False default programs after Parralels deinstallation

I have been using Parallels Desktop under Mac OS X 10.7 and I deinstalled it lately. Now I still have many filetypes linked to programs on the virtual machine of Parallels which does not exist anymore and though I am getting an error when I try to open that file. For example video files are not linked to Quicktime under OS X but to the VLC-player on the not existing virtual windows machine.
I know I can change it file by file (Rightclick->Information->open with) but I am looking for a way to change all the default file types back to standard. Can anybody help me?
I would be glad for every tip...

Please read this whole message before doing anything.
This procedure is a diagnostic test. It won’t solve your problem. Don’t be disappointed when you find that nothing has changed after you complete it.
Third-party system modifications are a common cause of usability problems. By a “system modification,” I mean software that affects the operation of other software -- potentially for the worse. The following procedure will help identify which such modifications you've installed. Don’t be alarmed by the complexity of these instructions -- they’re easy to carry out and won’t change anything on your Mac.
These steps are to be taken while booted in “normal” mode, not in safe mode. If you’re now running in safe mode, reboot as usual before continuing.
Below are several lines of text in monospaced type, which are UNIX shell commands. They’re harmless, but they must be entered exactly as given in order to work. If you have doubts about the safety of running these commands, search this site for other discussions in which they’ve been used without any report of ill effects.
Some of the commands will line-wrap or scroll in your browser, but each one is really just a single line, all of which must be selected. You can accomplish this easily by triple-clicking anywhere in the line. The whole line will highlight, and you can then either copy or drag it. The headings “Step 1” and so on are not part of the commands.
Note: If you have more than one user account, Step 2 must be taken as an administrator. Ordinarily that would be the user created automatically when you booted the system for the first time. The other steps should be taken as the user who has the problem, if different. Most personal Macs have only one user, and in that case this paragraph doesn’t apply.
To begin, launch the Terminal application; e.g., by entering the first few letters of its name in a Spotlight search. A text window will open with a line already in it, ending either in a dollar sign (“$”) or a percent sign (“%”). If you get the percent sign, enter “sh” (without the quotes) and press return. You should then get a new line ending in a dollar sign.
Step 1
Copy or drag -- do not type -- the line below into the Terminal window, then press return:
kextstat -kl | awk '!/com\.apple/ {print $6 $7}'
Post the lines of output (if any) that appear below what you just entered (the text, please, not a screenshot.)
Step 2
Repeat with this line:
sudo launchctl list | sed 1d | awk '!/0x|com\.apple/ {print $3}'
This time, you'll be prompted for your login password, which won't be displayed when you type it. You may get a one-time warning not to screw up. You don't need to post the warning.
Step 3
launchctl list | sed 1d | awk '!/0x|com\.apple/ {print $3}'
Step 4
ls -1A /e*/mach* {,/}L*/{Ad,Compon,Ex,Fram,In,Keyb,La,Mail/Bu,P*P,Priv,Qu,Scripti,Servi,Spo,Sta}* L*/Fonts 2> /dev/null
Important: If you synchronize with a MobileMe account, your me.com email address may appear in the output of the above command. If so, change it to something like “[email protected]” before posting.
Step 5
osascript -e 'tell application "System Events" to get the name of every login item'
Remember, steps 1-5 are all drag-and-drop or copy-and-paste, whichever you prefer -- no typing, except your password. Also remember to post the output.
You can then quit Terminal.

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    Message to Toad-Hall
    Thank you, for that. To be sure, I tried your suggestion, and selected "System Proxy" as the choice, for Thunderbird and Firefox. Rebooted, and looked at the outcome.. NO Joy.. :-(
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    You DO NOT want to add LR as an opener for CR2 files.  LR opens LR-Catalog files not photos.  Photos are Imported into LR once LR is open.  If you managed to open a photo as a catalog you'd be stuck and not able to open LR, anymore, due to LR remembering the last catalog and trying to reopen it but that last catalog being a photo.  This used to happen by accident so Adobe made it difficult to add LR as a photo-opener since it messes things up.
    The camera codec pack, linked above, will work ok for viewing CR2 files' embedded JPG preview in Explorer.

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    Kapaal -
    Thanks for your reply.  Your blog post would certainly work if this was just a user-mode app that was making the change, but that's not the case with Office 2013.
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    - Kevin

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    that there used to be such a thing, before the new prompt and I know that some users think that there should be such a thing for any program but I'm not sure if that expectation is valid or not.  I think this may also be related to a concurrent change
    in the OS.  E.g. in XP we had File Types Options editor but starting in Vista that was removed.  You might get some more clues on this tack from NirSoft's FileTypesMan utility.
    The registry change that I did was to remove the open and save prompt. I will be sure to look into that. Our company
    isn't worried about the user's automatically opening the files since they are all trusted. They also do not have the ability to install anything, so if they were to download a potentially harmful file they could never install it. We monitor downloads as well,
    if they download files off the internet that aren't work related we remove their download capabilities.
    Sounds like a scenario for using ProcMon to take two traces and compare them for their essential differences.
    I talked to my boss about using this tool and he is worried about using it. I'm only an intern at my office and do not have the authority to use a program without their knowledge or consent. I will run the idea by them again and see if it's okay I use this.
    I'll maybe make some presentation about how it can help us with our problem and how much time and money it will save. Because I really want to get down to the bottom of this.
    Probably the most significant thing is going to be the Content-type that the files are being served by. 
    You could use the Developer Tools, Network Capture to check on that and ProcMon could help explain what happens after that.  A related workaround to change the symptom when the Content-type is not what is expected is to disable MIME Sniffing (e.g. in
    Security options, Miscellaneous section).  In fact, perhaps that could explain your machine's difference with anyone else?  MIME Sniffing is a default, previously known as "save according to type not extension" (or some such wording).
    Okay I will be completely honest I have no idea how to use Developer Tools (F12), yes I could google it, when I tried using it on the blank pages it would never work, I also have no idea what I'm looking at. I should mention that I do not have access to
    the web server. Our programming and development side only has access to our AS400, which is where the web server is located. I do have MIME Sniffing enabled and so does everyone else. I may be wrong but, I believe it is needed in order to open the file extension
    in the correct default program, yes? I thought MIME Sniffing would see a .docx file and then find the appropriate program to open that .docx file in. I may be wrong but I know it's used somehow along these lines.

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    Anyone else experience this with a fix? I've seen many, many posts when Googling this problem about the Default Programs in Vista not listing iTunes, other problems associated with registry keys for iTunes and QuickTime that aren't editable, etc.
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    It would be nice to have this problem resolved. I'm concerned about future upgrades as I've seen other users mention this problem in 7.4 and 7.1.

    I have the same exact problem and same exact symptoms. I tried uninstalling and re-installing and no luck. Did you ever find a solution?

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    I installed Windows 7 in an upgrade from Windows XP.  As part of the process MS gave me a URL to download a Office 2007 Pro I could activate with the license key I owned.  I got similar URLs for Visio Professional and Project Professional. 
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    there, associated with the designated programs, but are missing icons.
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    because all they do is tell me why they can't help and transfer me elsewhere.
    Does anyone have a REAL answer please?

    To restore office icons you could try this method
    I had the same problem with Office 2010 programs not showing in "Set Your Default Programs". No other "fixes" (including repair) worked. Found this thread:
    and used it as a guide. When you look at this key
    you will see a list of software pointing to another HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE registry key. For example, my Word program was showing up as "Word.Application.14" and pointing to Software\Clients\Word Processing\Microsoft Word\Capabilities
    (In contrast, PastorMike's fix in the link above advocates making a new entry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Word\Capabilities. However, OneNote did appear in my "Set Your Default Programs" and it - and the other Office programs
    - were listed under ..\Software\Clients\... and not ...\Software\Microsoft\...)
    So at this point I went my own way (although maybe PastorMike's fix would also work).
    The difference between OneNote and the other programs was the existence of values for "ApplicationName"  and "ApplicationDescription" in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Clients\Word Processing\Microsoft Word\Capabilities. Also, for OneNote
    there was a "FileAssociations" sub-key that was missing from the other programs.
    It is setting the values for ApplicationName and ApplicationDescription which cause the program to show up in the list in the left pane of "Set Your Default Programs". And it is the file associations in the FileAssociations key that allows resetting
    associations en masse when they are snaffled by another program.
    Below is the reg file I added for Word 2010. (i used similar for the other programs) After doing this, Word appeared after reopening "Set Default Programs" - no reboot required
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Clients\Word Processing\Microsoft Word\Capabilities]
    "ApplicationDescription"="Create and edit professional-looking documents such as letters, papers, reports, and booklets by using Microsoft Word."
    "ApplicationName"="Microsoft Word 2010"
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Clients\Word Processing\Microsoft Word\Capabilities\FileAssociations]
    By using my ramblings and the link provided above you may be able fix the problem you are having with Office 2007. However, I am unsure of how to find the necessary file associations for Office 2007 except by trawling through your registry for the filetypes
    listed in the link above and the values for them in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.

  • Cannot set default programs for a file extension in Gnome

    After a gnome upgrade (cannot remember when), I can no longer set the default program for a particular file extension by right clicking the file in nautilus -> going to "properties" -> going to "open with" tab -> highlighting a program -> pressing "set as default".

    The program I was trying to set was totem for default video playback; wine had made windows media player the default player prior. Interestingly, once I installed gnome-mplayer; the default program changed to gnome-mplayer and I was then able to switch default programs. This error may be related to wine.
    Last edited by Bluerider (2013-07-05 23:07:59)

  • ITunes Does Not Appear in the List of Default Programs?

    My wife is trying to get iTunes to be her default media player, using the instructions found at this link: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT3202.
    However, when she goes to the list of default programs, following steps 1 and 2 at that link, iTunes does not appear in the list.
    How can we correct this?
    Thanks very much in advance for any info.

    I was having this same problem. I understood how to change the default program but like yours my iTunes was not in the list so therefore I was unable to set it to default.
    This worked for me: (I have Vista)
    I checked for updates on my iTunes program and there was an overdue update. I installed and restarted iTunes. Then went to my Default Programs tab and followed the instructions just as described in the support material and after my installation of the newest update my iTunes was now listed in the lineup of available default programs.
    I hope this works for you as well!
    Thanks and good luck!

  • Unable to set default program for .pdf

    As show in print screen, when i attempt to set default program nth happens at all. The only way i can open any .pdf file now is by 1st opening adobe reader 9 and select the .pdf file manually
    Problem started after upgrading to windows 7 from vista. Windows 7 is able to recognise adobe reader 8 as a valid default program since it is in windows.old. Thus the default for .pdf is adobe reader 8 (it was installed in vista).
    Subsequently, installing adobe reader 9 isof  no use as it will be ignored and windows 7 will only continue to use adobe reader 8 as the default reader when i try to open a .pdf file, unless if i manually opened adobe reader 9 and selected a .pdf file manaually
    However, I am unable to uninstall adobe reader 8 as the "program and feature" can only identify adobe reader 9 and does not think that adobe reader 8 exists.
    Thus, I removed windows.old by using the disk cleanup. However, I am still unable to set adobe reader 9 as the default reader. Instead, .pdf are no longer accessible/"open-able" unless I 1st opened adobe reader 9 and then selected a .pdf manaually.
    I've attempted reinstalling and restarting comps etc, they dun seem to help. I suspect the OS is now only able to recognise adobe reader 8 from windows.old as a valid program directory due to some registry issues since it was initally set as the default when i 1st upgraded the OS. Now that adobe reader 8 is removed, there might be some corrupted registry somewhere that needs to be set right again?
    Really need help with this. Thanks a million.

    Thanks guys for showing interest in helping.
    As you guys can see, there's no adobe reader when u expand. Also, I already browsed the reader just in case too. Thus expanding doesnt help. =(
    Also, I cant seem to find the "file type" tab in folder options

  • How do I set PSE 9 in W7 64bit as the default program to open jpeg files?

    A simple question, so obvious to solve, but not in this case?
    Since Windows 7 64bit keeps 32bit applications within Program Files (x86) folder, they are not listed within the Program Files folder and you are not allowed to associates Jpeg and other similar extension to Photoshop Elements 9 !
    This is soemthing I had from the beginning when I purchased PSE9 last year and never needed, but now I have the need as I sporadically work on loads of images at one time.
    What do I do?

    A member at Win7 forums posted a fix here: http://www.w7forums.com/open-win7-not-working-t6230p5.html
    Here's the post:
    Start Menu>Search>regedit
    Depending on whether you are running the 32 bit or 64 bit you will want to enter the correct directory of your photoshop.exe application. To do this right click on the "Default" file after navigating to the above location, click "modify" and enter the correct location of photoshop.exe. I am runnning the 64 bit version so the correct location for me was the following:
    "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS5 (64 Bit)\Photoshop.exe"
    Click "Ok" and close out of Registry Editor.
    Right Click on any JPEG, BMP, etc. select "open with" and be happy to see photoshop sitting right there in the program list.

  • Latest Lithroom 5.6 does not recognize my .cr2 raw file format and Windows 7 it asociates with my older raw plug in in Ps CS5.5. I am not able to change default program for .cr2 in the properties pannel...

    Latest Lithroom 5.6 does not recognize my .cr2 raw file format and Windows 7 it asociates with my older raw plug in in Ps CS5.5. I am not able to change default program for .cr2 in the properties pannel...
    every new released update of Lr from v 5.2 changed somethin in my Windows 7 Professional settings. I am stucked. Can somebody help me please? Many thanks. Andrej

    Hi Jim,
    yes after I imported my .cr2 raw files into new catalog it started to work. Windows 7 still does not recognize them but I can edit them as you said within the Lr5.6 and then export them into .psd or .dng files...as needed.
    I bought Lr5 only because I got present - my new camera Cannon 70D and because my older Photoshop CS5.5 raw plugin does not recognize. cr2 files.
    Many thanks for your help.

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