FCP ProRes422 - Gigabit - Windows 500GB Raid Capture problem

I have a 17" iMac [email protected] and 160GB 5400hdd and a Windows PC with 2 250GB hdd's in RAID and a Gigabit network (D-Link DGE-528T on the PC).
I want to capture ProRes422 over the Gigabit network in the PC Share. I set it up but FCP only captures about 400-500 Megs and then frezes (the network utilisation is 8% and then drops to 0 and FCP says that capture is useualy 19-22% behind camera).
If i capture directly on the iMac hdd capture is most of the time Real-Time or 1-2% behind camera.
I am capturing over firewire from a JVH GY-HD111e
How can i fix this ?

You can't capture ProRes to your network drive with that setup

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    When I play the tape, it freezes up every 20 or 30 seconds, for a couple of seconds, as the system would do if there was a timecode break. But there's no timecode break, the tape is playing perfectly through the camera, it's only FCP that is "seeing" a timecode break and stuttering the picture for a few moments. If I am trying to capture, it breaks and starts a new file as if the timecode had stopped.
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    Should I uninstall and reinstall completely? Or...? Cannot figure out why FCP 7 can't play video smoothly, when not even capturing. (Just to be clear, when playing back something on the timeline from a previous project, it plays perfectly smoothly -- it's only when playing the camera through the firewire that it acts like there are dropouts every 20 seconds or so -- maybe my firewire cable is bad, going to get another one today).
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    Yes, thanks. This is resolved. I used Jon Chappell's uninstall, then reinstalled (only FCP 7). I still had the problem after doing that...however, when I got up on Saturday and started playing with it -- suddenly everything worked fine!
    So I don't know why after the uninstall/reinstall/reboot/etc. it wasn't working on Friday. But as of Saturday, the FCP gods smiled on me and there was a spontaneous self cure! So thanks to all for the advice. Maybe the reinstall did it but for some reason didn't take effect immediately??
    Main thing is that all is well. Thanks!

  • ZIU timecode/capture problems

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    The problem is we shoot a tape with our SONY HDV-Z1U and log the clips in FCP. When we go to batch capture many of about 25% of all these clips have capture problems. Final Cut detects timecode breaks and captures 2,3,4, sometimes 15 versions of these labeling them clip, clip-1, clip-2, etc....
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    I have a ZU1 and I occasionally encounter this problem, but it's usually one clip out of say 25 or 30 on a given tape. I'm never sure what causes the problem and if I simply skip the problem clip I can sometimes go back and digitize just that one last clip.
    I do know the ZU1 seems to need plenty of pre-roll in the front of the tape, but I'm assuming that's not the problem. You're using new, high quality tape, correct? Have you tried a simple head cleaning on the ZU1.

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    GPU: XFX GeForce 9600GT (no OC)
    HDD: 2 x Wester Digital 7200.11 SATA II 500GB @ RAID 0 from ATI SB600
    PSU: Satellite 600W
    Windows XP Pro 32-bit SP3
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    by reading this thread i could see what stop error the BSOD was showing.
    and then i looked up the error here:
    My error was 0x0000007B and my 2nd parameter was 0xC000034.
    The Stop 0x7B message indicates that Windows XP has lost access to the system partition or boot volume during the startup process. Installing incorrect device drivers when installing or upgrading storage adapter hardware typically causes stop 0x7B errors. Stop 0x7B errors could also indicate possible virus infection.
    The second parameter is very important because it can indicate whether the 0x7B Stop message was caused by file system issues or problems with storage hardware and drivers. Values of 0xC000034 or 0xC000000E typically indicate:
    # Disks or storage controllers that are failing, defective, or improperly configured.
    # Storage-related drivers or programs (tape management software, for example) that are not fully compatible with Windows XP Professional.
    I read the possible solutions on that page but there aren't solutions at all... ¬¬

  • OpenGL games fps going down after install Windows on RAID 0 on K9A2 Platinum

    Hello .
    Description of problem :
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    Operating System:
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    I have established last version Dual Core Optimizer.
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    What reasons of a problem? 
    How to eliminate a problem?
    In advance thanks for the answer.

    Oops, missed the PSU....
    But why when copying to stop in 3-4 minutes, game fps not going up.
    In fact after copying files system resources are not used, also reading and writing from a disk does not occur.
    I understand that at copying Soft-RAID use some system resources. But when system resources not use game fps not going up.
    Will help only restart game!!!
    The problem was showed right after installations Windows on RAID 0.
    When I had one HDD, the problem was not.
    See that? You went from single disk to RAID and then the problem started...... I guess it's not very hard to conclude that one is related to the other. Just try to use single disk again an and see what happens.
    Then: did you have two disks installed before going to RAID-0? Or did you add one disk for that? If so, then your PSU may be the troublemaker, not providing enough juice to feed all devices.
    About your English: it is fine, don't worry. We do not mind, as long as it looks like English and we can understand it and as long as there's no MSN-crap in it... so, you are doing fine. 

  • Administrator account is disable when deploying windows 7 x64 captured image

    I’m using MDT 2012 update 1. I create one deployment share with two task sequence.
    The task sequences are: one for windows 7 x86 and the other one is windows 7 x64.
    Both are working fine until I try to sysprep and capture with all the windows updates.
    Sysprep and capture windows 7 x86 with all windows update work fine. I’m able to deploy the captured image without an error.
    My problem is with the windows 7 x64 captured image. I’m able to sysprep and capture the windows7 x64 with all the windows update. Once the capture is completed, I change the .win file in my windows 7 x64 task sequence to point to the new .win file (capture
    image with all the windows update). When I deploy windows 7 x64 on a pc, the OS get install but boot up to the sign on screen. The Task sequence does not complete. No error message. Cannot log in as local or domain administrator, account is disable.
    Why does it work with my windows 7 x86 image and not with my windows 7 x64 image?
    With my windows 7 x86 image the task sequence completed successfully with no error and it logon automatically in windows but not with my windows 7 x64 image.
    Both task sequences are the same.
    Let me know if any info for this please.

    They should both work, perhaps you missed a step when creating the x64 image.
    1. Verify that the Windows 7 x64 image was created cleanly, with no errors. Sysprep ran with no errors.
    2. Verify that you created the windows 7 deployment task sequence cleanly. I would do a windiff of the TS.xml and unattend.xml file from both folders in the deployment share.
    3. Try running without a domain. Some domain's have a GP set to disable the local administrator account.
    Keith Garner - keithga.wordpress.com

  • Capturing Problem with Sony TRV330

    Capturing problem with Sony digital8 trv330.
    I recently purchased the above camcorder from eBay for capturing old 8mm/Hi8 tapes for editing purpose. The camcorder set to A/V -> DV OUT connected with Firewire to my Power G4 and the Easy Setup was DV-NTSC. The playback on the capture window looks OK except there were no timecode in the Timecode Duration Field and the Current Timecode Field (both shown 00:00:00:00) during playback but there was timedoce in the camcorder viewfinder. When I click the Capture Now button, the capturing window show up with message “waiting for timecode ….”. I have to click “esc” to stop the capturing operation. I trash the Preferences and Ran the Disk Utility without success. I also tried the Easy Setup with DV-NTSC DV Converter as well as DV-NTSC 32Khz, nothing work.
    My set up is: Mac Power G4 version 10.5.5/ F.C.E. 4.0.1/ QT7.5.5/ Startup 160 GB-89 GB available/ Scratch 350GB-277GB available. Folks, I need help. Thanks everybody.

    Hi, I have a similar problem. I am trying to digitize my 8mm tapes (via firewire) using final cut express (4.0.1). Using easy setup I use DV-NTSC DV Converter and do capture now. I transfer the entire tape but notice the audio is out of synch with the video. This problem gets worse throughout the transfer process. When I use the esc to complete the transfer I get the error " The audio sample rate of one or more of your captured media files does not match the sample rate on your source tape....." So after searching around it is recommended I change the audio sample rate to 32 kHz option. However, when I do this using easy setup and picking DV-NTSC 32kHz I cannot use capture now because I have no timecode and so the window comes up with the message "waiting for timecode". Since there is no timecode this option does not work. Any suggestions? Thanks, Dan

  • Capture Problems with Vista

    While this problem is not specific to PE4, I am hoping someone will be able to help me.
    I recently purchaed a Dell XPS desktop for video editing. I am unable to capture from my SONY HDRHC7 camcorder. The new computer runs on Vista Home Premium; my old computer (never had any capture problems before) runs on XP. According to Dell, Adobe, and SONY websites, there are no additional drivers that I need to capture video.
    Has anyone had similar problems? And, if so do you have any advice? Thank you.

    Hi Butch,
    Here is your solution from the Read Me:
    Windows Vista Compatibility
    Windows Vista is a brand new operating system from Microsoft and has not been available in its final form long enough for Adobe to fully certify Lightroom for use on Vista. Adobe is working hard to finalize support or Vista as quickly as possible and will deliver appropriate software updates over the launch period. Lightroom 1.0 will install and run on Windows Vista but Adobe cannot guarantee the quality of the software experience until final testing is completed. Known issues for using Lightroom 1.0 on the Vista operating system are listed below:
    Lightroom CD and DVD burning tools will not currently function
    Importing files directly from a Camera or Card Reader may not function properly. Please
    copy files to a local hard drive via the operating system before importing the files into
    This may not be the answer you wanted but until the next release.........

  • Windows has encountered a problem communicating with a device connected to my computer

    I have an HP Pavilion dv6 notebook; Product # WF536AV, running Win 7-Home. Without warning, when trying to boot one day I got the following error message: 
    Windows has encountered a problem communicating with a device connected to your computer. May be caused by unplugging removable storage while in use or a faulty hhd or CD drive. An unexpected I/O error. Error Code oxcoooooe9.
    I have a 500GB WDC hhd that seems to run hot.
    Cannot get into F8 Advanced Options, although I can get into BIOS (F9 & F10)
    Ran the Win 7 Recovery Disks twice. No help. Same message
    I can run Linux Ubuntu in memory (not installed). GParted shows the following:    
           Partition size    used       unused   label   flag              file system
    Sda1 76GB       14GB       61GB                                       NTFS
    sda2 400MB     300MB   100MB    SDV     Boot lba      FAT32
    unallocated 390GB
    6. No access to Recovery Manager
    7. F2: memory test passed but hhd test would not run
    8. In Ubuntu Disk Manager, report said drive had 'a few bad sectors', but hhd test would not run "Self Test- Failed (Read)
    9) Ran MBR repair disk and System Rescue disk; no luck
    10) In Ubuntu, when I look at the Windows file system, In 82 GB partition there is an 'RM' folder with an "Image" folder with 16 files.  In the SDV partition is the bootmgr folder and several others
    a) why cannot I boot to Windows off the hhd?
    b) what does SDV label mean (secure digital video; silicon data valu;tr; static driver verifer  from Windows)?
    c) is the hhd simply failing. I do not have an extra to swap out and try
    d) may the Win 7 Recovery disks bad, perhaps, and should I then download a Win 7 ISO file and try that?
    Thanks for any help. This is highly frustrating. I have already spent about 8 hours on this!

    Well, shucks, i just spent almost 30 minutes trying to find your model user guide to explain it better, I guess they never got around to making it.....
    I would just borrow another Windows disk and try installing it again and if it does it again then you might take it to an Apple Store and see if one of the "Genius' " can figure it out.
    Make sure your internet is enabled and click on your blank desktop and at the top of your screen is a Help menu option, enter PRAM and it should give you a list of things relating to Pram. It may take a few seconds to list anything as it has to connect to Apples severs first. It should list the things you may have to fill back in when your done.
    "P-ram" stores some common information that is used in the background, your date, time, startup disk, etc, that you don't have to re-fill when you restart, it's a little different for each computer.

  • Is there going to be a Solution for the Capture Problem?

    I've noticed that it is not only me but Final Cut Pro is not capturing video properly, it should not be so hard to capture from my camcorder(PV-DV51), when I hit log and capture the program just quits, after reinstalling, deleting preferences, the Firewire dock is able to see the camera, I can capture with IMovie for crying out loud! so the only question left, is do I have to upgrade Quicktime 7 player to the full version? because I did not find the upgrade in final cut studio package so do I have to purchase separately?
    Thanks for the help

    "The capture problem" is not, AFAIK, striking any number of folks. At least I've not heard of it. If you're running Final Cut Studio 5, there's not a separate serial - it's a gestalt thingie upon install.
    FCP uses QuickTime to do its capturing (iMovie does not). You might try reinstalling QuickTime (don't skip any steps). Go to /Library/Receipts. Trash all QuickTime related .pkg files (Don't worry, you're only deleting receipts so that a full install will take place). Go to http://www.quicktime.com/ and download the latest installer and run it. Reboot.
    post back,

  • FX5900XT-VTD128 capture problem

    I read the many posts about capture problems but did not recognise my issues.
    I just got FX5900XT-VTD128 and I am trying to get it to capture with WinDVD creator (bundled). WinDVD would start but then it would hang without listing any capture device.
    I installed the latest WDM drivers from the nVidia site (2.20_wdm-vivo.exe)
    Device manager list the following devices under sound, video and game controllers:
     - nVidia WDM A/V Crossbar (12-2-2003)
     - nVidia WDM Video Capture (universal)  (12-2-2003)
    The multimedia tab in control panel show the following under "devices"
      under "Video Capture device" -->  -Microsoft WDM Capture
    After reading the posts, I suspected a WDM driver problem so I did the following:
       1- removed both nVidia WDM devices from device manager
       2- removed Microsoft WDM Capture from multimedia devices
       3- removed nVidia WDM drivers with Driver Cleaner
    I rebooted and confirmed that no nVidia WDM devices were present in Device manager and that no WDM capture device were present under multimedia capture devices.
    I re-installed nVidia WDM driver 2.20 and rebooted. Windows plug and play recognised both nVidia WDM devices and installed drivers for it.
    When I checked, both Device manager and Multimedia capture device were back as they were before the driver re-install yet WinDVD still hang when I click "capture" (Window is still alive, I can kill WinDVD manualy but I would then not be able to restart it without first rebooting).
    I tried Flycap and VirtualVCR with no better result, they hang.  
    I am using Win98 SE on a Gygabyte  GA-7N400-l motherboard with AMD Sempron 2400+ CPU and 512MB RAM. I have no other card in the PC.
    I am using nVidia driver 66.94 from the file: "66.94_win9x_english.exe"
    Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

    also refer to this post....5900 Video Capture
    its name is fx900xt capture and got 5 thumbs on the forum title for easy to find....

  • I get an error message when trying to install windows 7 on my macbook pro. The message says "windows has encountered a problem communicating with a device connected to your computer. I don't have anything connected to my computer. How do I fix this?

    I'm trying to install windows 7 on my macbook pro. I went through the process of bootcamp telling it to install windows 7. Once the windows boot manager started an error message came up. The error message says " windows has encountered a problem communicating with a device connected to your computer. I don't have a usb connected to my computer. I  am using windows 7 professional install disc. I  can't figure out what i am doing wrong. The same message keeps coming up over and over. Am I doing something wrong or is it something else?

    Well, shucks, i just spent almost 30 minutes trying to find your model user guide to explain it better, I guess they never got around to making it.....
    I would just borrow another Windows disk and try installing it again and if it does it again then you might take it to an Apple Store and see if one of the "Genius' " can figure it out.
    Make sure your internet is enabled and click on your blank desktop and at the top of your screen is a Help menu option, enter PRAM and it should give you a list of things relating to Pram. It may take a few seconds to list anything as it has to connect to Apples severs first. It should list the things you may have to fill back in when your done.
    "P-ram" stores some common information that is used in the background, your date, time, startup disk, etc, that you don't have to re-fill when you restart, it's a little different for each computer.

  • Just purchased and installed photoshop and everytime i try to open it it says "windows has encountered a problem and must close the program" anyone else have this problem?

    I have just purchased the photography package on my windows 8 computer and everytime I open photoshop an error message pops up saying that windows has encountered a problem and needs to close the program. I am really frustrated that this is happening after I purchased this plan and would like to be able to use the product I have purchased

    +1 to Chris' assessment.
    Keep in mind that it's your responsibility to provide a problem-free working environment on your computer for Photoshop, and system software (such as display drivers) can have problems.
    Look in your Windows Event Logs (specifically, your Application Log) for the info requested above on the specific crashes.

  • MIGO-Capturing problem-Item is not available for Excise invoice,deselect th

    Hi Gurus
    while doing MIGO and part 1 posting am getting following error
    MIGO-Capturing problem-Item is not available for Excise invoice,deselect the item
    kindly help in this

    check all settings in J1ID
    in po did u got ur all values correctly for excise cess and hcess
    if yes then check ur vendor excise details in j1id
    if above setting are done properly then check ur CIN setting in spro>log gen>tax on goods movement >india>account determination >specify excise acct as per transaction/specify G/L acct as per transaction

  • Trying to connect my replacement Iphone 3GS to my windows 7 laptop but it is not recognised at all, my ipod can connect no problem, my iphone can connect to my windows vista computer no problem. Any ideas?

    Trying to connect my replacement Iphone 3GS to my windows 7 laptop but it is not recognised at all, my ipod can connect no problem, my iphone can connect to my windows vista computer no problem. Any ideas?

    More info,
    I have bootcamp with Windows 7 installed, do I need to run some "Driver compatibility checker" after the Windows 7install?
    if so what is the name of it?

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