FCP Video Waveform Accuracy

While I'm still trying to wrap my head around quicktimes and gamma differences between rgb Qt's and 422 Qt's---there is still something I see & I don't understand.
If I convert my RGB QT which has a 32 step grey chart to 10Bit 422 Uncompressed QT. How come FCP & QT's viewer only displays the 0-100 range yet the scopes show all the steps (3 above 100).
In Shake & Nuke-I only see 0-100 on the waveform/histograms.
Why do the scopes show this?

I can only give you a partial answer, maybe someone else can elaborate...
Most systems assign a luminance value ranging from 0-255 to each pixel. Zero represents the darkest "visible" pixel value and 255 represents the brightest "visible" pixel value. Of course all this is based on 8-bit sampling, 10-bit ranges 0-1023.
Although actual pixel values may exceed the 0-255 range, both above and below and depending on where the image originated, I believe the video displays and many applications simply "clip" the values at their 0-255 range.
As a result, the information may still be available, but you would need to "color correct" to make it visible.

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    MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.3), 750GB HD, 2.2 GHz, 6 GB RAM

    First, let me apologize for the way we were chatting on your thread while waiting.
    Let me summerize what I think we have here:
    1. You have a 2 minute show you want to convert to some codec appropriate for high quality presentation, but under 100MB final filesize.
    2. You feel you don't want to use Compressor or a preset for YouTube.
    3. You're in a hurry.
    The fastest and highest quality method of making this conversion is using Compressor. It is designed to do precisely what you ask. The codec you want is H.264.
    The YouTube preset is being suggested not because we think you're going to upload the clip to that site, but because the YouTube preset is a remarkably easy way to get a HQ H.264 clip with acceptable filesize. I'm staring at a 3:40 clip of 1080p that would knock your socks off and it's 90MB!
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    If you're OK with my arguement, I'll write out a step-by-step proc for you and you can be done with this in time for that primetime show you want to watch.  OK?

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    circuit_design_simulation_and_virtual_instrumentation_page26.pdf ‏314 KB

    Hi Mahmoud,
    Thanks for your reply.
    I searched for the VI 'Simple create composite signal from BMP image.vi' on internet (since it is named so in the Application Note), but could not find. I've some experience with LabVIEW, so I hope that once I get this VI I can plug-in to Multisim. But in order to add it to 'lvinstruments' folder of Multisim installation directory I need the DLL and LLB file (not the VI, I understand so). If these DLL and LLB files are available I think it will be easier to integrate with Multisim, otherwise I don't know what to do if I have just the VI.
    Anyway attached the complete Application Note.
    circuit_design_simulation_and_virtual_instrumentation.pdf ‏2293 KB

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    Hi - Right now I use a combination of redundant hard drives and Blu-ray data discs.
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    In terms of dealing with complicated projects (such as multiple audio tracks, graphics, 3D animations, etc, the best way i found it to use Media Manager to assemble all the media elements for the prohect into one folder and then archive that.
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    Keep in mind that with any archival system, the other half of the problem is keeping an accurate database of where everything is.
    Hope this helps

  • FCP Video Scopes

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    http://discussions.info.apple.com/webx?[email protected]@.ee6bc80
    I stand corrected. Nothing in the terms about in depth workflow and teaching how to do something.
    My humblest apologies.
    I guess I assumed that this being the Apple Final Cut Pro site, and the agreement stating:
    "Unless otherwise noted, your Submission should either be a technical support question or a technical support answer. Feedback about new feature requests or product enhancements are welcome too. Don't post non-constructive complaints, polls, or petitions."
    I thought that the post should be geared toward the product being supported on the site. And not one of your questions was about Final Cut Pro in the slightest...all about how to read scopes and how to light properly and how to set up zebras. Not one of those things is something done in Final Cut Pro....well, OK, there are scopes in FCP...I'll give you that.
    I'll just keep to myself now.
    "There's no need to fear, UNDERDOG is here!"

  • FCP video files in trash, trash emptied - any program that can recover them

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    Here's to hoping,

    I have a program called FileSalvage that has been able to recover inadvertently deleted files. Not all of them but the critical ones.
    The program only recovers supported file types. Verify yours is in the list. If it isn't email them. They created some custom profiles for me when I needed to pull back some PC files that were stored on a Mac formatted network drive.
    Recognize, the more you use the computer, the greater the likelihood you may overwrite some segment of a file thereby making it not recoverable. If the repository of the files in question is an external, disconnect it so you will do no further damage until you are ready to begin file recovery operations.
    Good luck.

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    Anybody have any experience with this problem?
    IRE, or something different?

    I've been doing some research, and I thought this might be one of those IRE setup issues, but from what I've read, it looks like if it were an IRE issue, my video on the dvd would appear washed out and brighter, not darker. Again, it looks great on 2 set top dvd players I've tried, as well as the built in apple dvd player on the powerbook screen. On two other set-top boxes, it appears dark and muddy.
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    By the way I'm using all of the latest FCS updates and exported using File: Export: Using compressor and then opening up DVD SP and importing assets etc.
    Could there not be an easier way rather than having to wait until the VERY end of the editing process to add Chapter markers to the Timeline because otherwise they get all wacked out of sink if you cut out or add any video/audio?

  • FCP video stutter

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    I am getting video stutter on both my external monitor as well as my viewer window in FinalCut. The external monitor stutters when I play from the time line, but the canvas window looks fine. I tried trashing my preferences but the problem remains. What else can I try?
    I also can't update from Apple as I do not have my serial number.
    Thanks for any help.

    You don't give any details about your video format or sequence settings etc. so you could be using something completely inappropriate.
    Have you trashed all the prefs completely? http://www.digitalrebellion.com/pref_man.htm
    Does the problem appear in your final output . . . . DVDs, the web etc.? If not it does not really matter.

  • Taping a 16:9 FCP Video to a Videocamera

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    Dual 2 GHz PowerPC G5   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    Open FCP
    Go Final Cut Pro > Easy Set-Up
    Choose DV-PAL Anamorphic
    Create a new sequence
    Edit one of your original clips into this sequence
    Click in your time line (with this new sequence) and hit Command-ZERO.
    Take note of the sequence settings.
    Close this window.
    Try to export to your video camera.
    If you original footage was DV (shot on the camcorder in question) this should work.
    When you edited you footage into your custom sequence, FCP probably tried to help you by adjusting the footage to fit into the sequence. To find out...
    Open your edit
    Double click on a sequnce clip.
    Click in the Motion tab.
    Look around for numbers that are not at the defaults, specifically scaling, distortion, and aspect ratio.
    For comparison look at the Motion tab of the same clip when you open it from the browser.
    If there are differences, and you need to recover the edit this way, correct one clip at the begining of your edited sequence, and then use paste motion attributes liberally, being careful not to negate any effects work you did. As a matter of fact, you may have to re-do some of your effects work.
    DV 25 is DV (consumer,) DVCPro, and DVCam. 25 refers to the data rate of 25 mega bits per second – about 3.6 MBytes/sec.
    Their is also DV 50 and DV 100. DVCPRO50 (DV 50) is believed by some to rival digital beta in visual quality. DVCPRO HD (DV 100) uses four simultaneous DV streams and clever compression to squeeze a very viable HD signal into a small space.
    Power Mac Dual 1.0 GHz G4, Quick Silver   Mac OS X (10.4.3)   1.5 Gig Ram, 250 gig internal drive, 2 x G-Raid500, FW800 Sonnet Card, AJA IO

  • Making a still from FCP video

    I need to make a still (JPEG, tiff, ...) from a frame of my video on FCP so I can put it in a Word doc afterwards.
    How do I proceed?

    Place you playhead over the frame you want to create your still from, hit shift N and then export (using quicktime conversion) . Choose still image from the format menu and under options choose you prefered format, JPEG TIFF etc.

  • Any Good FREE FCP Video Tutorials Like LiveTypeCentral Do For LT ?

    Recently my attention was drawn to some very good FREE video tutorials provided by LiveTypeCentral:-
    I was wondering if there are any similar free ones covering FCE/FCP or the other FCS apps?
    I don't need them of course ....... they are just for friends! (If you believe that you'll believe anything).
    Incidentally I have done a search and had a look at the Creative Cow ones, but they tend to be on somewhat random esoteric subjects.
    I am looking for something that starts with the basics of the apps.
    Message was edited by: Ian R. Brown

    Sorry, I didn't make it clear.
    I mainly wanted freely available tutorials that I could direct others to on the FCE and other forums. Frequently newcomers don't know where to start, and I don't have time to write a new manual, so it is very efficacious to be able to point them to a site with free tutorials.
    That LiveType source I quoted is excellent. So now, basically all I am looking for is a similar one for Soundtrack and FCE/FCP.
    The first one you linked is probably fine except for the download time which would probably have taken several hours per tutorial, which is going to put off many newcomers looking for a quick-fix.
    I must admit I also like looking at tutorials (I never used to!) because every one of them has a different angle and it's surprising what you can pick up, that you have missed in others.

  • Exporting FCP Video to Youtube Sub-Channel

    I want to export my FCP project to my youtube main channel but it got uploaded to my gmail youtube account instead.
    I already uploaded over 20 videos on my main youtube account through Final Cut Pro but this is the first time it happened where it got sent to my Gmail youtube channel.
    To get a better illustration, I sent a screenshot link:
    http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx166/tobywchu/Screen%20Shot%202015-02-02%20a t%205.00.53%20PM.png
    As you can see, I have 143 subs on my main youtube account so you know why I do not want the video to be uploaded  here on my gmail account with no subs or any content at all.
    I also tried sending the project to compressor but I keep getting a quicktime error 2045. I also don't know what that is because this is also the first time I got the error. I had no problem compressing all my FCP projects in the past.
    I was hoping if anyone can help me with this. Thank you!

    I found out that exporting FCP to a different channel under the same gmail account was something you can adjust on youtube, apparently the problem wasn't on FCP to begin with.
    However, for the failed compressor export, I haven't found a fix yet mainly because the forums have a different problem: plug-ins. Which I don't have.
    The only additional detail I can give is that I deleted all my FCP events and projects back in Jan 1 to start fresh. I just recently added a brand new event folder so I'm not sure if that's the root of the problem. Did FCP reset something to trigger that quicktime error 2045 problem that keeps on occurring?

  • Can I put both an FCP video file and an ac3 audio file through Compressor t

    Hi we are making digital movies of comedy performances on HDV, editing them multiclip on FCP, and successfully putting them through Compressor 3.5 to export as an MPEG2 program stream at 25mbits. These files are then shown in digital cinemas throughout South Africa. For our latest project we recorded with multiple mics and had a sound engineer make all the audio into a 5.1 surround ac3 file, which he used Nuendo for. I thought it would be great to combine the video and audio in FCP but Creative Cow herd deluxe Tom Wolsky told me FCP doesnt support ac3, so the thought is to put the FCP .mov file and the ac3 file into Compressor separately, and have Compressor make an MPEG2 file with audio in ac3. But when I try this I get either the audio or the video in preview, not both together. I would be so grateful for advice, the machine I am making the FCP file on is a 4x2.5ghz powerpc G5 using FCP 6.0.6 on OS 10.4.11. Compressor is being used on a2.66ghz Intel Core 2 Duo iMac running OS 10.6.1 and using Compressor 3.5 with FCP 7.0.
    Or should I use an old Logic Pro 7.0 program to fuse the video and audiuo together, and if so, how will Compressor still give me the video and audio output codecs I want?

    I may not be comprehending this fully, but you can encode audio and video separately in compressor, and then combine them in Quicktime player. In Snow Leopard, you need to use Quicktime Player 7 to do this since the new Quicktime Player X has no "Pro" features yet.
    "Add to Movie" is the menu item. I forget the method to bring in the audio so it plays under the video, but it will be in perfect sync.
    You then save this new file.
    BTW, I would use the G5 for the compressing because 3.0.5 gives better outputs than 3.5 at this point.

  • FCP Video export/sync problems. HELP!

    So i am using FCP 7.0.3. I have used it a fair bit.
    However recently i am trying to re-cut an edit which my brother shot to make it shorter and edit out the less nice shots so i can upload it to a new website.
    I editied, the already exported file, which was all fine. Then i watched back the finalised exported file and the video is completely out of sync with what it was showing me in the fcp playback viewer. Suprisinngly diffiucult to describe but basically its like the video file has a delay after it is exported and shows completely different shots to the ones i chose and it was showing in the edit timeline. I have no idea what to do, anyone had this before? Anything i can do about it? Obviously the first section of the video is fine as it plays from the start as its the original but after the first chunk i cut out and there after all the clips are different shots to those that it was showing in the edit...hope you understand.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Hi Micheal,
    Thansk for the help but i checked the footage and its pro-res 422. Its also saying it is all 25fps...
    Any other ideas?!
    I could reformat it and change conform it to 25 fps again anyway then re-cut it, maybe that would be worth trying?

Maybe you are looking for