export thier contents to Excel.  PhotoShop has something similar in its image resizing actions.  This'll save me a lot of manual time going forward, so any help would be appreciated.

    This is possible with an action in Acrobat Pro.

  • Inconsistent data when exporting measurement markup to Excel?

    I use Adobe Acrobat XI Pro on a Windows 7 Dell PC to create Commercial Landscape takeoff's from architectural drawings. After setting the appropriate scale under 'Change Scale Ratio' and then using the measurement tools to outline, color code, and label different areas, I right click the document and choose 'Export Measurement Markup to Excel...'. My problem is 80% of the time the measurements that end up listed in the exported Excel document are not consistent with measurements of the specific areas I've done my takeoff on. For instance, a planting bed area that I've outlined with the area tool which may be 457.53 square feet is listed in the export excel document as 2.3 square feet. I've tried checking and unchecking the 'Use Scale and Units from Document (when present)' option under the Preferences>Commenting menu, to no avail. Most of the time there is no embedded scale in the drawings we're working with. We've used various versions of Acrobat Pro for over 5 years performing hundreds of landscape takeoff's, trying to select and deselect just about every menu option under the 'Preferences' tab that has to do with measurement and commenting, but still have not found what causes this inconsistent exporting of measurement data across all versions. Our workaround is to just click on every little area we've measured out and manual transfer that to the spreadsheet.
    Here is a dropbox to a PDF example and the exported excel csv file > Dropbox - Adobe Troubleshooting

    Thanks for the reply. I just checked and both settings are the same:
    decimal separator is a . in the server's regional settings and user preferences.
    I have tried changing the regional settings to no avail.
    The strange thing is that if I connect from my laptop to another 9.3.1 environment then I can export to excel with the correct decimal places.
    I'd say this is definitely an environment issue.
    Thanks again for your help.

  • Problem export pdf table to excel spreadsheed

    Hi, my name is Marco.
    Last month a customer has bought a copy of Adobe Acrobat Professional 9 in my computer shop for edit some pdfs files.
    After some days he told me that he need to export a table to excel's spreadsheet but the function "open table in excel spreadsheet" work ONLY for the page where i right-click. How can i copy all the document in excel (without lose the format)?
    Sorry for the bad english, if you don't understand i try to rewrite it better or in Italian!
    Thank you!

    A lot depends on the structure of the PDF. I it has tags included that provide the format information, then the conversion may be easy. If the tags are not included, then retaining the format is almost impossible. This may even be a problem with recognizing columns. In that case, selecting columns with the ctrl key held during the selection. More information is available under "Copying Text" in the help menu (complete help). The help also talks about the ability to retain format as I have suggested.
    To select items on multiple pages, you have to use continuous view.
    It might be easier to the Save As to DOC and go from there. The backward conversion is not the forte or intent of Acrobat. In reality, one should never delete the original XLS (or other) file with the intent of going back in the future. Sounds like it is too late for your customer.

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    Can anyone tell me how to scan documents to the icloud, so they will be on the ipad?  My husband is planning on using his ipad for business.  I haven't been able to even find anywhere that I could read about scanning documents.

    If you scanned the documents - what format did you save them in - pdf? If so, Pages will not open pdf files. you can save a file and export it as a pdf from Pages - but not the other way around.
    If you need simply view the documents - you can send them to the iPad via email or DropBox and them open and save them in iBooks. or Adobe Reader. both apps are free. Adobe Reader can use file sharing in iTunes to transfer the files.
    If you need to annotate the files - you will need an app like Goodreader - which can use file sharing from iTunes in order to transfer the files as well. GoodReader may work with iCloud now, but you will have to check that out in the App Store.
    You can read this to see how to use file sharing. It really is pretty easy to use. You do need to do this with your computer.

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