Finally: Dell Latitude E6510 PXE works stable

After many months of troubles with instable PXE boot with the E6510 (about 20% of the machines failed) it seems to be stable with the new Bios A07 version.

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    It has been a trend the last years that sound card only support some sampling rates, not a range. You should refer to your sound card manual for this kind of information.  You should also be aware of that the NI sound interface is junk, and they do care about it either. Use the WaveIO interface instead See the link. But I am quite sure your problem is related to the sound card hardware not some NI driver issue
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    We are running Zen 6.5 SP2.
    Any suggestions?

    Thanks for the help Marcus.
    I tried adding the two lines but it did not work. I was finally able to
    resolve my issue but using the Zen 7 SP1 Boot CD along with TID 3421576 to
    get the laptop imaged. It looks like it is time to upgrade my Zenworks!
    Thanks again.
    "Marcus Breiden" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]..
    > On Wed, 26 Sep 2007 17:30:27 GMT, SRL wrote:
    >> Can I just tack these two lines on to the end of the file or is there a
    >> specific place they need to go?
    >> Do I need to reboot after making these changes?
    > end of file iirc, no reboot of the server necessary
    > --
    > If you have already compiled drivers or have linux.2 please put them on
    > Live BootCd and USB Disk from Mike Charles
    > eZie
    > Marcus Breiden
    > If you are asked to email me information please remove the - in my e-mail
    > address.
    > The content of this mail is my private and personal opinion.

  • Cannot print from IMac or Dell Latitude Laptop on Canon MX330 printer via Airport Extreme.

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    When I try to print from the Dell laptop the printer reacts, but nothing prints.
    I have run through all of the troubleshooting in the support section online. Any advice?

    Unfortunately, not all USB printers are compatible with AirPort base stations. In addition, the  AirPort's USB port does not support the "advanced" printer functions, like scanning, copying or faxing, of multi-function printers. 
    To see if your printer is compatible, take a look at thisiFelix Unofficial AirPort Printer Compatibility link. If your printer isn't listed, it doesn't necessarily mean it won't work, but simply that it has not been verified. iFelix also provides the following workaround for printers not on the list that would certainly be worth a try.
    Also you can try this Apple Tech Support article to see if it will help: Printer troubleshooting for AirPort Base Stations and Time Capsule
    Finally, check out this IBM support article to see if your printer is listed as having a Postscript or PCL3 interface. If it does, then it will most likely work with the AirPort's USB port. Printers that use the "HP LIDIL" interface must be connected to a computer directly and will not work.

  • DAQCard-60​36E on DELL Latitude VB program downloaded from "Buffered Analog Output" in KB stops after it run for 5 to 30 minutes on DELL Latitude V740 with Win2000 and NIDAQ 6.9.3. "STOP" means both "Update count" and "Chart" are
    not updated. This program runs on Toshiba and Sharp note PC over hours. Is there anyone experienced this kind of trouble?
    Attachments: ‏5 KB

    As long as Fan in Inspiron-2600 works, similar program runs over a night. Sometimes it runs on Latitude V740 for 3 hours.
    Our Latitude V740 was shipped with BIOS A06 which makes Fans not running under Win2000 in most time. In this situation, only DA (Analog out) is stopped in 5 to 30 minutes although AD (Analog In) is always working. Nidaq32.sys may stop DA (not jumping to Progress routine) when the power save mode of Latitude becomes active and Fans do not run.
    Finally BIOS was replaced from A06 to A07 thelatest version and Intel Speedstep was cancelled. Then programs has run over a night. This solution was adviced by your local staff in Japan yesterday.

  • Can´t draw on Dell Latitude 10 - Windows 8 ???

    Hi guys,
    i have a pro version of Dell Latitude 10, it´s a tablet with a touch screen that works fine.
    I can even launch paint and draw with my finger, but when i install photoshop cc as trial, i can´t draw anything.
    What should i do ? Is there any special drivers needed ?
    best regards, Dimitri.

    IE favorites sinking with you iDevices.
    Today I too noticed favorite links that had previously been deleted reappeared. After finding list thread and reading @Paulio999 reply I did the fallowing
    to solve the issue, because I keep all my web browser's, computer's, and device's favorites synced.
    Open iCloud control panel on all computer you use iCloud on.
    Under bookmarks-Options, un-check Internet Explorer.
    Click OK button
    Click Apply button
    Close  iCloud control panel
    On one iDevice open Safari.
    Open Bookmarks
    Delete all bookmarks
    Select done
    Close Safari
    On your Windows machine under C:\Users\-user name-\Favorites
    Delete all the links that are no longer wanted
    Open iCloud control panel
    Under bookmarks-Options, check Internet Explorer.
    Click OK button
    Click Apply button
    Close  iCloud control panel
    Your favorites should now reappear on you iDevices and any changes you make from your windows machine to your IE favorites should now work correctly between your devices.
    I tested this on two Laptops, one tower, an iPhone5, and an iPad3.

  • Will Dell Venue 8 Pro work with photoshop?

    I was think about buy Dell Venue 8 Pro, but I want to use photoshop CC as sketchbook on my new-to-be portable tablet. I want use it on the go and in bed...
    I don't plan to use tablet as final look.
    Will it work?
    If you have used it.. How was it platform?
    Because I already own firepro desktop that work very well with photoshop CC with too many layer.. ( and zbrush - up to 16 million polygon per sub-tool hee hee)
    So I can finish off the job on desktop after tablet.

    For those that find this post...yes, Photoshop CC does work extremely well on Dell Venue Pro 8. The only compromise is screen real estate--but aside from a few panel tweaks--everything is fine and surprisingly useable. We ran Adobe Photoshop CC 2014 on a DVP8 and compared it with a Mac Book Pro 2013--the DVP8 (32gig Version) was more responsive and extremely fast (though rendering required by After Effects not recommended DVP8). Make sure to get a Sandisk 64 MicroSDXC ( the tablet rocks. The programs I use frequently on Dell Venue 8 Pro are: Photoshop, Illustrator, Bridge, Indesign, Muse, Lightroom, Story, Audition and Media Encoder. While we have tried Premiere (projects and media on a USB 3.0 connected external)--some rendering processes were compromised--but not uneusable.

  • Multiple errors attempting to capture a Windows 8 reference image after booting from USB (Dell Latitude 10)

    From results.xml:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <Results><Errors>8</Errors><Warnings>0</Warnings><RetVal>-2147467259</RetVal><DeploymentType>CUSTOM</DeploymentType><Messages><![CDATA[FAILURE ( 5456 ): Unable to determine Destination Disk, Partition, and/or Drive. See BDD.LOG for more information.
    Litetouch deployment failed, Return Code = -2147467259 0x80004005
    Failed to run the action: Apply Windows PE.
    Unknown error (Error: 00001550; Source: Unknown)
    The execution of the group (Capture Image) has failed and the execution has been aborted. An action failed.
    Operation aborted (Error: 80004004; Source: Windows)
    Failed to run the last action: Apply Windows PE. Execution of task sequence failed.
    Unknown error (Error: 00001550; Source: Unknown)
    Task Sequence Engine failed! Code: enExecutionFail
    Task sequence execution failed with error code 80004005
    Error Task Sequence Manager failed to execute task sequence. Code 0x80004005]]></Messages></Results>
    I have not only regenerated my boot files while updating my deployment share, I have completely rebuilt the MDT 2012 deployment share from scratch, and I'm still getting the exact same errors. I can't figure out what is causing this. The only hits for these
    errors seemed to say that the -214... error is likely related to a missing file, but I don't know how to figure out what that might be. I don't know what the FAILURE ( 5456 ) could be caused by, either, although it seems to be related to not knowing what partition
    should be imaged or imaged to. I haven't been able to find any reference to MDT needing a partition to image from/to set in a CS.ini property or in a task variable.
    I am running a modified version of the Sysprep and Capture Task Sequence (set up as described at, it's basically the default settings for that TS with the sysprep step disabled and
    the "Set Image Folder" task variable created per that post--I ran sysprep myself, manually, on the machine before shutting it down to boot from USB) after booting a Dell Latitude 10 tablet from a USB drive created by extracting the contents of the
    MDT 2012 DeploymentShare$\Boot\LiteTouchpe_x86.iso to a FAT32-formatted volume.

    Here is the second part of BDD.log:
    <![LOG[VSSMaxSize not specified using 5% of volume.]LOG]!><time="21:18:42.000+000" date="07-23-2013" component="LTICleanup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="LTICleanup">
    <![LOG[Logs contained 8 errors and 0 warnings.]LOG]!><time="21:18:42.000+000" date="07-23-2013" component="LTICleanup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="LTICleanup">
    <![LOG[No Windows PE image to delete.]LOG]!><time="21:18:42.000+000" date="07-23-2013" component="LTICleanup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="LTICleanup">
    <![LOG[Stripping BDD commands from unattend.xml template.]LOG]!><time="21:18:42.000+000" date="07-23-2013" component="LTICleanup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="LTICleanup">
    <![LOG[Modified unattend.xml saved to C:\windows\panther\unattend.xml]LOG]!><time="21:18:42.000+000" date="07-23-2013" component="LTICleanup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="LTICleanup">
    <![LOG[Checking mapped network drive.]LOG]!><time="21:18:43.000+000" date="07-23-2013" component="LTICleanup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="LTICleanup">
    <![LOG[testing drive Z: mapped to \\NCSD-WDS\DeploymentShare$]LOG]!><time="21:18:43.000+000" date="07-23-2013" component="LTICleanup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="LTICleanup">
    <![LOG[Disconnecting drive Z: mapped to \\NCSD-WDS\DeploymentShare$]LOG]!><time="21:18:43.000+000" date="07-23-2013" component="LTICleanup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="LTICleanup">
    <![LOG[testing drive Y: mapped to \\ncsd-wds.ncsd.local\deploymentshare$]LOG]!><time="21:18:43.000+000" date="07-23-2013" component="LTICleanup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="LTICleanup">
    <![LOG[Cleaning up C:\MININT directory.]LOG]!><time="21:18:43.000+000" date="07-23-2013" component="LTICleanup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="LTICleanup">
    <![LOG[Cleaning up TOOLS, SCRIPTS, and PACKAGES directories.]LOG]!><time="21:18:43.000+000" date="07-23-2013" component="LTICleanup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="LTICleanup">
    <![LOG[Removing C:\MININT folder (final log entry)]LOG]!><time="21:18:44.000+000" date="07-23-2013" component="LTICleanup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="LTICleanup">
    <![LOG[Not Wizard = False]LOG]!><time="00:44:05.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="Wizard" context="" type="1" thread="" file="Wizard">
    <![LOG[Property WizardComplete is now = N]LOG]!><time="00:44:07.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="Wizard" context="" type="1" thread="" file="Wizard">
    <![LOG[ Open Control File: TaskSequences]LOG]!><time="00:44:08.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="Wizard" context="" type="1" thread="" file="Wizard">
    <![LOG[CleanStartItems Complete]LOG]!><time="00:53:55.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="LiteTouch" context="" type="1" thread="" file="LiteTouch">
    <![LOG[Removing C:\MININT folder (final log entry)]LOG]!><time="00:53:55.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="LiteTouch" context="" type="1" thread="" file="LiteTouch">
    <![LOG[ZTIUtility!GetAllFixedDrives (False)]LOG]!><time="00:53:55.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="LiteTouch" context="" type="1" thread="" file="LiteTouch">
    <![LOG[New ZTIDisk : \\MININT-IDKMK2C\root\cimv2:Win32_DiskDrive.DeviceID="\\\\.\\PHYSICALDRIVE0"]LOG]!><time="00:53:55.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="LiteTouch" context="" type="1" thread="" file="LiteTouch">
    <![LOG[New ZTIDisk : \\MININT-IDKMK2C\root\cimv2:Win32_DiskDrive.DeviceID="\\\\.\\PHYSICALDRIVE0"]LOG]!><time="00:53:55.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="LiteTouch" context="" type="1" thread="" file="LiteTouch">
    <![LOG[New ZTIDiskPartition : \\MININT-IDKMK2C\root\cimv2:Win32_DiskPartition.DeviceID="Disk #0, Partition #2" \\MININT-IDKMK2C\root\cimv2:Win32_LogicalDisk.DeviceID="C:"]LOG]!><time="00:53:55.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="LiteTouch" context="" type="1" thread="" file="LiteTouch">
    <![LOG[New ZTIDisk : \\MININT-IDKMK2C\root\cimv2:Win32_DiskDrive.DeviceID="\\\\.\\PHYSICALDRIVE0"]LOG]!><time="00:53:56.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="LiteTouch" context="" type="1" thread="" file="LiteTouch">
    <![LOG[New ZTIDiskPartition : \\MININT-IDKMK2C\root\cimv2:Win32_DiskPartition.DeviceID="Disk #1, Partition #0" \\MININT-IDKMK2C\root\cimv2:Win32_LogicalDisk.DeviceID="D:"]LOG]!><time="00:53:56.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="LiteTouch" context="" type="1" thread="" file="LiteTouch">
    <![LOG[New ZTIDisk : \\MININT-IDKMK2C\root\cimv2:Win32_DiskDrive.DeviceID="\\\\.\\PHYSICALDRIVE1"]LOG]!><time="00:53:56.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="LiteTouch" context="" type="1" thread="" file="LiteTouch">
    <![LOG[ZTIUtility!GetAllFixedDrives = C:]LOG]!><time="00:53:56.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="LiteTouch" context="" type="1" thread="" file="LiteTouch">
    <![LOG[Not Wizard = False]LOG]!><time="00:54:54.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="Wizard" context="" type="1" thread="" file="Wizard">
    <![LOG[Property WizardComplete is now = N]LOG]!><time="00:54:55.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="Wizard" context="" type="1" thread="" file="Wizard">
    <![LOG[ Open Control File: TaskSequences]LOG]!><time="00:54:56.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="Wizard" context="" type="1" thread="" file="Wizard">
    <![LOG[Property TaskSequenceID is now = CAPTURE001]LOG]!><time="00:55:00.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="Wizard" context="" type="1" thread="" file="Wizard">
    <![LOG[Found Task Sequence Item: //step[@type='BDD_InstallOS']]LOG]!><time="00:55:01.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="Wizard" context="" type="1" thread="" file="Wizard">
    <![LOG[Found Task Sequence step of type //step[@type='BDD_InstallOS'] = False]LOG]!><time="00:55:01.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="Wizard" context="" type="1" thread="" file="Wizard">
    <![LOG[Task Sequence does not contain an OS and does not contain a LTIApply.wsf step, possibly a Custom Step or a Client Replace.]LOG]!><time="00:55:01.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="Wizard" context="" type="1" thread="" file="Wizard">
    <![LOG[DeploymentType = CUSTOM]LOG]!><time="00:55:01.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="Wizard" context="" type="1" thread="" file="Wizard">
    <![LOG[Property ImageProcessor is now = ]LOG]!><time="00:55:02.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="Wizard" context="" type="1" thread="" file="Wizard">
    <![LOG[Property OSGUID is now = ]LOG]!><time="00:55:02.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="Wizard" context="" type="1" thread="" file="Wizard">
    <![LOG[Property TaskSequenceName is now = Capture reference image]LOG]!><time="00:55:02.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="Wizard" context="" type="1" thread="" file="Wizard">
    <![LOG[Property TaskSequenceVersion is now = 1.0]LOG]!><time="00:55:02.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="Wizard" context="" type="1" thread="" file="Wizard">
    <![LOG[Property TaskSequenceTemplate is now = CaptureOnly.xml]LOG]!><time="00:55:02.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="Wizard" context="" type="1" thread="" file="Wizard">
    <![LOG[Property OSGUID is now = {9c976969-ab45-405b-82e7-d8a429228a67}]LOG]!><time="00:55:03.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="Wizard" context="" type="1" thread="" file="Wizard">
    <![LOG[Property ImageIndex is now = 1]LOG]!><time="00:55:03.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="Wizard" context="" type="1" thread="" file="Wizard">
    <![LOG[Property ImageSize is now = 7934]LOG]!><time="00:55:03.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="Wizard" context="" type="1" thread="" file="Wizard">
    <![LOG[Property ImageFlags is now = Professional]LOG]!><time="00:55:03.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="Wizard" context="" type="1" thread="" file="Wizard">
    <![LOG[Property ImageBuild is now = 6.2.9200.16384]LOG]!><time="00:55:03.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="Wizard" context="" type="1" thread="" file="Wizard">
    <![LOG[Property ImageProcessor is now = x86]LOG]!><time="00:55:04.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="Wizard" context="" type="1" thread="" file="Wizard">
    <![LOG[Property ImageLanguage001 is now = en-US]LOG]!><time="00:55:04.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="Wizard" context="" type="1" thread="" file="Wizard">
    <![LOG[InstallFromPath: \\NCSD-WDS\Latitude10Deploy$\Operating Systems\Windows 8 Pro x86\Sources\install.wim]LOG]!><time="00:55:04.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="Wizard" context="" type="1" thread="" file="Wizard">
    <![LOG[Property InstallFromPath is now = \\ncsd-wds\latitude10deploy$\Operating Systems\Windows 8 Pro x86\sources\install.wim]LOG]!><time="00:55:04.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="Wizard" context="" type="1" thread="" file="Wizard">
    <![LOG[SourcePath: \\NCSD-WDS\Latitude10Deploy$\Operating Systems\Windows 8 Pro x86]LOG]!><time="00:55:04.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="Wizard" context="" type="1" thread="" file="Wizard">
    <![LOG[Property SourcePath is now = \\NCSD-WDS\Latitude10Deploy$\Operating Systems\Windows 8 Pro x86]LOG]!><time="00:55:05.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="Wizard" context="" type="1" thread="" file="Wizard">
    <![LOG[Found Task Sequence Item: //step[@type='BDD_InstallRoles']]LOG]!><time="00:55:05.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="Wizard" context="" type="1" thread="" file="Wizard">
    <![LOG[Found Task Sequence step of type //step[@type='BDD_InstallRoles'] = ]LOG]!><time="00:55:05.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="Wizard" context="" type="1" thread="" file="Wizard">
    <![LOG[Found Task Sequence Item: //step[@type='BDD_InstallApplication' and ./defaultVarList/variable[@name='ApplicationGUID'] and ./defaultVarList[variable='']]]LOG]!><time="00:55:05.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="Wizard" context="" type="1" thread="" file="Wizard">
    <![LOG[Found Task Sequence step of type //step[@type='BDD_InstallApplication' and ./defaultVarList/variable[@name='ApplicationGUID'] and ./defaultVarList[variable='']] = ]LOG]!><time="00:55:06.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="Wizard" context="" type="1" thread="" file="Wizard">
    <![LOG[Found Task Sequence Item: //step[@name='Create WIM']]LOG]!><time="00:55:06.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="Wizard" context="" type="1" thread="" file="Wizard">
    <![LOG[Found Task Sequence step of type //step[@name='Create WIM'] = True]LOG]!><time="00:55:06.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="Wizard" context="" type="1" thread="" file="Wizard">
    <![LOG[Found Task Sequence Item: //step[@name='Create WIM']]LOG]!><time="00:55:19.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="Wizard" context="" type="1" thread="" file="Wizard">
    <![LOG[Found Task Sequence step of type //step[@name='Create WIM'] = True]LOG]!><time="00:55:19.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="Wizard" context="" type="1" thread="" file="Wizard">
    <![LOG[Validating connection to \\NCSD-WDS\Latitude10Deploy$\Captures]LOG]!><time="00:55:32.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="Wizard" context="" type="1" thread="" file="Wizard">
    <![LOG[Already connected to server NCSD-WDS as that is where this script is running from.]LOG]!><time="00:55:33.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="Wizard" context="" type="1" thread="" file="Wizard">
    <![LOG[Property TSGuid is now = {ed8ed1ac-ab1a-448d-97b5-0d4cb1f7ef95}]LOG]!><time="00:55:38.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="Wizard" context="" type="1" thread="" file="Wizard">
    <![LOG[Property OSGUID is now = ]LOG]!><time="00:55:39.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="Wizard" context="" type="1" thread="" file="Wizard">
    <![LOG[Property DeploymentType is now = CUSTOM]LOG]!><time="00:55:39.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="Wizard" context="" type="1" thread="" file="Wizard">
    <![LOG[<Message containing password has been suppressed>]LOG]!><time="00:55:39.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="Wizard" context="" type="1" thread="" file="Wizard">
    <![LOG[Property DoCapture is now = YES]LOG]!><time="00:55:39.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="Wizard" context="" type="1" thread="" file="Wizard">
    <![LOG[Property ComputerBackupLocation is now = \\NCSD-WDS\Latitude10Deploy$\Captures]LOG]!><time="00:55:39.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="Wizard" context="" type="1" thread="" file="Wizard">
    <![LOG[Property BackupFile is now = CAPTURE001.wim]LOG]!><time="00:55:40.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="Wizard" context="" type="1" thread="" file="Wizard">
    <![LOG[Property WizardComplete is now = Y]LOG]!><time="00:55:40.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="Wizard" context="" type="1" thread="" file="Wizard">
    <![LOG[Setting variable ComputerBackupLocation to value \\ncsd-wds.ncsd.local\Latitude10Deploy$\Captures]LOG]!><time="00:55:45.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTISetVariable" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTISetVariable">
    <![LOG[Property ComputerBackupLocation is now = \\ncsd-wds.ncsd.local\Latitude10Deploy$\Captures]LOG]!><time="00:55:45.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTISetVariable" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTISetVariable">
    <![LOG[ZTISetVariable processing completed successfully.]LOG]!><time="00:55:45.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTISetVariable" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTISetVariable">
    <![LOG[Event 41001 sent: ZTISetVariable processing completed successfully.]LOG]!><time="00:55:46.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTISetVariable" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTISetVariable">
    <![LOG[Setting variable ImageBuild to value 6.2.9200]LOG]!><time="00:55:47.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTISetVariable" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTISetVariable">
    <![LOG[Property ImageBuild is now = 6.2.9200]LOG]!><time="00:55:47.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTISetVariable" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTISetVariable">
    <![LOG[ZTISetVariable processing completed successfully.]LOG]!><time="00:55:47.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTISetVariable" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTISetVariable">
    <![LOG[Event 41001 sent: ZTISetVariable processing completed successfully.]LOG]!><time="00:55:48.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTISetVariable" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTISetVariable">
    <![LOG[Setting variable ImageFlags to value %OSSKU%]LOG]!><time="00:55:49.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTISetVariable" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTISetVariable">
    <![LOG[Property ImageFlags is now = %OSSKU%]LOG]!><time="00:55:49.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTISetVariable" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTISetVariable">
    <![LOG[ZTISetVariable processing completed successfully.]LOG]!><time="00:55:49.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTISetVariable" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTISetVariable">
    <![LOG[Event 41001 sent: ZTISetVariable processing completed successfully.]LOG]!><time="00:55:50.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTISetVariable" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTISetVariable">
    <![LOG[Setting variable PHASE to value STATERESTORE]LOG]!><time="00:55:51.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTISetVariable" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTISetVariable">
    <![LOG[Property PHASE is now = STATERESTORE]LOG]!><time="00:55:51.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTISetVariable" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTISetVariable">
    <![LOG[ZTISetVariable processing completed successfully.]LOG]!><time="00:55:51.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTISetVariable" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTISetVariable">
    <![LOG[Event 41001 sent: ZTISetVariable processing completed successfully.]LOG]!><time="00:55:52.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTISetVariable" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTISetVariable">
    <![LOG[---------------- Initialization ----------------]LOG]!><time="00:55:53.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[Validating connection to \\NCSD-WDS\Latitude10Deploy$]LOG]!><time="00:55:53.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[Already connected to server NCSD-WDS as that is where this script is running from.]LOG]!><time="00:55:53.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[DestinationOSInstallType = BYDISKPARTITION]LOG]!><time="00:55:54.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[Found: DestinationDisk: 0]LOG]!><time="00:55:54.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[Found: DestinationPartition: 1]LOG]!><time="00:55:54.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[No drive mapped to Disk Partition: \\MININT-IDKMK2C\root\cimv2:Win32_DiskPartition.DeviceID="Disk #0, Partition #0"]LOG]!><time="00:55:54.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[Unable to yield a target Partition (Special Recovery option for Litetouch).]LOG]!><time="00:55:54.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[DestinationDisk and Partition did not yield a target Partition.]LOG]!><time="00:55:54.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[Destination Logical Drive was not specificed, defaulting to #:\]LOG]!><time="00:55:54.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[Looking for Sysprep.inf in #:\sysprep\Sysprep.inf]LOG]!><time="00:55:55.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[The sysprep.inf file was not found.]LOG]!><time="00:55:55.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[Property OSDAnswerFilePathSysprep is now = ]LOG]!><time="00:55:55.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[The unattend.txt file was not found.]LOG]!><time="00:55:55.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[Found unattend.xml at \\NCSD-WDS\Latitude10Deploy$\Control\CAPTURE001\Unattend.xml, will copy to C:\MININT\Unattend.xml]LOG]!><time="00:55:55.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[Copied \\NCSD-WDS\Latitude10Deploy$\Control\CAPTURE001\Unattend.xml to C:\MININT\Unattend.xml]LOG]!><time="00:55:55.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[Property OSDAnswerFilePath is now = C:\MININT\Unattend.xml]LOG]!><time="00:55:55.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[Loaded C:\MININT\Unattend.xml]LOG]!><time="00:55:55.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[No value found for ComputerName]LOG]!><time="00:55:56.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[No value found for FullName]LOG]!><time="00:55:56.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[No value found for OrgName]LOG]!><time="00:55:56.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[No value found for ProductKey]LOG]!><time="00:55:56.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[No value found for JoinDomain]LOG]!><time="00:55:56.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[No value found for MachineObjectOU]LOG]!><time="00:55:56.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[No value found for JoinWorkgroup]LOG]!><time="00:55:56.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[No value found for DomainAdmin]LOG]!><time="00:55:56.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[<Message containing password has been suppressed>]LOG]!><time="00:55:56.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[No value found for InputLocale]LOG]!><time="00:55:56.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[No value found for Language]LOG]!><time="00:55:57.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[No value found for LanguageGroup]LOG]!><time="00:55:57.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[No value found for SystemLocale]LOG]!><time="00:55:57.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[No value found for UserLocale]LOG]!><time="00:55:57.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[No value found for TimeZone]LOG]!><time="00:55:57.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[No value found for AutoLogon]LOG]!><time="00:55:57.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[No value found for AutoLogonCount]LOG]!><time="00:55:57.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[No value found for BitsPerPel]LOG]!><time="00:55:57.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[No value found for Xresolution]LOG]!><time="00:55:57.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[No value found for Yresolution]LOG]!><time="00:55:57.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[No value found for Vrefresh]LOG]!><time="00:55:58.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[No value found for AreaCode]LOG]!><time="00:55:58.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[No value found for CountryCode]LOG]!><time="00:55:58.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[No value found for Dialing]LOG]!><time="00:55:58.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[No value found for LongDistanceAccess]LOG]!><time="00:55:58.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[No value found for Home_Page]LOG]!><time="00:55:58.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[No value found for AutoMode]LOG]!><time="00:55:58.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[No value found for AutoUsers]LOG]!><time="00:55:59.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[//settings[@pass="windowsPE"]/component[@name="Microsoft-Windows-Setup"]/UpgradeData/Upgrade not found in C:\MININT\Unattend.xml, unable to update.]LOG]!><time="00:55:59.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[No value found for OSDComputerName]LOG]!><time="00:55:59.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[No value found for ProductKey]LOG]!><time="00:55:59.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[Removed parent of //settings[@pass="windowsPE"]/component[@name="Microsoft-Windows-Setup"]/UserData/ProductKey/Key from C:\MININT\Unattend.xml because the value was blank.]LOG]!><time="00:55:59.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[Removed //settings[@pass="specialize"]/component[@name="Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup"]/ProductKey from C:\MININT\Unattend.xml because the value was blank.]LOG]!><time="00:55:59.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[No value found for JoinDomain]LOG]!><time="00:55:59.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[Removed //settings[@pass="specialize"]/component[@name="Microsoft-Windows-UnattendedJoin"]/Identification/MachineObjectOU from C:\MININT\Unattend.xml because the value was blank.]LOG]!><time="00:55:59.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[No value found for JoinWorkgroup]LOG]!><time="00:55:59.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[No value found for DomainAdmin]LOG]!><time="00:55:59.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[No value found for DomainAdminDomain]LOG]!><time="00:56:00.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[<Message containing password has been suppressed>]LOG]!><time="00:56:00.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[Updated C:\MININT\Unattend.xml with InstallFromPath=\\ncsd-wds\latitude10deploy$\Operating Systems\Windows 8 Pro x86\sources\install.wim (value was .\Operating Systems\Windows 8 Pro x86\Sources\install.wim)]LOG]!><time="00:56:00.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[//settings[@pass="windowsPE"]/component[@name="Microsoft-Windows-Setup"]/ImageInstall/OSImage/InstallFrom/MetaData[Key="/image/index"]/Value not found in C:\MININT\Unattend.xml, unable to update.]LOG]!><time="00:56:00.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[Updated C:\MININT\Unattend.xml with ImageIndex=1 (value was 1)]LOG]!><time="00:56:00.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[<Message containing password has been suppressed>]LOG]!><time="00:56:00.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[Updated PlainText entry to true.]LOG]!><time="00:56:00.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[<Message containing password has been suppressed>]LOG]!><time="00:56:00.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[Updated PlainText entry to true.]LOG]!><time="00:56:00.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[//settings[@pass="oobeSystem"]/component[@name="Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup"]/UserAccounts/LocalAccounts not found in C:\MININT\Unattend.xml, unable to update.]LOG]!><time="00:56:00.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[No value found for Organization]LOG]!><time="00:56:01.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[No value found for FullName]LOG]!><time="00:56:01.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[No value found for BitsPerPel]LOG]!><time="00:56:01.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[No value found for Xresolution]LOG]!><time="00:56:01.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[No value found for Yresolution]LOG]!><time="00:56:01.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[No value found for Vrefresh]LOG]!><time="00:56:01.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[No value found for AreaCode]LOG]!><time="00:56:01.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[No value found for CountryCode]LOG]!><time="00:56:01.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[No value found for LongDistanceAccess]LOG]!><time="00:56:01.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[No value found for LongDistanceAccess]LOG]!><time="00:56:02.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[Removed //settings[@pass="specialize"]/component[@name="Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup"]/TimeZone from C:\MININT\Unattend.xml because the value was blank.]LOG]!><time="00:56:02.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[Removed //settings[@pass="oobeSystem"]/component[@name="Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup"]/TimeZone from C:\MININT\Unattend.xml because the value was blank.]LOG]!><time="00:56:02.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[No value found for KeyboardLocale]LOG]!><time="00:56:02.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[No value found for KeyboardLocale]LOG]!><time="00:56:02.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[No value found for UserLocale]LOG]!><time="00:56:02.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[No value found for UserLocale]LOG]!><time="00:56:02.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[No value found for UserLocale]LOG]!><time="00:56:03.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[No value found for UserLocale]LOG]!><time="00:56:03.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[No value found for UILanguage]LOG]!><time="00:56:03.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[No value found for UILanguage]LOG]!><time="00:56:03.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[Updated C:\MININT\Unattend.xml with ImageLanguage001=en-US (value was en-US)]LOG]!><time="00:56:03.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[Updated C:\MININT\Unattend.xml with ImageLanguage001=en-US (value was en-US)]LOG]!><time="00:56:03.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[Updated C:\MININT\Unattend.xml with ImageLanguage001=en-US (value was en-US)]LOG]!><time="00:56:03.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[No value found for Home_Page]LOG]!><time="00:56:03.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[No value found for OrgName]LOG]!><time="00:56:03.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[No value found for OrgName]LOG]!><time="00:56:04.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[No value found for FullName]LOG]!><time="00:56:04.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[No value found for FullName]LOG]!><time="00:56:04.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[Updated C:\MININT\Unattend.xml with DestinationDisk=0 (value was 0)]LOG]!><time="00:56:04.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[Updated C:\MININT\Unattend.xml with DestinationPartition=1 (value was 1)]LOG]!><time="00:56:04.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[Rewrote C:\MININT\Unattend.xml with changes]LOG]!><time="00:56:04.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[ZTIConfigure COMPLETED. Return Value = 0]LOG]!><time="00:56:04.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[ZTIConfigure processing completed successfully.]LOG]!><time="00:56:04.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[Event 41001 sent: ZTIConfigure processing completed successfully.]LOG]!><time="00:56:05.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="ZTIConfigure" context="" type="1" thread="" file="ZTIConfigure">
    <![LOG[Will boot into Windows PE architecture x86 to match OS being deployed.]LOG]!><time="00:56:06.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="LTIApply" context="" type="1" thread="" file="LTIApply">
    <![LOG[DestinationOSInstallType = BYDISKPARTITION]LOG]!><time="00:56:06.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="LTIApply" context="" type="1" thread="" file="LTIApply">
    <![LOG[Found: DestinationDisk: 0]LOG]!><time="00:56:07.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="LTIApply" context="" type="1" thread="" file="LTIApply">
    <![LOG[Found: DestinationPartition: 1]LOG]!><time="00:56:07.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="LTIApply" context="" type="1" thread="" file="LTIApply">
    <![LOG[No drive mapped to Disk Partition: \\MININT-IDKMK2C\root\cimv2:Win32_DiskPartition.DeviceID="Disk #0, Partition #0"]LOG]!><time="00:56:07.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="LTIApply" context="" type="1" thread="" file="LTIApply">
    <![LOG[Unable to yield a target Partition (Special Recovery option for Litetouch).]LOG]!><time="00:56:07.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="LTIApply" context="" type="1" thread="" file="LTIApply">
    <![LOG[DestinationDisk and Partition did not yield a target Partition.]LOG]!><time="00:56:07.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="LTIApply" context="" type="1" thread="" file="LTIApply">
    <![LOG[FAILURE ( 5456 ): Unable to determine Destination Disk, Partition, and/or Drive. See BDD.LOG for more information.]LOG]!><time="00:56:07.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="LTIApply" context="" type="3" thread="" file="LTIApply">
    <![LOG[Event 41002 sent: FAILURE ( 5456 ): Unable to determine Destination Disk, Partition, and/or Drive. See BDD.LOG for more information.]LOG]!><time="00:56:08.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="LTIApply" context="" type="1" thread="" file="LTIApply">
    <![LOG[Removing AutoAdminLogon registry entries]LOG]!><time="00:56:12.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="LTICleanup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="LTICleanup">
    <![LOG[VSSMaxSize not specified using 5% of volume.]LOG]!><time="00:56:12.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="LTICleanup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="LTICleanup">
    <![LOG[Logs contained 8 errors and 0 warnings.]LOG]!><time="00:56:13.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="LTICleanup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="LTICleanup">
    <![LOG[No Windows PE image to delete.]LOG]!><time="00:56:13.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="LTICleanup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="LTICleanup">
    <![LOG[Stripping BDD commands from unattend.xml template.]LOG]!><time="00:56:13.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="LTICleanup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="LTICleanup">
    <![LOG[Modified unattend.xml saved to C:\windows\panther\unattend.xml]LOG]!><time="00:56:13.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="LTICleanup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="LTICleanup">
    <![LOG[Checking mapped network drive.]LOG]!><time="00:56:14.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="LTICleanup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="LTICleanup">
    <![LOG[testing drive Z: mapped to \\ncsd-wds.ncsd.local\deploymentshare$]LOG]!><time="00:56:14.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="LTICleanup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="LTICleanup">
    <![LOG[testing drive Y: mapped to \\NCSD-WDS\Latitude10Deploy$]LOG]!><time="00:56:14.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="LTICleanup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="LTICleanup">
    <![LOG[Disconnecting drive Y: mapped to \\NCSD-WDS\Latitude10Deploy$]LOG]!><time="00:56:14.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="LTICleanup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="LTICleanup">
    <![LOG[Cleaning up C:\MININT directory.]LOG]!><time="00:56:14.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="LTICleanup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="LTICleanup">
    <![LOG[Cleaning up TOOLS, SCRIPTS, and PACKAGES directories.]LOG]!><time="00:56:14.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="LTICleanup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="LTICleanup">
    <![LOG[Removing C:\MININT folder (final log entry)]LOG]!><time="00:56:15.000+000" date="07-24-2013" component="LTICleanup" context="" type="1" thread="" file="LTICleanup">

  • Airport Extreme update to 7.6.3 orphans my Dell Latitude D620

    Anyone else experiencing this?
    I dutifully upgraded my Airport Extreme to 7.6.3 from 7.6.1 as instructed by my computer.
    This is the latest version of the Airport Extreme - simultaneous dual band, etc. Purchased a few weeks ago.
    My Dell Latitude D620 will no longer connect properly to the network.  The "DW WLAN Card Utility" shows that it is sending packets, but not receiving them. The signal strength is strong, as expected and normal.
    I've ensured that all updates on the Dell are installed. The hardware is a "Dell Wireless 1390 WLAN Mini-Card", original and internal to the unit. The driver is
    All other devices (laptops, iphones, Apple TV, etc. - including a more 'modern' Dell laptop) are working fine both before and after the update to 7.6.3.
    This worked perfectly prior to the update to 7.6.3. So with considerable trouble, I reverted to 7.6.1, and the laptop could connect again.  Upgrading a second time to 7.6.3 and the problem reappears.
    If anyone has any ideas on this before I junk my trusty old Dell laptop, please let me know!

    Did anyone ever found a solution to this?
    I upgraded Airport Extreme to 7.6.4 and the Dell D620 is having problem connecting.  Sometime it connects but no Internet access.  I have 2 other none Dell laptops and Iphone 4.  They all work with the Airport router.  Just the Dell that having an issue.
    Is reverting back to 7.6.1 the only solution?

  • Lync 2013 crashes on startup in Windows 8.1 on Dell latitude E6520 machines

    Lync 2013 crashes on startup in Windows 8.1 on Dell latitude E6520 machines.  Every E6520 with windows 8.1.  
    Error message is:
    Log Name:      Application
    Source:        Application Error
    Date:          4/15/2014 3:54:06 PM
    Event ID:      1000
    Task Category: (100)
    Level:         Error
    Keywords:      Classic
    User:          N/A
    Computer:      ***
    Faulting application name: lync.exe, version: 15.0.4420.1017, time stamp: 0x5067326f
    Faulting module name: igdumd32.dll_unloaded, version:, time stamp: 0x532b0b5b
    Exception code: 0xc0000005
    Fault offset: 0x00001040
    Faulting process id: 0x10a0
    Faulting application start time: 0x01cf58ecd02118cc
    Faulting application path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\lync.exe
    Faulting module path: igdumd32.dll
    Report Id: 14b4ce16-c4e0-11e3-8255-8c705a44a074
    Faulting package full name:
    Faulting package-relative application ID: 
    Video driver in the image was originally out of date, changed the driver to the latest and greatest available straight from Intel for the Intel HD 3000 graphics card and this error still appears.  Driver exceeds the minimum requirement
    for Lync 2013.  The faulting module is related to the graphics driver, but reinstalling does nothing, uninstalling and then reinstalling does nothing, it cannot further be upgraded.  This same error affects all the Dell latitude e6520's.  It
    also only occurs in Windows 8.1.  The windows 7 image using the exact same driver version (both the outdated driver and latest driver) works just fine with Lync 2013.  
    Running Lync with administrative permissions does nothing, disabling hardware acceleration did nothing.  None of our laptops come with the bluetooth adapter, and also updated all other drivers such as chipset and soundcard.  Error occurs on the
    RTM version of Lync, and Lync with SP1 fully updated.  The rest of Office 2013 works fine.  I am currently at a loss here short of telling the help desk to not image E6520's with Windows 8.1 because Lync 2013 doesn't work on it.  But there has
    to be a reason for it.  Calling out for some suggestions here.  

    We also have the same issue with Dell E6420 running Windows 8.1. Lync application does not respond after start-up. Did you try looking for the error file under
    it should create file like AppHang_lync.exe_some numbers. search for the latest one. 
    Interesting, I don't have any 6420's handy but figured the issue would exist on those also.  I looked up the location you mention and see many crash logs for Lync.  Not really sure what the error is, just says it stopped working.
    Sig[0].Name=Application Name
    Sig[1].Name=Application Version
    Sig[2].Name=Application Timestamp
    Sig[3].Name=Fault Module Name
    Sig[4].Name=Fault Module Version
    Sig[5].Name=Fault Module Timestamp
    Sig[6].Name=Exception Offset
    Sig[7].Name=Exception Code
    Sig[8].Name=Exception Data
    DynamicSig[1].Name=OS Version
    DynamicSig[2].Name=Locale ID
    UI[2]=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\lync.exe
    UI[3]=Microsoft Lync has stopped working
    UI[4]=Windows can check online for a solution to the problem.
    UI[5]=Check online for a solution and close the program
    UI[6]=Check online for a solution later and close the program
    UI[7]=Close the program
    LoadedModule[0]=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\lync.exe
    LoadedModule[9]=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\LyncModelProxy.dll
    LoadedModule[10]=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\LyncDesktopViewModel.dll
    LoadedModule[11]=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\PropertyModel.dll
    LoadedModule[12]=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\PropertyModelProxy.dll
    LoadedModule[13]=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\RtmMvrAs.dll
    LoadedModule[26]=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\RtmPal.dll
    LoadedModule[27]=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\RtmCodecs.dll
    LoadedModule[40]=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\dbghelp.dll
    LoadedModule[57]=C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Office15\mso.dll
    LoadedModule[65]=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\Uc.dll
    LoadedModule[66]=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\RtmMvrCs.dll
    LoadedModule[71]=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\1033\lyncDesktopResources.dll
    LoadedModule[80]=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\UccApi.dll
    LoadedModule[81]=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\Win32MsgQueue.dll
    LoadedModule[83]=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\1033\ocapires.dll
    LoadedModule[84]=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\Psom.dll
    LoadedModule[86]=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\OcImport.DLL
    LoadedModule[87]=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\ocrec.dll
    LoadedModule[91]=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\RtmMediaManager.dll
    LoadedModule[93]=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\AppSharingMediaProvider.dll
    LoadedModule[94]=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\RTMPLTFM.dll
    LoadedModule[98]=C:\ProgramData\Sophos\Web Intelligence\swi_ifslsp.dll
    LoadedModule[106]=C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Media SDK\mfx_mft_h264ve_32.dll
    FriendlyEventName=Stopped working
    AppName=Microsoft Lync
    AppPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\lync.exe

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