Final Cut File Signature?

Hello all... I am trying to recover my Final Cut files using EasyRecovery and it asks for file signatures (signature hexadecimal format 8 bytes) I wish to recover. Does anyone know what the FCP file signature is?
An immediate response would be appreciated. Thank you.

Hi e45blue~
You are very correct. My situation is a little complex so I will try to explain further here.
I got a LaCie 500GB external HD that I have been using with my MacBook Pro (OSX 10.4.11). I saved most of my work there and it was a nice device to use.
Yesterday, I needed to transfer something off a PC urgently so I tried to connect it to my HD. Normally, PC could not recognize it as it was under FAT16. As usual, it couldn't detect the drive. I opened "Disk Management" in Windows and saw my drive. I thought perhaps it was not working because it was not named, so I chose "Add Volume" on it and named it "R:". When I did that, the system asked me if I wanted to format my drive. I chose "No." It still couldn't read afterward so I gave up and replug it to my Mac.
This time, an error window popped up and said it could not read my HD. Only three options were given: Initialize, Ignore, and Eject. From "Disk Utility," I noticed that my HD was no longer under the name I gave it long time ago. Instead, it was under a factory name as "SAMSUNG xxxxxxxx." The scariest part was that when I clicked the "Partition" tab, it showed my drive as one big piece of untitled partition of 479GB! (I have used up to 180GB of space before this whole thing happened) Horrified, I plugged it back to the PC I was using and un-name the "R:". Ever since that, the drive was unreadable on either machine.
I tried to recover the disk on Mac with my Disk Warrior. When I did that, it said the drive was not readable because it was not under the Mac system but under the MS-DOS system instead!
That's also why I am trying to recover it with Easy Recovery now...... but no success yet.
I have lots of my photography and video work inside this drive so it is very important for me to get all data back (including the FCP).
Do you think all my data is lost in this case, or do you have any suggestions for me? Would initializing the disk erasing all the data???
Thank you.
- HC

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    Presuming your menus aren't complicated(include audio or video) the total size for the MPG-2 and AC3 files should probably be under 8GB for a dual layer disk. The inspector will tell you the estimated size. 2-pass varible bit rate would be recommended.
    Trying to fit 3 hours on a DVD-5 will only bring very noticable quality hits. Compressor will let you change the average bit rate so that you can fit 174 minutes but trade-off isn't worth it in my opinion.
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    Media Manager. It's available from FCP's File menu bar item. MM will consolidate your entire project and associated media into a single folder to a locvation of your choosing.
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    Can it be so that You try to boot a G5 (Power) Mac from one external hard disk - then try to boot an INTEL Mac from same external Mac.
    WILL NOT WORK - It's not just the Mac OS Extended formation that plays a part here - they have to be formatted differently to be bootable on each system.
    I don't think there is any solution to this AT ALL.
    When You format a hard disk.
    • Select Partitions
    • Under the graphic representation to the left there is an Alternative button
    Here You select if it's supposed to be Bootable on a Power CPU or INTEL-CPU
    No other possibilities.
    Yours Bengt W

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    Media Manager. It's available from FCP's File menu bar item. MM will consolidate your entire project and associated media into a single folder to a locvation of your choosing.
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    Your post isn't clear.
    Are you exporting it through compressor to mpeg2/m2v or are you exporting a self contained movie to be encoded in Compressor?
    There's a different.
    If self contained, use the current settings default.
    In any case, clarify what you are doing.

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    It is just under 5 minutes in length and was 1.4GB.
    Do you mean that you exported a QT file with "Current Settings" that was 1.04 Gb?
    I compressed using QuickTime Coversion (I have not learned how to use Compressor yet.) I tried a million different combinations to get it to the size I needed and ended up with a 320 X 240, H.264 with 150 fps which resulted in a 30MB file.
    There is no need to do this. iDVD will compress it to the proper format for DVD, which is mpeg2. By doing it this way you are compressing it to a format that will not work on a DVD (unless you are just trying to create a Data only DVD) and then iDVD is then trying to create an mpeg2 file to go on a DVD. That's why you are getting crazy file sizes.
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    Best thing for you to do is to dig into the manuals and learn how to get footage into FCP and how to use Compressor to get it out. You are really going about things backwards here by going from iMovie to fcp to idvd.
    Finally, if you have gotten just a plain old QT file out of FCP (FILE>EXPORT>QUICKTIME MOVIE - Current Settings, Make movie Self-Contained) then just drop that file into iDVD and let it do the work.
    Good Luck,

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    Final Cut puts your videos where you tell it to :-)
    When you import media, you select the event to import it into. That will deternine where the files go.
    Each event resides in a specific drive, but you can have different events in different drives.
    Everything related to an event is store in a folder named after that event. Event folders live inside a folder named "Final Cut Events". The location of this is in your Movies folder, if inside the internal drive; and it is at the root of any external drive.
    All proxy, optimized media, render files will be stored inside the respective event folder.
    For example, you can choose to import into an existing event, or create a new one, like in the picture below.

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    If you have an answer let me know. We don't want to have to load onto an external hard drive to then load onto the other machine, especially since we have a server ready to go.
    Thanks for your help.

    You can share projects via the ftp server, but you need to:
    1) Have all the media in identical events on each editor's machine;
    2) Set up the project  and share the entire folder for that project first;
    3) Afterwards, you can share just the project file itself
    You CANNOT work directly on projects and events stored in the ftp server.
    See Steve Martin explain how to do all this:

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    Thank, Please Help me

    you didn't get all of the support files for DVD Studio Pro (8.53GB), Soundtrack Pro (22.68GB), LiveType (10.93GB), and Motion (7.79GB). By default these are located in /Macintosh HD/Library/Application Support/Final Cut Studio and Macintosh HD/Library/Audio/Apple Loops for Soundtrack Pro. If you delete them you will only be uninstalling media, no apps. And these are the things that make it take so long to install. When you re-installed the OS, did you wipe the HD first and then install, or did you archive and install. Make sure you do a full wipe of the HD using disk utility while booting from the install DVD and then install the OS and then updates, and then apps, and then updates again. Stay away from OS 10.5.5 and QT 7.5.5. I recommend OS10.5.4, QT 7.5, and FCP 6.0.4. So far I have not had any issues with this combo.

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    Is there a solution to my problem? Is it really not possible to go back and forth between Final Cut Pro 7 and Final Cut Express 4?
    Is there some creative way of making this work? Help!

    Unfortunately not. You can start the project in FCE. Open it FCP, but once it's saved in FCP, it will no longer open in FCE. (It's not supposed to anyway, though it does rarely in some cases where very little is done in FCP.)

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