Field format setting

Post Author: nonnon
CA Forum: General
A field in the report cannot display continuing. if my field have many rows of text,the whole text will be displayed at the 2nd page, and the first page is blank. Any setting to make my report's field displayed continuingly? i mean when the field at the first page is full, will continue to b displayed at 2nd page at teh same field.

Post Author: mushi_it
CA Forum: General
hi nonnon,have u tried the field's format text or format object properties by right clicking that. in that just try by selecting Can grow option in the common tab.lets c what happens

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    No need to loop to check whether data is changed after PBO, just check System Field SY-DATAR, it will be set to 'X' if any field was changed.
    So the following code is enough;
    Karthik D

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    No need to loop to check whether data is changed after PBO, just check System Field SY-DATAR, it will be set to 'X' if any field was changed.
    So the following code is enough;
    Karthik D

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    Same here. One of the first things I do in this sort of application is switch week start to Mondays.
    Terry, East Grinstead, UK
    Message was edited by: Terry P

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    To define a Currency Format Set:
    1. Navigate to the Currencies page under the Administration tab. Select Create
    Currency Format Set.
    2. Enter a Name and a Code for the set. The Code is a unique identifier and cannot be
    changed later. Select Apply.
    3. The Currency Formats page will display for your newly created set.
    To add currency formats to the Currency Format Set:
    1. Select Add Currency Format to add a format to your set.
    2. Select a Currency Name from the list.
    Note: This list is generated from the FND currency table and
    should include all ISO currencies. Additional currencies can be
    added from the System Administrator responsibility.
    3. Enter the Format Mask you wish to use for this currency and select Apply.
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    9 represents a displayed number only if present in data
    G represents the group separator
    D represents the decimal separator
    0 represents an explicitly displayed number regardless of incoming data
    See Using the Oracle Format Mask, Oracle XML Publisher Report Designer's Guide for
    more information about these format mask components.
    After a currency format has been created, you can update or delete it from the Currency
    Formats page.
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    hi all
    Thanks ,this is resolved ,i just missed clearing cache ,after clearing the cache its working .

  • Problem regional formats setting

    Hi all,
    in my Dashboard I am using the SDK KPI Tile to show some values (but this problem occurs in others components too).
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    Point and comma as decimal separator are switched in German.
    For example: 1 000 Euro and 50 Cent
    English: 1,000.50 EUR
    German: 1.000,50 EUR
    The display of values with scaling factor in the initial view is different from the design view or browser execution.
    In the initial view the display is correct (no difference for German or English Windows format settings):
    The same dashboard with the same settings in the design view:
    This is how it should look like in the browser (Windows set to English):
    On a German Windows the dashboard looks like this:
    Switching the Windows region settings to English is a workaround but not possible for every German customer as this has unwanted affects in many other cases.
    Maybe someone has an idea to solve this issue?

    Ok, I now figured out another solution/workaround.
    I checked the code of the KPI_Tile component.
    In kpitile.js the last lines deal with the format setting of the value.
    There I switched the point and comma as you can see in screenshot below.
    Now it seems to work, bur I think there should be a smarter solution as this is now fixed to the German setting, altough it should check and use the locale setting or am I wrong?
    (Unfortunately I am no Javascript expert).
    In Design Studio it looks like this:

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    Rickard Norström Developer CRM-Konsulterna
    Swedish Dynamics CRM Forum:
    My Blog:

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    Dear Farukh,
    can you please let me know how have you declared you check boxes.
    how did you handle the click or the function codes in the user command module in your PAI.
    The declaration of your fucntion codes can be done when you create your screen fields and then they need to be handled in the user command module i.e what you want to do when suppose you click on that particular check box.

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    Have you checked if there are overlapping fields on the screen.
    I've seen simular errors and usually it was beacuse of some change by SAP that made it so that the defined length of the screen field was suddenly to small.
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