Exporting and Importing WAV files

I have some tunes from beatport in WAV format. Will the 'tags' / song information disappear if I were to transfer them to another Mac? Any way to transfer them without losing the song information?
Keying in all the song information again would be a nightmare ...

Yoricko wrote:
Thanks for the quick reponse
"On the new machine you may convert them back to WAV if you wish, or keep them in ALAC, which is sonically equivalent to WAV."
Would that mean I have to key in the information again in iTunes?
You will not have to re-key. When you convert from WAV to ALAC on the current machine, iTunes will write the info to the tags of the ALAC. When you move the ALAC file, the info will move with the file. When you convert from ALAC to WAV on the new machine, iTunes will copy the info from the tags to the library.
Try it with one file so you can see how it works. (If you don't have the second computer handy to experiment with, move the ALAC out of your iTunes library, and then add it back in.)

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    Hi Tapojyoti,
    >>1. Is it correct that "WSUS 3.0 API Samples and Tools" is not supported in WSUS 4.0?
    Yes, WSUS 3.0 API Samples and Tools is not supported in Windows Server 2012R2 by default. We may try to rebuild it in Windows Server 2012R2. For detailed information about how the rebuiled, please refer to the readme document of the WSUS 3.0 API Samples
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    As I have mentioned above, due to WSUS 3.0 API Samples and Tools is released with source code, we can try to rebuild it in the Windows Server 2012R2.
    If it doesn't work, as a workaround, we can configure the new WSUS server as the replica server of the existing WSUS server. After the synchronization, change the server mode to stand alone.
    Best Regards.
    Steven Lee
    TechNet Community Support

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    Hi Tapojyoti,
    >>1. Is it correct that "WSUS 3.0 API Samples and Tools" is not supported in WSUS 4.0?
    Yes, WSUS 3.0 API Samples and Tools is not supported in Windows Server 2012R2 by default. We may try to rebuild it in Windows Server 2012R2. For detailed information about how the rebuiled, please refer to the readme document of the WSUS 3.0 API Samples
    and Tools.
    >>2. Is "WSUS 4.0 API Samples and Tools" available?
    No, I can't find the WSUS API Samples and Tools for 2012R2.
    >>3. Is there any alternative way in WSUS 4.0 to export and import XML file consisting "Computer Groups" and "Patch Approvals" configurations?
    As I have mentioned above, due to WSUS 3.0 API Samples and Tools is released with source code, we can try to rebuild it in the Windows Server 2012R2.
    If it doesn't work, as a workaround, we can configure the new WSUS server as the replica server of the existing WSUS server. After the synchronization, change the server mode to stand alone.
    Best Regards.
    Steven Lee
    TechNet Community Support

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    Found this on the internet:
    If you download the Lumisoft.Net.Zip and extract it looks like there is a vCard folder with some classes that may help you.
    You will need to use something like that or search a bit more and find a vCard C# Helper library.
    Bret Bentzinger (MSFT) @awehellyeah

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    Set up ORACLE_SID before you start the imp/exp session on the client, then you can use file=exp_%ORACLE_SID%_%DATE%.dmp etc. (Note that if your windows locale has a date format w/ whitespace you might have to write a script to get rid of it..)

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    Thank You!

    Open a new multitrack project and set the view to standard. In the right pane in the bottom half select the Browser tab. Locate your WAV file so it shows in the browser window and then click on it and drag it onto track 1.
    Use a multitrack project if you want to export to compressor, or export directly out to an mp3.
    If these considerations are unimportant, you can just double-click the WAV and it will open a new audio file project.
    Hope that helps.

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    Thanks in advance

    Ihatelightroom wrote:
    First let me say that any software that comes without a save button should be sold with a warning label.
    Question 1:  I have having an issue comprehending how to save a photo.  In my case  I select the photo, zoom in on the subject, export it to my desktop. The pciture on my desktop does not incorporate the change. Am I missing a step? What do I need to do to export it with this change? I actually watched a You Tube video on this and could not see what i was not doing.
    You must have selected the wrong option in the Export dialog box. Under "File Settings", you need to select JPG and not "Original". Of course, you probably need to do some additional viewing of videos (or some reading) to learn that most people's workflow does not automatically include a "Save" or "Export" after editing the photo. It's not a necessary part of Lightroom's workflow, unless you need the photo for some non-Lightroom activity.
    Question 2: I just installed Lightroom and am trying to import my 12k strong photo collection. The Import button pulls in about 2k and then cannot find anymore. The photos are stored in folders by date within a master folder. I am selecting the master folder. I can go in and import the sub-fodler individually. However i do not want to do that 200 times.There is no apparent way to go into the subfolder level and select more than one folder.
    In the Import dialog box, on the left, under "Source", there is a checkbox that says "Include SubFolders". Make sure this is checked.
    Seriously, you need to spend some time reading introductory material about LR because Lightroom does not work like any other photographic software you might have used in the past. You are handling it as if it was no different than standard photo editing software, and you are going to be frustrated if that is your mindset. See the videos at adobe.tv and read this: http://www.flickr.com/groups/adobe_lightroom/discuss/72157603590978170/

  • Tempo problems with imported wav files

    Hey everyone, sorry if there's a quick fix for this in the forums that I couldn't find, but I've been having some tempo problems with imported .wav files.
    Long story short, my system couldn't handle playing all the tracks for a song while recording drums, so I bounced out an mp3 of the song and put it in a new Logic file so my drummer could just play along to that as I recorded him. Unfortunately, the original song is at 167 bpm, but I forgot to change the bpm in the new Logic file with the .mp3 file of the song to 167 bpm, so it was left at the default 120 bpm.
    So, the drums were recorded at the correct 167 bpm, but Logic thinks that those new drum .wav files should be played at 120 bpm, so when I import my drum tracks back into the original file, they do not play correctly at all.
    I could get record it all again, but I wanted to check if there was a way I could salvage what I already have, since my drummer lives about an hour away right now and can't just come over whenever he wants.
    Thanks for the help! I really appreciate it.

    First, do not use MP3 in Logic, the sound quality is less than AIFF, WAV or CAF, and Logic has to decode it for playback, making it a heavier burden on the CPU than an uncoded audiofile, such as AIFF, WAV or CAF.
    Secondly, audio files are independent of Logic's tempo. If you bounce down an audio file in any format (other than Apple Loop), it will play back at the same speed, +regardless of Logics' tempo setting+, either at recording or playback. Logic doesn't 'think' anything. The BPM is only important to MIDI tracks, or to the spacing between audio files. The audio files themselves *are not affected* by the tempo setting. If you import an audio file of tempo 167 into a 120 BPM project, the file will still play at 167, only Logic will indicate the wrong bar positions.
    regards, Erik.

  • Language Problem while exporting and importing data

    I have Oracle version installed on one server and installed on new server.
    I'm copying and pasting my version info from SQL*Plus:
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Mon Aug 22 10:46:31 2005
    (c) Copyright 2000 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Connected to:
    Oracle8i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning option
    JServer Release - Production
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Mon Aug 22 12:30:06 2005
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Connected to:
    Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options
    JServer Release - Production
    I created new user on my new server from enterprise manager.
    Exported user from the old server and imported in the new server.
    i.e: from Oracle8i Enterprise Edition Release, I did
    c:\>exp system/manager file=abc.dmp owner=abc
    Then on the new server Release, I did
    c:\>imp system/manager file=abc.dmp fromuser=abc touser=abc
    I'm using Arabic Language on my both servers. NLS_LANG parameter on both the servers is AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8MSWIN1252.
    On both the servers I'm able to insert and select data in arabic.
    However, after I export the data from old server to the new server, the arabic data comes in question marks.
    If I create new table and insert arabic data on new server's user abc it is displaying well. Only the data which I exported and imported is not showing arabic.
    On both old and new servers operating system is Windows XP.
    I'm stuck with this problem. Anybody having any idea about how to solve this problem please help.
    Thank you all in advance.

    Let me be clear here. Storing Arabic data in a WE8MSWIN1252 database is not supported by Oracle and will lead to problems. You are incorrectly using the NLS_LANG to prevent proper conversion and your data appears to be okay when you use utilties like SQL*PLUS to view your data. When you write applications that don't rely on the NLS_LANG like JDBC thin driver for instance you will realize your data is in fact invalid. To learn more about the NLS_LANG you can take a look at this FAQ: http://www.oracle.com/technology/tech/globalization/htdocs/nls_lang%20faq.htm
    To migrate your database to a proper character set you can refer to this paper:
    But please do not ask for help in supporting your current configuration in this forum.

  • Exporting and Importing Destination Controls Error

    When I export table within destination control and import the table to another Ironport again within destination control I receive error - "Wrong format of the destination config file: ip_sort_pref is required for the global settings."
    We are updating the ASYNC on each of our de clustered Ironport.  So when one is not in use we need the other to handle all the traffic, including domain controls.
    The output displays
    max_host_concurrency = 500
    limit_apply = system
    limit_type = host
    max_messages_per_connection = 50 ......
    How can I import this without losing or altering the data within.
    We upgrade one of our SMTP ASYNC to 8.0.1 which creates a additional line within default of the upgraded Ironport exported control destination table that is named... wait for it.... ip_sort_pref. Just add it.

    The applications and drivers have been imported into the Dev SCCM server however I cannot find the actual content so I am not sure this has worked properly. 
    When you exported did you choose to "Export all content for selected task sequence and dependencies".
    80070003 = The system cannot find the path specified.
    See here for exporting and importing task sequences
    Gerry Hampson | Blog:
    www.gerryhampsoncm.blogspot.ie | LinkedIn:
    Gerry Hampson | Twitter:

  • Exporting and importing table using R3trans program between 2 clients

    How to export and import a table between to clients in a same system using R3trans program?
    I need to copy a table from Client 020 in a system to client 040 of the same system using R3 trans. I need to know the procedure.
    Can any one advice

    This is how you do a export and import of table entries.
    Open Notepad and type the following,
    client = 020
    file = 'clone.export.<sid>.<client no>.data'
    select * from <client_dependent_tablename1>
    select * from <client_dependent_tablename2>
    select * from <client_dependent_tablenamen>
    Save the file as export.ctl
    Run R3trans export.ctl
    and the data of these files will be stored in a file called clone.export.<sid>.data in the directory from which you have called R3trans
    Open Notepad,
    client = 040
    file = clone.export.<sid>.<client no>.data
    buffersync = yes                                               
    Save the file as import.ctl
    Run R3trans import.ctl
    Message was edited by:
            Bidwan Baruah

  • Exporting and importing just table definitions

    I have this production database that has a huge amount of data in it. I was asked to set up a test database based on the exact same schema as the live database. When I tried to do an export (from live) and import (to test), with the parameters rows=N and compress=y, the target (test database) data file will still grow enormously, presumably because of the huge number of extents already allocated to the table in the live database. My test database of course, has a limited hard-disk space.
    Is there a way to export and import the table definitions without having the target database experiencing a huge growth in the size of the tablespace?

    If an export with compress=n is still creating initial extents that a too large, you can still build with the import file but it will take a little work.
    run imp with indexfile=somefile.sql
    when imp is finished, edit somefile.sql by:
    1. remove all the REM statements.
    2. remove all the storage clauses (tables and indexes)
    Make sure your tablespaces have a small (say 1k) default initial extent.
    run imp again with rows=n
    All your tables and indexes will be created with the default tablespace initial extent.

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