Finding missing records.

Hi, I have a table that contains a person contact for a given centre. There may be many types of contact at a centre. However there maybe only say2 mandatory type of contact that must be setup for a centre. If one of these mandatory contacts is not setup then the SQL should list out this centre and the missing mandatory contact type.
For example, imagine there are 10 sales offices. There can be all types of people work there, receptionist, cleaner, CEO, finance manager(FM) etc. However we just want to check each centre if there is a missing CEO or FM.
I managed to write two SQL statements.
1.     This is a Cartesian/equi-join that shows who SHOULD be at each centre eg
select *
from CENTRES c, staff_roles sr
where sr.STAFF_ROLE in ('CEO','FM', )
order by c.centre_no
Centre     Person Role Code
‘001’     CEO
‘001’      FM
‘002’     CEO
‘002’     FM
2.     I then managed to write another SQL to show who is ACTUALLY there, eg
select distinct centre_no, staff_role
from centrestaff
where staff_role in ('CEO','FM', )
order by centre_no, staff_role
‘001’     CEO
‘002’     CEO
‘002’     FM
So you can see centre 001 is missing a Finance Manager ‘FM’ and should be shown on the final report.
3.     My last thing was to find a way to link these two SQL together in some type of OUTER join and to do a select on the right side where the centre and role code are NULL values.
select *
from (select *
from CENTRES c, staff_roles sr
where sr.STAFF_ROLE in ('CEO','FM', )
order by c.centre_no)
right OUTER JOIN centrestaff NCS ON c.CENTRE_NO = ncs.CENTRE_NO
and ncs.staff_role in ('CEO','FM', )
order by ncs.centre_no, ncs.staff_role
However I keep getting message ORA-00942: table or view does not exist.
Possible the problem is I am trying to refer to the centre_no in the encapsulating SQL FROM statement. Is there a way round this?

You can do that with a Partitioned Outer Join , like this:
WITH  target_staff_roles     AS
     SELECT     staff_role
     FROM     staff_roles
     WHERE     staff_role     IN ('CEO', 'FM')
SELECT    t.staff_role
,       a.*
FROM           target_staff_roles     t
                       SELECT  c.*
               ,          s.staff_role
               FROM    centres          c
               JOIN    staff_roles     s  ON     c.centre_no     = s.centre_no
                   )               a     PARTITION BY (a.centro_no)
                               ON t.staff_role = a.staff_role
WHERE     a.staff_role     IS NULL
ORDER BY  a.centre_no
,            t.staff_role
;If you'd care to post CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements for your sample data, then I could test it.
The reason you were getting that error was that you referenced c.centro_no in the join condition of the main query, but table c is not used in hte main query. The only "tables" in the main query are ncs and the unnamed in-line view.
Edited by: Frank Kulash on Mar 9, 2012 10:52 AM

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    Do you have a table with all possible dates in it?  You can do a left join from that to your above mentioned table where the right side of the join is null.  If you don't have a table with all possible dates you could user a numbers table.
    Below is one way to achieve what you want with a numbers table...
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    =======   =======   ======= 
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    One way of finding Missing Intervals:
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           end period
      from data
    START_TIME                END_TIME                  PERIOD      
    28-Jun-2013 09:00:00      28-Jun-2013 18:00:00      18:00 - 20:00
    28-Jun-2013 20:00:00      28-Jun-2013 23:00:00      23:00 - 09:00
    Time information need not be stored in additional Varchar fields, if you have Date Column. You can use Date fields that store Date and time both.
    Another way of approaching this problem is with Connect By Clause or Model Clause. Use the search functionality to find solutions using those methods too. However, in my opinion, this method is the quickest of all.

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    Hi DVMC,
      Did you already check if the data really missing on the infocube(RSA1-Manage Infocube)? Did you already check if the data will be extracted by your datasource from R/3 (RSA3 transaction)? Did you check your update rules if there is an start routine that delete records base on a certain criteria (open update rules of infocube)? Check records on the PSA if the PSA Table contains the missing records?

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    This means that your database is out of sync. You can use the continue on data consistency error profile to skip errors. However, Microsoft recommends that you use -SkipErrors parameter cautiously and only when you have a good understanding of the following:
    What the error indicates.
    Why the error occurs.
    Why it is better to skip the error instead of solving it.
    If you do not know the answers to these items, inappropriate use of the
    -SkipErrors parameter may cause data inconsistency between the Publisher and Subscriber. This article describes some problems that can occur when you incorrectly use the
    -SkipErrors parameter.
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    Here are two similar threads you may refer to:
    Tracy Cai
    TechNet Community Support

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    ARVY wrote:
    I am using Oracle 9i versionFollowing is query that should be compatible on 9i.
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    with data as
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    isolated_data as
      select trim(both ',' from (substr(col,
                          1, 1,
                          instr(col, ',', 1, level - 1) + 1
                          1, instr(col, ',', 1, level),
                          instr(col, ',', 1, level) - instr(col, ',', 1, level - 1)
                 ) ))col1
        from data
       connect by level <= length(col) - length(replace(col, ','))
    select a.col1
      from isolated_data a
    where a.col1 NOT IN (select col from test_Table);Regards,

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    Make sure you set the properties on the integer input into the “options” control to the “Open VI Reference” to be a Hexadecimal format (right-click on the “options” control input, select Format and Precision…, then select Hexadecimal). Now, if you re-run your VI and wire in a VI with a missing subVI, the Open VI Reference will appear with a dialog that will prompt you to browse to the missing subVI. This is exactly the same message LabVIEW displays when it attempts to open a VI and cannot find its subVIs.
    I’ve attached a simple example program to demonstrate. Enter the path to the “number” as the VI to open. You should see a dialog prompt appear asking for the “Search 1D Array –”.
    Hope this helps!
    Attachments: ‏20 KB

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    Something like:
    WITH t AS (
               SELECT 11 ID FROM DUAL
    -- end of on-the-fly data sample
    SELECT  '[' || (id + 1) || ' - ' || (next_id - 1) || ']' gap
      FROM  (
             SELECT  id,
                     lead(id,1,id + 1) over(order by id) next_id
               FROM  t
      where id != next_id - 1
    [4 - 4]
    [6 - 7]
    [9 - 9]
    SQL> SY.
    P.S. I assume sequence lower and upper limits are always present, otherwise query needs a little adjustment.

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    Hi Jack,
    It so happens that when data is pulled into the PSA there will be no specific order. Hence it is impossible to know which record is present in which data package.
    But if you want to know how many error records are there and what are those there are always options of selecting all the packets and display only erraneous records.

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    in the following example ProductC does not have sales in OR so I need to insert a record for ProductC - OR with 0. This is an intermediary resultset of all the calculations that I am working with.
    Example Dataset:
    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Product](
    [Product] [varchar](18) NOT NULL,
    [State] [varchar](5) NOT NULL,
    [Area1] [int] NOT NULL,
    [Area2] [int] NOT NULL,
    [Area3] [int] NOT NULL,
    [Area4] [int] NOT NULL,
    [Area5] [int] NOT NULL,
    [Area6] [int] NOT NULL,
    [Area7] [int] NOT NULL,
    [Area8] [int] NOT NULL,
    [Area9] [int] NOT NULL,
    [Area10] [int] NOT NULL,
    [Total] [int] NULL
    INSERT INTO [Product] ([Product],[State],[Area1],[Area2],[Area3],[Area4],[Area5],[Area6],[Area7],[Area8],[Area9],[Area10],[Total])VALUES('ProductA','OR',0,0,2,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,4)
    INSERT INTO [Product] ([Product],[State],[Area1],[Area2],[Area3],[Area4],[Area5],[Area6],[Area7],[Area8],[Area9],[Area10],[Total])VALUES('ProductA','WA',0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1)
    INSERT INTO [Product] ([Product],[State],[Area1],[Area2],[Area3],[Area4],[Area5],[Area6],[Area7],[Area8],[Area9],[Area10],[Total])VALUES('ProductA','Total',0,0,3,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,5)
    INSERT INTO [Product] ([Product],[State],[Area1],[Area2],[Area3],[Area4],[Area5],[Area6],[Area7],[Area8],[Area9],[Area10],[Total])VALUES('ProductB','OR',0,0,5,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,5)
    INSERT INTO [Product] ([Product],[State],[Area1],[Area2],[Area3],[Area4],[Area5],[Area6],[Area7],[Area8],[Area9],[Area10],[Total])VALUES('ProductB','WA',0,0,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,3)
    INSERT INTO [Product] ([Product],[State],[Area1],[Area2],[Area3],[Area4],[Area5],[Area6],[Area7],[Area8],[Area9],[Area10],[Total])VALUES('ProductB','Total',0,0,7,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,8)
    INSERT INTO [Product] ([Product],[State],[Area1],[Area2],[Area3],[Area4],[Area5],[Area6],[Area7],[Area8],[Area9],[Area10],[Total])VALUES('ProductC','WA',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1)
    INSERT INTO [Product] ([Product],[State],[Area1],[Area2],[Area3],[Area4],[Area5],[Area6],[Area7],[Area8],[Area9],[Area10],[Total])VALUES('ProductC','Total',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1)
    INSERT INTO [Product] ([Product],[State],[Area1],[Area2],[Area3],[Area4],[Area5],[Area6],[Area7],[Area8],[Area9],[Area10],[Total])VALUES('ProductD','OR',5,2,451,154,43,1,0,0,0,0,656)
    INSERT INTO [Product] ([Product],[State],[Area1],[Area2],[Area3],[Area4],[Area5],[Area6],[Area7],[Area8],[Area9],[Area10],[Total])VALUES('ProductD','WA',0,20,102,182,58,36,0,1,0,0,399)
    INSERT INTO [Product] ([Product],[State],[Area1],[Area2],[Area3],[Area4],[Area5],[Area6],[Area7],[Area8],[Area9],[Area10],[Total])VALUES('ProductD','Total',5,22,553,336,101,37,0,1,0,0,1055)
    How to accomplish this in SQL Server 2008 R2.
    Insert missing record:
    INSERT INTO [Product] ([Product],[State],[Area1],[Area2],[Area3],[Area4],[Area5],[Area6],[Area7],[Area8],[Area9],[Area10],[Total])VALUES('ProductC','OR',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
    Thanks in advance......

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Products](
    [Product] [varchar](18) NOT NULL,
    [State] [varchar](5) NOT NULL,
    [Area1] [int] NOT NULL,
    [Area2] [int] NOT NULL,
    [Area3] [int] NOT NULL,
    [Area4] [int] NOT NULL,
    [Area5] [int] NOT NULL,
    [Area6] [int] NOT NULL,
    [Area7] [int] NOT NULL,
    [Area8] [int] NOT NULL,
    [Area9] [int] NOT NULL,
    [Area10] [int] NOT NULL,
    [Total] [int] NULL
    INSERT INTO [Products] ([Product],[State],[Area1],[Area2],[Area3],[Area4],[Area5],[Area6],[Area7],[Area8],[Area9],[Area10],[Total])VALUES('ProductA','OR',0,0,2,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,4)
    INSERT INTO [Products] ([Product],[State],[Area1],[Area2],[Area3],[Area4],[Area5],[Area6],[Area7],[Area8],[Area9],[Area10],[Total])VALUES('ProductA','WA',0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1)
    INSERT INTO [Products] ([Product],[State],[Area1],[Area2],[Area3],[Area4],[Area5],[Area6],[Area7],[Area8],[Area9],[Area10],[Total])VALUES('ProductA','Total',0,0,3,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,5)
    INSERT INTO [Products] ([Product],[State],[Area1],[Area2],[Area3],[Area4],[Area5],[Area6],[Area7],[Area8],[Area9],[Area10],[Total])VALUES('ProductB','OR',0,0,5,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,5)
    INSERT INTO [Products] ([Product],[State],[Area1],[Area2],[Area3],[Area4],[Area5],[Area6],[Area7],[Area8],[Area9],[Area10],[Total])VALUES('ProductB','WA',0,0,2,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,3)
    INSERT INTO [Products] ([Product],[State],[Area1],[Area2],[Area3],[Area4],[Area5],[Area6],[Area7],[Area8],[Area9],[Area10],[Total])VALUES('ProductB','Total',0,0,7,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,8)
    INSERT INTO [Products] ([Product],[State],[Area1],[Area2],[Area3],[Area4],[Area5],[Area6],[Area7],[Area8],[Area9],[Area10],[Total])VALUES('ProductC','WA',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1)
    INSERT INTO [Products] ([Product],[State],[Area1],[Area2],[Area3],[Area4],[Area5],[Area6],[Area7],[Area8],[Area9],[Area10],[Total])VALUES('ProductC','Total',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1)
    INSERT INTO [Products] ([Product],[State],[Area1],[Area2],[Area3],[Area4],[Area5],[Area6],[Area7],[Area8],[Area9],[Area10],[Total])VALUES('ProductD','OR',5,2,451,154,43,1,0,0,0,0,656)
    INSERT INTO [Products] ([Product],[State],[Area1],[Area2],[Area3],[Area4],[Area5],[Area6],[Area7],[Area8],[Area9],[Area10],[Total])VALUES('ProductD','WA',0,20,102,182,58,36,0,1,0,0,399)
    INSERT INTO [Products] ([Product],[State],[Area1],[Area2],[Area3],[Area4],[Area5],[Area6],[Area7],[Area8],[Area9],[Area10],[Total])VALUES('ProductD','Total',5,22,553,336,101,37,0,1,0,0,1055)
    ;WIth mycte as (
    Select Product,State From (Select distinct Product from Products) p, (
    Select distinct State from Products) s
    Insert into [Products](Product,State,[Area1],[Area2],[Area3],[Area4],[Area5],[Area6],[Area7],[Area8],[Area9],[Area10],[Total])
    Select m.Product,m.State
    from mycte m Left Join Products p on m.[Product]=p.Product and m.State=p.State
    WHERE p.Product is null and p.State is null
    select * from Products
    Order by Product
    ,Case when State='Total' Then 2 else 1 End
    Drop table Products

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    Hi Msk;
    You have below errors,
    LEZL0008: Found no interface records to process.
    LEZL0009: Check LEDGER_ID, GROUP_ID, and USER_JE_SOURCE_NAME of interface records.Journal Import Finds No Records in gl_interface for Processing [ID 141824.1]
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    Finding missed sequence numbers and rows from a fact table
    I am working on an OLAP date cube with the following schema:
    As you can see there is a fact transaction with two dimensions called cardNumber and Sequence. Card dimension contains about three million card numbers. 
    Sequence dimension contains a sequence number from 0 to 255. Fact transaction contains about 400 million transactions of those cards.
    Each transaction has a sequence number in 0 to 255 ranges. If sequence number of transactions of a card reaches to 255 the next transaction would get 0 as a sequence number.
    For example if a card has 1000 transactions then sequence numbers are as follows;
    Transaction 1 to transaction 256 with sequences from 0 to 255
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    Transaction 513 to transaction 768 with sequences from 0 to 255
    Transaction 769 to transaction 1000 with sequences from 0 to 231
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    Sometimes there are several missed transactions. For example instead of sequence from 0 to 255, sequences are from 0 to 150 and then from 160 to 255. Here 10 transactions have been missed.
    How can I find all missed transactions of all cards with a MDX QUERY?
    I really appreciate for helps

    Thank you Liao
    I need to find missed numbers, In this scenario I want the query to tell the missed numbers are: 151,152,153,154,155,156,157,158,159
    Relative transactions are also missed, so I think it is impossible to get them by your MDX query
    Suppose this:
    As you can see the sequence number of the last transaction at the 20140701 is 150
    We expecting that the first transaction of the next day should be 151 but it is 160. Those 10 transactions are totally missed and we just need to
    find missed sequence numbers

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