FIG Pan|Zoom + Callout - any news on that front ?

I was wondering if there will ever be a combination of
Pan|Zoom and Callout as was announced in the series.

no major news thus far. send the computer in and let them change out a few things or perhaps offer a replacement if they are so inclined. mine had only the logic board changes (and the problem resurfaced) but others have had the motion sensor, heat sink, bezel etc changed out. best of luck.

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  • Pan & Zoom multilayered PSDs. Help needed

    Hi All,
    I've got an edit I need to finish pronto then another one this coming monday and need to get some questions answered before then or in serious trouble!
    Additional details: Running FCP 5
    We have a client that wants to do an animatic (motion graphic add)
    He want's to be able to import a multilayered photoshop image WHILST keeping the original image quality, if the dimensions are above 720x576 (I edit in UK therefore PAL pixel dimensions), so you can pan and zoom across the image while simultaneous fading up and down and moving certain layers.
    I was originally going to edit it on an Avid Adrenalin but found out that you can do some but not all of these things without great difficulty. SO am therefore going to edit on my FCP suite.
    I tried last night to import a multilayered photoshop image and made it double the normal 16x9 PAL pixel dimentions (which are 1204x576) making it 2048x1152.
    Doing this I hoped it would let me try and achieve a pan & zoom effect, but I found that it distorted the aspect ratio of the clip.
    Making it squashed, even though my new project that I had set up was Pal DV Anamorphic (16x9). It dispalayed the newly created large psd as eveen more anamorphic - more like cinema scope!!
    I looked it the motion tap and the distort aspect ratio in the motion tab was zero.
    I then did a test:
    flattened the psd, changed the image size to 1024x576.
    I then imported that and all was fine, it imported it at the correct ratio.
    Also major question.
    Is FCP able to handle these graphics easily.
    When I import them and insert them into the new seq I can set that seq to Unlimited RT low playback to see the move easily.
    But when I open the nest that has all the layers it wont let me set RT settings, it only displays a few options, none that allow me to view in low res.
    The client wants to edit in DV not lower so cant do motion jpg offline res.
    He also needs the large images, eg we pan across a models hair only to fade up a layer of a product appearing in her hand.
    I don't know After Effects well enough to attempt the edit on that, and I don't know motion at all.
    The photographer/ client says he's done all his previous edits in FCP.
    Is there an article I could read or is there any advise anyone can give me about approaching this project?
    Minimizing render time, work flow etc
    Has anyone used Lyric Media's Pan Zoom Pro?? (Or was that used by people with FCP 4 and now FCHD can acheive Pan & Zooms really well???)
    Thanks anyone for the help!!!!

    Tom/ anyone else who can help,
    (note: also posted on 2pop erlier, just incase Tom/anyone else read that one, saving you the trouble of reading twice!)
    Sorry back again,
    very nearly sorted after breakthrough last night.
    Just need to clear up one more thing:
    An FCP editor mate says he keeps the graphics he's given high res i.e. 300dpi, he says you can zoom in and keep the quality.
    Can fcp handle bigger image resolutions? I know it can only go up to 4000 pixels squared but what dpi can it go up to. I always thought it would only work in 72 dpi.
    Before finding about about fcp being able to handle higher than 72dpi, after numerous tests and conversations with you, I'd come to the conclusion that:
    If designing in Photoshop for Final Cut Pro
    If you don't use photoshop's PAL DV presets take this into consideration:
    In graphics for 4:3 FCP projects:
    768x576 convert to 720x576
    1536x1152 convert to 1440x1152
    always divide graphics width in photoshop by:
    In graphics for 16:9 FCP projects:
    1024x576 convert to 720x576
    2048x1152 convert to 1440x1152
    always divide graphics width in photoshop by:
    I'm not sure of the actual size of the images the client is going to give me & I desperately don't want to get into the problem I had yesterday of distorted aspect ratios when importing to FCP.
    The only question is
    If he gives me a photo that's 300dpi I'm going to have a problem with knowing exactly what size the image will be in photoshop regarding rescaling etc.
    When he gives me the graphics, I'll check the dimetions in photoshop.
    I should check if it's a rectangular or suare pixel doc first correct?
    My thinking is that it'll be square pixel coming from a digital camera, and we'll prob work in 4:3 (i've just been given video rushes to combine with the edit at 4:3 res)
    Regarding the graphics,
    Should I work in a high res and keep the pixel dimentions as high as I need up to 4000pix squared or should I keep it at 720x576 and keep the res high?
    FCP works better with images at 720x576 they don't need rendering regardless of the dpi?? ANd also when you step into the PSD nest it gives you an option of Unlimited RT, it even has a dark green line in Safe RT.
    Whereas when I work in images over 720x576, (say double that at 1440x1152) the PSD seq FCP creates when importing the multi-layered graphic has a red render line and won't let me work in Unlimited RT or Safe RT, it just gives the option of: 'use playback settings' or 'full quality'.
    would it be good to create a photoshop template, so that I can drop the graphics I'm given into that, then manipulate it accordingly??
    All advice welcome!!
    Sorry finding if still finding it slightly confusing!
    Almost there!!!!
    thanks for reading

  • How to automate pan/zoom ?

    Version: Adobe Premiere Elements 12
    OS: Windows 7
    I do a lot of montages where the bulk of the video is from pictures.
    Is there a way to automate pan/zoom in a random way that I can subsequently modify to my liking ?
    Most times I have a lot of pictures, if I have to do picture by picture manually it will take me forever. It's not really an option...
    I'm happy to buy an add-in if anybody knows of any.
    Thank you,

    After you have created your slideshow in Elements Organizer Create Menu/Slideshow and its Slideshow Editor, be sure to save it to the Elements Organizer as a Slideshow Project. For that, look to the top left of the Elements Organizer workspace. In the line directly below the lineup of File, edit, View, and Help Menus, click on "Save Project". The Slideshow project will be save to the Elements Organizer as a "Slide Show Project". Look to the top right corner of the saved slideshow's thumbnail in the Elements Organizer workspace. When you have your mouse cursor over that area, a pop up with confirm Slide Show Project. In this format, you can double click that thumbnail to reopen the slideshow in the Slideshow Editor workspace from the Elements Organizer workspace for further edits and re-saving to the Elements Organizer workspace. You can even right click that thumbnail in that location and select Edit with Premiere Elements (if you do not want to go back into the Slideshow Editor workspace.)
    Now, if you are in the Slideshow Editor and want to move the finished Slideshow to Premiere Elements, then, in the Elements Organizer Slideshow Editor, go to the Output option at the top of that workspace and select Edit with Premiere Elements Editor. That will put your slideshow on the Premiere Elements Timeline as a whole video file. Here is the nice part. If you want to do further edits of this whole video file, right click the whole video file on the Timeline and select and click on Break Apart Elements Organizer Slideshow to give you the flexibility for further significant edits.
    Please note the following details which must be included so that they do not come as a surprise...
    a. Best set manually the Premiere Elements project preset before opening the Elements Organizer for the transfer to the slideshow to the Premiere Elements project. The following includes how to set manually the Premiere Elements project preset.
    ATR Premiere Elements Troubleshooting: PE11: Accuracy of Automatic Project Preset (New Project Dialog) Setting
    Have you had time to read the Adobe document on creating slideshows.
    Adobe Elements Organizer 11 * Creating slide shows (Windows only)
    Please do not hesitate to ask if you need further clarification on anything written. We can fill in clarification, including screenshots if necessary.
    Looking forward to learning of your progress.
    Thanks for the follow ups.

  • How to preview a whole portrait picture in pan zoom mode?

    Hi I'm new. Currently, I'm trying to create a slide show for my website, and I want to make some motion(zoom in zoom out fade in and fade out) in my pictures.
    In pan zoom mode, I can preview a whole landscape oriented picture, but portrait oriented picture has a limit to zoom out and apply a whole picture....  and when I turn Motion and opacity off, Thumnails and preview looks different at all.  Is this a bug or my mistake?
    This is turn Motion and opacity mode on.
    I can't expand the Green box and apply the whole photo.
    This is turn Motion and opacity mode off.
    Tumnail and preview looks wired.
    If I could select a whole picture, I don't mind to see a black border around the picture.

    As regards to the Premiere Elements 11 Pan and Zoom Tool, I see it as "it is what it is" in this instance.
    I would encourage you to explore the alternative approach to panning, zooming, fades in, fades out, that is, keyframing
    Applied Effects/Applied Effects Palette/Motion Panel expanded
    Scale property for Zoom
    Position property for Pan
    Applied Effect/Applied Effects Palette/Opacity Panel expanded
    either shortcuts for Fade In and Fade Out
    keyframing Opacity with the Opacity slider in that location.
    You can do some pan OR zoom with presets found under fx Effects/Presets/ this case, pan or zoom but not pan and zoom per clip.
    Please review and do not hesitate to ask for clarification on anything that I have written.
    Thank you.

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