Finder replacement

After 16+ years with Windows I have switched to the Mac. I found a longer and steeper learning curve than I had expected. I also found myself longing for Windows Explorer. The Finder just doesn't do the job for me. I need something closer to Windows Explorer. I know that Finder replacements are available. I would greatly appreciate some recommendations. I am open to trying a Unix file manager provided it uses X11.

Sleepless in New Jersey wrote:
To joshz
I greatly appreciate the time and effort you have taken to help me. Here are my replies:
I miss viewing all of my storage devices in one window.<<</div>
"Finder has this. Open a finder window, and click the icon in the sidebar with your computer's name. (NOT the hard drive name)"
I'm afraid I don't understand this. When I click on my hard drive icon, a window opens. I assume that this is the Finder window. Under Devices, it lists: my hard drive, iDrive, my external hard drive, Firefox(???),and my attached flash drive. Under places it lists: Applications, Desktop. my Home Folder, Documents, and Firefox(???). Under Search For it shows the six standard entries. Which of these is my computer's name?
Firefox you can probably just click "Eject" on, but that's a separate issue.
Under "Devices", the first entry should have a picture of a computer, with your computer's name.
Click it to see all of your devices.
I also miss the easy way in which Windows tiles open windows (2 clicks).<<</div>
"By "tiles", do you mean thumbnails? If so, just click the icon in the finder that has 4 squares on it, or press ⌘1."
I didn't mean thumbnails. Tiles was a poor choice of words. With Windows, a right click on the Taskbar at the bottom of the screen pops up a list of options. One of these is "Tile Vertically." A left click on it causes all open windows to appear side by side. This or something similar is what I would like to get from the Finder.
Could you use Éxposé? Just click F9 or F10, depending on your preference.
I like to view the contents of different drives in adjacent windows. I do it manually with the Finder.<<</div>
I miss the way Windows handles window resizing.<<</div>
"You can resize mac windows by clicking and dragging the bottom right corner. You can also click the green dot in the upper left, which tries to guess for you what size is ideal."
With Windows I can resize a window by click dragging on any side or corner of the window. I think this is better than the Mac's limitation of this function to only the lower right corner. I don't understand why Apple let Microsoft get ahead of the Mac in this regard with Windows 95 and every subsequent version. I can only hope that the Mac will at least catch up with Windows in the forthcoming Silver Leopard.
That's just something you'll have to get used to, unfortunately.
Once you set a window size for a certain folder in the Finder, it will stay like that until you manually change it.
Good luck!
Message was edited by: joshz

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        set tc1 to count (text items of f)
        set tc2 to count (text items of r)
        set text item delimiters to tid
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            display alert "The number of wildcard in the replacement string must be equal or less than the number of wildcard in the search string."
            error -128
        end if
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    end escapeForSED
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                                                                                                                          replaceString: s7:colorValue="#&txtclr;"
                                                                                                                          searchWhat   "FXG document"    
                                                                                                                             searchSource:  true,
                                                                                                                        useRegularExpressions:   true
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  • Find & Replace

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    You might use other techniques to limit your changes. Any
    folders or files that are cloaked will not be updated by the
    Replace. You can set cloaking for specific files or folders, or by
    file extension (on the Site panel). Or, you could select only the
    files you want to target and use the Selected Files in Site option
    of the Find In drop-down. Or, you could use the Replace button in
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    rather than using Replace All.
    If you are changing HTML tags or attributes, the Find/Replace
    options are very powerful.

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    Any ideas or suggestions?
    You might be interested in using TextWrangler. It can perform batch find-and-replace changes across multiple selected files.
    Good luck!

  • Find/Replace - multiple replace ... maybe with regex

    Hello Dreamweaver community ... I'm relatively new to using Dreamweaver as an editor and I'm working on a large migration project that I'm trying to make easier. Basically, I'm converting an entire site from English to Spanish ... almost literally tag by tag
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    é = &eacute;
    í = &iacute;
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    Thank you in advance ...

    This is in fact the only solution I found to this problem.
    Creating an extension is not that difficult once you have the right
    reference material.
    Have a look at:
    DW API function to find and replace
    Sample extension file on your machine after installing DW
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Extension
    Full specifications of the MXI (extension file) format
    Originally posted by:
    Newsgroup User
    > So, is it indeed possible to run more than one
    find/replace query at a
    > time?
    As far as i know, no it's not possible.
    There has been mentions in the past to this question that a
    series of
    find/replace queries could be built as a dw extension instead
    of a saved
    search query.
    Adobe Community Expert, dreamweaver

  • Find Replace from Textfile with regex

    I'm wondering if anyone knows about an existing script that does a find/replace by list like the script "FindChangeByList.jsx" that comes with every InDesign installation.
    This consists of tow parts, the script itself with the functionality and a simple textfile where you have simple one-liners capable of find/replace with regex.
    the Textfile:
    //A support file for the InDesign CS4 JavaScript FindChangeByList.jsx
    //This data file is tab-delimited, with carriage returns separating records.
    //The format of each record in the file is:
    //<tab> is a tab character
    //findType is "text", "grep", or "glyph" (this sets the type of find/change operation to use).
    //findProperties is a properties record (as text) of the find preferences.
    //changeProperties is a properties record (as text) of the change preferences.
    //findChangeOptions is a properties record (as text) of the find/change options.
    //description is a description of the find/change operation
    //Very simple example:
    //text          {findWhat:"--"}          {changeTo:"^_"}          {includeFootnotes:true, includeMasterPages:true, includeHiddenLayers:true, wholeWord:false}          Find all double dashes and replace with an em dash.
    //More complex example:
    //text          {findWhat:"^9^9.^9^9"}          {appliedCharacterStyle:"price"}          {include footnotes:true, include master pages:true, include hidden layers:true, whole word:false}          Find $10.00 to $99.99 and apply the character style "price".
    //All InDesign search metacharacters are allowed in the "findWhat" and "changeTo" properties for findTextPreferences and changeTextPreferences.
    //If you enter backslashes in the findWhat property of the findGrepPreferences object, they must be "escaped"
    //as shown in the example below:
    grep          {findWhat:"  +"}          {changeTo:" "}          {includeFootnotes:true, includeMasterPages:true, includeHiddenLayers:true, wholeWord:false}          Find all double spaces and replace with single spaces.
    grep          {findWhat:"\r "}          {changeTo:"\r"}          {includeFootnotes:true, includeMasterPages:true, includeHiddenLayers:true, wholeWord:false}          Find all returns followed by a space And replace with single returns.
    grep          {findWhat:" \r"}          {changeTo:"\r"}          {includeFootnotes:true, includeMasterPages:true, includeHiddenLayers:true, wholeWord:false}          Find all returns followed by a space and replace with single returns.
    grep          {findWhat:"\t\t+"}          {changeTo:"\t"}          {includeFootnotes:true, includeMasterPages:true, includeHiddenLayers:true, wholeWord:false}          Find all double tab characters and replace with single tab characters.
    grep          {findWhat:"\r\t"}          {changeTo:"\r"}          {includeFootnotes:true, includeMasterPages:true, includeHiddenLayers:true, wholeWord:false}          Find all returns followed by a tab character and replace with single returns.
    grep          {findWhat:"\t\r"}          {changeTo:"\r"}          {includeFootnotes:true, includeMasterPages:true, includeHiddenLayers:true, wholeWord:false}          Find all returns followed by a tab character and replace with single returns.
    grep          {findWhat:"\r\r+"}          {changeTo:"\r"}          {includeFootnotes:true, includeMasterPages:true, includeHiddenLayers:true, wholeWord:false}          Find all double returns and replace with single returns.
    text          {findWhat:" - "}          {changeTo:"^="}          {includeFootnotes:true, includeMasterPages:true, includeHiddenLayers:true, wholeWord:false}          Find all space-dash-space and replace with an en dash.
    text          {findWhat:"--"}          {changeTo:"^_"}          {includeFootnotes:true, includeMasterPages:true, includeHiddenLayers:true, wholeWord:false}          Find all dash-dash and replace with an em dash.
    The script:
    //An InDesign CS5.5 JavaScript
    @@@BUILDINFO@@@ "FindChangeByList.jsx" 3.0.0 15 December 2009
    //Loads a series of tab-delimited strings from a text file, then performs a series
    //of find/change operations based on the strings read from the file.
    //The data file is tab-delimited, with carriage returns separating records.
    //The format of each record in the file is:
    //<tab> is a tab character
    //findType is "text", "grep", or "glyph" (this sets the type of find/change operation to use).
    //findProperties is a properties record (as text) of the find preferences.
    //changeProperties is a properties record (as text) of the change preferences.
    //findChangeOptions is a properties record (as text) of the find/change options.
    //description is a description of the find/change operation
    //Very simple example:
    //text          {findWhat:"--"}          {changeTo:"^_"}          {includeFootnotes:true, includeMasterPages:true, includeHiddenLayers:true, wholeWord:false}          Find all double dashes and replace with an em dash.
    //More complex example:
    //text          {findWhat:"^9^9.^9^9"}          {appliedCharacterStyle:"price"}          {include footnotes:true, include master pages:true, include hidden layers:true, whole word:false}          Find $10.00 to $99.99 and apply the character style "price".
    //All InDesign search metacharacters are allowed in the "findWhat" and "changeTo" properties for findTextPreferences and changeTextPreferences.
    //If you enter backslashes in the findWhat property of the findGrepPreferences object, they must be "escaped"
    //as shown in the example below:
    //For more on InDesign scripting, go to
    //or visit the InDesign Scripting User to User forum at
    function main(){
              var myObject;
              //Make certain that user interaction (display of dialogs, etc.) is turned on.
              app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevels.interactWithAll;
              if(app.documents.length > 0){
                        if(app.selection.length > 0){
                                            case "InsertionPoint":
                                            case "Character":
                                            case "Word":
                                            case "TextStyleRange":
                                            case "Line":
                                            case "Paragraph":
                                            case "TextColumn":
                                            case "Text":
                                            case "Cell":
                                            case "Column":
                                            case "Row":
                                            case "Table":
                                                      //Something was selected, but it wasn't a text object, so search the document.
                                  //Nothing was selected, so simply search the document.
                        alert("No documents are open. Please open a document and try again.");
    function myDisplayDialog(){
              var myObject;
              var myDialog = app.dialogs.add({name:"FindChangeByList"});
                                            staticTexts.add({staticLabel:"Search Range:"});
                                  var myRangeButtons = radiobuttonGroups.add();
                                            radiobuttonControls.add({staticLabel:"Document", checkedState:true});
                                            radiobuttonControls.add({staticLabel:"Selected Story"});
                                            if(app.selection[0].contents != ""){
                                                      radiobuttonControls.add({staticLabel:"Selection", checkedState:true});
              var myResult =;
              if(myResult == true){
                                  case 0:
                                            myObject = app.documents.item(0);
                                  case 1:
                                            myObject = app.selection[0].parentStory;
                                  case 2:
                                            myObject = app.selection[0];
    function myFindChangeByList(myObject){
              var myScriptFileName, myFindChangeFile, myFindChangeFileName, myScriptFile, myResult;
              var myFindChangeArray, myFindPreferences, myChangePreferences, myFindLimit, myStory;
              var myStartCharacter, myEndCharacter;
              var myFindChangeFile = myFindFile("/FindChangeSupport/FindChangeList.txt")
              if(myFindChangeFile != null){
                        myFindChangeFile = File(myFindChangeFile);
                        var myResult ="r", undefined, undefined);
                        if(myResult == true){
                                  //Loop through the find/change operations.
                                            myLine = myFindChangeFile.readln();
                                            //Ignore comment lines and blank lines.
                                            if((myLine.substring(0,4)=="text")||(myLine.substring(0,4)=="grep")|| (myLine.substring(0,5)=="glyph")){
                                                      myFindChangeArray = myLine.split("\t");
                                                      //The first field in the line is the findType string.
                                                      myFindType = myFindChangeArray[0];
                                                      //The second field in the line is the FindPreferences string.
                                                      myFindPreferences = myFindChangeArray[1];
                                                      //The second field in the line is the ChangePreferences string.
                                                      myChangePreferences = myFindChangeArray[2];
                                                      //The fourth field is the range--used only by text find/change.
                                                      myFindChangeOptions = myFindChangeArray[3];
                                                                case "text":
                                                                          myFindText(myObject, myFindPreferences, myChangePreferences, myFindChangeOptions);
                                                                case "grep":
                                                                          myFindGrep(myObject, myFindPreferences, myChangePreferences, myFindChangeOptions);
                                                                case "glyph":
                                                                          myFindGlyph(myObject, myFindPreferences, myChangePreferences, myFindChangeOptions);
                                  } while(myFindChangeFile.eof == false);
    function myFindText(myObject, myFindPreferences, myChangePreferences, myFindChangeOptions){
              //Reset the find/change preferences before each search.
              app.changeTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
              app.findTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
              var myString = " = "+ myFindPreferences + ";";
              myString += " = " + myChangePreferences + ";";
              myString += " = " + myFindChangeOptions + ";";
              app.doScript(myString, ScriptLanguage.javascript);
              myFoundItems = myObject.changeText();
              //Reset the find/change preferences after each search.
              app.changeTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
              app.findTextPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    function myFindGrep(myObject, myFindPreferences, myChangePreferences, myFindChangeOptions){
              //Reset the find/change grep preferences before each search.
              app.changeGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
              app.findGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
              var myString = " = "+ myFindPreferences + ";";
              myString += " = " + myChangePreferences + ";";
              myString += " = " + myFindChangeOptions + ";";
              app.doScript(myString, ScriptLanguage.javascript);
              var myFoundItems = myObject.changeGrep();
              //Reset the find/change grep preferences after each search.
              app.changeGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
              app.findGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    function myFindGlyph(myObject, myFindPreferences, myChangePreferences, myFindChangeOptions){
              //Reset the find/change glyph preferences before each search.
              app.changeGlyphPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
              app.findGlyphPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
              var myString = " = "+ myFindPreferences + ";";
              myString += " = " + myChangePreferences + ";";
              myString += " = " + myFindChangeOptions + ";";
              app.doScript(myString, ScriptLanguage.javascript);
              var myFoundItems = myObject.changeGlyph();
              //Reset the find/change glyph preferences after each search.
              app.changeGlyphPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
              app.findGlyphPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
    function myFindFile(myFilePath){
              var myScriptFile = myGetScriptPath();
              var myScriptFile = File(myScriptFile);
              var myScriptFolder = myScriptFile.path;
              myFilePath = myScriptFolder + myFilePath;
              if(File(myFilePath).exists == false){
                        //Display a dialog.
                        myFilePath = File.openDialog("Choose the file containing your find/change list");
              return myFilePath;
    function myGetScriptPath(){
                        myFile = app.activeScript;
                        myFile = myError.fileName;
              return myFile;
    This is a very useful and easy to maintain script which even people who cant write scripts (but know how to use regex) can do complex search replace mass replacements.
    Would love to find something like this for FrameMaker 12 (as i can't write scripts myself).

    I have visited that site. The first item in the external link says: "You can also configure Firefox to automatically search for text when you type any characters outside of a text field. When typing in a text field these characters should show up in the text field and not trigger the Quick Find bar. "
    What I am looking for is the exact opposite. Once my first search is entered in the text box, and the info comes back, I want to start typing the next symbol, and have it automatically show up in the text box, not the Quick Find box. That is how it was working up until a couple of months ago.

  • How do I find/replace italics in a PDF?

    I would like to change all the italics in a PDF to a different font so they will be recognized when I convert the PDF to an InDesign file. Right now they're fake italics of an embedded font so when I convert the file they disappear and turn into regular text. I will be changing the fonts after I convert so I don't necessarily have to keep them an italic font, just something different so I'll be able to change them to italics later. I tried a couple sentences and made them Times New Roman instead of Janson Text 55 Roman and when I converted they stayed as Times New Roman and I was able to make them an italic font. Just wondering if there's a way to search the whole PDF and do a mass find/replace instead of scrolling through the whole novel and changing them manually?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    "... find/replace italics ..."
    Ahh, sorry. You don't.
    (in context of a word processing like activity).
    Doing it manually with the "Edit Text & Images" tool?
    Well, that't keep one out of mischief.
    Be well...
    Message was edited by: CtDave

  • Is there a way to use the find/replace tool to select the actual step in the TestStand sequence instead of just listing matching values in the find window?

    The purpose of this is to be able to select many steps that are scattered throughout a sequence so I can change the step type one time.  I could do this now, but it would take me 30 minutes to click through the sequence and select all of the steps before I'd even change the step type because there are different steps inbetween the ones I want to select.  I wouldn't be able to just use the shift key to select multiple steps because of that.  I have about 500 steps I need to select, so it would be worth it to find an automated way to do that.
    Unless there's a way to change a step type from a numericlimittest to an action step type from the find/replace window???

    I ended up using ActiveX calls in TestStand to find the steps I wanted and change the step type to Action.  See attached example sequence.
    Convert NumericLimitTest to Action step type example.seq ‏9 KB

  • Find/replace styles in Pages 5

    In Pages '09, one can find a style, under the "Advanced" menu in the find/replace pop-up.  I use this to prepare talks, writing my own comments in a different style than what I'll print and hand out.  Thus, I find the style and replace it (with nothing), and be left with simply the text for the handout.  Is there a way to use find/replace in Pages 5 to search and find a particular style?  I can't find it.  Thank you!

    That is an extremely useful feature. I just was using that on a document to hand last night, searching on an expression and applying a style to it, Saved me hours of work. Not something Apple seems to get these days.
    Nobody apparently is supposed to work on Macs anymore, just fiddle.
    Viking is being modest, the count is over 110 known missing features and countless bugs or things that simply don't work as they are supposed to.
    Thankfully there is still Pages '09! For now. Which should still be in your Applications/iWork folder.

  • Find & Replace window missing in Toolkit CS5

    I just started using Adobe ExtendScript Toolkit CS5 after installing Photoshop CS5, and ran into a strange problem: the Find & Replace menu option and key command do not function correctly, in that I cannot access Find at all.  The Find / Find Results window does not appear, and I cannot get the window to appear by selecting the option in the Windows tool menu either. This works just fine in Toolkit CS4, and is very frustrating to deal with as I am trying to update my scripts to CS5, but have to do so in the CS4 Toolkit because I can't use the Find functionality.
    I've already searched the forums and google high and low for this problem, but no else seems to have posted about it. I've already tried restarting and uninstalling / installing CS5 and all related tools. Can anyone help?

    Thanks! Looking in the preferences led me to the answer to the problem: I opened up the XML file and found that findAndReplace was put in an odd TabPane for some reason:
    I changed the parentName to Tabpane0 and the window appears now. Much obliged!

  • Using Grep to find/replace

    I'm trying to find out how to use GREP in find/replace to chage the formatting of some text that comes in from a spreadsheet.
    I worked out the GREP query "~b(\d\d)~b", which finds a paragraph return, followed by two digits, followed by another paragraph return
    and then it is replaced by "\t $1~b", which is a tab, the two found digits and a para return.
    What i need to do is to amend the query to find ANY number of digits, (which may be comma delimited: eg 23, 36, 48 ,50), and then replace with a tab + found text.
    I suppose what I'm looking for is a way for the query to find "any text between two paragraph returns, no matter what tthe length", but I don't know how to do this.All the Wildcard options seem to find just one exampler (one digit, one character etc)

    And you came so far
    The operators for repeat are ? (zero or once), * (zero or more) and + (once or more). You can also specify exact numbers: {at least,up to}.
    All of these operators are "greedy" by default -- they will match as much as possible. To match as least as possible (which I'm sure you'll come up against, sooner or later), add another ? after the repeat expression.
    So this will find one digit, then optionally another (which will always be included):
    and this one digit, then zero or as much as ten million million zillion:
    which is functionally the same as
    And this will find between 3 and 8 digits but will forced to use the shortest possible match:
    That said: A quick & dirty solution for your actual problem is to find any amount of digits, spaces, and comma's:
    ~b[\d, ]+~b
    (we need the plus here because otherwise it would also match an empty line). The [..] brackets an Inclusive list --- it will match any of the single codes inside.
    A more complicated but 'neater' way is to search very specifically only for number, comma, space, number sequences -- it's neater because that way malformed lines (comma without a space) will be skipped!
    (It also introduces another code -- the parentheses operators. Look them up in a good GREP reference --lost of people are enthousiastic about Peter Kahrel's O'Reilly title, because it's about using GREP in InDesign.)
    ~b\d+(, \d+)*~b

  • Microsoft Word API for Mac OS: Troubleshooting the Find/Replace function

    In my previous topic at
    we found out the way to connect to the Ms-Word from Objective-C through ScriptingBridge.
    The connection works and the given text can be found and replaced using the method executeFindFindText: Although it generates exception and I am forced to put it in @try block and then continue with everything else in @catch.
    There is another, more important problem: the WordFind class does not seem to "give feedback" i.e. I could not find the way to programatically find out whether my find/replace was successfull, nor could I set WordFind object properties prior to running.
    The Class WordFind has many properties e.g.
    @property (copy) NSString *content; // Returns or sets the text in the find object.
    @property (readonly) BOOL found; // True if the search produces a match.
    @property BOOL matchWholeWord; // Returns or sets if the find operation locates only entire words and not text that's part of a larger word.
    I tried to set the property "matchWholeWord" or read the properties "found" and "content" but in vain.
    As I understand, the property "found" should be the key component in my process because it should
    return the BOOL value I need.
    What am I doing incorrectly? Any suggestions?
    Here is the final code:
    #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
    #import "Word.h"
    int main(int argc, char * argv[])
    NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
    wordApp=[SBApplication applicationWithBundleIdentifier:@""];
    if([wordApp isRunning])
    WordDocument *activeWordDoc=[wordApp activeDocument];
    WordTextRange *allTextRange=[activeWordDoc textObject];
    WordFind *findObj=[allTextRange findObject];
    NSString findText=@"FirstText";
    NSString *replaceText=@"SecondText";
    [findObj setMatchWholeWord:YES];
    NSLog(@"WholeWord: %i", [findObj matchWholeWord]);
    [findObj executeFindFindText:findText
    @catch(NSException * e){
    NSLog(@"Search Found:%i",[findObj found]);
    NSLog(@"Search Content:%@",[findObj content]);
    [pool drain];
    return 0;

    DavidMan wrote:
    So, what is your suggestion?
    Do it in pure AppleScript.
    Whom to complain? Microsoft or Apple?
    I'm not sure. All this stuff was new with Office 2008. It might work better with Office 2011. I would definitely ask on the Mac Office forum to see if anyone there knows any more:

  • MS Word crashes when I do find/replace with the OS X 10.5.6

    Does anyone know what I can do about MS Word crashing when I do a find and/or replace in a document? It happens constantly. The interesting thing is that is doesn't occur every single time I do find/replace but the SECOND time I use the feature. The only way I can manage to avoid the crash is to do find/replace, then exit out of the dialog box, and then open it up again. If I do a find/replace once and then continue using the same dialog box, Word crashes. Also, find/replace doesn't work most of the time.
    This never happened when I was using Word with my older OS.
    Help, please!!!
    Many thanks.

    Hmm...what about deleting the MS Word preferences? Does excel crash as well when doing the same function?
    To delete the preference put this in spotlight:
    Move it to the desktop, restart and see if the problem persists.
    It might be another preference that is the source of the problem.

  • Is there a way to Find & Replace within a selection?

    I looked in the User Guide, but I didn't find any information on how to Find & Replace just within selected text. I can see how to do it for the entire document or do it one instance at a time. Is there a trick I'm missing, or is this a missing feature?

    Hey Chuck,
    I opened Pages and used its help menu and came up with this. It does not specifically mention anything about choosing just 1 paragraph or text box, but I hope it helps you none the less.
    +Finding and Replacing Text+
    +You can find every instance of a word or phrase in your document, and optionally change it to something else.+
    +Here are ways to find and replace text:+
    +Choose Edit > Find > Find, click Simple or Advanced to set up find/replace criteria, and then click a button to conduct find/replace operations.+
    +Simple: In the Find field, type the text you want to find, and type any text you want to replace it with in the Replace field.+
    +Advanced: In addition to typing Find and Replace text, you can set up additional find/replace criteria.+
    +Replace All: Automatically conducts the find/replace operation without your review.+
    +Replace: Replaces the current selection with the replacement text.+
    +Replace & Find: Replaces the current selection with the replacement text and immediately finds the next occurrence of the Find text.+
    +Next or Previous: Finds the next or previous occurrence of the Find text.+
    +Use the other commands on the Edit > Find submenu.+
    +Find Next or Find Previous: Finds the next or previous occurrence of the current Find text.+
    +Use Selection for Find: Finds the next occurrence of the selected text.+
    +Jump to Selection: Displays the selected text when it’s not currently in view.+

  • How to find & replace in Javascript code?

    Hi all!
    I hope that this turns out to be an easy question! We recently updated several forms (about 50 of them) to alter a select set of field names per customer requirements. However, it turns out that one of these fields is a key field and is referenced in one or more places by JavaScript within the PDF.
    In Acrobat 6 I'd select the option to edit all scripts which would give me a big document with all of the Javascript within the PDF. I could then do a find/replace on the code and save it. Now, using Acrobat Pro 9, I cannot find anything like this. Please don't tell me that I have to search through all of the different form fields and PDF objects to find all of the script pieces tied to objects or events! I'm really, really hoping that there is an easier way to do this since right now I'm out of ideas and really don't want to have to sift through all of the objects in over 50 PDF documents.
    Thanks in advance for pointing me in the right direction!

    Talk about not being able to see the forest for all the trees! I can't believe that I missed that -- I spent quite a while looking all over before posting. *sigh*
    The exact menu sequence (for those interested) is Advanced -> Document Processing -> Edit All JavaScripts...  That is exactly what I needed. Thanks!!!

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