Finding 3 rd point if 2 points and and 2 distances  are given

hi guys,
i got a problem while solving a geometry problem. problem description is as follows.
i have 2 points p1(x1, y1), p2(x2, y2), and i have to find the a point p3 which is d1 distance from p1, and d2 distance form p2.
here i have to get 2 points for point p3(x3, y3) because i dont know which direction it is.
how to solve this can anybody help me please.
vemula kiran kumar.
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i tried to solve as u said.
mean while i tried in some other manner. please can u tellme whether this is correct way or not.
please see my code.
* Created on March 15, 2007, 4:25 PM
* Vemula KiranKumar,
* Associate ID - 1997.
* GeoSpace Integrated Solutions,
* Hyderabad.
* @author Vemula KiranKumar.
import java.lang.Math;
class CalculatePoints1 {
public static void main(String[] args)      {
CirclesIntersectionPoints newPoints = new CirclesIntersectionPoints(-9, 1, 7, 5, -5, 18);
System.out.println("In the main program-x1--->"+newPoints.getX1());
System.out.println("In the main program-y1--->"+newPoints.getY1());
System.out.println("In the main program-x2--->"+newPoints.getX2());
System.out.println("In the main program-y2--->"+newPoints.getY2());
*     This class is used to find the intersection points of two circles
*     Let Circle1 have a center point A(a,b), and Circle 2 have a center point B(p,q)
* and radious of circle 1 is r1, radious of circle 2 is r2,
* intersection points of circle 1 and circle 2 are E(X1, Y1) and (X2, Y2) that have to calculated by this program.
* procedure: -
* K = (1/4)squreroot(((r1+r2)^-d^)(d^-(r1-r2)^))
*     d^ = (x2-x1)^ + (y2-y1)^
* K is the area of the triangle formed by the centers of the two circles and one of their points of intersection;
* d is the distance between the circles centers;
*     r1, r2 are the circles' radii; (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) are the circles' centers
* The two solutions, then, are
* x = (1/2)(x2+x1) + (1/2)(x2-x1)(r1^-r2^)/d^ � 2(y2-y1)K/d^
* y = (1/2)(y2+y1) + (1/2)(y2-y1)(r1^-r2^)/d^ � -2(x2-x1)K/d^
class CirclesIntersectionPoints {
/* Default Constructor */
public CirclesIntersectionPoints(){
/* Parameterised constructor*/
public CirclesIntersectionPoints(double x1, double y1, double d1, double x2, double y2, double d2){
System.out.println(this.a+", "+this.b+", "+this.r1+", "+this.p+", "+this.q+", "+this.r2 +" --> Real values ");
try {
interSectionPoints(); // finding the intersection points.
} catch (Exception ex) {
} // finding the intersection points.
/*----------------Given Point 1(x1, y1) distance d1-------------*/
public double getA(){
return this.a;
private void setA(double x1){
this.a = x1;
public double getB(){
return this.b;
private void setB(double y1){
this.b = y1;
public double getR1(){
return this.r1;
private void setR1(double d1){
this.r1 = d1;
/*----------------Given Point 2(x2, y2) distance d2-------------*/
public double getP(){
return this.p;
private void setP(double x2){
this.p = x2;
public double getQ(){
return this.q;
private void setQ(double y2){
this.q = y2;
public double getR2(){
return this.r2;
private void setR2(double d2){
this.r2 = d2;
/*----------------New Point (X1, Y1) -------------*/
public double getX1(){
return this.p;
private void setX1(double newx1){
this.X1 = newx1;
public double getY1(){
return this.Y1;
private void setY1(double newy1){
this.Y1 = newy1;
/*----------------New Point (X2, Y2) -------------*/
public double getX2(){
return this.X2;
private void setX2(double newx2){
this.X2 = newx2;
public double getY2(){
return this.Y2;
private void setY2(double newy2){
this.Y2 = newy2;
/*----------------end of the getter setter ----------------------*/
* finding the Intersection points.
* x = (1/2)(x2+x1) + (1/2)(x2-x1)(r1^-r2^)/d^ � 2(y2-y1)K/d^
* y = (1/2)(y2+y1) + (1/2)(y2-y1)(r1^-r2^)/d^ � -2(x2-x1)K/d^
public void interSectionPoints() {
double aa = 0, bb = 0, rr1 = 0, pp = 0, qq = 0, rr2 = 0, sqrdistance = 0, areaoftri = 0;
double partx1 = 0, partx2 = 0, partx3 = 0;
double party1 = 0, party2 = 0, party3 = 0;
double x1 = 0, x2 = 0, y1 = 0, y2 = 0;
aa = getA();
bb = getB();
rr1 = getR1();
pp = getP();
qq = getQ();
rr2 = getR2();
sqrdistance = sqrdistBetweenCenters(); // getting the distance between the centers of circles.
areaoftri = areaofTriangle(); // getting the area of triangle.
* Now Calculate the partx1, partx2, partx3 for XX1, XX2 coordnates,
* and Calculate the party1, party2, party3 for YY1, YY2 coordnates.
* _x1 = partx1 + partx2 + partx3
* _x2 = partx1 + partx2 - partx3
* _y1 = party1 + party2 + party3        
* _y2 = party1 + party2 - party3        
sqrdistance = sqrdistBetweenCenters();
areaoftri = areaofTriangle();
* finding the X coordinates.
partx1 = (pp + aa) / 2;
partx2 = ((pp - aa) * ( (Math.pow(rr1,2) ) - (Math.pow(rr2,2)) ))/ (2 * sqrdistance);
partx3 = (2 * (qq - bb) * areaoftri) / sqrdistance;
_x1 = partx1 + partx2 + partx3;
_x2 = partx1 + partx2 - partx3;
* Setting the x coordinates
* finding the Y coordinates.
party1 = (qq + bb) / 2;
party2 = ((qq - bb) * ( (Math.pow(rr1,2) ) - (Math.pow(rr2,2)) ))/ (2 * sqrdistance);;
party3 = -(2 * (pp - aa) * areaoftri) / sqrdistance;
_y1 = party1 + party2 + party3;
_y2 = party1 + party2 - party3;
* This method will calculate the K, area of the triangle ABE.
* K = (1/4)squreroot(((r1+r2)^-d^)(d^-(r1-r2)^))
* where d is the distance between the two centers.
* (a, b) --> center of circle 1, with radii r1(given distance d1)
* (p, q) --> center of circle 2, with radii r2(given distance d2)
public double areaofTriangle(){
double areaoftri = 0;
double part1 = 0;
double part2 = 0;
double sqrdistance = 0; //distance between
double aa,bb,rr1,pp,qq,rr2;
aa = getA();
bb = getB();
rr1 = getR1();
pp = getP();
qq = getQ();
rr2 = getR2();
System.out.println(aa+", "+bb+", "+rr1+", "+pp+", "+qq+", "+rr2+" -->OK Test Passed.");
* getting the square of distance between
* centers of 2 circles.
sqrdistance= sqrdistBetweenCenters();
System.out.println("squre distance is --->"+sqrdistance+" -->OK Test Passed.");
* calculating part1, part 2 and subsitute in formula
* K = (1/4)squreroot((part1)*(part2))
part1 = Math.pow((rr1 + rr2),2)- sqrdistance;
part2 = sqrdistance - Math.pow((rr1 - rr2),2);
areaoftri = (Math.sqrt(part1*part2))/4;
System.out.println("Area of Triangle is --->"+areaoftri+" ---> Not OK not Tested Yet");
return areaoftri;
* This method calculate the squre of distance between
* the two points of the circle centers
public double sqrdistBetweenCenters(){
double sqrdistance = 0;
double aa = 0, bb = 0, pp = 0, qq = 0;
aa = getA();
bb = getB();
pp = getP();
qq = getQ();
sqrdistance = (Math.pow((pp-aa),2)) + (Math.pow((qq-bb),2));
return sqrdistance; // OK. Test Passed.(kiran)
protected String kirankumarVemula;
/* Given Point 1(x1, y1) with distance d1*/
private double a;
private double b;
private double r1;
/* Given Point 2 (x2, y2) with distance d2*/
private double p;
private double q;
private double r2;
/* Calculated Point 1 */
private double X1;
private double Y1;
/* Calculated Point 2 */
private double X2;
private double Y2;

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    Reason for not getting populated these fields from PR to PO
    through ME59N or ME21N is because in general, in case of service
    environment, these are not available as explained in attached
    note 118008. Their role is taken by the so-called user fields
    since release 4.0 which are declared as text fields and play
    a purely informative role only....
    These two fields have never been included into the standard
    functionalities due to the basic business process which does not
    include these fields for service transactions/functionalities.
    The fields "unloading point" and "Goods recipient" are not available
    for services in R/3.
    >>The same functionality exists for blanket pos.<<<
    One reason for this is that the account-assignment screen is filled
    by the user on sub-item level. The system aggregates this information
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    recipient, because there can be several unloading points / goods re-
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    SQL Used:
    SELECT SDO_LRS.LOCATE_PT(a.shape, m.diminfo, 9, 0)
    FROM lrs_access_fiber a, user_sdo_geom_metadata m
    WHERE m.table_name = 'LRS_ACCESS_FIBER' AND m.column_name = 'SHAPE' AND a.unique_id = 1996;

    Hi Luc,
    Thanks for the information. I have implemented this in a slightly different way like:
    1. Firstly, found the distance (Distance_a of the point selected from the start point of the segment using:
    SELECT SDO_LRS.GET_MEASURE(SDO_LRS.PROJECT_PT(a.shape, m.diminfo,MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY(2301, 8307, NULL, MDSYS.SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1, 1, 1), MDSYS.SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(xa,ya, NULL)) ), m.diminfo ) into Distance_a FROM LRS_ACCESS_FIBER a, user_sdo_geom_metadata m WHERE m.table_name = 'LRS_ACCESS_FIBER' AND m.column_name = 'SHAPE' AND a.unique_id = Input_Fiber_Id;
    2. Then added the given distance (b) to this computed distance (Distance_a ) to get the distance of the second point (Distance_b).
    Distance_b := abs (Distance_a + b);
    3. Then used SDO_LRS.LOCATE_PT with offset=0 and distance=Distance_b to get the second point.
    select SDO_LRS.LOCATE_PT(a.shape, distance_pt, 0) into point_geometry from LRS_ACCESS_FIBER a where a.unique_id = input_fiber_id;
    Please give your inputs and feedback.

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    Yes. Well, sort of: instead of a "path", set the pen tool to "shape" in the tool properties. Then set the fill colour to transparent, and the stroke colour to the colour you want. You can also set the stroke width.
    Not perfect, but at least you can see the path more clearly - the anchor points and handles still remain the default colour. Open the path panel, and right-mouse click the path shape to create a selection based on that shape. The Paths panel menu also allows you to create work paths based on that shape.
    Unfortunately when you try to move the handles the black thin outline appears again until you release the mouse button.
    This is one of several things that works better in Photoline: in Photoline, once the path is set to a specific colour, editing the path uses the actual colour and stroke width. which is extremely handy for creating path based selection with awkward background colours and/or a high resolution screen. In Photoline the handles and bezier points are also much, much larger, which makes it rather simpler to work with as well - especially on a higher resolution screen. And when selected the handles and points are a clear red with a black outline - again easier to spot and identify. I just works better, in my opinion.

  • Point and Find

    For some reason, the camera never activates in this app. So I cannot "point and find"!
    It's an E63 - any ideas? Have I missed something?

    thirdwall wrote:
    Is the Point and Find application available on  the E72? I can find the download on the website for the E71 but not the E72 or are they one and the same?
    Simple answer is there is no version for the E72, and the E72 is not the same as the E71.
    The E72 is a 3rd Edition FP2 phone (aka S60 3.2) and the E71 is a 3rd Edition FP1 phone (S60 3.1). These are actually radically different platforms, at least under the hood even if they look similar to you and I.
    This is the reasoning given by the devs as to why they haven't done one for the E72, though a reply I got said they were concentrating on Touch devices (5th edition), but that doesn't explain why they did a version for the E71 and not the E72.
    I realise that cross platform compatibility within S60 is actually pretty hard, as apps have to be modified and rebuilt with the relevant SDK I think for the platform. It's frankly a mess. The situation is being resolved in later Symbian releases to make software cross platform (and in theory if they're Qt, they'd work on MeeGo too).
    Still doesn't explain why they thought developing a version for the outdated old FP1 E71 would be a good idea in preference to the new flagship FP2 E72 which would have better hardware to support it.
    Anyway, the replies I had all seem to hint that it's just not going to happen unless there's enough demand. Yet again the E72 is being neglected.
    E72-1 UK CV 052.005

  • Point and find and energy profiler for N900?

    hi are there any plans on a N900 version of point and find or energy profiler as i used them alot on my n95 i wound love to use them on my N900? many thanks
    Nokia N900 v3.2010.02-8.203.1 RX-51

    hi are there any plans on a N900 version of point and find or energy profiler as i used them alot on my n95 i wound love to use them on my N900? many thanks
    As this is a users forum you need to contact Nokia/Ovi Store  contact button top of the page .

Maybe you are looking for