Fast Search Broke - Drive full "stuck in a loop"

We have SharePoint 2010 with FAST Search enabled.   Content crawls completing without issue, but the index data drive is filling up and then "dumping" over and over again.  Users are now starting to notice that content
is not showing up.   This all just starting happeining about month ago.  All components appeared to up and running.  Any help would be much appreciated.
Thank you,

We've added more disk space to the index server (Primary and Secondary) and now it has calmed down.  Now it appears that we are missing items in our search results.  Running indexerifo -a status still shows about 40K items not indexed. 
That number is falling slowly but users are starting to complain that items recently uploaded are not searchable even after an incremental crawl.    Some items show up and some don't.  We've opened a ticket with MS and are looking
at it now.

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    please clear some log file from following location:
    On the FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint administration server, aggregated logs from all servers are written as text files in the <FASTSearchFolder>\var\log\syslog folder
    The “archive” folder is used to store old log data when the current log file in the syslog folder reaches a certain size. The default archive size threshold is 500 000 bytes. Use the configuration file etc\LogServerConfig.xml to reconfigure this setting.
    NTFS folder compression is automatically enabled for this folder to save disk space
    Solution: you can delete archived log files from location (Note: Please make sure that you don't need archived log file in future) : %FASTSearch%\var\log\syslog\archive
    Please follow below technet article:
    If my contribution helps you, please click Mark As Answer on that post and Vote as Helpful
    Thanks, ShankarSingh(MCP)

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    Please have a look at these links:
    SharePoint Search and FAST Search for SharePoint
    Architecture Diagrams – Fault Tolerance and Performance
    FAST Search Logical Architecture for SharePoint 2010
    Search Architecture

  • What is the different between Sharepoint fast search service and Sql server fulltext search?

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    They are very, very different beasts.
    Firstly FAST Search for SharePoint is the old name for the product and is only relevant for SharePoint 2010 not 2013. It got merged into the standard SharePoint search for the 2013 release.
    SharePoint search is aimed at providing a Bing or Google like experience for your intranet content, as well as providing some nifty features that are purely SharePoint releated along the way. That means it can crawl SharePoint content, file shares,
    outlook mailboxes, internal and external websites and probably fifty other different things if you really tried. Whilst i'm not an expert on SQL full text search I believe it's intended to provide a search feature for content held within SQL databases
    and tables.
    Can you run SharePoint purely for Search? Yes, definitely.

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    Is your scratch drive over 1 Terabyte? Photoshop 7 was never programmed for those sizes  and will return that type of error if you recently changed drives,
    Solution is to partition that drive to less than one 1 TB or find a smaller drive.
    And update to 7.0.1 Adobe - Photoshop : For Windows : Adobe Photoshop 7.0.1 update

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    Initial easy steps to gain disk space:
    - Delete all files in the Downloads folder.
      Empty the Trash.
    - Start iPhoto.
      Empty its trash.
    Run a Time Machine (or other) backup since you are about to delete and move files and you may need to recover from any inadvertent mistakes or decisions.  You will need one external hard drive for your Time Machine (or other) backup and a second if you plan to offload some files.  (See suggestions for where to purchase hard drives at the end of this message.)
    For more about backups:
    Time Machine Basics:
    Most commonly used backup methods:
    Methodology to protect your data.  Backups vs. Archives.  Long-term data protection:
    Deleting files:
    Then use the free application OmniDiskSweeper to explore your volume in descending order by size so you can attack the problem from the top down, deleting the largest unwanted files first.  Delete with caution and do not delete any system files.  Remember to empty the trash after trashing the files.
    Additional reference on freeing disk space:
    Offloading files:
    Consider moving some of the no-often-used large files or directories to an external disk.  Use ODS again to find them.  This will be at least your second hard drive.  Your first one(s) is/are for your Time Machine (or other) backup(s).  Do not offload files onto a Time Machine disk.
    Format the second drive as Mac OS Extended (journaled).  Using OWS to find large files/folders and copy them from the system drive to the external hard drive and delete them from your internal drive.
    Then  > System Preferences > Time Machine > Options… > Remove the offload HD name from the exclusions list.
    Now both your system disk and your external offload disk will be backed up onto your Time Machine disk.
    To move your iTunes Music folder to another disk or partition:
    To change the location of your iTunes Music folder, carefully follow the instructions in the AppleCare® Knowledge Base document "iTunes for Mac: Moving your iTunes Music folder."Additional information can be found in iTunes Help. 00000849.html
    Laptop users may want to consider having two iTunes libraries: a small library of current favorites on their computer, while their complete library resides on an external hard drive. Utilities like iTunes Library Manager enable you to easily have multiple iTunes libraries you can use with your account.
    To move your iPhoto Library folder to another disk or partition:
    To move the iPhoto Library folder to a new location, employ the instructions in the AppleCare Knowledge Base document from corresponding to the version of iPhoto you are using. Additional information can be found in iPhoto Help.
    Laptop users may want to consider having two iPhoto libraries: a small library of current, favorite photographs on their computer, while their complete library, or archives of older photos are saved on an external hard drive. Utilities such as iPhoto Buddy and iPhoto Library Manager enable you to have multiple iPhoto libraries that you can use with your account.
    Hardware — Bigger disk/SSD:
    OWC sells 120, 240 and 480 GB SSD upgrades for MacBook Airs.  A 240 GB upgrade costs $265. .  If your Mac is under warranty or AppleCare replacing the SSD will void the warranty.

  • SharePoint FAST Search 2010 not returning pdf files in search results

    Does anyone know why FAST Search 2010 is not returning pdf files in the results page.
    I'd checked the crawl log and the total files crawled indicates that the pdf file is picked up by the crawl.

    could you please make sure the PDF ifilter is properly configured? did you perform full crawl?
    Please remember to mark your question as answered &Vote helpful,if this solves/helps your problem. ****************************************************************************************** Thanks -WS MCITP(SharePoint 2010, 2013) Blog:


    작성날짜 : 1995-04-10
    Subject: Faster through put on Full table scans
    db_file_multiblock_read only affects the performance of full table scans.
    Oracle has a maximum I/O size of 64KBytes hence db_blocksize *
    db_file_multiblock_read must be less than or equal to 64KBytes.
    If your query is really doing an index range scan then the performance
    of full scans is irrelevant. In order to improve the performance of this
    type of query it is important to reduce the number of blocks that
    the 'interesting' part of the index is contained within.
    Obviously the db_blocksize has the most impact here.
    Historically Informix has not been able to modify their database block size,
    and has had a fixed 2KB block.
    On most Unix platforms Oracle can use up to 8KBytes.
    (Some eg: Sequent allow 16KB).
    This means that for the same size of B-Tree index Oracle with
    an 8KB blocksize can read it's contents in 1/4 of the time that
    Informix with a 2KB block could do.
    You should also consider whether the PCTFREE value used for your index is
    appropriate. If it is too large then you will be wasting space
    in each index block. (It's too large IF you are not going to get any
    entry size extension OR you are not going to get any new rows for existing
    index values. NB: this is usually only a real consideration for large indexes - 10,000 entries is small.)
    db_file_simultaneous_writes has no direct relevance to index re-balancing.
    (PS: In the U.K. we benchmarked against Informix, Sybase, Unify and
    HP/Allbase for the database server application that HP uses internally to
    monitor and control it's Tape drive manufacturing lines. They chose
    Oracle because: We outperformed Informix.
                             Sybase was too slow AND too
                             Unify was short on functionality
    and SLOW.
                             HP/Allbase couldn't match the
                             requirements and wasn't as
    Informix had problems demonstrating the ability to do hot backups without
    severely affecting the system throughput.
    HP benchmarked all DB vendors on both 9000/800 and 9000/700 machines with
    different disks (ie: HP-IB and SCSI). Oracle came out ahead in all
    NNB: It's always worth throwing in a simulated system failure whilst the
    benchmark is in progress. Informix has a history of not coping gracefully.
    That is they usually need some manual intervention to perform the database
    I have a perspective client who is running a stripped down souped version of
    informix with no catalytic converter. One of their queries boils down to an
    Index Range Scan on 10000 records. How can I achieve better throughput
    on a single drive single CPU machine (HP/UX) without using raw devices.
    I had heard rebuilding the database with a block size factor greater than
    the OS block size would yield better performance. Also I tried changing
    the db_file_multiblock_read_count to 32 without much improvement.
    Adjusting the db_writers to two did not help either.     
    Also will the adjustment of the db_file_simultaneous_writes help on
    the maintenance of a index during rebalancing operations.

    2)if cbo, how are the stats collected?
    daily(less than millions rows of table) and weekly(all tables)There's no need to collect stats so frequently unless it's absolute necessary like you have massive update on tables daily or weekly.
    It will help if you can post your sample explain plan and query.

  • "startup drive full" error - help

    I have gotten a "startup drive full" error a couple of times while using Microsoft Word. It usually occurs when I am trying to save something. My drives are no where near full. What is causing this? How do I fix it?

    One of the reasons (when one exists) for a startup drive full message,
    could be if the computer has several temporary files and virtual memory
    files on the hard disk drive; this could happen if you have insufficient
    installed chip RAM and the computer is using HDD free-space as RAM.
    And if you are multi-tasking in Mac OS X, there may be a point where
    the drive is fully in-use. The utility "Activity Monitor" could tell you what
    is happening in the system at different intervals and perhaps you could
    tell what is running in there and using a lot of virtual memory; and also
    what that utility says is going on elsewhere at the same time.
    You may have to boot the computer from the Installer disc and use
    the version of Disk Utility on that (in the Installer's menubar is where
    you find options, other than running the installer on that disc) to run
    'repair disk.' There also may be some caches and other files on the
    drive which are not properly being cleared after quitting applications
    or after saving works in progress.
    A variety of maintenance tasks can be performed to help the Mac
    run better; and maybe these are overdue. I use an easy way out
    and do not boot into the single user or other modes to do house-
    keeping chores in OS X 10; the software (runs free) I choose to
    have do these, on occasion, is called OnyX and is a download
    from Titanium Software online. An easy search, to get there and
    see the correct download for the OSX version your machine runs.
    The OnyX 'automation' selection has several check-boxes and
    a few times a year, I run all of the options shown there; otherwise
    I only run the default set, and then have the utility automatically
    restart itself afterward. There are settings in the OnyX preferences.
    Not sure what else may be going on in the computer's hard disk
    drive; but to use the boot/install disc's Disk Utility to 'repair disk'
    and also to verify or see the status of SMART, may tell you if
    the hard disk drive is starting to fail. (Although it could stop work-
    ing and not say it was failing; checking anyway, is easy enough.)
    If you have a third-party disk utility such as Drive Genius or
    maybe DiskWarrior, these may be able to check and repair
    some aspects of the hard disk drive's files. Some of these
    tools are better at some tasks than others; and so I am not
    sure which one(s) are best at specific jobs. Each is a bit
    different and so there are times where having more than one
    could be very handy... if one knew what they did, and when
    to use one over another third-party disk utility. (I don't!)
    At some point, it is very handy to have an externally enclosed
    FireWire hard disk drive, and be knowledgeable and practiced
    in making bootable clones of the computer's hard disk drive
    and the contents there in. This can give you great backups
    with the ability to clone the complete disk image back as it
    was, but on to a repaired or low-level reformatted HDD. I use
    a free-running utility to clone, Carbon Copy Cloner.
    Hopefully a fix as simple as using the Disk Utility found in
    the installer (hold C key on startup with disc in optical drive)
    and do not launch the installer, use Disk Utility from menubar;
    and 'repair disk' may help. If there is a defect in the Hard Disk
    Drive (HDD) a repair may help; or a more invasive approach
    may be required, to include other tools in the Disk Utility, which
    could totally erase all your stuff plus the OS from that hard drive.
    Not sure how much experience you have in any of this; so at
    this point...
    Good luck & happy computing!

  • Microsoft FAST Search Server 2010 - Searching numbers

    Here is the scenario. I have some documents each has a number in the content. The number is 10 digits long and the  number contain leading zeros but the length will not be more than 10 digits. e.g. 0000123456
    Once I index the documents in FAST Search (not MS Enterprise Search) I want to search for any number without adding the leading zeros in the search query.
    Unless otherwise I enter the full number(with leading zeros), search will not give the document. Does anyone has similar experience and if so what was the approach you followed in order to solve it?
    Kolitha de Silva ----------------- /

    Assuming that the field is a string, you can try to use proximity operators especially if you know the last digits for example:
    field:ends-with ("123456")
    Alternatively, may be you can try:

  • Looking for fast internal hard drive

    I want to replace the existing hard drive in my iBook G4 with a faster one (7200 rpm). I realize the battery time will suffer. Does anybody have any specific recommendations (as to which brand)?

    Most of the newer specifications of modern drives I've seen are
    for the SATA type of hard disk drives now common in new Macs.
    Since these won't work inside an older model, you still may find
    some PATA/ATA/IDE compatible drives from the same manufact-
    urers and through vendors of Mac specific or compatible hardware.
    {Of major brands, sometimes you can find a similar spec HDD
    in their line-up that is almost as good as their new SATA line;
    here's a page with some that won't work in your iBook, but they
    do have names and the manufacture brand. They may offer ATA: }
    The slower spinning drive, may be fine; get one with a larger buffer
    and enough free space so the system and applications have plenty
    of room for Virtual Memory demands, and make sure the basic RAM
    amount is as much as the machine can support.
    Some of the newer replacement PATA drives use less power and
    have better technologies than those older models in early Macs.
    So, if you can find actual reviews and specifications for side-by-side
    comparisons (of non-SATA vs other non-SATA) for your application,
    that may give you an idea if the faster-spin rate drive is an advantage
    you could live with; or something best left for another year's upgrade
    when you eventually may get a newer architecture portable Macintosh.
    I'd go for the 5400 slower drive, large capacity, with larger 16+ MB buffers,
    instead of a faster 7200 drive, in a portable computer on limited batteries.
    But I've read of others who did OK by the faster drive. Not sure if they stuck
    with original equipment batteries or were able to actually gain run time with
    those newer technology batteries which say they have a longer life. Of the
    new batteries, you may need to get their brand of reconditioner/recharger
    in order to hope to get their longer specified battery life; & charge two at a
    time outside of the computer; making sure to calibrate and run them all often.
    Good luck & happy computing!

  • Please Help Urgent:Fast Search returning wrong result sets

    Hi All,
    We are facing below issue with fast search.
    Currently in My project  when  we are searching  for a phrase it is returning wrong result sets.
    For example if we search for “Endura”, It is returning documents related to
    Endura  as well as Centura.
    But the expected results are only Endura documents.
    When we look in to the documents we didn’t find the search term (“Endura” ) either inside document content or in its meta data.
    In order to resolve the issue we tried the below steps
    We manually edited and saved the document, to ensure the appropriate Guid association to metadata.
    Index reset
    Full crawl
    But no luck  so far.
    Please help.Thanks in advance.

    This may be related to spellchecking or may be synonym. Spellcheck is based on indexed terms.
    The best test would be to run the queries from qrserver (13280) and then look at the spellcheck query transformations. If spellchecking is not doing it, then you must have a synonym setup .Check your keyword/synonyms from the SharePoint side. 

  • Why is my hard drive full when I only have the operating system loaded and nothing else?  No pics, music, nothing...It's the 60 Gig hard drive on the air built in late 2010.

    Why is my hard drive full when I'm only running the operating system and nothing else is loaded?  No music, pics, nothing! I understand the hard drive is small at 60 gig, but I can't believe the os would take up that much space.

    First, empty the Trash if you haven't already done so. Then reboot. That will temporarily free up some space. According to Apple documentation, you need at least 9 GB free on the startup volume for normal operation. You also need enough space left over to allow for growth of your data. Use a tool such as OmniDiskSweeper to explore your volume and find out what's taking up the space. Proceed further only if the problem hasn't been solved. ODS can't see the whole filesystem when you run it just by double-clicking; it only sees files that you have permission to read. To really see everything, you have to run it as root. Back up all data now. Launch the Terminal application in any of the following ways: ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.) ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens. ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Terminal in the icon grid. After installing ODS in the Applications folder, drag or copy — do not type — the following line into the Terminal window, then press return:sudo /Applications/
    You'll be prompted for your login password, which won't be displayed when you type it. You may get a one-time warning not to screw up.
    I don't recommend that you make a habit of this. Don't delete anything while running ODS as root. When you're done with it, quit it and also quit Terminal.

  • Hard drive full - MacBook Air

    The hard drive on my MacBook Air is almost completely full. It says that over 60 GB of "Other" is being used, but I have no idea what is taking up all that space. I can't find anything in my files, and I cleared all of my downloads. It's so full that I can't save any documents or update the software.

    Freeing Up Space on The Hard Drive
      1. See Lion's Storage Display.
      2. You can remove data from your Home folder except for the /Home/Library/ folder.
      3. Visit The XLab FAQs and read the FAQ on freeing up space on your hard drive.
      4. Also see Freeing space on your Mac OS X startup disk.
      5. See Where did my Disk Space go?.
      6. See The Storage Display.
    You must Empty the Trash in order to recover the space they occupied on the hard drive.
    You should consider replacing the drive with a larger one. Check out OWC for drives, tutorials, and toolkits.
    Try using OmniDiskSweeper 1.8 or GrandPerspective to search your drive for large files and where they are located.
    Consider an external drive to store your files.
    The "other" are files that cannot be classified into the other categories. This can include data files, mail data, cache files, system files, etc. Make a bootable backup of your drive, boot from it, erase your internal drive, then restore the backup after pruning out files you can store elsewhere.

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