Exporting from a DV NTSC 48 KHZ Anamorphic sequence

I have shot an entire project using the Sony PD170 Camera in 16:9 anamorphic. When I create a sequence for this, all is good. However, when I export the footage, it doesn't seem to keep the anamorphic and squishes it back to 4:3. I can't figure out how to keep the 16:9 setting. Can anyone help me here?? Would love to figure this one out...

If this is only intended for viewing on a computer, do the following:
Open the file in QuickTime Player. Press command and J to open the Properties window.
Click on the Presentation tab. Now click on the *Conform Aperture* button. The setting will jump to Clean and display the video in 16:9. Save it.
If you intend to make DVDs, leave the file as it is. Set the Anamorphic flag in DVD Studio Pro from the Inspector at bottom right of the Interface.

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    See reply in
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    Go to the Project Library and right click the project then choose "Show Properties" from the drop-down menu to bring up the Inspector. Click the little wrench icon to bring up the settings dialog. Change the settings to SD Anamorphic or 4:3 and the appropriate framerate.
    Upscaling to HD is completely useless when dealing with SD footage going to DVD.

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    Illustrated version:

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    In the A/V settings preference dialog, you can create custom capture and sequence settings and even make a custom easy setup with those defaults.

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    Find the Seuence icon in the Browser that corresponds to the Timeline.
    Right click the Sequence icon in the Browser.
    Select Item Properties.
    All info is revealed.

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    Is this on files with alpha channels? Have you tried
    changing the Alpha type? Are you having
    pre-multiplication problems?
    No, they don't have alpha channels. But I did try, when rendering with Animation, changing the colors to "Millions +" which was something I read on another thread. Same results.
    Basically, these are After Effects projects with simple backgrounds and moving text. I'm not doing any layering with alpha channels-- like lower third supers.
    However, whenever I use Apple programs like LiveType or Motion, the NTSC results look like they did while I was creating the projects with these programs before I rendered them.

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    You might want to post this in the FCP forum next door; this for Final Cut Express

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    To convert the file so that FCE doesn't need rendering you need QuickTime Pro and do the following:
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    - menu File > Export...: then select +Export: Movie to QuickTime Movie+ and click Options.
    - In the +Video > Settings+ dialog select:
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    - Frame Rate: 29.97 (or 25), Quality is Best, Scan Mode: Interlaced, Aspect Ratio: 4:3 (or 16:9 if anamorphic)
    - In the +Sound > Settings+ dialog select:
    - Format: Linear PCM, Channels: Stereo (L R), Rate: 48000, Quality: Normal, Sample size: 16 bits
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    can anybody please explain those lines along my moving objects? it really bothers me>
    PB 15' 1.25 FCPHD DVDSP Mac OS X (10.3.9)
    PB 15' 1.25 FCPHD DVDSP Mac OS X (10.3.9)
    PB 15' 1.25 FCPHD DVDSP   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    hey thanks for replying so quickly....
    the material was shot in 24p, but I captured it in 30fps with DV NTSC 48 kHz capture and sequence preset.
    so far I only viewed it on my PB as a quicktime m2v file with the player. i havent watched it on a TV screen yet, still need to burn it.
    I used the QT mpeg-2 converter with Two Pass VBR and set the target bitrate up 6 I believe.
    However, there is only regular motion, no fast pans, tilts, or whatever.
    Any more ideas? thanks
    PB 15' 1.25 FCPHD DVDSP Mac OS X (10.3.9)
    PB 15' 1.25 FCPHD DVDSP Mac OS X (10.3.9)

  • Quicktime export from FCP quality bad on Windows Quicktime

    Hey all,
    I believe this question has been brought up in a previous post (http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?messageID=2932763&#2932763 "Quicktime export from FCP quality bad on PCs"), but it was never answered. So I captured video using final cut pro using the following capture preset:
    Sequence Preset - DV NTSC 48 kHz
    DVR-TRV900 using NTSC
    29.97 fps
    DV - NTSC at Best Quality
    24 bits per pixel
    720 by 480
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    seems like this is a PC Quicktime issue rather than an FCP issue, you may have more success in resolving the problem if you post your question on the Quicktime for Windows forum
    that said, you might want to check the Quicktime Player preferences on your PC (Edit > Preferences > Player Preferences)
    make sure you have checked the "Use high quality video setting when available" checkbox
    good luck

  • Anamorphic sequence not producing anamorphic export

    when I am doing some quick and dirty editing and correction, I use the method of cutting in FCP, then exporting that to a quicktime movie...I make the movie self-contained and select "Current Settings" in the Save box you get right after selecting Export>Quicktime movie.
    I can then toss the original, large clip and work with the smaller one. I've done this loads of times and it's worked great, except for this evening. The exported clip doesn't come back in as anamorphic, even tho I captured as anamorphic, my editing sequence is anamorphic, so I'd hope that "Current Settings" would include the anamorphic setting.
    when I pull that exported movie back into a Duplicated of the sequence from which I exported (clips deleted, of course) I get that squashed picture with black at right and left.
    I've retraced my steps a few times and other movies I've done this with turn out OK...I don't get why this one is not able to be re-imported with the proper aspect ratio.
    Any hints?
    Thank you!

    RaySkater wrote:
    when I pull that exported movie back into a Duplicated of the sequence from which I exported (clips deleted, of course) I get that squashed picture with black at right and left.
    I've retraced my steps a few times and other movies I've done this with turn out OK...I don't get why this one is not able to be re-imported with the proper aspect ratio.
    What version of FCP are we talking here?
    This might not relate to your situation but there are situations where I've found when using FCP 6 (up to and including 6.0.2, at least) where if a DV-NTSC Anamorphic sequence doesn't contain renderable material - ie, you've just made cuts and that's it, no render files to reference or export with - exporting that sequence (as Current Settings) results in a 4:3 ratio QT movie. That is, I opened up the QT movie and it showed 640x480 as the display size.
    Sorry if that's no help, but I was banging my head against a wall until I 'discovered' this issue a month or two ago...

  • 16x9 sequence is getting squeezed to 4x3 when I export from Compressor

    My usual Final Cut to Compressor workflow is producing an unusual result. I am starting with an anamorphic DV NTSC sequence in Final Cut, but when I export this from Compressor using the Uncompressed 10-bit codec in a Quicktime wrapper, the video is squeezed to 4x3.
    Here is my process in depth.
    These are the sequence settings shown in Final Cut.
    720 pixels x 420 pixels. The pixels have an aspect ratio of 16:9 and so the sequence is displayed widescreen. (My one question about this section is what do the QuickTime Video Settings mean? This is not something that I have ever adjusted... can it affect how Compressor interprets the sequence?)
    Then I export a reference Quicktime.
    Then I bring this Quicktime reference movie into Compressor and apply the QuickTime Uncompressed 10-bit settings provided with Compressor. Now, I don't normally adjust the geometry at all with this workflow since I thought that this format automatically used the current frame geometry settings from the sequence. However, having no luck with this I attempted to fix the problem myself by adjusting the geometry to match my sequence settings in FCP.
    Unfortunately, my attempted manual override of the compressor export failed. The quicktime that I got from this was squeezed to 4x3 just as before!
    Using QuickTime Conversion directly from FCP I was able to get the appropriate 16x9 quicktime, but I really need to figure out how to do this in compressor since I have to process a lot of sequences and need to keep FCP available and Compress in batchs. So, any suggestions?

    Your problem is one of the most common suffered by people new to editing or new to the anamorphic scene.
    It starts with a misconception. DV anamorphic video is NOT 16x9. The camera that shoots anamorphic 16x9 is actually shooting squeezed 4x3 video. If you note the sequence settings in your first picture, you'll see that your actual frame size is 720x480 which is a 4x3 frame size (3x2 actually, but it's essentially the same thing). The anamorphic check box is merely to let FCP know that the footage was squeezed when shot so that it displays it properly to you.
    Though FCP can most times recognize anamorphic footage upon capture, QT player does not. All it sees is the 720x480 frame, so that's why it looks squeezed.
    To get it to look correctly in QT, you have to actually change the frame size in Compressor to a 16:9 frame size. For DV, that is 854x480. Go to your Geometry controls and choose Custom 16:9 from the drop down menu. Then type 854 in the horizontal box. Then save that as a preset for you.
    When Compressor does it's thing, the finished movie will open up as a 854x480 clip in QT which will be the proper aspect ratio for your video.
    On another note, I'm not sure why you're going from a DV/NTSC sequence to compressing in Uncompressed 10bit. Because the video was captured and edited in DV, it'll never be of higher quality than DV. You might as well keep it that way, unless there's something else about your workflow that I don't know/understand.
    I hope this helps you understand how anamorphic works.

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