Extensive Accounting Application

Hi All,
Hi All,
Thank you for your valuable time in advance. I have created a challenging task for myself by myself and need some sort of solution.
Accounting requires that the payment should be recognized in the month when service was provided and not when the actual payment was made. FAC_SUMMARY's E_MONTH is SERVICE_MONTH.
Company's line of business and operations tends to throw off the accounting principles. Payment month is completly irrelevant but, included to see the differences in methodology. Payments in FAC_PAYMENTS table should just be summed at F_ID level and then allocate to FAC_SUMMARY E_MONTH.
Fields(HIST_BALANCE, HIST_PAYMENT, HIST_BALANCE_AFTER_PAYMENT, PAYMENT_DUE_BALANCE) described on OUTPUT will need to be generated before determining the payments.
Here is a walk-through for F001.
F001 has a total 53,000 in payments. These payments needs to be allocated FAC_SUMMARY F001s positive PAYMENT_DUE_BALANCE at any E_MONTH.
For example:
@ 11/1/2010
BALANCE = 10,000
HIST_BALANCE = ACCUMULATED BALANCE Since this is first month, 0 + 10,000 = 10,000
PAYMENT = Needs to be CALCULATED = 10,000
HIST_PAYMENT = ACCUMULATED BALANCE Since this is first month, = PAYMENT = 10,000
@ 12/1/2010
BALANCE = -5000
HIST_BALANCE = ACCUMULATED BALANCE , 10000 + (-5000) = 5,000
@ 01/1/2011
BALANCE = 5000
HIST_BALANCE = ACCUMULATED BALANCE , 10000 + (-5000) + 5,000 = 10,000
HIST_PAYMENT = ACCUMULATED BALANCE 10,000 + 0 + 0 = 10,000
@ 04/1/2011
BALANCE = 40000
HIST_BALANCE = ACCUMULATED BALANCE , 10000 + (-5000) + 5,000 + (-20000) + 3000 + 40000 = 33,000
PAYMENT = 23,000 bcz PAYMENT_DUE_BALANCE is 23,000
HIST_PAYMENT = ACCUMULATED BALANCE 10,000 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 10,000
There cannot be any negative payment however; negative balance carrries forward in HIST_BALANCE.
Please note that all activity besided BALANCE have 0s for months > SYSMONTH-4.
Please let me know if I can provide any more detail.
F_ID    CHAR(4),
INSERT INTO FAC_SUMMARY ( F_ID, E_MONTH,    BALANCE )   VALUES (    'F001', '01-NOV-2010',  10000   ) ;
INSERT INTO FAC_SUMMARY ( F_ID, E_MONTH,    BALANCE )   VALUES (    'F001', '01-DEC-2010',  -5000   ) ;
INSERT INTO FAC_SUMMARY ( F_ID, E_MONTH,    BALANCE )   VALUES (    'F001', '01-JAN-2011',  5000    ) ;
INSERT INTO FAC_SUMMARY ( F_ID, E_MONTH,    BALANCE )   VALUES (    'F001', '01-FEB-2011',  -20000   ) ;
INSERT INTO FAC_SUMMARY ( F_ID, E_MONTH,    BALANCE )   VALUES (    'F001', '01-MAR-2011',  3000    ) ;
INSERT INTO FAC_SUMMARY ( F_ID, E_MONTH,    BALANCE )   VALUES (    'F001', '01-APR-2011',  40000    ) ;
INSERT INTO FAC_SUMMARY ( F_ID, E_MONTH,    BALANCE )   VALUES (    'F001', '01-MAY-2011',  10000  ) ;
INSERT INTO FAC_SUMMARY ( F_ID, E_MONTH,    BALANCE )   VALUES (    'F001', '01-JUN-2011',  -80000    ) ;
INSERT INTO FAC_SUMMARY ( F_ID, E_MONTH,    BALANCE )   VALUES (    'F001', '01-JUL-2011',  6000    ) ;
INSERT INTO FAC_SUMMARY ( F_ID, E_MONTH,    BALANCE )   VALUES (    'F001', '01-AUG-2011',  15000   ) ;
INSERT INTO FAC_SUMMARY ( F_ID, E_MONTH,    BALANCE )   VALUES (    'F001', '01-SEP-2011',  -12500  ) ;
INSERT INTO FAC_SUMMARY ( F_ID, E_MONTH,    BALANCE )   VALUES (    'F001', '01-OCT-2011',  7500    ) ;
INSERT INTO FAC_SUMMARY ( F_ID, E_MONTH,    BALANCE )   VALUES (    'F001', '01-NOV-2011',  100000  ) ;
INSERT INTO FAC_SUMMARY ( F_ID, E_MONTH,    BALANCE )   VALUES (    'F002', '01-NOV-2010',  -10000  ) ;
INSERT INTO FAC_SUMMARY ( F_ID, E_MONTH,    BALANCE )   VALUES (    'F002', '01-DEC-2010',  5000    ) ;
INSERT INTO FAC_SUMMARY ( F_ID, E_MONTH,    BALANCE )   VALUES (    'F002', '01-JAN-2011',  -5000   ) ;
INSERT INTO FAC_SUMMARY ( F_ID, E_MONTH,    BALANCE )   VALUES (    'F002', '01-FEB-2011',  20000    ) ;
INSERT INTO FAC_SUMMARY ( F_ID, E_MONTH,    BALANCE )   VALUES (    'F002', '01-MAR-2011',  -3000   ) ;
INSERT INTO FAC_SUMMARY ( F_ID, E_MONTH,    BALANCE )   VALUES (    'F002', '01-APR-2011',  -40000   ) ;
INSERT INTO FAC_SUMMARY ( F_ID, E_MONTH,    BALANCE )   VALUES (    'F002', '01-MAY-2011',  -10000   ) ;
INSERT INTO FAC_SUMMARY ( F_ID, E_MONTH,    BALANCE )   VALUES (    'F002', '01-JUN-2011',  80000   ) ;
INSERT INTO FAC_SUMMARY ( F_ID, E_MONTH,    BALANCE )   VALUES (    'F002', '01-JUL-2011',  -6000   ) ;
INSERT INTO FAC_SUMMARY ( F_ID, E_MONTH,    BALANCE )   VALUES (    'F002', '01-AUG-2011',  -15000  ) ;
INSERT INTO FAC_SUMMARY ( F_ID, E_MONTH,    BALANCE )   VALUES (    'F002', '01-SEP-2011',  12500   ) ;
INSERT INTO FAC_SUMMARY ( F_ID, E_MONTH,    BALANCE )   VALUES (    'F002', '01-OCT-2011',  -7500   ) ;
INSERT INTO FAC_SUMMARY ( F_ID, E_MONTH,    BALANCE )   VALUES (    'F002', '01-NOV-2011',  -100000 ) ;
F_ID    CHAR(4),
INSERT INTO FAC_PAYMENTS ( F_ID, P_MONTH,    PAYMENT )   VALUES (    'F001', '25-FEB-2011',  10000  ) ;
INSERT INTO FAC_PAYMENTS ( F_ID, P_MONTH,    PAYMENT )   VALUES (    'F001', '25-MAR-2010',  25000  ) ;
INSERT INTO FAC_PAYMENTS ( F_ID, P_MONTH,    PAYMENT )   VALUES (    'F001', '25-AUG-2011',  15000  ) ;
INSERT INTO FAC_PAYMENTS ( F_ID, P_MONTH,    PAYMENT )   VALUES (    'F001', '25-OCT-2011',  3000   ) ;
INSERT INTO FAC_PAYMENTS ( F_ID, P_MONTH,    PAYMENT )   VALUES (    'F002', '25-JUN-2011',  7000   ) ;
INSERT INTO FAC_PAYMENTS ( F_ID, P_MONTH,    PAYMENT )   VALUES (    'F002', '25-AUG-2011',  3000   ) ;
INSERT INTO FAC_PAYMENTS ( F_ID, P_MONTH,    PAYMENT )   VALUES (    'F002', '25-OCT-2011',  27000  ) ;
COMMIT ;Output
F001     11/1/2010     10,000     10,000     10,000     0     10,000
F001     12/1/2010     -5,000     5,000     0     10,000     -5,000
F001     1/1/2011     5,000     10,000     0     10,000     0
F001     2/1/2011     -20,000     -10,000     0     10,000     -20,000
F001     3/1/2011     3,000     -7,000     0     10,000     -17,000
F001     4/1/2011     40,000     33,000     23,000     10,000     23,000
F001     5/1/2011     10,000     43,000     10,000     33,000     10,000
F001     6/1/2011     -80,000     -37,000     0     43,000     -80,000
F001     7/1/2011     6,000     -31,000     0     43,000     -74,000
F001     8/1/2011     15,000     0     0     0     0
F001     9/1/2011     -12,500     0     0     0     0
F001     10/1/2011     7,500     0     0     0     0
F001     11/1/2011     100,000     0     0     0     0
F002     11/1/2010     -10,000     -10,000     0     0     -10,000
F002     12/1/2010     5,000     -5,000     0     0     -5,000
F002     1/1/2011     -5,000     -10,000     0     0     -10,000
F002     2/1/2011     20,000     10,000     10,000     0     10,000
F002     3/1/2011     -3,000     7,000     0     10,000     -3,000
F002     4/1/2011     -40,000     -33,000     0     10,000     -43,000
F002     5/1/2011     -10,000     -43,000     0     10,000     -53,000
F002     6/1/2011     80,000     37,000     27,000     10,000     27,000
F002     7/1/2011     -6,000     31,000     0     37,000     -6,000
F002     8/1/2011     -15,000     0     0     0     0
F002     9/1/2011     12,500     0     0     0     0
F002     10/1/2011     -7,500     0     0     0     0
F002     11/1/2011     -100,000     0     0     0     0Edited by: 788729 on Nov 21, 2011 10:16 AM

Sorry, I'm still not sure I understand.
788729 wrote:
Company's line of business and operations tends to throw off the accounting principles. Payment month is completly irrelevant but, included to see the differences in methodology. Payments in FAC_PAYMENTS table should just be summed at F_ID level and then allocate to FAC_SUMMARY E_MONTH. Explain exactly how fac_payments is used in this problem. I think I got the right results for this sample data wihout using fac_payments at all.
Fields(HIST_BALANCE, HIST_PAYMENT, HIST_BALANCE_AFTER_PAYMENT, PAYMENT_DUE_BALANCE) described on OUTPUT will need to be generated before determining the payments. Why? I seem to have gotten the right results calculating payments before hist_payment or balance_due_payment. In your new output, there is no hist_balance_after_payment column.
F001     11/1/2010     10,000     10,000     10,000     0     10,000
F001     12/1/2010     -5,000     5,000     0     10,000     -5,000
F001     1/1/2011     5,000     10,000     0     10,000     0
Here is a walk-through for F001.
F001 has a total 53,000 in payments. These payments needs to be allocated FAC_SUMMARY F001s positive PAYMENT_DUE_BALANCE at any E_MONTH.
For example:
@ 11/1/2010
BALANCE = 10,000
HIST_BALANCE = ACCUMULATED BALANCE Since this is first month, 0 + 10,000 = 10,000
PAYMENT = Needs to be CALCULATED = 10,000Of course it needs to be calculated. The question is: How it is calculated.
HIST_PAYMENT = ACCUMULATED BALANCE Since this is first month, = PAYMENT = 10,000
@ 12/1/2010
BALANCE = -5000
HIST_BALANCE = ACCUMULATED BALANCE , 10000 + (-5000) = 5,000
HIST_PAYMENT = ACCUMULATED BALANCE 10,000 + 0 = 10,000I don't understand/ The balance numbers at this point are 10,000 and *5,000* (not 0).
...This is not pretty, but it gets the results you requested:
WITH     got_hist_balance     AS
     SELECT       f_id
     ,       e_month
     ,       balance
     ,       SUM (balance) OVER ( PARTITION BY  f_id
                                        ORDER BY      e_month
                                )       AS hist_balance
     FROM       fac_summary
--     WHERE       ...     -- If you need any filtering, put it here
,     got_payment     AS
     SELECT     hb.*
     ,     CASE
              WHEN  hist_balance <= 0
              THEN  0
              ELSE  GREATEST ( 0
                             , hist_balance - GREATEST ( 0
                                                    , NVL ( MAX (hist_balance) OVER ( PARTITION BY  f_id
                                                                                       ORDER BY          e_month
                                                                    ROWS BETWEEN  UNBOUNDED PRECEDING
                                                                                  AND          1            PRECEDING                  
                                              , 0
          END          AS payment
     FROM    got_hist_balance  hb
,     got_hist_payment     AS
     SELECT  p.*
     ,     SUM (payment) OVER ( PARTITION BY  f_id
                            ORDER BY      e_month
                       ) - payment          AS hist_payment
     ,     CASE
               WHEN  e_month     < ADD_MONTHS ( TRUNC (SYSDATE, 'MONTH')
                                           , -3
               THEN  1
               ELSE  0
          END          AS b          -- Black-out factor
     FROM    got_payment     p
SELECT       f_id
,       e_month
,       balance
,       b * hist_balance               AS hist_balance
,       b * payment                    AS payment
,       b * hist_payment               AS hist_payment
,       b * (hist_balance - hist_payment)     AS payment_due_balance
FROM       got_hist_payment
ORDER BY  f_id
,            e_month
`                                                     PAYMENT
                             HIST_             HIST_    _DUE_
F001 01-Nov-2010   10,000   10,000   10,000        0   10,000
F001 01-Dec-2010   -5,000    5,000        0   10,000   -5,000
F001 01-Jan-2011    5,000   10,000        0   10,000        0
F001 01-Feb-2011  -20,000  -10,000        0   10,000  -20,000
F001 01-Mar-2011    3,000   -7,000        0   10,000  -17,000
F001 01-Apr-2011   40,000   33,000   23,000   10,000   23,000
F001 01-May-2011   10,000   43,000   10,000   33,000   10,000
F001 01-Jun-2011  -80,000  -37,000        0   43,000  -80,000
F001 01-Jul-2011    6,000  -31,000        0   43,000  -74,000
F001 01-Aug-2011   15,000        0        0        0        0
F001 01-Sep-2011  -12,500        0        0        0        0
F001 01-Oct-2011    7,500        0        0        0        0
F001 01-Nov-2011  100,000        0        0        0        0
F002 01-Nov-2010  -10,000  -10,000        0        0  -10,000
F002 01-Dec-2010    5,000   -5,000        0        0   -5,000
F002 01-Jan-2011   -5,000  -10,000        0        0  -10,000
F002 01-Feb-2011   20,000   10,000   10,000        0   10,000
F002 01-Mar-2011   -3,000    7,000        0   10,000   -3,000
F002 01-Apr-2011  -40,000  -33,000        0   10,000  -43,000
F002 01-May-2011  -10,000  -43,000        0   10,000  -53,000
F002 01-Jun-2011   80,000   37,000   27,000   10,000   27,000
F002 01-Jul-2011   -6,000   31,000        0   37,000   -6,000
F002 01-Aug-2011  -15,000        0        0        0        0
F002 01-Sep-2011   12,500        0        0        0        0
F002 01-Oct-2011   -7,500        0        0        0        0
F002 01-Nov-2011 -100,000        0        0        0        0I suspect I'm getting some of these figures in a very round-about manner, and could do better if I understood the business requirements better.

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    ......on OS 9????????????? I am organizing lots of files by file extension. I put the similar files into their labeled folder. DMG files are in a "DMG" labeled folder. OS X's applications are in a folder called "APP" for example. But what is the application file extension for OS 9

    In an operating system that has its own method of finding content
    that is expected to be in a location, but somehow later is not there,
    issues can result and so it is generally not advisable to move files
    created by the system into places you think (or hope) may make it
    tidy or easy to find certain parts.
    The system may find issue with helpful changes in file locations.
    Just thought I'd let you know. And those files you see in a dual-boot
    OS X & OS 9.1.+ computer that seem odd, while in OS 9? Don't get
    the idea they are out of place. They're invisible in OS X, not in OS 9.
    Some users put OS 9 on a separate partition or another hard drive
    so as to not mess up these things; but that isn't really necessary.
    What leads you to organize file types? Just curious. I found out some
    time ago to be wary of moving items around. I will look into a strange
    system folder, but do not move stuff around. It is a mysterious place.
    Good luck & happy computing!

  • Show Time Account application - where is it?

    There is a webdynpro application for Working Time. it is ess~lea. I'm working on ESS 1.0 EP700 ERP 2005.
    In that application there is a link called "Show Time Account". On the click of this link, i get a table.
    My question: Where can i find this application (which view) and the view that opens on the click of the Show Time Account link.
    Any pointers?
    PS: Points assured for helpful answers.
    Edited by: Arunkumar Ravi on Feb 7, 2008 3:06 PM

    Hi Reshma,
    Going back & forth, i found something.
    My Scenario is totally different.
    My NWDI source has no application called as ess~quotas.
    but i have an applicaiton ess~lea/LeaveRequest uses up this RFC PT_ARQ_ACCOUNTS_GET. I think this returns the data for time accounts. Component Name: VcAccList
    but my actual problem is that the leave balances returned to portal are wrong. what we see in SAP is not what is returned. To figure this out, i'm trying to see which applicaiton brings that table and which RFC populates the data.
    Any idea how to find out why i'm getting wrong data?

  • Trouble launching extension-associated applications through WebLogic Web Server

    We are using WebLogic 7.1 to do a simple document management system. We have a
    servlet that generates HTML. The HTML contains a hyperlink to document that is
    served through WebLogic Web Server, via a Web Application, and is located in the
    application directory.
    The problem is, when you click on the hyperlink, an application associated with
    the extension (for example, Microsoft Word for .doc extension) is not launched.
    Instead, the browser brings up the document in its raw form directly in the browser
    This feature works properly when you browse to other sites that contain hyperlinks
    to Word Documents (Microsoft Word gets launched properly within the browser).
    Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

    Hi Jay,
    During my on going testing on our DR site, across all the issues which kind of fixed and working now – I have come across 1 which I am a little amazed with
    While trying to run the ping and buffer on REN SERVER
    ERROR 404 Page not found. Everything is set up perfectly to what I understand.
    Env. – HR to portal .
    Request goes to RPS passes the firewall goes to LB and to REN and so on along with that.
    Initially the Setup was incorrect which is corrected now. Then LB was listening to desired port – which was not activated while RPS was brought up – we have fixed that. so for now LB listens to port.
    We have bounced app/prcs and cleared cache. But when tried to ping test – 404 (page not found error )
    I have checked config.xml / struts-config.xml and web.xml – jus to verify the document root and context is alrite. Looks Good.
    Checked logs - No specific error.
    HR – Websphere … RPS apache...
    Portal – Weblogic
    Tools - 8.49.18
    App - 9.0 (HR)
    RENQ is up and running.
    REN Server Cluster ID: RENCLSTR_0002
    *StateFlag Active
    *REN Server Cluster URL: https://psportal:8065
    *REN Server Browser URL: https://psportal.dowjones.net:8065
    Authentication Domain: dowjones.net
    request your help pls

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